Classified Staff Council Minutes Monday, April 20, 2015 (10:00 a.m.)

Classified Staff Council
Monday, April 20, 2015 (10:00 a.m.)
Dreyfus University Center Room 223
2014-2015 Committee Members: D. Beschta, J. Christianson, R. Copes, T. De Lonay, R. Greene,
P. Kleman, T. Larson, H. Martin, J. Millis, C. Mueller, L. Raymond, P. Rogers, K. Stedl, N. Simon (advisory).
Members Present: J. Christianson, R. Copes, D. Beschta, , T. De Lonay R. Greene, P. Kleman, H. Martin, J.
Millis, L. Raymond, P. Rogers, K. Stedl
Members Absent: T. Larson (excused), C. Mueller (excused), N. Simon (excused)
Guests: K. Buchanan
Meeting called to order at 10:00 a.m.
Approval of Minutes:
Minutes from April 6, 2015 were approved.
P. Rogers announced that the Chancellor has scheduled another Budget Update presentation for 4/24/2015 at
2:00 pm in the Laird Room
ITC Report
R. Copes summarized the events of the 3/23/2015 ITC meeting (minutes can be found in the ITC section of the
facsen website).
Budget Review Advisory Committee
K. Buchanan mentioned the last BRAC meeting had been cancelled. The prior meeting discussed the VSIP program
as well as the possible NFAC/CPS L&S consolidation
UPS Complaint Procedure
A couple of typos and odd fonts were noted for correction.
P. Kleman noted that several committees (Salary, Mediation, Grievance) will all have to be created and populated
immediately after the June 30/July 1 roll over of CSC/USC.
There was a motion put forth by D. Beschta and seconded by R. Greene to accept the document as final after
typo/font errors were corrected. Unanimous agreement to accept motion.
UPS Layoff and Grievance Procedures
P. Rogers noted that these policies are with Chancellor Patterson and that CSC has had no response on them yet.
P. Rogers also noted that she had asked Pam Dollard to consider having another meeting with CSC to discuss UPS
policies and what further work CSC should be doing on them. She also noted the same meeting could discuss more
about layoffs.
UPS Compensation Structure & Tools
P. Kleman and J. Millis stated they had met with P. Dollard to discuss various elements of the UPS Compensation
Policies. They mentioned that for now, titles and pay ranges would remain the same. It would be at least 3-5
before a classification and pay range analysis would be completed.
Common Council Constitution
K. Buchanan stated that SGA had expressed an interest in getting a student member appointed to the CSC.
J. Christianson asked if Faculty Council/Academic Staff Council had agreed to this idea.
K. Buchanan said that he believed Faculty had/were reviewing the idea, but were moving towards having said
representative be non-voting.
There was a motion put forth by L. Raymond and seconded by R. Copes to invite a representative of SGA to join
CSC as a non-voting member. Unanimous agreement to accept motion.
Election Updates
The CSC discussed the issues CS were having with the ballot.
R. Copes raised the point that statements on the ballot invite that specified CS would be given a specific ballot; but
then it appeared they received a ballot for all faculty, academic and classified staff.
K. Buchanan mentioned that past history with parts of the ballots relies upon voters being on the honor system for
not voting for areas they are not eligible to vote on.
P. Rogers noted that she would talk to N. Simon about the ballots so that a clarification email could be sent to the
P. Rogers stated that the nomination process had issues as some nominees were received after the cut-off date for
nominations, and one person who had made the correct date, wasn’t included on the ballot.
Nominees received after the date may be considered for the pool of committee members CSC may have to
nominate to fill positions.
P. Rogers mentioned that the Common Council Committee had worked things out regarding how the business unit
some committee chairs were in could have affected the membership count of the Common Council. She said that
decisions were made to ensure that the 17, 17, 17 count would not be altered to alleviate these issues, and that
adjustments would be made elsewhere to ensure the membership layout.
R. Copes noted that we need representatives from Student Affairs for the USC membership
D. Beschta asked if appointed committee members would serve 1 or 2 yr memberships. P. Rogers stated the
appointees would serve 1 yr.
R. Greene and J. Millis questioned whether or not CS were to vote on the chair positions where there are no CS
nominees (but that CS are eligible to be on the committee). P. Rogers said she believed we were to vote on those,
but she would clarify with N. Simon.
Spring Newsletter
L. Raymond asked for more ideas for the newsletter (currently it is discussing the awards handed out this spring.
She also asked when we want to publish as we won’t know the new Council members until May. CSC opted to
wait until May to publish.
L. Raymond requested we send any further materials to her for publication.
Longevity Information
P. Rogers let the CSC know that longevity recognition for 25+ year employees will be at the retirement reception
on April 30th.
Shorter term recognition was being sent out via campus mail.
LTE Information Request
P. Rogers will request a list of LTE’s and end dates from HR. This will be needed so CSC can monitor/ensure LTE
positions are being eliminated prior to full-time positions considered for layoff.
Adjournment: 10:47 a.m.
Secretary of the day: J. Christianson
Reminder: Agenda items for CSC meetings are due by noon on the Thursday before each meeting (the day before the CSC
Message of the Day (MOD) is published).