Level I Program Form I Summary of Proposed Changes Department/program Curriculum & Instruction/Business & Info. Technology Ed. (BITE) Change program name from BITE to Business Education Summary II Endorsements and Approvals Please obtain the Program Chair/Director’s approval, the Dean and the Associate Provost. Requestor: Sandra Williams Phone: 243-4073 _____________________________________ Signature Date Program Chair/Director: Trent Atkins _____________________________________ Signature Date Other affected programs: Business _____________________________________ Signature Date ___________________________________ Dean’s Signature Date ___________________________________ Initial Review in Provost’s Office date ____________________________________ Faculty Senate Review date _____________________________________ ___________________________________ Signature Date Provost date Are other departments/programs affected by this Please obtain signature(s) from the modification because of Chair/Director of any such department/ program (a) required courses incl. prerequisites or (above) before submission corequisites, (b) perceived overlap in content areas (c) cross-listing of coursework III Type of Level I Proposal (please check the appropriate space) (a) Re-titling existing majors, minors, or options X (b) Eliminating existing majors, minors, or options via a program termination checklist (c) Adding new minors or certificates where there is a major (d) Adding new minors or certificates where there is an option in a major (e) Departmental mergers and name changes (f) Program revisions –for minor modifications use the program modification form (g) Distance delivery of previously authorized degree program. (h) Adding option within an existing major or degree * (i) Eliminating organizational units such as departments, divisions and colleges or schools * (j) Consolidating existing program and/or degree * *Requires level II BOR documentation submitted to the Provost’s Office (refer to http://www.umt.edu/provost/curriculum.htm) IV Catalog Language If you are proposing a change to an existing Please provide the proposed copy as you wish it program or major, please cut and paste the to appear in the catalog. requirements as they appear in the current catalog below. www.umt.edu/catalog Business Education Business and Information Technology Education Grades 5-12. Qualifies as a single-field endorsement. Grades 5-12. Qualifies as a single-field For licensure in the major teaching field of endorsement. For licensure in the major teaching field of Business and Information Technology Education, a student must complete the requirements for a B.S. in Business Administration with a major in one of the following: accounting, finance, management, management information systems, or marketing. They also must complete the business and information technology education coursework. The course list below illustrates the management information systems major. Individuals holding a baccalaureate degree must meet these requirements by completing the courses listed below or demonstrate course equivalency. For licensure in the minor teaching field of business and information technology education, a student must complete the courses in the minor teaching field listed below or demonstrate course equivalency. Maj Min. ACTG 201 (ACCT 201) 3 Principles of Financial Accounting ACTG 202 (ACCT 202) Principles of Managerial 3 Accounting BGEN 235 (BADM 257) Business 3 Law C&I 287 Business 3 Communications C&I 341 Information Management 3 & Design EDU 497 (C&I 429) Methods: 512 Business Subjects (coreq EDU 4 395 (C&I 301 & 302)) EDU 472 (C&I 444) Advanced 3 Technology and Supervision COMM 111A Intro to Public 3 Speaking CSCI 172 (CS 172) Introduction 3 to Computer Modeling ECNS 201S (ECON 111S) 3 Principles of Microeconomics ECNS 202 (ECONS 112S) 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 - Business Education, a student must complete the requirements for a B.S. in Business Administration with a major in one of the following: accounting, financial management, international business, management, management information systems, or marketing. They also must complete the business education coursework. The course list below illustrates the management information systems major. Individuals holding a baccalaureate degree must meet these requirements by completing the courses listed below or demonstrate course equivalency. For licensure in the minor teaching field of business education, a student must complete the courses in the minor teaching field listed below or demonstrate course equivalency. Maj Min. ACTG 201 (ACCT 201) Financial Accounting ACTG 202 (ACCT 202) Managerial Accounting BGEN 235 (BADM 257) Business Law C&I 287 Business Communications C&I 341 Information Management & Design EDU 497 (C&I 429) Methods: 512 Business Subjects (coreq EDU 395 (C&I 301 & 302)) EDU 472 (C&I 444) Advanced Technology and Supervision COMX 111 Public Speaking CSCI 172 (CS 172) Computer Modeling ECNS 201S (ECON 111S) Microeconomics ECNS 202 (ECONS 112S) Macroeconomics BFIN 322 (FIN 322) Business Finance BMIS 270 (MIS 270) MIS Management Info. Systems 3 3 3 - 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 - 3 3 3 3 3 - 3 - 3 - Principles of Macroeconomics BFIN 322 (FIN 322) Business Finance BMIS 270 (MIS 270) MIS Foundation of Business BMGT 322 (MIS 341) Operations Management BMIS 365 (MIS 371) Business Applications Development BMIS 370 (MIS 370) Managing Information and Data BMIS 372 (MIS 372) Information Infrastructures: A Strategic Perspective BMIS 373 (MIS 373) Systems Analysis and Design BMIS 476 (MIS 476) Integrated Project Management for IS M 115 (MATH 117) Probability and Linear Math STAT 216 (MATH 241) Introduction to Statistics BMGT 340S (MGMT 340S) Management and Organizational Behavior BMGT 486 Strategic Venture Management BGEN 499 Integrative Business Simulation BMKT 325 (MKTG 360) Marketing Principles Total Credits 3 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 3 4 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 3 3 75 31 BMGT 322 (MIS 341) Operations Management BMIS 365 (MIS 371) Business Applications Development BMIS 370 (MIS 370) Managing Information and Data BMIS 372 (MIS 372) Information Infrastructures: Strategic Perspective BMIS 373 (MIS 373) Bus. Systems Analysis and Design BMIS 476 (MIS 476) Integrated Project Management M 115 (MATH 117) Probability and Linear Math STAT 216 (MATH 241) Introduction to Statistics BMGT 340S (MGMT 340S) Management and Organizational Behavior BMGT 486 Strategic Venture Management BGEN 499 Integrative Business Simulation BMKT 325 (MKTG 360) Marketing Principles Total Credits 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 3 4 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 3 3 75 31 Business Education qualifies as a single-field endorsement. Although not required, it is recommended that students complete a second teaching major or minor. Business and Information Technology Education qualifies as a single-field endorsement. Although not required, it is recommended that students complete a second teaching major or minor. Please explain/justify the new proposal or change. Changing the program name from BITE to business education will connect the program more closely with state, regional, and national business education associations and programs. In Montana, the Montana Office of Public Instruction officially changed the title of the business program to Business Education in the spring of 2010. The Montana Professional Educator Preparation Program Standards and the Montana licensure endorsement area use the term business education as well. Regionally, the Western Business and Information Technology Education Association changed its name to the Western Business Education Association in the spring of 2008. And nationally, the National Business Education Association’s name has remained constant since 1962. This name change will also likely increase the visibility of the business education program and, thus, increase the number of students in this high demand teaching field. What other programs are affected by your proposal? Obtain signatures as requested below. V Department Summary Required if several proposals are submitted. In a separate document list program title and proposed change for all proposals. VI Copies and Electronic Submission After all signatures have been obtained submit the original, a paper copy and electronic file to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221. Revised 11/09