The Landscape of Climate Change Timothy Brown and John Abatzoglou Desert Research Institute - Reno, NV The climate system Bonan, 2002 DIRECT OBSERVATIONS OF RECENT CLIMATE CHANGE Since the Third Assessment Report, progress in understanding how climate is changing in space and in time has been gained through: • improvements and extensions of numerous datasets and data analyses • broader geographical coverage • better understanding of uncertainties, and • a wider variety of measurements From IPCC WG1 presentation Direct Observations of Recent Climate Change Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global mean sea level. From IPCC WG1 presentation Direct Observations of Recent Climate Change Global mean temperature Global average sea level Northern hemisphere Snow cover From IPCC WG1 presentation Direct Observations of Recent Climate Change At continental, regional, and ocean basin scales, numerous long-term changes in climate have been observed. These include: – – – Changes in Arctic temperatures and ice, Widespread changes in precipitation amounts, ocean salinity, wind patterns and aspects of extreme weather including droughts, heavy precipitation, heat waves and the intensity of tropical cyclones From IPCC WG1 presentation Climate change and chemistry Attribution Building climate projections Special Report on Emissions Scenarios Emission Scenario SRES-A1B Climate Models IPSL CM4 BCCR BCM2.0 FGOALS INM CM3 GFDL CM2.0 GFDL CM2.1 NASA GISS-ER CGCM T47 MRI CGCM2 CGCM T63 CNRM CM3 Climate Change MIROC hires ECHAM5 MIROC medres CSIRO MK3.5 2˚x2˚ horizontal resolution ΔTemp, Δ Precipitation, Δ Relative Humidity, Δ Wind Speed Ensemble Mean Future Climate (Δmonthly) SummerTemperature TemperatureChange Change Summer st minus Late 20th) SRES-A1B (Late 21 st (Late 21 minus Late 20th) SRES-A1B 15 different GCMs all run under the same scenario Change in Degrees Celsius Change in Degrees Celsius 15 different GCMs all run under the same scenario SummerTemperature PrecipitationChange Change Summer st minus Late 20th) SRES-A1B (Late 21 st (Late 21 minus Late 20th) SRES-A1B 15 different GCMs all run under the same scenario Change in Degrees Celsius % Change 15 different GCMs all run under the same scenario Global temperature projections Seasonal temperature prediction Climate change and moisture Precipitation intensity Precipitation prediction Precipitation prediction (extremes) Drought prediction From Hoerling and Eischeid (2007) Relative humidity prediction Wind speed prediction Murphy Complex climate change Murphy Complex climate change Murphy Complex climate change Murphy Complex climate change