After you have created your vocabulary list, you will then need to

Your next assignment will be to create your own Vocabulary list in
German over a topic of your choice. You must include a total of 30
terms and at least 4 of these terms must be verbs related to your topic.
The theme you choose for your vocabulary should be something
you yourself are interested in learning about. It can be something
as simple as “the beach” . Once you have your theme, it will be
easier to develop your vocabulary.
After you have selected a theme, build a vocabulary list of words related
to your theme. Remember, at least 4 of these words must be verbs.
Use online dictionaries to help you or see me if you have a question
about a particular word. For nouns, you must include the gender of the
noun (der, die or das) and the plural form if different from the singular
form. You may build this list in a word document and submit it
electronically with me via email or you may create it on a sheet of paper
to turn in to me.
das Haus (die Häuser) – the house
When using an online dictionary the following is true…
m = der / f = die / n = das
After you have created your vocabulary list, you will then need to
build a vocabulary powerpoint over the list to present to the rest
of the class. For each item on your vocabulary list, you will
create a slide with a picture representing the object or idea (for
some abstract ideas you may not be able to find a picture – in
these cases, you will not need to provide one. You will then
share this powerpoint with me (if using google docs, or send to
me via email if not. Include animation.
das Klavier (die Klaviere)
The Piano(s)
You must be finished with this project by next Wednesday. You will
begin presenting your vocabulary on Thursday of next week.
Thema (10%)
Wortschatzliste (40%)
Powerpoint (40%)
Präsentation (10%)