Towards a more biologically-meaningful climate characterization: Heterogeneity in space and time at multiple scales Danielle S. Christianson1, Cari G. Kaufman2, Lara M. Kueppers3, and John Harte1 (1) Energy and Resources Group, University of California, Berkeley (2) Statistics, University of California, Berkeley (3) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 5 4 rea .001 R =0 sing .19 het ero ge 2 2 ty all months, 2400-3500m R2=0.49 all months, all elevations R2=0.77 1 4 nei spatial standard deviation 6 8 10 p<0 2 0 0 15 20 25 30 -5 spatial mean 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 spatial mean 20 25 30 spatial mean 16 3.5 Growing Degree Months Annual Average Temp 3.0 15 (a proxy for frost) 2.5 10 -5 0 5 2 Spatial heterogeneity (SD) in monthly 10 15 20 20 25 30 25 30 35 40 0 45 1 2 3 4 5 3 Bioclimatic metrics: MAX temp increases at fine scales but decreases at coarse scales. monthly MIN temp remains constant (inset) MAX temp Warmest month: opposite trends MIN temp Coolest month: uncertain Few strong trends at either scale 250 M VE R 0 p= .91 0 R= 2 I SEK 100 9 0.9 2= R .04 150 200 RE VL A-Forest R2=0.86 Soil Degree Days Growing Season Temp 2 e cr 0 = 4R .00 0 p= in spatial standard deviation 4 3 5 1 MIN Monthly Temperature Coolest Month = October -5 7L 0.2 = sl 20 25 30 spatial mean 0 700 900 1100 1300 spatial mean 8 10 12 14 spatial mean Daily MAX at SEKI - July -5 -5 Warmest Month 0 M .23 =0 ope 15 500 Daily MAX at SEKI - August spatial standard deviation 3 4 5 in s a 200 250 spatial mean 2 2 1 o er t e h g 2 Fo res A.59 =0 2 2 0 n e g 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 spatial mean 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 spatial mean 0 2 2 10 2 0 R= R .06 5 1R p< 0.0 0 15 20 25 30 spatial mean 0 10 spatial standard deviation 3 4 5 5 2 0 2 pe= 0 t KI SE .81 R2 =0 0.0 01 p< 5 2 -5 150 Negative SEKI trend may result from low sample size (n=4): Daily MAX underlying August means have positive trend. Daily and monthly MAX in July show positive trend. = pe =0 7 0.0 slo -5 R 01 1 .60 R2 =0 slope =0.11 R2=0.26 .16 Less change with higher shrub density R RMBL U REV 9 0.5 L B M .0 R 0 3 p= 0.2 e = n i R l 1 e e .00 0 r p< -T A ne 8 i 1 . p l =0 -A R 7 A 6 0.0 0.4 -M = p= V R E 1 R 0 .27 0.0 0 = = p R .04 -L 0 V = p RE .48 2 y t i e More change in montane vs. alpine meadow -U V E 100 MAX Monthly Temperature Warmest Month = July 1 More change in forest vs. alpine spatial standard deviation 2 3 4 5 slope=0.08 R2=0.42 constant heterogeneity 1 slope=0.18 R2=0.50 Avg Min Monthly Temp 0 A-Alpine 4 A-Forest Similar slope in Sierra vs. Rockies forests 3 0 spatial standard deviation 1 0 Average Maximum Monthly Temperature: May - Oct 0 50 2 BL .99 .90 RM R2 =0 A-Alpine R2=0.91 5 5-cm soil vs. 2-m air Snowmelt Julian Date R2 =0 slope=0.008 R2=0.04 15 2.0 10 10 1.5 5 1.5 5 0 1.0 0 -5 0.5 Average April Temp 0 -5 25 30 spatial mean 13 14 15 20 25 30 spatial mean 20 15 12 10 10 11 5 0 0 5 0 1 1 0 0 -5 -5 spatial standard deviation 2 3 4 5 spatial standard deviation 3 4 5 2 constant heterogeneity MIN Monthly Temperature Coolest Month = October 1 spatial standard deviation 2 3 4 5 2 1 Avg Min Monthly Temp SEKI-A slope=0.16 R2=0.64 spatial standard deviation 3 4 5 96 Maximum Monthly Temperature Maximum Monthly Temperature 3 spatial standard deviation dec Stronger monthly trends occur over larger spatiotemporal extents: We expect reduced heterogeneity at coarse scales due to uneven latitudinal warming. spatial standard deviation 10 1 5 20 spatial standard deviation 4 3 5 SEKI n=6 2010 MAX Monthly Temperature Warmest Month = July slo methods For each temperature metric, we calculate a value for each sensor location or gridcell within the study extent. Then, we find the spatial mean and the spatial standard deviation (sd) of the metric (e.g., for each day, we calculate the spatial mean & sd of daily max temp — each data point is the spatial mean and sd for a single day). We use standard deviation as a measure of heterogeneity and natural climate variation as a proxy for future warming. By regressing the mean against the standard deviation, we can assess how spatial heterogeneity may change with warming. (SD) increases in daily MAX temp but remains constant for daily MIN temp daily MAX: warmer days = more heterogeneity daily MIN: constant heterogeneity (not shown) Complex canopy = more change (we suspect) spatial standard deviation 3 4 5 questions 1 How might heterogeneity change at fine spatial and temporal scales? Does heterogeneity change differently at fine vs. coarse spatial scales: 2 for monthly SDM metrics? 3 for SDM bioclimatic metrics? 1 Fine scales: Spatial heterogeneity 1895 2 If future fine-scale climate overlaps with a species’ climate niche then the species may persist. If not, the species may go locally extinct. SEKI-A Western CA Sierra Nevada: Montane conifer forest (2500m) 21 shielded air temp sensors at 2m, hourly: 2010-2013* (*snow-free days only) PRISM (2400-3500m) 1 climate metric (e.g., temperature) SEKI Western CA Sierra Nevada: Montane conifer forest (2500m) 98 soil temp sensors at 5cm, every 4 hours: 2010-2013* 0 future fine-scale climate REV Western CO Rockies: Shrub subalpine meadows 3 sites: L (2770m), M (2940m), U (3190m) 5 soil temp sensors / site at 12cm, every 2 hours: 1996-1998* spatial standard deviation 4 3 5 spatial mean RMBL Western CO Rockies: Montane meadow (2920m) 15 soil temp sensors at 12cm, every 2 hours: 1991-1997* 2 decreasing spatial heterogeneity species absent A (ATWE) Eastern CO Rockies 3 sites: Alpine meadow (3540m) Treeline krumholtz (3430m) Forest - subalpine conifer (3060m) 5 soil temp sensors / site at 5-10cm, every15 minutes: 2010-2013* 1 constant spatial heterogeneity species at risk Average Maximum Monthly Temperature: May - Oct 0 species present increasing spatial heterogeneity species persists PRISM Continental USA: 30 second gridcells (2400-3500m) LT71m: Interpolated air temp at 2m, monthly: 1895-2010 coarse scale: 800m grain over 1000s km extent current fine-scale climate within gridcell spatial standard deviation occurences gridcell mean shifts in wamer future coarse-scale climate sources vs. Future change in fine-scale heterogeneity matters to species: temporal metric fine-scale fine scale: 1m grain over 10-100s m extent Many species respond to climate at spatial scales finer than ~1km SDM gridcell resolution and at temporal scales finer than commonly used monthly and seasonal bioclimatic metrics [1-2]. Findings: Change in future montane heterogeneity likely to differ at coarse and fine scales spatial scale the problem Coarse spatial and temporal climate data is used to project future species range shifts in Species Distribution Models (SDMs). -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 spatial mean 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 spatial mean -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 spatial mean references 1) Dobrowski S.Z. 2011. Global Change Biology 17 (2), 1022-1035. 2) Potter K.A. et al 2013. Global Change Biology 19 (10), 2932-2939. acknowledgements ATWE: Thanks to the ATWE team, especially E. Brown, A. Moyes, and C. Castanha. This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, under Award Number DE-FG02-07ER64457. See Reinharte et al 2011, Tree Physiology 31, 615-625. REV: Thanks to J. A. Dunne for sharing data. See Dunne, J.A., et al 2003, Ecological Monographs 73 (1), 69-86. RMBL: Thanks to many previous Harte Lab members for collecting this data. NSF. See Harte J., et al 1995, Ecological Applications 5 (1), 132-150. SEKI(A): Thanks to many field and lab assistants, USGS WERC (N. Stephenson, A. Das, P. van Mantgem, K. Bollins), and SEKI NP. USGS, NPS, NPS-CCESU, NSF-GFRP, BASC, Philomathia. PRISM: PRISM Climate Group, Oregon State University. See Daly C., et al, 2000, Transactions of the ASAE-American Society of Agricultural Engineers 43, 1957-1962.