METHODIST COLLEGE College President L. Stacy Weaver, and Student Government Association President, Thomas S. Yow, discuss Methodist Couege's expanding program. QUALITY EDUCATION WITH A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE Under the guiding principles of "academic excellence and the Christian concept of life", Methodist College continues to project its .influence and service as an institution of higher education. The college moves forward with a "sound, basic curriculum under the instruction of a competent and dedicated faculty." In seeking to fulfill the purpose for which it was founded, Methodist College provides the opportunity for its students to prepare for mature and responsible living as Christian citizens in the twentieth century. Through its academic program, Christian orientation and extracurricular functions, the college guides its students in their intellectual, spiritual, social and physical development. The college opened in 1960 with 88 freshman, 10 faculty members and four buildings. In September 1965, the enrollment will be between 750 and 800 students, with 49 faculty members and 14 buildings, including a bell tower. Campus Facilities Methodist College is located five and one-half miles north of Fayetteville (population 53,000) in the Cape Fear Valley of North Carolina on a six-hundred-acre site between U. S. Highway 401 and the Cape Fear River. With full realization of the part which adequate facilities contribute to the experience of learning, Methodist College has pressed forward with the construction and completion of fourteen out of the seventeen structures projected for the campus. These units are designed and constructed along the lines of contemporary architecture providing an attractive, stimulating and challenging atmosphere. Intellectual Development Methodist College seeks to lead its students the humanities and basic sciences. into intellectual maturity through a liberal arts program which emphasizes Over 200 courses are offered in six areas of study. Education and Psychology, (4) Science and Mathematics, (1) Language and Literature, (2) Religion (5) Social Science, and (6) Fine Arts. Majors include: English Biology French Chemistry Economics and Business Administration • Through its Teacher Education Program, the college prepares Science, Social Studies, and the special teacher of General Music. A "3-2" program in Engineering and Philosophy, Music Religion History Mathematics Elementary Education secondary teachers of English, (3) French, Mathematics, is available in co-operation with North Carolina State University and Duke University. No academic program, however, can be any stronger than the faculty which brings it to life. The strength of Methodist College's academic program rests with its high quality faculty. The faculty-student ratio is 1 to 16, providing a close interpersonal relationship which may be observed in counseling experiences, freedom of academic exchange, a cordial "hello" while walking across campus and student-faculty associations on the athletic courts and during social events. The uew library occupied in November, 1964, provides an academic resource second only to the faculty. This new, air-conditioned and modern facility adds considerably to the high quality academic program being developed by the college. Air-conditioned Student Union-Cafeteria Spiritual Development Methodist College is committed to a program of higher education with a distinctively Christian orientation. To this end it provides a well-balanced program of religious activities which ministers to the moral and spintual development of the student body. Classroom Building Each Wednesday of the academic year, the college community convenes for a 3D-minute chapel period. On Sundays students are urged to worship at the church of their choice. Bus schedules on Sunday mornings are arranged to accommodate students who wish to attend church in town. A period of fellowship and study is also conducted on campus each Sunday. Denominational groups have been organized so that students of the various denominations can come together for fellowship, inspiration and study. Students preparing for church vocations have established a tradition of coming together at weekly intervals for prayer, meditation and worship. Library Garber Hall---one of four air-conditioned dormitories • A meaningful program of extra-curricular t&--"-"* - .- ;/ Ak. II'D'I L activities is provided through numerous campus organizations, social activities and cultural opportunities. Physical Development Financial Assistance The physical well-being of students is a part of the purpose to which Methodist College is dedicated. Athletics is, therefore, an integral part of the total educational program. As its investment in the future leaders of our churches and communities, Methodist College offers scholarships, loans, tuition remission, campus employment and grantsin-aid as a supplement to the financial program of worthy students whose families, after some sacrifice, are unable to provide all the necessary funds. Methodist College is a member of the Dixie Intercollegiate Athletic Conference with teams in basketball, bowling, cross country, golf and tennis. Baseball, track, soccer and wrestling will soon be added. A strong intramural program for all students is carried on throughout the academic year. Three full-time faculty members direct the required physical education program for freshmen and sophomores. Through instruction in a variety of activities, this program provides the opportunity for sound development of the physical, emotional and social aspects of the individual. Competitive scholarship examinations are given. Applicants who wish to take these examinations should request the dates on which they are scheduled. Campus Visitation We extend to you a invitation to "come and see" Methodist College. Discover for yourself the wellbalanced program for intellectual, spiritual and physical development. High School seniors and transfer students who are interested in attending Methodist College and desire to visit the campus are invited to contact the Publi<: Relations Office for further information. Director of Public Relations Methodist College Fayetteville, North Carolina Modernly equipped Science Building Name Stree,t City State Subject or Major Interest Present School or College Graduation Date I am interested in Methodist College. Send information concerning: RICHMOND 215 mi. -- WASHINGTON 320 mi. -- NEW YORK 550 mi. ,~ Winston-Salem 120 mi. Elizabeth Cit, 195 mi • •• • Asheville 250 mi. •• Charlotte 140 mi. Morehea,j Cit~ 140 mi. COLUMBIA CHARLESTON ATLANTA JACKSONVILLE MIAMI 155 mi. 200 mi. 375 mi. mi. 780 mi. 445 Wilmington 90 mi. Liberal A rts--Co-educa tiona I Senior College