Contacts Carol Ouverson May 25, 1968 RELEASE* IMMEDIATE OTTLUli holds ^OUTSTANDING ATHLSTE-—Johnson Murray of Goldsboro/two trophies recognizing hirs as the 1967-68 Methodist College Outstanding Senior Athlete and as the WPLB All American Athlete, Murrey, co-captain of the 1967-68 basketball teatn, received the honors at the recent Monarch Athletic Banquet, Aside from athletics, Murray served as the student government attorney general and as treasurer of Cumberland Residence Hall during the past academic year. He i« a. 196h graduate of Ooldsboro High School and the son of Mr. and Mrs, D. J, Murray of 105 S. Claiborne, May 27, 1963 ;> - Dr. Ol^r^ce ?'. Pic'-r,, iead'rK .'^t';0f : : st eduor.ter, co: ^d ';vr ^eJ-iion, "Whrrr dr 'Tr "o f'ror here?" a P. he cV: liver en the m^jor arMrens at the 19An ffjfth. Anm:«i'i. nonrience»nent exercises £-.t Hcr;,i>odi ^t ^ollep'e- i-'a/ 27. qp ( ,.;,^ r , r , Before thr ccnrrirncpmnnt a^rlrrce includlr:^ the one hundred t'/: Ive 196Q Trn.-'-.jrtfis, Ir. ?:" cfc T RP :••-?, "The-, -nlv pl"cc to '.TO frcm here is io t' • cult5vp.t,-'.or! of a creative re?i>o'nse to the challenge of change*" : each -rraduate, as a preliminary to a creative response, ''So examine 'rr-s c^pncit' r to thinic ai-jd speak i'cr hiii'self.11 Man 'iinc't be nble to r^co^nize his biases ' nf;d pre judgments; he ' riuso '/kivllop a mental hesoit.alltv to new ideas, the educator 'S'^ •'. n r, 7?1.cVr;n , ^o was f : rst"?f;en of '''>etho^?f:t Co^legej also ci.'ailfn •?•-<•] tre p to 'iiscipline thcTiselve- bo cocrjcrative problem-"oivinr;o V)ave taken human beings too nnch Tor granted," he scid#poJntlnt. to the. n eTsrnnlcj In an ^™f? of technologies.! cdvancenenL, the solution ':c the of nrhan r^ne^fl 5 H rc'^n -''-s *ore v .i:7ld:' v 'v's "nd I'c^ds rather t'-sr:' ; ~r-r > oved en al?o pxa-^ined the- chgllrrfpe of chan«;in<r r^rif ration:-. Loolr-j r ^ at student rpb^lljons breaking out acre ? the country, ne said, stuccntt; rVui t;hey are on a factory ns^cmbly line which mechanically produces ri*£du"tes. T'o r-no such rebellion, the educator .?aii that dialorye between thr ;--cnerntions must be rrorrioted, b"i action on the "hr-^fs of t'-*+ di«lo-ue must follow. Dr. Ficken urped -the ::rsdu4atirjg cl?;cs to support its. collrfre ?nc,, in -icing so, to mske a creative resoonse to life: culture. the ex si on c!"' science, srt, ; :;:i "'-rist'sn One hTiiv'r">i: ';<<•'"]*''£• st'fjcnts r^er-i u--- 1 tHr» v^0^(7TOT* today ae the cells~e observed its fifth ^rs^'i^tiinn. Fsyettfiyni.e —Svir-p.nts i^lr.-'e: A11.<~e ^svfdJfns, . HetricV J:?)es, Alma B. Ricks, snd BrRnda -. ^O's-^er, all frrartu^t-ed m?-rma cim l" r 3-^» Iraduated with cum laude bonors were !^rb'^a v. Bnranowski and Linda n. Sr^afer, Other Fayettevilie graduates include: Gloria lutry, "mmett ^ird, VilliaTi Preeden, Jr,, rrenda B/fd, Mary Permanides, Patsy ^rrrell, J.^wo'; Fleishnar', Sichard LsuSair, , ;syne Jarncr;, '!ar?ar«t feliotis,. W. i --rk ^^"Vm, "*- •'!• Holnes, and Robert L. Huphes, Jr, Also frr^ri :'ayettcvilS.e arc: Jsm-s LaBelle, '^ar-/ "T. Ls^-nt,. riQ"b''ra Lavscn, ! 51o ,-Icir/de, Rob-rrt vcD-;well, ^-ncy yo^uffl*, 'Terry ' ^ul^-: n , ~ T - " Ratliff, David rvol-ertsor;, Martha 'Horsl, ~"Pdra "tricVl-^d, "-.ten ^vk"-, "^'---^ Taylor, Jr., ^sra 'essie, .-••^M,'J=" r.. vf-'c^. l> rN»'rt ^iniT"?, Jr», Havid Vo^nt, Parapla 7cll"r^, Tfrw^a '-'.r--!, ST? ^'v^^r,-? 3rr;ith, •Ir^^ttatt-s fr'.-m .the Fayetteville .area Inr-ly'de: Cor.sts'i-"e T .- r ne, Ro.ceho^o, and '^thcl ir-r; •:, -s^e, loth cm Is-jde "rso'j.^t^s; J'"->'r'"h i r > »-n«, "V-u'cn "r-"- ; Jean rJlnekricn, i;ade; Linda Runee, ^ted^sn; "arry'Hhar.ce, P^rktcn; "'ic^rrd D'Alesssn-'-'ro, Fort ^ratrp;; rrid il^.ia-n. ".. TT ^r>eycytt, Linden, Other area ^ra^uates ore: James ;xu"-tr-hr-ov-j Hunnj crsnk:T''n K^'n^, Sr^n'1 L?.ke; Mary '-'cA'eill, Hssfordj Jean Sheppard, '-^dej'Paul Smith, Stedmanj John ^tevart, Jr., Dunn;;j:ld Turlinsrton, Clinton; Robec' Council, 'lite "'ismscn, Tpr-'*i!T* pn Add 6ne-f > the i~t College graduates ana Donna Davis and Also graduated were: Jean Berkley, man-na cum laudej/Amelia Karper, cum Isude* Others include: Edward Berber, Randall rsrnes, William. Billings, P-mels Boyle, Robert f-rodie, Jr., David Brown,^Dennis Bruc^/ Donald Pullsrd, Charlotte ''arrndne, Louis Coker, ^erry Daniels, Carooll Hsvis, and Lester J. Cosier, Jr» JK^^-e^fr XJi/i^x,^- Aduitional graduates are "t Anne .look, StcDhen '.I'-ptcins, Sylvia iopkins, ^o^er Humm, Gary Jones, Rosemary Lands, Robert Landsbargsr, Rodney Le^stes, William Lillarc, III, John', ^^,f jer^ldiaia -''icDowsll, Charl.Vs iicL-:r:b, ;'il .'fcPherson, itebacca Xunn, and Johnson !lurray. < Others include: Jrar^cis ^uantz,. Diane acidenbau^h, Paul Reinert, Thonss Repass, KG thy Richardson, Jeralci \a3~.t ildred Diane Sanf or d, Laura 3mith, • ' ' T i e C'jiirij', Isrcle £^«ton, Gonstanee. fhorrr-s, • Sandra fho-ins, Linda Way7ie Trojsdsl-s, Fatricis Underwood, Daniel '-/illis^s, Jr., k r;rr.«st, -Iscn, " r oodco'-';, or ley, Jr», David Cooper, Leslie French, Robert Harper, dnflnJohn Judy. f I Qt;«r h»>n;<r-.-d t w e l v e gt-udrnts rer-*v-d t^e Mc'ielor -erree st ^thtoday p r the rcllcre observed its : '£»\" ttevillp fifth ~r ad nation. :nt>jdents Includes "lies "^vSdimss, Aileen "» Jecks - i>. -5, Alia r «- Hicks, snd Rrenda 1. Sosaer, all .^'jite'1 •nc-r ated with cum Isude honors v;pre ; srb' f-s '•'. 3aranoi*skl and Linda ' % . '-.".chafer, CH-.hrr. *''ayf-t.tevil le er-duabes inclu ; >ss Gloria ''utry, "mmett %srd, -'illta- den^ -'r., i-rehda ^yrd, ,iar/ ."• \- msgnldea',. ijatsy Terrell, JLawts i?fl«i •ticnnrd ^uaan, 11, -iS-yne -'arr". n, '-"ar ;aro.t : .-liotis, '. ! ark 'i^n-ir-.p,. mfts, and rc'^ert L. iu^hej, Jr. ''•/ottreviljt'- 5 arp:. J.-i'o--^ Lc-; 'lie, "srv '"•• '^rff-n^., ! --- r q \s -i, '-. Jo • 'ciT/c riablifl , David • o.-rrtson, "ortha 4oysl, ''sndra -"trlckland, "WRH "jrkp1?, ""svidTaylor,, or., «ra '>;es3ie, stricis >'8ter-'ip J M, James K» Ver>*cs, ^.h*>rt 'illi'^s, Jr., T >f:vir[ fount, ram el a Collars, ?T«nda >nr?l, gmd "urene Smith.*'1' ^ .• • '"•r.v.dustes fr r, the •. tevi lie area Include: Constance T /"ne, 1'opeborc, • and v.-,e--l eii--.?!,, both ctm la^de irradij^tes; Judith Prs^, ^cwton !"rox'e; Jcsn Bls< -'"-.c^, -.'sde; Linda r unee, ?tp:>'-?nj ~ *; * ' nn^n^ro, i'rrt :'rac-r-; end '•illlr--- T':srr7 "hrrrce, P ^ r k t r r ; : '1chPrd . 'T'.-re/cutt., Lindrn. '"ther area ^ r a ^ u ' t c s are: Jarr^s '^raphre.7, "unr?; '-renklin K i n ^ , 'prln? L/^ke; '•ry ''c>pi"il, Before; Jean oheppard, 'u;nj : o-^ld .-.'Jej . r> nul "rnlth-, n^ed^r.rj J "':rli. n^tori, Clintonj Firbrcca ••-'.'. l^s^scr, ?pr -! r3'fy-L«k"e; ?nd ^' Counr~ 1, -n te • • "'fore "t, . T r., . Add 6ne-''c',ho 1-t Collepe graduates r:nd Tlonna Oevis and Also ^radu-ted were: Jean ^pricley, "is ma cum Isudej/Amelia > T ?»rper, ci;n Others include: ert : "?dvard Frrtv.r, ?andall ;>-rnfs, .'illian Pillinrs, P me. la f oilc, Jr., David Provn, renni?? -r^ec, Horald ''jllf?rd, Charlotte '^srm ne is, and Lester J. Cosier, Jr. -x J,;i t,ion«l graduates srer^ Anne :?ook-, :'tt-pnen 'i"pkins, 3ylvia 'lopklns, Louis Coker, "erry Daniels, Carroll 'Tu -ii'!, Inr/ Jones, Rosemary Lands, Robert Landsberper, Rodney U-?-;ates, William L,tllArd, ' !I, John Lipscomb, Jr., QeraldSie McDowell, 'C^arlrs Mcl>^b, '-ilrr.-n ''cPnerst-n, ^c-bacca .''unr/, and Johnson '''urray. Cth?TS include: Francis -,?uantz, Disne ;?Pidenbau?'h, Pa-ul Reinert, Thomas •••.•?, iffltby "Ic'i.-.rdson, lerald Sus;-;, hldrcd Diane Sanford, Laurr--- ";>n1 th, S»rcle~3trtrt^nT^~Sotistance Tho-'-i, ~iiv..ivr& P'^-'-^s, Linda ' [son, ^r:••:,'••"!', 'otrlcic Underwood, nanirl '-llliams, Jr., Ernest "voodcor-!--, • S' *'9c< "orlv ;-, ,".., ' j $>• Coopery^Leslii Drench, Hobert farper^*AidnJohn Judy. Contact: Carol Ouverson May 28, 1968 RKLBA:E: IKKEDIATE FAYETTEVTLL»; - Donna Marie Davis of Raleirb received the Lucius Stacy U'eaver Award at the 1968 Fifth Annual Commencement exercises at Methodist College May 27. The award tasmedfeaWdeheoutstanding member of the graduating class who is adjudged by the faculty to have best exemplified in personality and performance the qualities of academic excellence, spiritual development^ and leadership "and service. Established in 196)4 by the family of Dr. L. Stacy leaver, the Wifd pwsrd honors the first president of Kctbodist College. t Miss Davis, a Gura Laudo graduate, earned the Bachelor of Arts decree in religion. An outstanding student on campus, she served in the student government a sociation two years, was treasurer £Q£ her class two yedrs, was viice president of Garber Residence Hall, and chairman of the Academic affairs committee. Off campus Miss Davis served as youth director at the Hay Street Methodist Church in Fayetteville.. A popular coed, she won the title Miss Csrillon (yearbook Beauty) and was second runnerup to the 1967-6P Homecoming Queen. finalist 'n the 1965 ?'iss Fayetteville pageant. Talented as well, she was a Contacti Carol Ouverscn fay 2$lf 1968 - . p.<vr- TVJL'-F - '&! FJolton of Creswell'will enroll for 'the 1966-6') academe yrsr at Methodist College where he will participete in the varstiy boskctbcll and basebe11 programs for the Honarchs, according to ".ene Clayton, director f athletics and bs^ketball coa--h. At- Creswell .-'leh School '!al was an All~;-"a<*t s-'-lec'lon in basketball, avera.'inp 2h points per fc^e, EM ; AH-p^rt in baneball, v ' t h a battfn-- nverare of«" r ',• als.yied under.the of ^arh David Cede. ' '-;! vill h« a s;rf?A,f, toost to t,he sthl»t1c pro^rR'n T-- V-thodist -ollefc," Clayton commented. , v'ethod 1st Ccllf e*e has just co-nplrV-d its ein^th academic ye-'-'r durln* which time it'enrolled over l,n--0 students from 1? states end 6ij countir-'s in N'orth :-rc!ina. The institution is a m-mbrr of tlie ^ixi-- Titprrcll^-io'.e / t h l e U c v"6nference vith terras rn basketball, tovllr:;-, cross country, "elf, soc-tr, -:s, -.n • vrest.11 ni,-» The school will renter basebnll in the s-r^n? o° • ATHLETIC NEWS RELEASE: TO: Roanoke Beacon Plymouth, North Carolina ATTN: Mr. Keith Sykes Sports Editor Mr. Gene Clayton, Director of Athletics and Basketball Coach at Methodist College, Fayetteville, North Carolina, has announced that Hal Holton, Creswell, North Carolina, has agreed to enroll at Methodist College and participate in the Varsity Basketball and Baseball programs. Hal participated at Creswell High School under the direction of Coach David Cade and was an All-East selection in basketball, averaging 24 points per game. In baseball, Hal was All-East with a batting average of .354. Hal will be a great boost to the athletic program at Methodist College. Contact: Carol Ouverson May 28, 1968 RELFJ1, £511 ET'ED IA TE FAYETtBVILLE - Hal Holton, a 6'2», 16£ lb., All-East basketball and baseball player, will enroll at Methodist College where he will participate in the Monarch varsity basketball and baseball programs, according to lene Clayton, director of athlltics and basketball coach. rial, who played at Creswell High School under the direction of Coach David Cade, averaged 2ii points per sjanie in basketball and has'a baseball batting average of ,3E>!i« "Hal will be a preat boost to the athletic program at Methodist Colleee," Clayton commented. Methodist College, which has just completed its eighth academic yesr, is a member of the Dixie Intercollegiate Athletic Conference and will entegr its first baseball team in conference play in the spring of 1969. ATHLETIC NEWS RELEASE: TO: Raleigh News and Observer Raleigh, North Carolina ATTN: Sports Editor Mr. Gene Clayton, Director of Athletics and Basketball Coach at Methodist College, Fayetteville, North Carolina, has announced that Hal Holton, Creswell, North Carolina, has agreed to enroll at Methodist College and participate in the Varsity Basketball and Baseball programs,, Hal, a 6'2", 165 lb. guard, participated at Creswell High School under the direction of Coach David Cade and was an All-East selection in basketball, averaging 24 points per game. In baseball, Hal was All-East with a batting average of .354-. Hall will be a great boost to the athletic program at Methodist College. Contact: Carol Ouversoh Kay 28, 1968 RELEASEi IMMEDIATE - Eddie Rains of Princeton will enroll for the 196F-69 academic year at Methodist College where he will participate in the fearsity basketball program for the Monarchs, according to Gene Clayton, basketball coach. ' Eddie played for the Princeton Hie;h School baskebfeall team three years and was given Honorable Mention on the All-East selections. Rains, who is 6fl", and weighs 175 Ibs., played under the direction of cosch Jim Corbin. Methodist College has just completed its eighth academic year during which it enrolled over 1,000 students from 17 states and 61t counties in North Carolina. The institution is a. member of the Dixie Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. ATHLETIC NEWS RELEASE: TO: The Saithfield Herald Smithfield, North Carolina ATTN: Mr. Roy Brown III Sports Editor Mr. Gene Clayton, Basketball Coach at Methodist College, Fayetteville, North Carolina, has announced that Eddie Rains, Princeton, North Carolina, has agreed to enroll at Methodist College in September, 1968, and participate in the Varsity Basketball program. Eddie played on the Princeton High School basketball team for three years and was selected Honorable Mention on the All-East selections. Eddie is 6'1" and weighs 175 Ibs. He played Tinder the direction of high school coach Jim Corbin. Contact: Carol Quverson '"..'./ .? / 1968 E - Joe Clayton of ?'sv; London will enroll for the l%0-69 academic year at Methodist College where he will participate- in the varsity basketball progaam for the Konarchs, according to <5ene Clayton, bssketball ccsch, Joe, who was .All-Conf-rence his. senior year at North Stsnly Hi#) School (l966-6?)j avera'Tinf 12 points - n i l"] rebounds per ?sme, is ^-'h" an^ welrha 1---^ lhs« Fe played basketball st Ivorth "tanly under the- direction of Coach Joe "elly. Methodist College has juat completed its eighth academic yesr during which it enrolled ov--r 1,000 students from 17 states ~ n > 6li counties in Kcrth Carolina. The institution is a member of the Dixie rntfrcollepiate Athletic Conference. ATHLETIC MEWS RELEASE: TO: Stanljy News and Press Albemarle, North Carolina ATTN: Mr. Sam R. Andrew Sports Editor Mr. Gene Clayton, Basketball Coach at Methodist College, Fayetteville, North Carolina, has announced that Joe Clayton, New London, North Carolina, has agreed to enroll at Methodist College and participate in the Varsity Basketball program. Joe, who was All-Conference his senior yearjat North Stanly High School (1966-67), averaging 12 points and 10 rebounds per game, is 6'4" and weighs 185 Ibs. He played basketball at North Stanly under the direction of Coach Joe Kelly. V—- Contact! Carol Ouversoh May 28, 1968 - REL^AS": IMMEDIATE FATETTSFILLE - Fine Raleigh residents, were recipients of the Bachelor of Arts degree at the 1968 Fifth Annual Methodist College Commencement May 27. They are: W, Edward Berber, 70? K. Kirobroufrh, a religion majorj Jean E. Barkley (macrna cum laude), 2108 Sierra Drive, a history major; C. David Brown, 38lii Bland Rd., a business administration majorj Dennis L. Bruce, 2001 Olenwood Ave,,. an English majorj and Donna Marie Davis (cum laude), Ii50$ Leesville- Rd,, a religion major. .Vith the 1965 graduation of 112 students, Kettiodist College completed its eighth academic year. During 1965-68 the college enrolled 1069 students nearly reaching its 12-00 student maximum capacity. Contact: Carol Quverscn May 29, 1968 IMMEDIATE. FAlfETTSVILLE - Howard J. Lupton of Rocky Mount is the recipient of a Methodist College Merit Scholarship. The Merit Scholarships, of varying aao nts up to $600 renewable annually, are Awarded on the basis of hir-ti school records, Christian character, finencisl need, and competitive examinations. Lupton is a 1968 graduate of Rocky Mount Senior High School and the son of Rrv, and Mrs, James 0. Lupton. Methodist College has just completed its eighth academic year during; which it enrolled over 1,000 students from 6k counties in North Carolina end 1? other states. The college offers 13 majors in seven areas of study. Contacts Csrol Ouverson May 29, 1968 RELEASE: ' IMMEDIATE ; / . ' FAIETTEtfJLLE, N. C. - Two arion residents received the Bachelor of Arts degree at the recent Methodist College 1968 Fifth Annual Commencement exercises They are: Randall H. Barnes, klO Jones Ave., history; end Carroll Davds, 1201 Cherokee Ave., history and political science. Both Barnes and Bsvis are 196h graduates of Marion High School. Methodist College completed its eighth acpdemic year'with the greduation of 112 students. During the academic year the college enrolled over 1,000 students from, 6ii counties In North Carolina and 17 ether states. Contact: Carol Ouverson May 29, 1968 RKLEASEi FATWT1VILLE - Three Durham residents received the Basbelor of Arts decree i > at the recent Methodist College 196P Fifth Annual Commencement exercises. They are: William Billings, 12^02 Stephenson St., English; Pam Poyle, 1308 Anderson, history} and Gordon Herbert, h6 Beverly Dr., political science. Methodist College completed its eighth academic year with the ^raddation of 112 students. During the academic year the college enrolled over 1,000 students from 6h counties in North Carolina snd 17 othpr states. Contact: Carol Quverscn Kay 29, 1968 RELEASE: IMHEDTA?E FATETTBVILLE - Robert Brodie, Jr., of Orifton received.the Bachelor of Arts degree at the recent Methodist College 1968 Fifth Annual Commencement exercises, Brodie, who received his degree in business administration, is a 196Li graduate of Tsrboro High School and the.son of Rev. and Mrs. R. Stesart Brodie of Box Ijl6, Grifton. Methodist College completed its eighth acsdemic year with the graduation of 112 students. During the academic year the college enrolled over 1,000 students from 6h counties in North Carolina and 17 other states* Contact: Carol Ouverson May 29, 1968 RELEA5E! of Sanford Cer)tral 9igh gcbool' ^ r. snd Mrs. Belton Bullard. its ei;:hth 1,2 fro, 61 counties ,„ 9orth 1 „ IMMSDIATE ^ Centsctj Carol Ouverson May 29, 1968 lELEASE: IMMEDIATE FATETTKVimf - Charlotte Carmine of Richmond received the the Bachelor of Arts degree at the recent Methodist College 1968 Fifth Annual Commencement exercises, Kiss Carmine, who received her degree in English, is a 196lt graduate of Douglas Freeman High School and the.daughter of Mr, and Mrs, S. A. Carmine, Jr. of 602 Gardiner'Bd. Methodist College completed its eighth academic year with the graduation of 112 students. During the academic year the college enrolled over 1,000 students from 6k counties in North Csrolina and 17 other states. Contact: Carol Ouverscn May 29, 1968 RELEA.'Ei P? :")IA , TT. C. - L. James Hosier of Bay Shore received the Bachelor of Arts degree at the regent Metbodist College 1968 Fifth Annual Commencement exercises. • A history major, Gosier was selected foi* two scholastic awards for the • a'cademic year. The awards are the Marie C. Fox Philosophy Award, presented to the student in philosophy who has exhibited in his studies outstanding analjrtic ability, philosophical perspective and creative potential, and the The Grace Tobler Award, presented boaannoutstanding student in the political science field adjudged by the political science faculty to have the greatest academic potential. At the beginning of the academic year, 'losier was named to the list of Who's Who Aracng Students in American Universities and Colleges for 1967-68. In student organizations he was a member of the yearbook staff, a student government senator, and president of the history and political science clul-. Jim is a 196).i graduate of Bay Shore Hi p;h School and the .sen of Mr. end Krs. Lester J. Gosler of 10J> Centre Ave» with the 1968 graduation of 112 students, Methodist Collere closed its ei"hth academic ye-'-r during which it enrolled over 1,000 students from IB states. Contact: CaroJ Ouverson Kay 29, 1968 RELEASE: ' "E FAy/'TTEVILLE, N. C. - Gary D, Jones of Staunton received the Bachelor of Arts degre^ at the recent Methodist College 1968 Fifth Annual Commencement Exercises, Jones, who received his degree in history, is a 196It graduate of Stauton Military and the son of ;vir. and Mrs. Alex M. Jones, Jr» Methodist Co lere completed its eighth academic year with the (graduation of 112 r t dents. During the academic year the college enrolled over 1,^00 students from 61i counties in North Caoolins and 17 other states. Contacts Cprol Guverson May 29, 1968 «jm FAYETTE?ILLE - Rosemary Lrnds. of Charlotte received the Bachelor of Arts degree at the recent tfethodist College 1968 Fifth,Annual Commencement exercises. Kiss Ltnds, who received the degree in relirion, is a 196h graduate of East Mecklenburg High School snd the daughter of Mr,, and Mrs. L. G. lands O; JOI Oak Grove Drive, Methodist College completed its eighth acsdefflic year with the graduation ofi 112 students. During the scsdemic year the collece enrolled over 1,000 students from 6h counties in North Carolina and 17 other states. Contact: Carol Quverson Kay 29, 1968 RELFASSt IMMEDIATE FAYETTEVILLS - William A. Lillard III,of Front Royal received the Bachelor of 'Arts de-ree at the recent Methodist Cell- ?e 1968 Fifth Annual Comnencesent exercises. Lillard, who received his decree in business administration, is a 196Ij graduate of Rrnidolph-Maccn Acsdetnyaand the sen of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lillsrd of 11 North Marshall St. Methodist College completed its eighth acsdemicyyesr with the graduation of 112 students. During the acadernicyyear the college enrolled over , students from 6h counties in North Carolina and 1? other states. 1,000 Contact: Carol Ouverson May 29, 1968 !ELTA:>Et EDTATE FAFETTEVILLB - Terry KcPhfrson of Eockingham received the Bachelor of Arts degree at the recent Methodist College 1968 Fifth Annual Oomraencement exercises, BcPherson, who received the degree in business administration, is a 196li graduate of Rockingham High .School and the son of Fir. and Mrs. Woodrow W, McPherson of Box 167. Methodist College completed its eighth academic year v;ith the graduation of 112 students. During the academic year the college enrolled ov.-r students from 6h counties in North Carolina and 17 other states. 1,000 Contact: Carol Ouverson May 29, 1968 FAYETTEVILLE - D» Johnson Murray II of Goldsboro received the Bachelor of Arts degree at the recent Methodist ^olle~e 1968 Fifth Annual Commencement exercises. Kurray, who received his degree in economics snd business administration, is a 1961; graduate of Goldsboro liph School and the son of Mr, and Krs.'D, J. Hurray of 1105 South Claib-rnei Mettiodist College completed its eighth academicyyear with the graduation of 112 students. During the academic year the college enrolled over students from 6k counties in North Carolina and 17 other states. 1,000 CS^M^^-M* Contact: Carol Ouverson May 29, 1968 :L ./-S FAYETTEVILLS, S. C. - F. Pat Quanta of Rockhfiill received the Bachelor of Arts degree at the recent Methodist College 1968 Fifth Annual Commencement exercises. Quanta, who received the decrree in biology, is a 1963 Winthrop Training Schoolfaid the sen of Dr. and Mrs. N, G. Quanta. Methodist College completed its eighth acsdewicy year with the graduation of 112 students. During the academic year the cdLlege enrolled over students from 6h counties in Korth Carolina and 17 other states. 1,000 Contact: Carol Ouverson May 30, 1968 RELEASE: TKMEDIA"E FAYETTEVILLE - 0. Leslie French of Kinston received the Bachelor of Science ' degree at the recent Methodist College 1968 Fifth Annual Commencement exercises here. French, a 196)4 graduate of Grainger High School, received the degree in mathematics. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry-F. Hamilton of 2202 Stallings Dr. Methodist College completed its eighth academic year with the graduation of 112 students. During the academic year the college enrolled over students from 6h counties in North Carolina and 1? other states. 1,000 Contact: Carol Ouversrn May 30, 1968 ELEASRt F-ATPiTTEVILLE , N. C. - John T. Judy of Orangebure: received the Bachelor of Science decree at the recent Methodist College 1968 Fifth Annual Commencement exercises here. Judy, a 1965 graduate of Spartanburg Jr« College, received the decree in mathematics. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Judy of Box 7b9, Orangeburg. Methodist College completed its eighth academic year with the graduation of 112 students. During the acndemic year the college enrolled over 1,000 students from 6U counties in North Carolina and 1? ether states. Contact: Carol Ouverson May 29, 1968 REIZAS^i IMMEDIATE FAYETrEVILLE,*N.C. - Louis H. Colbwr of Mt. Pleasant received the Bachelor of . • Arts degree at' the recent Methodist College 1968 Fifth Annual Commencement exercises. Coker, who received the degree in economics and business administration, is a 196U graduate of Gen. William Moultrie High School in Mt. Pleasant and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Coker. Methodist Qollege completed its eighth academic year with the p;reduation of 112 students. During the academic ye^r the College enrolled over 1,000 students from 6lt counties in Korth Carolina and 1? other states. Contact: Csrol Ouvcrscn . May 30, 1968 SEt IF^ FAr»,TT£VILLS, N. C. - Paul C. Reinert of Pottstown received the Bachelor of Arts degree at the recent Methodist College 1968 Fifth Annual Commencement exercises, Reinert, who received his degree in English, is a 1962 graduate of Daniel Pxsone Senior High School in Athol and the son of Mr. and Frs. Chsrles L. Reinert of 230 Oak St., Pottstown. On campus Reinert served as president of-the Student Education Association, business manager of the yBsrbook, and chairman of the student union committee during his senior year. \t College completed its eighth academicy year with the sqraduation of 112 students. During the/academic yesr the college enrolled over students from 6U counties in North Csrolina and 17 other sta tes. 1,000 Contact: Carol Ouverson Kay 30, 1968 RF.L'CAS'E; IFMEDIA FE FAYETTEVILL5, N. C. - Thomas H. Repass of Salem received the Bachelor of Arts degree at the recent Methodist College 1968 Fifth Annual Commencement ex; rcises. Repass, who received the degree in economics and business administration, is a 196U graduate of Andrew Lewis High- School and the son of Dr. and Mrs. Fred Q. Repass. Methodist College completed its eighth academic year v:ith the graduation of 112 students. During the academic year the college enrolled over 1,000 students from 6h counties in North Carolina rnd 17 other ststes. Contact: Carol Quverson May. 30, 1968. RELEASSt . XV'EDIATE FA5TETTEVILLE - Gerald L. Russ of Shallotte received the Bachelor of Arts degree at the reeer.t Methodist ^olle^e 1968 Fifth Annual Commencement exercises. Russ, who received his degree in economics and business administration, is a 196U graduate of Shallotte Hiph School and the son of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Xuss, Jr. Methodist^College completed its eighth academic year with the graduation of 112 students. Curing the academic year the college enrolled over 1,000 students from 6Lt counties in tforth Carolina and 17 other states. Contact: Csrol Ouv; rson Kay 30, 1968 qsLFASEt IKKEDIATE . FAYETTEVILLE * Mildred D. Sandford of Greensboro received the Bachelor of Arts degree at the recent Methodist College 1968 Fifth Annual Commencement exercises. Kiss Sandford, who received the degree in elementary education, is a 196ij graduate of Grimsley Senior Hip;h School and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reid W. Sandford. Methodist College completed its eighth academic year with the graduation of 112 students. During the academic year the college enrolled over 1,000 students from 6U counties in North Carolina and 1? -other states. Contact: Carol Ouverson Kay 30, 1968 RELEASED TMEEDUTE FAYBTTEVILLE, N. C. - Connie E. Thomas of Buffalo received the Bachelor of Arts degree^ at the recent Methodist College 1968 Fifth Annual Commencement exercises. Miss Thomas, who received the degree in English, is a 196U graduate of Union High School and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Henry 0. Thomas of Rt» 1, Puffalo. Methodist College completed its eighth academic year with the graduation of. 112 students. During the 'academic year the college enrolled over students from 6Ii counties in North Carolina a,nd 17 other states. 1,000 Contacts Carol Ouverson May' 30, 1968 RELEASE; TKHEDIA FATETTEVILLE - R, Wayne Trousdale of Elizabeth C'ty received the Bachelor of Arts degree at the recent Methodist College 1/68 Fifth Annual Cotnrtencement exercises, Trousdale, who received his degree in histcry, is a 1°6U graduate of Elizabeth CHy High School and the son of Kr. and Mrs. R. F. Trousdale of llh S. Ash St. Kethodist College completed its eighth academic year with the [graduation of 112 students. During the academic year the college enrolled over 1,000 students from 6k counties in North Csrolina and 17 other states. Contact: Carol Ouverson May 30,- 1968 RELEASE; IMMEDIATE FAYETTEVILLE - Diane Underwood pf Golds?- oro received the Bachelor of Arts .1- degree at the recent Methodist College 1968 Fifth Annual Commencement exercises. Miss Underwood, a 196U graduate of Qoldsboro Senior Hio;h School, received the decree in elementary education. An active student on campus, she served on the newspaper and yearbook staffs,' in the student edueation1 association, and in the student government association, Diane is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Underwood of 108 West Ash St. Methodist College completed its eighth academic yearwfflbb the graduation' of 112 students. The college offers 13 majors in seven areas of study. ' Contact: Carol Ouverson 30, 1968 RELEASE; IMMEDIATE FAYKTTEVILLE - Daniel H. Williams, Jr. of Vass received the Bachelor of Arts degree at the recent Methodist College 1968 Fifth Annual Commencement exercises here. Williams, who received the degree in history, is a 196U graduate of VassLakeview Hirh School and the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Harold williams. He and Mrs. ;-;illiams, the former Debbie Johnson, will reside in Vass where Williams has taken a position with United Telephone. They have a daughter, Kimberly Anne. Methodist College completed its eighth academic year yiu,h the craduation of 112 students. During the academic ye^r the college enrolled over 1/X50 , students from 6!j counties in Morth Carolina and 17 other states. Contact: Carol Ouverson 30, 1968 :£; I. 1" F^Y.CTTEVILLE, N, C, - Ernest rf. Woodcock of Richmond received the Bachelor of Arts degree at the recent Methodist College '1968 Fifth Annual Commencement exercises here. Woodcock, a 196h graduate of Manchester *ii~h School, received the degree in political science* He is the sen of Kr. and Mrs. George H, Woodcock of 7636 ILlkharMt Rd. Methodist College completed its ei~htb scade^ic year with the graduation of 112 students. The college offers 13 -najors in seven sreas of study. Contacts Carol Ouverson May 30, 1968 RELEASE! FAP5TTEVTLLE, N. C. - Hal Edwards, Jacksonville Hlrrh School's Best Ail-Around Athlete,will enroll for 1968-69 at Methodist College here and participate in the varsity basketball and baseball programs, according to frenc Clayton, Tirec or of athletics and basketball coach. Hal .is 6'0", -weighs 16$ Iftbs anr$ played under the direction of basketball coach Jerry Faulkner and baseball coech Jim HI h« Methodist College, which just completed its eighth academic a member of the Dixie Intercollegiate Athletic Conference, ye'r, is The school will enter its first baseball teara in conference play in the snririg of 1969, ATHLETIC NEWS RELEASE: TO: THE MARION STAR Marion, South Carolina ATTN: Mr. Lem Winesett Sports Editor Mr. Gene Clayton, Director of Athletics and Basketball Coach at Hal Edwards, Jacksonville High School, will enroll at Methodist College and participate in the Varsity Basketball and Baseball programs. Hal is 6'0", weighs 165 Ibs, and was voted the BestAll-Around athlete his senior year. He played under "foe direction of Basketball Coach Jerry Faulkner and Baseball Coach Jim High. • st-in Contacts / Carol Oyvrrson Kay 30, 1968 ': TMK'PIA rE AfETTEVILLE - Tony Morrla, a 6«3 n , 170 Ib. athlete, frormatfeldon Hiph School, « will enroll for 1968-6? at Methodist College here snd partirlnste in the varsitf basketball and baseball proframe^ according to lene Clayton, director of athletics and basketball coach. At V«ldon Hisrb School, inder the direction of A. W. Elmore, Tony avpra^ed i 15 points per fame with a shooting percentage of ?3* in basketball. In baseball hfe pitched for a I$-2 record with a total of 6£ strikeouts. Methodist Collcee, which just completed its eighth academic :rear, Is a member of the Dlxtp Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. The school vill »nter its first baseball team in conference play in the sprin? of \9 7 Contact: Carol Ouverson Kay 30, 1968 RELEASE: IMMEDIATE FATETT1VILU - Tony Mofria, a 6«3", 170 Ib. athlete, frommWeldon Hiph School, will enroll for 1968-69 at Methodist College here and participate in the varsity basketball and baseball programs^ according to Gene Clayton, director of athletics and, basketball coach, At Weldon High School, Ander the direction of A. W. Elroore, Tony averaged 15> points per game with a shooting percentage of $3$ in basketball. In baseball he pitched for a l>-2 record with a total of 65 strikeouts, Methodist College, which just completed its eighth academic ye?r, is a member of the Dixie Intercollegiate Atliletic Conference. The school will enter its first baseball team in conference play in the spring of 196°, ATHLETIC NEWS RELEASE: TO: THE DAILY HERALD Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina ATTSF: Mr. George Childress Sports Editor Mr. Gene Clayton, Director of Athletics and Basketball Coach at Methodist College, Fayetteville, North Carolina, has announced that Tony Morris, who played at Weldon High School under the direction of A. W. Elmore, has agreed to enroll at Methodist College and participate in the varsity basketball and baseball programs. Tony, 6'3", 170 Ibs, averaged 15 points per game with a shooting percentage of 53$«in basketball. He pitched for the baseball team for a £-2 record and a total of 65 strikeouts. Contact: Carol Ouverson May 31, 1968 • RELEASE: IHMEDI* 'K OUTLINE: gSIDEW^ RECEPTION—Mrs. Ifsrl Beras (left) who's husband is Assistant to the President for Development at Methodist College, serves punch at the President's at the collie Reception for seniors and their families held during the 1968 commencement Left to right are: Mrs. Berns, Mr. and Mrs. Frank- KcEryde of 1702 KcCouran Rd., tht-ir daughter Winnie, and son Milo, preside 't of the 196? graduating class. Contact: Carol Ouverson May 31, 196P CUTLB-F: ^r. L. Steey Weaver (left), president of Methodist "ollere, receives a United States Steel check for *1,000 from Robert P. Kc^re^or, U.S.S. assistant manager of sales from Charlotte. The 51,000, plven for unrestricted use by the college, is part of the Aid-to-Education pro^r-m of United States Steel Foundation-,-' Tnd* If.wss presented by Melre^or on behalf of R. C.. 'Hyson, chairman of the 'J.S.S. Foundation financial policy comnittee.