Page 8 LEARNING PREP SCHOOL 1507 Washington Street, West Newton, MA 02165 (617) 965-0764 STUDENT HEALTH HISTORY Name of Student: Sex:_________ Birth date:_______________________ Place of Birth - Town:____________________________________ State:___________ Primary Doctor: Date last visit: Address: Phone: ( 1. Student SS #_____________________ ) Please indicate if your child has any major medical condition or illness. Check if applies Check if under treatment Explain [ ] Seizures or convulsions [] [ ] Asthma [] [ ] Bleeding disorder [] [ ] Heart problem [] [ ] Lung or breathing problems [] [ ] Kidney disease [] [ ] Others [] [] [] [] 2. Has your child ever been hospitalized or had an operation? (Continue on reverse side, if necessary) a. Date yes( ) no( ) Hospital Condition b. Date Hospital Condition c. Date Hospital Condition 3. 4. List all medications your child is taking: (Continue on reverse side, if necessary) Medication Dose Time(s) Taken Medication Dose Time(s) Taken Medication Dose Time(s) Taken Does your child have any allergies? yes( ) Foods Medications Insects Other Things Does your child need treatment for these allergies? yes( ) no( ) Explain no( ) Student Health History - Page 2 5. Student Name ______________________________________________ Indicate if your child has any serious problems with any of the following conditions: Check if Applies Check if Under treatment Explain [ ] Eczema or persistent rash [] [ ] Frequent headaches [] [ ] Dizzy or fainting spells [] [ ] Frequent colds (more than 5/year) [] [ ] Recurrent ear infections [] [ ] Difficulty swallowing solids [] [ ] Difficulty swallowing liquids [] [ ] Frequent nosebleed [] [ ] Persistent cough or wheeze [] [ ] Frequent stomach ache, nausea, vomiting [] [ ] Trouble with bowel movements [] [ ] Frequent urination/burning/pain on urination [] [ ] Urine (bladder) or kidney infection [] [ ] Trouble with feet or walking [] [ ] Clumsiness using hands or feet [] [ ] Posture problem [] [ ] Curvature of spine [] [ ] Painful joints [] [ ] Anemia (low blood) [] [ ] Exposure to lead [] [ ] High blood pressure [] [ ] Blueness (cyanosis) [] [ ] Tires easily [] [ ] Frequent nightmares [] [ ] Overweight [] [ ] Hearing loss [] [ ] Vision problems [] [ ] Dental problems [] [ ] Hyperactivity [] [ ] Attention problems or daydreaming [] [ ] Emotional problems [] [ ] Poor appetite [] [ ] Bedwetting [] [ ] Trouble with sleep [] Student Health History - Page 3 6. Student Name ______________________________________________ Check if your child needs any special aids or equipment. [ ] Glasses [ ] Hearing Aid [ ] Prosthesis [ ] Crutches/Braces/Canes [ ] Other_____________________________________________________________________ 7. Are there any family problems or health conditions which create a problem for your child? yes ( ) no ( ) Please Explain: 8. If your child is a female and has begun her menstrual period? yes ( ) no ( ) Does your daughter require any assistance with personal care during her periods: yes ( ) no ( ) 9. please explain: List the doctors or clinics who are involved in your child's care: Address Neurologist Orthopedist Ear-Nose-Throat Allergist Ophthalmologist Gynecologist Psychologist/Psychiatrist Audiologist Dentist Specialty Therapists Other Phone No. Student Health History - Page 4 Student Name ______________________________________________ 10. What was the date of your child’s last DENTAL EXAM date_______________ within the last year: (THIS IS A REQUIREMENT). 11. Are there any recommendations by physicians or educational specialists that you do not understand or have been unable to implement? yes ( ) no ( ) please explain: 12. Are there any problems which should be brought to the attention of the school nurse? explain: yes ( ) no ( ) please 13. Do you have any other concerns which should receive individual attention or consideration? explain: yes ( ) no ( ) please Signature Date: Relationship to Student: