methodist college fayettev/fle, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS Robert 8. Christian, assistant professor of English a-d coordirator of th^ Emrliph Dppartms^t at Mpthodist Co]lp0;e, received the Ph. D. degree ir> Fr>n:lish December ^1 from the University of South Carolina. if? Eclippe and Repurp-ence: The title of his dissertation A Study of William Wordsworth's and American Literary Reputation from l8??-lS^l. Christian har bee^ a member of the -"ethodist faculty 19^. An ordai^pd -i-i-ter, Christian 'was pastor of v Kethodist Church i" Paterson, ™.,j. before cotninn- to "'••"ethodipt. Western 'Te received the bachelor of art? dep-rne from Ti'arT?-la^d CoiTpn-o,, the master of art? deo-ree from the University of Co^'^^cticut, a-"d th.p master of decree from Dr^v TJ^: ivprsit^. Teachi^P- responsibilities of Christian include compositon, introduction to "iterature, Victorian lit and Shakespeare. F:fis areas of sD^cialivatio^ are 19th century British Literature and -hakesnearean studies. Christian is a member of the Methodist College chanter CMCen) of American Association of University Professors, and is also actively associated with :Iay Street "Jnited Fethodist Church. Christian and his wife Kathryn , a Methodist College nurse, have two childre-n--Peter and ^sther. He is the so>~ of ?*rs. C. Edward Christian of Davtona Beach, Fla. methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 January 5, 1975 From Alan Stowers IETHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488 7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS B I C E N T E N N I A L SPECIAL TO BE PRESENTED AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE--"Nuts in May," a "revolutionary b i c e n t e n n i a l s p e c i a l " from N e w York's Laurel Theatre Productions, w i l l b e presented at Methodist College's Reeves A u d i t o r i u m Thursday, January 15 at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $1.00 for a d u l t s and 500 for students and may be purchased at the door. Before the performance, the actors wi I I conduct a workshop for area h i g h school drama and E n g l i s h classes, to be h e l d from 3-5 p.m. in Reeves A u d i t o r i u m . The producers cat I "Nuts in May" "an A m e r i c a n V a u d e v i Me in 200 Acts (more or less)." By that they mean that the show uses the format of a v a u d e v i I l e to t u m b l e through two hundred years of A m e r i c a n history--and hysteria. Selections from the works of John F. Kennedy, Emi ly Dickenson, W. C. F i e l d s , Stephen Foster and many others p r o v i d e the "acts." The show runs about an hour without i n t e r m i s s i o n s and is performed by a professional cast from New York C i t y . This w i l l b e t h e show's o r . l y scheduled performance l o c a l l y as it continues its n a t i o n a l tour. "Nuts in May" is b e i n g seen by thousands of p e o p l e throughout a t h i r t y - s i x state area. Laurel Theatre Productions is a cooperative venture of professional actors who b e l i e v e that "the theatre s h o u l d be taken out of the hands of the businessmen and g i v e n back to the actors-- special" from New York's Laurel Theatre Productions, w i l l be presented at Methodist C o l l e g e ' s Reeves A u d i t o r i u m Thursday, January 15 at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $1.00 for adults and 50^ for students and may be purchased at the door. Before the performance, the actors wi I I conduct a workshop for area h i g h school drama and E n g l i s h classes, to be h e l d from 3-5 p.m. in Reeves A u d i t o r i u m . The producers caI I "Nuts in May" "an A m e r i c a n V a u d e v i Me in 200 Acts (more or less)." By that they mean that the show uses the format of a v a u d e v i I l e to t u m b l e through two hundred years of American history--and hysteria. Selections from the works of John F. Kennedy, E m i ly Dickenson, W. C. F i e l d s , Stephen Foster and many others p r o v i d e the "acts." The show runs about an hour without i n t e r m i s s i o n s and is performed by a professional cast from New York C i t y . This w i l l be the show's or I y scheduled performance l o c a l l y as it continues its n a t i o n a l tour. "Nuts in May" is b e i n g seen by thousands of p e o p l e throughout a t h i r t y - s i x state area. Laurel Theatre Productions is a cooperative venture of professional actors who b e l i e v e that "the theatre s h o u l d be taken out of the hands of the businessmen and g i v e n back to the actors-and the audience." Its t r a v e l i n g shows carry a l l t h e i r own costumes, scenery and even I i g h t i n g and sound equipment a l I ready to set up in just a few hours. In 1973, an e a r l i e r program, "The Tiger arid The Typists," was selected by the N a t i o n a l Entertainment Conference (more) ' 4 2 for t h e i r " L i v e Theatre on Campus" project. Featured in the cast are two professional actors: McMahon and Donna D i R i e n z o . A m e r i c a n Shakespeare James Mr. McMahon has performed w i t h the Festival in Stratford, Conn., and w i t h Joseph Papp's N e w York Shakespeare F e s t i v a l in such p l a y s as "Macbeth," "As You L i k e It," " T r o i l u s and Cressida," and "Twelfth N i g h t . " He has appeared Off-Broadway in " P u b l i c I n s u l t " by Peter Handke and "Love S u i c i d e at S c h o f i e l d Barracks," both directed by Herbert Berghof and in the a l I - s t a r r e v i v a l of "The Madwoman of C h a i i l o t " w i t h B l a n c h e Yurka, Peggy Wood and J a c q u e l i n e Susann. M i s s D i R i e n z o appeared in "The Winter's Tale" directed by A l b e r t Takazauckas and recieved rave reviews for her performances in "Psyclatron" a n d "Haunting o f H i l l House." I n summer stock she has p l a y e d l e a d i n g roles in such p l a y s as "Showboat," "West S i d e Story" and "Any Wednesday." A l b e r t Takazauckas, director of "Nuts in May," received rave reviews from New York T i mes c r i t i c Howard Thompson and others for his r e v i v a l of V i c t o r Hugo's forgotten masterpiece, "Hernani." The Washington Post's R i c h a r d L. Coe c a l l e d his production of Robert Frost's "A Masque of Reason" "impressive," and the Star-News found it "or i g i r,a I . . . amus i ng . . . and c h a l l e n g i n g . " On the New stage his d i r e c t i n g assignments i n c l u d e " T r o i l u s and Cressida," "The Winter's Tale," "A M i d s u m m e r N i g h t ' s Dream," as w e l l as operas such as "Don G i o v a n n i " and "Hansel and Gretel." ### York methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28307 Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS O'HANLON TO LEAD MC LOYALTY CAMPAIGN I. H. "Ike" O'Hanlon, well known Fayetteville civic and business leader, has been named chairman of the 1976 Methodist College Foundation Loyalty Campaign. The Methodist College Foundation consists of 32 Fayetteville and Cumberland County residents. Robert G. Cole, director of development at Methodist, is executive secretary, and Wilson F. Yarborough Jr. is president. O'Hanlon, a native of Fayetteville, is president of Antex Exterminating Co. Inc. He is a director of the foundation, a trustee of Methodist College, and a member of the Knights of Phythias, Kiwanis, Tuberculosis Society, Chamber of Commerce, Young Mens Christian Association, North Carolina Pest Control Association, and the North Carolina Structural Pest Control Commission, and serves as president of the South East Speech and Hearing Center. He is an honorary member of the Fayetteville Light Infantry. He is a graduate of Wake Forest University, and is a member of St. Johns Episcopal Church. O'Hanlon served as a member of the North Carolina State Assembly in 1953, 1955, 1963, 1965, and 1967. "We at Methodist College are delighted at Ike's acceptance," said Dr. Richard W. Pearce, president of the college. "His infectious enthusiasm and long-time support of the college, I know, will serve us well in the annual campaign." .January methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 om Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS FAIL SEMESTER DEA TT ' S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE A*TTTOTPTCFD FAYETTEVILLE—Dr. Samuel J. Womack, dean of M e t h o d i s t College, today announced the fall semester P r e s i d e n t ' s and D e a n ' s List for the college. The P r e s i d e n t ' s List consists of those students who achieve a p e r f e c t [|. .00 (all A ' s ) nrade point average on an academic load of l1^ or more semester hours. ^hp H p a n ' <i List , c o ^ s i s t s of s t u d e n t s who hav<= a c h i e v e d a ">. 00 ( B ) av^rao-e or better during the previous semester o^ a total academic load of 15> or more semester hours. Of the IfiO s t u d e n t s who r ^ c p i v e d a c a d e m i c r e c o g n i t i o n , 27 were named to the President's L i s t , while I1?*3 were named to the Dean's List. Students named to the P r e s i d e n t ' s List from Fayetteville include: Duffitt, Mary w. Sandra Lynn Barnes, Judith wan Bullock, Sue P. Joyce Lee Foreman, Donna Hobbs, Mary Jane Millar, T' ? urdy, Joseph L. Parker, Jane Lynn Peterson, Lee Ann. P o t e a t , ''Tary rr. R i g s b e e , Carol Ann Tindell, Vicky L. W h i t e , Bernard R. Wilcosky, Jr. and '"'arp-aret W i l l i a m s . Other P r e s i d e n t ' ^ List s t u d e n t s from Cumberland County are: Sheldon J. Bathurst a^d Maria Rauma^n, of Fort Bragg; and Lo^a An^ Collier of W a d e . ? Torth Carolina and o u t - o f - p t a t e s t u d e n t s ma kino- the .President's List include: George Thomas D e n t , Summerville, College, today announced the fall semester P r e s i d e n t ' s and D e a n ' s List for the college. The P r e s i d e n t ' s List c o n s i s t s of those students who achieve a p e r f e c t 1|.00 (all A ' s ) ^rade ooint average on an academic load of l1^ or more semester hours. The Dean' p. List co^sists of s t u d e n t s who hav° achieved a ">. 00 (B) av^rap-e or better during the previous semester o^ a total academic load of l£ or more semester hours. Of the 180 students who r ^ c ^ i v e d a c a d e m i c recognition, 27 were named to the President' s L i s t , while l^* 3 were named to the D e a n ' s L i s t . Students named to the P r e s i d e n t ' s List from Payetteville include: Duffitt, Sandra Lynn Barges, Judith wan Bullock, Sue P. Joyce Lee Foreman, Donna Hobbs, Mary Jane Millar, Mary *T. Murdy, Joseph L. Parker, Jane Lynn Peterson, Lee Ann. Poteat, Gary G. Bigsbee, Carol Ann Tindell, Vicky L. White, Bernard R. Wilcosky, Jr. and M argaret Williams. Other P r e s i d e n t ' " List stu^nts from Cumberland County are: Sheldon J. Bathurst a^d Luz Maria Rauma^n, of Port Bragg; and Lona An>-. Collier of Wade. T Jorth Carolina and o u t - o f - ^ t a t e s t u d e n t s makino- the . P r e s i d e n t ' s List include: George Thomas Dent, Surumerville, S . C . ; Claudia Gail Harrelson, Cherryville; Brenda G^ne' Hester, Bladenboro; Richard Le° Hinson, ^Tow London; Kathryn 3. Jerniga Smithfield; Jo Ann Jones, Ellerbe; Gail V. Niller, Chase City, Va.; Sherry Sue Thomoson, Clarkton; and Yvonne B. Walker, sborough. (more) Fayettevil 1 e residents on the D e a l ' s List include! Terry D. Allen, Helen Harrington, Frederic M. Batchelor, Richard F. Beanp, Mary A. Blake, Linda T T . B o e t t c h p r , Ro<?pr K. Braun, Reggie H. Braxton, R o b e r t H. Bril^y, Jr., lynn M. Bumann , Jam^s W. Campbell, James C, Cannadv, Karen L. Carl t o n , Lester G. G a r t e r , Maria T T. Casta^es, Denni^ Cop." or, Kathy Corcoran. H^lga C r i t ^ e n d o n , Clifton Sheryl J. Dennis, and Mildred H. Also: s. Culbr^th, T>xter. Cynthia 0. Duncan, Charles J. r>ye, Terry W. Edge, Hugh F. Ferguson, James C. Fleming, David L. Foster, Susan B. Francis, Karen D. Furr, Indira Gautam, Arthur H. G^nsheimer, Gay W. Gibson, Gary R. Godwin, P a t r i c i a A. Gray, Pamela I. Gre°ne, Stephen Haas,Laura W. Hall, Walter D. Ham, Russell F. Hill, Beverly 8. Home, Sherrie L. Horne, a^d Carol F. Hughes. Also: F°lanie G. Johnson, Belinda D. Judd, Ja^et L. Kelly, Deborah H. King, Carla I.. Kraehenbu^hl, Deborah T . L a ^ i ^ r , Fii^pne A. L ^ a d b e t t i s r , Stehoen v. L i t t l e , Kath.ia Lytch, Dorothy Tor-ie v cLeod, TT. Scott Maultsby, Thomas M e l v i n , Sue F. wills, ^ i n c r p s , Betty J. M i t c h e l l , Wanda K. K i t c h p i i . David \'). Mowry, James L. ^orris, III, Karin AT ovack, David E. Oglesby, and Frank J. Pad ilia. And: Walter J. Pinca, Jr., Patricia P. P r e s c o t t , Charles E. P r i e s t , Sherry M . Randall, Charles R. Renfro, Claudia J. Riegel, Jack S. f.anders* Joe M. Shepard, C^cil M. Sirmans, Maxire V. Skelley, Jakie W. Snapp, Jack VJ. Snodgrass, James R. Stanley, Sharon F. Strother, Jo A^n T a r b e t t , Rodney L. Thomas, Brer da J. V ' a r ^ ^ r , Daohne J. W a r r e n , Odis Whitaker, Richard D. Williams, Virginia M. "Hiiams, Julius W i l l i s , and Bottle York. Cumberland County r e s i d e n t s making the D e a n ' s List Hugh F. Ferguson, James C. Fleming, David L. Foster,^ Susan B. Francis, Karen D. Furr, Indira Gautam, Arthur H. G^nsheimer, Gay W. Gibson, Gary R. Godwin, P a t r i c i a A. Gray, Pamela I. G r e e n e , Stephen Haas,Laura W. Hall, Walter D. Ham, Russell F. Hill, Beverly 8. Home, Rherrie L. Home, and Carol F. Hughes. Also: l^ianie G. Johnson, Belinda D. Judd, Janet L. Kelly, Deborah H. King, Carla L. Kraehenbu^hl, Deborah T - . Lazier, Eugene. A. L « a d b e t t & r , Stehoen ^. L i t t l e , Kathia Lytch, Dorothy v cLeod, Scott Maultsby, Thomas Felvin, Sue 1?. V i11s, Torie T *. ^ I n c f P s , Betty J. M i t c h e l l , Wanda K. Fitchp" 1 1 , David \i. Mowry, James T,. ^orris, III, Karin TiT ovack, David E. Oglesby, and Frank J. Padilla. And: V/alter J. Pi^ca, Jr., Patricia R. Prescott, Charles K. Priest, Sherry M. Randall, Charles R. Renfro, Claudia J. Riegel, Jack S. T.anders* Joe H. Shepard, Cecil M. Sirmans, Maxine V. Skelley, Jakie W. Snapp, Jack V/. Snodgrass, James R. Stanley, Aharon F. Strother, Jo A^n T a r b e t t , Rodney L. Thomas, Brend.a J. W a r ^ ^ r , Daoh^e J. W a r r e n , Odis V7hitaker, Diehard D. W i l l i a m s , Virginia M. Williams, Julius W i l l i s , a^d Bettie York. Cumberland County r ^ ^ i d e n t p making the D?>an' Q List include: Martha ^. B a l l a r d , Marie P. p -rovm, Kathleen R. F a u s t , George R. Ferrell, Vickie and George *'". P r o v o s t , all Teresa D R a n , D. Herring, of Porinn- Lake; John ATo (more) Joe R. ^oles, C o n s t a n c e M. Taylor, and Marie Ft. A < r aron, all of Bragg; Diane E. Broach and David E. G r i m e s , both of Hope M i l l s ; Lorrerce R. Fiscus, Pope Air Force Base; and Charlotte Walker, W a d e . T ' T orth Carolina r e s i d e n t s on the D e a n ' s List include: Beverly 0. Atwood, Garland; Frank G. Braley, Garner; Terri L . Cameron, canford, An^ e B. Culbreth, T u m b e r t o n ; C y n t h i a T < . Edwards, Bladenboro; Kathy I. Ewing, Durham; K a t h v A . Fealy, O x f o r d ; Gary W. Hall, winston-^alem; ^orman H a n n ^ r , Bean Creek; Billy Ho^ne, St^dman; Patricia A. HornA, Clarkton ; Deborah F. In man, St. Pauls: Baiter K p ^ n ^ d y , R a l p i f t h ; David. I. Langston, Roxboro; Blanche P. L e e , Pottr Oaks; Charles T. L e v e r e t t , Morrisville; Jerry D. L e w i s , Morehead C i t y ; Sue A. McQueen, Raleigh; Carol T. Mann, Sanford; Victor C. M a n s f i e l d , Raleigh; Debra W, Maynard, Flizabeth City; Benny Melvin , Stedman ; Donna L. Mercer, Creednoor; John F. Parker, Supoly; Teresa A. Poole, K n i g h t d a l e ; Sybil M. Porter, Sanford; Janice ^. Price, Sanford; Kathy D. Reynolds, -s Mountain; Brenda G. Roberts, Goldsboro; Debbie C. Roller, ston-Salem; Mickey D. Scott, Mount Airy; Rebecca G. Hallsboro; Gl^da p. Stewart, Southern P i n e s ; Ai a >~ P. Apex; Debra A. Underwood, F a v e l o c k ; Deborah Y-. '' T alk^r, Elizabethtown; and Wanda G. W i l l e t t , Sanford. O u t - o f - s t a t e r e s i d e n t s on th<= D e a n ' s List a r ^ : Paula L. Adams, Minturn, S . C . ; Becki H. Boatwright, S . C . ; Ruth A. Davis, COPway, Q.C.; Patrick, Mike Ellis, R i c h m o n d , V a . ; John A. G e d p o n , P i t t s b u r g , P a . ; Kathryn E. Haack, Seoul, Soth Korea; Kelfala M. Kallon, Sierra Leone, West A f r i c a ; Joseoh M&lbee, Farrville, V a . ; Patricia A. M e e k s , Laurel, M d . ; Chris Moore, G a l i v a n t ' s Ferry, S.C.; Juan ". Morini, Call, Colombia; Ann V. Morrow, Falls Church, V a . ; Debra Creek; Billy Ho^e, S t ^ d m a n ; P a t r i c i a A. Home, Clark ton ; Deborah P. Inman, St. Pauls; Walter K e n n e d y , Raleigh; David I. L a n g s t o n , Roxboro; Blanche F. L e e , Four Oaks; Charles T. Leverett, Morrisville; Jerry D. Lewis, Morehead City; Sue A. McQueen, Raleigh; Carol T. Mann, Sanford; V i c t o r C. Man a f i e l d , Raleigh; Debra W. Maynard, Flizabeth City; Benny T'lelvin, Stedman; Donna L. Mercer, Creedmoor; John F. Parker, Supoly; Teresa A. Poole, Knightdale; Sybil ¥. Porter, Sanford; Janice <--. Price, Sanford; Kathy D. Reynolds, r < Mountain; Brenda G. Roberts, Goldsboro; Debbie C. Roller, Vinston-Salem; Mickey D. Scott, Mount Airy; Rebecca G. ^ t e n h ^ n s Hallsboro; Glenda R . Stewart, A p e x ; Debra A. T Inr?erwood, Southern P i n e s ; Aia^ P. Swart7., Ravelock; Deborah K . '" T alk^r, Eli^abethto^m ; and Wanda G. Willett, ^anford. O u t - o f - s t a t e r e s i d e n t s on the D e a n ' s List are: Paula L. Adams, Minturn, S . C . ; Becki H. Boatwright, Patrick, S . C . ; Ruth A. Davis, Conway, Q.C.; ^ike Flits, Richmond, V a . ; A. G e d e o n , Pittsburg, P a . ; Kathryn F. Haack, Seoul, Soth Korea; Kelfala M. Kalian, Sierra Leone, West A f r i c a ; Joseoh MeAbee, Farmville, V a . ; Patj^cia A. Meeks, Laurel, M d . ; Chris Moore, G a l i v a n t ' s Ferry, S . C . ; Juan K. Morini, Cali, Colombia; Ann V. Morrow, Falls Church, V a . ; Debra E. w e lll, ^orth Cape May, N.J.; m* Gail F. Vogels, Schwenksville, Pa; and Fli^abeth B. Robertson, Oakton, Va. January 9, 1976 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 foyttttevifto, n. c. 28397 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-- Alar. P. Swart z / son of Mr. ard Mrs. K*"-noth S--art7 .Laura Duncan Pd.,Apex has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's List at Methodist C o l l e g e . The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Swart z , a relip-Ion Methodist, is a 1 9 75 graduate of H i g h School in major at Apex Senior Apex, TTC. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l ley, Swartz js a frophman at Method ist 0 FIRST SEMESTER 1975-76 PRESIDENT'S LIST — -J-Sandra Lynn Barnes - F<^M • -{-Sheldon J. Bathurst' ^^• 8rdq<^ "t~Jo Ann 'Jones E U frv-bc-j N -f^^Gall V. Miller O\ci->e. C.\-V«y, N/A •4-Luz Maria Baumann - Ft Drdqcv — Judith Nan Bullock - h=^ ^ • -YMary Jane Miller Cdu — Mary N. Murdy T^u — Lona Ann Collier - lOctde. ( C u r r \ b d o ) ^Joseph L. Parker Pci^ . (<=<ir<iJ •) "J*" George Thomas Dent ~ Summerv> He, S<1 -(-Sue P. D u f f i t t - Pci^' /C*c^^Jc8^vi^fcL/m~<L% —• Joyce Lee Foreman - FU.U , —, Jane Lynn Peterson -l^u , -~ -fLee Ann P o t e a t - T d u , —Gary 6. R i g s b e e - R i u . -f Claudia Gail Harrelson- C h^v f \ y y i l|il / rJ<l_psherry Sue Thompson - CUd "f"Brenda Gene Hester -& \<ide>vWo, ^ ^ ^Richard Lee Hinson/^^1-0 Londo^^C -Donna Hobbs F^-CH. —Carol Ann Tindell T^y " -^Yvonne B. Walker m U s b -—Vicky L. White F"d ^ • -V Kathryn B. Jernigan -jSr^rHrfieJcl, f^C- V Bernard R. Wilcosky, Jr. —-Margaret Williams *% -i * GGD/clw t- d. u DEAN'S LIST FIRST SEMESTER 1975-76 ^ xi -/-Paula Lynn Adams - M^™-"" i C3(~ -(-Ruth Ann Davis C-On LO ex —'Terry Donilo Allen- Fd^u , Teresa Dean -^-Beverly Overton Atwood - "y~Sheryl Jean Dennis ~Hlartha T. Ballard 6p< i OA - Mildred H. Dexter ^-Helen Barrington r-«3-M P Cynthia 0. Duncan •^Frederic M. Batchelor -t— P Charles J. Dye \ Terry Wayne Edge nd-M ~~~ Richard F. Beane FcUj , Mary Ann Blake FC^M — Becki Hinson Boatwright — Linda Maria Boettcher C~ d-^-i /Frank Guy Braley -jftoger Kenneth Braun -^-Mike Ellis £lC-hmcro^ MC. VH Kathy L. Ewing I — Hugh F. Ferguson *~ George R. Ferrell — Robert H. Briley, Jr. T&U, — Lorrence Ray *— Diane E. Broach Hope. fiTv > H s — James Chandler Fleming Marie P. Brown — David Lee Foster Tv^M Lynn Marie Bumann t~cUj . N^ Susan B. Francis rdoi James W. Campbell F^X^j. f^ Karen Duke Furr PiLc* — Terri L. Cameron .Sd^VyOirdl, —- James Cooper Cannady L. Carlton L.K I John Anthony Gedeon r' ' pAArthur H. Gensheimer HcU_j| —'Gay White Gibson " •* Maria Helen Castanes «— Gary R. Godwin Hi-w •— Dennis Copson n^U N^ Patricia Ann Gray Kathy Corcoran T^M i— Pamela Isabel Greene Helga Crittendon Fcioj — David Elwin Grimes Hoa- P Anne Baker Culbreth Lumber -*rcrr\ " *~" Indira Gautam rd^u* — Lester G. Carter Clifton Scott Culbreth V.<5L 4-Kathy A. FealyOy^"o, Hamilton Braxton ' — A? C vJ Cynthia L. Edwards *!*" Kathryn Elizabeth Haack — Stephen Haas Fdw' f page 2 -(—Gary Wayne Hall Wi r\£>'fe-r\ —f- Joseph McAbee ti- Laura Williams Hall Fci«c-\" Walter David Ham Dorothy McLeod -\~Sue Ann McQueen A)C orman Hanner —• Vickie Dale Herring S-p -h/ictor C. Mansfield Rd.le\ ^ — Russell F. Hill '— Scott Maultsby FckJ . P Beverly R. Home FcUj — Billy HOrne ta-Ye rJF Carol Teresa Mann ^3<=i-f\^W^ j ^' ^Debra White Maynard -E \^ < md*v_; /\ <L- —Patricia Ann Meeks LdtCJfcJ NP Benny Melvin / _ Patricia Ann Home £Llcu -—• Sherrie Lynette Home -rr-^ Thomas Melvin tit Carol Fisk Hughes Fd^ Lynn Mercer &fe.e.(^\fY\Oor -{Deborah Faye Inman-St> —Sue Ellen Mills —• Malanie G. Johnson •— Tonie Neal Hinges — Belinda D. Judd -Betty Jo Mitchell £"cuj Uont, —Kelfaia M. Kallon —" Janet Lee Kelly — Wanda Kay Mitchell u. , 6-C 4" Chris Moore •"*•- Walter Kennedy Kc^\e.\oV\ -^-Deborah H. King "FdM Miguel Morini V. Morrow iT~ L. Kraehenbuehl Nl" Deborah L. Lanier —1~ David I. Langs ton W. ^ ""tDebra E. Neill t^of-H^ CcLpe Nelson dAa T ~~Eugene A. Leadbetter —^Blanche E. Lee Fbior— Charles T. Leve^t A/^Joe R. Noles t ames L. Norris, III U. Novack K^U ~|~" Jerry Dean Lewis —David E. Oglesby -f-Stephen Nelson Little ~Trank J. Padilla r ^ Kathia LytchPc M^ 1~John F. Parker Su,pp/y , N /^f Walter J. Pinca, Jr. h^-U page 3 -/-Teresa Ann Poole Km ^Debra A. Underwood O_6ail Ellen Vogels Sc>> oo<i-r>k.svi 1 1«_ ( Marcelle Porter - charlotte Walker Patricia R. Prescott J_Deborah K. Walker £ \ C. Price — Brenda J. — Charles E. Priest "/George M. Provost Warner "Daphne J. Warren fJ^Odis Whitaker ^c^U "^Sherry M. Randall \s R. Renfro FcLu Wanda G. Willett "TKathy Denise Reynolds ^irva& rY\c,ur\-VtLirv ; MO — Richard Dwight Williams — Claudia June Riegel Ird-Cj "j-Virginia Moore Williams ,— juiius Willis Brenda, Gail Roberts 4-Elizabeth B. Robertson r "llarie Yaron Bettie YOrk 5<X\£>TA ^--Debbie C. Roller Y*l •— Jack S . Sanders rcLc* -f'Mickey Dean Scott PfYt -kfoe M. Shepard t ~Cecil M. Sirmans I - Maxine V. Skelley »"aM —• Jakie W. Snapp *^M "(Jack Weeks Snodgrass —--CJoumea C, -» F<doi -|—Rebecca G. Stephens \\^{5 bofO, - Glenda Kay Robson Stewart MP Sharon E. Strother^M Alan p. Swartz Ann Tarbett JjConstance M. Taylor —•» Rodney L. Thomas rd<_w H a^M - 8, 1976 methodist college fayettev/He, n. c. 28301 from Alfen~5towers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE S P R I N G SEMESTER B E G I N S JAN. 15 AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE--Registration for new students attending Methodist C o l l e g e w i l l take p l a c e t h i s Tuesday, (January at 2 p.m. 13) w i t h classes b e g i n n i n g Thursday at 8:30 a.m. Registration w i l l b e h e l d i n t h e Student U n i o n , a n d resident students can b e g i n m o v i n g into t h e i r residence ha I Is after they complete registration. New students must attend a required meeting on Wednesday, (January 14) at 3 p.m. in Classroom Bui lding,246. This o r i e n t a t i o n session w i t h a d m i n i s t r a t i v e officers of the c o l l e g e wi I I p r o v i d e the new student the opportunity to ask questions of these o f f i c i a l s . The registration tables wi I I re-open at 9 a.m. Wednesday m o r n i n g to complete registration of new students and to b e g i n registration of returning students. Returning resident students may check i n the dorms after registration. . ### January 9, 1976 mvthodtiet From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU {919) 488-7110 ext. 228 n. c. 2*361 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S L I S T AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-of Miss Deborah Kay Walker , s&*x daughter Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Walker of Elizabethtown has been named to the Fa I I Semester Dean's L i s t at Methodist Col lege. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e 4.00 d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load or 1 5 or more hours. Miss a political sc major at < Methodist, is a I97° graduate of H i q h School East Blades Ser. i or in -r-.-, . , Bllzabethtown, ^C. Methodist Col I ege is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear V a l l e y . Miss Walker is a junior ### at M e t h o d i s t ° January 9, 1976 From Alan Slower* METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 foycttevt/to, n. c. 29301 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLEOf Mrg< yirginla MoQre Wmiamg, **** dau 9 hter Mr. and Mrs. Joh^ >:oore of Jackson St, Wilmington has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's List at Methodist C o l l e g e . The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e 4iOO during the preceding semester on a total academic load of i5 or more hours. ;*'<rs. Williams .a **• "iath-"iatic* Methodist, is a 1970 graduate of major at Kop-p-ard -^ • Ser, icr H i g h School in Wilrni^rrtc^ . Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear V a l l e y , Mrs. Williams is a iunior at Method ist 0 January 9, 1976 muthodfxt cotege fayettov/fto, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stewers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEV I LLE-- Miss Trail Ellen Voxels / &$& daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Voxels, ED 1, Schwenkpvilla nas been named to the Fa 1 1 Semester Dean's List at Methodist Col lege. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a possible 4.00 during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. r^iss Voxels- f er Pnrrlish major at Methodist, is a 19 '^graduate of Souderton Ar^a H i g h School i n Ser.ior Souderton, PA. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational college of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Va I ley. Miss Vo^fils js a freshman at Methodist, January 9, tnothodfat coHttgo fa tt mn» 1*9*1 >9?6 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES D E A N ' S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLEof 'Miss Debra A^n Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Underwood, Rt. 2, Havelock / ^* d a u g h t e r has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's L i s t at M e t h o d i s t C o l l e g e , The Dean's L i s t c o n s i s t s of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 (B) g r a d e p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e 4.00 d u r i n g the p r e c e d i n g semester on a t o t a l a c a d e m i c l o a d of 15 or more hours. "Miss Underwood f &r elecnertary education major at c, Methodist, is a 19 7? graduate of Havelock H i g h School in Set.ior Havplock, NC. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational college of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , is a junior Miss Underwood ### at Methodist, January 9, 1976 mmthod/st fayettevi/to, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-of Miss Rebecca Gayle Stephens, SOTK daughter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephens, Rt. 1, Hallsboro has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. tary education major at Miss Stephens Methodist, is a I97, graduate of H i gh Schoo I i n Methodist Set. i or Hallsboro T . Hallsboro, *TC. C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , Miss Stephens is a junior ### at Method i st January 9, 1976 foyettevifto, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEV I LLE-- Mrs. Co^sta^ce Stei^pr Taylor 9CaDC daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pteiner, I'.'.^ebraska St. nas been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Mrs. Taylor , an elementary education major at Visitation Methodist, is a I972 graduate ofConVent of the* ^•••W H i g h School in St. Paul. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational college of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , Mrs. Taylor js a junior at Methodist, January 9, 1976 m»thodt*t fayetteviltm, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stewart METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES D E A N ' S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-of Jack w - Snodgrass son has ^Tr* been B. w. Snodgrass, S. Brighton, Dallas named to the F a l l Semester Dean's List at Methodist C o l l e g e . lvirs The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e 4.00 d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Srodprasa Methodist, is a ^9?^ - a history maJ°r at Coll graduate of ^r rethod: I l i u l l OUluul-^ Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y . is a at ### •4, Method i st„ January 9, 1976 mmthottfst fayttttw/b, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stewers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVI LLE-- Joe Mitchell Shepard of Mr. and Mrs. H^nry Ph^pard of Biscoe / son has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Shepard business admirlstratiowa jor at College , Methodist, is a 19 75>graduate of Methodist f a Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational college of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y . is a at Methodist, January 9, 1976 mothodist 09*990 fayettovilto, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLEof Mickpy ^ ^^ , son Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott, Rt. 1 haS named to the F a l l Semester Dean's List at Methodist C o l l e g e . The Dean's List consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Scott 'a physical education Methodist, is a 19 7[| graduate of H i g h School major at Mourt Airy Ser, i or i n Mount Airy. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , Scott is a souhomore ### at Methodist. January 9, 1976 mmthod/st co*e§o fmv*tt**ittm ** HBM Fr°m Al*" StOW0r« METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-- Miss Elizabeth Blair Robertso^*** daughter ofMr. and Mrs. William Robertson,Miller Rd.,0akton has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's List at Methodist C o l l e g e . The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e 4.00 d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. ••' Miss Robertson , a major at Methodist, is a 19^ graduate of H i g h School i n Oakto^ Ser. ior Vlp^ra, VA. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y . Miss Robertson ;s a sophomore at Method!st. ### January 9, methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 I976 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE R E S I D E N T MAKES D E A N ' S L I S T AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-- Miss Kathy Denise Reynolds • 3BS? of '-r. ard Mrs. Floyd Reynolds, Rt.lj dau9hter has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Miss Rpy^old? , a physical ^ducatiop major at Methodist, is a 197° graduate of Kirn's Mountain H i g h School i n Ser.ior Kinrrs ^oun tar" . Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear V a l l e y . Miss Reynolds js a junior ### at Method!st = January 9, 1976 methodfst From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 faycttevf/k, n. c. 28301 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE daughter FA YFTTFVI 1 1 F-- Miss Br*r.da Gail Roberts Mr. arid Mrs. Urban Roberts, 110£ Madison named to the F a l l Semester Dean's List at Methodist C o l l e g e . The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e 4.00 d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. I^iss Roberts a physical education ma j or at ,j Methodist, is a 197*3 graduate of Derby Ser, i or H i g h School i n Derby KP . Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear V a l l e y , Miss Roberts is a junior at Methodist. January 9, 1976 methodist cotlege , ... to^* fayette^e, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEV I LLE-of George M. Provost C.E. Provost, 9ii^ *Torbsrt, Bridge City, TX , son has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's List at Methodist C o l l e g e . The Dean's List consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e 4.00 d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. 'f Provost r a busi^eps admir^istratiowajor at Methodist, is a I975 graduate of Ke C ~U^ Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear V a l l e y , is a at Method i st. J a n u a r y 9, 1976 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEV I LLE-- Mrs. Sherry Morrow Randall > ^^^ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morrow, Clay St., Forest City has been named to the Fa I I Semester Dean's L i s t at Methodist Col lege. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Mrs. Randall f a" education major at Methodist, is a 1 9 ^ graduate of East Rutherford H i g h School i n Bos tic, Senior TTC. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Va I ley. is a Mrs. Randall *•* at Methodist. fun lor January 9, methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 I976 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-Of Miss Sybil PC. Porter , ££5t daughter Mr. a~d Mrs. Johr Porter, W. Chisholm, Sarford has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's List at Methodist C o l l e g e . The Dean's List consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e 4.00 during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Miss Porter social work major at 4, Methodist, is a I97-^ graduate of Sanford Central Ser, i or H i g h School i n Sanford, ^ Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear V a l l e y , Miss Porter is a fresh/nan ### at Method i st„ J a n u a r y 9, 1976 methodist college f t* -n ->snni OA from Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-Of Mrs. Miss Janice C. Price Gle^n Price, Rt. 9, Sanford , XHPC daughter has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's List at Methodist C o l l e g e . The Dean's L i s t c o n s i s t s of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t a v e r a g e or better out of a p o s s i b l e d u r i n g the p r e c e d i n g semester on a t o t a l a c a d e m i c l o a d of 15 or more hours. .' an Miss Price '•Methodist, is a 197 H i g h School graduate of Sanford Central Ser, i or in Sanford. Methodist liberal ele^er-tary education major at C o l l e g e i s a four year c o e d u c a t i o n a l c o l l e g e o f arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus t h e Cape Fear V a l l e y , £iss Price is a sophomore at Methodist. overlooking January 9, 1976 methodist college , ... fayettev,l,e, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE vS NE\O RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEV I LLE-- Mi 35? Teresa A^r, Poole , 5t«ft daughter of yr. and Mr". Coy Poole, K^i^htdale has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's List at Methodist C o l l e g e . The Dean's List consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 1 5 or more hours. Miss Poole r a music major at Methodist, is a I9?£ graduate of Whitley H i g h School i n Senior Wendell, WC. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l ley. is a at Methodist, Poole ### *•* January 9, 1976 methodist college fayettevHIe, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE- John F. Parker , son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Parker, Supply has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's List at Methodist C o l l e g e . The Dean's L i s t consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours, •: a relifrlor! major at Park^" Methodist, H i g h School is a in 1 97 - graduate of T->al]ote Ser, i or qhallote, TTC. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year c o e d u c a t i o n a l c o l l e g e of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , is a Packer at senior Method i st „ January 9, 1976 methodist college n. , NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N; 4WS R E S I D E N T MAKES D E A N ' S L I S T A T M E T H O D I S T COLLEGE FAYETTEV I LLE-ofr. a^d Mr..,. Donald T-'iss Debra Flai-° 'TM.ll TTeil n / xxao daughter , Caspian Av° . , >T. Cape May^33 been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's L i s t at Methodist C o l l e g e . The Dean's List consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e 4.00 d u r i n g the p r e c e d i n g semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. ft f"'iss 'vTeill Methodist, major at Regional is a 19 72 graduate of Lower Cape May Ser. i or H i g h School i n Methodist 3rma, t a rocj.olon-;/ TTJ. C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear Va I ley. Miss ATeill s a at senior Method i st , January 9, methodist college •n i****** fayettev,,,e, n. c. 28301 1976 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE WEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-- ^avid Villiair T-fowry , of i^r. a^d Vrr-. Donald L . Mo-^ry of Fa.IrhoDP>, PA son has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's List at Methodist C o l l e g e . The Dean's List consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total a c a d e m i c load of 15 or more hours. .•; Mowry business / a Methodist, is a 19 ^graduate of H i g h School in Qom°rs-t, major at Somerset Set. i or PA. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year c o e d u c a t i o n a l c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l ley, is a lu^ior at Methodist., January 9, 1976 methodist college f -i, OM«* fayettev,,,e. n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-of T!r. Klss Ariri "ictoria borrow t S^K daughter William P. Morrow, Seminary Rd., Falls Church has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's L i s t at M e t h o d i s t C o l l e g e . The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. X Miss Borrow a major at Methodist, is a 19-7,-' graduate of §*u~Lar St. John Villa Academy Mew York. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year c o e d u c a t i o n a l c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a 1 l e y , Morrow is a fr- ' at Methodist January 9, 1976 methodist college , FrQm A|an METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE R E S I D E N T MAKES D E A N ' S L I S T AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-- M. , S^&K daughter Miss Nary Christine Mr. and Mrs. Fra-k Jonea.Rt.', Galivant'a Ferry named to the Fa I I Semester Dean's List at Methodist Col lege. of The Dean's L i s t consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e 4.00 d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Kiss Moore 'a history Methodist, is a 1 9 T? graduate of H i g h School i n Ayr>or maj°r at Aynor Ser.ior sC. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , i s asT>:!-or #n at Method i s t n January 9, 1976 methodist college , fayettev,lle, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V I LLE-- ^iss Bo-na Lyn~ Mercer / ^^ d a u g h t e r Cre^dmoor of Mr. and. Mrs. Dorald I'lprcer, 206 Dogwood Dr., h a s been named to the Fa 1 I Semester Dean's L i s t at Methodist Col lege. The Dean's List consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. ;*, Miss Merc«r Methodist, H i g h School , a^ elR^f^tary education major at is a I97J'. graduate of South Gra^vil le Ser, ior i n Crppdnoor. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 000 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , Miss Mercer js a sophomorn at Method ist D ### January 9, 1976 methodist college , fayettev,,/e, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T MAKES D E A N ' S L I S T AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLEof Victor C. Ma-Pfield , s °n atacctgbtfesr ?••>??. Jessie ^«id of Ih^2 Dixie Trail,Raleip-h h a s been named t o t h e F a l l Semester D e a n ' s L i s t a t M e t h o d i s t C o l l e g e . The D e a n ' s L i s t c o n s i s t s of a 3 . 0 0 (B) grade p o i n t a v e r a g e or 4.00 of ;•. d u r i n g the I 5 or preceding those students w h o a c h i e v e better out s e m e s t e r on a t o t a l of a possible academic load more hours. Mansfield t a rplin-io^ Methodist, is a 19 '^graduate of major at Brourrhton Ser.ior H i g h School i n Raleigh. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , Marsfield is a junior at Methodist, January 9, 1976 methodist cottage •a n. c. 28301 ****** fayettev,,,e, From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-ofMr. Mlsp Su^ -™ McQueen , 3SK daughter and Mrs. Bertie G. McQueen, Ihl? Trailwood Dr. has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's L i s t at Methodist C o l l e g e . The Dean's List consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e 4.00 d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. tarv educa Methodist, is a I97? graduate of Brought on H i g h School i n Set. i or Raleigh< Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , at Methodist McQueen s a sophomore January 9, 1976 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-- Joseph M. McAbee ofvr. a-nd Mrs. Willie "•cAbee, Rt. 1, Farmville , son deogteberx has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's List at Methodist C o l l e g e , The Dean's List consists a 3.00 4.00 of those students who a c h i e v e (B) grade point average or better out of a possible d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours, ;\e a physical education Methodist, is a 19 ^ > graduate of H i g h School i n Cutiherlard, VA. major at Cumb<-rlar>d Senior Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , KcAbee is a at Method i st,: freshman January 9, methodist collage , n. c. 28301 1976 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 axt. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVI LLE-- Stephen *T. Little , s°n Wurtla Wurtland of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnv Little, Washington Ave. has been named to the Fa I I Semester Dean's List at Methodist Col lege. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 (B) grade point average or better out of a possible 4.00 d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. ;, Little , a social work Methodist, is a 1 9 ^'Q graduate of H i g h School in major at Wurtland Ser, i or Wurtland, KT. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , Little js a senior at Methodist, January 9, 1976 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N. iWS R E S I D E N T MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-- Jerry D. Lewi? , son Sfft. a^d >TrR . J^rry T. Lewi?, ^hnoard Pt. has been named to the Fa I I Semester Dean's List at Methodist Col lege. The Dean's L i s t consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. ;•-. Lewis r°llgicn r a Methodist, is a 19 '^graduate of H i g h School in major at Mew ^ariover Ser, i or wil^i^^ton, Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear Va I l e y , Lewis is a freshman at Methodist, J a n u a r y 9, methodist cottage •>tnn 1976 OA From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE R E S I D E N T MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEV I LLE-- ?-"iss Blanch* E. Lee , §3ft daughter of Pey. a^d Mrs. Don Lee, Stanley St., Four Oaks has been named to the Fa I I Semester Dean's List at Methodist Col lege. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e d u r i n g the p r e c e d i n g semester on a total a c a d e m i c load of 15 or more hours, f* r Methodist, is a I97 H i g h School in a" Enp-lish graduate of major at ui"1]?ide Ser. i or Durham, ^TC. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , Miss Lee js a junior at 'Method!st„ January 9, 1976 methodist college fayettev/He, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488 7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEV I LLEof David I. La^p^ton , son Mr. and Mrs. Gillian Lances ton, Rt. "* , Poxboro has been named to the Fa I I Semester Dean's List at Methodist Col lege, The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e d u r i n g the p r e c e d i n g semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. LarrrPtor> ^ a rplio-ion Methodist, is a 1 9?^ graduate of H i g h School in major at PprfO" Ser. i or *oxboro, Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear Va I ley, s a e at Methodist., January 9, 1976 methodist college fayettevil/e, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE R E S I D E N T MAKES D E A N ' S L I S T AT METHODIST COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V I LLE- Carla B. Kraehenbuehl of Mr. arid ?;!rs . Gerald B«r0;strom., F. Hlllcourt St. daughter , has been • • named to the Fa I I Semester Dean's List at Methodist Col lege. The Dean's L i s t consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e d u r i n g the p r e c e d i n g semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. ;-. "v:rs. Kraehe-buehl r a business admir istrationna j or at Methodist, is a I9'7^ graduate of H i g h School in Wllliston, Y 1.1 li." tori Set, i or TTB. Method ist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , *'rs. Kraeher>buehl js a sophomore at Methodist, ### January 9, 1976 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEV I LLE-of Mr. and Mrs. Krs . Doborah Hard is on Kin,? ?Tormar Ha "^ is on of Wallace , §&3c daughter has been named to the Fa I I Semester Dean's List at Methodist Col lege. The Dean's List cons i sts of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours, •: Krs. Kir^- biol on-y t a major at . Methodist, is a 19^' graduate of Wallace-Rose HillSer. i or H i g h School i n T-achy, 'TC. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , Mrs. Kirr j s a sophomore at Methodist, January 9, methodist college 1976 0^ From Aian Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 ->tnni FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE R E S I D E N T MAKES D E A N ' S L I S T AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLEof Miss E * b o r a h F . I^rnar f :&&, Mr. and F r s . Jane? In man of S. Old Starre R d . named to the Fa I I Semester D e a n ' s L i s t at The D e a n ' s L i s t c o n s i s t s o f a 3.00 4.00 of 15 or Col lege. out of a possible academic load more hours, a .IPS ir"-"ai~> Methodist, H i g h School is in Methodist the Methodist p r e c e d i n g s e m e s t e r on a t o t a l TV/TJ _ liberal has been those students w h o a c h i e v e (B) grade p o i n t a v e r a g e or better d u r i n g the daughter a sociology I 9 vp graduate 0,t _ Paui College ma i or of Ser, i or „ nc. is a four year c o e d u c a t i o n a l a r t s and s c i e n c e s is a c o l l e g e of l o c a t e d on a 600 a c r e campus o v e r l o o k i n g Cape Fear V a l l e y , in mar at senior ### at. Method! st. January 9, 1976 methodist cottage From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE R E S I D E N T MAKES D E A N ' S L I S T A T M E T H O D I S T COLLEGE FAYETTEV I LLE-of Mr. and Mrs. named to the E.P. Miss Patricia A. Home TJ or^e , R t . 2, Clarkton Fa I I S e m e s t e r D e a n ' s L i s t at The D e a n ' s L i s t c o n s i s t s of of H d u r i n g the 15 or has been Methodist Col l e g e . those students w h o a c h i e v e a 3.00 (B) grade p o i n t a v e r a g e or better 4.00 , ^^ daughter out p r e c e d i n g s e m e s t e r on a t o t a l of a possible academic load more hours. "iss Hor^e , a1" ' 5 l oy n.p> ri tarY pducation major at Methodist, High School is in a 1 9 7? g r a d u a t e of the S e r . i or Hallsboro, *T . Method ist C o l l e g e liberal T Tallsboro is a r t s and s c i e n c e s a four y e a r coeducational l o c a t e d on a 600 a c r e campus Cape Fear V a I l e y , F:iss Home is a c o l l e g e of senior at M e t h o d i s t , overlooking