Lesson 9

Introducing German
Lesson 9
 review of animals, body parts, and clothing
 review of adjectives and verbs
 students will be able to strengthen their vocabulary knowledge related to topics such as
animals, body parts, and clothing
 students will be able to practice verbs and adjective
 list of animals and their names [overhead]
 Das Deutschbuch: pp. 21-26
A. Review (approx. 10 min)
Review greetings, introductions, etc: e.g. Guten Tag! Ich bin _____. Wer bist du? Wie geht's?
Auf Wiedersehen!
Review numbers: Students count from 1-10, 20-10, 10-100 (steps of 10). Then play a counting
game: Introduce plus (plus) & minus (minus), multiplied with (mal) & divided by (geteilt durch),
equals (ist gleich). Write them on the board. First practice with the whole class, then divide
class in several groups and give them simple problems to solve (e.g. 12+10, 90:3, 5x5). The
group that give the correct answer first gets one point (teacher notes points on board). At the end
of the game have students add up points. Introduce gewinnen: Team ___ hat gewonnen!
Review classroom objects and colors: Tell students to touch an object of a certain color, e.g.
Zeige auf etwas Gelbes! Then ask students: Was ist das? Respond: Ja, das ist ein Buch. Das
Buch ist gelb.
B. Body parts (approx. 10 min)
Review the body parts by saying the German word while you are touching it and have the
students repeat after you (Kopf, Hals, Schulter, Arm, Hand, Finger, Bauch, Bein, Fuß, Augen,
Ohren, Nase, Mund, Zähne, Haar). Repeat the words several times and go back over words the
students have already learned. Then ask W-Fragen:
Wo ist der Kopf/ die Hand/ der Mund?
Was ist das?
Ask students to draw arrows from the words to the corresponding body parts on page 21 of Das
Students color the face on page 22 of Das Deutschbuch.
Introducing German
C. Clothing (approx. 5 min)
Review clothing using only items that students are wearing. Walk up to a student and say e.g.
Das ist eine Hose/ ein T-shirt/ ein Schuh. Then ask the class:
Was ist das?
After having practiced that for a while, you can then ask students to describe their neighbors
Ask students to connect words and corresponding clothes on page 23 of Das Deutschbuch.
D. Adjectives (approx. 5 min)
Brainstorming: Ask students which adjectives they remember in German. Remind them that
adjectives describe nouns (in this case animals). Put the adjectives on the board (opposites
together!). Relate the adjectives to objects in the classroom to make them more tangible.
Review other adjectives with the students: Once again, use objects in the classroom and ask
questions like:
Ist der Tisch groß oder klein?
Ist der Stuhl schwer oder leicht?
Students then match animals and adjectives on page 24 of Das Deutschbuch.
E. Animals (approx. 12 min)
Make German animal sounds (compare page 25 of Das Deutschbuch) and ask students to guess
what animal you're impersonating (you might also act out animals).
Have students match words with animals on page 26 of Das Deutschbuch. Then do it together
on the overhead. After matching an animal with its name, introduce the animal (e.g. Der Elefant
ist grau. Der Elefant hat große Ohren. Der Elefant lebt in Afrika.)
Describe an animal and have the students guess which one it is, e.g.
Dieses Tier ist grau und hat große Ohren. - Das ist der Elefant.
Ask additional questions like:
Ist der Elefant klein / lieb/ schnell?
Use the list of adjectives in Das Deutschbuch. When someone guesses, they get to describe the
Play the Tierspiel: Students form a circle. One is placed in the center and he/she points to one of
the students and calls out the name of an animal. Now the picked student and his neighbors to
Introducing German
the left and right have to act out the animal. If someone fails, he/ she has to replace the student
in the center.
F. Farewells (approx. 2 min)
Sing the Auf Wiederseh'n song with the students.