To: Fire Program Analysis Stakeholders From: Federal Fire Policy Council Subject: Fiscal Year 2012 Fire Program Analysis Status, Direction, and Timelines Fire Program Analysis (FPA) is a national strategic budget model that will be used within the wildland fire budget formulation process to substantiate and defend Departmental preparedness requests. Based on data provided by the field, FPA has accomplished the intent and has produced results that can be used in the FY 2013 wildland fire budgeting process. During Fiscal Year 2012, the Support Working Team (SWT) will be assisting all 136 Fire Planning Units (FPUs) in assessing and processing information to be included in the next FPA analysis. The SWT representative responsible for your FPU will work with your local team to calibrate the application, verify fuels treatments, and assure that an accurate analysis is submitted. The resulting FPU analysis will then be provided by the SWT to the Interagency Analysis Team (IAT) for further analysis by agency budget leads. While the SWT will be working to assure minimal impact to the field, updates such as Fire Workload Area or FPU Boundaries and user inputs remain and therefore, your involvement will still be needed. This may require some travel for FPU personnel during FY 2012 to facilitate the coordination process. There will be no need to update your FPA budget and costs because it will be held constant for the 2012 submission. In order to deliver a stable application that is capable of consistent, repeatable results that meet the needs of a national strategic analysis as outlined in this document, please refer to Oversight Group (OG) approved 2012 timeline: • • • • • • November 3, 2011: the FPA application will be ready to use for the FY 2012 analyses (Note: The SWT representative for your FPU will provide specific direction on what may need to be added or changed for your FPU); December 15, 2011: final independent technical and business review is completed and delivered; April 1, 2012: SWT submits national analyses for all 136 FPUs to the IAT; May 15, 2012: IAT completes and submits analysis to budget leads; May 29, 2012: 2012 FPU analyses and data archived; June 2012: FPA Phase 2 close out - no further development other than what was previously approved by the OG Transition to the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) phase complete Fire Planning Unit (FPU) Engagement Plan for the 2012 Fire Program Analysis (FPA) Submission Issue: Because the FPA application has undergone several system upgrades, the individual FPUs need to review and update the data that will be used for the 2012 submission. Background: During the 2011 improvement year, the FPUs were not involved in using the FPA application to complete the analysis used for the 2011 submission. The changes made to the application in 2011 were focused on improvements and enhancements to the programming for the Initial Response Simulation (IRS) and Large Fire (LF) models. With the exception of a few minor adjustments to correct obvious errors, the FPU’s input and enterprise data from the 2010 database were held constant. In March 2011, the FPA staff completed the analysis used for the 2011 submission and provided the data extract needed for National Goal Programming. The model outputs were used to complete a national strategic budget analysis that helped support the Fiscal Year 2013 budget request. There are still some known issues with the input and output data, such as the inconsistent use of cooperator resources and with the calculation of some performance metrics that Goal Programming relies upon, that will need to be corrected for the 2012 submission. In addition to improvements and enhancements made to the IRS and LF models, there have been extensive updates to two of the enterprise data layers (the FPA Fire Behavior Fuels Model layer and the Ignition File). These updates change how the models are responding to the user inputs and require model re-calibration. The FPA Project Team has developed an improved process for an end-to-end application calibration, tying the calibration of the IRS model to the LF model. While the FPA Project Team can complete the calibration of the LF model, it requires FPU level knowledge to adjust data inputs (use of cooperators, delays, diurnal coefficients, for example) to leverage the improvements made to the IRS model. The 11 members of the FPA Support Working Team (SWT) Technical Analysts are expecting to help the field work through this effort, but do not have the firsthand knowledge of how each FPU manages their individual fire programs. Thus, the SWT will require involvement from the FPU to adjust certain inputs and accurately calibrate the application for each FPU. Discussion: The intent of the FPA analysis for the 2012 submission is to make the necessary adjustments to FPU inputs and capitalize on the improvements and enhancements made to the FPA application in 2011. The outputs from the 2012 submission are intended for use in the national strategic analysis to support the FY 2014 budget request. In designing the engagement plan for the field, the principle consideration is the due date for the 2012 submission which is April 1, 2012. Working back from that date, we can set milestones for tasks that need to be completed to successfully meet the April 1, 2012 due date. The assumptions that are used in developing this plan are: • • Attachment 1 The objective of the FPA Submission is to provide the data needed for the Goal Programming Application to complete a national strategic budget analysis to support the FY 2014 budget request. Accordingly, the FPU submissions are needed by April 1, 2012, to allow sufficient time to process the data in Goal Programming and assemble the resultant budget information. The national strategic budget analysis is not intended to analyze just the preparedness or hazardous fuels budget the federal agencies receive. The purpose 1 • • of the analysis is to demonstrate the potential impact a fluctuation in either of those budgets might have on the effectiveness of the Federal Interagency Wildland Fire agencies in the context of how we are currently organized to get the work done. The baseline budget and cost information used in the 2010 will be rolled over and used as the baseline for 2012. The basic tenets of the 2010 Interagency Guidance for completing the FPU budget analysis remains the same. This includes the following direction: o Build preparedness options for current, minus 20%, and plus 20% budget levels. o Build fuels options for current, minus 20%, plus 20%, and plus 60% budget levels. o Account for the contributions of cooperator, neighbor, and national resources in the modeling of all budget options. Modify user access privileges to account for the SWT’s role in assisting with the 2012 submissions: o Grant SWT Technical Analysts Editor access to the application. o Limit field users to Reader access to the application, since the SWT will provide the necessary assistance in modifying inputs and structuring options while working with the FPUs. Engagement Plan for 2012 Planning Cycle: The main goal of the 2012 planning effort is to focus on the calibration of the FPA application to fully implement the improvements and enhancements made to the application while holding the budget information constant. Key Points: • • • The previously used budget and cost information is sufficient to complete a national strategic planning exercise to inform the FY 2014 budget request. Reuse, and hold constant to the extent possible for 2012, the budget options and alternatives used in 2010. Focusing on calibration will implement the improvement and enhancements made to the application as well as lessons learned in the use of the models. Required Actions: Timeline for completing the analysis for the 2012 submission: October 24, 2011 November 3, 2011 January 31, 2012 February 29, 2012 March 17, 2012 March 29, 2012 April 1, 2012 Attachment 1 SWT begins briefing the Geographic Area (GA) leads and their partners. Engage the field. SWT and FPUs begin work on calibration. Finalize calibration. SWT and FPUs begin review of budget options and alternatives. SWT and FPUs finalize Budget Analysis. Review draft submissions. Enact recommendations from reviews and finalize analysis for submission. Submission due date. 2 Description: Beginning October 24, the GA level FPA Committees will be briefed on the status of the FPUs in their GA by the SWT member assigned to be their GA Point of Contact (POC). This action needs to be completed before contacting the FPUs. Starting November 3, 2011 the SWT Technical Analysts will provide their assigned FPUs information based on their findings and recommendations stemming from the review of existing analysis datasets and initial calibration model runs. Information will include: 1. Results from an initial run for calibration analysis. 2. A worksheet of local information (data) needed to continue the calibration process for their FPU. 3. Identification of input values that may need to be edited due to the improvements and enhancements to the system. The week of October 17 – 21, 2011, the SWT technical analysts will have a work session to continue calibration. This work session is aimed at ensuring a consistency in process and input values for calibrating the application. Information and inputs that will be reviewed and, as necessary, edited to calibrate the model include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fire Behavior Attributes Fire Workload Area Attributes (ESL time and size, walk-in %, etc.,) Delays Dispatch Logic Fire Resources Dispatch Locations/Associations Prior to finalizing calibration, the SWT Technical Analyst should confer with the FPU regarding any input changes and obtain their concurrence. One or more GA FPA Committee members should participate in this Calibration Review process. Calibration for all the FPUs will be completed by January 31, 2012 allowing sufficient time in February 2012 to finalize corrections and make edits as needed for the existing budget options and alternatives to be used for the 2012 submission. The intent is to reuse the budget options and alternatives used for the 2010 and 2011 submissions with minimal edits. One input error that will be worked on is the inconsistent modeling of contributions of cooperator, neighbor, and national resources in the budget analysis. This problem surfaced during the review of the 2010 budget analysis, but was not corrected for 2011. Another input that will require review and possible editing, is the fuels treatments used in the fuels budget options. The intent is to reuse the 2010 fuels options and their associated fuels treatments to the extent possible, but because the FPA Fire Behavior Fuel Model layer was updated, the mix of fuel models, and their acreage, available to be used in the treatments has changed. Therefore, the existing fuels treatments need to be checked against the new landscape to ensure that the “From” fuel model, and the acres to be treated, are appropriate. The extent of the edits required will depend on the degree of change in the landscape from the previous layer. Attachment 1 3 March 2012 will be used for final reviews and corrections by local FPUs and SWT Technical Analysts of the analysis to be submitted. Prior to finalizing the analysis, the SWT Technical Analyst should confer with the FPU regarding any input changes and obtain their concurrence. One or more GA FPA Committee members should participate in this Final Analysis Review process. The SWT member working with the FPU will submit the finished analysis for the FPU once all processes have been properly completed. The need for a Line Officer Briefing has been recognized. There has not been a decision made as to what level of the organization the briefing will be conducted, at what point of the process they should be conducted, and who will be responsible for carrying them out. The SWT will be prepared to support those briefing to help answer questions concerning the modeling effort. These tasks and the timeline are based on the majority of the technical work being done by the SWT working directly with the FPUs. Field involvement is required to finalize data updates to their dataset, which the SWT will then enter into the application. The GA level FPA Committees will be kept in the information loop and regularly updated on the status of their FPUs by the SWT member identified as their Point of Contact. Attachment 1 4