Building Upon Progress

Building Upon Progress
The Pipeline
• Over 100 new inventions in
past five years
• IP portfolio exceeding 100
issued/pending patents
• >$1.0 M in resin sales
• $26M private investment to
UM Spin-out Rivertop
• $2.5 M contract to UM spin
out Sunburst for production
of 100 patented sensors.
The Network
• Executive in Residence
• MEP Angel Network
• Montana Technology
Enterprise Center
• Blackstone LaunchPad
• Montana Procurement and
Technical Assistance Program
• Bitterroot Economic
Development District
• MT World Trade Center
The Blackstone LaunchPad at the University
of Montana helps students, alumni, faculty,
and staff turn their ideas, skill and passions
into real world businesses and non-profit
organizations. Since opening in February
2014, the LaunchPad has assisted over 250
individuals with over 100 ideas/ventures.
IP/Tech Transfer provides intellectual
property and patent/license
information and support for UM
innovators to protect and
commercialize their IP. UM’s IP
portfolio exceeds 100 issued/pending
patents worldwide including
treatments for TBI/stroke as well as
renewable chemicals.
UM Innovation
Entrepreneur-In-Residence (EIR) program
provides hands on assistance to start-up
companies looking to grow and scale.
Datamaglia, a 2014 participant in the
$25B/yr app market was recently selected
to join a prestigious incubator in Chili.
The Montana Technology Enterprise
Center is the central hub for
entrepreneurship and economic
development in western Montana. The
32,000 square foot facility is the home to
ten high growth enterprises (75-100
employees) all aiming to graduate the
program within a two to four year window.
MonTEC tenants and affiliates gain
insider access to the MT High Tech
Alliance, the BitterRoot Economic
Development District, the Blackstone
LaunchPad, the Missoula Procurement
and Technical Assistance Program, the
Montana World Trade Center along with
the University of Montana.
The Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) at
UM is dedicated to helping local businesses successfully
compete in the government marketplace. The Missoula
PTAC currently advises 300 local businesses.
A number of companies have been started by UM
faculty and students, including: Rivertop
Renewables, Audience Awards, AIM GeoAnalytics,
Sunburst Sensors, GCS Research, Bee Alert
Technology, Purity Systems, Visual Learning Systems,
Endobiologics, AquilaVision, TerraEchos, Arstana,
Transsynaptic Technologies, GT NeuroPharms,
Sinapis Pharma, Ateris Technologies, Big Sky
Biotechnologies, Montana Medical Research LLC,
Montana Microbial Products LLC, MorTan,
Nutritional Laboratories International, Promilliad
Biopharma and Rocky Mountain Biologicals.
University of Montana Research and Creative Scholarship Economic Impact*
Other Services,
except Public
Administration, 22
and Food Services,
State Government,
Local Government,
Retail Trade, 71
n, 75
Real Estate and
Rental and Leasing,
Arts, Entertainment,
and Recreation, 14
Health Care and
Social Assistance, 47
Administrative and
Waste Services, 49
Professional and
Technical Services,
$64.3 million in income received by
Montana households
521 Directly Supported Jobs
1,075 permanent, highpaying, year-round jobs in the
Montana economy (average
earnings of $63,147)
$55.3 million in disposable (after tax)
personal income
$134.9 million in annual sales to Montana businesses and other organizations
Professional & Technical
State & Local Government
Healthcare & Social
a population statewide that is larger by 881 people, including 204
school-aged children
*“The Economic Contribution of Research at the University of Montana”, BBER, Summer 2014
All Other