No school uniforms School day starts earlier: usually 8:00 – 14:00 or later Each student has his own school book in each subject You are in one classroom most of the time the teacher comes into your classroom Bad grades repeat the year Several exams in each subject during school year Age: 6 to 10 Subjects: German, Maths, Art, Religion, Sport and “Sachunterricht” First day of School: die Schultüte Age: 10 to 14 After: Go to another school to do your A-levels or start working Age 10 to 18 A-Levels and Prom After: University or start working Written and oral exams Choose the subjects Everybody has to do German and Maths in their written exams Die Tafel Die Schultüte Das Heft Das Lineal Die Schultasche Die Füllfeder Der Bleistift Der Radiergummi st 21 of November: A School day in France