NORTH CAROLINA SOUTHEASTERN CONSORTIUM FOR INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION (NCSCIE) MEMBER INSTITUTIONS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Fayetteville State University, R. C. Dickens Methodist College, Samuel J. Womack September 16, 1975 Pembroke State University, John Chay, Chairman St. Andrews College, Victor A. Arnold Dr. Samuel J. Womack Dean of Faculty Methodist College Fayetteville, North. Carolina Dear Dr. Womack: The September 30th event has just been finalized, and I would appreciate it very much if your public information people would take steps for publicity using the following basic facts: 1. The two-year North Carolina Southeastern Consortium for International Education World Studies Program will begin on September 30th with the address of Senator John C. Culver. 2. Senator John C. Culver of Iowa is a ranking member of the Senate Arms Service Committee, who made recently a trip with President Ford to Eastern Europe and Russia. 3. The topic of the speech will be "The Priorities in American Security," and the address will be made to about fifty international education faculty and chief administrative and academic officers of the four member institutions of the Consortium—Fayetteville State University, Methodist College, Pembroke State University, and St. Andrews Presbyterian College—at the Green Valley Club following the buffet dinner, which will begin at 6:30 on the evening. 4. The Program has various parts: there will be five more lectures during the rest of the academic year; two Symposia and two International Cultural Festivals will be held next spring; a five day Faculty Development Workshop will be held next spring; and the first year activity will be concluded early next summer with the three week Curriculum Development Institute. Sincerely, ohn Chay BA BUILDING 123 PEMBROKE SlUf E UNIVERSITY XPEMBROKE, N. C. 28372 XPEM methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 m Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST COLLEGE ADDS FOUR FACTTLT The addition of four faculty members at Methodist College has been announced by Dr. Samuel J. Womack, dean. They are Dr. Janet M. Cavano, Miss Mary Jane Hunley, Mr. Joseph L. Miller, and Mr. Marlin M. Stewart. Dr. Cavano will serve as a l e c t u r e r in the Department. Born in Denver, Colo., she a t t e n H p r ) San Antonio Junior College, received her bachelor of arts degree from the University of Denver, and her master of arts in teaching and doctorate degrees f r o m the University of ^ T orth Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Cavano previously taught at the Fort Bragg Branch of ^orth Carolina S t a t e and F a y e t t e v i l l e University. Sh° is married to Arthur T. Cavano Jr., they have five children: Arthur Thomas III, Qtate and Jame, A n n e ? J e f f r e y , and David. Miss Hunle.y, an instructor in the Physical Education Department, will also <^erve a^ d i r e c t o r of wo^en t „ a t h l e t i c s . A Bethesda, M d. n a t i v » , Miss Hunley a t t ^ n r j p r ? Southern Seminary Junior College, T;T ontcrom^ry C o l l e g e , and r ° c ° i v p d a bachelor of science and master of arts in education degree from East Carolina U n i v e r s i t y . B^forp coming to Methodist, Miss Hunley was a physical education s o e c i a T i s t for the Greenville C i t y School System. (. rvvore) Mr. Miller is also a member of the Physical Department staff ard in addition to his teaching duties, is Methodist College's head basketball coach. Hailing from Edgerton, Ohio, Miller received a bachelor of science decree from Ohio Northern University and a master of education degree from Bow!l ing Gree^ State University. Miller previously held the position of assistant professor at Ohio ^orthern University. Miller's wife, ^ue Anne, is a guidance counselor at Pine Forest Senior TIfrh School. have two children: They Andy and Patrick. Mr. St°wart will fill the position of necturer i-n insurance in the Business Admi^i^tration-Economics Deoartment. Stewart attended Mississipni ^tate University and holds a Certified Life Underwriter designation. He is a retired Army Lt. Col. where he served i~ the Corps of F"p:i"p<»rs. He is a member of the Fayetteville Association of Life Underwriters and the Kiwanls Club. is an elementary Stewart's wife,Elizabeth, school teacher and they have two children : Susan and Marl in, Jr. methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS NEW METHODIST COLLEGE FACULTY WELCOMED From left Dr. Samuel Womack, dean of Methodist College, welcomes Dr. Janet Cavaro, lecturer in English; Marlin Stewarc, CLU, lecturer in insurance in the Department of Business Administration; Mary Hunley, instructor in physical education; and Joe Miller, assistant professor of physical education. I Sept. 22, 1975 c From Alan *+. Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 methodist college FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS OCTOBER ACTIVITY CALENDAR Odt. 1. College Convocation at 10:30 a . m . in Reeves Auditorium. Movie (color). A David Wolper production, "Washington: Years of Trial." A straightforward account of George Washington's role in leading this country to its freedom, told in story form. This film leads up to the eve of the fateful Battle of Yorktown. Fr/^e admission. Oct. 6 - Oct. 31. Linda Cho Art Exhibit in the south lobby of Reeves Auditorium. Paintings. Open weekdays from 9 a . m . - 5 p . m . Free admission. Oct. 6. Fashion show in Reeves Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Admission is $1 per person. Oct. 8. Eastman Piano Quartet will perform in Reeves Auditorium at 8 p . m . Presented by the College-Community Civic Music Association. Season tickets are available to newcomers in the community at the door the night of the performance for $12.50 (adult). Oct. 9. Talent show in Reeves Auditorium at 8 p . m . $1 per person. Oct. 14. Humanities Night in Reeves Auditorium at 8 p . m . Mrs. Dolph Berry will speak on English churches through the ages including their art, architecture, music, and history. Free admission. Oct. 15. College Convocation at 10:30 a . m . in Reeves Auditorium. Movie (color). The David Wolper production sequel to the film shown on Oct. 1. It is entitled "Washington: Years of Triumph." Free admission. (more) ™"e9e From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Oct. 18. Gospel sing sponsored by the Stedman Jaycees at 7:30 p . m . in Reeves Auditorium. $3 in advance; $3.50 at the door. Children under 12 and activeduty military receive a $1 discount. Oct. 24. Fall meeting of the Association of Historians in Eastern North Carolina. The dinner session begins at 6 p . m . in the College Cafeteria Dining Room. A panel will discuss "What in the World Has Happened to History in the Public Schools?" with Professor William Dempsey of Fayetteville State University moderating. Cost is $3 per person, and reservations can be made by contacting Prof. Bruce Pulliam at Methodist. Oct. 29. College Convocation at 10:30 a . m . in Reeves Auditorium. Movie (color). The London University "Open University Series," film on "Behaviour Control: Freedom and Morality." The filmed debate will be preceded by a commentary by Dr. L. P. Plyler, professor of religion, and Mr. James Bargar, instructor in psychology. Free admission. Nov. 1. Miss Junior High Beauty Pageant sponsored by the American Business Women's Association Marquis Chapter at 8 p . m . in Reeves Auditorium. Admission is $1 for adults and 50$ for children. ### methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 V^ FrortuAfgn Stowers METHODIJ IETHODIST COLLEGE NEWS B U R E A U (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N: iWS IOWA'S SEN. JOHN CULVER TO SPEAK IN FAYETTEVILLE Senator John C. Culver, D-Iowa, will speak on "The Priorities in American Security" Tuesday (Sept. 30) evening at the Green Valley Country Club. Sen. Culver's appearance is sponsored by the North Carolina Southeastern Consortium for International Education. For 1975-77 the consortium is sponsoring an International Education World Studies Program with Sen. Culver inaugurating the program. Sen. Culver, Services Committee, a ranking member of the Senate Armed recently made a trip with President Ford to Eastern Europe and Russia. Members of the consortium are Fayetteville State University, Methodist College, Pembroke State University, and St. Andrews Presbyterian College. In addition to the speech by Sen. Culver the program this year includes: five more lectures; two symposia and two international cultural festivals next spring; a five-day Faculty Development Workshop next spring; and a three-week Curriculum Development Institute next summer. The consortium is funded by a $25,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Y/elfare (HEW). Executive committee members of the consortium are: R. C. Dickens of FSU; Samuel J. Womack, Methodist; John Chay, chairman of the Senator John C. Culver, D-Iowa, will speak on "The Priorities in American Security" Tuesday (Sept. 30) evening at the Green Valley Country Club. Sen. Culver's appearance is sponsored by the North Carolina Southeastern Consortium for International Education. For 1975-77 the consortium is sponsoring an International Education World Studies Program with Sen. Culver inaugurating the program. Sen. Culver, Services Committee, a ranking member of the Senate Armed recently made a trip with President Ford to Eastern Europe and Russia. Members of the consortium are Fayetteville State University, Methodist College, Pembroke State University, and St. Andrews Presbyterian College. In addition to the speech by Sen. Culver the program this year includes: five more lectures; two symposia and two international cultural festivals next spring; a five-day Faculty Development Workshop next spring; and a three-week Curriculum Development Institute next summer. The consortium is funded by a $25,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW). committee members of the consortium are: Executive R. C. Dickens of FSU; Samuel J. Womack, Methodist; John Chay, chairman of the donsortium, Pembroke State; and Victor A. Arnold, St. Andrews. ### \ 23, 1975 methodist college fayettevi/le, n. c. 28301 :rom Alan^&towers HST COLLEGE NEWS B U R E A U (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N: 5WS IOWA'S SEN. JOHN CULVER TO SPEAK IN FAYETTEVIL1E Senator John C. Culver, D-Iowa, will speak on "The Priorities in American Security" Tuesday (Sept. 30) evening at the Green Valley Country Club. Sen. Culver's appearance is sponsored "by the North Carolina Southeastern Consortium for International Education. For 1975-77 the consortium is sponsoring an International Education World Studies Program with Sen. Culver inaugurating the program. Sen. Culver, Services Committee, a ranking member of the Senate Armed recently made a trip with President Pord to Eastern Europe and Russia. Members of the consortium are Fayetteville State University, Methodist College, Pembroke State University, and St. Andrews Presbyterian College. In addition to the speech by Sen. Culver the program this year includes: five more lectures; two symposia and two international cultural festivals next spring; a five-day Faculty Development Workshop next spring; and a three-week Curriculum Development Institute next summer. The consortium is funded by a $25,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW). committee members of the consortium are: Executive R. C. Dickens of FSU; Samuel J. Womack, Methodist; John Chay, chairman of the consortium, Pembroke State; and Victor A. Arnold, St. Andrews. FAYETTEVIILE, NORTH CAROLINA 28301 Sept. 23, 1975 Mr. Bi I I Hennessee News D i rector WIDU Radio P.O. Box 247 Fayettevi I l e , N.C. 28302 Dear B i l l , For the second year four col leges and u n i v e r s i t i e s in Southeastern North C a r o l i n a have joined together in the North C a r o l i n a Southeastern Consortium for International Education. The first function of the consortium t h i s year is a 6:30 buffet Tuesday evening, September 30, at the Green V a I iey Country C l u b w i t h the after-dinner speaker being Senator John C. Culver, D-lowa, who wi I I t a t k on "The P r i o r i t i e s in American Security." (Note the enclosed news release for a d d i t i o n a l information.) On behalf of the consortium I extend to you an i n v i t a t i o n to attend the buffet and speech. Please c a l l me at 488-7110 by 4 p.m. Thursday, September 25, if you wi I I be a b l e to attend. I do hope you can come. Very s i n c e r e l y yours, Alar. R. Stowers News Bureau Director RSVP FOUR YEAR L I B E R A L ARTS CO-EDUCATIONAL COLLEGE •Id Studies Program Funded this year by a $25,000 grant from the U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW), the N. C. Southeastern Consortium for International Education— which is made up of Pembroke State University, Fayetteville State University,' Methodist College and St. An:rian Collegewo-year world stu; dies program this month. The program will have four .major_ component parts: lecture-seminar series, symposia and international cultural festivals, faculty development workshop and summer curriculum development institute. First scheduled event will be a talk by Sen. John C. Culver, Democrat of Iowa, at Fpyetteville's Green Valley Country Club, Sept. 30, at 6:30 , p.m. It will be part of the consortium's lecture-seminar series. Sen. Culver is a ranking member of the Senate Arms Service .Committee which recently toured Russia and Eastern Europe with President Ford. His topic will be "SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) and the region in world affairs," said Dr. Chay. "We wish to American Security." The lecture series will enlighten as well as educate schedule five other prominent members of the academic speakers in international communities and public with education during the remain- speeches by these major der of this academic year in leaders in the various fields of October, N o v e m b e r , international education." Two international cultural February, March and April. This consortium program is festivals will be held curing the first attempt on this large this academic year. Pemscale for inter-institutional broke State University conduct a festival next spring cooperation between senior in Scandinavian culture, while colleges and universities of this Southeastern N. C. region. St. /Andrews will focus on Japanese culture. Objective of Chairman of the executive committee which organized' each^ will be to introduce peopfe of this region to these and is executing the program cultures through various is Dr. John Chay, chairman of media, .including dance, the History Department of Pembroke State University. music, theatrical performances, films, art exhibits, He is also director of the lectures and other activities. program. Other committee members Tare Vice President Fayetteyille State UniverVictor A. Arnold of St. Ansity and Methodist College drews Presbyterian College, Dean Samuel J. Womack of are organizing symposia to be next spring. Each will Methodist College and Dr. held seek to encourage professors William R. Dempsey, the regional institutions as professor of history at Fayet- of well as scholars of the nation teville State University. to promote knowledge in in"Our objectives are to im- ternational education by prove the educational presentation and publication capabilities of our member in- of papers on important stitutions and promote the in- themes. terest of the general public of A five-day faculty development workshop will also be held next spring for 50 international education faculty members of the four ripating schools. Five .HI be brought to the . to present new front' the various fields of inional education, both in •nee of knowledge and instructional methodology. )ur professors schools will be produce, with the jice o! two instructors, irning packages for ools. N. C. Southeastern Consortium was organized initially 1 1/2 years ago. Active participation by the peo- ; pie of the region is welcomed : by the consortium, said Dr. Chay. '•jnburg Exchange^ ~ LiEerty r<iews > Lillington: Harnett County New Lincolnton: Lincoln Times-New Littleton Observer Louisburg: Franklin Times i Madison Messenger Maiden News Manteo: Coastland Times Marion: McDowell News Marshall: News-Record SEP 171975 World Studies Program Slated PEMBROKE-Funded this year by a $25,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW), the N.C. Southeastern Consortium for International E d u c a t i o n — which is made up of Pembroke State University, Fayetteville S t a t e Unipersity, Methodist College and St. Andrews Presbyterian College — begins this month a two-year world studies program. The program will have four major component parts: lecture-seminar series, symposia and international cultural festivals, faculty development workshop and summer curriculum development institute. First scheduled event will be a talk by Sen. John C. Culver, Democrat of Iowa, at Fayetteville's Green Valley Country Club Tuesday, Sept. 30, at 6:30 p.m. It will be part of the consortium's lectureseminar series. Sen. Culver is a ranking member of the Senate Arms Service Committee which recently toured Russia and Eastern Europe with President Ford. His topic will be "SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) and American Security." The lecture series will schedule five other prominent s p e a k e r s in international education during the remainder of this academic year in October, November, February, March and April. This consortium program is the first attempt on this large scale for inter-institutional cooperation between senior colleges and universities of this Southeastern N.C. region. Chairman of the executive committee which organized and is excuting the program is Dr. John Chay, chairman of the History Department of Pembroke State University. He is also director of the program. Other committee members are Vice President Victor A. Arnold of St. Andrews Presbyterian College, Dean Samuel J. Womack of Methodist College and Dr. William R. Dempsey, professor of history at Fayetteville State University. "Our objectives are to improve the educational capabilities of our member institutions and promote the interest of the general public of the region in world affairs," said Dr. Chay. "We wish to enlighten as well as educate members of the academic communities and public with speeches by these major leaders in the various fields of international education." 11methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 an Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS COLE *TAMED DIRECTOR OP DEVELOPMENT FOR METHODIST COTLEGE FAYETTEVILLE--Mr. Robert G. Cole, a member of the North Carolina A r t s Council by appointment of Gov. James Holsho"ser, has been -named director of dpvelonment for Methodist College. Cole comes to M e t h o d i s t from the Brevard Music C e n t e r , a n o n - p r o f i t educational i n s t i t u t i o n located in Brevard, where he was general manager. His position there encompassed responsibility for public relations, development, business a f f a i r s and f a c i l i t i e s management. At M e t h o d i s t College Cole will help draw up the college's I'p-year development plan which was approved by college trustees last spring. The long-range plan envisions, in part, a $2 million field hous<=, a £16 million endowment, and r°tirem»nt of capital indebtedness. Cole joined Brevard Music Center June 1, 197">, a f t e r having served for two and one-half years as d i r e c t o r of development for the U n i v e r s i t y of Tennessee-MartIn Campus. Previously, he was director of public relations for St. (more) Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis. For 11 y°ars, he was employed by General Electric Company in Alabama, Oklahoma, and ?'Torth Carolina in a variety of employee and community relation?! positions. An active member in community affairs, Cole's tiast service includes chairmanship of the United Fund, president of a county safety council, membership on the board of directors of the American Red Cross, United Fund, Equal Employment Opportunity and bi-racial committees, the church administrative board, and extensive work with his political party. He has been a member of the International Council of Industrial Editors, Rational Management Association, and Sigma Delta Chi/Society of Professional Journalists. Fe is also a member of Rotary International. Cole is a graduate of the University of Alabama with a bachelor of arts degree in journalism and business economics. He has completed several corporate training programs and has taught in-company courses. He r^c^ntly graduated from the Kennedy-Sinclaire Plannpd Gifts Training Program which is a specialized training program for development and public relations officers. The native of Huntsville, Ala., is a veteran of the Air Force. He is married and has two daughters—Cynthia, aged 16, a high school senior, and Susan, 11, a sixth grader. His wife, Mary Alice, is a ceramics instructor and is active in PTA and related community affairs. She recently was nominated as an "Outstanding Young Woman in America" by the Western Uorth Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church. ### MEMO To: News Media From: Alan Stowers Subject: Correction Cho Art Exhibit, originally scheduled for Oct. 6-Oct. 31, has been cancelled, In its place Deanne Belinoff, artist-in--residence at Sandhills Community College, will show paintings, graphics, and crafts. A public reception is scheduled for Monday, Oct. 6, from 7r9 p . m . in the south lobby of Reeves Auditorium. methodist "o fayettevi/le, n. c. 28301 Alan Str METHOD!S7 COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 483-7 1»0 ext. 228 FOR i!'/vrD s A7f; RELEASE NEWS Princeton, N..l, s August 1, 1975. The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), formerly the Admission Test for Graduate Study in Business, will be offered on November 1, 1975 and on January 31, March 27, and July 10, 1976. The GMAT is required of applicants to about 390 graduate schools of management. Although the name of the test has been changed, its nature and purpose remain the same. It is a test of academic aptitude designed to estimate an applicant's promise to succeed in a program of graduate study leading to an MBA or equivalent degree. Registration materials for the test and the GMAT Bulletin of Information are available from Methodist College or by writing to GMAT, Educational Testing Service, Box 966, Princeton, New Jersey 08540. The regular GMAT fee of $12.50 includes a score report sent to the candidate, to his undergraduate counseling/placement office, and to as many as three graduate schools designated on the registration form. GMAT registra- tion forms and test fees must be received at ETS on or before the registration deadline announced in the bulletin. A $4 late fee is charged for registration forms received after the deadline. Candidates who cannot register in advance may wish to consider registering at the test center on the day of the test. Walk-in registration is permitted at all test centers if sufficient space and test materials are available after all normally registered candidates have been admitted. To be admitted as a walk-in registrant, a candidate must present a completed registration form and a check or money order for the regular test fee plus an additional $10 service fee. The $4 late registration fee does not apply here. methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 Sept. 25, 197 i From Aian Stov era METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS SENIOR YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL BYPASSED BY TWO FRESHMEN AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE--Among the 158 new freshmen on the Methodist College campus this year are two students who are bypassing their senior year of high school. They are Victoria Lee Dailey of White Oak and Richard Edward Pearce of Fayetteville. Miss Dailey is the daughter of Mrs. T. J. Dailey, Rt. 1, White Oak, and Pearce is the son of Dr. and Mrs. William H. Pearce, 2105 Fordham D r . , Fayetteville. For different reasons both of these students have been permitted to enter Methodist College on the freshman level. They are now experiencing the enthusiasm and energy of a large and eager freshman class. During Miss Dailey's junior year at Tar Heel Senior High School, she visited Thomas Yow, director of admissions at Methodist. She found out from him that the idea of skipping her senior year was feasible as long as she took and did well on the CLEP (College Level Examination Program) and passed the GED (General Educational Development) examinations. The GED is a high school equivalency test. Unlike Miss Dailey, Pearce took only the CLEP examinations receiving six hours of credit for his score on the science section. Rather than take the GED, he prefers to graduate with his class at E. E . Smith High School this spring. (more) Yow says that he hopes more qualified students will take advantage of this opportunity. He also expressed appreciation for the cooperation received from the respective school boards in allowing the two students to participate in this new program. Thus far, Pearce likes the less structured college class. He also enjoys the class organization at MC because "it emphasizes student responsibility and effort. I'm working a lot harder than I would have been in high school," he said. "My first year at Methodist will be a test of my ability and adjustment." Since Miss Dailey is from White Oak, she is living in one of the college's residence halls. She spends her free time playing tennis and intramural softball, confessing that she doesn't "spend as much time with books as I should; however, I am keeping up with most of the reading lists." Both agree that only those who meet academic requirements and possess a high level of maturity should be considered for early admission to college. Too, in both their cases the only remaining requirement was the high school senior English course. Sept. 25, method 1st college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 1974 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS F I V E C U M B E R L A N D STUDENTS M A K E "WHO'S WHO" AT MC F i v e C u m b e r l a n d County residents attending Methodist Col Iege w i I I appear in the 1974-75 "Who's Who Among Students In A m e r i c a n UniversitiesandColleges." Theyare: S a r a E . Edge, Mrs. Kenda II C. Powers, John E. Roberts, and Gai I J. Worth, a l l of Fayettevi I l e ; and Mary A. M a r t i n of Hope Mi I Is. They are among 16 Methodist C o l l e g e seniors who have been elected to appear E I i g i b i I i ty in the prestigious p u b l i c a t i o n . requirements are 2^-5 a h i g h academic average, two semesters in residence at Methodist, senior l e v e l standing, and s i g n i f i c a n t contributions to the student l i f e program. Other North C a r o l i n a students selected for the honor i n c l u d e : Evelyn B. Bonner, Benson; Carmen E. Evans, Lexington; Marsha A Gooden, Clarkton; Suzanne J. Grubb, New Bern; Wanda L. M o o r e f i e l d , P i n n a c l e ; Laura L. S u l l i v a n , W i l m i n g t o n ; P a m e l a S. W a l k e r , E I izabethtown; and Randy L. W a l l , Turkey. Out-of-state students to be honored are: L i n d a E. A l I v o r d , Bridgeport, NJ; A l a n M. Jones, Rockmart, GA; and John M. Lang, Babylon, NY. t/vletkodist FAYETTEVIUE, NORTH CAROLINA 28301 MEMO To: Dr. Chay From: Alan Stowers Subject: Tuesday's Affair at Green Valley Date: Sept. 26, 1975 The following news media have responded affirmatively to the invitation: 1. Mr. Doug Fellows representing WFBS radio. 2 . Ms. Margaret Highsmith representing WFNC radio. 3. Mr. Bill Hennessee representing WIDU radio. 4. Mr. Charles Griffin and guest. He represents Paraglide newspaper of Ft. Bragg. 5. Ms. Mary Newsome representing the Fayetteville Times. She will pay her own way. 6. Mr. ano^Be'n Justesen. He represents the Fayetteville Observer and will pay $10. 7. Mr. Alexander Cooper representing WECT television. He would like to arrange an interview with Sen. Culver prior to the buffet. Is this possible? 8. Mr. Robert Warren representing WRAL television will attend but does not plan to eat. He would like to arrange an interview with Sen Culver after the meeting. Is this possible? 9. Mr. Max Freeze representing WTVD television will attend but not eat. Please call if you have any questions and if it is possible to handle the special requests for interviews from WECT and WRAL. FOUR YEAR CO-EDUCATIONAL COLLEGE Nell Thompson (1973) Jane Canady Sylvia Townsend (1973) Kathy Woltz (1973) Heather Lloyd C. C. McKee T methodist college fayettevflle, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS M E T H O D I S T COLLEGE STUDENT SELECTED FOR " W H O ' S WHO" F A Y E T T E V I L L E , NC -- Mrs. Luz M. Bau^ann wife , xxooxxtexpsfat»» of f>0^ Major Allen A. .""auTiarn e£-Olivia, ^ i n n . will appear American I975-76 e d i t i o n of " W h o ' s W h o Among Students in Universities and Colleges." The at in the Spanish and English Methodist C o l l e g e . bt<x major She gKa^aatecixftKiSM is a senior w .13 ir 's §S^KHBudtkgtexSazkaH 1•.. ; • E l i g i b i l i t y r e q u i r e m e n t s for p u b l i c a t i o n are residence at appear i n g a high academic average, Methodist, junior or s e n i o r s i g n i f i c a n t c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o the v student i n the prest i g i ous two semesters in level standing, and l i f e program. W h i l e a t t e n d i n g M e t h o d i s t , Mrs. Baiman-p o the the Spanish Club a v currently the cc Methodists h a s bee''' named or for ""T:>->s Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDSATE RELEASE JEW; METHODIST COLLEGE STUDENT SELECTED FOR "WHO'S WHO" F A Y E T T E V I L L E , NC Mr. Kenneth K. Daniel, Jr. g o n dja]Qsiltjsr of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. Daniel, Sr . of Old R t a ^ p P o a d , ^t . Pauls* w i l l appear i n t h e I975-76 e d i t i o n o f "Who's W h o A m o n g Students i n American U n i v e r s i t i e s and C o l l e g e s . " The religion at Methodist College. S e n i o r H i g h School He maj or is a junior §&&. graduated from St. Pauls in 197? _ E l i g i b i l i t y r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r appear i n g i n t h e p r e s t i g i o u s p u b l i c a t i o n a r e a h i g h a c a d e m i c average, t w o semesters i n residence at M e t h o d i s t , j u n i o r or s e n i o r l e v e l s t a n d i n g , and s i g n i f i c a n t c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o t h e s t u d e n t l i f e program. W h i l e attending Methodist, College Chorus, Drama D£mlel .g& mpmber of S.G.A. Senate. Et. 26, 1975 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 FOR IMMED5ATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST COLLEGE STUDENT SELECTED FOR "WHO'S WHO" •> FAYETTEVILLE, NC -- D^bra E. N e i l I ^ gw daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. N e i l I, 7U Caspian Ave., North Cape May, NJ w i l l appear in the 1975-76 e d i t i o n of "Who's Who Among Students in American U n i v e r s i t i e s and Colleges." Tht» sociology at Methodist C o l l e g e . £&568r H'9h School in major is a senior Me She graduated from Lower Cape May R e g i o n a l 1972.. E l i g i b i l i t y requirements for appearing in the prestigious p u b l i c a t i o n are a h i g h academic average, two semesters in residence at Methodist, junior or senior l e v e l standing, and s i g n i f i c a n t contributions to the student l i f e program. W h i l e attending Methodist, Debra was President of the Women's A t h l e t i c Association, and p l a y e d on the basketball and Softball team, v i c e president of the Health and Fitness C l u b , and v i c e president of Weaver Residence H a l l . # United Methodist Scholarship. She is the r e c i p i e n t of the £s methodist college fayettevi/fe, n. c. 28301 P t. 26, From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST COLLEGE STUDENT SELECTED FOR "WHO'S WHO" FAYETTEVILLE, NC Cheryl Lynn Olson f ggft daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R e i n o Olson, 232 Cadman Ave., Babylon, NY w i l l appear in the 1975-76 e d i t i o n of "Who's Who Among Students in American U n i v e r s i t i e s and Col leges." The sociology at Methodist C o l l e g e . 'najor is a senior $g She graduated from Babylon Senior H i g h School in (072E l i g i b i l i t y requirements for appear ing in the prestigious p u b l i c a t i o n are a h i g h academic average, two semesters in residence at Methodist, junior or senior l e v e l standing, and s i g n i f i c a n t contributions to the student l i f e program. W h i l e attending Methodist, Cheryl was a member of the Drama C l u b , the Studdnt Board, and the SGA Senate. She is a v o c a l i s t for the stage band and has appeared in a c o l l e g e p l a y production and i n a coffee house. ept. 26, methodist college fayettevt/te, n. c. 28301 197. From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST COLLEGE STUDENT SELECTED FOR "WHO'S WHO" F A Y E T T E V I LLE, NC Mr. Bernard R. W i l c o s k y , son tf*efglW£i* of and Mrs. Bernard W i l c o s k y , b n i o n t o w n , PA w i l l appear in the \975~76 e d i t i o n of " W h o ' s Who Among Students in American U n i v e r s i t i e s and C o l l e g e s . " The at economics Methodist C o l l e g e . xfxVx^ ""'9° School He major is a senior j&foexgraduated from South Union Township in 1965. E l i g i b i l i t y requi rements for appear i n g in the p r e s t i g i o u s pub I i c a t i o n are a h i g h a c a d e m i c averr wo semesters in residence at Methodist, junior or senior l e v e l standing, and s i g n i f i c a n t c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o t h e student l i f e program. x^$x k x<x xS&fc&'fcst1x92* xMaxtebwxck kactx x Cpt. Wilcosky is presently on a c t i v e m i l i t a r y duty. .Sept. methodist cc fayetteville, n. c. 2S301 26, 1975 rrorn Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N E vV 8 '\ T~"i ^r\ C^ M E T H O D I S T COLLEGE STUDENT S E L E C T E D FOR " W H O ' S W H O " FAYETTEVILLE, NC Brerda Gene Hest- Mr. and M r s . Purcene H e s t e r , Blade-rboro, will appear in the , W^ daughter of TT C 1975-76 e d i t i o n of " W h o ' s W h o A m o n g Students in American U n i v e r s i t i e s and Colleges." The at French najor Methodist C o l l e g e . Senior High School Eligibi lity p u b l i c a t i o n are residence at flK She graduated frorr is a s^ior Bladerboro in l^ 7 ?. requirements for apf in the prestigious a h i g h aendemic aver at,. Methodist, junior significant contributions or s e n i o r t o t h e student Wh i ! e a t t e n d iru. 1 Mt:t hod i ^ r.(. Brppda ^.ters level in standing, and l i f e program. has ' " meml ^r of the ."-."thodist Colle.-:e Choir and t'he Student Government A s s o c i a t i o n , p r e s i d e n t - e l e c t of Alpha Xi ; >lta, dor-n o f f i c e r , Senate parliamentarian, D ^ a v ^ , s List s t u d e n t , s t u d e n t j u d i c i a l s e c r e t a r y , -Jfomecoriiin.p; q u e e n r u n n e r - u p , Spring Festival queen, a^ • ^ e c r e t a r y f Student Life 'ttee0 methodist co//e fayettev/ffs, n. From A!an Stovvers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST COLLEGE STUDENT SELECTED FOR "WHO'S WHO" FAYETTEV ! LLE, NC -Mary C h r i s t i n e Moore daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones, Rt . .3, G a l i v a n t ' s Ferry w i l l appear i n t h e 1975-76 e d i t i o n o f "Who's W h o Among Students i n American U n i v e r s i t i e s a n d C o l l e g e s . " The history at Methodist C o l l e g e . xfck* Senior H i g h School jor i s a She graduated from sen ' or Aynor i n i972 . E l i 9 i b i ! i ty r e q u i r e m e n t s for appe< , p u b l i c a t i o n are a h i g h a c a d e m i c average, r -: p r e s t i g i o u s -ters in residence at Methodist, junior or senior l e v e l standing, and s i g n i f i c a n t c o n t r i b u t i o n s to the student l i f e program. W h i l e attending Me- C h r i s has been a member of the History and P o l i t i c a l Science C l u b , ha I I counselor, cheerleader, Student Government A s s o c i a t i o n senator, house officer, head cheerleader, Dean's L i s t student, P u b l i c a t i o n s Cotrm i ttee. Student Education Association, and President's C o u n c i l . methodist cufayettev/l/8, n. c From A*an Stcwers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 RELEASE FOR \ v r < "M"T TiO METHODIST COLLEGE STUDENT SELECTED FOR "WHO'S WHO" FAYETTEVILLE, NC - M r s . E l i z a b e t h G a i l Vaush^xjjyalegrhtep of Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Vaughan, Chase C i t y , VA w i l l appear i n t h e 1975-76 e d i t i o n o f "Who's W h o Among Students i n American U n i v e r s i t i e s a n d C o l l e g e s . " The economics and business adm i n i strat i on at Methodist C o l l e g e . %Z She graduated from ia jop jg Q senior Bluestone Senior H i g h School in'9/2 _ E l i g i b i l i t y requirements f o r appea; p u b l i c a t i o n are a h i g h academic a v e r < > i n t h e prestigious : wo semesters in residence at Methodist, j u n i o r - or senior l e v e l s t a n d i n g , and s i g n i f i c a n t contributions to the student l i f e program, W h i l e attending Methodist ^a! ' "?as been i n the History and P o l i t i c a l Science C l u b , the Psychology C l u b , a B u s i n and Economics C l u b officer, amember of the Student Government A s s o c i a t i o n , a Dean's L i s t and President's List student, and a M e t h o d i s t C o l l e g e Sch0|ar. methodist college feyettevilie, n. c 233Q1 ^PH~1^_ ! 975 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 "'\ T^t in y /r^ NEWS M E T H O D I S T COLLEGE STUDENT SELECTED FOR "WHO'S WHO" F A Y E T T E V I L L E , NC -Mr. and Mrs. Geor-^ Thomas Dent George Dent, ?C- Simeons Ave., w i l l appear in the , xxx*xxxx son daughter of Surnmerville, SG 1 975 -76 e d i t i o n of "Who's Who Among Student s in American U n i v e r s i t i e s and C o l l e g e s . " political science at Methodist C o l l e g e . major is a He xSfox graduated frorr se-ior cu"imervil.le Senior H i g h School in 1975 , E l i g i b i l i t y requirements F o r appec in the prestigious pub I i cat ion are a h i g h academic averac.e. two r-emesters i n residence at Methodist, j u n i o r or senior l e v e l standing, and s i g n i f i c a n t c o n t r i b u t i o n s to the student l i f e program. W h i l e a t t e n d i n g Methodist,. Tommy has been the Student Government vice president, a Dea- , s List student, amember of the student Ur, ion Board and chairman of the Student Union ommittee, H» is a ne^iber of Lambda Chi Alpha, the History an d. Political Club and on the che^rleading squad. u •«» v SEK 1 - Who's Who Nominating Among Students In American Universities & Colleges Document Read instructions carefully. Then please fill in all copies. Type or print in alphabetical order. Methodist College O F F I C I A L N A M E O F SCHOOL ( A s y O U wish il to appear in the volume) Fayettevillo. 11. (1. I Mr. vMrs. •;Ms. '^« Lus Kenneth George Bcmda Patri" cio, flail Maria Kearns Thonao GOT?P> /inn Yatipfean fMa. Mary Christine 8 MCA! 1-IiCTiel Juan Elaine Deljra Cheryl Lynn Charles HcKinney James E, Raymond Bernard Richard Bwi^it Ehodes, Stanley, (3 Mr. Vlilcosky, H Mr* Villissia, n.lfes is 16 17 Women 273 . It is recommended that ZIP NAME (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT) X,KS. Heill, 4 Ms. Olson, Men 3*10 Nominations at c due at ouir ij ffice bv you nominate 1"rom two below to two above this figure. 2B3Q] STATE •i IS?3« Baxmamit ^I&. Daniel, f.Mr. Dent, -4lICU_ Hester. s Ms. Keeks . "Tiller, 623 Your school s c|uota is STREET ADDRESS CITY Sludent tnrollmcnl STUDENTS' SCHOOL ADDRESSES ^.wtAmrtHo. Tlpthoflint Col ? n Ifcthodist Coll erp J r^J^^G "fc i*^*V^ J L C* n I-fethodiat College Fayetteville » Mpthn^ nt College Fnjrettevil IR, Kethodiot College Fnyettoville, Fnyetteville, Ifethodist Fayetteville8 Collets Methodlit T-fothodint College Fayetteville, Methodiot College Fayetteville, MethodiBt College Fayetteville, Methodiot College -Fayetteville, Ifethodint College Fayotteville, Methodist College i Fayetteville, Methodist College, Fayetteville, 1 •f t J » ? » ? n.n. pR-rn IT. 0. tf&Q TT. 0. 28301 2fi^l r. ?8X)l Tl. 28301 c. 28301 28301 C. IT. IT. c. IT.C. 28301 IT. c. 28301 R. c . 28301 IT. c. 28301 N. c. 28301 IT. c. 28301 rrrrrrr Who's Who Among Students In American Universities & Colleges 1700 26th Avenue D Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401 D Phone (205) 758-0401 PLEASE DO US A FAVOR. . . To publish Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges by graduation our staff must compile and edit your students' biographies before December 1. Therefore, to be included in this year's edition, your students must return immediately the material we send them. Often students put off filling out the material, waiting for an opportune moment when they will have the time to put a lot of thought into it. However, a lot of time isn't necessary for the simple forms we send them. Moreover, this procrastination, while with good intentions, causes our staff to get drastically off schedule. This causes two unnecessary problems for you, your students and our staff: First, we're unable to publish the book on time, causing the publication date to be months off schedule. Secondly, this disruption could prevent, perhaps, the staff giving their undivided attention to the student placement and reference service, which wrote over 25, 000 letters of reference last year for students seeking employment, admission to graduate schools, acceptance for scholarship and grants, etc. Thus, to give you and your students better service we ask you to do us a favor. Please contact your Who's Who Students and ask them to fill out and return the material we send them immediately. Also please inform them why it is so important to do so. It is easy. . . and it only takes about 15 minutes. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, H. Pettus RandaHL/Director A. N. Marquis <£ Co. or Who's Hho in Americaha^e no tjttiii^tion with this publication. rrrrrrr Who's Who Among Students In American Universities & Colleges 1700 26th Avenue Djuscaloosa, Alabama 35401 D Phone (205) 758-0401 CONFIRMATION AND PUBLICITY RELEASE Your nominations for Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges have been received and approved by the national office. Campus and local publicity on these students should be released as soon as possible. Each nominee will be contacted by our organization in about ten days to secure biographical material for publication in the current book, information for our student placement files, and other pertinent data. Certificates of membership will be mailed directly to you and should be presented to the nominees at graduation or on some other appropriate occasion during the year. We will appreciate copies of any campus or local publicity given these students. If there are any changes or corrections in your list of nominees please notify this office immediately. Sincerely, (Mrs. ) ^ean Joyner Student Services Director P R E F E R E N T I A L B A L L O T Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges 1975-76 The following students, whose academic eligibility has been verified by the Registrar, have been nominated by faculty members for consideration in the final ballot for the selection of 12 Methodist College representatives for the 1975-76 edition of Who's Who. This list of nominees has been screened by an S.G.A. committee, in accordance with the prescribed procedures, and that student committee has indicated its endorsement of those candidates it considers as having played a sufficient role in campus activities to merit serious consideration. The S.G.A. endorsement is indicated in each case by an asterisk beside the candidate's name. Figure in parenthesis after each name indicates number of faculty members nominating that candidate. Since we may pick 12 candidates, it is essential that you weight your choices. In the spaces provided at left of names indicate by number the order of your choices: give 12 points to your first choice, 11 points to the second choice, 10 to the third, etc. You may vote for 12 candidates if you wish, but are not required to vote for 12. Whatever the number of candidates you vote for, give 12 points to first choice, etc. (NOTE: The original list submitted to faculty contained names of four students who were eligible and voted upon for Who's Who last year. They will have graduated by the end of this summer, if not earlier, and were not correctly included in next year's Who's Who listing. They were Henry Francis, Linda Mardres, Lynda Baum and Verlis Secrist. It has been necessary to delete their names from the roster below.) JCennith Nix Adkins (l) - Nat. Rifle Assoc., Rod and Gun Club, Glee Club, Bronze Star, Good Conduct Medal _Peggie Turner Bailey (i) Spanish Club publicity chairman, Tapestry _*Luz Maria Baumann (6) President Psychology Club •x-Donna McClurg Beasley (l) George Robert Beldon (l) _Becky Hinson Boatwright (l) _*James Cooper Cannady (l) _Karen Lee Carlton (l) - Drama Club Soloist with Methodist College Chorus, Methodist College Wind Ensemble and Stage Band, Drama. Club _Lona Ann Collier (l) _Mary Ann Culbreth (l) _*Kenneth Kearns Daniel (3) Member of Methodist College Chorus, Drama Club, S.G.A. Senate _*George Thomas Dent (5) S.G.A. vice-president, History and Political Science Club, Cheerleading squad Who' s Who Preferential Ballot ^Deborah June Dixon (14) Page 2 - Sociology Club, deton officer, hall counselor, Kathia Ann Elliott (2) Kathy Nunnumalter Epperson (l) Dean's list, varsity tennis Donna Katherine Gemeinhart (6) sMall Talk;co-editor, Horseback Riding Club David A. Glidden (3) - Sociology Club Mary Alice Gore (9) - SEA president, band member, member of President's Council, dorm attorney Daniel Herbert Harrell (l) - Drama Club _*Brenda Gore Hester (10) r Member of Methodist College Chorus and S. G.A», president-elect of Alpha Xi Delta, dorm officer, Senate parliamentarian, dean's list, student judicial secretary, Homecoming queen runner-up, Spring Festival queen, secretary of Student Life Committee _ Patricia Ann Home (l) _ Earl Keith Jones (l) - German Club _ Sandra Kay Landis (3) _ Michael Loesekann (l) - Jenny Varue Lyon (l) _ Alton Earl Mabb, Jr. (l) - President, Political Science Club two years _*Patricia Ann Meeks (U) - History and Political Science Club, Tapestry _ Elizabeth Gail Vaughn Miller (?) - History and Political Science Club, Psychology Club, Business and Economics Club officer, S.G.A. Mary Christine Moore (3) - History and Political Science Club, Hall counselor, cheerleader, SGA senator, house officer, Glee club : _*Juan Miguel Morini (i;) - Soccer team, Dorm hall counselor, dorm vicepresident, Spanish Club, Business and Economics Club, Monarch Club, SGA senate _*Debra Elaine Neill (3) - President, Women's Athletic Association, Basketball team, softball team _*Cheryl Lynn Olson (5) - Drama Club, Student Union Board, SGA Senate Who's Who Preferential Ballot Page 3 / Pamela Florence Parrish Sandra Diane Phillips (3) _Albert Qvilla Prud'homme (l) _*Charles McKinney Rhodes (3) _Glenda Kay Robson (l) - Dorm officer, Science Club _Sandra Lynn Sloan (l) - Band, Dorm officer, Pres. Spanish Club _*_James R. Stanley (2) - SGA Senate, student Union Board, preside* Psychology Club * Sherry Sue Thompson (2) Mary Elaine Wallace (l) _*Vicky Lynn Write (2) - Psychology Club, Committee on Registrati< _Raymond Bernard Vilcosky (2) _*_Richard Dwight Williams (l) Tonie Neal Hinges (2) - Methodist College chorus, Wind ensemble, Stage Band, Vice-president and tour coordinator for chorus 2-7 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nl iWS The following even • or October and are open to the public: Oct. 16, 10:30 a . m . , Reeves Auditorium. Convocation featuring Mr. Richard Lomas of Exxon. His topic will be: "The Energy Crisis—Past, Present and Future." He will also show a film called "Steel Reefs" which concerns off-shore drilling. No charge. Oct. 24, 8 p . m . , Reeves Auditorium. "International Night," sponsored by the Business and Economics Club and OFICE (Orgnaization For International Cultural Exchange). Performing arts, music, and costume displays from the Phillipines, Vietnam, India, Japan, Mexico, and Latin America . Ticketed event. Sept, 27, 1974 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST COLLEGE S E N I O R SELECTEH FOR "WHO'S WHO" FAYETTEVILLE, NC- M i s s G a i l J. Worth .. M. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Worth of 320 I Merita Dr., F a y e t t e v i l l e w i l l appear i n the 1974=75 e d i t i o n of "W^o's Who Among Students In A m e r i c a n U n i V F r s i t i e s a n d Colleges." The biology J*- She graduated from in major is a «-?n > o- at Methodist C o l l e g e , R e i d Ross S<?n ; or H i g h School I97L E l i g i b i l i t y requirements for app<- p u b l i c a t i o n are a h i g h academic a».c>- > the prestigious two s mester» i n residence at Methodist, senior l e v e l st^nHing, and s i g n i f i c a n t c o n t r i b u t i o n s to the student l i f e program Wh i le attending Meth >c!ist, Ga i I has been on the Dean's List. Sept. 27, 1974 From Alan Stowers methodist college fayettevi/le, n. c. 28301 METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST COLLEGE SENIOR SELECTEH FOR "WHO'S WHO" FAYETTEV ILLE f/ NC- Jonn Emerson Roberts fSon d.iughtoF of Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Roberts Jr. of 4412 W e l l i n g t o n Dr., F a y e t t e v i l l e w i l l appear i n the '974=75 e d i t i o n of "W^o's Who Among Students In A m e r i c a n U n i v e r s i t i e s and Colleges,," The biology He £W. graduated from major is s, senior at Methodist C o l l e g e , Seventy-First Senior H i g h School in 1969. E l i g i b i l i t y requirements f o r appp in the prestigious p u b l i c a t i o n are a h i g h academic average, two s mester» in residence at Methodist, senior l e v e l standing, and s i g n i f i c a n t c o n t r i b u t i o n s to the student l i f e program W h i l e a t t e n d i n g Methodist, John has been a student Senator and a Dean's List student. ,ept. 27, 1974 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST COLLEGE S E N I O R SELECTED FOR "WHO'S WHO" F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N.C- Mrs. K e n d a l l C l a r k Powersg^i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James S. C l a r k of E u t a u l a , A l a b a m a w i l l appear in the 1974=75 e d i t i o n of "Who's Who Among Students In A m e r i c a n U n i v e r s i t i e s a n d C o l l e g e s , " The mathematics 4-k*. She graduated from in major is a sen<o-~ at Methodist C o l l e g e Eufaula Sen•or H i g h School 1970. El i g i b i I i ty requ i rement s for appe >"> t he prest i g i ous p u b l i c a t i o n are a h i g h a c a d e m i c av<?r :: -gF, two s- mester» jn residence a t Methodist, senior to the student l e v e l standing, a n d s i g n i f i c a n t c o n t r i b u t i o n s l i f e program W h i l e a t t e n d i n g Methodist, Mrs. Powers received the BaIaez-Ambrose Mathematics Award and was named to the President's » List. Sept, 27, 1974 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST COLLEGE SENIOR FOR "WHO'S WHO" FAYETTEVILLE, NC- MarV A n n e Martin /<&^ daug hter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. M a r t i n of Rt. I, Box 279, Hope M i l l s w i l l appear i n the '974=75 e d i t i o n of "Who's Who Among Students In Amer i can Un i ve rs i t i es and C o l l e g e ? " The music major is 3 s<=n?o- at Methodist C o l l e g e 4k» She graduated from in Gray's Creek Sen; or H i g h School I97I. El i g i b i I i ty requ i rements for app^ n t he prest i g i ous p u b l i c a t i o n are a h i g h academic av c «~ g^, two semester* in residence at Methodist, senior l e v e l standing, and s i g n i f i c a n t contributions to the student l i f e program, W h i le attending Methodist, Mary Anne has been on the Dean's List, a member of the Zeta Mu Chapter of A l p h a Xi Delta sorority, and named to the el ite I ist of Methodist Col Iege Scholars. - - Sept.. 27, I974 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE METHODIST COLLEGE SENIOR SELECTED FOR "WHO'S WHO" FAYETTEVILLE, NCMr. and Mrs. Sarah E l l e n Edge ,«*». daughter of Lattie C. Edge of 4722 Rosehi I I Rd., F a y e t t e v i l l e w i l l appear i n the 1974=75 e d i t i o n of "Who's Who Among Students In A m e r i c a n U n i v e r s i t i e s a n d Colleges," The music fc? She graduated from in major is a senior at Methodist C o l l e g e P'ne Forest Senior H i g h School 1972. E l i g i b i l i t y requirements for appe : in the prestigious p u b l i c a t i o n are a h i g h academic av-«?r--ge, two semester* in residence at Methodist, senior l e v e l s t a n d i n g , and s i g n i f i c a n t contributions to the student I i f e program W h i l e a t t e n d i n g Methodist, Sarah has been on Dean's L i s t and a member of the Zeta Mu Chapter of A l p h a Xi Delta sorority. " O C> 0^>(yxQ_X methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan, Stowers ^_ J METHODISTUoTLFGE^ NEWS BUREAU <919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE KW: M I F OF. SF.NIOR M? " W H O ' S WHO" S u z a n n e Jan& Grubb Mr. and Mrs. L l o y d T. Grubb of —«, daughter 5209 S p r i n g w o o d D r . , >np of New Bern o A m o n g S* udents ind l|"« economics & He Sh< M bus i ness r-oiM ;li . j ,r M,,t hod! st Col lege New Bern or H!gh SchooI 1971. E I i gibM ' > I ! ( i i • i i) n 1 V) >p< , 11 '••1< t- li*vH i st, s t - |l Wh K attend!n prestigious I em . =-•« i n rp? i dence ont .v « b u t i ons S. Suzanne has been a Dean's L i s t student, a member and c h a i r m a n of her residence h a l l ' s J u d i c i a l Board, on the Senate, the Student Government A s s o c i a t i o n H i g h Court, a member of the SGA Elections Committee, and the North C a r o l i n a Student L e g i s l a t u r e . Suzanne serves as v i c e - p r e s i d e n t of Weaver H a l l , and is a member of the Economics and Business C l u b . -OCJ3W) methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan S METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS <"• - : CO! IFGF S E N I O R OR "WHO'S WHO" John Mahlon Lang ,son « of Mr. and Mrs. John Lang of 18 B a i l e y Ave., B a b y l o n «. i • A/ h o A m o n g ^ f u de n t s I n A tit 1 fsndCoMpgee chemistry , m • -4 Baby I on Methodist C o l l e g e or H ! gh S' hoo I 1971. , ••• • e i 1 9 1 b. ' t e og \ rP s i de n r e nub •]( t hod i st, t ,) p fi <- ^ t ' g i o u s t h,: s-t udenti Wi student. si I it t e n d •-> l contr ' but i ons •• John has been a Dean's List ( methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 27, 19? From Alan Stswers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488 7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE iNEWS I F..3F. S E N I O R i f n FOR "WHO'S WHO" Laura M r . a n d Mrs. L e i g h Su I I i v a n —TW- d a u g h t e r of D a v i d W . S u l l i v a n of 4930 O r i o l e D r . , W i l m i n g t o n W ho Among S + u«Je n t~ s In Ami • engI i sh m • Vlethodi st New H a n o v e r or C o l I ege H s gh School 197I. E I i 9i b i D ij b (J t ; •i P r- ( <n f i q i o U S 11 ! "« M ( t h*»,-j s si t o t h< •int i n res i dence < ont r ' but i ons st Laura has been a Dean's List student, secretary-treasurer of the cheerleader squad, secretary of Garber H a l I, and was on the Homecoming court. t , 27, From AHan Stowers METHODI (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 i9' 7 4 AU FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS M IF.GF. SF.NIOR IFH TOR "WHO'S WHO" Wanda Lou M o o r e f i e l d .-»* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. M o o r e f i e l d of Rt . I Box 284, P i n n a c l e I i ") '• Who Among Students < s >nd P o l I eg elementary educat i oma joi Shi- groduoted f r«.>m *i M.-lhod'sf C o l l e g e South Stokes ,,- H • yh School I97I. Eligibility \i s i or .>pp< p r e s t i g ! ous publication >-it ^t e rfl M ( t h*>,--j 1 s t , t o th< st nt I i f< pr ^ contr i but i ons >• W a n d a has been a D e a n ' s student and was treasurer of Weaver Hall. i n r es i den ce List methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS 01 I FOF FP Marsha A n n e Gooden SFMIOR FOR " W H O ' ^ WHO" -~- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gooden of Rt. I Box 58, Clarkton o Among S*ude'.f s ''(I:' ' . ' . . . , , - soc i o I o g y '*t~ 0|!) M^ t h od i s t Col Clarkton or H • cj h S • h o o I 1971. f•' ' 9 ' ' p t> t- -^ f- i g i o U S pub'icationar» . i' -f. M, t ho< j i st, sen i <" o t h e st Wh li "f 1 in residence r pntr i b u t i o n s I ifi itten-ding Marsha h a s been a Dean's L i s t student, v i c e - p r e s i d e n t of Garber H a l l . U) o o d buxu^D o ^ methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 Sept, 27, 1974 From Aran^Sjowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW: ID 1ST COLLF.GF. S F N I O R S f L F ^ T F n FOR " W H O ' S WHO" FAYF.TTE.V !LLE, Mr. Mill Linda E l i z a b e t h A I I « v o r d , * M daughter and Mrs. Thomas Edward A l l v o r d of Appear m the ' 9 7 4 = 7 5 ' e d i t i o n of Rt . 130 of RFD, B r i d g e p o r t , N.J. " W h o ' s W h o Among Students In A m e r i c a n U n i v e r s i t i e s a n d C o l l e g e ? " The Spanish rrwjor jfe She'd f r o m in is a S - M - O - ^t Paulsboro Methodist C o l l e g e , Senior High School 1970. Eligibility p u b l i c a t i o n are at Methodist, to the r e q u i r e m e n t s for a high ^cademir senior 'eve! appe avpr^gi , t vo s n i e ^ t e r s standing, a n d s i g n i f i c a n t student,, l i f e p r o g r a m W h i l e attending president a member of W e a v e r of and recieved the the r he p r e s t i g i o u s ,, contributions ^ M e f h m i s t , L i n d a h a s been a D e a n ' s H a l I, president President's C o u n c i l . of in r e s i d e n c e L i s t student, Esperanza S p a n i s h C l u b , She was H o m e c o m i n g Queen Yolanda C o w l e y Spanish A w a r d . methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 ^ Sept. 27, 1974 Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS B U R E A U (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 From A FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS ST COLLEGE S E N I O R SfLF~TFH FOR "WHO'S WHO" F AYE! A l a n M i c h a e l Jones, Sr. ,s°nfri»H)htigrof Mr. and Mrs. W i l l i a m F. Jones formerly of Hackettstown, N.J. w i I ! appear i n the ' 9^4^75 e d i t i o n of "V'.'h t)' s Who Among Students I n Amer i i an Urvi vers-i t i es The and C o l l e g e s P o l i t i c a l Science He i3£&> groduoted from major is j senipr- et Methodist C o l l e g e . Hackettstown S^n ; or H i g h School in 1965. E l i g i b i l i t y r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r appe p u b l i c a t i o n are the p r e s t i g i o u s >* h i g h a c a d e m i c a v e r a g e , two 5t--tn«?ster* in residence a t Methodist, s e n i o r l e v e l s t a n d i n g , a n d s i g n i f i c a n t c o n t r i b u t i o n s to tht~ student I i fe program , ^ W h i l e a t t e n d i n g M e t h o d i s t , A l a n has been a Dean's L i s t student and an A l t e r n a t e Sophomore M a r s h a l . \lrijL MUJOS s* methodist college Frorn Alan S Sept.. 27, 1974 METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS MFJhOniST COLLEGE SENIOR SFLF.r.TFH FOR "WHO'S WHO" F A Y E T T E V « L L E , NC- • Pamela Sue Walker /S on daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F l o y d H. Walker of P.O. Box 962, EIizabethtown w i l l appear i n the '974-75 e d i t i o n of "Who's Who Among Students In A mer i r an Un j versi t i es and Colleges The math He She graduated from in major is a s.-n<o- at Methodist Col leg e. EIizabethtown S e n i o r H i g h School '97 I. E l i g i b i l i t y requ i rement s for appe • i t h e prest i g i ous p u b l i c a t i o n a r e a h i g h a c a d e m i c aver-'-gf-, two semesters i n residence at Methodist, senior l e v e l s t a n d i n g , and s i g n i f i c a n t c o n t r i b u t i o n s to the student-- I i fe program W h i l e attending Methodist, :> N Pam has been a Dean's L i s t student, Chairman of J u d i c i a l Board of Weaver H a l l , treasurer of Zeta Mu Chapter of A l p h a Xi Delta, and editor of C a r i l l o n (the C o l l e g e yearbook). methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 \jJOH3(. From Alan St^wers METHODIST C< (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 BUREAU FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE M F J h O O I S T COLLEGE S E N I O R T p n FOR "WHO'S WHO" FAYETTEV ILLE,, Randy Lee W a l l ,son :'i _!'t,.. of Mr. and Mrs. Beamon W y r i c k of P.O. Box 127, Turkey w i l l appear m the '974-75 e d i t i o n o f "Who's W h o Among Students In Amer i c an The Un i vers i t i es religion He 4ulur graduated from in and C o l l e g e s , " major is 3 senior at Methodist C o l l e g e Williams S-=>n ' or H i g h School 1971. E l i g i b i l i t y r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r appp p u b l i c a t i o n are in the prestigious a h i g h academic a v «? i~ --. g<- , two semesters in residence at Methodist, senior l e v e l standing, and s i g n i f i c a n t contributions to the atudent,. I i fe program W h i U- a t t e n d i n g M e t h o d i s t , x Randy has been a Dean's List student, president of R e l i g i o n and Philosophy C I u b , v i c e - p r e s i dent of K o i n o n i a , and a member of C i r c l e K C l u b . methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Ala METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS COLLEGE. SENIOR FOR "WHO'S WHO" FAYFJTEVILLE, E v e l y n Benson Bonner ,«MM daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R i c h a r d Foster Bonner of 305 S. Lee St., Benson w i l l appear i n t h e I974"?5 e d i t i o n o f "Who's W h o Among Students In A m e r i c a n Un i VFT-* i t i e« and Tne art Colleges ' major is 3 senio^ -=,t Methodist C o l l e g e •fcr She graduated from South Johnston S^n ; or H i g h School i n I97I. E l i g i b i l i t y r e q u i r e m e n t s for app<- i t f>p p r e s t i g i o u s p u b l i c a t i o n a r e a h i g h ^rademir av^r t w o s - m e s t e n s i n residence .it Methodist, senior l e v e l s t a n d i n g , and .« i gn < f ; r =>nt c o n t r i b u t i o n s to the student.. I i fe progi-ritn . x W h i l e a t t e n d i n g M e t H i d i s t , E v e l y n has been President of Weaver H a l I, a member of the President's Counci I and of the Art C l u b . secretary-treasurer She has been a member of the Student Education Association, the Cari I Ion sports e d i t o r and assistant editor of the yearbook; and secretary-treasurer of the Women's A t h l e t i c Association. She a l s o served on the Weaver H a l l J u d i c i a l Board, as a member of the Student Government Association Senate. - methodist college fayettevi/le. n. c. 28301 From Ala METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW ! I F.-3F. S E N I O R > Carmen M r . a n d M r s . ^obert Long Evans E l i z a b e t h Evans of 3M II F O R " W H O ' S WHO" .-*w J ^ u y h t e r Lakewood D r i v e , of Lexington A in o n g S ts A tii soc i o I o g y Sin c i> fll-T i '-i*.d i st , Lex i ngt on <r H i yh Co ! I ege S ' hoo I I97I. (- I i g i b i ! e mt-nt s For prestigious '? o i < b! , 11 M t t 11«i • t ^> « h;- •it i n res i dence c o n * -- ' but i ons stud Carmen has been secretary of Weaver H a l l J u d i c i a l A Ipha X i Delta. Board and a member of Zeta Mu Chapter of Sept. 29, 1975 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS B U R E A U (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS SEVEN AREA STUDENTS MAKE "WHO'S WHO" AT MC Seven F a y e t t e v i l l e area residents attending Methodist C o l l e g e wi I I appear in the 1975-76 e d i t i o n of "Who's Who Among Students in American C o l l e g e s and U n i v e r s i t i e s . " They are P a t r i c i a A. Meeks, Mrs. G a i l Vaughan Mi I l e r , Charles Rhodes, James R. Stanley, Raymond B. Wi Icosky, and Richard D. W i l l i a m s , a l l of Fayettevi I l e , and Mrs. Luz M. Baumann of Ft. Bragg. They are among 14 Methodist C o l l e g e students who have been elected to appear in the prestigious p u b l i c a t i o n . E l i g i b i I i ty requ irements are a h i g h academic average, two in residence at Methodist, junior or senior l e v e l semesters standing, and a s i g n i f i c a n t role in the student l i f e program. Other North C a r o l i n a students selected for the honor include: Kenneth K. D a n i e l St. Pauls and Brenda G. Hester, Bladenboro. Out-of-state students to be honored are: S.C.; George T. Dent, Summervi I l e , Juan M. M o r i n i , C a I i , C o l u m b i a ; Mary C. Moore, G a l i v a n t ' s Ferry, S.C.; Debra E. N e i l I, North Cape May, N.J.; and Cheryl L. Olson, Babylon, N.Y. ### methodist college fayettev/l/e^ n. c. 28301 an Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ENROLLMENT G A I N SHOWN AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE--EnroI Iment is up over 10 per cent at Methodist C o l l e g e t h i s year, according to figures released today by G 0 Gordon O i x o n , registrar,, Last year, 622 were e n r o l l e d . T h i s year's enrollment, of 686 i n c l u d e s 635 in the regular session and 5' in the n i g h t school 0 A l l areas of the c o l l e g e grew i n c l u d i n g commuting students from 376 last year to 432 and r e s i d e n t i a l students from 246 to 252= This year's freshman class of 204 is the largest in four years 0 In a d d i t i o n to C u m b e r l a n d County, the student body represents 48 other North C a r o l i n a counties, I I other states, a n d four foreign countries. Director of A d m i s s i o n s Thomas Yow attributes the growth to three factors; "One, our rate of retention is the best it's been for several years,, This indicates our students are pleased w i t h our academic and s o c i a l p o l i c i e s . Secondly, the academic q u a l i t y of the c o l l e g e and its extensive student l i f e program is becoming more w i d e l y known. And t h i r d l y , the state of North C a r o l i n a ' s f i n a n c i a l support of independent h i g h e r education,, This year, due to increased appropriations, we were a b l e to s u b s t a n t i a l ! y increase our f i n a n c i a l a i'd to needy students." ### 75 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 NJ iWS Alan Stowers HODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU 19) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE COORDINATOR OF VETERANS' AFFAIRS APPOINTED AT METHODIST COLLEGE Dr. Eugene Williams has joined the staff of Methodist College as coordinator of veterans' affairs. In this new position Williams assists veterans and their dependents, informing them of programs and benefits they may be eligible for. He also coordinates the college's participation in Operation Bootstrap, a program in which military personnel can take a leave • of absence from the armed forces and use Veterans' Administration benefits before retiring from active duty, the Army's Project Ahead in which soldiers attend college on a part-time basis with the Army paying 75 per cent of fees, and Vocational Rehabilitation. Methodist College is a Serviceman's Opportunity College (SOC). Williams is headquarted in the Office of Veterans' Affairs in the Homer Administration Building. Working with him is J. Steven Bryan, Veterans' Administration training and education representative, plus three student assistants. Office hours are 8-5 weekdays and 6-8:30 p . m . Monday-Thursday. Williams, a native of Sheffield, Ala., received the bachelor of arts and the juris doctor degree from North Carolina Central University. He and his wife Annie make their home in Stedman with their five children. Prior to joining Methodist, Williams was an instructor at Lafayette Business College and director of institutional research at Fayetteville State University. He has authored one book: "Planning Manual for Small Colleges and Universities." He is a Mason, and a member of the Board of Trustees of Stedman's Moore Chapel Church, the D1 Dr. Eugene Williams has joined the staff of Methodist College as coordinator of veterans' affairs. In this new position Williams assists veterans and their dependents, informing them of programs and benefits they may be eligible for. He also coordinates the college's participation in Operation Bootstrap, a program in which military personnel can take a leave • of absence from the armed forces and use Veterans' Administration benefits before retiring from active duty, the Army's Project Ahead in which soldiers attend college on a part-time basis with the Army paying 75 per cent of fees, and Vocational Rehabilitation. Methodist College is a Serviceman's Opportunity College (SOC). Williams is headquarted in the Office of Veterans' Affairs in the Horner Administration Building. Working with him is J. Steven Bryan, Veterans' Administration training and education representative, plus three student assistants. Office hours are 8-5 weekdays and 6-8:30 p . m . Monday-Thursday. Williams, a native of Sheffield, A l a . , received the bachelor of arts and the juris doctor degree from North Carolina Central University. He and his wife Annie make their home in Stedman with their five children. Prior to joining Methodist, Williams was an instructor at Lafayette Business College and director of institutional research at Fayetteville State University. He has authored one book: "Planning Manual for Small Colleges and Universities." He is a Mason, and a member of the Board of Trustees of Stedman' s Moore Chapel Church, the National Society for College Planning and Development, the National Association of Management Training, the National Association for Legal Research, and Phi Beta Sigma. He has done extensive research on consumer and poverty law including a stint as consultant to the Poverty Law Center at Northwestern University Law School. His hobbies are photography, golf and gardening. f9 Sep methodist college fayettev/lle, n. c. 28301 klan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS FASHION SHOW TO BE HELD AT METHODIST COLLEGE A F a l l Festival o f Fashion w i l l b e h e l d i n Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on the Methodist C o l l e g e campus t h i s Monday (October 6) at 7:30 p.m. T h e fashion show, sponsored b y Garber Residence H a l l , w i l l feature sportswear and formal wear from F I e i shtnar,' s , Be I k Department Stores, and Simon's Formal Wear. Models for the show wi I I be 30 Methodist C o l l e g e students and three faculty members. The fashion show wi I I serve as the kick-off for Homecoming Week. Methodist's Homecoming Court w i l l be presented for the first t i m e d u r i n g the show. Co-ordinate- for the show is M i s s Ginger Worktran, a junior from R a l e i g h . serve M r . Robert Turner, Student U n i o n director, w i l l as the master of ceremonies and Mr. M i k e Rogers wi I I serve as music director. A d m i s s i o n for the general p u b l i c . Fa I I Festival of Fashion is $1.00 for Tickets w i l l b e avai t a b l e a t t h e doc~. ### f7 the methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS B U R E A U (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST COLLEGE TO HOST FALL M E E T I N G OF H I S T O R I C A L ASSOCIATION The f a l l meeting of the Association of H i s t o r i a n s in Eastern North C a r o l i n a (AHENC) w i l l be h e l d at Methodist C o l l e g e on Friday, Oct. 24, w i t h R. Parker W i Ison, assistant professor of history at Methodist, serving as o f f i c i a l host. Dr. Wi I I iam Dempsey, assistant professor of history and p o l i t i c a l science a t F a y e t t e v i l l e State U n i v e r s i t y , w i l l moderate the keynote d i n n e r panel discussion e n t i t l e d "What in the World Has Happened to History i n the P u b l i c Schools?" On the basis of a n a t i o n w i d e survey, the Organization of A m e r i c a n Historians recently concluded that the teaching of A m e r i c a n history in the nation's p u b l i c schools has reached a state of crisis. Panelists w i t h a w i d e range o f v i e w p o i n t s w i l l participate i n the debate and h i g h school students are especial ly i n v i t e d to t h i s evening session of the meeting. The other two sessions, to be h e l d d u r i n g the day, are also open to the publ ic and w i l l be in the Col Iege Cafeteria's private rooms. The first session w i l l be from 2:30 - 3:'5. Roger Jeans from Washington a n d L e e U n i v e r s i t y , Lexington, Va., w i l l present a paper on "Syncretism in Defense of C o n f u c i a n i s m : Thought of Carsum Chang." The Early Comment wi II be made by Vernon 0. The f a l l meet ing or tne MSSOC l a ^ i o r i ui n i North C a r o l i n a (AHENC) w i l l be h e l d at Methodist C o l l e g e on Friday, Oct. 24, with R. Parker Wi Ison, assistant professor of history at Methodist, serving as o f f i c i a l host. Dr. W i l l i a m Dempsey, assistant professor of history and p o l i t i c a l science a t F a y e t t e v i l l e State U n i v e r s i t y , w i l l moderate the keynote dinner panel discussion e n t i t l e d "What in the World Has Happened to History i n the P u b l i c Schools?" On the basis of a nationwide survey, the Organization of American Historians recently concluded that the teaching of American history in the nation's p u b l i c schools has reached a state of cr i s i s. Panelists w i t h a wide range of viewpoints w i l l participate in the debate and h i g h school students are e s p e c i a l l y i n v i t e d to this evening session of the meeting. The other two sessions, to be h e l d d u r i n g the day, are also open to the p u b l i c and w i l l be in the C o l l e g e Cafeteria's private rooms, The first session wi I I be from 2:30 - 3: '5. Roger Jeans from Wash ington and Lee U n i v e r s i t y , Lexington, Va., w i l l present a paper or "Syncretism in Defense of C o n f u c i a n i s m : Thought of Carsum Chang." The E a r l y Comment w i l l be made by Vernon 0. Stumpf, Campbell C o l l e g e . The second session, 3:'5 - 4:00, Debate: on "The First Amendment Zechariah Chafee, Jr. versus Edward G. Corwin" wi I I be presented by Fred Ragen, East Carolina University. Boushy, Fayettevi I le State U n i v e r s i t y , wi I I comment. (more) Theodore AHENC was i n s t i t u t e d three years aco by c o l l e g e and u n i v e r s i t y professors "to promote interest i n h i s t o r y , the teaching of history, and h i s t o r i c a l research," says Bruce P u l I i a m , assistant professor of social studies at Methodist Col lece. "We especial ly encourage h i s t o r i a n s to w r i t e and ten p u b l i s h t h e i r works." D i n n e r w i l l b e served i n t h e p r i v a t e d i n i n c area o f t h e cafteria from 6-6:30 i m m e d i a t e l y preceding the panel dicuss ion. Those i nterested in a t t e n d i r o the d i n n e r should contact Pul I iam or W i Ison at Methodist C o l l e c e for reservations. d i n n e r is $3.00 per person. # Cost of the