FPA Historical site recording form Return completed form to: info@fpa.tas.gov.au Forest Practices Authority 30 Patrick St Hobart TAS 7000 Forest Practices Authority Historical site recording form Administrative data Site no: Site name: Site recorded by: Date recorded: Name: Address: Phone: Location: GPS reading (GDA): Accuracy: +/- or: 1:100 000 map name: number: grid ref (AGD or GDA?): 1:25 000 map name: number: grid ref (AGD or GDA?): Other map scale: Cadastral data Coupe no: number: grid ref: (country, parish, allotment, etc., or street address): (if applicable): Page 1 of 3 Version 1.1 August 2014 2014/151889 Hardcopies of this document may not be up to date. Please refer to the FPA website for the latest version. FPA Historical site recording form (tick more than 1 category if appropriate) Site type historic (specify in space below if known) artefacts/machinery modified landform (pit, bench, channel, mound etc) dwelling/building road/track railway/tramway cairn/monument bridge signal station convict agricultural forestry/timber mining/quarrying other Site contents: For historic sites describe for each type of artefact: Site condition: Form Dimensions/size range Function/purpose Part of larger unit (if relevant) Patterning Density/numbers Composition Period/date Inscriptions Evidence for manufacture Information checklist: Comment on Visibility - How much of the sites can be seen - Cause of exposure Page 2 of 3 Version 1.1 August 2014 2014/151889 Hardcopies of this document may not be up to date. Please refer to the FPA website for the latest version. FPA Historical site recording form Additional comments/recommendations Disturbance - Degree - Nature - Cause (human and/or natural processes) Threats - Nature - Cause - Anticipated severity Present use of site/site area Information checklist Comment on Previous research at site Potential for research Site assessment Recommendations for research and management Other data provided Are photographs available ? yes/no (specify) Are photographs attached? yes/no (specify) Note: please send photographs to FPA as separate jpg or tif files. Has material been collected from the site Yes/no (specify) Page 3 of 3 Version 1.1 August 2014 2014/151889 Hardcopies of this document may not be up to date. Please refer to the FPA website for the latest version.