Foreign Student and Scholar Services Lommasson Center 219, The University of Montana Missoula, Montana 59812-1268 PHONE: (406) 243-2209 FAX: (405) 243-6115 Email: October 2013, Dear International Students and Groups and Non-profit Campus or Community Groups with an International or Intercultural focus, The University of Montana and the UM International Student Association invite you and your group to participate in the annual UM International Culture and Food Festival to be held on Sunday, March 23, 2014, from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the University Center on the UM Campus. The International Festival is a non-profit event that promotes intercultural awareness and appreciation among residents of Montana. The Festival is hosted by the Foreign Student and Scholar Services and the UM International Student Association and sponsored by The University of Montana, and is one of the largest intercultural events in Montana. Activities include cultural displays, arts and crafts, a 5-hour non-stop Cultural Show, special events for children, and food booths serving cuisine from around the world. We would like to invite you to lead a display/information booth highlighting your group, Children’s World Event, or to participate in the International Culture Show. Or if you have other ideas to enhance the festival (i.e. films, lectures, special demonstrations, etc), please contact us so we can explore those ideas with you! As approximately 4,000 people from western Montana attend the Festival, this is a unique opportunity to reach out and to introduce your group and its mission to the community. Here is some more information about the three participation categories mentioned above. You are welcome to participate in more than one category. Please note that we also welcome volunteers in many areas to help facilitate the festival. International Culture Show consists of 5 to 15 minute performances by individuals or groups that are representative of other cultures, performed on the main stage throughout the festival day. The performance may be a song, dance, skit, act, instrumental performance, etc. The location will be at the Ballroom on the third floor of the University Center. The coordinator for the Culture Show is Kevin Nalty. Children’s World provides an excellent opportunity to show aspects of another culture through fun, unique interactive activities, including puppet shows, games, songs, dances, and arts and crafts. Children’s World is located in the UC Commons of the UC. The Children’s World coordinator is Erin McConnaha. Finally, the Cultural Pavilion provides an excellent opportunity to share pictures, stories, and objects from other countries, as well as demonstrate programs and opportunities for youth and adults to be involved internationally through display booths. Also, your group will be able to sell baked goods, international arts, crafts, jewelry, etc. at the tables as fund-raisers for non-profit groups. The cultural pavilion will be located on the UC third floor Ballroom and foyers near the culture Show. Contact Mona Mondava, see below. If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, Please return the Initial Interest form to FSSS as so as possible, either via e-mail, snail-mail, or fax the form (number listed below address).We welcome sign-up forms as early as mid October as it takes many months to finalize the event. We look forward to your participation in the Festival! Please email or call me with any questions, Sincerely, Mona Mondava, International Festival Director (, 243-6059 2014 International Culture and Food Festival Initial Interest Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Group: _______________________________________________________________________ Your Contact Person’s name, and e-mail and phone number: Name: _______________________________________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________ Phone: (______) ________________________ Please indicate which of the follow you or your group would be interested in participating in or learning more about. Please mark as many as potentially apply. Marking a category does not indicate a final commitment. ___ I or my group would be interested in participating in or learning more about the Culture Show. ___ I or my group would be interested in participating in or learning more about Children’s World. ___ I or my group would be interested in participating in or learning more about the Cultural Pavilion (Display Table). ___ I or my group would be interested in providing Volunteers. Please contact us to explore which areas of volunteering might be appropriate. If you have any special talent to share, please indicate here: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____ I or my group have a New Idea for participation (please specify): __________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Please return this form via e-mail, snail-mail, or fax. The mailing address and fax number are listed here: Mona Mondava Foreign Student & Scholar Services (FSSS) Lommasson Center 219 The University of Montana Missoula, MT 59812 OR fax the form to: (406) 243-6115 Email: