\ KA re. y IS S/l 5/4* 5/k rrT~a_ 3fa I 5/7 t Sb I ! -S-/H I SJI5 •2. 35 0 I 5? f & 104 5/20 _15 :S-H 33? J ^ methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers ODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU 19) 488-7110 ext. 228 NEW TWO MC ALUMNI ARE HONORED For only the third time since the founding of Methodist College, the Methodist College Alumni Association has bestowed a "Distinguished Alumnus Award." The honor was bestowed upon William P. Lowdermilk, assistant to the president of Methodist College, at the annual Alumni-Senior Banquet last , night (May 3) at the College. Michael J. Alloway, alcoholism educational consultant for the Lee-Harnett Mental Health Program, was given the "Outstanding Alumni Service Award" at the same banquet. The honoring of the two recipients marked the conclusion of the 1975 Alumni Day activities. The only two previous "Distinguished Alumnus Awards" were presented to Dr. L. Stacy Weaver, founding president of Methodist College and posthumously to Dr. Karl H. Berns, former executive secretary of the Methodist College Foundation. The award, the highest award of the MCAA, is given for "singular achievement in his profession and for service of the highest order to his community." On Alloway's plaque is written: "The Methodist College Alumni Association Board of Directors recognizes Michael J. Alloway for Outstanding Loyalty and Dedication in Service to the Methodist College Alumni Association." Alloway, a member of the class of 1971, lives in Fayetteville with his wife Beth and two children. He attended the North Carolina State University Graduate School upon graduating from Methodist. He currently serves as MCAA vice-president, chairman of the Finance Committee, and is a member of the Social Committee and the Laison Committee. Lowdermilk, an honorary alumnus of Methodist College, is the son of Mrs. Jennie W. Lowdermilk of Norman and the late Dallas Lowdermilk. He is a graduate of Emory University and the Duke University Divinity School. Lowdermilk joined the Methodist College staff as assistant director of public relations in 1963, having previously served for five years as minister of Culbreth Memorial United Methodist Church in Fayetteville. He is included in "Who's Who in The Methodist Church" and "Who's Who in American College and University Administration." Lowdermilk is a member of the Communications and Annual Conference Entertainment Committees of the North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church, the Order of St. Luke, and the Masons. He was the 1972 recipient of the Methodist College Alumni Association "Outstanding Alumni Service Award." As assistant to the president, his main duties include church-college relations, alumni programs, news bureau, development, and on-campus conferences. May 6, 1975 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 N: 5WS From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TWO STUDENT ARTISTS CONCLUDE SEASON AT MC "Art is the most universal form of expression. All my life I've been trying to express myself, and art has become my favorite means," says Laura Leigh Sullivan who opened her Senior Art Show in the South Lobby of Reeves Auditorium on the Methodist College campus Monday. Composed of various paintings, prints, and drawings, the show is entitled "Reflections of Four Years" and will run for two weeks. The gallery is open Monday-Friday from 9 a . m . - 5 p . m . "I've never been the type of artist who tries to bring social change through my work; not that I don't have any convictions, but my paintings are meant to express my personality and what I consider is beauty," Laura adds. She began her art studies at the Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art in Augusta, Ga. Now from Wilmington, she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Sullivan, and will graduate from Methodist this Sunday with an art-English double major. Her work shows a variety of styles and techniques . "I believe a student of art should experiment. I haven't developed one style that I want to settle into and call my own yet," she says. Laura uses sealing wax and paint application techniques to build unusual (more) textures in her paintings, explaining "I am intrigued by the impressionistic although most of my paintings show more emphasis on form than color and texture." She feels that the show is a representative cross section of the work she has done while at Methodist in the areas of drawing, painting, printmaking, and sculpture. Although no sculptured work will be shown in the show, a metal assemblage of her design was chosen for the Methodist College Permanent Art Display last year. It now rests in front of Reeves Auditorium. During the same period as Laura's show, Reginald D. Garde will have his student show in the North Lobby of Reeves Auditorium. His show will include landscape and abstract paintings, hanging sculpture, drawings, a batik, and a few mounted metal flower works. Garde, a native of Fayetteville, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Garde, 3625 Drayton Rd. He is a graduate of Terry Sanford High School, and took second place in the Methodist College Art Show earlier this year. After graduating from Methodist, he plans to get a master of fine arts degree and then become a free-lance artist. ### methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 May 6, 1975 From Man Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N. iWS Photo to accompany: TWO STUDENT ARTISTS CONCLUDE SEASON AT MC ALMOST FINISHED Laura Sullivan puts the finishing touch on her painting entitled "Still Life # 2 . " May 6, 1975 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT ELECTED STUDENT HEAD AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE—Danny L. Hood has been elected president of the Methodist College Student Government Association for the 1975-76 school year. During this past academic year, he served as SGA treasurer. Hood is the son of the Reverend and Mrs . Jean L. Hood of 4410 David St., Durham, where the Rev. Mr. Hood is pastor of the Glendale Heights United Methodist Church. The junior biology major was the recipient of a Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company Fund-Scholarship this past year. At Methodist, Hood has served as vice-president of Sanford Residence Hall, and vice-president of his fraternity, Lambda Chi Alpha. He is also the athletic trainer for the soccer and basketball teams. He will continue as vice-president of Sanford Hall in 1975-76. ### methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 May 6, 1975 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N.iWS Photo to accompany: RESIDENT ELECTED STUDENT HEAD AT METHODIST COLLEGE NEW STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT Danny L. Hood (right), newly elected president of the Methodist College Student Government Association, chats with Dr. Richard W. Pearce, president of Methodist College. ### methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Xlan Stowers ODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU 919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT ELECTED TO STUDENT POST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, NC—Christine Moore (center) has been elected secretary of the Methodist College Student Government Association. At right is newly elected SGA President Danny Hood, and Methodist College President Richard W. Pearce. Miss Moore, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones of Galivant's Ferry, is also secretary of the Weaver Residence Hall Judicial Board and co-captain of the cheerleaders . She is a 1972 graduate of Aynor (S.C.) High School, and plans to graduate from Methodist in 1976 with a bachelor of arts degree in history. / methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N: 5WS RESIDENT ELECTED TO STUDENT POST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE—Bryan Davis (right) has been elected treasurer of the Methodist College Student Government Association. Standing with Davis are Danny Hood (center), newly elected SGA president, and Dr. Richard W. Pearce (left), president of the College. Davis, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fermon Davis of 5687 Maryland Dr. , Camp Legeune, is a Ia73 graduate of Lejeune High School and plans to graduate from Methodist in 1977 with a bachelor of arts degree in Spanish. ### methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 May 7, 1975 J From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT ELECTED TO STUDENT POST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE—Kenneth Daniel Jr. (right) has been re-elected vice-president of the Methodist College Student Government Association for 1975-76. He was vice-president during this past academic year, and also served as president pro tempore of the Student Senate. Standing with Daniel are Danny Hood (center), newly elected president of the SGA, and Methodist College President Richard W. Pearce (left). Daniel is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Daniel Sr. of Old Stage R d . , St. Pauls. He is an art major and plans to graduate from Methodist in 1977. In addition to his SGA activities, he has been active in the College Chorus and the Green And Gold Masque-Keys (the college drama club). ### methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 May 11, 1975 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N: iWS METHODIST GRADUATES 82 AT SPRING COMMENCEMENT FAYETTEVILLE—North Carolina should rely upon its independent colleges rather than expanding state institutions State Senator John T. Henley said at yesterday's Methodist College graduation exercises. Henley, a Hope Mills native who is currently serving as president pro tempore of the North Carolina Senate, told the 82 graduates that it is time for the state to stop expanding public colleges at the expense of independent colleges. An effort in this regards is a bill which would grant $400 to needy North Carolina students attending independent colleges which Henley said he felt would pass by the time the General Assembly adjournes next month. Henley also attacked "nay-sayers" in the country saying the U . S . has survived worse crises than we face at present. He told graduates to be tolerant of others and to be confident in the future. "Take heart in our government and your community by seeking to right wrongs by becoming involved. 'Cop-outs' didn't turn this virgin land of ours into the country it is. An involved individual can make a difference," he concluded. Of the 82 graduates, 78 received a bachelor of arts degree while four received a bachelor of science. Sarah Ellen Edge of Fayetteville received the L. Stacy Weaver Award as the outstanding senior. Graduating summa cum laude (3.75 or better of a possible 4 . 0 0 ) were: Miss Edge with an A . B . ; Mary Anne Martin of Hope Mills, A . B . ; and Pamela rather than expanding state institutions State Senator John T. Henley said at yesterday's Methodist College graduation exercises. Henley, a Hope Mills native who is currently serving as president pro tempore of the North Carolina Senate, told the 82 graduates that it is time for the state to stop expanding public colleges at the expense of independent colleges. An effort in this regards is a bill which would grant $400 to needy North Carolina students attending independent colleges which Henley said he felt would pass by the time the General Assembly adjournes next month. Henley also attacked "nay-sayers" in the country saying the U . S . has survived worse crises than we face at present. He told graduates to be tolerant of others and to be confident in the future. "Take heart in our government and your community by seeking to right wrongs by becoming involved. 'Cop-outs' didn't turn this virgin land of ours into the country it is . An involved individual can make a difference," he concluded. Of the 82 graduates, 78 received a bachelor of arts degree while four received a bachelor of science. Sarah Ellen Edge of Fayetteville received the L. Stacy Weaver Award as the outstanding senior. Graduating summa cum laude ( 3 . 7 5 or better of a possible 4 . 0 0 ) were: Miss Edge with an A . B . ; Mary Anne Martin of Hope Mills, A . B . ; and Pamela . Sue Walker of Elizabeth!own, B.S . All seniors graduating magna cum laude (3.50-3.74) received the A . B . They were: Daniel J. Donovan, Fayetteville; Catherine P. Evans, St. Pauls; Jerry W. Flannigan, Fayetteville; Clarence H. Hendricks, Fayetteville; James M. McCracken, Fayetteville; Wanda L. Moorefield, Pinnacle; John P. O'Sullivan, Worcester, Mass.; and Laura P. Younts, Fayetteville. (more) - Graduating cum laude (3.25-3.49) with A.B. degrees were: Martha C. Coble, Fayetteville; Nancy L. S. Pickling, Fayetteville; Marsha A. Gooden, Clarkton; David W. Jamieson, Fayetteville; William R. Langer, Floral Park, N.Y»; Betty S. Milligan, Fayetteville, and Laura L. Sullivan, Wilmington. Graduating cum laude with B.S. degrees were: Lynne W. Dixon of Fayetteville and John M. Lang of Babylon, N.Y 0 Fayetteville residents receiving the bachelor of arts degree include: Daryl A. Alligood, Wayne E. Barnes, Iris M. Byrd, Victor N . Carnevale II, Robert R. Castona Jr., Ronald L. Coats, Thomas K. Crider, Clyde J. Daniel, Drew D. Dix, Luther L. Foster Jr., Henry C. Francis, Allen Goss, Stephen B. Hall, Rebecca S.B. Holden, Samuel P. Hubbard, Michael H. Ledford, Patrick M. O'Briant, Jennifer P. Nishida,/Penny L. Ogles, Anthony L. Parker, Brunhilda A. Piernick, Thomas W. Pittman, Rafael C. Rivera, Royal P . Rogers, Terry L. Sproul, Ann M. Thomas, Jamison L. Warren Jr., Norma J. C. Womack, and Bass Wyatt Jr. Cumberland County residents who received a n A.B. are: Pamela Y. Long, Spring Lake; Linda A. Parlett, Hope Mills; and Arthur M. Staples, Spring Lake. North Carolina residents receiving the A.B. include: David R. Atwood, Roseboro; Polly A. Bridge, Wrightsville Beach; John J. Earnhardt Jr. , Albemarle; Faith E. Finch, Henderson; Suzanne J. Grubb, New Bern; Eugenia B. Hanson, Gary; Connie S. Hudson, Vass; Jerry A. Jackson, Lumberton; Gregory V. Jones Jr., Rougemont; Randy E. Lail, Asheboro; Sylvia D. Landis, Oxford; Nancy D. H. Leatherman, Atlantic Beach; Patricia A. Lewis, Goldsboro; Glenda D. Long, Henderson; Dwight L. Sheppard, Erwin; William E. Smith, Nakina; Elton E. Stanley, Shallotte; Donna B. Wall, Turkey; and Dusty Woodbury, Jacksonville. Fayetteville residents receiving the bachelor of arts degree include: Daryl A. Alligood, Wayne E . Barnes, Iris M. Byrd, Victor N . Carnevale II, Robert R. Castona J r . , Ronald L. Coats, Thomas K. Crider, Clyde J. Daniel, Drew D. Dix, Luther L. Foster J r . , Henry C. Francis, Allen Goss, Stephen B. Hall, Rebecca S.B. Holden, Samuel P. Hubbard, Michael H. Ledford, Patrick M. O'Briant, Jennifer P. Nishida,/Penny L. Ogles, Anthony L. Parker, Brunhilda A. Piernick, Thomas W. Pittman, Rafael C. Rivera, Royal P . Rogers, Terry L. Sproul, Ann M. Thomas, Jamison L. Warren J r . , Norma J. C. Womack, and Bass Wyatt Jr. Cumberland County residents who received a n A.B. are: Pamela Y. Long, Spring Lake; Linda A. Parlett, Hope Mills; and Arthur M. Staples, Spring Lake. North Carolina residents receiving the A.B. include: David R. Atwood, Roseboro; Polly A. Bridge, Wrightsville Beach; John J. Earnhardt J r . , Albemarle; Faith E. Finch, Henderson; Suzanne J. Grubb, New Bern; Eugenia B. Hanson, Gary; Connie S. Hudson, Vass; Jerry A. Jackson, Lumberton; Gregory V. Jones Jr., Rougemont; Randy E. Lail, Asheboro; Sylvia D. Landis, Oxford; Nancy D. H. Leatherman, Atlantic Beach; Patricia A. Lewis, Goldsboro; Glenda D. Long, Henderson; Dwight L. Sheppard, Erwin; William E. Smith, Nakina; Elton E . Stanley, Shallotte; Donna B. Wall, Turkey; and Dusty Woodbury, Jacksonville. Out-of-state residents receiving the A.B. are: Samuel H. Brick III, Collingswood, N.J.; Nora K. Galicia, Loris, S.C.; Robert U. Nelson, Lakeville, Conn.; Fredrick A. Paddock, Norwood, N . J . ; Michael W. Robinson, Summerton, S.C.; Richard P. Rose, Fredericksburg, Va.; and Leonard A. Turtora, Lakewood, N.J. Leslie E. Scott of Aberdeen received a bachelor of science degree. ### May 11, 1975 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N iWS Photo to accompany: METHODIST GRADUATES 82 AT SPRING COMMENCEMENT Graduation speaker John T . Henley (center) shares a laugh with Dr. Mott P. Blair (left), chairman of the Methodist College Board of Trustees, and Dr. Richard W . Pearce, president of Methodist College. • methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 NEWS BUREAU (919) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N iWS RESIDENT AWARDED DEGREE FROM METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. -- Cbodm r of *. and drs. 2«s± Jolui ..arl uooden, Clark-ion, NC awarded a bachelor ofartg degree in was g^^gy at the Methods it C o l l e g e spring commencement May I I . Degrees were conferred upon 82 seniors d u r i n g graduation ceremonies h e l d at Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. Commencement speakers were the Rev. James H. B a i l e y , pastor of J a r v i s M e m o r i a l U n i t e d odist Church in Greenv i I le, and John T. H e n l e y , president pro Meth- tempore of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist C o l l e g e is a f u l l y accredited, four-year, r e s i d e n t i a l c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences. It is located on 600 acres of r o l l i n g woodlands and meadows o v e r l o o k i n g the b e a u t i f u l and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a l ley. -••"* : Marsha Gooden Clarkton js a im sraduate of Senior High School. W h i l e at Method i st , she received the Dingus Scholarship for four years and during her senior year was named to Mho's Who /uoong ;;>udtjiius in American colleges a«d UniversitieeSh* served on the Dorm Judicial Board, as a hall counselor, was chairman of the Women JB interdorra Council, in the Psychology Club, and was a Deanjs List student* methodist college fayettevi/le, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODS!'^OLllOE NEWS BJUREAU (919)1488-7110 extr 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T A W A R D E D DEGREE FROM M E T H O D I S T COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N . C . --William R. Langer s o n / jteaefefefeif of Mr. and Mrs. Robert G, linger, 29 larch Ave., Floral Park, ITT a w a r d e d a b a c h e l o r of at the arts was degree inhistory and sociology Methodsit Col lege s p r i n g commencement May I I . Degrees were conferred upon 82 s e n i o r s d u r i n g g r a d u a t i o n cerem o n i e s h e l d at were the Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. R e v . James H. B a i l e y , pastor of Commencement speakers J a r v i s Memorial United Meth- odist Church in G r e e n v i l l e , and John T. H e n l e y , p r e s i d e n t pro tempOre of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist C o l l e g e c o l l e g e of is a f u l l y accredited, four-year, l i b e r a l arts and s c i e n c e s . It is residential l o c a t e d on 600 acres of r o l l i n g w o o d l a n d s a n d meadows o v e r l o o k i n g t h e b e a u t i f u l a n d h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a I Iey. Mr. Langer Sewanitaka (Floral Park) he is a 1962 g r a d u a t e of Senior High School. W h i l e at Methodist, was on both the Bean's List and the President's List. He is married to Christine Langerj they reside in Fayetteville, NC. methodist college fayettevil/e, n. c. 28301 from Man Stowers (ETHotosV^OLjJkSrt NEWS BUREAU $19]_488J3ttreZt. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT AWARDED FROM M E T H O D I S T F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N . C . -- John Jerry Earnhart DEGREE COLLEGE son/ «fcpsg&&«# of Mr. and Mrsc Jerry Earnhart, Jr., Badin Rd., Alhe^arle, HC a w a r d e d a b a c h e l o r of at the arts degree i n business administration M e t h o d s i t Col l e g e s p r i n g c o m m e n c e m e n t May I I . Degrees w e r e c o n f e r r e d m o n i e s h e l d at were the odist was upon 82 s e n i o r s d u r i n g g r a d u a t i o n c e r e - Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. R e v . James H . B a i l e y , Church in G r e e n v i I l e , pastor of Commencement speakers Jarvis Memorial and John T. H e n l e y , United Meth- p r e s i d e n t pro tempore of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist C o l l e g e c o l l e g e of IiberaI is a f u I l y accredited, a r t s and s c i e n c e s . It is r o l l i n g w o o d l a n d s a n d meadows o v e r l o o k i n g t h e four-year, residential l o c a t e d on 600 a c r e s of beautiful and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear Va I l e y . Earnhart Albemarle js a 1971 g r a d u a t e of Senior High School. W h i l e at Methodist, he served as vice-president of the Economics and Business Club and was a member of the intramural championship teams in basketball, soccer, and volleyball,, m methodist college fayettevilfe, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers NEWS BUREAU (919) 4 - 7 1 1 0 ext. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N: iWS RESIDENT AWARDED DEGREE FROM METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEV I L L E , N . C . -- ftLss Faith Ellen Finch JBOP/daughter of Or* and Mrs, W» H. Finch, Jr«, 2001 Hargrove 3t,, Henderson, NC a w a r d e d a b a c h e l o r of arts was d e g r e e in elementary education a t t h e M e t h o d s i t C o l l e g e s p r i n g commencement M a y I I . Degrees were conferred upon 82 s e n i o r s during graduation cerem o n i e s h e l d at w e r e the Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. R e v . James H. B a i l e y , o d i s t Church in G r e e n v i I l e , pastor of Commencement s p e a k e r s Jarvis Memorial United Meth- and John T. H e n l e y , p r e s i d e n t pro tempore of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist c o l l e g e of C o l l e g e is a f u l l y accredited, liberal a r t s and s c i e n c e s . It is r o l l i n g w o o d l a n d s a n d meadows o v e r l o o k i n g t h e Cape Fear four-year, residential l o c a t e d on 600 acres of beautiful and h i s t o r i c V a I Iey. Faith Finch Hmderson is a 1971 g r a d u a t e of Senior H i g h School. W h i l e at M e t h o d 1st, she was president of the Health and Fitness Club, a cwrnber of the Student* Faculty Judiciary Board, senior class secretary, business manager of the annual staff, was om both the Spring Festival Court and the Homecoming queen Court. methodist college fayettevil/e, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers NEWS B R E A U (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N: iWS RESIDENT AWARDED DEGREE FROM METHODIST COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N . C . -- j^ss Suaannne Jane Qrubb ^/daughter of Kr. and Mrs* Lloyd I. Grubb, £20? Springwood X ilTo, New Bern, NCwaS awarded a b a c h e l o r of at the Methods it ^g degree in economics and business, Col Iege spring commencement May I I . Degrees w e r e c o n f e r r e d upon 82 s e n i o r s d u r i n g g r a d u a t i o n c e r e m o n i e s h e l d at were the Rev. o d i s t Church Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. James H. B a i l e y , pastor of in G r e e n v i l l e , Commencement speakers Jarvis Memorial and John T. H e n l e y , United Meth- p r e s i d e n t pro tempore of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist C o l l e g e i s a f u l l y accredited, f o u r - y e a r , c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l a r t s and s c i e n c e s . It is residential l o c a t e d on 600 acres of r o l l i n g w o o d l a n d s a n d meadows o v e r l o o k i n g t h e b e a u t i f u l and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a I I e y . ..u*ann Urubb Now /Bern is a 15,71 Graduate of S e n i o r High S c h o o l . W h i l e at Methodist, she was named tx> Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, arid received a yearly scholarship from the Woman's Society of Christian Service, North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church, she was on the judicial board of Weaver Residential Kail, a meiober of the Student Senate, on the Higi Court of the Student Governemnt Association, a •""»!• "r representative on the Worth » RESIDENT A W A R D E D DEGREE FROM METHODIST COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N . C . -- iy.88 Sttaannne Jane Qrubb ^/daughter of Mr. and I«ra» Lloyd I, Srabb, 520? Springwood X i)r., New Bern, HJwa awarded a bachelor of at the M e t h o d s i t degree in economics and business, C o l l e g e s p r i n g commencement May I I . Degrees w e r e c o n f e r r e d upon 82 s e n i o r s d u r i n g g r a d u a t i o n cerem o n i e s h e l d at were the Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. R e v . James H . B a i l e y , pastor o d i s t Church in Greenville, of and John T. Commencement Jarvis Henley, Memorial speakers United Meth- p r e s i d e n t pro tempore of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist C o l l e g e c o l l e g e of liberal is a f u l l y accredited, a r t s and s c i e n c e s . It is r o l l i n g w o o d l a n d s a n d meadows o v e r l o o k i n g t h e four-year, residential l o c a t e d on 600 acres beautiful of and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a I I e y . ^annurubb U9H /Bern is a 1071 graduate of Senior High School. W h i l e at Method she was named to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, and received a yearly scholarship from the Woman's Society of Christian Service, North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church. diie was on the judicial board of Weaver Residential HaH, a member of the Student Senate, on the Hi^i Court of the Student i Governemnt Association, a «••!•»»• representative on the North Carolina Student Legislature, a member of the Economics and ist, methodist college fayetteville. n. c. 28301 rom Alan S t o w / s NEWS BJUREAU -7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T A W A R D E D DEGREE FROM METHODIST COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N . C . --Miss Connie Sue Hudson jb&P/ daughter Mr0 and Mrs0 James E0 Hudson, Vass, " awarded a bachelor of at arts degree in of was elementary eduation t h e M e t h o d s i t C o l l e g e s p r i n g commencement M a y I I . Degrees w e r e c o n f e r r e d upon 82 s e n i o r s d u r i n g g r a d u a t i o n c e r e - m o n i e s , h e l d at w e r e the Rev. o d i s t Church Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. James H. Ba i l e y , in G r e e n v i I le, pastor of and John T. Commencement s p e a k e r s Jarvis Memorial Henley, United Meth- p r e s i d e n t pro tempore of the North C a r o l i n a S e n a t e . M e t h o d i s t C o l I ege c o l l e g e of liberal is a f u l ly accredited, a r t s and s c i e n c e s . It is r o l l i n g w o o d l a n d s a n d meadows o v e r l o o k i n g t h e four-year, residential l o c a t e d on 600 acres beautiful of and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a I I ey . Miss KUdson Union Pines is Senior a 1971 graduate High School. of W h i l e at Methodist, ^ •She was pledge presided of Alpha Xi Delta sorority and treasurer ,'f» U | Weaver Hall Residence, She receTvad an associate in arts degree in liberal arts in 1973 from Sandhills Community College, Southern Pines, methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 Fro BUREAU FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T A W A R D E D DEGREE FROM METHODIST COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N . C . --Jerry Addison Jackoon sonyxataaigbdsancx of Mr0 Linton Woodrow Jackson, 601; Carthage Rd0, LurrJberton a w a r d e d a b a c h e l o r of arts at the Methodsit degree i n was religion Col l e g e s p r i n g c o m m e n c e m e n t May I I . Degrees w e r e c o n f e r r e d upon 8 2 s e n i o r s d u r i n g g r a d u a t i o n c e r e m o n i e s h e l d at were the Rev. o d i s t Church of the Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. James H . B a i l e y , in Greenvi Ile, pastor of a n d John T . Commencement s p e a k e r s Jarvis Memorial Henley, United Meth- p r e s i d e n t p r o tempore North C a r o l i n a S e n a t e . Methodist C o l l e g e c o l l e g e of IiberaI is a f u l l y accredited, a r t s and s c i e n c e s . It is four-year, residential l o c a t e d on 600 a c r e s r o l l i n g w o o d l a n d s a n d meadows o v e r l o o k i n g t h e b e a u t i f u l of and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a I l e y . Jackson Lunberton is a 1968 g r a d u a t e of Senior High School. W h i l e at Methodist, he was"a member of the cross country and tennis teams as well as a member of the Camping Club, manager of the soccer and wrestling teams, vesper chairman of Koinonia (student religious fellowship), and a participant in the Religion and Philosophy Colliquium. He has been youth director of St. Andrews United Methodist Church in Fayettaville, a camp counselor for three years at Camp Don-Lee, Araphoe and FROM M E T H O D I S T COLLEGE FA Y E T T E V I LLE , N . C . --Jerry Adclison Jackson son/xBtzDasgtxfcExx of Mrc Linton ¥ocdrow Jackson, 60U Carthage Rde, Lurcberton awarded a bachelor of arts degree in was religion a t t h e M e t h o d s i t C o l l e g e s p r i n g commencement M a y II. Degrees w e r e c o n f e r r e d upon 82 s e n i o r s m o n i e s h e l d at were the of the Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. R e v . James H . B a i l e y , pastor o d i s t Church in Greenville, of a n d John T . Commencement speakers Jarvis Henley, Memorial United Meth- p r e s i d e n t p r o tempore North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist c o l l e g e of College liberal is a f u l l y accredited, a r t s and s c i e n c e s . r o l l i n g w o o d l a n d s a n d meadows Cape d u r i n g g r a d u a t i o n cere- It is overlooking the four-year, residential l o c a t e d on 600 a c r e s beautiful of and h i s t o r i c Fear V a I l e y . Jackson iMKberton is a 1968 graduate of Senior H i g h School. W h i l e at Methodist, he was"a member of the cross country and tennis teams as well as a member of the Camping Club, manager of the soccer and wrestling teams, vespar chairman of Koinonia (student religious fellowship), and a participant in the Religion and Philosophy Colliquium. He has been youth director of St. Andrews United Methodist Church in Fayetteville, a camp counselor for three years at Camp Don-Lee, Araphoe and a camp director at Camp Roclcfish, Parkton for two years. methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers NEWS BUREAU (919.) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT AWARDED DEGREE FROM METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. -- Sylvia Denis e Lanciis JWXK/ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Landis, Jr., 718 WiUlamsboro St., Oxford, NC awarded a bachelor of arts was degree i n elementary education at the Methods it C o l l e g e spring commencement May I I . Degrees were conferred upon 82 seniors d u r i n g graduation ceremonie.s held at Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. Commencement speakers were the Rev. James H. B a i ley, pastor of J a r v i s M e m o r i a l U n i t e d Meth- odist Church in G r e e n v i l l e , and John T. Henley, president pro tempOre of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist C o l l e g e is a f u l l y accredited, four-year, r e s i d e n t i a l c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences. It is located on 600 acres of r o l l i n g woodlands and meadows o v e r l o o k i n g the b e a u t i f u l and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a I Iey. Miss Landis i J.F.Webb she was a jo Bean's List student. is a 1971 g r a d u a t e of Senior H i g h School. W h i l e at Methodist, methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 NEWS B t UREAU FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS >ENT AWARDED DEGREE ' METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. - Patricia Ann Lewis S P S S / d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. Burgess Lse lewis, 6l5 Tanglewood Lane, Goldcboro ' i W i r d e d a b a c h e l o r of arts at., the Methods it degree i n was elementary education Col I eye s p r i n g c o m m e n c e m e n t Ma\ !. D e g r e e s w e r e conferred upon 8 2 s e n i o r s durihc, g r a d u a t i o n c e r e monie_s were h e l d at the R e e v e s A u d i t o r i u m o n campus,, R e v . James o d i s t Church in H. B a i l e y , Greeny i I l e , pastor of and John T. Commencement s p e a k e r s Jarvis M e m o r i a l Henley,. , l.lnited v i e n t pro Meth- tempore o f the N o r t h C a r o I i ri a S e n a t e , Methodist c o l l e g e of College !iberal is a f u l l y accredited, arts and s c i e n c e s . r o l I i n g w o o d l a n d s and meadows It is four-year, residential l o c a t e d on 600 acres o v e r l o o k i n g t h e beai.it i ful of and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a l l e y . Miss Lewis Poir^ano Beach i s a 1971 g Senior High iat< o', of W h i l e at N'ethodist, she was chairman of Garber Residential Hall Judicial Board, a member of the Student Education Association, and a Dean's List student. methodist college fayettev/l/e, n. c. 28301 From fltfan Stowers NEWS BUREAU . 228 (919) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nl 5WS RESIDENT AWARDED DEGREE FROM METHODIST COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N . C . --MisoNora Kathleen Galicia ^som/ d a u g h t e r of Mrs, Gladys 3« (Jalicia, 38£L Milligan St., Loris, SO a w a r d e d a b a c h e l o r of arts at the degree i n was elementary education* M e t h o d s i t Col I ege s p r i n g c o m m e n c e m e n t May I I . Degrees w e r e c o n f e r r e d upon 82 s e n i o r s m o n i e s h e l d at w e r e the Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. R e v . James H. Ba i l e y , o d i s t Church in of the C a r o l i n a Senate. North G r e e n v i I le, Methodist C o l l e g e c o l l e g e of during graduation liberal pastor of and John T. a r t s and s c i e n c e s . Commencement speakers Jarvis Henley, is a f u l l y accredited, It is r o l l i n g w o o d l a n d s a n d meadows o v e r l o o k i n g t h e Memorial United Loris is a 1971 Meth- p r e s i d e n t pro tempore four-year, residential l o c a t e d on 600 acres beautiful g r a d u a t e of Senior H i g h School. of and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a I I ey . Miss Galicia cere- Wss&lrys^^ methodist college fayettevil/e, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers NEWS BUREAU . 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT AWARDED DEGREE FROM METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. - B of OJ*X» Ittfftt was Coon, awarded a bachelor of in at the Methodsit C o l l e g e spring commencement May I I . Degrees were conferred upon 82 seniors d u r i n g graduation ceremonies held at Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. Commencement speakers were the Rev. James H. Bai l e y , pastor of J a r v i s M e m o r i a l United Meth- odist Church in Greenvi I l e , and John T. Henley, president pro tempore of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist C o l l e g e is a f u l l y accredited, four-year, r e s i d e n t i a l college of l i b e r a l arts and sciences. It is located on 600 acres of r o l l i n g woodlands and meadows o v e r l o o k i n g the b e a u t i f u l and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a I ley. Mr* MdMQ ilOUMtOOic Yallqy :«£Loaal • 1MO • •••• 1 A M^^ rf 4t^ I . UQ » •»»i^>» V** »»^ .JUMX.-LT I V^*OT IS a 196k graduate of Senior High School. W h i l e at Methodist, methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 EWS BUREAU 8 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT AWARDED DEGREE FROM METHODIST COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N . C . -- of Kite Robinson * was Mrs. Mildred K. Gibson, Main 3t«, sunnerton, SC awarded a bachelor of arta degree i n p^^ education at the Methodsit College spring commencement May I I . Degrees were conferred upon 82 seniors during graduation ceremonies h e l d at Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. Commencement speakers were the Rev. James H. Ba i l e y , pastor of J a r v i s M e m o r i a l United Meth- odist Church in G r e e n v i l l e , and John T. Henley, president pro tempore of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist College is a f u l l y accredited, four-year, residential college of l i b e r a l arts and sciences. It is located on 600 acres of r o l l i n g woodlands and meadows overlooking the beautiful and historic Cape Fear Va I ley. * ofainsOR , " is al?A Sraduate of Senior H i g h School. he was secretary of hie dona* Cuobarlaod Hail. ,- . W h i l e at Methodist, methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan(£t6wers BUREAU (919) 488^7110 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T AWARDED DEGREE FROM METHODIST COLLEGE FA YETTEV I L LE , N . C. - - Frederick Allen Paddock son/ etewpgfcrteas of Mr. and Mrs. William R, Paddock, Norwood, NJ awarded a bachelor of arts was degree i n business and economics at the Methods it C o l l e g e s p r i n g commencement May I I . Degrees were conferred upon 82 seniors during graduation cere- monies held at Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. Commencement speakers were the Rev. James H. B a i l e y , pastor of J a r v i s M e m o r i a l U n i t e d Meth- odist Church in Greenvi I l e , and John T. H e n l e y , president pro tempore of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist Col Iege is a ful ly accredited, four-year, r e s i d e n t i a l col Iege of I i b e r a l arts and sciences. It is located on 600 acres of r o l l i n g woodlands and meadows o v e r l o o k i n g the b e a u t i f u l and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a l l e y . , Mr. Paddock Northern yalley Regional js a!96? graduate of Senior High School. W h i l e at Methodist, he was president of the Student Government. Association, chariman of the United Student Appeal, chairman of the president's Council, chairman of the SGA Volunteer Tutoring Program, a member of the Economics and Business Club and the Larnba Chi Alpha fraternity. May 15, 1975 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N: •cws RESIDENT ELECTED MARSHALL FOR MC COMMENCEMENT FAYETTEVILLE—James Edward Malloy J r . , son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Malloy Sr., 127 Liberia St. , Fairmont, served as an alternate freshman marshall in the spring commencement exercises held last Sunday at Methodist College. Malloy was elected to the prestigious post based upon his high academic average and campus leadership. Malloy, a 1974 graduate of Fairmont High School, is a religion maj'Or at Methodist. This academic year he has made the Dean's List and performed in college drama. In September, he assumes the presidency of the Green and Gold Masque Keys (collegiate drama club) and becomes secretary of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. Malloy is also a member of the Student Union Board and chairman of the Coffee House Committee. Malloy is attending Methodist College with a Catholic Scholarship for Negro Students and a Wooten Scholarship. *## methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T A W A R D E D DEGREE FROM METHODIST COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N . C . - John P. O'Sullivan, ! of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. 0'sull.i.van, 162 Belraont St., Worcester, a w a r d e d a b a c h e l o r of arts at the Methods it degree in was historv (raagna cun lauds) Col l e g e s p r i n g c o m m e n c e m e n t May I I . Degrees w e r e c o n f e r r e d upon 8 2 s e n i o r s d u r i n g g r a d u a t i o n c e r e monies h e l d at were the R e e v e s A u d i t o r i u m o n campus. R e v . James H . o d i s t Church Ba i l e y , pastor in G r e e n v i I l e , of and John T. Commencement s p e a k e r s Jarvis Memorial Henley, United Meth- p r e s i d e n t pro tempore of the North C a r o l i n a S e n a t e . M e t h o d i s t C o l lege c o l l e g e of rolling liberal is a f u I ly accredited, a r t s and s c i e n c e s . It is w o o d l a n d s a n d meadows o v e r l o o k i n g t h e four-year, residential l o c a t e d on 600 a c r e s of beautiful and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a l l e y . O'Sullivan "' .»> Point Loroa is a g r a d u a t e of Senior High School. he was a member of the History and Political Science Club. dut,y with the U. S. Army. W h i l e at Methodist, He is on active methodist colfaue From Alan Stowers fayetteville. n. c. 28301 METHODIST !riOLL^fe% NEWS BUREAU (919} 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N r *T~' '* T» ~" iO EWS r AWARDED CM M E T H O D I S T F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N . C . - - Miss Wanda Lou Moorefield, DEGREE COLLEGE 30009 d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Moorefield, Pinnacle, awarded at a bachelor the "Methods i t of arts Co! l e q t : decree were the in f> r .,>y G r e e n v j ! ie, and ! !. 82 sen : o - r a d u a t i o n cere- R e e v e s A u d i t o r i u m on cnmpr R e v . James H . P a i I c y , o d i s t Church education (magna cum laude) sppinc) commenceme'•' Degrees w e r e c o n f .."-red upon m o n i e s h e l d at in was p^.-^or John of T. -("en .-.-oment Jarvis Memorial Hn , speakers United pi • . i c l e n t pro Meth- tempore of the North C a r o I i n a S e n ,\ e . Methodist C o l l e p e c o l l e g e of liberal i s /' 'u'iv accredited, ar-t-s and s c i e n c e s . r o l l i n g w o o d l a n d s and mi--adoi It • ook i ncj is f four-year, locatf residential .• on 600 a c r e s eaui : )' of and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear Va I l e y . Miss Moorefield South Stokes i s <) 1971 n i or Hi .— iate :hool , of W h i I e at Methodist, s"-> was elected to appear in "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities," was a member of the Carillon (yearbook) staff, an officer for her residence hall, secretary of the Student Education Association, a member of Alpha Xi Delta sorority, and a Sean's last student. : methodist college fayetteville, n. c, 28301 From Alan Srowers NEWS BUREAU .V«k (919) 488 7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE "•\" T~^ Tf T 'V /O NE W 5 iDENT A W A R D E D FROM METHODIST FAYETTEVILLE, N.C/. --Mrs. Catherine Prevatte Evans, DEGREE COLLEGE daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Powers of St0 Pauls, awarded a bachelor at the ' M e t h o d s i t of arts was- i n education (magna cum laude) Col l e t i e s p r i n g cornniencetnen M,->y ! !. Degrees w e r e conferred upon. ^ 2 s e n i o r s d u r i n g graduation c e r e m o n i e s h e l d at w e r e the Reeves A i.d i t or : uni on campus,. R e v . James H. Ba i l e y , p a s t o r o d i s t Church in Greenvi i ie, of and John T. Commencement Jarvis Memorial speakers hnited H e n l i < , p r e s i d e n t pro Meth- tempore o f t h e North C a r o l i n a S e n a t e . Methodist col Iege of Col lege I iberaI is a f u i ly a c c r - ^ d i r < ,j r a r t s ,vid s c i e n c e s . ro I I i ng wood I ands and meadows It is ook i nt) the Four-year, located residential on 600 - a c r e s of f c a u f i i n I and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a I l e y , * Mrs"^ Evans *' .•, St. Pauls is a Senior Hi 1971 graduate hooi of W h i l e at M e t h o d i s t , she was a member of the Science Club, Economics and Business Club, the Carillon (college yearbook), and a member of the publicity committee of the Student Government Association. She was also Judicial Board Secretary and House Council member of her residence hall. 0. F R O M METHODIST COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V I LLE , N.C/. --Mrs, Catherine Prevatte Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Powers of St0 Pauls, awarded a bachelor of arts egree was- in education (magna cum laude) at the 'Methods i 4 : Co! I ecu' spr i ru) .-.-.'immenceme" Degrees w e r e c o n f e r r e d m o n i e s h e l d at were the up.in 82 s e n i o r : - Reeves A i,d i tor o d i s t Church in G r e e n v i l l e , during graduation cere- s ur-i on campus,. Rev. James H. Bn i l e y , pastor of M. v Commencement speakers Jarvis Memorial a n d John T. H e n ! . - . , lin i ted p r e s i d e n t pro Meth- tempore of the North C a r o l i n a S e n a t e . Methodist C o l l e g e c o l l e g e of liberal is o Fully a r t s and s c i e n c e s . r o l l i n g woodlands and fnracJows Cape Fear accredited, It is sking the Four-year, residential l o c a t e d on 600-acres beaul Ful of and h i s t o r i c VaI ley, * Mr si Evans *' is a 1971 yrad late of .^ St. Pauls Senior H i hooi. W h i l e at M e t h o d i s t , she was a member of the Science Club, Economics and Business Club, the Carillon (college yearbook), and a member of the publicity committee of the Student Government Association. She was also Judicial Board Secretary and House Council member of her residence hall. Mrs. Evans made the Dean list (B average) six semesters and the President's List (all A's) one semester. She is married to Kenneth Ray Evans, a 1972 graduate o-f ffethodist College. methodist college fayetteville, n. ,-:. From Alan Stov/vers MEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS '\r •<-* -T-T V <-•(! RES ' Dl NT A W A R D E D DEGREE i ROM Ml T H O D I S T COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V I L L E , M.C". -- Pamela Sue Walker, xxaocf d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd H. Walker, Elizabethtown, a w a r d e d a b a c h e l o r of science at the '.Methods it was degi oe i n mathematics (summa cum laude) Col I e c u 1 s p r i n g c o m n i e n c e m e May I ! . Degrees w e r e c o n f e r r i d upon 8 2 s e n i o r ? - m o n i e s h e l d at w e r e the Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus,, R e v . James H, B a i l e y , o d i s t Church during graduation cere- in Greeny i ! U>, pastor and J<^-.n of T". Commen o m e n t s p e a k e r s Jarvis " Her rial Ijn i ted .lent pro Meth- tempore o f t h e North C a r o l i n a S e n a t e . Methodist C o l l e g e college of liberal art-, is o Fully ^nd s c i e n c e s . r o l l ing w o o d l a n d s and m c a - J o w s Cape Fear accredited, It ovi r I ool- i n g is four-year, locat* ; • aui residential on 600'acres u' of and h i s t o r i c Valley, Miss Walker"*' Elizabethtown i s a 1971 ^ra S e n i o r H i g h Schooi. of W h i l e at Methodist this past academic year, Miss Walker was chairman of the Judicial Board of Weaver Residence Hall, treasurer of Alpha Xi Delta sorority, a member of the Women's Varsity Softball Team, and a Methodist College Scholar. She made the President's List both semesters (all A's), and was elected to appear in 'Who's Who Among f R0 M M i: 7 H 0 D I S T COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V ! L I E , N.C". -- Pamela Sue Walker, jsaoqc da t i g h t e r of Mr, and Mrs. Floyd H, Walker, Elizabethtown, awarded a b a c h e l o r of science at the'.Methods i t was i n mathematics (surama cum laude) C o l l e e n . - s p r i n g commencerne; Degrees w e r e c o n f e r r e d upon 8 2 s e n i o r : m o n i e s h e l d at were the Rev. d u r i n g graduation c e r e - Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on c a m p u s , . James H . B a i l e y , odist Church in Greeny i ! !e, pa?tor ol Commencement Ja is Memorial and John T. He: speakers United .lent pro Meth- tempore o f t h e North C a r o l i n a S e n a t e . Methodist O o M e o e college of liberal arts is a F u l l y accredit' .md s c i e n c e s . r o l l i n g w o o d l a n d s a n d meadows Cape Fear It , is four-year, locat< residential on 6 0 0 ; a c r e s of k i n g the beautiful and h i s t o r i c i s n 1971 of Valley, i Miss Walker- O ra *, Elizabethtown Senior H i gl ho W h i l e , at Methodist this past academic year, Miss Walker was chairman of the Judicial Board of Weaver Residence Hall, treasurer of Alpha Xi Delta sorority, a member of the Women's Varsity Softball Team, and a Methodist College Scholar. She made the President's List both semesters (all A's), and was elected to appear in "tWho's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities." She was the recipient of a Dingus Scholarship, Sanford Scholarship, Merit Scholarship, and Goodyear Scholarship while attending Methodist College. methodist fayetteville, n. c. 28301 Alan Stowers NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -,x -r -r —i -\ -3- r (-^ NE^ iENT A W A R D E D DEGREE !OM METHOD 1ST COLLEGE FAYETTEV ! LLE, N.C.- - Mrs. Nancy L. Fielding, SOCKS d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. P« N. Salerni, 96 Manchester Rd., Charleston, a w a r d e d a b a c h e l o r of at the ' M e t h o d s it arts degi ee w e r e the Rev. o d i s t Church of education (cuin laude) Col I ecu- s p r i r u j •• Tiiirrienceine* Degrees w e r e co'nf«m o n i e s h e l d at in upon .' .-',. in F-V; i l e y , G r e e n v i I ! <•>, !, senioi raduation cere- Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on c a nip us James H. po..-: f or was of and John T. Commencement J . t 1 '; i ^^ He rial speakers United o'ent pro Meth- tempore the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist C o l l e g e college of liberal ar** i s ,1 fully ! si accredited, ences. r o l l i n g w o o d l a n d s and Cape Fear It is .king * Four-year, !«. .->n ' residential 600 a c r e s and of historic Valley, Mrs-.* Fickiirtg •i Middleton i s o 1971 n i or Hi ' ste of W h i l e , at Methodist, she was involved in all intramural, sports, a Dean's List student, and had the female lead in the fall drama production of "The Mouse That Roared." She is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority. ### methodist college fayetieville, n. c. 28301 Alan Stowers METHO&lST'COLLED NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE RESIDENT AWARDED DEGREE FROM METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVI LLE, N.C. - Polly Ann Bridge, 30000*'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bridge of Wrightsville Beach, awarded a bachelor of arts was degree i n art at the 'Methodsit Col lege spring commencement May I I . Degrees were conferred upon 82 seniors during graduation ceremonies h e l d at Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. Commencement speakers were the Rev. James H. Bai ley, pastor of J a r v i s M e m o r i a l U n i t e d Meth- odist Church in Greenvi I l e , and John T. H e n l e y , president pro tempore of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist C o l l e g e is a f u l l y accredited, four-year, r e s i d e n t i a l college of l i b e r a l arts and sciences. It is located on 600 acres of r o l l i n g woodlands and meadows o v e r l o o k i n g the beautiful and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a l l e y . Miss Bridge-' .*> Drxon is a 1971 graduate of Senior High School. W h i l e at Methodist, she was president of Garber Residence Hall her senior year, a member of Alpha Xi Dslta sorority, and was listed on the Dean's List her junior and senior years. m methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 fn Stpwers nfTHOfrfST1 COLLED NEWS BJUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT AWARDED DEGREE FROM METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. -fiavid a. Atwood, sori</x<&tt!d3dfofce of Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Atwood of Roseboro, awarded a bachelor of arts was degree in religion at the Methodsit Col lege s p r i n g commencement May II . Degrees were conferred upon 82 seniors d u r i n g graduation ceremonies h e l d at Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. Commencement speakers were the Rev. James H. B a i l e y , pastor of J a r v i s M e m o r i a l U n i t e d odist Church in Greenvi Me, Meth- and John T. H e n l e y , president pro tempore of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist C o l l e g e i s a f u l l y accredited, four-year, r e s i d e n t i a l college of l i b e r a l arts and sciences. It is located on 600 acres of r o l l i n g woodlands and meadows o v e r l o o k i n g the b e a u t i f u l and historic Cape Fear V a I ley. Atwood j s a 1070 graduate of .*) Roseboro-Saleoborg^ Senior High School. W h i l e at Methodist, he was editor of the 19?ii Tapestry, the literary magazine, on the Dean's List during his senior year, and received an American Bible Society Award. ##* -.*.'••; 15, 1975 methodist college fayetteville. n. c. 28301 •rom Afan Stowers NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE _L R E S I D E N T A W A R D E D DEGREE FROM METHODIST COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N . C . - John Mahlon Lang, sonotdeatsJcofcecK of Mr. and Mrs, John Lang, 18 Bailey Ave., Babylon, a w a r d e d a b a c h e l o r of science at the•Methods it d e g r e e in chemistry (cum laude) C o l l e g e s p r i n g commencement M a y I I . Degrees w e r e c o n f e r r e d upon 8 2 s e n i o r s monies h e l d at were t h e during graduation cere- Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. R e v . James H . B a i l e y , odist Church was in G r e e n v i l l e , pastor of Commencement Jarvis Memorial and John T. H e n l e y , speakers United Meth- p r e s i d e n t pro tempore (i of the North C a r o l i n a S e n a t e . Methodist C o l l e g e i s a f u l l y a c c r e d i t e d , c o l l e g e of liberal a r t s and s c i e n c e s . It is four-year, residential l o c a t e d on 600 a c r e s r o l l i n g woodlands a n d meadows o v e r l o o k i n g t h e b e a u t i f u l of and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a I I e y . Laner Babylon is .*, a 1.971 graduate Senior High School. of W h i l e at Methodist, he made the Dean's List several times, served as president of the Science Club his junior year, and was elected to "Who's Who Among Students in African Colleges and Universities" in the fall semester. He plans to enter medical school in September, methodist co/'eae fayetteville, n. c. 28301 NEWS BUREAU (919? 483 7110 ext. 228 FOR iMMEDIATE RELEASE " 7—* XT ~' s E VV ENT A W A R D E D DEGREE f ROM M E T H O D I S T COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. •• Laura Leigh Sullivan, XXKXX d a u g h t e r Mr. and Mrs, David W0 Sullivan, h930 Oriole Dr., Wilmington, awarded a b a c h e l o r of at monies h e l d at were the o d i s t Church the in upo'i ' I. seniors due i n g graduation c e r e - Reeves A i . d i t o r i u m on campus, H. FaHey, Greenville, and pust. o r .iv.i-,n of T. .idiencement Jarvis Men'orjal Her. i • : • _ • - , speakers llnited p) OK i dent pro Methtempore North C a r o l i n a S e n a t e . Methodist college confY" red R e v . James was degree i r< English/art (cum laude) the " M e t h o d s i t Co! Unie s p r i n g <.: o r ? j n i e n c e m e : Degrees w e r e of arts of- of C o l I ege is liberal r o l I ing woodlands Cape F e a r arts and a f u i I \, ,-ind sc me^Hows four-year, s. It ook i rig is ' r.esidential l o c a t e d on 600 a c r e s • aul t ' ul and of historic V a I ley. Miss Sullivan New Hanover j e ,,1971 Senior H I ; g r a d u a t e - of Wh i l e a t Methodist, this past academic year, she was hall counselor of Garber Residence Hall, a member of the Homecoming Court, Miss Methodist College, a member of Alpha Xi/Delta sorority, a crescent girl of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, a Dean's List student, DENT A W A R D E D DEGREE t M O M M E T H O D I S T COLLEGE FAYETTEVI LIE, N.C. -• Laura I/sigh Sullivan, XMSJO? d a u g h t e r o f * Mr. and Mrs. David W0 Sullivan, 1|930 Oriole Dr., Wilmington, awarded a b a c h e l o r of at t h e 'Methods i t arts degree i r, English/art (cum laude) Co! ip.jt? s p r i n t ) cornrnencemei • Degrees w e r e c o n i c - - r e J upo", monies h e l d at w e r e the in Greenvi I ! o , May I I . . '. s e n i o r s d u r i n g graduation c e r e - Reeves A u d i t o r i u m o n c a m p u s . R e v . James H. B r > i l e y , o d i s t Church was pu-stor and ,K»hn of >>itiencement s p e a k e r s j mor i a I U n i t e d f . He K i dent pro Meth- tempore o f t h e North C a r o l i n a S e n a t e . Methodist c o l l e g e of C o l I ege liberal r o l l i n g woodlands Cape Fear is a t ' u i i \, Four-year, a r t s >incJ s c i e n c e s . It is and meadows ovi r look ing residential l o c a t e d on 600 a c r e s beaul t ' i i - of and h i s t o r i c VaI ley. Miss Sullivan New Hanover , s .i!971 Sen i or II • gra of Wh i I e at, M e t h o d i st , this past academic year, she was hall counselor of Garber Residence Hall, a member of the Homecoming Court, Miss Methodist College, a member of Alpha Xi Delta sorority, a crescent girl of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, a Dean's List student, elected to appear in "Who's Who Among Student in American Colleges and Universities," chairman of the Student Academic Affairs committee, a member of the Queen's Court of the Azalea Festival, and secretary/treasurer of the cheerleaders. She was a recipient of a Martin Marietta Corp. Scholarship and a Methodist College Merit Scholarship. May 15, 1 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 -rom Alan Stowers NEWS B U R E A U (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR I M M E D I A T E RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T A W A R D E D DEGREE F R O M METHODIST COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N.C. -Eugenia Bass Hanson, xs«S»9 daughter of Mr. and Mrs0 Emmett C. Hanson, 92.3 Ralph Dr., Gary, awarded a bachelor of arts degree in was elementary education a t t h e M-ethodsit C o l l e g e s p r i n g commencement M a y I I . Degrees were c o n f e r r e d u p o n 8 2 s e n i o r s d u r i n g g r a d u a t i o n cerem o n i e s h e l d a t Reeves A u d i t o r i u m o n c a m p u s . Commencement speakers were t h e Rev. J a m e s H . B a i l e y , pastor o f J a r v i s M e m o r i a l U n i t e d Meth- o d i s t Church i n G r e e n v i l l e , a n d J o h n T . H e n l e y , p r e s i d e n t p r o t e m p o r e of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist C o l l e g e is a f u I l y accredited, four-year, r e s i d e n t i a l c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l a r t s and s c i e n c e s . It is l o c a t e d on 600 acres of r o l l i n g woodlands a n d meadows o v e r l o o k i n g t h e b e a u t i f u l a n d h i s t o r i c Cape Fear Va I l e y . MlSS "Hanson."> Cary \s a 1971graduate of Senior High School. W h i l e at Methodist, she served as juror this past academic year for the Weaver Residence Hall Judicial Board. In 1973-lk, she was secretary of the dorm. m methodist calleae fayetteville, n c. 28301 rom Alan Stowers NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext, 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE r V-, -,-(T, N E W ^ i NT A W A R D E D DEGREE K K C M M E T H O D I S T COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V ! L I E , N . C . - -Gregory Velanie Jones, s ° nridbfcidBb&a£ of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory; 3, Jones, Rougemont, awarded a bachelor of arts at the'Methods i t Co I I ecn-- was degree • n sociology s p r i n t ) ;:, ommencemen r May Degrees w e r e c o n f e r r e d upon ^ 2 s e n i o r ? monies h e l d at Reeves w e r e the. R e v . James H. o d i s t Church of in - d u r i n g graduation cere- A u d i t o r i u m on campus. B.i t l e y , Greenvi ! ie, pastor of and John T. ! !„ -.nt ncement s p e a k e r s Jarvi.s Memorial He pi United ^ i d e n t pro Meth- tempore t h e North C a r o l i n a S e n a t e . M e t h o d i s t C o l Iege c o l l e g e of liberal i s a f u I l \l a r t s and s c i e n c ;s. r o l l i n g w o o d l a n d s a n d n;r.Ki«'ws Cape F e a r ur-year, It overlooking i ;> the residential l o c a t e d on 600 a c r e s beaui i f u l of and h i s t o r i c V'a I l e y . Jones Northern *, i s a 1971 Senior H > grad h School of W h i l e at Methodist, he was the leading scorer on the Monarch basketball team for the past three years, and the leading rebounder during his junior and senior year. He has been named an All American, All NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics). All DIAC (Dixie Inter collegiate Athlfitir P.nnf«rftnnfi^. All F A Y E T T E V I LIE, N . C . - Gregory Velanie Jones, sorxd&t8b&St£ of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory; 3. Jones, Rougemont, awarded a bachelor of arts * was sgree i n sociology at the 'Methodsit Cot |OM»:: spriru) commencement May Degrees were conferred upon §2 s e n i o r ? monies h e l d at Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. raduation cereCommencement speakers were t:he Rev. James H. rV, * l e v , p t ?Kt or of J a r v i s M e m o r i a l United odist Church * Meth- in G r e e n v i l l e , and John T. M e n u - , p r e s i d e n t pro tempore of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist Col lege I s a r'i.il l \l c o l l e g e of ui l i b e r a l arts and sciences. rol I i n g woodlands and jfU'.Kfi'ws o\g the - ear, r e s i d e n t i a l it is located on 600 acres of ; eaul i ful and historic Cape Fear V'a I ley. Jones is a 1971 gradi a e-of ._•» Northern en i or H i I. W h i l e at Methodist, he was the leading scorer on the Monarch basketball team for the past three years, and the leading rebounder during his junior and senior year. He has been named an All American, All NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics), All DIAC (Dixie Intercollegiate Athletic Conference), All Tournament at the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) national playoffs, All Tournament at the Campbell Classic, and has been named Player of the Week many times. Jones is included in Collegiate Almanac as an Outstanding Athlete in America. Jones has accepted an invitation to attend the New Orleans Jazz rookie camp in July for a shot a becoming a professional basketball player. Off the court, he was a member of the Economics and Business Club, the Monarch Club, and was a member of the Student-Faculty Judicial Board High Court. JUUl ffTfff methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 2830 rom Alan Stower-s NEWS B U R E A U (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR I M M E D I A T E RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T AWARDED DEGREE FROM METHODIST F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N.C. Randy Earl Laid, COLLEGE son#dgoisfa<bcBrc of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earl Lail, 1000 Meadowbrook Rd., Asheboro, awarded a bachelor of arts degree i n was history at the Methods it Col lege spring commencement May II . Degrees were c o n f e r r e d u p o n 8 2 s e n i o r s d u r i n g g r a d u a t i o n cerem o n i e s h e l d a t Reeves A u d i t o r i u m o n c a m p u s . C o m m e n c e m e n t speakers were t h e Rev. James H . B a i l e y , pastor o f J a r v i s M e m o r i a l U n i t e d Meth- o d i s t Church i n G r e e n v i I l e , a n d J o h n T . H e n l e y , p r e s i d e n t p r o tempore of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist C o l l e g e is a f u l l y accredited, four-year, r e s i d e n t i a l c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l a r t s and s c i e n c e s . It is l o c a t e d on 600 acres of r o l l i n g woodlands a n d meadows o v e r l o o k i n g t h e b e a u t i f u l a n d h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a l l e y . .*, Lail i s a transfer fron? Mitchell College, Statesville, North Carolina. Wh i I e at Methodist, he was a member of the Monarch baseball team and made All District. m methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Mian Stowers NEWS BUREAU 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T A W A R D E D DEGREE FROM METHODIST COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N.C. -- Mrs. Nancy Dawn Lsathernan, sxm</ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollis Jr., 9913 Mayfield Dr., Bethesda, awarded a bachelor of arts was degree i n elementary education a t the•Methods i t C o l l e g e s p r i n g commencement M a y I I . Degrees were conferred upon 82 s e n i o r s d u r i n g g r a d u a t i o n cerem o n i e s h e l d a t Reeves A u d i t o r i u m o n c a m p u s . C o m m e n c e m e n t speakers were t h e Rev. James H . B a i l e y , pastor o f J a r v i s M e m o r i a l U n i t e d Meth- o d i s t Church i n G r e e n v i l l e , a n d J o h n T . H e n l e y , p r e s i d e n t p r o t e m p o r e of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist C o l l e g e is a f u l l y accredited, four-year, r e s i d e n t i a l c o l l e g e of rolling l i b e r a l arts a n d s c i e n c e s . I t i s l o c a t e d o n 600'acres o f woodlands a n d meadows o v e r l o o k i n g t h e b e a u t i f u l a n d historic Cape Fear V a l l e y . Mrs* Laatherman .•> Walter Johnson is a 1971 graduate of Senior H i g h School, W h i l e at Methodist, she made the Dean's list three semesters arid was a member of the Student Education Association o m mothodist college fayettevitle, n. c. 28301 Ian Stowers ETHO^ST '^Ol NE\A/S BUREAU (9195 dR8-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - o .. , 7 V.-' r A W A R D E D DEGREE CM METHOD 1ST COLLEGE FA YETTEV I LIE, N . C'. -Qlenda Diane Long, jonuqcdaughter of Mrs0 Constance M. Long, 151 BeLle St0, Henderson, awarded a b a c h e l o r of at. f b e 'Methods it arts Col 'CM*- in monies held at w e r e the of Mfiv "2 s e n i o r s ! !. > graduation cere- Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on c a m p c s , R e v . James H. odist Church business education spr i MM .'.-. i iTimenct.' moi : '' Degrees w e r e c o n f e r r e d upon was R .••••, i l - ' - v , in Greenvi i ie, p<v-ror and John T. >ment speakers of ; Heni , a! United i d e n t pro Meth- tempore the North C « a r o l i n a S e n a t e . Methodist, Col ! p.. I . cr>.:vcj i te d, four-year, res i dent i a I college of l i b e r a l arf-. s ,-md sciences, r o l l i n g woodlands and me idows M is located on 600 "acres of .!•, i no aut i f u l and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear Va I I ey . •» Miss Lon§ Henderson ! " (1 1971 S e n i o r H i •-• °f chool . Wh i Ie at Methodist, she received an Ernestine Matthews Scholarship. She was treasurer of the Student Education Association, a member of the Judicial Board of Garber Residence Hall, and a member of Alpha Xi Delta sorority. methodfst college fayotteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE r Tr~' ~i T "^ io N EwS ! NT A W A R D E D DEGREE FROM M i . T H O D I S T COLLEGE FAYETTEV! LLE, N.C; - Dwight Lamar Sheppard, f o n iidtsttsebcte of Mr0 and Mrs. lyiRw W. Sheppard, U02 South Seventh, Erwin, a w a r d e d a b a c h e l o r of arts at the 'Methods it Co! I e<(f degree in business administration s p r i n t ) commenceme. Degrees w e r e c o n f e r r e d upon, 82 s e n i o r s m o n i e s h e l d at w e r e the o d i s t Church of Reeves A t.d : '.' or i um on c a m p u s . R e v . .lames H. was" Fr--, i l e y , in G r e e n v i l l e , p.^sror of and John T . durinj iduat i on c e r e - Commencement s p e a k e r s Jarvis Henl " - , p <'ia! United Jent pro Meth- tempore the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist C o l l e c i e college of liberal r o l l i n g woodlands Cape Fear a fully accredit a r t s ."id s c i e n c It four-year, is a n d meadows ov< residential l o c a t e d on 600 a c r e s •• ' of and h i s t o r i c Valley, Sheppard Erwin is .•> i s t.i 1970 i i or H i Qh : :hool ' e 0^: W h i l e at Methodist, he was a member of the Business and Economics Club, Art Club, Methodist Mens Club, Pi Kappa Phi fraternity, Student Union Board Publicity Committee, ths? Student Government Association, and the SGA. Appointments Committee. This past academic year, he served as chief photographer, cover designer, and assistant editor of KtblDENl A W A R D E D DEGREE CM M E T H O D I S T COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V ! LLE, N.C. - Dwight Lamar Sheppard, s on idtstttebcfeg* of Mr0 and Mrs. lynfasi W. Sheppard, U02 South Seventh, Erwin, awarded a b a c h e l o r at the 'Methods i t of arts degi ee in h e l d at were the of upo senior.'- Reeves A i.d ; t or i urn on campus. Rev. James H. F a i l e y , odist Church business administration Co II ege s p r i n c i eornmenconie;: • May Degrees w e r e c o n f e r r e d monies was" in Greenv i ! i e , pastor and John of during graduation cereCommencement speakers .' ia! T. lln i ted Jent pro Meth- tempOre the North C a r o l i n a S e n a t e . Methodist college of C o l l e g e is liberal a »"uMv accredit arts a n d s < - • • r o l l i n g woodlands and meadows !t ov four-year, is residential located o n 6 0 0 acres ' ful of and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a l l e y . « Sheppard .*, Erwin i s a 1970 , n i or ' e °^: Hi> Wh i I e at Methodist, he was a member of the Business and Economics Club, Art Club, Msthodist Mens Club, Pi Kappa Phi fraternity, Student Union Board Publicity Committee, ths Student Government Association, and the SGA Appointments Committee. This past academic year, he served as chief photographer, cover designer, and assistant editor of the Carillon (college yearbook), and as women's varsity Softball coach. He is also a Dean's List student. methodist c n f L^GE NEWS BUREAU t. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE A W A R D E D DEGREE t ROM ME T H C D I S T COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V I L I E , N.C.' William Ervin Smith, Mrs, Eulah Smith Cass of r awardc-ui a bucht i or at the -Methods i t w e r e the n.kina, arts in English mencemenl co'nferred upor >eni aduation cere- Reeves A u d i t o r i u m R e v . ,!o<nes H. ey, o d i s t Church in G r e e n v i l l e , of was-- Col ! « • Decrees vt^rr monies held at o1 /xiacMxibdJCsoc of r= pastor of I, :^ment il and pi speakers llnited ident pro Meth- tempore t h e North C a r o l i n a S e n a t e . Methodist Col leq*' colleoe of liberal r o l l i n g woodlands Cape Fear is a !':i ! ! > arts a n d • • aru' ows accrediti our-year, !t > k i n < . j tl residential e d o n 6 0 0 acres h< au1 of and h i s t o r i c Valley. Smith i s a 1973 '" ', Southeastern Community College. ^OacxxJDDDdJbba^oocicjboGictxx; Wh i l e at Methodist, he has served as treasurer of the College Chorus, and had the male lead in the spring drama production of "The Lilies of the Field." Smith attended Methodist with an $1,.QOO College Entrance JSxandnation Board Upper Division Scholarship. villfi, n. c. 28307 NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE , .:',' I" A W A R D E D DEGREE r H O D I S T COLLEGE FA YE TTEV I I. LE , N . C . - Elton Eaton Stanley, i /xstosodxtacxx of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stanley of Shallotte, was' a w a r d e d a b a c h e l o r o^ arts at in the ' M e t h o d s i l. Col l e Degrees w e r e sociology ntnencem* conferred upon !i, seniors s aduation cere• m o n i e s h e l d at: R e e v e s A u d i t o r i u m on c a m p u s were the R e v . Je,mes o d i s t Church of in H. F ; .-> i l ^ v , G r e e r w i ! le, and pastor John of .i. I. H, speakers "•• ial United pi , Jont pro Meth- tetnpore t h e North C a r o l i n a S e n a t e . Methodist college of C o l lego liberal r o l l i n g woodlands Cape Fear is <i fuiiy accredit' a r t s a n d s< and mi •». It :, is •• i ook i nr.| the four-year, Inc. beaui residential on 600 acres ul and of historic VaI\r\ Stanley Shallotte he played on the Monarch basketball team0 is a 1971 m i or H i < of School W h i l e at M e t h o d i s t , This past academic year, he was named to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) All Tournament Team, and to and All Conference the Dixie Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (DIAC) All Tournament/Team. At the conclusion of the season, his jersey, number 20, was retired and he was r-rmed .the Most Valuable A W A R D E D DEGREE F H C D I S T COLLEGE FA Y E T T E V I 1. LE , N . CV - - Elton Eaton Stanley, n .xftaEadxIggxx of Mr, and Mrs, Earl Stanley of Shallotte, a w a r d e d a b a c h c i or at the 'Methods it o' was arts in Col l e sociology nmencetnei Degrees were conferred i i p i i r i •• . ! I. s e n i o? a d u a t i on c e r e - m o n i e s h e l d at: R e e v e s A i. J i * or i uni on c a m p u s , were the R e v . J a m e s }l, . p , i i l e y , pastor o f odist Church in G r e e n v i ! le, imer .; ement s p e a k e r s ia! a n d J o h n T. " lln i ted ..lent p r o Meth- tempore of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. M e t h o d i s t Co I I en/col Ieoe of liberal ; . .1 f u l l > a c c r e d i t * I, a r t s and s c i e n c e s . r o l I ing w o o d l a n d s und : It i r I c o k i n g the four' at< ir, residential on 600 a c r e s beaul i. f u ! of and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a l l e v . Stanley Shallotte i s ,|1971 •> Senior H i < he played on the Monarch basketball team0 of hool W h i l e at Methodist, This past academic year, he was named to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) AH Tournament Team, and to and All Conference the Dixie Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (DIAC) All Tournament/Team, At the conclusion of the season, his jersey, number 20, was retired and he was r^rresd .the Most Valuable Player on the team which he co-captained. Off the basketball court, Stanley was a member of the Monarch Club, a hall counselor for his residence hall, and a Dean's List student. m "2methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE s R E S I D E N T AWARDED FROM METHODIST F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N.C. - Mrs. Donna Kay Vail, COLLEGE XMCKqtdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Blalock, Cheryl Ave., Durham,awarded a bachelor of arts DEGREE was degree i n elementary education a t t h e Methods i t C o l l e g e s p r i n g commencement May I I . Degrees w e r e c o n f e r r e d u p o n 8 2 s e n i o r s d u r i n g g r a d u a t i o n cerem o n i e s h e l d at Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. C o m m e n c e m e n t speakers were t h e R e v . J a m e s H . B a i l e y , pastor o f J a r v i s M e m o r i a l U n i t e d Meth- odist Church in G r e e n v i I l e , and John T. H e n l e y , p r e s i d e n t pro tempore o f t h e N o r t h C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist C o l l e g e is a f u l l y accredited, four-year, r e s i d e n t i a l c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l a r t s and s c i e n c e s . It is l o c a t e d on 600 acres of r o i l i n g w o o d l a n d s a n d meadows o v e r l o o k i n g t h e b e a u t i f u l a n d h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a I l e y . Mrs. Wall r.% *' Northern she was a Dean's List student. is a 1971 graduate of Senior H i g h School. W h i l e at Methodist, •.-A.; methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T A W A R D E D DEGREE FROM METHODIST COLLEGE FA Y E T T E V I L LE , N . C. - Mrs. Donna Elalock Wall, of Turkey awarded a bachelor of arts was degree i n elementary education. at the Methodsit Col lege s p r i n g commencement May II . Degrees were conferred upon 82 seniors d u r i n g graduation ceremonies h e l d at Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. Commencement speakers were the Rev. James H. B a i l e y , pastor of J a r v i s M e m o r i a l U n i t e d odist Church Meth- in G r e e n v i l l e , and John T. H e n l e y , president pro tempore of the North C a r o l i n a Seriate. Methodist C o l l e g e i s a f u l l y accredited, four-year, r e s i d e n t i a l college of l i b e r a l arts and sciences. It is located on 600 acres of r o l l i n g woodlands and meadows o v e r l o o k i n g the b e a u t i f u l and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a I I e y . Mrs. W^n is a 1971graduate of .*» Northern she was a. Dean's List student. Senior High School. W h i l e at Methodist, • .- A..' methodist college faycttevilfe, n. c. 2830 NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE <\ .' il . y y . r A W A R D E D DEGREE ROM Mi" THCD 1ST COLLEGE FAYETTEV I LLE, N . C . -• Mary L. (Dusty) Woodbury, woo? d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs, H. 0. Woodbury, 300 Country Glub Rd., Jacksonville, a w a r d e d a b a c h e l o r of arts at the "Methods it Col !o«;n' s p r i i Degrees w e r e monies h e l d at w e r e the odist of conferred in in elementary education imenceme I I„ upon '•* 2 sen i o. iraduation cere- Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. R e v . James Church degi H. Ra i l e y , p<:i.si or G r e e n v i ! U:, was and John of T. /••fioencenient Ja ial Hen,' speakers United dent pro Metlv tempOre t h e North C a r o l i n a S e n a t e . Methodist college of Col I ege is liberal ro I I i rig wood I ands Cape Fear n ful ly .icct'edM arts cind s c i e n c e s . and ttiea J o w w It ; is -k i ng the our-year, located residential o n ()00 heaut: i ' if I and acres of h i stor i c V^a I l e y . Miss Woodbury Jacksonville i s a 1971 <n a d ua 1 e . of Sen i or H i gl This past academic year she was Homecoming Queen, head cheerleader, and a member of the Judicial Board, English Handbell Ensemble, and College Chorus, • *••-«.• May 16, methodist college fayetieville, n. c. 28301 1975 From Artcin Stowers NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T A W A R D E D DEGREE FROM METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEV I LLE, N.C. --Samuel Henry Brick, sorepdaoaxptKlxeus of Mrs. Sarraiel H. Brick, 932 Maple Ave., Collingswood, awarded a bachelor of arts degree i n was sociology at the Methodsit Col lege spring commencement May II . Degrees were conferred upon 82 seniors d u r i n g graduation ceremonies h e l d at Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. Commencement speakers were the Rev. James H. Bai ley, pastor of J a r v i s M e m o r i a l United Meth odist Church in Greenvi I l e , and John T. H e n l e y , president pro tempore of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist C o l l e g e is a f u l l y accredited, four-year, r e s i d e n t i a l college of l i b e r a l arts and sciences. It is located on 600 acres of r o l l i n g woodlands and meadows o v e r l o o k i n g the b e a u t i f u l and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a I Iey. Brick Collingswood is a 1969 graduate of Senior H i g h School. methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT AWARDED DEGREE FROM METHODIST F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N.C. Richard Patrick Rose, COLLEGE Son/^^^ei^x0f Dr. and Mrs. John B, Rose Jr., Oakleish Place, Fredericksburg, awarded a bachelor of arts was degree i n sociology at the Methodsit Col lege spring commencement May II . Degrees were c o n f e r r e d u p o n 8 2 s e n i o r s d u r i n g g r a d u a t i o n cerem o n i e s h e l d a t Reeves A u d i t o r i u m o n c a m p u s . C o m m e n c e m e n t speakers were t h e R e v . J a m e s H . B a i l e y , pastor o f J a r v i s M e m o r i a l U n i t e d o d i s t Church Meth- i n G r e e n v i I l e , a n d J o h n T . H e n l e y , p r e s i d e n t p r o tempore of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Methodist C o l l e g e is a f u l l y accredited, four-year, r e s i d e n t i a l c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and s c i e n c e s . It is located on 600 acres of r o l l i n g w o o d l a n d s a n d meadows o v e r l o o k i n g t h e b e a u t i f u l a n d h i s t o r i c Cape Fear V a I I e y . Rose .•> Fork Union Military Academy, is a 1971 graduate of &£*Kk^>utick§toQSKtoakx he was a Dean's list students m W h i l e at M e t h o d i s t , methodist college fayettcville, n rnm A!an Stow«?rs c. 28301 METHODIST 'd NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS ENT A W A R D E D DEGREE [ K C M ME T H CD I ST CO LL. E GE FAYETTEV I LIE, N.C. - Leonard Anthony Turtora, L. Turtora, 6?3 Fifth, Lakewood, awarded at a bachelor the -Methods it of arts Co! l e g t . - degree spring nmenceme Degrees w e r e c o n f e r r e d upon '^2 monies h e l d a t w e r e the odist in I I. sen i o- ' i n g graduat i on cere- Reeves A u d i t o r i u m o n c a m p u s , R e v . .'nmes H. Ra i l e v , Church i n business administration Greenvi ! ie, p a s t o r of and violin T. Commencement j Memorial Hen!; speakers United • • . i dent pro Meth- tempore of the North C a r o l i n a S e n a t e . Methodist college of College liberal arts is n f u l l y and s c i e n c e s . r o l l i n g woodlands and meadows Caqe Fear accredit It four-year, is residential l o c a t e d o n 600" a c r e s o\g t h < > b e a u t i f u l of and h i s t o r i c V a I I ey . • Turtora i s a 1971 .•, Lakewood Senior Higl e of hoc I . W h i l e at Methodist, he was a member of the track & field team, Economics and Business Club, and president of the Circle K club his senior year. He played soccer for three years and was voted Most Valuable Player two of those years. This past fall, he was captain of the team. .".<iv, • • methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 NEWS BUREAU 9) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T AWARDED DEGREE FROM METHODIST COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N.C. - Isslie Earl Scott, sonp&ns§&&&& of Mrs. Mrs. L. E0 Scott, 621 Bethesda Ave., Aberdeen, awarded a bachelor of science was degree i n mathematics at the Methodsit Col lege s p r i n g commencement May II . Degrees were conferred upon 82 seniors d u r i n g graduation ceremonies held at Reeves A u d i t o r i u m on campus. Commencement speakers were the Rev. James H. B a i l e y , pastor of J a r v i s M e m o r i a l U n i t e d Meth- odist Church in G r e e n v i l l e , and John T. H e n l e y , president pro tempore of the North C a r o l i n a Senate. Method ist C o l l e g e is a f u l l y accredited, four-year, r e s i d e n t i a l college of l i b e r a l arts and sciences. It is located on 600 acres of r o l l i n g woodlands and meadows o v e r l o o k i n g the b e a u t i f u l and h i s t o r i c Cape Fear Va I I ey. Scott „* Aberdeen he was a Dean's list student. a c is a 1963 graduate of Senior H i g h School. W h i l e at Methodist, He presently is on active duty with the U. S. Army as warrant officer. ### methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS JUNE ACTIVITY CALENDAR May 30. Term I of the 1975 Summer Session ends . June 9 . Term II of the 1975 Summer Session begins at 8 a . m . June 9-14. Band Day Camp sponsored by the 1975 College-Community Summer Youth Program. June 9-13. Girl's Basketball Day Camp sponsored by the 1975 College-Community *s Summer Youth Program. *June 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28; July 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12. "Oklahoma!" will be presented in the O'Hanlon Amphitheatre by Circa '75 productions at 8:30 p . m . each night. Adults, $3; children 12 and under, $1. If a performance is halted because of rain, rain checks will be issued. June 16-20. Girl's Sport and Fitness Day Camp sponsored by the 1975 CollegeCommunity Summer Youth Program. June 16-20 and 2 3 - 2 7 . Boy's All Sport Camp sponsored by the 1975 CollegeCommunity Summer Youth Program. *June 24. "Barbershop Night" will be presented by Circa '75 productions at 8:30 p . m . in the O'Hanlon Amphitheatre. Adults, $2.50; children 12 and under, $1. If rain is forecast, the concert will be held in Reeves Auditorium on campus at the same curtain time. *June 29. "Sacred Music Festival" will be presented by Circa '75 productions at 8:30 p . m . in the O'Hanlon Amphitheatre. Adults, $1; children, free. If rain is forecast, the concert will be held in Reeves Auditorium on campus June 9 . Term II of the 1975 Summer Session begins at a a . m . June 9-14. Band Day Camp sponsored by the 1975 College-Community Summer Youth Program. June 9-13. Girl's Basketball Day Camp sponsored by the 1975 College-Community *. Summer Youth Program. *June 12, 13, 14, 19, 2 0 , 21, 26, 27, 28; July 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12. "Oklahoma!" will be presented in the O'Hanlon Amphitheatre by Circa '75 productions at 8:30 p . m . each night. Adults, $3; children 12 and under, $1. If a performance is halted because of rain, rain checks will be issued. June 16-20. Girl's Sport and Fitness Day Camp sponsored by the 1975 CollegeCommunity Summer Youth Program. June 16-20 and 2 3 - 2 7 . Boy's All Sport Camp sponsored by the 1975 CollegeCommunity Summer Youth Program. *June 2 4 . "Barbershop Night" will be presented by Circa '75 productions at 8:30 p . m . in the O'Hanlon Amphitheatre. Adults, $ 2 . 5 0 ; children 12 and under, $1. If rain is forecast, the concert will be held in Reeves Auditorium on campus at the same curtain time. *June 29. "Sacred Music Festival" will be presented by Circa '75 productions at 8:30 p . m . in the O'Hanlon Amphitheatre. Adults, $1; children, free. If rain is forecast, the concert will be held in Reeves Auditorium on campus at the same curtain time. *July 1. "Country Bluegrass Night" featuring the Progressive Bluegrass Boys. Presented by Circa '75 productions at 8:30 p.^.v.. in the O'Hanlon Amphitheatre. Adults, $ 2 . c O ; children 12 and under, $1. If rain is forecast, the concert will be held in Reeves Auditorium on campus at the same curtain time. *Sweaters and pillows are advised. ###