News Clippings all items from the Fayetteville Observer unless otherwise noted 1979 Date 19790107 Headline Around the city 19790104 19790105 Around the city Around the city 19790117 Methodist booters picked 19790120 A regional meeting… 19790120 Letter from Mrs. Davis argued star arrangement 19790125 The annual North Carolina All-State Band Clinic… Works in various media… by basic design students on display (Fayetteville Times) Once in a Lifetime Advertisement for Methodist College theatre production College offers music Auditions to be held (from the Sanford Herald) scholarships Students may take exams Annual scholarship competition to be held (from for college scholarships the Sanford Herald) Over 100 community have pledged a full day of their time to Methodist leaders… College Loyalty Day Scholarship auditions set Auditions to be held (from the Lumberton for musicians Robesonian) Scholarship competition Annual scholarship competition to be held announced (Laurinburg Exchange) Scholarship exams slated Annual scholarship competition to be held at Methodist (Southern Pines Pilot) Auditions scheduled at for music scholarships (from the Red Springs Methodist Citizen) Methodist College Editorial "Loyalty Day" Methodist College funds Economic impact Scholarship competition Annual scholarship competition to be held (from slated the Raeford News-Journal) 19790129 19790200 19790202 19790202 19790204 19790204 19790205 19790207 19790207 19790208 19790208 19790208 Summary Registration for spring classes to be held; dean's list announced Local students graduate from Methodist College Methodist College receives $700 in grants from the Sears-Roebuck Foundation (from the Fayetteville Times) Two students named to Dixie Intercollegiate Athletic Conference all-star soccer team to discuss a new state program to help small communities prepare for industrial development to be held at Methodist College A letter in the Methodist College special collections at Davis Memorial Library from Mrs. Jefferson Davis regarding the Confederate flag to be held at Methodist College 19790208 19790208 19790210 19790214 College beings funding drive Methodist College "Loyalty Day" Methodist College "Loyalty Day" Methodist College cadets… 197919790214 Methodist seminar scheduled 19790215 Scholarship auditions at Methodist Feb. 24 19790215 Scholarship competition announced 19790222 Methodist College granted $55,000 19790226 Methodist College receives $86,050… 19790222 Methodist College has received a $54,996… 19790222 Williams estate benefits college 19790221 Art exhibit at Methodist 19790300 Course offerings 19790300 Handicap? He shoots in 70s 19790300 Film series to begin at Methodist 19790300 College begins funding drive 19790300 N. C. Symphony coming 19790301 Area student to go to China 19790301 19790301 Arthur H. McDaniel… Methodist College chorus 19790306 Dr. Sid Gautam.. 19790303 19790302 Methodist College Loyalty Day drive Chorus to perform 19790306 Batter-r-r up! Loyalty Day (from the Fayetteville Times) Editorial (from the Fayetteville Times) Editorial in the Army ROTC unit surpass the national average of ROTC cadets who receive commissions upon graduation Dr. Jackson H. Bailey to speak on cross-cultural education Music scholarships (from the Raeford NewsJournal) Annual scholarship competition to be held from the estate of Virginia Rhodes Williams (from the Fayetteville Times) in Loyalty Day funds bequest from the estate of Virginia Rhodes Williams Virginia Rhodes Williams (from the Dunn Record) Combined fine arts exhibit Evening college classes Legally blind Methodist College golfer Rex Fletcher (date unknown) "Begin with Goodbye" self-help series (date unknown) First day totals of Loyalty Day drive (date unknown) To Methodist College (date unknown) Methodist College student Greg Howard to participate in science study tour (from the Fayetteville Times) named dean of men To present concert (includes photo) (from the Chatham Record (Pittsboro)) named to the State Planning Board of North Carolina United Way Letter to the editor from Gwen Sykes, news bureau director (from the Fayetteville Times) Concert to be presented at First United Methodist College of Siler City (from the Sanford Herald) Preview of college baseball in the Cape Fear region (from the Observer Times) 19790309 Chorus presents sacred music 19790308 Wayne Williams 19790311 Robert S. Orcutt 19790309 Promoted by bank 19790312 Smith-Tatum pair exchange vows Moore native to give recital at Methodist A paper co-authored by Dr. Ted Jaeger of Methodist College… Methodist's Bonn denied new pact Williams: "Bonn said to be quiet" 19790314 19790316 19790314 19790316 19790319 19790319 19790318 19790320 19790323 19790327 19790327 19790328 19790328 19790329 19790330 Methodist College chorus performs at First United Methodist Church (from the Elizabeth City Advocate) Former Methodist College student joins Peoples Bank and Trust (includes photo) (from the Fayetteville Times) Former Methodist College student promoted to vice president of Virginia National Bank (includes photo) Former Methodist College student promoted to vice president of Virginia National Bank (includes photo) (from the Smithfield Herald) Methodist College student Anna Margaret Tatum married Ronald Keith Smith Catharine Cox Pendleton, mezzo-soprano (from the Southern Pines Pilot) to be read at the annual convention of the Eastern Psychological Association Employment contract of baseball coach Mark Bonn not renewed Baseball coach Mark Bonn accused of violating NCAA recruiting regulations (from the Fayetteville Times) Violinist Fodor to perform Eugene Fodor (from the Sanford Herald) Soprano to present Catharine Pendleton concert Fisher-Hales Couple say Methodist College graduate Ann Martin Hales nuptial vows married Robert Duane Fisher, Jr. Heels ease to win Baseball against UNC Chapel Hill (from the Chapel Hill Newspaper) Methodist artist in show Art instructor Lloyd Nick featured in Southern Pines art show Getting a master's ROTC instructor offers master of seas, skies, slopes, and survival (from the Fayetteville Times) A hop, skip, and jump Baseball against Campbell (from the Fayetteville affair Times) Life on tour hectic, lonely Interview with violinist Eugene Fodor (includes photo) Symphony performance Review of Eugene Fodor and the North Carolina superb Symphony concert at Methodist College Fodor, Symphony simply Review of Eugene Fodor and the North Carolina dazzling Symphony concert at Methodist College (from the Fayetteville Times) Visiting college pastor Rev. Gayla Estes to be minister-in-residence at Methodist College 19790328 19790331 19790400 19790400 19790400 19790400 19790400 19790400 19790400 19790400 19790400 19790401 19790402 19790407 19790406 19790405 19790406 Girls vying for Methodist College title Student recital set at Methodist Air Force Band concert sponsored City forum Miss Methodist College pageant (from the Sanford Herald) Teresa Ann Poole, piano (includes photo) To perform at Methodist College April 20 (includes photo) Film series offered at Methodist College Methodist cadets surpass national average Methodist College senior Greg Howard to visit China on science tour - Collegiate drama unsung hero of amateur theatre (theatre programs at Methodist College) (includes photos) Cultural resources head to Sara Wilson Hodgkins, secretary of the North speak at Methodist Carolina Department of Cultural Resources (includes photos) (date unknown) N.C. Symphony to present Misha Dichter, piano, and Jacquelyn Batlett, harp, three local performances to appear in concerts at Methodist College (includes photos) (date unknown) Methodist College Religion instructor Arnold Pope participates in "foreign ambassador" heptathlon games (includes photo) (date unknown) travels to preserve Scottish heritage Faith-in-life week to be (date unknown) held at Methodist College Photo: Golden Knights Army parachute team lands on Methodist College jump soccer field (date unknown) Methodist College Events calendar calendar Spouses turn out for Ministers' spouses of the North Carolina annual potpourri Conference enjoy mixers, skits, and discussions (date unknown) Concert group begins Community Concert Association begins drive membership drive; concerts announced (includes photos) Do not apply Editorial: liberal arts majors are a valuable commodity (from the Fayetteville Times) College names director of George Thomas Dent (from the Sanford Herald; admissions photocopy is cropped) Donna Kay Horne gets Incoming freshman (includes photo) (from the Berns Music Scholarship Dunn Record) City native heads N.C. Bruce R. Pulliam elected president of the historians Association of Historians in Eastern North Carolina (from the Roxboro Courier-Times) Association president Bruce R. Pulliam elected president of the named Association of Historians in Eastern North Carolina (from the Roxboro Courier-Times) 19790408 Methodist queen 19790408 George Thomas Holland… Methodist announcements Horse shows may become the great American pastime Meredith Faye Stone and Erwin Malloy Cade… 19790407 19790408 19790408 19790408 College, church choirs combining for "Requiem" 19790411 Spring frolic 19790411 19790413 19790414 19790412 Photo: Loyalty Fund Methodist drive nets $250,000 Around the city Methodist open house 19790417 Around the city 19790414 Tea honors Mrs. Longest 19790417 At 82, great-grandma will soon graduate from college Ms. Byrd to give recital 19790417 19790417 19790420 Methodist College has new dean Methodist again to host exchange students Methodist announces camps Methodist College to hold sports camps Dr. Fred Clark… Methodist choir, chorus to perform Around the city 19790420 Chorus and Campbell 19790417 19790419 19790419 19790419 19790420 Stella Reid Matthews named "Miss Methodist College" (includes photo) named Student Government Association president; other officers named Staff changes, student editors, donations Business administration instructor Calvert Ray organizing horse show (includes photos) exchange wedding vows; bride is a Methodist College graduate (from the Lumberton Robesonian) Faure Requiem to be presented by Hay Street United Methodist Church choir and Methodist College chorus (includes photo) Various cultural events happening in town and on campus (from the Fayetteville Times) Methodist College Foundation officials Loyalty Day fundraising (includes photo) (from the Fayetteville Times) Information on Methodist College graduation For prospective students and parents (from the Sanford Herald) East-West Foundation; students inducted into Alpha Chi Methodist College biology professor and state president of Delta Kappa Gamma Alice Pearce, mother of Methodist College president Richard Pearce (includes photo) (from the Fayetteville Times) Methodist College graduate Vivian Webb Byrd, mezzo-soprano (includes photo) Dr. Fred Clark named academic dean (from the Sanford Herald) East-West Foundation (from the Fayetteville Times) Summer sports camps Summer sports camps (from the Raeford NewsJournal) named academic dean Methodist College Chorus and Handbell Choir to perform Methodist College seeking host families for EastWest Foundation program; Graduation marshals announced Methodist College Chorus and Handbell Choir to 19790422 19790424 19790425 19790424 19790425 19790426 19790427 19790429 19790501 19790500 19790500 19790502 19790501 19790504 19790500 19790517 19790510 19790511 19790518 19790518 [sic] choir will perform State's private colleges find ways of coping with trends FTI's proposal for offcampus courses rapped New heat system developed here Exchange host families needed East-West family ties Monarchs earn national ranking Monarchs tourney bound? Senior (citizen) to graduate Methodist College host to Japanese students For your weekend perform (from the Sanford Herald) Lack of students, rise of public education institutions, rising energy costs Fayetteville Technical Institute (from the Fayetteville Times) By Methodist College student Danny Nolan For East-West Foundation program (from the Fayetteville Times) Editorial encouraging families to volunteer to be East-West Foundation host families (from the Fayetteville Times) Baseball team ranked 15th in the nation Possible NCAA Division III tournament bid (from the Fayetteville Times) Alice Pearce (from the Fayetteville Times) As part of the East-West Foundation program Weekend calendar, including on campus events such as Anne Wilce's senior art exhibit and the Little Miss Fayettevile Beauty Pageant (date unknown) MC senior to visit China Greg Howard to visit China (date unknown) Smith elected to bank post Methodist College Board of Trustees member W. L. Smith elected chairman at Peoples Bank and Trust Company New dean named at Dr. Fred Clark named academic dean Methodist Graduation ceremonies For Methodist College and other colleges in the set region (from the Raleigh News and Observer) Methodist tabs Austin Tom Austin named new baseball coach at Methodist College (date unknown) Chorale concert planned Cumberland Chorale to perform on campus Methodist College JoAnne Jones receives Lucius Stacy Weaver graduates 73 Award; List of graduates A curious China greets a Methodist College graduate Greg Howard visits new American friend China with members of the American Chemical Society (includes photos) JoAnne Jones earns honor Graduates magna cum laude; receives Lucius at Methodist Stacy Weaver Award (includes photo) (from the Richmond County Journal (Rockingham)) Methodist to name Ferrell Laura Bolton Ferrll named women's basketball, volleyball, and softball coach (from the 19790520 19790520 19790520 19790525 19790500 19790529 19790531 19790600 19790600 19790600 19790600 19790600 19790600 19790600 19790600 19790602 19790601 19790600 Fayetteville Times) Pilot Club sponsoring Annual recital of the Ann Clark School of Dance Ann Clark dance recital to be held at Methodist College Gerald R. "Rick" Methodist College graduate, named district sales Merrill,… manager for Eastern North Carolina for the C.I.T. corporation (from the Rocky Mount Telegram) Two county students… receive presidential scholarships; Beth Farnum and Laura Hargis Dr. Pearce to speak on at First United Methodist Church (from the Sunday Henderson Daily Dispatch) (includes photo) High Point alumni to meet during the North Carolina Conference at Methodist College Methodist College… designated a member of the Serviceman's Opportunity Colleges General Registry Around the city Twelve Methodist College students inducted into Pi Gamma Mu, the national social science honor society National camp East Coast Cheerleading Camp to be held on cheerleaders at ECCC campus (from City Forum, June 1979) Small Talk gets honors Methodist College student newspaper receives "first class" rating from the Associated Collegiate Press (from City Forum, June 1979) J. H. Bailey honored by Rev. James H. Bailey receives honorary Doctor of Methodist Divinity degree from Methodist College (date unknown) Methodist College has to eleven incoming freshmen (from City Forum, awarded scholarships… June 1979?) Methodist College Results of the Loyalty drive (date unknown) Loyalty drive nets $250,000 Secretary Hodgkins Sara W. Hodgkins, Secretary of Cultural addresses Methodist Resources for the State of North Carolina, College commencement addresses Methodist College graduation (from City Forum, June 1979?) Rev. Jim Bailey receives Rev. James H. Bailey receives honorary Doctor of hon. degree Divinity degree from Methodist College (from City Forum, June 1979?) Agreement reported in Fayetteville Technical Institute apparently decides dispute on courses to drop courses which duplicate content at neighboring colleges (source unknown; no date) Annual meetings slated North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church to meet on campus (from the Raleigh News and Observer) Registration… is under way for the second term of the summer session Mrs. Mary Bell Bird… elected to serve as president of the Carolina 19790601 19790601 19790603 19790602 19790603 19790603 19790604 19790606 19790604 19790604 19790614 19790607 United Methodists to hold annual conference here June 4-7 Methodist will host cheerleaders Land use tops Methodists' agenda 1,400 expected at conference Around the city United Methodists to hold annual conference June 47 Methodists convene on campus Student awarded Methodists meeting this week Methodist meeting starts today FTI extension plan draws FSU opposition Methodist dean's list 19790608 19790608 Methodist College art Students attend conference 19790618 He dreams of big league calls 19790622 Keeping it in the family 19790624 College hosting workshop 19790626 FTI board approves controversial course expansion Methodist College has new minister Award recipient 19790628 19790600 College Alumnae Association (from City Forum, June 1979?) On campus East Coast Cheerleading Camp to be held on campus (from the Fayetteville Times) Land which now houses the Methodist Home for Children United Methodists meet on campus (from the Wilmington Star) Michael Servie re-elected president of the Methodist College Alumni Association; other officers announced On campus (from the Lumberton Robesonian) For annual conference (from the Sanford Herald) Academic scholarships awarded to eleven incoming freshmen (from the Spring Lake News) On campus (from the Greensboro Daily News) On campus (from the Durham Herald) Methodist College opposes plan as well (from the Fayetteville Times) Jo Anne Jones named to dean's list (from the Hamlet News) Marilyn Bryant senior art exhibit Five Methodist College students attend leadership conference sponsored by the NC Association of Educators Coleman Coffelt aspires to be a major league baseball umpire (connection to Methodist College unclear) (from the Fayetteville Times) Marialyse Hoover, Methodist College student and ROTC cadet (from The Cadet) Youth Music Workshop (from the Greenville Reflector) To offer off-campus liberal arts courses for credit Rev. Milton Sluder-Jordan appointed campus minister (from the Sanford Herald) JoAnne Jones receives Lucius Stacy Weaver 19790626 Overseas visitors 19790700 The 9th annual Youth Music Workshop… New C-T reporter has family ties to Person Photo: Mayor welcomes students 19790628 19790700 19790700 Methodist cage camp set 19790707 Exchange students welcomed to city Methodist… Church notes 19790714 19790714 19790613 19790712 19790716 19790717 19790720 19790720 19790721 19790727 19790800 Methodists set youth conference Methodist signs two cagers These students aren't foreigners when it comes to some topics East meets West: happy exchanges Campus pastor seeks "sense of community" as goal Photo: Campus counseling Methodist lands five athletes Today's cheerleaders -showmen and athletes Ingle named by Hunt 19790806 Hiroshima's responsibility: "We have to tell it to the world" 19790801 Lee High awarded for cheerleading Award (source unknown) Host families needed for Asian students attending program at Methodist College (from the Fayetteville Times) was held at Methodist College (source unknown; date unknown) Methodist College graduate William H. "Bill" Billings (from the Roxboro Courier-Times) Fayetteville mayor Beth Finch welcomes Keizo Hirano to a summer orientation program at Methodist College (date unknown) Basketball camp to be held at Methodist College (date unknown) East-West Foundation (includes photo) College sports shorts (from the Fayetteville Times) Methodist youth to hold annual conference on campus (from the Raleigh News and Observer) Methodist youth to hold annual conference on campus Junior East and Kelly Edward Smith to play basketball for Methodist College (from the Raleigh News and Observer) International students on campus for summer orientation program (includes photo) East-West Foundation students (includes photos; from the Fayetteville Times) Methodist College chaplain Milton Sluder-Jordan Campus chaplain Milton Sluder-Jordan with a student Basketball, soccer, baseball East Coast Cheerleading Camp held at Methodist College (includes photos) Methodist College student Norma Ingle appointed by governor to one of the state task forces on education (date unknown) Methodist College student Hiroshi Yoshikawa's reflections on the 34th anniversary of the dropping of an atomic bomb on Hiroshima (date inferred from article) News from the East Coast Cheerleading Camp (from the Sanford Herald) 19790801 Methodist leadership school set 19790801 Methodist school set 19790802 19790802 [no title] Those FTI courses 19790803 State Board of Education to enter FTI course dispute 19790805 Westover, Lee County take cheerleading honors Cumberland car dealers upset by murder threats 19790805 19790810 19790809 19790809 Methodist College… Registration… JoAnne Jones… 19790809 Methodist lands cager 19790811 Methodist basketball coach… McAdams awarded medallion 19790800 19790822 19790900 19790824 19790829 19790831 19790731 United Methodist Conference to hold Conference Leadership School on campus (from the Washington Daily News) United Methodist Conference to hold Conference Leadership School on campus (from the Souther Pines Pilot) East Coast Cheerleading Camp results Editorial focusing on courses to be offered by Fayetteville Technical Institute which duplicate those offered by Fayetteville State University and Methodist College Courses to be offered by Fayetteville Technical Institute which duplicate those offered by Fayetteville State University and Methodist College East Coast Cheerleading Camp results Methodist College president Richard Pearce offers $250 in reward money (from the Raleigh News and Observer) officially opens fall semester is open for weekend college and evening classes Methodist College graduate, interning with the State Department of Public Instruction Howard Junior Ward to play basketball for Methodist College signs Howard Ward (from the Fayetteville Times) Charles McAdams presented Methodist College Medallion during graduation (includes photo) (no date; source unknown) McAdams receives Charles McAdams presented Methodist College Methodist College Medallion during graduation (from the Mebane Medallion Enterprise-Journal) Rennie Beyer heads new Preparatory Division of the Music Department music division (source unknown) Pianist heads new division Rennie Beyer to lead Preparatory Division of the Music Department at Methodist College (includes photo) Weymouth Consortium Methodist College to participate (from the formed for artsSouthern Pines Pilot) humanities program Spectator Methodist College business professor Fred Reardon's attendance policy (from the Fayetteville Times) Annual mission school Annual Conference Leadership School to be held 19790900 charted by Methodists We're not big and we like it that way Methodist College 19790900 Japanese students depart 19790900 Methodist announces $55,000 gift Wins award 19790900 19790900 19790900 19790900 College names sports editor Rennie Beyer joins faculty at Methodist 19790900 Advertisement 19790903 Photo: Convocation 19790915 Musical spoof slated 19790810 Methodist College opens Aug. 25 Monarchs romp past Catawba "Pinafore's" maiden voyage is a pleasure trip Monarchs romp past Catawba Monarchs host Cypress tourney Methodist wins opener, 71 Methodist volleyballers ready Methodist opens net season Religious leader says the church is failing in its job Around the city 19790915 19790915 19790915 19790916 19790915 19790916 19790921 19790922 19790922 19790922 Methodist College students… on campus (from the Henderson Dispatch) Methodist College advertisement (no date; source unknown) Advertisement with registration information and campus calendar (no date; source unknown) East-West Foundation students bid farewell (from City Forum?) From the estate of Mrs. Virginia R. Williams (no date; source unknown) Methodist College student Rodney W. Barwick receives Marie C. Fox Philosophy Award (includes photo) (no date; source unknown) Phil McAllister named sports editor for Small Talk (no date; source unknown) Rennie Beyer to lead Preparatory Division of the Music Department at Methodist College (includes photo) (no date; source unknown) For Methodist College Preparatory Music Division (no date; source unknown) Methodist College students attend opening convocation (source unknown) Methodist College to present "Little Mary Sunshine) (from the Sanford Herald) Registration information (from the Smithfield Herald) Men's soccer "HMS Pinafore" performed at Methodist College (includes photos) Men's soccer (filed with mid-October clippings) Men's golf (includes photo of Gene Clayton) Men's soccer (from the Fayetteville Times) Women's volleyball Women's tennis (from the Fayetteville Times) Shri Radhakrishna speaking about world peace (from the Fayetteville Times) Arnold Pope named assistant to the dean of students will attempt to set a world's record of continual one-on-one basketball play as a fundraiser (from the Fayetteville Times) 19790922 19791922 19790923 Methodist in action FLT recreates Cervantes' Impossible Dream Long to head fund's business division 19790923 19790923 Monarchs earn tie Bob Timberlake -- The man and his work 19790925 Helms is ECU spark 19790923 19790928 Monarchs earn tie Tourney gets underway 19790927 Arnold Pope… 19790926 Coastal takes tourney 19791001 R'boro post has first candidate 19791002 N. C. realist art attacked by critics 19791000 19791005 Advertisement: 2nd annual Fayetteville Fun Run Harriers down Methodist 19791002 19791003 Methodist College… Laird sparks Monarchs 19791002 Methodist College group meets [Sports news column] 19791006 19791011 19791008 19791011 College homecoming Friday Methodist shows boost in enrollment Education study Men's soccer (from the Fayetteville Times) Methodist College music professor Alan Porter participates in production of "Man of La Mancha" Methodist College graduate James A. Long to lead Chapel Hill-Carrboro United Fund Campaign (from the Chapel Hill Newspaper) Men's soccer Methodist College art professor Nick Lloyd among those protesting the merit of a Timberlake retrospective at the North Carolina Museum of Art At Methodist College Invitational Golf Tournament (from the Goldsboro News-Argus) Against Virginia Wesleyan in a men's soccer game Eastern Collegiate Tennis Tournament held at Methodist College (from the Fayetteville Times) named assistant dean of students (from the Fayetteville Times) Coastal Carolina College wins Methodist College Collegiate Invitational golf tournament (from the Fayetteville Times) Former Methodist College student Frankie Atwood running for mayor of Roseboro (from the Sampson Independent (Clinton)) Methodist College art professor Lloyd Nick and others protest Timberlake show at the North Carolina Museum of Art (from the Hickory Daily Record) From the Market House to Methodist College (date unknown; source unknown) Versus St. Andrews in cross country (from the Laurinburg Exchange) invites the public to attend "Little Mary Sunshine) Methodist College victorious over Pembroke State University Methodist College Women's Club (from the Fayetteville Times) Methodist College baseball coach Tom Austin reporting on Florida recruits (from the Orlando Sentinel Star) Homecoming activities schedule (from the Fayetteville Times) Registration statistics (from the Sanford Herald) Editorial regarding the proposal of Fayetteville Technical College to "farm out" general education 19791011 The magic man 19791014 Methodist booters win homecoming Lloyd Nick's respect for nature shows in his landscapes Susan Matthews is queen candidate at Methodist College Methodist queen 19791018 19791017 19791018 19791017 19791021 19791021 19791024 19791025 19791024 19791026 19791028 19791028 19791031 19791026 19791016 19791031 19791031 courses (from the Fayetteville Times?) Bob Kramer, magician and psychologist, performs on campus Men's soccer against Christopher Newport Methodist College art professor Lloyd Nick exhibits work at the Fayetteville Museum of Art (includes photo) Homecoming queen competition (from the Clayton News) Kathy Southerland named homecoming queen (includes photo) College president to speak Dr. William H. Pearce to speak at Divine Street at Dunn church Methodist Church (includes photo) (from the Dunn Record) Foreign connection Report on men's soccer team, highlighting evident on Methodist international players (from the Fayetteville soccer team Times?) "A Man for All Seasons" Methodist College professor Jack Peyrouse to play opens Friday at playhouse the Duke of Norfolk Milikin-Reynolds Loreta Jean (Jeanie) Reynolds marries former Methodist College student Bryan W. Milikin (from the Tryon Bulletin) Methodist College… is accepting registrations for evening classes Events to be announced Methodist College participating in symposium for Weymouth seres (from the Southern Pines Pilot) Consortium Unified: "Veteran" coach Women's volleyball coach Laura Ferrell (includes has molded Monarch's photo) (from the Fayetteville Times) Campbell blanks Men's soccer (from the Raleigh News and Methodist Observer) Methodist women gain Volleyball two wins Methodist students' Small Talk receives first class rating from the newspaper wins Associated Collegiate Press (from the Sanford Herald) Methodist cagers Men's basketball (includes photo of coach Joe assembling Miller) (from the Fayetteville Times) Methodist records rising Registration statistics (includes photo) (from the enrollment for 5th year North Carolina Christian Advocate?) Ex-Sanfordian appointed Eleanor Howell named to the Visiting Committee for Needham Broughton High School (from the Sanford Herald) MC baseball players All-Conference baseball team honored 19791031 19791000 19791100 19791100 19791100 19791100 19791100 19791100 19791100 19791100 Methodist hosts meet Advertisement: Evening College Methodist College calendar of events Fifth consecutive enrollment increase Methodist has 17 for Who's Who Methodist College celebrates fifteenth annual homecoming Methodist College student newspaper received top national awards Notes from around the neighborhood Mark Evancho of Binghampton… Pope named assistant 19791101 "Small Talk" paper honored 19791100 Laura Bolton Ferrell… 19791100 Presidential scholarships… 19791102 Campus, weather lured Monarch golfers Students invited to campus College newspaper receives honors Four Monarchs honored 19791102 19791102 19791102 19791102 19791102 19791102 Methodist students list in Who's Who Minister-in-residence at Methodist Area high schoolers are invited to see college Dixie Conference cross country tournament Courses offered on campus and at Fort Bragg (date unknown; source unknown) For November 1979 Registration statistics (from City Forum) Students named to Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges (from City Forum) Recap of homecoming activities (from City Forum) Small Talk receives first class rating from the Associated Collegiate Press (from City Forum) Moravian love feast to be held at Methodist College (typewritten manuscript; date and source unknown) to receive scholarship to Methodist College (includes photo) (date and source unknown) Arnold Pope named assistant to the dean of students (source and date unknown) Small Talk receives first class rating from the Associated Collegiate Press (from the Fayetteville Times) to coach women's volleyball, basketball, and softball for Methodist College (includes photo) (date and source unknown) awarded to Beth Farnum of Hope Mills and Laura Hargis of Fayetteville) (includes photos) (date and source unknown) Methodist College men's golf (includes photo of coach Gene Clayton) (from the Fayetteville Times) Campus open house for high school juniors and seniors (from the Durham Sun) Small Talk receives first class rating from the Associated Collegiate Press All-Dixie Conference baseball team (from the Fayetteville Times) Students named to Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges Wes Brown Campus open house for high school juniors and seniors (from the Sanford Herald) 19791103 Players make Ft. Bragg show worth the wait 1919791105 Pleasing: Fayetteville Symphony offers gift of love Methodist invites visitors 19791105 19791105 19791106 New guidelines help reduce defaulted student loans Women's clubs sponsor fashions, entertainment 19791107 Loan default rates 19791107 19791107 Fayetteville high school juniors and seniors… Pianist in concert 19791108 "Outlook for 1980" 19791108 Christmas fasion show scheduled 19791108 Local students in Who's Who 19791109 PTA workshop studies family 19791110 Guest artists enhanced the Symphony 19791109 N. C. Symphony's program here Thursday was "Dazzling" Photo: Student Vicki Alvis Move over football; here comes soccer Methodists addressed by Henley 19791111 19791111 19791111 Ft. Bragg Playhouse presents "A Man for All Seasons" (includes photos, including one of Methodist College professor Jack Peyrouse) (from the Fayetteville Times) Review of Fayetteville Symphony concert (from the Fayetteville Times) Campus open house for high school juniors and seniors (from the Bladen Journal (Elizabethtown) Includes information from Methodist College (from the Fayetteville Times) Woman's Club of Fayetteville and Methodist College Faculty Women's Club to present fashion show (from the Fayetteville Times) Includes information from Methodist College (from the Fayetteville Times) invited to Methodist College campus visitation day (from the Red Springs Citizen) Pianist Misha Dichter to join the North Carolina Symphony for a concert at Methodist College (from the Red Springs Citizen) Economic symposium to be held at Methodist College (from the Sanford Herald) Woman's Club of Fayetteville and Methodist College Faculty Women's Club to present fashion show Jewel Absher and Steven Strouse named to Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges (from the Bladen Journal (Elizabethtown)) Director of Guidance and Placement (at Methodist College) Dr. John Sill talks at workshop about solving marital problems Review of the North Carolina Symphony concert held at Methodist College with guest conductor James Paul and soloist Misha Dichter (from the Fayetteville Times) Review of the North Carolina Symphony concert held at Methodist College with guest conductor James Paul and soloist Misha Dichter Reading under a tree Rising popularity of soccer at Methodist College and other area schools John Henley, president of the N. C. Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, speaks to 19791111 Methodists claim title 19791111 Methodist spikers win 19791111 Methodist wins volleyball title Methodist halts Wesleyan in final 19791112 19791112 Methodist wins volleyball tourney 19791113 John Wilson night 19791113 Life tense for area Iranian students Abusing the privileges of the Reader's Forum 19791115 19791115 19791115 19791115 19791115 19791116 19791116 19791116 19791119 19791117 19791120 Iranian students meet visa terms Lady Monarchs set for tourney Methodist College slates Moravian love least Dec. 2 Methodist in tourney Lady Monarchs set for tourney Correction Iranians here get support of students Crisis pulls Methodist students together Iranians, Americans drawn closer at Methodist College Methodist College sets Methodist College faculty and students (includes photo) Methodist College captures NCAIAW Division III volleyball championship (from the Raleigh News and Observer) Methodist College captures NCAIAW Division III volleyball championship (from the Raleigh News and Observer) Methodist College captures NCAIAW Division III volleyball championship Methodist College captures NCAIAW Division III volleyball championship (from the Rocky Mount Telegram) Methodist College captures NCAIAW Division III volleyball championship (from the Laurinburg Exchange) John M. Wilson, Methodist College trustee emeritus, honored by the Fayetteville Rotary Club (includes photo) One of which attends Methodist College (from the Fayetteville Times) Bogus letter to the editor published; Methodist College art professor Lloyd Nick mentioned in letter (from the Fayetteville Times) Will not be deported; no incidents of hostility reported at Methodist College Volleyball team headed to the AIAW tournament To be held in Hensdale Chapel (from the Sanford Herald) Volleyball team headed to the AIAW tournament (from the Fayetteville Times) Volleyball team headed to the AIAW tournament Iranian student involved in protest against the Ayatollah enrolled at Campbell University, not Methodist College (from the Fayetteville Times) Iranian students at Methodist College relate their experiences Iranian students at Methodist College relate their experiences (from the Rocky Mount Telegram) Iranian students at Methodist College relate their experiences (from the New Bern Sun-Journal) Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks (from the 19791120 19791124 holiday Brownout cuts classes at Methodist College Army ROTC department… 19791100 Methodist dumped 19791124 19791128 Museum, youth orchestra get grassroots funding Methodist, Byrd set twinbill Braves host Methodist tonight Methodist 19791128 Financier to lead seminar 19791128 Miller seeks "typical" Monarchs Sen. I Beverly Lake, Jr… 19791100 19791128 19791128 19791129 19791129 19791129 Methodist women defeated PSU fells Methodist, 8859 Braves topple Monarchs 19791129 Methodist College plans bike giveaway 19791129 Briefly 19791130 19791202 19791200 Moravian love feast set Methodist defeats Hampden-Sydney Methodist gets first win Mount Union defeats Methodist College College Day set 19791207 New York fine arts tour 19791202 19791201 Sanford Herald) Power failure causes early campus Thanksgiving break at Methodist College and the Cumberland County Department of Social Services teaming up to distribute bicycles to disadvantaged children for Christmas Mount Union College defeats the Methodist College men's basketball team (no date) Youth orchestra rehearsals to be held on Methodist College campus Men's basketball (no date) Men's basketball versus Pembroke State (from the Fayetteville Times; includes photos) Short update on men's soccer roster (from the Charlotte Observer) Lewis R. Holding to address the "Outlook 1980" economic symposium hosted by Methodist College (includes photo) Methodist College men's basketball (includes photo) sends campaign manager to present address to Methodist College in his stead Women's basketball vs. Bennett (from the Fayetteville Times) Men's basketball versus Pembroke State (includes photo) (from the Fayetteville Times) Men's basketball versus Pembroke State (includes photo) Army ROTC at Methodist College and the Cumberland County Department of Social Services teaming up to distribute bicycles to disadvantaged children for Christmas (from the Fayetteville Times) Sen. I Beverly Lake, Jr., canceled Methodist College appearance; is involved in law suit To be held at Methodist College Men's basketball (from the Raleigh News and Observer) Men's basketball against Hampden-Sydney Men's basketball Methodist College Day to be observed at St. Andrews United Methodist Church (no date) Trip sponsored by Methodist College 19791206 19791205 19791205 19791205 19791207 19791207 19791208 19791209 19791209 scheduled Methodist women beat N. C. Wesleyan Monarchs edged North Carolina Wesleyan defeats Methodist College Students combining faith, acts Campbell, Methodist square off Community college competition charged Methodists' Pearce: Community colleges drifting from purpose Private college official raps state system 19791209 Miss Turner is new bride 19791209 19791209 Campbell sinks Methodist Methodist tops Hornet women College courses rapped 19791209 19791209 19791200 19791200 19791211 19791219 19791214 State community college system criticized by Methodist College head Methodist students list in Who's Who Minister-in-residence at Methodist College Photo: Rebound Methodist College sets graduation Methodist Women's basketball (from the Fayetteville Times) Men's basketball against North Carolina Wesleyan Men's basketball (from the Fayetteville Times) Men's basketball (from the Raleigh News and Observer) Tuesday night lectures series instituted by college chaplain Rev. Milton Sluder-Jordan (includes photo) Men's basketball Community college move from vocational to academic classes debated in Raleigh (from the Raleigh News and Observer) Community college move from vocational to academic classes debated in Raleigh Community college move from vocational to academic classes debated in Raleigh (from the High Point Enterprise) Wanda Kay Turner weds Methodist College graduate Robert Bruce Jervis (from the Durham Herald) Men's basketball Women's basketball versus Greensboro College (from the Greensboro Daily News) Community college move from vocational to academic classes debated in Raleigh (from the Durham Herald) Community college move from vocational to academic classes debated in Raleigh (from the Rocky Mount Telegram) Seven Methodist College students from the Fayetteville area listed in "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges" (no date) Methodist College graduate Wes Brown returns (no date) Methodist College men's basketball versus Pembroke State (from the Fayetteville Times) Speakers set (from the Sanford Herald) Short update on Methodist College men's and women's basketball teams (from the Fayetteville Times) 19791210 Camels top Methodist 19791211 19791213 Methodist defeats Meredith Campbell University defeats Methodist College Jill L. Thompson… 19791215 To speak 19791211 Pembroke tops Methodist; Broncos nipped on tip College Lakes Neighbor 19791209 19791200 19791217 Methodist College students donate six bicycles for needy Men's basketball versus Campbell University (from the Sanford Herald) Women's basketball (from the Fayetteville Times) Men's basketball (from the Greensboro Daily News) receives first Elizabeth H. Weaver Scholarship at Methodist College (from the Fayetteville Times) Methodist College president Richard Pearce to speak at Richlands United Methodist Church (from the Jacksonville Daily News) Men's basketball Neighborhood newsletter highlighting events at Methodist College Project sponsored by ROTC