Program Modification Form

Program Modification Form
I Summary of Proposed Changes
Russian Studies (MCLL/History)
We are adding more specificity to our Russian Studies minor, requiring a
couple of particular classes instead of requiring only a certain amount of
credits to be taken from a list of possible course offerings. We are also
adding a third advisor/director to our program.
II Endorsements and Approvals
Please obtain the Program Chair/Director’s approval and Dean’s approval.
Please type / print name Signature
Program Chair/Director:
Ona Renner-Fahey
Linda Gillison (MCLL)
Department Dean
Other affected Programs:
Chris Comer
(Use additional sheet if
Are other departments/programs affected by this
Please obtain signature(s) from the
modification because of
Chair/Director of any such department/
(a) required courses incl. prerequisites or corequisites,
program (above) before submission
(b) perceived overlap in content areas
(c) cross-listing of coursework
III Type of Program Modification
(e.g. adding a writing course required of all majors.) Please X check the appropriate box.
Minor X
Teaching major/minor
IV Catalog Language
If you are proposing a change to an existing program or Please provide the proposed copy as you wish
major, please cut and paste the requirements as they
it to appear in the catalog. 
appear in the current catalog below. 
Russian Studies
Russian Studies
Ona Renner-Fahey (Associate
Professor Russian), and Robert
H. Greene (Assistant Professor of
History), Advisors
Ona Renner-Fahey
(Associate Professor of
Russian), Robert H. Greene
(Assistant Professor of
Students interested in Russian studies History), and Clint Walker,
may choose a minor in Russian studies as (Assistant Professor of
listed below. Students will receive formal Russian), Advisors
guidance for their interest in Russian Students interested in Russian
studies and recognition for completing a Studies may choose to minor in this
interdisciplinary program. Courses
defined program.
are required in Russian language,
Requirements for a
culture, history, and one other
discipline (depending on course
The following requirements must be offerings and students’ interests).
successfully completed to obtain a minor The list of possible course offerings
in Russian studies:
below must be considered in
1. Twelve credits of upper-division course
consultation with one of the
work concerning the former Russian advisors to the minor.
area and its successor states. The
Requirements for a
Russian Studies Faculty Committee
will designate the courses which
may be used for the minor. These
The following requirements must be
twelve credits will include at least
successfully completed to obtain a
one course concerning Russian area minor in Russian studies:
studies in at least three of the
1. Second-year proficiency in
following disciplines: anthropology,
the Russian language (by
business administration, economics,
successfully completing 201modern and classical languages and
202 or equivalent).
literatures (not including the
language requirement), geography,
(Introduction to Russian
history, political science.
2.Second year proficiency in the Russian
3. One upper-division Russian
history course (357, 358, 457,
Related Courses
Following is a list of possible course
selections for the minor in Russian
Studies. Students are required to consult
with their advisors for course suggestions
appropriate to the minor.
385 Indigenous Peoples and
Global Development 3 cr.
Business AdministrationManagement
348 Entrepreneurship 3cr.
368 International Business
465 World Trade and
Commerce 3 cr.
374 Comparative Economic
Systems 3 cr.
or 458)
4. Six additional credits of
upper-division course work,
three of which must be
offered through a department
other than History or Modern
and Classical Languages and
Literatures. Such other
possible disciplines include:
anthropology, business
administration, economics,
geography, or political
science. For more
information, see under
“Related Courses” below.
5. Study abroad in Russia is
highly encouraged. Students
351 Geography of a Selected
Region 3 cr.
HSTR 326 (HIST 319H)
Contemporary Europe 3 cr.
HSTR 380H (HIST 331H)
Foreign Relations of the Great
Powers, 1870-Present 3 cr.
HSTR 378 (HIST 332H) The
Global Diplomacy of the Cold War 3
HSTR 357 (HIST 344) Russia
to 1881 3 cr.
HSTR 358 (HIST 345) Russia
Since 1881 3 cr.
HSTR 363 (HIST 348)
Eastern Europe: Past and Present 3
HSTA 391 (HIST 395) Special
Topics variable cr.
HSTR 457 (HIST 445) The
World of Anna Karenina 3 cr.
HSTR 458 (HIST 446) The
Russian Revolution, 1900-1930 3 cr.
HSTR 472E (HIST 460E)
Problems of Peace and National
Security 3 cr.
Political Science
PSCI 322 (PSC 321H) Politics
of Western Europe 3 cr.
PSCI 355 (PSC 355) Theories
of Civil Violence 3 cr.
301 Oral and Written
Expression 3 cr.
302 Oral and Written
Expression II 3 cr.
308 Russian Cinema and
Culture 3 cr.
312L-313L (306L-307L)
Introduction to Russian Literature 9
391 (395) Special Topics
Variable cr.
411 19th Century Major
Russian Authors 3 cr.
should discuss options for
study abroad with their
Related Courses
Following is a list of possible course
selections for the electives toward
the Russian Studies Minor. Students
are required to consult with their
appropriateness of the courses
toward the minor.
385 Indigenous Peoples and
Global Development 3 cr.
Business AdministrationManagement
348 Entrepreneurship
368 International
Business 3cr.
465 World Trade and
Commerce 3 cr.
374 Comparative
Economic Systems 3 cr.
351 Geography of a
Selected Region 3 cr.
HSTR 326
Contemporary Europe 3 cr.
HSTR 357 Russia to
1881 3 cr.
HSTR 358 Russia Since
1881 3 cr.
HSTR 363 Eastern
Europe: Past and Present 3 cr.
HSTR 378 The Global Diplomacy
of the Cold War 3 cr.
HSTR 380H Foreign Relations of
the Great Powers, 1870Present 3 cr.
HSTR 391 Special
Topics variable cr.
HSTR 457 The World of
412 20th Century Major
Russian Authors 3 cr.
424 Russian Short Story 3 cr.
440 Russian Poetry 3 cr.
491 (495) Special Topics
Variable cr.
Study in Russia
Primarily a language-based program
taught by native Russian instructors for
beginning through advanced language
Anna Karenina 3 cr.
HSTR 458 The Russian
Revolution, 1900-1930 3 cr.
HSTR 472E Problems
of Peace and National
Security 3 cr.
Political Science
PSCI 322 Politics of
Western Europe 3 cr.
PSCI 355 Theories of
Civil Violence 3 cr.
301 Oral and Written
Expression 3 cr.
302 Oral and Written
Expression II 3 cr.
308 Russian Cinema
and Culture 3 cr.
312L-313L (306L307L) Introduction to
Russian Literature 9 cr.
391 (395) Special
Topics Variable cr.
411 19th Century Major
Russian Authors 3 cr.
412 20th Century Major
Russian Authors 3 cr.
424 Russian Short
Story 3 cr.
440 Russian Poetry 3
491 (495) Seminar
Study in Russia
This may be arranged either
through UM’s faculty-led program
or through another program that
has been approved by an advisor of
the Russian Studies minor.
Please explain/justify the new proposal or change. 
We are adding more specificity to our Russian minor, requiring a couple of particular classes instead of
requiring only a certain amount of credits to be taken from a list of possible course offerings. We feel that
our new Introduction to Russian Culture course should be required, as it will serve as a foundational
course and is in itself interdisciplinary in nature. We are also specifying that at least one upper-division
course devoted entirely to Russian history will be required. Students then have six elective credits
remaining after these two courses and demonstrated second-year proficiency in the Russian language.
Three of those elective credits must be taken through a third department, keeping with the
interdisciplinary nature of the minor. In addition to the change in course requirements, we are also adding
a third advisor/director to our program. As the only other Russian studies scholar on campus, Clint
Walker has been hugely involved in this program for at least the last year. He has been involved as much
as the two current advisors in administration and advising for the program.
V Copies and Electronic Submission
Once approved, the original, a paper copy and an electronic file are submitted to the Faculty Senate
Office, UH 221 (
VI Department Summary Required if several proposals are submitted. In a separate document
list program title and proposed change of all proposals.
Revised 11-2009