i~ I L_ C35 z~* XI »• ! ( <^ ^X) ;ff r Us- \- \- .- h ( (* LN V U) ? l/> M I Ui L a ~ Sept. 1, 1975 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS PLANS UNDERWAY FOR MC'S UNITED STUDENT APPEAL FAYETTEVILLE—Although the annual Methodist College United Student Appeal (USA) campaign is not until March, planning is already underway according to Student Government Association President Danny Hood. Last year the highlight of the campaign, which rasises funds for charity, was a run-a-thon to Raleigh and a meeting with the governor. This March it is hoped to have a run-a-thon to Washington involving several colleges along Interstate-95. Money raised in the campaign will again go to the National Health Agencies said Hood. Governor James E. Houlshouser Jr. recently wrote Hood: "I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and the orther students at Methodist College for the outstanding success which you have enjoyed during the past two years in your United Student Appeal run-a-thons. "As Governor, I have the opportunity to witness many outstanding deeds by people of all ages in our state. Seeing the enthusiasm and dedication of those students from Methodist College who have participated in this event has been very gratifying. Whenever I hear persons criticize young people, I frequently use the example of the run-a-thon in which you have been involved. "Thank you again for what you are doing in the battle against crippling and fatal diseases. We need more efforts like yours on college campuses across FAYETTEVILLE—Although the annual Methodist College United Student Appeal (USA) campaign is not until March, planning is already underway according to Student Government Association President Danny Hood. Last year the highlight of the campaign, which rasises funds for charity, was a run-a-thon to Raleigh and a meeting with the governor. This March it is hoped to have a run-a-thon to Washington involving several colleges along Interstate-95. Money raised in the campaign will again go to the National Health Agencies said Hood. Governor James E. Houlshouser Jr. recently wrote Hood: "I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and the orther students at Methodist College for the outstanding success which you have enjoyed during the past two years in your United Student Appeal run-a-thons. "As Governor, I have the opportunity to witness many outstanding deeds by peopl-e of all ages in our state. Seeing the enthusiasm and dedication of those students from Methodist College who have participated in this event has been very gratifying. Whenever I hear persons criticize young people, I frequently use the example of the run-a-thon in which you have been involved. "Thank you again for what you are doing in the battle against crippling and fatal diseases. We need more efforts like yours on college campuses across the country." USA originated at Methodist College in 1973. ### methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 Ian Srowers ETHODfST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7 HO ext. 228 FOR (IMMEDIATE RELEASE \ T~~> ">t TT T- f t E Vv S MC NIGHT SCH REGISTRATION NOW IN PROGRESS FAYETTEVILLE --Registration for Methodist College's r*M* night school A is presently in progress during the school's regular operating hours, according to Director of Admissions Thomas Yow. Yow further stated that interested persons who are unable to register during these hours may register "this Saturday^from 9 a . m . until noon. Additional registration will also be held on September lj> and ]#• (the first day of classes) from 6 - 7 p . m . in the Homer Administration Building . C*O~*<A*<^ /W&j[ ov\ . . . In discussing the new.program, Yow emphasized that it is designed for all persons desiring to earn college credit who cannot attend daytime classes. V A > i *W/ Methodist College offers its e*«ft*ng school students the opportunity to earn a full semester's college credit each semester. This is achieved through the use of two terms each semester in which the student may earn six semester-hours each term. Full-time students may be eligibie tor financial aidyYow added. A A .all interested persons should call or write the Admissions Office at Methodist for information and application forms . methodist college fayettev/He, n. c. 28301 Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (819) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW: RESIDENT MAKES PRESIDENT'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE—Mrs. Patricia D. Harless, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight T. Church, 902 Blowing Rock R d . , Lenoir, has been named to the Summer Session President's List at Methodist College. The President's List consists of those students who achieve a perfect 4 . 0 0 (all A's) grade point average during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Mrs. Harless, an elementary education major at Methodist, is a 1974 graduate of Caldwell Community College and a 1973 graduate of Hibriten High School. Methodist College is a four-year coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600-acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. Mrs. Harless is a junior at Methodist this fall. ### methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From A!an Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE RESIDENT MAKES PRESIDENT'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE—Joe M. Shepard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shepard of Biscoe, has been named to the Summer Session President's List at Methodist College, The President's List consists of those students who achieve a perfect 4 . 0 0 (all A's) grade point average during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Shepard, a business major at Methodist, is a 1968 graduate of Sandhills Community College, Southern Pines. Methodist College is a four-year coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600-acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. Shepard is a senior this fall at Metnodist. ### methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers "HODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N iWS METHODIST COLLEGE OFFICIALLY BEGINS SIXTEENTH ACADEMIC YEAR Methodist College officially began its sixteenth academic year Wednesday morning with a formal College Convocation in Reeves Auditorium. Faculty promotions, appointments and predictions for the coming year were voiced by Dr. Samuel J. Womack, dean; Dr. Richard W. Pearce, president; and Danny Hood, Student Government Association president. Joseph M. Rogers, formerly an instructor in music was promoted to assistant professor and Georgia C. Mullen, head librarian, was also promoted from instructor to assistant professor. New faculty introduced to the student body were: Joseph Miller, assistant professor of physical education; Mary Hunley, instructor in physical education; Dr. Janet Cavano, lecturer in English; and Marlin Stewart, CLU, lecturer in insurance. Dr. Pearce in his address forecast a good year and enumerated the accomplishments of this past summer and the 1974-75 school year. He noted that enrollment was up slightly although final enrollment would not be known until September 9 when late registration ends . As of Wednesday though resident student enrollment had increased 14 per cent over a year ago. Hood encouraged students to become involved in campus activities and community affairs . Formal convocations feature the entire faculty marching in full academic regailia. ### Methodist College officially began its sixteenth academic year Wednesday morning with a formal College Convocation in Reeves Auditorium. Faculty promotions, appointments and predictions for the coming year were voiced by Dr. Samuel J. Womack, dean; Dr. Richard W. Pearce, president; and Danny Hood, Student Government Association president. Joseph M. Rogers, formerly an instructor in music was promoted to assistant professor and Georgia C. Mullen, head librarian, was also promoted from instructor to assistant professor. New faculty introduced to the student body were: Joseph Miller, assistant professor of physical education; Mary Hunley, instructor in physical education; Dr. Janet Cavano, lecturer in English; and Marlin Stewart, CLU, lecturer in insurance. Dr. Pearce in his address forecast a good year and enumerated the accomplishments of this past summer and the 1974-75 school year. He noted that enrollment was up slightly although final enrollment would not be known until September 9 when late registration ends . As of Wednesday though resident student enrollment had increased 14 per cent over a year ago. Hood encouraged students to become involved in campus activities and community affairs . Formal convocations feature the entire faculty marching in full academic regailia. ### methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28307 Ian Stowers THODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES PRESIDENT'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE--Pamela F . Parrish, daughter of Mr. Joseph P. Parrish Sr., Route 10, Spartanburg, has been named to the Summer Session President's List at Methodist College. The President's List consists of those students who achieve a perfect 4.00 (all A's) grade point average during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Miss Parrish, an elementary education major at Methodist, is a 1972 graduate of Midway High School, Dunn. She graduated with a bachelor of arts degree at the conclusion of the Summer Session August 31. ### methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28307 Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE RESIDENT MAKES PRESIDENT'S METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE--Pamel ighter of Mr. Joseph P. Parrish Sr., Route 10, Spartanburg, has bee io the Summer Session President's List at Methodist College. The President's List consists of those students who achieve a perfect 4 . 0 0 (all A's) grade point average during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Miss Parrish, an elementary education major at Methodist, is a 1972 graduate of Midway High School, Dunn. She graduated with a bachelor of arts degree at the conclusion of the Summer Session August 31. ### Sept. 4, 19] methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 Frprn Alan Stowers IETHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW: RESIDENT MAKES PRESIDENT'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE—Pamela F. Parrish, daughter of Mr. Joseph P. Parrish Sr., Route 10, Spartanburg, has been named to the Summer Session President's List at Methodist College. The President's List consists of those students who achieve a perfect 4.00 (all A's) grade point average during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Miss Parrish, an elementary education major at Methodist, is a 1972 graduate of Midway High School, Dunn. She graduated with a bachelor of arts degree at the conclusion of the Summer Session August 31. ### .,-^ s } —> ;pt. 8, 1975 / methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers "METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT ELECTED MC SCHOLAR FAYETTEVILLE, N .C .--Elizabeth Gail Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard T . Vaughan, Chase City, has been elected a Methodist College Scholar it was announced at last Wednesday's Methodist College Convocation. "Methodist College Scholars comprise an elite scholarship group established by the faculty in 1964 as a means of honoring outstanding academic performance. Only those students who maintain the highest character and academic standards are eligible for election. Minimum academic standars are a 3.75 grade point average for candidates completing the junior year, and election by the faculty," said Dr. Samuel J . Womack, dean. Mrs. Miller, a business administration major, is a 1972 graduate of Bluestone Senior High School, Skipwith, Va. She is a second semester senior at Methodist this fall. ### methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 N:sws ^^ J|ept. 8, 197 From Man Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE i FAYETTEVILLE, N.C.— Mr • George M. Provost , son , has Mr. C . E . Provost o f 9 4 5 N o r b e r t St., B r i d g e C i t y been named to the S-mmer Session Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 (B) grade point average or better out of a possible 4 . 0 0 during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Mr. Methodist, is a Provost _ , 0 graduate of I yoo , a B u s i n e s s and Economics major at Bridge City Senior High School in Bridge City Methodist College is a four-year coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. is a Mr. Provost at Methodist. senior ### of SepT. 8, 197?) ^^f •—- fist college From A|an fayetteville, n. c. 28301 METHOblST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N.C.— Mr. James Star ley / , has 717 Shortridp;e Road, Fayetteville been named to the Summer Session Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3 .00 (B) grade point average or better out of a possible 4 . 0 0 during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours . Mr. Stanley Methodist, is a , a 1968 graduate of S'ociolop-y Du^r major at ^Seoi^RHigh School in Dunn Methodist College is a four-year coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. Mr. Stanley is a at Methodist. senior ### ' of methodist college ««^« faYettevillB. n. c. 28301 . 8, 1975 ) S _. ., _ From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . — '"is53 P a u l a Smith Mr. and Mrs. Kdward T. Smith, P 00 , xsct daughter Park A v e . , '"oldsboro ' nas been named to the Summer Session Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3 . 0 0 (B) grade point average or better out of a possible 4 .00 during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Miss Smith , a Early C h i l d h o o d major at Education 1971 graduate of G o l d p b o r o §&&££ High School in Methodist, is a Goldsboro, TT.C. Methodist College is a four-year coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. Miss Smith is a senior at Methodist. methodist college fayettevflle, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . — Rev. Mr . R u s s e ll Francis Hill ' and Mrs ".B. Hill Jr., son ' haS been named to the Summer Session Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3 . 0 0 (B) grade point average or better out of a possible 4 . 0 0 during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours . Mr. .Hill Methodist, is a T Q / Q graduate of , a Busi-ips? A smi^i strati on major at Fayettfivllle Senior High School in Fayetteville Methodist College is a four-year coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. Mr. Hill is a senior at Methodist. of methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 \m Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW! RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . — Mr. Charles M. Rhodes , has Route 6, Fayetteville been named to the Summer Session Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 (B) grade point average or better out of a possible 4 .00 during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Mr. Rhcrdes ' a lusi-ess '.ion School in Methodist, is a 1929 graduate of Smithf ie] d Smithfield Methodist College is a four-year coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. Mr. Rhodes is a senior at Methodist. methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N. iWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . — , scxn daughter M r s . Constance S. Taylor of Mr. and lira. Lawrence Steiner, 81i.l W. Nebraska , has St. been named to the Summer Session Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 (B) grade point average or better out of a possible 4 . 0 0 during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Mrs. Taylor Methodist, is a , n ~ 0 graduate of 1972 St. Paul, Minn , a major at Elementary Fducatio^ Senior High School in Convent of the visitation Methodist College is a four-year coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. is a Mrs. Taylor at Methodist. senior of methodist college fayettev/He, n. c. 28301 Sfept. 8, 1975 J) \m Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . — daughter w i s s Donna Clark , has Mrs. Dorothy Clark, ?CP ^th Pt. SE been named to the Summer Session Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3 . 0 0 (B) grade point average or better out of a possible 4 . 0 0 during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Miss Clark ' Methodist, is a 1968 graduate of a Social Work Independence major at High School in Independence Methodist College is a four-year coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. is a senior at Methodist. Miss Clark x methodist co/lege , fayettev.lle, n. c. Sept. 8, 197 From Alan fetowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . — M r. Richard LP- H in son ' son >;r. and Mrs. Grov^r L . H i n ^ o ^ , 620 Powers ?t. been named to the Summer Session Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3 . 0 0 (B) grade point average or better out of a possible 4 . 0 0 during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours . , a History major at Mr. ri I rip Of1 Methodist, is a 1904 graduate of Alb°narle Senior High School in Albemarle Methodist College is a four-year coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. Mr. Tun son is a senior ### at Methodist. methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . — of daughter Miss Susan Speight Snith , has Mrs. G . D . Isom, 2-07 Village Court, Raleigh been named to the Summer Session Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3 . 0 0 (B) grade point average or better out of a possible 4 . 0 0 during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours . Mis? ~mith Methodist, is a _ _„ graduate of ' a Intermediate Burlingame maj ° r at Senior High School in Jurlin game, Cal. Methodist College is a four-year coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. Smith is a c.^-:^ lor at Methodist. 'Sept. 8, 1925 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From A!an Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . — M r . Jack Snodgrass , has s09 Pock Canyon, Payetteville been named to the Summer Session Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3 . 0 0 (B) grade point average or better out of a possible 4 . 0 0 during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Mr. Pnod.erass ' a History Methodist, is a 19^ graduate of South Oar Cliff major at Senior High School in Dallas,Texas Methodist College is a four-year coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. Mr. Snodgrass is a senior at Methodist. ( methodisi co//e Sept. 8, 1975 d From Aian Stowers METHODLST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-/nO ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW: RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N .C.of ~ " r . a-d Mrs. James . i-sr? 3ocki Boatwrirrht 3oa1 , £$& daughter t, Routs 1, P a t r i c k , S.C. been named to the Summer Session Dean's List at. Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3 . 0 0 (B) grade point average or better out of a possible 4 . 0 0 during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. * ; i ^ s Boatvrlp-ht Methodist, is a 1970 graduate of , a Art Ch<=»raw major at Senior High School in Cher aw, 3. . Methodist College is a four-year coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. HSR Boa ~it is a jurior ### at Methodist. Sept. 8, 197 methodist colk fayattevi/ie, n. c. 2833'f ;-> Alan Siowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU <S195 488-7 • ,t. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE , son FAYETTEVILLE , N .C . —? -,VvJi of , has been named to the Summer Session Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3 . 0 0 (B) grade point average or better out of a possible 4 . 0 0 during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Methodist, is a ' major at a "r. High School in graduate of Methodist College is a four-year coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. at Methodist. is a ### Sept, 8, 1975 methadist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alar -srs METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 483-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW: RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . — Of Mr. Leor F. Graves Kr. and : > ~ . I . ' . Graven, 120 ' > e r S t . , Greensboro son , has been named to the Summer Session Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3 . 0 0 (B) grade point average or better out of a possible 4 . 0 0 during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours . Mr. Methodist, is a 'av*s ' a sociology graduate of major at Senior High School in Methodist College is a four-year coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. r. Graves is a ior at Methodist. Sept. 8, 1975 methodist GO fayettevf/le, n. c. 28301 i METHOD! (919) 4' ---irs ,a,EGE NEWS BUREAU <t. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . — of • ', fU +• -L Lf Fa UiOl , has been named to the Summer Session Dean's List at. Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3 .00 (B) grade point average or better out. of a possible 4 . 0 0 during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours . Vltt Methodist, is a / a-- major at rig] i f - h Senior High School in 19 graduate of R a p i d s , Mich. Methodist College is a four-year coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear V a l l e y . Mrs. Ltt is a —' ### "'R at Methodist. fept. 8, 1975 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW! RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . — of Mr. William B.Krumpter , has 2702 Murchison Road, Fayetteville j N <?-. been named to the Summer Session Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3 . 0 0 (B) grade point average or better out of a possible 4 . 0 0 during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Mr. Krumpter Methodist, is a graduate of major at Business Admin i strati or Senior High School in Methodist College is a four-year coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. Mr. Krurroter graduate of at Methodist. methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . of Mrs. Patricia A. Horpycutt ' Mr.and Mrs. T. L . Wooten, Route *>, Clinton XQnx dau 9 hter , has been named to the Summer Session Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 (B) grade point average or better out of a possible 4 . 0 0 during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Mrs. Horeycutt Methodist, is a 1972 ' a ~ education graduate of Hobbton Senior High School in Newtop Grove. Methodist College is a four-year coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. Krs. Honeycutt is a 1Q7^ o-raduate of ### 56* Methodist. 975 methodist college fayettev/lfe, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW; RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . of , son Mr. David rt. Mowry ll-p. and M r s . Dorald Mowry of R o u t e 1, Fairhope ' has been named to the Summer Session Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3 . 0 0 (B) grade point average or better out of a possible 4 . 0 0 during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. major at Tlr. Mowry Methodist, is a^o^y Ad HI 1" i r1 L:ra t i OT» graduate of Senior High School in „ S o m e r s e t , Pa. Methodist College is a four-year coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. I /r r. Howry is a lor ### at Methodist. 2 5" METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR August 28, 1975 Please add the names of the following students to your copy of the Dean's List for the Summer Session, 1975. These grades were late being turned in to our office and we could not calculate their final grades until today. Thank you. S.UQ Poarman Duffi-tfe il Li I Lie' \/ id W i l l i a m MnuT-y T George Joe Shepard* r, iQ . —- METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE HAVE J^ADE THE PRESIDENT'S LIST FOR THE SUMMER, 19 (/—1^»-» - Patricia Church Harless ^amala Florence Parrish \. Gordon Dixon Registrar August 26, 1975 GGD/clw . METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE HAVE MADE THE DEAN'S LIST FOR THE SUMMER, 1975 /Becki Hinson Boatwright P^y /Pni-in.i lUlyn H yrl- ( <*4- C .'^ A ) S C- I/ nnln H i l l Richard Hinson / Patricia Ann Honeycutt Drc-ndcm Kruaptar IX" V^-.''-j2 —— 1 • -L. Ship! . Cozart Smith usan Speight Smith JacV WaoV? Snndf; -—^-^_ \ '~";L' L i j l " ' I •' j ' N ' ice M. Taylor ul Aim Tludul-1 GGD/clw G. Gordon Dixon Registrar August 26, 1975 <**•• , 8, 1915 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW; METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . of p >ld k . Salz«r III , son daughter XXXXXXXXX* XXXX>: , was it. ^ , Box j ^ a , ria- awarded a bachelor of arts degree in ousina»» commencement held Sunday, August 31 <, at the Methodist College summer Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus „ Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. is a High School. graduate of Senior 1 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 m Aian Stowers METHODiST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW; METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . - Mr * Donald Rollins , son of Mr. and Mr?. James L. R o l l i n s , Rt . 6, Box ~1|9, Sanford awarded a bachelor of arts degree in ^co-o - i r s and at t:he Methodist College summer business a d m i n i s t r a t i o n commencement held Sunday, August 31., Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus,, Methodist College is a fully accredited., four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley „ Senior Mr. Rollins is $ xxxxxx active army and attended colle-e under the degree completion program. Sept. 8, 1975 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW; METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . - - Kisr " Laura Kathryn Porter , son: daughter of Lt. Col. and Mrs. Fl»tch«r Portpr, Ii6c5 Paul Re"«re Rd., Virginia '>ach, Va.. awarded a bachelor of arts degree irfeducation at the Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31, Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium, en campus „ Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located, on FTO --res of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley = Miss Portor High School. is a 1971 graduate of Bayside Senior Sept., 8, 1975 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . - - M 1 - * Pamela Florence Parrish of Mr. Joseph Paul Parrish, Sr., daughter Route 10, Spartanburg awarded a bachelor of arts degree in education at ^^e Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31 0 Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus, Methodist College is a f u l l y accredited., four -year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on POO ?= ..-res of. rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear ValleyMiss Parrish High School,, Dunn, * T . C . is a 1972 graduate of Midwav Senior :. 8.. L^> From Alan Stowers methodist cotleae , fayettevine, n. c. 28301 METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW: METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE , N ,C . -•- ^i s s Pamela Floren~r> Parrish of M r s . Fri?vJa S. Parrish, Rout* ^, Dur^ awarded a bachelor of arts degree in education ,x»<Stn daughter ' was at the Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31 „ Degrees were c o n f e r r e d upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorlurr' on campus „ Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 =,cres cf rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley „ Mi?s Parrish High School* Durm , is a 1972 V .C. ### graduate of Midway Senior epto 8, 19/5 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NI SWS METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . - Mr 0 Jasper Dale Morris of Mrs. Clara Morris, ^7 Calvin Park Blvd., Rockford, awarded a bachelor of arts degree in business 111, , son , was at the Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31, Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus. Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. Mr. Morris High School. is a 1968 graduate of East Senior S/pt. 8, 19)75 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nl3WS METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N.C.-- Jasper D. Morris of Star Route Box 110A , Vass awarded a bachelor of arts degree in business / at the was Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31, Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditoriurr> en campus „ Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres of rolling woodlands and meadowy overlooking the Cape Fear Valley „ ept, 8, 197; methodist college fayettevil/e, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEV1LLE , N . C . of Miss Linda Sue Mardres daughter Mr. and Mrs. Melvir, R. Mardres, 2?0l|. Calvert St., Hyattsville,' awarded a bachelor of arts degree in education at the Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31 o Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus* Methodist College is a fully accredited, f o u r - y e a r , coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 a c r e s of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley, Miss Mardres High School, is a 19'71 graduate of ^orthw-stern Senior 975 methodist college fayettevi/ie, n. c. 28301 -rom Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR [IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEV1LLE, N.C.of rs. M r. Stuart Ellsworth Maclntyre ' S°n E. T. MacIn tyre, 112 Winston A v e . , Colonial Heights, Va. ' awarded a bachelor of arts degree in business at the Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31, Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium or, campus, Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley, Mr. Macl^tyr« High School. is a 1°^0 graduate of Colonial Heights S e n i o r methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW; METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N.C.-TCrs. Margaret Dana Jackson ' !B§cdau9hter of Mr. and M r s , Dan McConiok, St. Pauls awarded a bachelor of arts degree in E^nflish ' was at the Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31., Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium, on campus. Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley „ Mrs. Jackson High ig marrio(i t o is a 1^9 id Wav^rly Jaokf?or, ### Pope Airfor.re Base. graduate of Saint Pauls at Senior methodist cof/ege fayetteville, n, c. 28301 -rom Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDSATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . - - M r s . P a t r i c i a A. H o n e y c u t t of Mr. and M r s . T. L. W o o t e n , R t . 3, C l i n t o n awarded a bachelor of arts degree in e d u c a t i on , >&<?» daughter , was at the Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 3] ., Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus. Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley „ Mrs. Honeycutt is a I972 graduate of Hobbton High School* N e w t o n G r o v e . ### Senior Sept. 8, 1975 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW: METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . - • son Mr. , was Mr. and Mrs. Johm J. Grandefeld, 303 Laring Ave., Pelhara, F.Y. awarded a bachelor of arts degree in business at the Methodist College summer of commencement held Sunday, August 31. Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus, Methodist College is a f u l l y accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres cf rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley „ Mr. Srandefeld High School. is a graduate of Senior Pelhara Manorial methodist college fayettevi/le, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW; METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N . C , - - M r - of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. John , son Kenyon E l k i n s E l k i n s , 2208 P e r s h i n g St., D u r h a m awarded a bachelor of arts degree in , was business a d m i n i s t r a t i o n at the Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31 0 Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium, on campus., Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley=, Mr. Elkins ^a 1969 High School. ### graduate of D u r n am Senior Sept/8,/975 „From Alan blowers methodist col/eae fayettev.lle, n. c. 28301 METHODIST COLLEGE MEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW; METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE , N . C . Mrs. J. c. Faucette, Mr. John Andrew Faucette I605 Edgeva awarded a bachelor of arts degree in le D r . , Durham * son , was ecconomics a n d b u s i n e s s a d m i n i s t r a t i o n at the Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31, Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors dcrir.g the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus „ Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley,, Mr. Faucette isa|97| . Hargrave M i l i t a r y Acaddmy. graduate of S/§pt. 8, methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N:EWS METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . - - Mrs. H a r r i e t Comfort Cobb , daughter Mrs. Edward B . Comfort, Evesboro R d . , M o r r i s t o w n , N . J . awarded a bachelor of arts degree in s o c i o l o g y at tne Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31, Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus „ Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley „ Mrs. Cobb School . is a 1969 graduate of Morristown F r i e methodist college fayettev/lle, n. c. 28301 From A!an Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . - - M r . W i l l i a m T i m o n s B e l l Mr. a n d Mrs. W . A . B e l l , F l o r e n c e , S . C awarded a bachelor of arts degree in , a^f Ae l^ € , son wa s SDrnmer commencement held Sunday, August 31. Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus. Methodist College is a fully accredited., four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley „ Mr. B e l l Is a ,97, High School. ### 9 r a d u a t e of McC I enaghan -'.X methodist college fayettevi/le, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nl iWS METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . - - M r s . Mary A. G. Barefoot of Mr. and Mrs. A l b e r t L. Gore, Rt. 3, awarded a bachelor of arts degree in e d u c a t i on Tabor C i t y at tjie , xoux daughter / was Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31 0 Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus „ Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley „ Mrs. High School. Barefoot is a l972 graduate of Nakina Senior methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . - Kennith N . Adkins of Mr. Eugene Adkins, Rural Route 3, Hawkinsville awarded a bachelor of arts degree in business / son , was at the Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31 „ Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus. Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on BOO acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. Adkins High School. is a graduate of Newnan Senior methodist college fayetieville, n. c. 28301 Aian Stowers IETHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . - - Wyman W. Irwin of , son Mr. and Mrs. Cecil M.'Irwin of Marcus awarded a bachelor of arts degree in history ' at tne was Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31, Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium en, campus. Methodist College is a f u l l y accredited, f o u r - y e a r , coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on BOO acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley, oyT. • J.I WJ.il is a 1968 graduate of Marcus Community Senior High School, Sgt. Irwin has been in the Army for four years and will go to Korea shortly. 8, 1975, methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 > EfofnAlan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW; METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . — M r s . Branda r ,. Taylor < S&n daughter of [vlrs. odfch ~. tfoodcliff, 323 E. Brookline St., "Wins'ion-Saldrn awarded a bachelor of arts degree in «ciucacion at the ' was Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 310 Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus. Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley „ Mrs. Taylor High School, is a 1971 graduate of par]dana Senior methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 NJ •cws From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . — vrvilliara , «.. . Shipley of Mrs. A , son daughter xxxxxxxx ' awarded a bachelor of arts degree in j,jUg was at the Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31, Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus. Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. Mr. Shipley High School , is a graduate of Baltimore PoiyL;iCnnicSenior Sept. 8, 19/75 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 -rom Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW; METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . — of , son rliiightrr xxxxxxx K. Sherman Col. (r^ur-;u) and .ir&. K^ita Sherman, 4o 2 Norcross Ct. SG, Olympia awarded a bachelor of arts degree in , was at the Methodist College summer ousmass commencement held Sunday, August 31 „ Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus, Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational ' college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. rman High School. graduate of is a Senior Ferns st Sn-rman ii , L a l y . Hd .s pr^-suntiy s ationaa at nearby F-.. 8ra.jg. ### : , \ methodist college fayettev/He, n. c. 28301 Rowers COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT daughter FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . of Mr. and Mrs. a-i r>. Myrick of Laurel awarded a bachelor of arts degree in education ' at was the Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31. Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus. Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley „ Mrs. Piuilips is a 1970 graduate ofNonheag . jones High School . ### Senior methodist college fayettevilie, n. c. 2S301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 4SS-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . - • William B . Krumpter of Mrs. Mary A. Crosby, 34-24 82nd St., Queens awarded a bachelor of arts degree in sociology , son / was at the Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31, Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus „ Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley, Krumpter High School. is a graduate of Bishop DuBois Senior methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 Clan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NISWS METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE , N .C .of , son David A . Mr. ana .vlrs. v, 11*13^ Gliua^n, /82 Cnorro St., San Luis Oo^spo awarded a bachelor of arts degree in sociology at the Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31, Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus, Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. Mr. Glider, is a 1959 graduate of High School. ### San Luis Obigpo Senior methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 NEW; From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . - - M r s . Donna M . Beasley , -%m. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E . McClurg, 212 64th S t . , Virginia Beach awarded a bachelor of arts degree in religion , was at the Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31, Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus. Methodist College is a fully accredited, four-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on 600 acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley. meihodist college fayettevilla, n. c. 28301 From Aian Srowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NE¥ METHODIST COLLEGE AWARDS DEGREE TO LOCAL RESIDENT FAYETTEVILLE, N . C . — Michael Loesekann of Mrs. Kathe Loesekann, 200 Verrazona Ave. , Copiague awarded a bachelor of arts degree in sociology , son / was at the Methodist College summer commencement held Sunday, August 31,, Degrees were conferred upon 38 seniors during the graduation program held at Reeves Auditorium on campus „ Methodist College is a fully accredited , lour-year, coeducational college of liberal arts and sciences located on BOO acres of rolling woodlands and meadows overlooking the Cape Fear Valley,, Loesekann High School, is a graduate of Copiague Senior methodist college fayettevil/e, n. c. 28301 :rom Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST SUMMER HONORS LIST Three * T orth Carolina s t u d e n t ? have bee1"1 •named to the P r e s i d e n t ' s List and 2lj to the D e a l ' s List for the Summer Sessior at Methodist College it was announced todav by G. Gordon Dixon, r e g i s t r a r . Those s t u d e n t s who achieve a grade-point average of l|.00 on an academic load of I1? or more s e m e s t e r - h o u r s are named t o t h e P r e s i d e n t ' s L i s t . The D e a n ' s List consists of those who have ^ a r ^ e d a ^.00 grade-point average or better while carrying 1^ or more hour?. The P r e s i d e n t ' s . L i s t s t u d e n t s ar<= Joe Sheoard, F a y e t t e v i l ] e ; P a t r i c i a Church H a r l e s s , Lenoir; and P a m e l a Florenc 0 Parri'sh, Dunn. D e a n ' s Li?t s t u d e n t s are: Donna Ellyn Clark, Sue Poorman D u f f i t t , Leon Eu^-^np. G r a v e s , Helen Hambrick, Russ.e],! Francis F i l l , William Brendan K r u m p t e r , Stephen L i t t l e . Brian M a s o n , and David William Mowry all of Fayetteville. Others n a m e d to the l i s t i n c l u d e : Anthony Leon Parker, Charles McKinney Rhodes, William L. Shipley, Jack Weeks Snodgrass, James R u f f i n Stanley, Brenda Lowery Tavlor, Constance M. Taylor and Carol A^n Tindell also all Fayetteville. of P r e s i d e n t ' s List a^d 2lj to the Deal's List for the Summer Session at Methodist College it was announced today by G. Gordon Dixon, registrar. Those s t u d e n t s who achieve a grade-point average of 1|.00 on an academic load of I1? or more semester-hours are named to the P r e s i d e n t ' s List. The Dpan ' s List consists of those who have ^ a r ^ e d a ''.OO grade-point average or b e t t e r while carrying 1^ or more hours, The President' s. List students are Joe Shenard , Fayet teville; Patricia Church Harless, Lenoir; and Pamela Florenc^ parri'sh, Dunn. .i D e a n ' s List s t u d e n t s are: Donna Fllyn Clark, Sue Poorma1"1 D u f f i t t , Leon Eutre^R G r a v e s , Helen Hambrick, Russ.e^l Francis Hill, William Brenda^ Krumpter, Steohe^ Little, Brian Mason, and David William Mowry all of Fayettevi] le. Others Carried to the l i s t include: Anthony Leon Parker, Charles McKinney Rhodes, William L. Shipley, Snodgrass, James Ruffin Jack Weeks Stanley, Brenda Lowery Tavlor, Constance M. Taylor and Carol A^n Tindell also all of Fayetteville. Those from Cumberland County~named to the D e a n ' s List are: George Provost and. Larry - t e v e ^ s McMillan,both of Spring T^ake. ^lorth Carolina r e s i d e n t s o^ the list: "Wew London; Richard Hinso^. Patricia Ann H o ^ p y c u t t , Ro^eboro; Paula Cozart Smith, Goldsboro; a^d Susan Sppi^ht Smith, Raleio-h. From out of state Becki Hinson Boatwright, Patrick, ".C. was the n n l v student named to the D e a n ' s L i s t . methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 Tan Stowers IETHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS ""'•T-pnn T ' T ortb C a r o l "I""1 a P t K d ^ n t . p h g * ' p }^ap>-' payTied t< P r e s i d e n t ' s List and 2\\o tb<* D e a l ' s Li.pt for 4 :he >Qu Session at M e t h o d i s t C o l l e g e it was a n n o u n c e d todav by G. Gordon DIxor , r e g i s t r a r . Thope s t u d e n t s who a c h i e v e a g r a d e - p o i n t average of I;.00 on an academic l o a d of Is or more p ^ e s t e r - h o u r s are named t o t h e P n ^ p i d p n t ' p L i p t . The D e a n ' s L i p t c o n s i s t s of those //ho have ^ a r ^ e d a "'.OO grade-point a v ^ r a f - p or b e t t e r w h i l e c a r r y i n g i^ or more rnVlp pr»o c; ^ r] riv- f; ' ^ ^ 1 P "^" Fav^t +:r>v5"! 1« : P a t r i c i a ^? t~ H ' ,ov-i f- ci q -p o .To ^ "b P n -eh ITarD.e?s. L e n b l r ; and Florence P a r r i s n . ^iinn . 1^00^1^' c, L i p t P^'"jd rt '" ! +' r 00 fcU Poorman T u f f i t t , LPO-" Fu~ Donn a Fiiy-i Clark, °-i X r; TTpi o->n H a T n b r i ok a Ru.ss.ell Francis ^i"' ^ . IVi! K ' Krirmpter', q tep} V \ T^^V^X L i t t l e . Brian : fl .a'^on\d David ''-;ill iarn Kowry a 1 ] of C- > f F a y e t t n v . i l I.e. °>tbp>rs Darned t o t h e l i s t i n c l M d ^ : A^thonv ;.non h a r l e s KcKinney R h n d < = r . W i l l i a m . T,. S h i p l e y , Jac> V'^ok ^du--' ^^ &rddudKd Y Snodgrass, Ja-^io^ H ^ f f i n Ftan'ley. r ?renda Lowery Tailor, S X-oo ^ C P J ^ Constance M. Tailor and. Carol A^n Ti-^dpll also all of Fayettevil l e . P r e s i d e n t ' s List a^d 2\\o t h ^ D e s k ' s L i s t for 4 'he Session at M e t h o d i s t Coll ege it was a n n o u n c e d todav by G. Gordo^ Dixor, r e g i s t r a r . Those s t u d e n t s who a c h i e v e a g r a d e - p o i n t average of 1 .00 on an academic l o a d of V- or nor 0 s ^ e s t e r - h o n r s are ^amed t o t h e P n ^ n x d e n t ' s L i s t . The D e a n ' s L i s t c o n s i s t s of those who have ^ a r ^ e d a "'.OO grade-point a v e r a r e or b^t-*-«=>r w h i l e carrying 1^ or more h o n r s . '"['Vie P r ^ s l d e ^ t ' r ' " i o + p-1.....: ^ - ^ t s ar^ -To15 ^herrR >->d Payet tevil!! e ; P a t r i c i a ^rctiiuAVe,;! \^ 'ch Ha.rJLess, Lenoir; and P no|-i)e Florenc" P a r r i s n , ^n-n-n . Dean' ^ L i s t s t u d ^ ^ t s a r ^ : K, .. 00 Pv^'f-^ u tt Poorma^ Donna F]l yn Clark, x Leo^ Fur?-">-^r. G-rav°s C i :« "'"pi n-^ Fiambrick*" ^ K Little, Brian Mason, a^d Dqvld William Kowry a"1' of P'ayettevi] le . h* O t h e r s '"arr'd to the l \ s t I 1 c l M ' i ^ r . f«ddui ^K Anthony .Leori Pg ^-rddu^^a harles McKitfney R h o d e s . W i l l i a m L. Shipley, Jack Weeks S n o d g r a s s , Janes R u f f in F t a ^ l e y . r ?renda ^ X- Lovrery Tailor, -ot / < c o j <-^ C o n s t a n c e M. Tailor a v i d Carol A^n T i ^ d e l l also al .? of F a y e t t e v i l le. T h o s e . f r am Cumberland County named to the Dean ' p List are: r\T>.a<-o^ Geor^^ Provost and T.a^ry ^t^v^^s McMillan ,both of n; T,ake. A !orth no Carolina r » p i d « n t s o^ ""ho l i s t : (Crra<3tul;tecl WQ V/ London; R i c h a r d Tinpo-" X P a t r i c i a A1-^ ^"'•""vciitt , T 'O"°b^ro; Pa1!"1 a ^ V' Cozart .Qmith, GoLdsboro; and "usa^ ^D^i-ht Smith, Ralein-h. fmore) 'ct O .-t- '0 CO o • .0 o £p 121974 121974 Who's Who Among Students In American Universities & Colleges Nominating Document 1974-75 Read instructions carefully. Then please fill in aU copies. Type or print. llethodiat Collono Student Enrollment O F F I C I A L N A M E OF SCHOOL (As you wish it to appear in the volume) ' I Mr. Mrs. Ms. First •„. 2 MEU Bonner, \^m. Edge, •4 T-ja, KVBQS, 5 ris. Gk>oden, 6 :i3.Grubb, 7 >.Jonfinr s ' '- . ". •'••<_it •• . ^/9. Itei H&Ttinr m Mr,. ;i>orefield. jj, Mrs. Powers, VrMr. Roberta, i, Ms. Sullivan, ^-rf MB« l^alkfi^t \ Mr. ^'all, :>rK Ife. Vorth, IS 1Q . It is recommended that ynn nominate from two helow tn two ahoye this figure ZIP NAME (PLEASE TYPE OR P R I N T ) Last S Us. i IVO^dj 17 '":;301 . ". STATE CITY Women Nominations are due at our office bv Your school's quota is STREET ADDRESS " Men STUDENTS' SCHOOL ADDRESSES ' City State Middle Street or P.O. Box MAtivtrH H+1 f*ft1 Zip TjiT^li £HiZ Lbeth «B^Bte^"'^¥i^iQ9 "Pn^r^ttmH 1 1 Q T7 f* 9ft V^l Evelyn Sarah :-::nor. !c*mA[w\JBx.§9ii, Methodiat Col.,Fayetteville,IT.C.28301 JUlen /-Oo\, llethodist Col.. Payotteville.lT.C. 28301 Cftm&n ^lizubeth^A/.tW^az.?'?, I-Iethodist Col., Ifcyetteville,!T.C. 28301 Harsha Anne CiCL^fiSyJ 3K.161, llethodist Col..Payetteville,H.C.28301 Suzanne Jane A^icJ^cO Bx.276, Methodist Col., Fayetteville.H.C. 28301 ,\l:-i Iliohael. Sr^^CT^B^.Sa^. llethodist Col..Favotteville.lI.C.28301 .'o" n ' hlnn \WbcJfc-AJW- Sx.jfit^ llethodi -st Col. fPayetteville,H.C. 28301 Jfaanr Anne / CPC milk nt.'l, Box 279, Hope Mills, N.C. 283U8 Uanda Lou. l^jTirn dda. Bx.ii92, Kendall Clark GCM Bx.309, Bx.238. John EbmnKXii hit, Laura Lei^i |/J(/^ct-^'taxBx.E)l8, Methodist Col. ,Payettevillo,:T.C. 28301 Methodist MethodiRt MethodiBt Pamela Sue r f/irihi.i£/7v1i^;.523. Ilethodiot J^^TTji llethodist Eandy Lee U jJxt^M Gail Johnson f^ltt"" u Col.,Fayetteville,lI.C.pa301 Col.. Payetteville.H.C. 28301 Col.. FayettevillGfIT.C. 28301 Col.,Fay9ttoville,U.C.28301 Col.,Fayetteville,lT.C.28301 -Bx»535» Methodist Col.,Fayetteville,lT.C.28301 IN 3M6RON UNIVeRSITieS 2ND COLL€G€S P. O. BOX 2 O 2 9 • TUSCALOOSA, ALABAMA • 354O1 PHONE 2O5 7 5 8 - 8 1 4 9 CONFIRMATION AND PUBLICITY RELEASE Your nominations for WHO'S WHO AMONG STUDENTS IN AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES have been received and approved by the national office. Campus and local publicity on these students should be released as soon as possible. Each nominee will be contacted by our organization in about ten days to secure biographical material for publication in the c u r r e n t book, information for our student placement files, and other pertinent data. Certificates of membership will be mailed directly to you and should be presented to the nominees at graduation or on some other appropriate occasion during the year. We will appreciate copies of any campus or local publicity given these students. If there are any changes or corrections in your list of nominees please notify this office immediately. Sincerely yours, / / ( M r s . ) Je^tt Joyiier vX Student Services Director • This publication is not that of A. N. Marquis & Co. or the publication known as "Who's Who in America." methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS B U R E A U (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N.iWS hEACE A C T I V I S T TO V I S I T MC F A Y E T T E V I L L E - - M u c h has been w r i t t e n about the f a l l of South V i e t n a m t h i s past spring. But what about the thoughts and reactions of the North Vietnamese d u r i n g t h i s t i m e ? The Reverend Wi I I iam Jeffries, pastor of Mount Zion U n i t e d Methodist Church in Garner, a r r i v e d in H a n o i , North Vietr.am, just hours after the fa I I of the T h i e u r e g i m e in South V i e t n a m . He wi I I speak about his observations of North Vietr.am and its people at the second Methodist C o l l e g e Convocation t h i s Wednesday Reeves A u d i t o r i u m . Jeffries w i l l (bept. 17) at i0:30 a.m. in The p u b l i c is i n v i t e d . i I I ustrate h i s lecture w i t h s l i d e s o f H a n o i , Hai hhong, Thai B i n h p r o v i n c e and other areas of North V i e t n a m he v i s i t e d . He wi I I a l s o be a v a i l a b l e for quest i ons. The Duke U n i v e r s i t y D i v i n i t y School graduate was for 10 years a member of the A m e r i c a n F r i e n d s bervice Committee. He f l e w to North V i e t n a m as a delegate of the committee w h i c h was extended an i n v i t a t i o n to v i s i t by the Vietnamese Committee for Sol i d a r i t y w i t h the A m e r i c a n People. ### Se Pt. methodist college fayettevi/le, n. c. 28301 15, 1975 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT JOINS METHODIST COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V I L L E - - D r . R i c h a r d W. Hearce, president of Methodist C o l l e g e , today announced the appointment of Robert G. C o i e as director of development. Cole comes to Methodist from the Brevard M i s i c Center, a non-p, ofit educational i n s t i t u t i o n located in Brevard, he was general manager. where H i s p o s i t i o n there encompassed r e s p o n s i b i l i t y for p u b l i c r e l a t i o n s , development, business affairs and f a c i l i t i e s management. A t Methodist Cole w i I I h e l p draw up t h e college's I5~year development p l a n w h i c h was approved trustees last spring. The l o n g - r a r g e p l a r by c o l l e g e e n v i s i o n s in part a $ 2 m i l l i o n f i e l d house,, a $16 m i l l i o t . endowment, a n d retirement of c a p i t a l indebtedness. C o l e w i l l a l s o work w i t h t h e Methodist C o l l e g e Foundation. The foundation, founded p r i o r to the opening of the c o l l e g e l o c a l l y attempts to raise $120,000 a n n u a l l y through s o l i c i t a t i o n s . Cole joined Brevard M u s i c Center June I, 1973, after h a v i n g served for two and one-half years as director of development for the U n i v e r s i t y of Tennessee-Martin Campus. P r e v i o u s l y , he was director of p u b l i c relations for St. Jude Chi Idren's Research Hospital i n Memphis. E l e c t r i c Company For I I years, he was employed by General in A l a b a m a , Oklahoma and North C a r o l i n a in a v a r i e t y of employee and c o m m u n i t y r e l a t i o n s positions. An a c t i v e member i n community affairs, Cole's past service C o l l e g e , today announced the appointment of Robert G. C o l e as director of development. C o l e comes to Methodist from the Brevard M i s i c Center, a non-p. ofit educational i n s t i t u t i o n located he was general manager. in Brevard, where His p o s i t i o r . there encompassed responsibi I i t y f o r p u b l i c r e l a t i o n s , development, business affairs and f a c i l i t i e s management. A t Methodist C o l e w i I I h e l p draw up t h e c o l l e g e ' s 15-year development p l a n w h i c h was approved trustees last spring. The long-rarge p l a t by c o l l e g e e n v i s i o n s in part a $ 2 m i l l i o n f i e l d h ouse, a $16 m i l l i o i . endowment, a n d retirement of c a p i t a l indebtedness. C o l e w i l l a l s o work w i t h t h e Methodist C o l l e g e Foundation. The foundation, founded p r i o r to the opening of the c o l l e g e l o c a l l y attempts to raise $120,000 a n n u a l l y through s o l i c i t a t i o n s . Cole joined Brevard M u s i c Center June I, 1973, after h a v i n g served for two and one-half years as director of development for the U n i v e r s i t y of Tennessee-Martin Campus. P r e v i o u s l y , he was director of p u b l i c relations for St. Jude C h i Idren's Research Hospital i n Memphis. For I I years, he was employed by General E l e c t r i c Company in A l a b a m a , Oklahoma and North C a r o l i n a in a v a r i e t y of employee and c o m m u n i t y r e l a t i o n s positions. An active member i n community affairs, Cole's past service i n c l u d e s c h a i r m a n s h i p of the United Fund, president of a.county safety counci I , membership on the board of directors of the A m e r i c a n Red Cross, U n i t e d Fund, Equal Employment Opportunity and b i - r a c i a l committees, the church a d m i n i s t r a t i v e board, and extensive work w i t h his p o l i t i c a l party. He has been a member of the I n t e r n a t i o n a l (more) V x: C o u n c i l of I n d u s t r i a l Editors, N a t i o n a l Management A s s o c i a t i o n , and S i g m a Delta Chi/Society of Professional J o u r n a l i s t s . recently named by Governor James Holshouser to the North C a r o l i n a Arts C o u n c i l and to the Bi-Centennia I Committee He is a member of Rotary He was in Transylvania County. International. C o l e is a graduate of the U n i v e r s i t y of A l a b a m a w i t h a bachelor of arts degree in j o u r n a l i s m and business economics. several corporate t r a i n i n g programs and has taught He has completed in-company courses. He recently graduated from the Kennedy-SincI a i r e Planned Gifts T r a i n i n g Program w h i c h is a s p e c i a l i z e d t r a i n i n g program for development and p u b l i c r e l a t i o n s officers. The n a t i v e of H u n t s v i l l e , A l a . , is a veteran of the Air Force. He is m a r r i e d and has two daughters --Cyrthia, aged senior, and Susan, II, a sixth grader. 16, a h i g h school His wife, Mary A l i c e , is a ceramics instructor and is active in PTA and related community affairs. She recently was nominated as an "Outstanding Young Woman in America" by the Western North C a r o l i n a Conference of the..United Methodist Church. ###