The EU-SALVERE Project: Producing Native Seeds Using Threshing Material and Species-rich Hay from Grasslands Anita Kirmer & Sabine Tischew Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Germany, contact: In cooperation with all SALVERE project partners: 1. Michele Scotton, Claudia DelBuono & Antonio Timoni, University of Padova, Italy (Lead Partner) 2. Bernhard Krautzer, Albin Blaschka, Petra Haslgrübler, William Graiss & Erich Pötsch, Lehr- und Forschungszentrum Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Austria 3. Rainer Frank, Franz Jahn & Christian Tamegger, Kärtner Saatbau, Austria 4. Magdalena Sevcíková, Petra Spacková, & Tomáš Vondřejc, OSEVA, Czech Republic 5. Sandra Mann, Matthias Stolle & Katja Eis, University of Applied Sciences, Germany 6. Birgit Feucht & Ernst Rieger, Rieger-Hoffmann, Germany 7. Miriam Kizeková, Norbert Britaňák, Jozef Čunderlík, Ľubomír Hanzes, Jana Martincová, Štefan Pollák, Plant Production Research Centre Pieštany, Slovakia 8. Piotr Goliński, Józef Binias, Dorota Dragason, Barbara Golińska, Stanislaw Kozłowski, Agnieszka Krakowiñska & Ryszard Szymański, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland The project Sandtrockenrasen im Tagebaugebiet Goitzche Semi-natural grassland as a source of biodiversity improvement Acronym: SALVERE A project in the INTERREG IVB Program „Central Europe“ duration 01.01.2009 – 31.12.2011, project number 1CE052P3 8 working groups from 6 countries - Austria (2 partner) - Czech Republic - Germany (2 partner) - Italy (lead partner) - Poland - Slovakia Further information: General aims of the SALVERE - Project • Practical contribution to realize the 2010-target by utilization of species-rich grasslands as donor sites for regional seed mixtures • Use of the harvested seed mixtures in restoration of species-poor grasslands and in establishment of new species-rich grasslands on former arable land, road embankments, ski slopes, in mined sites, and for compensation measures • Quantification of the seed potential on donor sites and analysis of harvested seed mixtures concerning species composition and number of germinable seeds • Transfer of knowledge into practice during workshops and field trips, and by drafting of a practical handbook for seed harvest and ecological restoration of species-rich grasslands • Recommendations for an European quality standard for „wild“ seed mixtures Work packages and responsibilities WP1 Project management and coordination Michele Scotton, University of Padova WP2 Communication, knowledge management and dissemination Bernhard Krautzer, Lehr- und Forschungszentrum Raumberg-Gumpenstein WP3 Analysis of the staus quo of high nature value farmland (HNVF) in the involved countries, agricultural policy and future development of HNVF Erich Pötsch, Lehr- und Forschungszentrum Raumberg-Gumpenstein WP4 Quantification of seed production and evaluation of seed quality, modeling of the seed production in donor sites Michele Scotton, University of Padova WP5 Harvesting trials, harvesting costs and effects, quality of seed mixtures, seed seperation and conservation, drafting of guidelines and handbook Christian Tamegger, Kärntner Saatbau WP6 Implementation of experimental and demonstration trials, benefit assessment and drafting of guidelines and handbook Sabine Tischew, Hochschule Anhalt (FH) Drafting of a Native Plants Certificate Birgit Feucht, Rieger-Hoffmann GmbH Selected activities Implementation of 17 new trials and continuing of 5 “old” trials Utilised methods to establish species-rich grasslands Green hay all partners Hay 2 partners On-site threshing 7 partners Seed stripping 4 partners Seed mixtures of local origin from seed propagation 3 partners Involved plant communities Arrhenatherion all partners (15 trials) Bromion (Mesobromion) 4 partners (4 trials) Molinion 2 partners (2 trials) Deschampsion (Cnidion) 1 partner (1 trial) The methods on-site threshing & green hay Sandtrockenrasen im Tagebaugebiet Goitzche Presented methods Green hay • Mowing of species-rich communities and collection of the seed-rich fresh cuttings with machines or by hand. • Ratio donor : receptor site depends on biomass production and seed content of donor site (varies between 3:1 and 1:2). Mowing with tractor in Slovakia (M. Kizekova, 7/2009) • Green hay enhances the water supply, reduces erosion and offers safe sites for germination and establishment. On-site threshing • Mowing and immediate threshing (“on-site”) of the material with a thresher. Threshing with small machine in Poland ( A. Krakowińska, 8/2009) • Application rate depends on seed content and degree of purification of threshing material and varies between 5 and 20 g /m². • Harvesting between June and July enhances transfer of grasses. • Harvesting between August and September promotes herbaceous species. Use of a large thresher in Italy (C. DalBuono, 7/2009) • Donor site register facilitates the selection of suitable sites (example: Part Czech Republic (M. Krátký 6/2009) Germany (B. Feucht 6/2009) The Arrhenatherion trials Poland (A. Krakowińska 8/2009) Austria (F. Jahn 8/2009) Sandtrockenrasen im Tagebaugebiet Goitzche Site characteristics receptor sites for Arrhenatherion trials Former land use: arable land Country Trial Strenzfeld Campus /Germany (A. Kirmer 25/8/2009) Type of soil preparation: harrowing Implementation: Aug 2009 Italy Germany Poland Slovakia Longitude (E) 11 35’ 52’’ 11 42' 09'' 16 17' 19 02' 44" Latitude (N) 45 41’ 30’’ 51 49' 25'' 52 26' 48 44' 57" Altitude (m a.s.l.) Mean yearly rainfall (mm) Mean yearly temperature ( C) pH value (in H2O) Trial Maragnole /Italy (C DelBuono 10/9/2009) Type of soil preparation: ploughing, harrowing Implementation: Aug-Sep 2009 85 - 647 469 - 1177 8 - 13,3 5-8 Plant available P (mg per 100 g soil) 1,5 - 13,5 Total nitrogen (mass-%) 0,15 - 2,03 Total carbonate (mass-%) Zgierzynka trial /Poland (A. Krakowińska 9/2009) Type of soil preparation: ploughing, harrowing Implementation: August 2009 0,5 - 2,2 (Min-Max) Tajov trial /Slovakia, (M. Kizekova, 7/2009) Type of soil preparation: ploughing, harrowing Implementation: July 2009 Site characteristics receptor sites for Arrhenatherion trials Former land use: degraded grassland Country Tallach trial /Austria (F. Jahn 9/7/2009) Type of soil preparation: harrowing Implementation: Jul-Aug 2009 Austria Austria Slovakia Poland Longitude (E) 14 06' 05'' 14 04' 18'' 20 41' 16 18’ Latitude (N) 47 29' 41'' 46 32' 04'' 48 55' 52 22’ Altitude (m above sea level) Mean yearly rainfall (mm) GUM trial /Austria (P. Haslgrübler 8/2009) Type of soil preparation: ploughing Implementation: Jul-Aug 2009 Liptovská Teplička trial /Slovakia (M. Kizekova, 7/2009) Type of soil preparation: harrowing Implementation: July 2009 85 - 960 579 - 1054 Mean yearly temperature ( C) 5,9 - 9,0 pH value (in H2O) 6,3 - 7,0 Plant available P (mg per 100 g soil) 0,4 - 13,9 Total nitrogen (mass-%) 0,1 - 3,5 Total carbonate (mass-%) 0,7 - 3,3 (Min-Max) Gluponie trial /Poland (A. Krakowińska 9/2009) Type of soil preparation: ploughing, harrowing Implementation: August 2009 Slovakia, Plant Production Research Centre Piestany Italy, Univ. Padova First results Arrhenatherion trials Austria, LFZ Raumberg-Gumpenstein Germany, Rieger-Hoffmann Sandtrockenrasen im Tagebaugebiet Goitzche First results Arrhenatherion trials Species-rich Arrhenatherion donor site, Czech Republic Stepwise linear regression: → Species-richness of donor site increases number of transferred species First results Arrhenatherion trials Arable land receptor site, Germany Site preparation on degraded grassland, Slovakia Stepwise linear regression: → Residual species of degraded grasslands increase the number of species on the variants → Restoration method, climatic and soil parameters are not significant yet Arrhenatherion trial, Strenzfeld Campus /Germany The example Germany, Rieger-Hoffmann Sandtrockenrasen im Tagebaugebiet Goitzche Arrhenatherion trial Strenzfeld Campus, Germany 25 August 2009 11 December 2009 13 April 2010 18 May 2010 Arrhenatherion trial Strenzfeld Campus, Germany 35 average number of species on receptor site 120 average coverage (%) 100 80 60 *** *** 40 20 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 green hay on-site threshing green hay on-site threshing target species non-target species species from seed rain/seed bank mulch layer bare soil transferred species 18 May 2010 Arrhenatherion trial Strenzfeld Campus, Germany 25 August 2009 11 December 2009 13 April 2010 18 May 2010 First cut: 7 June 2010 5 July 2010 9 August 2010 Germany, Univ. of Appl. Sciences Italy, Univ. Padova Greenhouse & laboratory experiments Italy, Univ. Padova Germany, Univ. of Appl. Sciences Sandtrockenrasen im Tagebaugebiet Goitzche Greenhouse and laboratory experiments • Composition of seed mixtures (all partners) • Germinability of seed mixtures (all partners) • Effect of storage on the germinability of seed mixtures (4 partners) • Separation experiments with seed mixtures (4 partners) • Analysis of seed production of selected species in Arrhenatherion donor sites (all partners) • Germination tests with selected species from Arrhenatherion donor sites (all partners) • Analysis of seed potential and biomass production in donor sites (all partners) First results: Greenhouse experiments in Germany Analysis of species composition and content of germinable seeds Start of experiment: 2nd March 2010 Presentation of results: until 7th July 2010 2 methods: material from on-site threshing & green hay 9 repetitions per method Amount of harvested material from 1 m² donor site: - on-site threshing material: 10,2 g per m² (SD ± 3,1) - green hay: 583,7 g per m² (SD ± 113,8) After 3 weeks: 21 March 2010 Average number of germinated species 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 all species on-site threshing only target species Average number of germinable seeds per m² donor site Greenhouse experiments – results after 4 months green hay 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 Galium album 600 → for both methods, number 400 of germinated species is similar 200 0 all species only target species on-site threshing green hay → content of germinable seeds is slightly higher in on-site threshing material → target species comprise approx. 90 % of germinated species → 53 % of target species from donor site germinated from on-site threshing material and 45 % from green hay Data from Katja Eis (master thesis, in prep.) Trial Maragnole /Italy Harvest with thresher /Poland First Conclusions Greenhouse experiment /Germany Arrhenatherion trial /Austria Sandtrockenrasen im Tagebaugebiet Goitzche First conclusions • Harvesting of species-rich grasslands is an effective way to obtain regional seed mixtures for restoration and re-vegetation • Species-richness of donor sites increases restoration success • On-site threshing and green hay are suitable harvesting methods and the harvested material is rich in number and seeds of target species • Whereas green hay is easier to harvest (tractor with rotary mower and loader wagon), material from on-site threshing is bulk reduced and can be stored more easily - after drying - for later use Many thanks … … to all colleagues from the SALVERE project for data, information, photographs and helpful discussions, … to Annett Baasch for statistical advice, … and to you for your attention !! Next SALVERE workshops & final conference 21 – 23 September 2010 – Workshop Plant production reseach center PIEŠŤANY, Slovakia Further information: 18 – 20 May 2011 - Workshop Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Germany (together with SER field days) Further information: and September 2011 – Final international conference Department of Environmental Agronomy and Crop Production - University of Padova, Italy Further future information refer to and Foto: Foto:M.M.Kizekova Kizekova/Slovakia /Slovakia