Date: 2/3/2012 1100 MST
(406) 329-3631; pc 2580 after the beep
√ Brad Gillespie (SWT) □ Jesse Duhnkrack (NPS) √ John Barborinas (BIA) □ Kevin Knauth (BLM)
□ Linda Kerr (NPS), □ Paul Mancuso (NPS), □ Richard Sterry (FWS), □Shane Del Grosso (FWS),
□ Ken Schmid (BLM), √ Eric Fransted (BLM), □ Anne Rys-Sikora (FS) √ Shari Miller (FS) √ Lori
Clark (FS-CHAIR)
OTHER PARTICIPANTS: Mark Wlson (FS), Robert LaPlant (BIA)
√ signifies the participant was on the call (□ = not on the call)
□ Information
□ Discussion
□ Decision
Agenda Topic #1
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□ Discussion
□ Decision
Agenda Topic #2
□ Information
□ Discussion
□ Decision
Agenda Topic #3
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□ Discussion
□ Decision
Agenda Topic #4
□ Information
□ Discussion
□ Decision
Roll call and any additional agenda topics
Highlights from National FPA Call
Info from 2/2/12 National Call
Lori Clark/group
SWT Updates
Brad Gillespie
FPAC Business
• FPA Chair/Vice Chair
• Calibration & Final Review Process
Round Robin
Agenda Topic #5 Other
□ Information
Please add topics that aren’t on agenda
□ Discussion
□ Decision
Lori Clark
Lori Clark
Fire Program Analysis (FPA) Project Update:
OG (Oversight Group) engaged in good conversation on scope and intent of FPA—discussed the future
direction of FPA; a Scope document is being developed and should be out in February
Science Team(IST): Working on Performance measures that were recognized as needing
improvement—such as WUI acres burned—high valued resources (acres burned; Spatial fuels and
multiple objectives fires—identified in external review as things we need to address
Trying to get positions filled—vice Sue Weber and Vice Kole Berriochoa ---in the works
FS position approved (Vice Sue Weber)and should go in for reclassification for a 401 12/13
Ongoing work with IBM in prepping for the 13 submission (12 is doing well)
Discussion Topics:
Update from SWT Brad Gillespie
Sue Weber is back to continue work with SWT
About 50 calibrated with interaction and concurrence from FPUs nationwide
Regionally—it appears that all FPUs are calibrated, but not all are approved
Brad asked informed the group that we need guidance for the budget and fuels options---and this
guidance is currently being developed, so standby
Calibration Review Process:
SWT members are documenting work and interactions with FPUs; utilizing the communication plan for
the NRGA as the guide for communication
FPA Calibration form sent out with the agenda ---this form will be utilized to standardize the review
In the NRGA, the calibration process will be organized by the FPAC liaisons and Lori will send out a
message to all to confirm the process.
As far as tracking the progress---this should be discussed on subsequent FPAC calls, but also note that
Sue Weber is working on a means to save and archive this information ---the information from the form
can be used to keep a running; this is a good way to document the history of what has occurred through
the process.
Timeframe—for calibration reviews: the form will be used to document FPUs arrived at analysis
Checklist on ESL---to determine what calibration level was used (ESL selection can also be captured in
comment box)---this needs to be completed before the Calibration review.
The process will be orchestrated by the FPAC liaison to the FPU, and should be initiated as soon as
practicable, with a deadline of completion for the end of April. The calibration forms are to reside with
the GA Leads.
SWT Future (forgot to mention on the call):
Lots of positive comments on the work of the SWT---being actively discussed to continue to provide the
group (OG did agree that SWT would continue into FY13---but need to better understand the workload
to be able to develop a business plan for the level of involvement that will be needed)
Line Officer Briefings
In the 2012 direction to the field (signed by the FFPC), with associated implementation plan, indicated
that additional work needs to be done to better understand what line officer briefings will look like.
There is currently not a clear picture of what the Line Officer briefings should look like. It is known that
there are several different levels of briefings that could occur---and they all need to at least have a
consistent message (the level of detail will vary with the level of brief that occurs -ie Forest Sup vs
District Ranger).
Agreed upon key message that could be easily conveyed--canned content that could be used in a
briefing exists in the briefing document doc sent out to the FPAC a few days ago.
The need for a Line Officer briefing is still being discussed, but Jeff Whitney (Executive Director for FPA)
said he will be prepared to discuss and update on the next call.
MY FPA (Dashboard Utility Update): The Dashboard utility that was presented by Derek Knoll from
MTDC was presented to the OG (Oversight Group)---however numerous questions arose regarding the
“what ifs” of the application. There was concern that the application was already a done deal, and the
OG was looking for info as to whether to implement. The original presentation was intended to only
solicit information of the utility of the application and it was not presented as a done deal or as an FPA
product. This utility still requires testing and prototyping before development and movement forward.
It was decided by the OG, that while it provides valid potential, it would not be developed under the
auspice of FPA. If the project moves forward, it will be done in the research and development arena and
provided as a tool for field users, but not as an analysis tool for the FPA program.
Update on National FPU / FWAs for 2013
Some FPU updates…expecting 5 FPU boundary changes for 2013….none in the NRGA .
Other Discussion:
Lori announced that she has accepted a new position, and will be stepping down as the FPAC Chair.
Shane Del Grosso will move up to become the Chair, and Eric Fransted will become the Vice Chair.
Next Call..tentatively March 2, 2012.
Notes submitted
/s/ Lori Clark