1 GBB 205, 12:10-1:00 p.m. Graduate Council Minutes 2/12/14

Graduate Council Minutes 2/12/14
GBB 205, 12:10-1:00 p.m.
Members Present:, M. Alwell, D. Biehl, D. Campbell, X. Chu, I. Crummy, N. Hassanein, M.
Kia, A. Kinch, B. Klaasen, A. McKeown, S. Sprang, E. Stone, S. Williams
Members Absent/Excused: L. Gray, K. Swift
Ex Officio Members Present: R. Arouca, B. Brown, N. Hinman, S. Ross
The 2/5/13 minutes were amended and approved.
Business Items
The Council discussed the review document for Mathematics. There were issues
with the external review. The document was crafted carefully as a result. This lead
to questions of the Council’s role in the process. Some would like the Council to
assure the consideration of the graduate students’ experience. Professor Sprang and
Chu will review the self-study to determine whether the document should be revised.
The review document for Public Health was revised to include recommendations. It was
Student member Klaasen summarized the Graduate Student Association (GSA) white paper.
The GSA is considered a student group under the Associated Students of the University of
Montana (ASUM). However, this is not a good fit. Graduate students do not feel represented
or supported / recognized by the administration. The GSA hopes to be formally recognized
and given support to start to address some issues. Capturing some of the ASUM student fees
would require a change to its bylaws. The GSA has attempted to negotiate with ASUM
without success. A specific commitment is needed from the administration.
Chair Sprang requested that the graduate students on the Council define what it wants from
the Graduate Council and the nature of commitment from the Provost. The students would
like help from the Council with refining a proposal to secure the status of the GSA in support
of future graduate students.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.