Classified Staff Council Minutes Monday February 16, 2015 (10:00 a.m.)

Classified Staff Council
Monday February 16, 2015 (10:00 a.m.)
Dreyfus University Center Room 223
2014-2015 Committee Members: D. Beschta, J. Christianson, R. Copes, T. De Lonay, R. Greene,
P. Kleman, T. Larson, H. Martin, J. Millis, C. Mueller, L. Raymond, P. Rogers, K. Stedl,
N. Simon (advisory).
Members Present: D. Beschta, J. Christianson, R. Copes, T. De Lonay, R. Greene, H. Martin, J. Millis, L. Raymond,
P. Rogers, N. Simon, K. Stedl
Members Absent: P. Kleman (excused), T. Larson (excused), C. Mueller (excused)
Meeting called to order at 10:01 a.m.
Approval of Minutes: Minutes from February 10, 2015 were approved.
Minutes from February 2, 2015, will be approved at the March 3 meeting.
The University Awards Ceremony date is set for
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
2:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Laird Room, Dreyfus University Center
Committee Reports
University Affairs Committee
Danielle reported that the UAC met and discussed an anti-bullying policy (staff
against staff) similar to what UW-Madison has in place. It was decided that anti-bullying language could be added
to Workplace Expectations rather than to for a committee. Kym Buchanan (UAC Chair) is waiting to see what
Classified Staff Council (CSC) includes and may use that.
Bill Rowe gave a presentation on rate adjustments and policy changes for
parking in 2015-16. Reserve money is dangerously low and needs to be built up. The plan is to:
increase parking from $118 to $150 beginning 2015-16
increase hourly metered parking rates from 50 cents/hour to
75 cents/hour
increase meter violation fines from $8.00 to $10.00
increase replacement stickers from $10.00 to $20.00
increase abuse of second permit fine from $20.00 to $100.00
eliminate retirement permits all together OR issue permits annually at 50% cost of a regular permit with
the following criteria to be met:
o Employee is eligible to receive Wisconsin Retirement System check for years of service
o Employee is at least 55 years of age
o Employee completed 10 years of service at UWSP
o Employee retired/separated UWSP in good standing
Reduce the annual faculty staff permit to a single hang-tag permit, eliminating the sale of multiple permits.
Danielle said there was a lot of discussion in the UAC meeting about eliminating the retired permits, and some
questioned why we even offer them currently. There is currently no written policy regarding retired parking
permits. Currently there are 500 retired permits issued, and there is no expiration date, and if anything happens to
the permit holder (the retiree), family members continue using the parking permit (even though they shouldn’t).
Someone questioned how much the city of Stevens Point currently charges for hourly metered parking and how
much for meter violation fines. The answer is 75 cents for two hours, and $15.00 for a fine.
There was discussion in CSC that the Parking Advisory Board (PAB) did not approve the parking rate adjustment
and policy changes for 2015-16 (there was no quorum last time they met and when this was presented to them).
What happened to the original plan of incremental increases over time to help soften the blow of the increased
rates? PAB will need to put forth action before any other committees can vote on the parking rate increases and
policy changes. All three governance bodies will need to approve the parking rate/policy changes. Paulette Rogers
will email Bill Rowe to ask when the PAB approved policy will be presented to CSC.
University College
Libby reported that the University College Task Force submitted their proposal to
University Administration for further discussions. The proposal submitted is not the final University College plan.
Provost Greg Summers wanted to give each area in the proposal an opportunity to read the report and provide
feedback if desired. Additional discussions will be conducted by an implementation committee and the
administration. Ultimately, a final plan will be determined and vetted through various campus stake holders.
Old Business
UPS Policy work will continue moving along. Paulette Rogers questioned if Human Resources could put all the
policies in the Classified Staff/University Staff Handbook so they’re all in one place. We also need a template for all
the policies so they all look alike and can be identified as UWSP policies. Paulette will check with Pam Dollard
(Human Resources Director) to see what our template should include.
New Business
University Staff Awards: Paulette asked for a volunteer to help Libby Raymond with the University Staff Awards
(Outstanding Work Performance and University Service Award) this year. We need someone who will still be on
CSC next year. Julie Millis graciously volunteered.
Libby reported that when she found out when the University Awards Ceremony is and by which date Brittany
Rossman would need to know the award winner’s names, she went ahead and got things going because we’re in a
bit of a time crunch. The call for nominations has been sent and we already received a couple nominations. The
deadline for nominations is February 26, 2015.
Agenda items for CSC meetings are due by noon on the Thursday before each meeting (the day before the CSC
Message of the Day (MOD) is published). Anything submitted after noon on Thursdays will appear on the following
agenda. Jay Christianson reminded CSC members to send any accompanying materials to him before meetings for
inclusion on the CSC website.
Layoffs: Paulette Rogers said she has already received some inquiries on layoffs at UW-Stevens Point (possibly due
to UW-Madison announcing that they may be laying off people as early as April). She said CSC will update everyone
as soon as we know anything.
Professional development: CSC would like to offer a workshop or brown bag lunch on writing effective resumes,
applications, cover letters, etc., as well as interviewing skills. This is something we’ve considered doing for a while,
but now seems like a good time, although some are wondering if people may be concerned if we offer this now
due to potential layoffs. We will talk to someone in Career Services to see if there is someone able to present on
this and we’ll present it to anyone interested.
Elections: Nanci Simon reminded members that this is the last CSC meeting before March 1 – when call for
nominations begin. Paulette said a news blurb will be going out to all classified staff with information on the
upcoming elections and number of seats available. Nanci said March 1 – March 15 is when nominations will be
accepted; with voting by April 1 (this is a two week process). CSC membership is designated with so many
members from each division and so many members at large.
Discussion ensued about combining/including elections for CSC with the rest of the elections (for Common Council,
etc.). It was decided that since we now know how many seats/members will be on the Common Council, it makes
perfect sense to include CSC elections with the rest. This will be on the next CSC agenda so that we may vote on it
at the next meeting.
Further discussion about elections and make-up of Common Council in preparation for Kym Buchanan’s (Common
Council Planning Committee Chair) attendance at future CSC meeting.
Classified/University Staff as municipal employees: Paulette discussed the expectation of classified/university staff
as municipal employees (as part of Governor Walker’s budget proposal). Paulette had asked Katie Jore, Associate
Vice Chancellor for Personnel, Budget, and Grants, what this would mean for classified/university staff as far as
benefits (sick leave, vacation, etc.). Katie said that she believed this was for union purposes only, but she’ll check
into it more.
Adjournment was at 10:52 a.m.
Minutes recorded by L.R.