SCFC Meeting Minutes Thursday, December 10, 2015 2-3 PM UC Alumni Boardroom Present: Voting Members: Nathan Anderson Christian Decan Chuck Harris Martin Horejsi Stephen Kalm Jennifer Mills Jesse Neidigh Wyatt Smith Non-Voting Members: Valerie Crepeau Matt Riley Barb Seekins Absent: Voting Members: Non-Voting Members: Josef Crepeau Isaac L’aa Approve minutes from 12/3/15 SCFC meeting. – Approved Minutes from the 12/3/15 SCFC meeting were approved with a change in the word disabilities to ADA in the following sentence. Barb Seekins asked for clarification of her role as disabilities services representative and whether this role is still necessary. Review Curriculum and Instruction SCF Expenditure proposal. – Approved Visitor: Jingjing Sun, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, C&I The SCFC reviewed the C&I proposal for 6 large table-top computers and voted to approve expenditure. Discuss revision of the SCF funds allocation process and review draft proposal for changes in FY16 and FY17. Wyatt Smith presented a draft proposal for changes in the SCF funds allocation to the SCFC. This proposal included 18% across the board cuts in SCFC allocations. Discussion items included: *going back to proposal review based allocations *effect of cut on subsidized ports After discussion the SCFC agreed to vote on the proposal in January to allow for time to meet the deadline for the March 2016 BOR meeting. Port Subsidy discussion continuation: The SCFC agreed to continue discussions on the following and particularly work on defining what constitutes SCF subsidized ports: *Review Port Subsidy eligibility for consistency The SCFC agreed to move forward with discussions on consistent guidelines on what constitutes a SCF subsidized port. *Plan for an audit of current subsidized ports. The SCFC agreed that an audit needs to be done of current subsidized ports this summer. The SCFC also agreed that a message should be included in the Spring SCF allocations memo regarding the audit and potential changes. *Discuss creation of a document for port subsidy management to be posted on SCFC website. The SCFC is in agreement that information on post subsidy qualification be posted on the SCFC website as soon as possible. Meeting Scheduling: The next SCFC meeting is scheduled for January 7, 2016. Members present confirmed that they would be able to attend this meeting. Spring schedule for SCFC meeting will be determined at this meeting. Other: Chuck Harris will visit Math 306 before the next SCFC meeting. Valerie - Can you check on whether or not SCF is subsidizing the ports in M306, that appear to be now unused because it seems they’re using wireless with the laptops now? Answer: There are 11 ports in MA-306. 10 are billed to MIT643 and 1 is billed to MMAI01. Resolution: Chuck Harris agreed to visit Math 306 to find out if these ports are currently being used and if they should continue to receive SCF subsidy.