Classified Staff Council Minutes Monday, March 2, 2015 (10:00 a.m.)

Classified Staff Council
Monday, March 2, 2015 (10:00 a.m.)
Dreyfus University Center Room 223
2014-2015 Committee Members: D. Beschta, J. Christianson, R. Copes, T. De Lonay, R. Greene,
P. Kleman, T. Larson, H. Martin, J. Millis, C. Mueller, L. Raymond, P. Rogers, K. Stedl, N. Simon (advisory).
Members Present: D. Beschta, J. Christianson, R. Copes, T. De Lonay, R. Greene, H. Martin, C. Mueller,
L. Raymond, P. Rogers, K. Stedl
Members Absent: J. Millis (excused), N. Simon (excused)
Guests: K. Buchanan, W. Rowe, J. Zastrow
Meeting called to order at 10:01 a.m.
Approval of Minutes:
Minutes from February 2, 2015 and February 16, 2015 were approved.
Don’t forget to pick up your I-Pad. Once everyone has the devices, we will look at arranging a group training
session (if needed).
Committee Reports
University Affairs Committee
D. Beschta reported that the UAC met and continued discussion of the proposed parking rate increases. The plan,
as submitted, did not pass and will not be forwarded to Faculty Senate.
Dr. Sally Scovill addressed the UAC requesting support of removing Employee Wellness from the School of Health
Promotion & Human Development and creating a separate office. Some institutions have this person operating
through the Human Resources office. She indicated she is pursuing the LEED certification in Wellness which costs
about $2,000. The presented a proposed budget for this office which includes 1.5 FTE at a cost of about $108,000
While everyone appeared to support the proposal, it will be difficult to implement as we are looking at reducing
the budget, not creating new areas of spending.
Information Technology Committee
R. Copes reported Kristi Roth explained some of the new technology on campus purchased through grant funds
including two pair of camera glasses which can be checked out; Jim Barrett explained that Information Technology
is analyzing the positions that are open currently; Other changes in IT include the remote desktop access has been
updated so if you have been having trouble, that may be why and Office 365 will be phased in on campus (no dates
ELA Mentor Program
P. Rogers reported Faculty Senate endorsed ‘the concept’ of Classified Staff Council’s proposal to change the
qualifications to participate as an Experiential Learning Activity Mentor. CSC has requested the change to allow
Classified/University Staff participation provided all qualification requirements are met. Currently, the handbook
states the program is open to Faculty and Academic Staff only.
University College
L. Raymond reported that work on the proposed University College has been suspended until further notice.
University Awards
L. Raymond reported the Chancellor has decided the awards reception has been cancelled due to the budget
situation. The awards will be given out – it is only the ceremony itself that has been cancelled.
Parking Proposal
Mr. Bill Rowe gave a presentation on rate adjustments and policy changes for parking in 2015-16. Reserve money
is dangerously low and needs to be built up. The plan is to:
increase parking from $118 to $150 beginning 2015-16
increase hourly metered parking rates from 50 cents/hour to 75 cents/hour
increase meter violation fines from $8.00 to $10.00
increase replacement stickers from $10.00 to $20.00
increase abuse of second permit fine from $20.00 to $100.00
eliminate retirement permits all together OR issue permits annually at 50% cost of a regular permit with
the following criteria to be met:
o Employee is eligible to receive Wisconsin Retirement System check for years of service
o Employee is at least 55 years of age
o Employee completed 10 years of service at UWSP
o Employee retired/separated UWSP in good standing
Reduce the annual faculty/staff permit to a single hang-tag permit, eliminating the sale of multiple permits.
CSC will review the proposal and submit their recommendations to Bill before spring break.
Common Council Elections
Dr. Kym Buchanan passed out a document for us to review (see attached). He explained some of the changes in
how various committees are filled. He expects there will be much discussion regarding the UPDC and noticed a
‘typo’ on the document which excluded university staff in the explanation of the 15 member makeup.
It is up to CSC to determine the make-up of our 15 members (14 as the one of the co-chairs will become a member
automatically). Jay reminded us that we have options when deciding the make-up other than division – Title,
building, etc. This document will be discussed and our recommendation made to Kym at the next meeting.
Resumes/Job Search
K. Stedl contacted the Career Services office to gather information regarding assisting employees who may be laidoff due to the current budget situation. She was told that staff from the State Department of Workforce
Development will be on campus to work with employees. Careers Services indicated their programs are open to
the campus and we can attend what is scheduled. CSC will continue to look for ways we can assist our colleagues
and be a resource for staff.
As a result of the creation of the Common Council and the number of staff needed to fill those positions, a motion
(D. Beschta, second by J. Christiansen) was brought forth to make a one-time exception to the bylaws to allow
elections to be held with those of the Common Council. (passed 10-0-0) Staff are eligible to run for both vacancies
and, if elected, can serve on both the Common Council and Classified Staff Council.
We will review the bylaws and recommend necessary amendments at a later meeting.
Adjournment: 11:15 a.m.
Secretary of the day: P.Rogers
Reminder: Agenda items for CSC meetings are due by noon on the Thursday before each meeting (the day before the CSC
Message of the Day (MOD) is published). Anything submitted after noon on Thursdays will appear on the following agenda. Jay
Christianson reminded CSC members to send any accompanying materials to him before meetings for inclusion on the CSC