An Analysis of Seismicity at Mt. Hood, Oregon Michelle A. Currie, CEOAS, Oregon State University Abstract: Mt. Hood, in north-central Oregon, has experienced 13 M ≥ 3.0 earthquakes since 1980. 1812 earthquakes that range in magnitude from -1.1 to 4.5 have been recorded in the region during the same time frame. This paper analyzes four of the larger earthquakes to provide moment tensor solutions and relocated depths. Moment tensor analysis reveals that the larger earthquakes are located on dominantly north-south striking, normal faults with a minor strikeslip component. An analysis of the Mt. Hood earthquake catalog reveals a sinusoidal pattern to seismicity that repeats approximately every 8-10 years. This cyclical pattern persists when the data set is constrained to view only magnitude 1+ and 2+ events. Introduction: The purpose of this paper is to determine the primary mechanism of earthquakes on Mt. Hood, Oregon and to identify patterns based upon frequency and location of earthquakes. Mt. Hood is an active volcano in the Pacific Northwest, located approximately 75 kilometers east of Portland, Oregon. Recent publications regarding the composition of the magma chamber have been published, but little research has been recently conducted regarding the timing and significance of earthquakes at this location. The larger number of seismograms in the region coupled with the increasing activity on and around the volcano makes Mt. Hood an excellent location to increase the body of knowledge about this High Cascades peak and the relationship between its tectonic and volcanic activity. 2 For the purposes of this research an earthquake data set was compiled from all earthquakes reported to the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN) in a region bounded by latitude 45.28° to 45.46° and longitude -121.55° to -121.85° . Earthquake seismograms for events M ≥ 3.0 were requested from the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology data center (IRIS), the Berkeley Digital Seismic Network (Berkeley), and the Canadian National Data Center (Canada). Geology and History of Mt. Hood Region: Mt. Hood is a stratovolcano located in north-central Oregon at latitude 45. 37° and longitude -121.696 and is part of the High Cascades, a chain of volcanoes that run parallel to the Juan de Fuca-North American subduction zone. They were created by subduction-driven volcanism that extends from British Columbia to Northern California. The Cascade Range is an active volcanic province that has episodically produced primarily andesitic peaks for the past 35 million years (Williams, et. al., 1982). The volcano stands at 3429 meters above sea level and occupies an area of approximately 238 km2,with a volume of approximately 188 km2 (Wise, 1969). A young volcano, less than 700,000 years old (Williams, Hull, Ackermann, & Beeson, 1982), the last eruption at Hood was in the early 1800’s and it is still active, as evidenced by a fumarole field in the crater that provides an active degassing outlet (Koleszar, 2011). The Mt. Hood region, and most of the Pacific Northwest, is transected by a series of northwest-southeast trending, right-lateral, normal faults (Williams, et. al., 1982). Mt. Hood is most likely located at the extreme northern end of the Basin and Range province where the High Cascades transition into Basin and Range (Jones & Malone, 2005). The Basin and Range province, a region of 3 extension characterized by horst and graben structures that encompasses much of western North America is characterized by normal and right-lateral faulting (Christiansen and Lipman, 1972). Moment Tensor Modeling Procedures: The procedure used to analyze the selected earthquakes was that earthquakes in the region bounded by latitude 45.28° to 45.46° and longitude -121.55° to -121.85° were identified using the PNSN website. The search area was chosen after a preliminary search of the region revealed extremely few results outside of this approximate region. The study area has an extent of 471 km2, approximately twice the size of the areal extent of the mountain itself to accommodate regional seismicity. A search for all events yielded 1812 earthquakes of magnitudes from -1.1 to 4.5 between Jun 8, 1980 and April 20, 2014 (Fig 1). A sharp increase in number of earthquakes detected is seen beginning in 1998. Jones & Malone (2005) indicate that the coverage by seismometers has been constant for earthquakes on the mountain since 1986, but the sharp increase in detection of magnitude <1.0 earthquakes since 1998 and the continuing disparity between recorded events larger or smaller than magnitude = 0.0 which should obey the Gutenberg-Richter law suggests that coverage for smaller events may still be incomplete. A magnitude minimum of 3.0 for moment tensor analysis was selected because signal strength attenuates more rapidly for smaller earthquakes, M = 3.0 was believed to be the smallest magnitude that would likely yield sufficient stations with clear enough signals to allow processing. The 13 largest earthquakes (Fig. 2 & Table 1), of M ≥ 3.0 were selected to attempt moment tensor analysis processing. Their physical location in relation to Mt. Hood peak are indicated on all figures and tables with alphabetic designations A-M. For the 13 earthquakes, 4 seismograms were ordered from IRIS, Berkeley, and Canada. Because signal strength attenuates with distance from epicenter the stations from which data was requested were limited to those within a 1000 km radius of the 4.5 magnitude event and a 500 km radius for the M = 3.0-3.8 events. The computer records of the 3-component [Transverse(T-axis), Radial (R-axis), and Vertical (Z-axis)] seismograms were then processed to make the data compatible with the moment tensor program and filtered to view the low frequency data. For seismograms where only high frequency data were available, the signal was down-sampled to provide a consistent record for evaluation. Low frequency rather than high frequency data sets were utilized for these models because high frequency data require detailed knowledge of the crustal structure heterogeneities which we do not know. Filtering parameters varied from earthquake to earthquake and are used to minimize noise-to-signal ratios. A variety of options were attempted for each earthquake, the options which produced the best quality seismograms were selected for final inversion. The filtering options selected were all between 10-20 s for low-pass frequency filter, 15-50 s for high-pass frequency filter, and all used a 5-20s taper. The specific selections for each event are listed on Table 2. Synthetic seismograms were created using a 1-D crustal velocity model (Table 3) based upon typical Oregon crustal thicknesses to describe the wave propagation. After low quality seismograms and components were removed and the filtering criteria adjusted to best fit the signal strength, as described previously, an iterative inversion process using the methods described by Nábĕlek and Xia (1995) modeled synthetic seismograms for the selected, highsignal quality observed stations and components. The synthetic seismograms were inverted and iteratively modeled using the least squares inversion to determine best-fit moment tensor. 5 As in Nábĕlek and Xia (1995), the solution was constrained to be purely deviatoric (i.e., no volume change in the subsurface) and the source time function parameterized as described by Nábĕlek (1984). The source time function parameterization controls the rate of signal attenuation. The timing of the synthetic and observed seismograms were realigned as needed to correct for phase misalignment. This adjustment corrects for much of the deviation between synthetic and observed signal start times due to potential errors in hypocentral location and earthquake initiation time as well as incorrect assumptions about wave propagation speed in the crustal model. As in Nábĕlek and Xia (1995), each station was realigned as a whole, which did not allow for alignment adjustments due to Love/Rayleigh wave speed variation induced by crustal anisotropy. After inversion and iteration at depths provided from USGS data this best-fit solution for each earthquake was then modeled for various depths and the best solution selected by the computer. From the 13 M ≥ 3.0 earthquakes, eight were unsuitable due to low quality/quantity of seismograms which precluded an acceptable solution being obtained or (for the 1982 earthquake) no electronic versions being available. The four earthquakes that were successfully analyzed were: M=4.5 on 6/29/2002, M=3.8 on 6/29/2002, M=3.3 on 7/7/2003, and M=3.0 on 5/13/2010. These events are indicated on the list of all earthquakes selected for attempted processing in Table 1 by an asterisk next to the magnitude. Selected data from the analyses including the recalculated magnitude, relocated depth, and the strike/dip/rake for the four modeled earthquakes is listed on Table 2. Some of the limitations involved in moment tensor analysis for smaller earthquakes include the small number of stations which record the event and the high noise/signal ratio for such small events. Analysis of the 3.0 earthquake on 4/7/1996 was attempted using 80 stations due to a 6 temporary EarthScope array in the region, but was ultimately unsuccessful due to the low number of quality signals. Only five stations yielded useable seismograms and an unacceptably low double couple percentage of 11% was obtained. This number of recording stations for such a small earthquake is unusual and all others had a much smaller number of stations available for analysis, consequently even less reliable results were obtained for the other events. Results of Moment Tensor Analysis: The moment tensor analysis of four earthquakes along with geological constraints suggest that motion on Mt. Hood is located on primarily normal, right-lateral, steeply dipping faults. The stations utilized and results of the analysis for the 6/29/2002 at 14:36 UTC are presented in Fig. 3. The same information is presented in Fig. 4 for the earthquake on 6/29/20092 at 18:49 UTC, in Fig. 5 for the 7/7/2003 12:40 UTC event, and in Fig. 6 for the 5/14/2010 19:03 UTC event. The solid black line are the observed seismograms, the red dashed lines are synthetic models. The double-couple percentage (DC%) listed at the top of this figure and presented in Table 2 serve as a proxy for the reliability of the results presented and indicates the degree to which the modeled and observed seismograms are in agreement. The best-fit depth for each of these earthquakes are presented in Fig. 7-10. The figures each show a graphic analysis of the fault plane solutions, represented as beach balls, for each analyzed depth against the variance from best-fit strike, dip, and rake for each earthquake with the best-fit depth presented in red. Earthquake Catalog Analysis: In addition to moment tensor analysis of the largest earthquakes, the entire catalog was analyzed for patterns in seismicity. Looking at the number of earthquakes per year, both for all 7 recorded earthquakes (Fig. 11) and for M ≥ 1.0 (Fig. 12) reveal an sinusoidal variation in annual number of earthquakes that repeats on a scale of ~8-10 years. The smaller, M ≥ 1.0 data set is used to reduce the effects of an incomplete catalog for smaller magnitude earthquakes in earlier years. The patterns persists when M ≥ 2.0 earthquakes are viewed (Fig. 13). No conclusions as to the source of this variation are made here, but future research into potential relationships between earthquake frequency cyclicity, fumaroles emissions, and GPS-monitored movement of the peak are planned. The Mt. Hood earthquakes can also be examined by assigning them to four clusters based upon regions of increased activity, with the fifth cluster being all other earthquakes in the data set (Fig. 14). When viewed by clusters, each region appears to show characteristic patterns to earthquake depths (Fig. 15).The chart of cluster by depth shows that 68% of earthquakes in the Peak cluster are shallow , < 5km deep. This seems consistent with chemical analyses of gas emissions which suggest a relatively shallow (~5 km) magma chamber (Koleszar, 2011). The West flank cluster shows the largest percentage of deeper earthquakes, the depth of 37% of the earthquakes in this region is ≥ 7.0 km. Other trends are evident when the regions are viewed by number of M ≥ 1.0 earthquakes in each cycle (Fig. 16). The number of earthquakes in the west cluster has increased for the 2007-2014 cycle which is underway, while the SE and SW clusters show the most activity for the 1995-2006 cycles. The apparent change in preferred earthquake location from cycle to cycle will be analyzed further, but no conclusions may be made at this time as to the significance of this movement. Conclusions and Directions for Further Research: 8 Because of the short travel times between earthquake hypocenter and seismometer stations, this data set might benefit from re-analysis that attempts to account for subtle variations in wave velocity with depth and regional anisotropy as described by Kohler, Healy, & Wegener (1982) and Williams et. al (1982). Another method of moment tensor analysis for small earthquakes and close seismometers utilizes higher-frequency waves. Analysis using the higher frequency waves requires a more complete knowledge of the regional structure, but avoids lowfrequency noise from ocean movement. The source of the sinusoidal periodicity of the catalog is unknown and might be revealed by further analysis of the region. The relationship between seasonal variations in hydrostatic pore pressure and seismicity has been previously explored by Saar & Manga (2003), and between volcanic versus tectonic origins by Jones & Malone (2005), but the catalog of regional earthquakes has grown by approximately 50% since the beginning of 2006. The additional ~10 years of data since these reports provides a great deal of additional information to expand upon these researches. Further research into the cyclic nature of earthquake frequency at Mt. Hood is planned. Acknowledgements: Many, many thanks to John Nábĕlek for guidance and technical assistance without which this paper would never have become more than a vague desire to study seismicity. 9 Tables and Figures: 45.46 1980-2014 Earthquakes by Magnitude 45.44 45.42 45.4 45.38 Mt Hood 45.36 45.34 Mag=-1.1--0.1 Mag=0.0-0.9 Mag=1.0-1.9 Mag=2.0-2.9 Mag=3.0-3.9 Mag=>3.9 Mt Hood 45.32 45.3 45.28 -121.85 -121.8 -121.75 -121.7 Figure 1. 1812 earthquakes in data set, by magnitude. -121.65 -121.6 -121.55 10 Figure 2: Locations of 13 largest earthquakes at Mt. Hood. Alpha designation from Table 1. 11 map Magnitude Time UTC Latitude Longitude Depth (km) 45.3348 -121.6863 6.2 45.3423 -121.6798 6.1 45.341 -121.6858 6 45.3727 -121.7068 5.2 45.3717 -121.6967 5.6 45.3273 -121.6857 6.7 3.2 3.2 6/29/2002 14:41 1/14/1999 11:56 Time Local 2002/06/29 07:36:04 PDT 2002/06/29 11:49:58 PDT 1990/10/19 07:13:58 PDT 1989/09/15 03:28:00 PDT 1982/08/18 04:50:37 PDT 2003/07/07 05:40:12 PDT 2002/06/29 07:41:21 PDT 1999/01/14 03:56:47 PST A 4.5* 6/29/2002 14:36 B 3.8* C 3.5 6/29/2002 18:49 10/19/1990 14:13 D 3.5 9/15/1989 10:28 E 3.4 8/18/1982 11:50 F 3.3* 7/7/2003 12:40 G H 45.3275 45.3303 -121.6815 -121.6698 2.7 7.6 I 3.2* 45.3195 -121.6545 6.9 J K L 3* 3 3 45.3595 45.3242 45.3232 -121.7522 -121.6638 -121.6543 5.3 5.9 7 M 3 1/11/1999 22:04 1999/01/11 14:04:14 PST 2010/05/14 12:03:04 5/14/2010 19:03 PDT 1/14/1999 16:13 1999/01/14 08:13:42 PST 1/11/1999 16:54 1999/01/11 08:54:11 PST 1996/04/07 06:17:14 4/7/1996 13:17 PDT 45.3588 -121.7153 4.4 Table 1. Earthquake details for 13 largest earthquakes at Mt. Hood, as reported by USGS. map A B F J recalculat Magni ed tude magnitude Time UTC 4.5* 4.3 6/29/2002 14:36 3.8* 3.7 6/29/2002 18:49 3.3* 3.3 7/7/2003 12:40 3* 3.5 5/14/2010 19:03 Depth (km) 6.2 6.1 6.7 5.3 Relocated depth Freqency filter (km) & taper (s) 4 20-50s, 20s 4 10-30s, 10s 4 10-30s, 10s 12 10-20s, 10s Strike/dip/rake Movement style 155.6/55.7/-129.8 normal right-lateral oblique 135.3/88.5/-160.2 right-lateral strike slip 353.8/66.6/-114.1 normal right-lateral oblique 156.2/58.7/126.1 reverse right-lateral oblique Table 2. Highlighted details from moment tensor analysis. Map designation refers to location in Fig.2. DC % 95% 49% 53% 42% 12 P wave S wave P wave S wave thickness velocity velocity density attenuation attenuation (m) (m/s) (m/s) (kg/m3) factor factor 1000 4000 2250 2140 225 100 5000 5500 3090 2560 225 100 16000 6598 3700 2868 225 100 13000 7089 3980 3002 225 100 halfspace 8100 4550 3290 225 100 Table 3. Crustal velocity model 13 14 μ Figure 3. Results of moment tensor analysis for earthquake on 06/29/2002 at 14:36 UTC. μ Figure 4. Results of moment tensor analysis for earthquake on 06/29/2002 at 18:49 UTC. 15 1.29μm Figure 5. Results of moment tensor analysis for earthquake on 07/07/2003 at 12:40 UTC. 16 0.18 μm Figure 6. Results of moment tensor analysis for earthquake on 05/14/2010 at 19:03 UTC. 17 Figure 7. Best fit depth for earthquake on 6/29/2002 at 14:36 UTC. 18 Figure 8.Best fit depth for earthquake on 6/29/2002 at 18:49 UTC. 19 Figure 9. Best fit depth for earthquake on 7/07/2003 at 12:40 UTC. 20 Figure 10. Best fit depth for earthquake on 5/14/2010 at 19:03 UTC. 21 350 Annual earthquakes by Magnitude # of eq per year by magnitude 300 4.0+ 3.0-3.9 2.0-2.9 1.0-1.9 0.0-0.9 -1.0--0.1 250 200 150 100 50 0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 Figure 11. Earthquakes at Mt. Hood, 1980 through April 20, 2014. 22 160 Annual number of earthquakes, by magnitude 140 120 Annual Earthquakes by Magnitude (M ≥ 1.0) 4.0+ 3.0-3.9 2.0-2.9 1.0-1.9 100 80 60 40 20 0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 Figure 12. Annual number of M≥1.0 earthquakes, 1980-April 20, 2014 at Mt. Hood. 23 30 Annual Earthquakes by Magnitude (M ≥ 2.0) 4.0+ 3.0-3.9 2.0-2.9 # of eq per year by magnitude 25 20 15 10 5 0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 Figure 13. M > 2.0 earthquakes at Mt. Hood. 24 peak cluster 45.46 Description of Clusters Used West flank cluster SW cluster 45.44 SE cluster Other 45.42 Mt. Hood A 45.4 B C 45.38 Mt. Hood D 45.36 J 45.34 M D E E F G C B F A G H K 45.32 H I L I J K 45.3 L 45.28 -121.85 M -121.8 -121.75 -121.7 -121.65 -121.6 -121.55 Figure 14. Earthquakes in region grouped by cluster. 13 largest earthquakes are identified as in Table 1. 25 Earthquake Depth by Region for All Magnitudes 100% Depth = 16.0+ 80% Depth = 13.0-15.9 km 60% Depth = 10.0-12.9 km Depth = 7.0-9.9 km 40% Depth = 5.0-6.9 km 20% Depth = 3.0-4.9 km Depth = 0-2.9 km 0% Peak West SE SW other Figure 15. Earthquake clusters showing percent of earthquakes in each region by depth. # of M ≥ 1.0 Earthquake per Cluster, over Time 350 300 2007-2014 1995-2006 1985-1994 250 1980-1984 200 150 100 50 0 Peak West SE SW other Figure 16. Number of M ≥ 1.0 earthquakes in each cluster, sorted by time. 26 References Cited. Christiansen, R. L. & Lipman, P. W., (1972). Cenozoic volcanism and plate-tectonic evolution of the Western United States. II. Late Cenozoic, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 271:1213, p. 249-284. Jones, J. & Malone, S. D., (2005). 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