The Great Basin Native Plant Selection & Increase Project: Progress and Recent Initiatives Nancy L. Shaw USDA-FS Rocky Mountain Research Station, Boise, ID E. Durant McArthur USDA-FS Rocky Mountain Research Station, Provo, UT Genetic Diversity Patterns of Allium acuminatum in the Great Basin R.C. Johnson and Barbara Hellier USDA Agricultural Research Service Western Plant Introduction Center Pullman, Washington Objectives 1. Maintain A. acuminatum germplasm for use in restoring disturbed lands. 2. Link eco-geographic and genetic variation in A. acuminatum to identify seed zones and populations for conservation. 3. Identify in-situ sites for conservation of A. acuminatum genetic variation representing eco-geographic areas in the Great Basin. Seed Technology and Seed Testing Procedures Victor Vankus and Bob Karrfalt USDA-FS National Tree Seed Laboratory, Dry Branch, GA 1. Address seed technology problems. 2. Develop seed testing protocols for project species. 3. Act as a liaison to AOSA for developing official testing procedures. Subsurface Drip Irrigation for Stable, Efficient Native Forb Seed Production Clinton Shock Oregon State University, Malheur Exp. Station, Vale, OR 1. Determine water requirements for selected native forbs. 2. Evaluate effects of three drip irrigation regimes on stand survival, seed production, and seed quality. Identification of Herbicides for Use in Native Forb Seed Production Corey Ransom, Oregon State University Malheur Experiment Station, Vale, OR 1. Screen for herbicide tolerance 2. Determine herbicide rate response 3. Field testing Seed Collecting Practices and Shrub Manipulations to Improve Sustainable Seed Yield in Wildland Shrub Stands V.J. Anderson, B.A. Roundy, and R.Johnson, Brigham Young University, Department of Integrative Biology, Provo, UT 1. Effects of harvesting techniques on: a. Seed yields b. Plant health c. Seedling recruitment and stand rejuvenation. 2. Effects of cultural treatments on seed yields a. Fertilizing b. Pruning c. Removal of competing vegetation d. Combinations Crested Wheatgrass Diversification Bruce Roundy, Val Jo Anderson, and Robert Johnson, Brigham Young University, Department of Integrative Biology, Provo, UT Examine: 1. Effect of CWG control techniques (mechanical and chemical) on native seeding establishment or cheatgrass invasion (if seeding fails) 2. If seeding is successful, evaluate interaction of native species and cheatgrass 3. Evaluate effects of control techniques on CWG seedbank Technology Transfer Publications Compilers: Stephen B. Monsen, Richard Stevens, Nancy L. Shaw Publications Seed Transfer Zones Recommended Seed Transfer Zones for Race Occidentalis Atriplex canescens 1 – Northern Intermountain 2 – Western Great Plains 3 – Colorado Plateau/Great Basin/Columbia Basin 4 - Southwestern On-going and Future Efforts Native Forb Seed Fields in Production Nineleaf biscuitroot Royal penstemon Eagle yarrow and Lewis flax Native Grass Seed Fields in Production Bluebunch wheatgrass Squirreltail Sandberg bluegrass Mountain Home Mixed Seedings Yarrow photo Proposed Study Development, Culture, and Characterization of Selected Native Forbs for Intermountain Region National Forest System Lands •Castilleja miniata (Giant red Indian paintbrush) •Delphinium occidentale (Duncecap larkspur) •Erigeron speciosus (Aspen fleabane) •Epilobium angustifolium (Fireweed) •Eriogonum heracleoides (Wyeth buckwheat) •Geranium richardsonii (Richardson’s geranium) •Iliamna rivularis (Mountain hollyhock) •Mertensia ciliata (Tall fringed bluebells) •Polemonium viscosum (Sticky polemonium) •Potentilla gracilis (Slender cinquefoil) Mertensia ciliata Erigeron speciosus Eriogonum heracleoides Potentilla gracilis Delphinium occidentale Iliamna rivularis Geranium richardsonii Great Basin Native Plant Selection and Increase Project USDI-BLM Great Basin Restoration Initiative and Native Plant Initiative USDA-FS Rocky Mountain Research Station, Shrub Sciences Laboratory Utah Division of Wildlife Resources USDA Agricultural Research Service, Forage and Range Research Laboratory, Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory, and Western Regional Plant Introduction Station USDA-NRCS Aberdeen Plant Materials Center Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies Utah Crop Improvement Association Brigham Young University Colorado State University Oregon State University, Malheur Experiment Station USDA Forest Service, National Tree Seed Laboratory Native Seed Industry ACCOMPLISHMENTS Annual Reports - 2002 and 2003 - available on web site Revegetation Equipment Catalog Editor: Harold Wiedemann Sponsors: Revegetation Technology and Equipment Council USDI-BLM, USDA-FS Equipment categories: * Tractors * Site preparation * Seedbed preparation * Fertilizing and mulching * Seeders and drills * Specialized planters * Seed collection * Seed cleaning * Transport Timeline Draft online: January 2005 Final version online: Summer 2005 Website: < > Assistance Information on equipment you have found useful is requested. Send suggestions to: Harold Wiedemann 4000 Stony Creek Lane College Station, TX 77845 Phone: 979-690-8685 Email: