DESIGNATED / AUXILIARY – FUNDED OPERATING UNIT PLAN FISCAL YEAR 2014 This portion to be filled out by Operating Unit: Operating Unit Name: Unit Manager: Please print name and sign Preparer (if different): Please print name and sign # of pages in plan: Associated Indexes*: (Required Field) Sector Manager: Date Prepared: *Plan should include all Designated and Auxiliary index codes that comprise the operating unit with the exception of SPABA. A separate operating plan should be prepared for SPABA index codes. Date Received: (OPBA) Conference Date/Time: Sector Manager Approval: Please print name and sign President’s Approval: 1 BACKGROUND Describe your operation, its history, and the nature of its business activities, including any anticipated changes. (This form will allow you to insert unlimited text.) REVENUE ASSUMPTIONS AND PROJECTIONS Specify your revenue assumptions and projections for the coming year – sources, amounts, timing, anticipated changes, etc. (This form will accommodate unlimited text.) Total FY14 Revenue Projection $ (Required) EXPENDITURE ASSUMPTIONS AND PROJECTIONS Specify your expenditure assumptions and projections for the coming year (This form will accommodate unlimited text.) Total FY14 Expenditure projection $ (Required) FUND BALANCE AND CAPITAL PLAN Detail your strategy regarding fund balance, and describe your capital plan. (This form will accommodate unlimited text.) Ending FY14 Fund Balance projection $ Please provide calculation that supports your projection. (Required) MANAGEMENT ISSUES, TRENDS, AND SIGNIFICANT EVENTS Discuss significant issues, trends, and events expected to impact your operating unit. (This form will accommodate unlimited text.) 2 GOALS Describe the top three strategic goals, objectives or initiatives of your operating unit for the coming fiscal year. (This form will accommodate unlimited text.) Definitions: Goals are long range, broad and serve to set direction or to provide a relative target or accomplishment or growth. Initiatives – at least in this context – are new efforts, intended to begin implementation within this planning horizon (in this case the next FY). Remember that most initiatives will have costs associated with them. These must be consistent with your financial projections. Objectives are more specific than goals. They are usually narrower in scope, shorter in time frame, but – most importantly – they are achievable, measurable and verifiable. These are the targeted outcomes by which you measure the success of your operations. They may be expressed in $, FTEs, in percentages, or in any other number of ways – as long as they can be objectively verified. 3