Course Form


Course Form

(revised 5/1/12)



I. Summary of Proposed Changes

Dept / Program Management & Marketing Prefix and Course # BMKT 466

Course Title

Please check one or more of the following:

Online and Social Media Marketing

 New course  Delete course

Course Changes

Course Title


Learning Outcomes

 Prerequisites  Cross-listing  Other

Credits from _________ to________

 Number / Level from _________ to________

Repeatability from _________ to________

Justification / explanation (required for ALL proposals) For new courses please provide rationale for why the course is needed, how it fits with exiting curriculum and whether there are curricular adjustments.

Change the course from experimental to regular status;

Online and social media have become critical marketing tools for firms since the ascent of the internet. Most employers require our students in marketing and MIS (management information systems), in particular, to have good skills in developing and analyzing websites. Also, students need to be able to access, gather and analyze data via the internet. Further, this course provides an applied view of integrated marketing communications principles, which is foundational to the field of marketing.

Has the Department gone through common course Review?  Yes  No  In process

II. Syllabus/Assessment Information

Required for new courses, learning outcome changes and course change from U to UG .

Important: please spell out learning goals and learning outcomes clearly in the syllabus.

Learning Goals are a list of what students should know, understand, or be able to do at the end of the course, including essential information and knowledge or skills relevant to the subject area.

Learning Outcomes are measures of performance or behavior that indicate, to the teacher


the students, that students understand the material, and what criteria differentiates among different levels of understanding.

Attach syllabus at the end of the document .

III. Endorsement/Approvals

Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office

Please type / print name Signature Date Approve

Requestor: Nader Shooshtari


Phone/ email :

Program Chair(s)/Director:


All other affected programs:

6701 nader.shooshtari@

Nader Shooshtari

Larry Gianchetta

Are other departments/programs affected by this modification because of

(a) required courses incl. prerequisites or corequisites,

(b) perceived overlap in content areas

(c) cross-listing of coursework
















Please obtain signature(s) from the

Chair/Director of any such department/ program (above) before submission

Signatory Comments (required for disapproval):

IV: To Add a New Course S yllabus and assessment information is required ( paste syllabus into section V or attach). Course should have internal coherence and clear focus.

Common Course Numbering Review (Department Chair Must Initial) :

Does an equivalent course exist elsewhere in the MUS? Check all relevant disciplines if


X course is interdisciplinary. (


If YES: Do the proposed abbreviation, number, title and credits align with existing course(s)? Please indicate equivalent course/campus.

If NO: Course may be unique, but is subject to common course review. The course number may be changed at the system level.

See attached syllabus

Short Title (max. 26 characters incl. spaces) Online & Social Media Mktg

Exact entry to appear in the next catalog (Specify course abbreviation, level, number, title, credits, repeatability (if applicable), frequency of offering, prerequisites, and a brief description.)

U 466 Online and Social Media Marketing 3 cr.

Offered intermittently. Prereq., junior standing in business, BMKT 325.

Exploration and application of marketing communications principles to the internet environment. Students develop individual WordPress websites/blogs, learn about online marketing techniques, and complete online marketing and social media projects.

Complete for UG courses (UG courses should be assigned a 400 number).

Describe graduate increment - see procedure 301.30

Complete for Co-convened courses

Companion course number, title, and description (include syllabus of companion course in section V)

See procedure 301.20

New fees and changes to existing fees are only approved once each biennium

Board of Regents. The coordination of fee submission is administered by

Administration and Finance. Fees may be requested only for courses meeting specific conditions according to Policy 940.12.1


Please indicate whether this course will be considered for a fee. by the YES NO


If YES, what is the proposed amount of the fee?


V. Change an Existing Course

1. Current course information at it appears in catalog

( )

2. Full and exact entry (as proposed)

3. If cross-listed course: secondary program & course number

4. Is this a course with MUS Common Course Numbering?

If yes, please explain below whether the change will eliminate the common course status.



5. If co-convened course: companion course number, title, and description

(include syllabus of companion course in section V) See procedure 301.20

6. Graduate increment if level of course is changed to UG.

Reference procedure 301.30:

(syllabus must be attached)

Have you reviewed the graduate increment guidelines? Please check (X) space provided.

7. Other programs affected by the change

8. Is there a fee associated with the course? No

VI Department Summary

(Required if several forms are submitted) In a separate document list course number, title, and proposed change for all proposals.

VII Copies and Electronic Submission.

After approval, submit original, one copy, summary of proposals and electronic file to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221,

V. Syllabus/Assessment Information

Required for new courses and course change from U to UG. Paste syllabus in field below or attach and send digital copy with form.

Marketing 495 Elective

Online & Social Media Marketing

Spring Semester, 2012

12:40 – 2:00 Mondays & Wednesdays



Karen Porter

GBB 348 – 3



529-8931 (cell)

I will respond to all emails within 24 hours, usually much more quickly. If you do not receive a response within 24 hours, please assume that your email was not received.

Office Hours: Mon & Wed 11:10 – 12:30 and by appointment.


Course Prerequisite: Marketing 360 – Principles of Marketing

If you have not taken Marketing 360, you have not completed core requirements.

If this is the case, you should not be registered for this class. Marketing 363 is strongly recommended, but not required.

Required “Text”: Inbound Marketing – Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah

Required Blog Feeds or Subscriptions:

Hubspot Blog –

– regular reading is required!

Other Required Readings:

* Handouts as provided in class or via download

* Case studies as provided in class or assigned for reading online

Other Required Resources:

* Daily access to the internet and regular access to a computer and printer

* Jing ( free ) or other screen capture software

* MailChimp ( free edition ) – You will create an automatically delivered email series.

* WordPress Twenty Ten Theme ( free ) – You will be creating a blog.

* Domain ( you will need to purchase – roughly $8 – $15 depending on vendor used ).

* Hosting ( you will need to purchase HostGator hosting for four months – roughly $40 total ).

You may also use another hosting company. However, I will not be able to assist you in setting up hosting if you go with a company other than Host Gator.

* Facebook Business (Fan) Page ( free ) – We will set this up in class. You will need to have a personal FB

account to set up the FB fan page –OR– be able to use someone else’s account (with their

permission, of course) to set up a fan page.

* Twitter ( free ) – You will be setting up a Twitter account for business use.

* Linked In ( free ) – You will set up a Linked In account for your own professional use.

* Facebook Ads ( free ) – You will be setting up a Facebook ad campaign (without actually paying for and

running the campaign).

Day-to-Day Syllabus: Attached. Includes assignments, due dates, readings, and related.

About This Course

Welcome to Online & Social Media Marketing! This is a 400-level elective marketing course intended to introduce students to some of the most important and relevant online marketing and social media concepts and tools used in 2012. As a 400 level elective course, students in this course are expected to be highly motivated, self-reliant, and proactive problem solvers. The course is designed to be an extremely “hands-on” course, with a great deal of learning derived from actually “doing.” Because many marketing techniques, and the tools used to complete them, will be explained and demonstrated during class, it is imperative that

students attend class regularly. Without regular attendance, you will not be able to complete this course successfully.

Objectives of the Course:


Learn current trends and popular platforms used in online and social media marketing


Learn how and where to remain abreast of changes in online media, SEO, and online marketing techniques


Learn to conduct keyword research to identify the best terms to optimize on websites, blogs, social media platforms, and other online environments


Learn ways to monetize websites and blogs and how to determine whether particular topics are likely to benefit from optimization techniques


Learn to develop a WordPress website and blog and put that knowledge to use by actually building a site, posting it live on the internet, and customizing the site with various plugins and a unique header graphic or new theme


Learn best practices for search engine optimization and apply on-site SEO techniques to the individual pages and posts published on student websites/blogs


Apply knowledge gained in the course by assisting local businesses with online and social media marketing initiatives (working in teams of approximately three students per client)


Perform as part of a group of peers challenged by a demanding client project with significant time constraints


Improve writing skills while preparing a professional quality client presentation that includes an online marketing situation analysis, recommendations, and summary of the scope of services provided to achieve client objectives

Learning Outcomes:

1. Students can apply knowledge learned about planning and building a website/blog by strategically planning and developing an independent website on a topic of each students’ choice.


Students show competence in effective online and social media techniques by completing online and social media initiatives for local businesses and non-profit organizations based on identified client objectives.

3. Students understand the concept of keyword research and can conduct research to identify optimal keywords for potentially high organic search engine placement.

4. Students can conduct research to identify monetization potential for website topics.


Students understand on-site SEO and apply that knowledge to each page or post added to their independently developed websites/blogs.


Students have written and oral communication skills as expected of business professionals, including preparing and presenting both written and oral summaries of client projects using appropriate grammar, tone, terminology, and formatting

Course Summary

As this field is fast changing and ever evolving, there is no formal textbook for this course. In lieu of a formal text, students will be actively following the HubSpot blog. (Daily reading of 3 -5 posts is mandatory.) There will be several pop quizzes given randomly throughout the semester covering HubSpot blog posts from the previous day. Students who have not taken Mktg 363 PRIOR to taking this course, will need to order a trade book called: Inbound Marketing, by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah. The text is available via; usually copies are available used for less than $15. (If you are taking Mktg 363 simultaneously, you will be ordering this book for 363 – please order immediately as we will also use it in this course.)

This course utilizes a companion website,, published by the instructor specifically for this course. The instructor will blog about course assignments and share important announcements related to the course. Students are invited to comment and ask questions online and the instructor will respond allowing all students in the course to benefit from the questions raised and answers provided. is kept current as a resource for all students. Included are the syllabus, details, and instructions for assignments, whitepaper and ebook downloads, online tools and resources recommended by the instructor, a list of clients

(businesses and non-profit organizations) for our community contribution, and a list of student websites/blogs (those developed in the course). In addition, a number of topical handouts will be posted to augment and integrate with required “text” and blog readings.

Instead of exams that cover theory and concepts, students will actually complete a number of independent online and social media projects that require personal application of online marketing skills and techniques introduced in class. See the day-by-day syllabus for assignments and due dates. Details of each assignment will be presented in class and posted on the website.

There will also be a final team project in which students will complete a marketing communications analysis for a local business and then actually implement several online marketing initiatives as relevant to that business and its overall marketing goals and objectives.

Finally, please expect adjustments to the syllabus from time to time. While I will try to adhere as closely as possible, we may periodically need to adjust the schedule. Modifications of assignments or other adjustments will be announced in class and the most current day-to-day assignments syllabus will be posted online.

Recommended tip : Because many assigned projects will be based around in class demonstrations and associated lecture, they are essentially like “on the job training.” For that reason, it is imperative that you plan to attend every class. It is also highly advised that you team up with a buddy or two. Not only can you assist one another with notes in the event of an unavoidable missed class, you will also be able to share ideas with each other and potentially assist one another with assignments.

My Expectations of You


That you are in class on time and remain in the classroom until class is finished. If you must leave early, please let me know in advance and seat yourself close to the door to minimize disruption.


That you respect the instructor and other students. Do not talk while someone else is speaking. Keep cell phones on mute or vibrate. (Please, also no sleeping, texting, or being otherwise disengaged.)


That you keep current with your reading assignments. Each day’s lectures will be far more meaningful if you have read the day’s required reading before coming to class. Because we will also have in-class applications exercises, it will likely be difficult for you to successfully participate or keep up with presentations / assignments if you have not read your reading assignments beforehand.


That you actively participate in class discussions and applications exercises. Applying what you learn is much more valuable than simply memorizing material for a test or quiz. Take an active role in applying what you learn by sharing your thoughts, asking relevant questions, and being a productive member of the class.


That you complete assignments on time and turn them in during class. Late assignments will not be accepted. Multi-page assignments must be stapled – I will not accept loose papers or be responsible for lost sheets of paper that were not stapled together prior to submission.


That you work through your assignments with a problem solving mentality. While I am here to assist, I will expect that you seek solutions and make a sincere attempt to work through challenges prior to contacting me for assistance. My first question to you will be: “What have you already tried?” Please do not contact me until you can provide me with what you’ve already done to troubleshoot.


That you attend class regularly. Pop quizzes will be given unannounced. If you miss class, you are potentially missing points. Also, in-class demonstrations on software or techniques to be used on upcoming assignments will not be repeated if you miss class. Quite simply, if you’re not in class, it is most likely going to impact your grade.


That you complete papers and any outside homework assignments professionally (i.e. neat, organized, run through spellcheck, etc.). Grading on these assignments will not simply be on content, but on professional presentation as well


My goal is to be fair in grading. For your part, I expect you to turn assignments in on time and to fully participate in the course.

What you get out of this course will be directly related to what you put into it.

Your final grade will be determined by your understanding of course material as measured by:

Application Assignments

Pop Quizzes (5 @ 10 pts each)

Participation Score (class attendance/engagement)

Team Projects for Local Clients

Total Points Possible

350 points

50 points

100 points

250 points

750 points

Day Date Topic Reading Assignments Project Due Dates Pts









1/23 Course Introduction & Overview / HubSpot

1/25 Trends '12 / Search Engines / LinkedIn

1/30 Websites - Strategy & Development

2/1 Blogging for Business



Selecting a Blog Topic to be Monetized

Monitization and Domains

2/13 Keyword Research

2/15 Blog Assignment #1

IN - Ch 1

IN - Ch 2, 3 & 4; Handouts

IN - Ch 5; Case Studies


Blog Assignment #1

IN - Ch 6; Handouts


Personal Info / Linkedin Due

Blog Review Due

Blog Topic Overview Due



























Finals Week May 7 - 11

Th 5/8 3:20 - 5:20 Tuesday

2/20 Presidents Day - Holiday - No Class

2/22 Backlinking Strategies

2/27 Team Project Overviews / Blog Assn. #2

2/29 Analytics -- Google, SEO Book, more



Team Assignments & Project Direction

All About Conversion (incl Email)

3/12 Social Media in Biz / Facebook Biz Pgs

3/14 Twitter & LinkedIn / Blog Assn. #3

3/19 Lead Gen/Autoresponders

3/21 Local Biz Online & Google Places

3/26 PPC Ads -- Adwords vs. Facebook

3/28 Mobile Websites / Blog Assn. #4

3/30 Team Project Overviews Due by Email



Spring Break - No Class

Spring Break - No Class

4/9 Mobile Marketing Trends & Tactics

4/11 Project Help and Q&A

4/16 Job Hunting & Recruiting Online

4/18 Final Project Help and Q&A

4/23 Team Presentations

4/25 Team Presentations

4/30 Team Presentations

5/2 Course Wrap--up & Evaluations

Handouts or Online Assignments

Handouts or Online Assignments

IN - Ch ?, Handouts


IN - Ch 8, 9 & 10

Handouts or Online Assignments

Handouts or Online Assignments

Handouts or Online Assignments

Handouts or Online Assignments

Handouts or Online Assignments

Handouts or Online Assignments

(one per team)

Handouts or Online Assignments

IN - Ch 12

Team Proj. Back w/ Final Grades

Keyword Res. Assign. Due

Blog Assignment #1 Due

Blog Assignment #2 Due

Facebook Fan Page Due

Blog Assignment #3 Due

Team Project Overviews Due

Blog Assignment #4 Due

Team Written Projects Due

100 = Project Work for Client

100 = Written Presentation

50 = Oral Team Presentation

Blog Wrap-up Assign #5 Due








