University Committee Year-End Communication International Committee Committee Name 2009-10 8 Academic Year Number of Meetings Committee Members (available at EXECUTIVE OVERSIGHT George M. Dennison, President CHAIR Marc Hendrix, Geosciences FACULTY (Eight; Three-year term) Nader Shooshtari, School of Business Administration (2011) Diana Six, Society and Conservation (2011) Clint Walker, Modern and Classical Languages and Literature (2012) Elizabeth Kronk, School of Law (2012) John Lundt, College of Education and Human Sciences (2012) Craig Molgaard, College of Health Professions and Biomedical Sciences (2012) Mike Monsos, College of Visual and Performing Arts (2012) Clem Work (School of Journalism (2012) STAFF (Two; Three-year term) Kevin Hood, Internship Services (2011) Bill Johnston, Alumni Association (2012) STUDENT (Two; One-year term) Ching Chuang (2010) Erik Rose (2010) ADDITIONAL REPRESENTATIVES (Appointed by the President; Three-year term) Administration Terry Weidner, Director, Mansfield Center (2011) College of Technology Barry Good, Dean, College of Technology (2012) Humanities and Foreign Languages Jon Tompkins, Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences (2012) PERMANENT MEMBERS Juana Alcala, Associate Director, Enrollment Services Effie Koehn, Director, Foreign Student and Scholar Services Ex-Officio (Non-voting) Mehrdad Kia, Associate Provost for International Programs Jeanne Loftus, International Programs Marja Unkuri-Chaudhry, International Programs Please describe your experience on the committee (What information would you share with a faculty member who is considering service on this committee?) This committee is charged with coordinating all activities of an international nature, to recommend acquisition of resources for promotion of international awareness and activities, and to encourage and promote participation in international matters by students, faculty, and staff. The committee composition is designed so that all schools and colleges are represented. Meetings typically involve working through a pre-set agenda, holding open discussions on the topics at hand, and making decisions that are passed to the president in the form of recommendations. The committee meetings typically last for two hours. Topics Addressed (agenda items) 1) Modified call for faculty exchange proposals; evaluated and ranked received proposals 2) Modified call for international activities funding proposals; evaluated and ranked received proposals 3) Evaluated and ranked proposals for Al Price undergraduate opportunity scholarships 4) Evaluated and ranked nominations for the Distinguished Service to International Education Award 5) Evaluated the effectiveness of existing institutional exchange partners in terms of impact to the campus community; recommended actions regarding the continuation of partnerships that are productive, the improvement of partnerships that have promise but that are not as productive as desired, and the termination of unproductive partnerships. 6) Evaluated proposals for new institutional partnerships and made recommendations for actions to be taken regarding those proposals Actions Taken (resolutions, proposals, recommendations) 1) Evaluated and ranked 2010-2011 faculty exchange proposals 2) Evaluated and ranked international funding proposals (fall and spring calls) 3) Evaluated and ranked Al Price proposals 4) Evaluated and ranked Distinguished Service to International Education Award nominations 5) Recommended new partnerships be initiated with Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Doshisha University, European Business School, The International University for Science and Technology, Ittihad Private University, Yemen College of Middle Eastern Studies, Council on Arabic as a Foreign Language 6) Recommended the following existing partnerships be extended for a period of three years: University of Talca, Xinjiang Normal University, Kazakh National University 7) Recommended the following partnerships be extended for a period of five years: Charles University, Université Paul Valery, University of Siena, Al Akhawayn University 8) Recommended the following partnerships be terminated Xi’an Jiaotong University, International University of Kyrgyzstan 9) Developed a matrix for evaluation of faculty exchange proposals. 10) Revised and circulated call for faculty exchange proposals for 2010-11 academic year Unresolved Issues 1) Evaluation of proposed partnership with Sangmyung University, and Central Asia University? 2) Design survey for faculty members to gather “international information”