I. ASCRC General Education Form Group Historical and Cultural Studies Dept/Program African American Studies Course # Course Title Prerequisite African American History to 1865 None Credits AAS 262 (formerly AAS 378H) 3 II. Endorsement/Approvals Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office Please type / print name Signature Instructor Phone / Email Date George Price 406-243-6225/ tobin.shearer@umontana.edu Program Chair Tobin Miller Shearer Dean Jonathan Tompkins III. Description and purpose of the course: General Education courses must be introductory and foundational. They must emphasize breadth, context, and connectedness; and relate course content to students’ future lives: See Preamble: http://www.umt.edu/facultysenate/gened/GEPreamble_final.htm This course surveys the diverse historical experiences of Americans of African descent from their origins in Africa until the end of the Civil War. The course focuses on the quest of enslaved African Americans for freedom and dignity and the quest of free African Americans for equal opportunity and inclusion in American society. Through this course students are challenged to consider the contribution of African-American community to the nation’s formation. IV. Criteria: Briefly explain how this course meets the criteria for the group. See: http://www.umt.edu/facultysenate/ASCRCx/Adocuments/GE_Criteria5-1-08.htm present ideas and information with a view to Students explore the roots, significance, and understanding the causes, development, and change over time within the Africanconsequences of historical events American community from slavery through the Civil War. evaluate texts or artifacts within their historical Students read and evaluate period documents and/or cultural contexts central to the African-American experience during the colonial, revolutionary, early Republic, Jacksonian, and antebellum periods. analyze human behavior, ideas, and institutions Students asses how African Americans within their respective historical and/or cultural responded to the changing political, social, contexts and cultural circumstances during this period. V. Student Learning Goals: Briefly explain how this course will meet the applicable learning goals. See: http://www.umt.edu/facultysenate/ASCRCx/Adocuments/GE_Criteria5-1-08.htm synthesize ideas and information with a view to understanding the causes and consequences of historical developments and events; Through examinations and essays, students will be required to explain how change came about in the African-American experience by identifying principle actors, events, and social forces. evaluate texts or artifacts within their historical and/or cultural contexts Through lecture and discussion students will evaluate the primary historical texts used in the class and explain how they emerged from their particular time period. The writings and testimonies of Frederick Douglas, David Walker, Harriet Tubman, and others figure prominently. analyze human behavior, ideas, and institutions Throughout the course, students will be within their respective historical and/or cultural challenged to explain the continuities and contexts. disruptions in African-American experience from the Middle Passage through the Civil War. VII. Syllabus: Paste syllabus below or attach and send digital copy with form. ⇓ The syllabus should clearly describe how the above criteria are satisfied. For assistance on syllabus preparation see: http://teaching.berkeley.edu/bgd/syllabus.html AAS/HIST 262: AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY TO 1865 COURSE SYLLABUS REQUIRED TEXTS Hine, Darlene Clark, William C. Hine, and Stanley Harrold, The African-American Odyssey, Volume One to 1877, New Jersey, Pearson/Prentice Hall, Third Edition, 2006. (Includes a CD disk that can be very useful for research papers.) Wright, Donald R., African Americans in the Colonial Era: From African Origins through the American Revolution, Wheeling, Ill., Harlan Davidson, Inc., 2000. Wright, Donald R., African Americans in the Early Republic, 1789-1831, Wheeling, Ill., Harlan Davidson, Inc., 1993. Several articles will be added to our readings during the course of the semester, either as paper handouts given in class, or posted electronically on our ERes webpage. The web page can be found at http://eres.lib.umt.edu Click on “Course Reserves” then select AAS 378. The password is AAS378 (all caps, no spaces). Important announcements, some articles (including some required readings), web links and other information will be put on this page throughout the semester. There is also a discussion board where you can raise questions and get feedback from the professor and your fellow students. It is recommended that students check this page at least once a day. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is a survey of the diverse historical experiences of Americans of African descent in the United States, from their origins in Africa until the end of the Civil War. Our focus will be on the quest of enslaved African Americans for freedom and dignity and the quest of free African Americans for equal opportunity and inclusion in American society, as they struggled against racism. COURSE OBJECTIVES A. To familiarize students with the historical facts and circumstances that transformed diverse peoples of Africa into African Americans in the United States. B. To enable students to explore the reasons behind the formation of the institution of American slavery and racist concepts regarding humanity. C. To assist students in forming their own assessments and analyses regarding the logic, validity, and usefulness of popularly-held ideas about the nature of humanity. D. To help students to think independently and move beyond the limitations of customary popular concepts. E. To familiarize students with the facts concerning the history of African American resistance to slavery racism and other social injustices. F. To increase student awareness of the significant African-American influences upon, and contributions to, the development of American society. G. To provide a more complete context for understanding many of America’s current social problems. H. To familiarize students with some of the bibliographical and other sources of knowledge that are available for further study of the various topics that we will cover. I. To improve students’ research and writing skills. J. To provide students with opportunities for discussion and inquiry related to our topics. GRADING CRITERIA I use a precise, numerical, percentage point grading system. No letter grades are assigned until after the final exam and all of the points are added up. Student grades will be based on the combined scores of the writing assignments, in-class participation, the midterm exam, and the final exam. The grades will be weighted as follows: 10% for the short essays 25% each for the first two exams 30% for the final exam 10% for attendance and participation Disrespectful behavior, such as talking during a lecture or while another student is addressing the class, will result in loss of attendance and participation credit for the day. Grade Scale: 92-100 = A 72-77.5 = C 90-91.5 = A70-71.5 = C88-89.5 = B+ 68-69.5 = D+ 82-87.5 = B 62-67.5 = D 80-81.5 = B60-61.5 = D78-79.5 = C+ below 60 = F Extra credit opportunity: Two extra points for making a five minute presentation to the class regarding your research and/or writing experiences related to our topics. (The details for the writing assignment will be given separately from this syllabus.) Special arrangements for taking the exams at other than the designated times must be made in advance and approved by the instructor. Only very dire, unavoidable circumstances will be considered. Students with University-recognized disabilities who are enrolled with Disability Services for Students (DSS) will be accommodated according to University regulations. Such students should communicate with the instructor as early in the semester as possible about their special needs. ATTENDANCE All students are individually responsible for acquiring information made available through lectures, reading assignments, and materials handed out in class. The instructor does not copy or publish his lecture notes. Attendance and participation make up 10% of your grade (see "Grading Criteria" section above). ACADEMIC HONESTY Plagiarism is the misrepresentation of another person’s writing as one’s own. Plagiarism is a violation of the University of Montana Code of Student Conduct, and the professor can give a student who plagiarizes an assigned paper a failing grade for the course. The UM leaves it up to each professor to decide if such action is appropriate. I choose to give a failing grade (no credit) for the particular assignment that was plagiarized, and no opportunity to re-do the assignment. That could lead to failing grade for the course, but not necessarily, depending on how the student does with the rest of the graded items for the course. We professors are aware that there are a growing number of internet websites that sell “research papers” to students who are susceptible to this kind of scam. There are several websites that we can use to detect such papers and find their point of origin. Using such internet aids, I have caught several students over the years who turned in plagiarized works, and it is never a pleasant situation for either of us. Consider yourselves to be kindly forewarned. Exams will be monitored and students must work individually. Talking to other students during the exam, copying another student’s paper, or other forms of cheating, will result in an “F” grade for that exam. COURSE OUTLINE/ CLASS CALENDAR (may be subject to minor revisions, TBA) Date Aug. 27 " 29 “ 31 Sept. 3 “ 5 " 7 " " 10 12 " " " 14 17 19 " 21 “ 24 “ 26 " 28 Date Lecture Topic Reading Assignments Introduction to the course The African origins of African Americans Hine, pp.3-23; Wright, v1, pp.7-28 “ “ continued, with discussion LABOR DAY HOLIDAY- NO CLASS Origins and reasons for the trans-Atlantic slave trade Hine, pp. 27-34; Wright, v1, Excerpt from documentary, “Wonders of the African World” pp. 28-41 The “Middle Passage” and early experiences of Africans in Hine, pp. 34-48; America; discussion of study guide questions Wright, v1, pp.41-54 Documentary video: “A Son of Africa” (Olaudah Equiano), 28 min., discussion Slavery, indentured servitude, and freedom in Colonial America Hine, pp. 51-75; Wright, v1, pp.55-96 Previous lecture, continued, large and/or small group discussion “ “ documentary, “Africans in America” Wright, v1, pp.100-157 African Americans and the American Revolution Hine, pp.79-98; Wright, v1, pp.158-174; articles to be handed out Previous lecture, continued. The U.S. Constitution and institutional racism “ Other reasons for the expansion of slavery and racism in the Hine, pp.105-114; new republic Wright, v1,pp.174-202, v2, 12-36 African Americans and Native Americans Conditions under slavery and the impact on families; psychological damage under slavery; Review outlines for first exam distributed COURSE OUTLINE/ CLASS CALENDAR, continued Lecture Topic Reading Assignment Oct. 1 “ 3 " 5 Discussion of study guide #2 and review for first exam First Exam African American community and cultural development Hine, pp.136-157; under slavery; scenes from two documentaries depicting Wright, v2, pp.43-84 slave community life " 8 previous lecture continued, discussion Douglass readings (posted on ERes) “ 10 Frederick Douglass’ insights on slavery " 12 Forms of slave resistance to slavery Wright, v2, pp.85-124 " 15 Early free African Americans in the North Hine, pp.114-126; Price article, TBHO Case study: the Easton family of Massachusetts Wright, v2, pp.125-138 " 17 previous lecture, continued; Captain Paul Cuffe " 19 The growth of free African American communities Hine, pp.160-184 in antebellum America Wright, v2, pp.125-161 “ 22 “ “ continued, the “uplift movement”; Origins and reasons for African American church denominations; discussion of study guide #3 questions " 24 Free African American human rights activism through 1833 Hine, pp.188-204; Documentary: “Slavery and the Making of America” David Walker”s Appeal “ 26 The early African American press; David Walker (excerpt posted on ERes) “ 29& 31 Maria Stewart; the early abolitionist movement (excerpts from Stewart speeches Review outlines for second exam distributed posted on ERes) Nov. 2 Discussion and review for second exam " 4 Second Exam " 7 Documentary: “Frederick Douglass: When the Lion Wrote History” Frederick Douglass in the “Free North” and in England Douglass readings, TBA “ 8 “Day of Dialogue” – (not a class day) extra credit available for proof of participation in a Day of Dialogue event- details TBA " 9 Free African American human rights activism from 1833-1850 Hine, pp.208-226; Wright, v2, 162-208 " 12 VETERAN'S DAY HOLIDAY- NO CLASS " 14 African Americans on the early western frontiers and in the California Gold Rush readings TBHO " 16 The Underground Railroad Hine, pp.230-239; articles, to be posted " 19 Documentary: “Harriet Tubman, antislavery activist” (30 min., discussion) " 21-23 THANKSGIVING VACATION- NO CLASSES " 26 The Underground Railroad, continued " 28 The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 and the U.S. attack on free Hine, pp.239-250 African Americans in the 1850’s; Dred Scott decision and AfAm response " 30 Previous lecture continued; small group discussions Dec. 3 African Americans and the Civil War Hine, pp.258-284, other TBHO " 5 Informed Essays due; Previous lecture continued, Did the Civil War end slavery? Aftermath of the Civil War Hine, pp.290-308 Review outlines for final exam distributed; closing discussion, the most important things that you learned in this class (continued on the 7th) " 7 Review for Final (Q and A) " 11 Final Exam, Tuesday, December 11, 1:10-3:10 *Please note: As an instructor of a general education course, you will be expected to provide sample assessment items and corresponding responses to the Assessment Advisory Committee.