This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Response of a Seed Mix and Development of Ground Cover on Northerly and Southerly Exposures in the 1985 Jarvies Canyon Burn, Daggett County, Utah Sherel Goodrich Allen Huber Abstract-Response ofa seed mix and recovery of plant and litter cover are compared for adjacent southerly (warm) and northerly (cool) exposures within a burn within the pinyon-juniper belt. Various plant species responded differently to the different exposures. Response of seeded and some nonseeded species are discussed. Mter 10 years, ground cover that provided protection against rain drop splash and sheet wash was 79 percent on the warm exposure and 97 percent on the cool exposure. Soil standards for cover should reflect different site specific capabilities as demonstrated on these two exposures. Wildlands present a variety of ecological niches within many project areas with variation in exposure, gradient, slope position incl uding drainage bottoms, change in geology and soils including amount of rock at the soil surface and in the soil profile, and other features. Seedings of burned areas and other projects are more likely to achieve desired objectives for cover, species diversity, forage supply over a greater part of a year, and higher production when they include a mix of species that can respond to site differences within the project area (Plummer and others 1968). At this study area, exposure is expected to be the major feature of difference in response of different plants. Study Sites _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ The study sites are within the Jarvies Canyon Burn of 1985. This burn is in the Green River corridor north of the Flaming Gorge Dam in Daggett County, Utah, and about 3 miles northwest of the town of Dutch John and the Flaming Gorge Weather Station. Records from this weather station from 1957 through 1992 indicate annual precipitation of 12.50 inches of which 63 percent comes in the April through September period (Ashcroft and others 1992). The study sites are within the Uinta Mountain Section as defined by McNab and Avers (1994), and within a landtype composed of ridge and ravine topography underlain by Precambrian quartzitic materials and shales of the Uinta Mountain Group. Elevation ofthe burn ranged from 6,200 to 6,800 feet. The study sites were at about 6,700 feet. In: Monsen, Stephen B.; Stevens, Richard, comps. 1999. Proceedings: ecology and management of pinyon-juniper communities within the Interior West; 1997 September 15-18; Provo, UT. Proc. RMRS-P-9. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Sherel Goodrich is Forest Ecologist, Ashley National Forest, Vernal, UT 84078. Allen A. Huber is Range Technician, Duchesne District, Ashley National Forest, Duchesne, UT 84021. 346 Two general phases lie within the landtype. One phase is on northerly (cool) exposures where alder-leaf mountainmahoganylbluebunch wheatgrass (Cercocaprus montanus Raf./Elymus spicatus [Pursh] Gould) communities with high plant diversity are seral to pinyon-juniper. The other phase is on southerly (warm) exposures where communities are often dominated by rubber rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus nauseosus [Pallas] Britt.), mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata var. pauciflora Winward & Goodrich), and grasses. These communities are also seral to pinyon-juniper. Gradient of the study site of cool exposure is about 15 percent, while that ofthe warm exposure is about 20 percent. On the warm exposures cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) has proven to be a highly competitive plant. It was of much lower frequency on the cool exposure. Prior to burning, the sites were dominated by mature stands of pinyon-juniper with canopy cover in excess of 50 percent on the cool exposure and somewhat less than this on the warm exposure. In the fall of 1985, 233 acres were burned by helitorch and aerial seeded in a cooperative project between the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and the Ashley National Forest in which the Forest Service was responsible for burning and aerial application of seed, and Utah Division of Wildlife Resources supplied the seed mix (table 1). Both cool and warm exposures were burned, and intensity and spread of fire was sufficient to achieve essentially 100 percent mortality of pinyon andjuniperwithin the perimeter of the burn. The burn area had been closed to permitted livestock grazing since the early 1960's. Age and canopy cover of stands within the burn area indicate low presence of understory species through much of the 1900's. Permitted livestock use is Table 1-Seed mix applied aerially to the burn in the fall of 1985. Species Seed per acre Seeds per acres Ib Fairway crested wheatgrass Intermediate wheatgrass Lincoln smooth brome Pi ute orchardgrass Hard fescue Ladak alfalfa Small burnet Yellow sweetclover Mountain big sagebrt.Jsh Total 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 15 175,000 150,000 213,000 1,308,000 1,360,000 400,000 55,115 520,000 2,575,940 BOetermined from seeds per Ib as given in Plummer and others (1968) and Stefferud (1948). USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 ", ,~ expected to have been comparatively low at this site prior to the 1960's and none since that time. The seed mix applied to the area included Fairway crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum [1.] Gaertner), Intermediate wheatgrass (Elymus hispidus [Opiz] Meld.), Lincoln smooth brome (Bromus.inermis Leysser), Piute orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.), hard fescue (Festuca ovina var. duriuscula [L.] Koch.), Ladak alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), Small burnet (Sanguisorba minor.Scop.), Yellow sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis [L.] Pallas), and mountain big sagebrush (table 1). The moisture year that followed burning and seeding was favorable for establishment and growth of plants. In addition to the seeded species, cheatgrass and Japanese chess (Bromusjaponicus Thumb.) became abundant enough to be significant in sampling at the sites. There were a few other native and introduced species of low frequency found on the sites. Those oflow frequency found in plots on the cool exposure were mostly natives. These were low penstemon (Penstemon humilis N utt.), mountain dandelion (Agoserisglauca [Pursh] Raf.), and rockcress (Arabis L.). For the warm exposure, native species of low frequency found in plots were Ross sedge (Carex rossii Boott), tansy mustard (Descurainia pinnata [Walt.] Britton), narrowleaf goosefoot (Chenopodium leptophyllum [Moq.] Wats.), and hairy goldenaster (Heterotheca villosa [Pursh] Shinners). Introduced species of low frequency on the warm exposure were false flax (Camelina_microcarpa Andrz. in DC.), and Russian thistle (Salsola pestifer A. Nels.). Methods and Results Rooted nested frequency (table 2) was determined in each of four nested plot sizes for all species at 100 sample points on each of the cool and warm exposures. Canopy cover of shrubs was determined on 500 feet ofline intercept. Ground cover (tables 3 and 4) was determined from 400 point samples on each exposure. Methods for nested frequency, line intercept, and ground cover used in this study are outlined by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (1993). Belt lines along which each of the above data sets were taken were permanently marked. Samples were taken Table 2-Nested frequency scores for the two sites in 2 years based on potential score of 400. Species Fairway crested wheatgrass Intermediate wheatgrass Hard fescue Piute orchardgrass Lincoln smooth brome Cheatgrass Japanese chess Ladak alfalfa Yellow sweetclover Small burnet Warm exposure 1996 1989 1996 159a 264 a 166a 138a 32 26 35 a 24a 207a 121 a a 137 0 9 104 0 0 277 a 90 a 243 0 0 103 0 0 a a 148 8 57 a 155 a 77 a 145 0 0 a aThe spread in scores for these species between years indicates significance at 80 percent probability (Chi Square = 1.642 with 1 degree of freedom). USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 Site Warm exposure 1991 Warm exposure 1996 Cool exposure 1989 Cool exposure 1996 Veg. Litter Moss Rock Pave. Soil Total 24a a 96 117a a 184 37a 182a 211 174a a 0 a 13 22 a 93a a 35 47 39 119a a 45 400 400 25 a a 8 6 1 108 13a a 400 400 aThe spread in scores for these values between 1991 and 1996 for the warm exposure and between 1989 and 1996 for the cool exposure is indicated to be significant at 80 percent probability (Chi Square = 1.642 with 1 degree of freedom). Table 4-Development of ground cover (expressed as percent) following fire. Site Warm exposure 1991 Warm exposure 1996 Cool exposure 1989 Cool exposure 1996 Veg. Litter Moss Rock Pave. Soil Total 6 24 9 46 29 46 53 44 0 3 6 23 9 6 2 12 0 2 30 11 27 3 100 100 100 101 in 1989 and 1996 on the cool exposure and in 1991 and 1996 on the warm exposure. On the cool exposure, production (table 5) of above ground annual production (air dry weight) was measured in four different years in 10 random placed plots of9.6 ft2. No production measurements were taken on the warm exposure. Dispersion of ground cover is indicated by quadrat frequency as well as nested frequency. In the 10th year after treatment, onlyoneof100quadratsof19.7by 19.7 inches (50 by 50 em) on the warm exposure did not have a perennial plant in it, and only eight of 100 nested plots of 9.8 by 9.8 inches (25 by 25 em) did not have a perennial plant in them. By the 10th year, all 100 quadrats on the cool exposure had perennial plants in them, where only one of 100 nested plots of9.8 by 9.8 inches did not have a perennial plant in it. The closely spaced plants with numerous fine stems indicate high value for dispersion of plants in relation to watershed protection. Line intercept data showed no shrub cover on the warm exposure and rubber rabbitbrush crown cover of 0.3 percent in 1989 and 0.8 percent in 1996, and big sagebrush crown cover of 0 percent in 1989 and 1.8 percent in 1996. Cool exposure 1991 72 10 56 a 30 a 50 a 164 0 23 Table 3-Development of ground cover as measured at 400 points on each the warm and cool exposures. Values shown are the number of points for each parameter of cover. Discussion and Management Implications _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ All seeded species except alfalfa and small burnet had higher frequency in 1989 on the cool exposure than they did in 1991 on the warm exposure. There are 2 years between these readings. However, greater establishment for all seeded species except alfalfa and small burnet is strongly indicated for the cool exposure. The difference in years supports this conclusion. Lower production in 1989 was perhaps a function of precipitation of poor timing and low amounts. However, an obvious difference is the low prod uction of alfalfa in that year 347 Table 5-Aboveground herbaceous annual production on the cool exposure. Pounds per acre air dry weight Species Fairway crested wheatgrass Intermediate wheatgrass Lincoln smooth brome Piute orchardgrass Hard fescue Ladak alfalfa Small burnet Yellow sweetclover Mountain big sagebrush Totals 1989 1991 1993 1996 1989 1991 247 30 57 167 310 50 0 0 0 372 62 258 37 279 526 3 0 0 145 41 171 78 701 911 4 0 0 186 113 197 12 316 591 0 0 24 29 3 7 19 36 6 0 0 0 24 4 17 2 18 34 0 0 0 860 1541 2051 1439 compared to the later years. Much of the higher production oflater years is a function of maturation and greater prod uction of alfalfa. Variation in production and percent composition based on species production found at this site indicates problems for standards and monitoring based only on measurement of weight. Rather wide variations can be expected as a function of timing and amounts of precipitation and variations in temperature that are independent of management practices. A hard freeze in June, which has happened here, can greatly reduce production and change composition from that of other years with more favorable temperatures. Ground cover provided by vegetation and litter increased significantly and bare soil decreased significantly with time as plants became established and produced litter. After 10 growing seasons, potential for cover providing protection against raindrop splash and sheet erosion (vegetation, litter, moss, and rock) is indicated to be 79 percent for the warm exposure and 97 percent for the cool exposure. Additional monitoring might show additional increase in ground cover on the warm exposure, but since. percent ground cover on the cool exposure approached 100 percent, it can be considered at potential. The warm, dry conditions of the warm exposure indicates less than 100 percent as potential, and perhaps the 79 percent measured after 10 years is close to potential. Soil standards for soil protection should include differences in potential ground cover for cool and warm exposures. The Decision Notice for the Environmental Assessment for Flaming Gorge Pinyon-Juniper Treatment (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service 1985) that applied to the Jarvies Canyon and other burns of the area included an objective to "Re-establish 70% ground cover in five years" after treatment. This standard seems fairly reasonable considering the information available on which to make the decision, and on the cool exposure this standard was met. However, after 5 years, cover of vegetation , litter, and rock totaled 58 percent on the warm exposure, which was 12 percent below the standard. If pavement (12 percent) was considered effective cover, the standard would have been met. However, pavement (rock fragments less than 0.75 inches diameter) on these slopes is of questionable value for watershed protection. The data indicate more specific standards could be drafted for cool and warm exposures. Also included in management goals and objectives of the environmental analysis was a standard to "produce a 348 Percent Composition by air dry weight 1993 7 2 8 4 34 44 0 0 0 1996 13 8 14 1 22 41 0 0 2 minimum of 300 lb per acre of desirable plant species on treated sites within five years". The data indicate this standard is far below the potential for at least the cool exposure. However, duration of high production is yet to be determined. Evaluation and Management Implications for Different Species _ Shrubs-The only shrubs found on the study sites were big sagebrush and rubber rabbitbrush. Shrubs were found only on the cool exposure and were of low frequency in all years samples were taken. Line intercept data showed rubber rabbitbrush increased from 0.3 percent crown cover to 0.8 percent from 1989 to 1996 while big sagebrush increased from 0 to 1.8 percent. Additional monitoring over time will be needed to track the dynamics of shrubs, but this slight change indicates they will increase in time. Morphology and browsing preference by wild ungulates indicate both the seeded mountain big sagebrush and indigenous basin big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata N utt. tridentata2 established after the fire. Mountain big sagebrush was closely hedged, while apparent plants of basin big sagebrush were hedged lightly or not at all. Crested wheat grass-Crested wheatgrass increased significantly from 1991 to 1996 on the warm exposure and decreased significantly from 1989 to 1996 on the cool exposure. By 1996 it was the most frequent species on the warm exposure and third most frequent species on the cool exposure. This species demonstrated high value for control of cheatgrass by rapid establishment and increase over time on the warm exposure. The decrease over time on the cool exposure indicates it is less competitive there. It also indicates it might be quite compatible with native bluebunch wheatgrass on cool exposures. Considering the portion of the seed mix in pounds as well as number of seeds, this species demonstrated comparatively high economic performance as well as ecological performance. Low amounts of crested wheatgrass in seed mixes for this area are indicated by low cost and high value for cheatgrass control. Davis and Harper (1990) documented an increase in crested wheatgrass in the third year following seeding in a juniper-pinyon chaining in USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 central Utah. Their data indicated much lower establishment of crested wheatgrass than found at Jarvies·Canyon. Intermediate wheatgrass-Frequency of intermediate wheatgrass remained low through 1996 on both exposures where it decreased with time. This seems unexpected by comparison ofnearby seedings where this species was seeded alone or as the major part of a seed mix where it rather quickly established solid stands. Performance in this seeding might indicate this is not so competitive when seeded in a mix. However, Davis and Harper (1990) documented results of seeding a mix in central Utah where intermediate wheatgrass was the most abundant seeded species. They also reported precipitation well above normal was concurrent with seedling establishment. The variable response of this species demonstrates the value of a diverse seed mix since it is unknown which species will do well in different seedings. This species often seems to establish in great abundance and become oppressively dominant or with low frequency following seeding. This "all or nothing" response in seedings indicates low desirability for this plant where diverse communities are desired. In the Jarvies Canyon seeding, seed of this species could have been replaced with that of bluebunch wheatgrass without putting watershed protection or cheatgrass control at risk. Lincoln smooth brome-On the warm exposure, frequency of this species remained the same between the 5th and the 10th year post treatment. However, it increased dramatically on the cool exposure. The relatively low response of smooth brome on the warm exposure indicates low value for cheatgrass control. Compared to crested wheatgrass, hard fescue, and alfalfa, smooth brome was of low value for this purpose. It was slow starting on the cool exposure, which indicates low value for initial weed control there. It is also indicated to have comparatively low val ue for watershed protection in the critical, early years. The data imply this species is trending toward dominance of the herbaceous community on the cool exposure, and perhaps it will drive community diversity downward. Although an increase in production of this species was measured between 1989 and 1996, production studies on the cool exposure indicate this will be a relatively low producing species at this site. Ladak alfalfa and hard fescue have produced considerable more herbage and thus litter for ground cover than has smooth brome in each of the 4 years production measurements have been made at the site since the fire. The rhizomatous nature of smooth brome and intermediate wheatgrass is one value these plants provide that the other species do not. However, smooth brome showed comparatively little value for cheatgrass control and watershed protection in the critical early years, and it has an implied feature of driving community diversity downward. Grea ter weigh t of seed ofthis species was a pplied than any another. Although numbers of seed applied might be a valid way to compare ecological performance, cost of seed is measured in terms of weight, not numbers of seed. This indicates poor economic performance in the early years of the seeding when cheatgrass control and soil protection are most critical. Data over the next decade might show the increase in frequency ofthis species is concurrent with lower USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 production on the site. Its value for seeding in this setting appears to be low. The native bluebunch wheatgrass does well on the cool exposures of this landtype. Although this species is not rhizomatous or is weakly rhizomatous compared to smooth brome, it is indicated to have high watershed values on similar nearby sites. Replacing smooth brome seed with that of bluebunch wheatgrass in seed mixes for this area is recommended. Piute orchard grass-Orchard grass showed essentially no value for cheatgrass control on the warm exposure. However, its quick establishment on the cool exposure followed by a significant decrease indicates high value there for initial weed control and for allowing other species to establish over time. Both frequency and production values indicate this is less aggressive over time than is smooth brome. Considering long-term diversity and greater presence of natives in the community, orchardgrass seems more appropriate in seed mixes for this area than does smooth brome. Hard fescue-This was the only seeded species that increased on both the cool and warm exposures. However, it established with much higher frequency on the cool exposure. On the cool exposure this was the highest producing grass in 3 out of 4 years when production measurements were made. This appears to be an aggressive plant at these sites with the potential to drive communities to a lower diversity. Continued monitoring at this site is needed to evaluate the use of this species in future seedings. If it continues to increase concurrent with a decrease in other desired species, exclusion or much lower rates in the seed mix is indicated for future seedings. However, its increase on the warm exposure indicates high value for long-term control of cheatgrass. It remains green late in the fall and early winter when it is selected by elk (Cervis canadensis) and possibly by mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus). Ladak alfalfa-This established quickly on both exposures. However, production data from the cool exposure indicate it is slower to mature into full production than some of the seeded grasses. However, it established with greater frequency on the warm exposure than on the cool exposure, which was not a feature of any of the seeded grasses, and by 1991 this was the most frequent species on the warm exposure. This indicates high value for reducing cheatgrass. Frequency of this species remained the same on the cool exposure but declined on the warm exposure. Frequency data indicate this species will not increase beyond the level of initial establishment. This indicates it will not become oppressive to other species, and that it will contribute to species diversity. Davis and Harper (1990) found Ladak alfalfa decreased in frequency in the second and third years after seeding, which indicates possible high establishment but also considerable mortality of seedlings and young plants. After 1989, Ladak alfalfa produced more herbage than did any other species on the cool exposure. Ungulate use has been light, but alfalfa appears to be the most selected forage species by elk and mule deer at this site. Also, Smith (1992) recorded alfalfa to be highly selected by bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) within the Green River corridor. The potential 349 of alfalfa for nitrogen fixation is an additional value of this plant. However, cheatgrass as well as other grasses can respond favorably to increased nitrogen. This feature implies a critical need to include aggressive perennial grasses with alfalfa in seed mixes to be used in areas where cheatgrass is highly competitive. Most features of this plant indicate high value for including it in seed mixes for the pinyonjuniper belt of the Green River corridor. Yellow sweetclover-Although yellow sweet clover established from the seeding and put on a great show of tall plants in the first two to three growing seasons, it was not recorded in the plots by 1989, nor was it seen anywhere in the burn in that year. The flush of yellow sweetclover in the second growing season was great enough to be of concern to wildlife biologists who desired low stature of vegetation for high value bighorn sheep habitat. However, from 1989 to 1997, it was not seen anywhere in the burned area. In this setting, yellow sweet clover is indicated to be of value for quick establishment of cover with a rapid decline that will allow other species to replace it. Yellow sweetclover is often considered a highly invasive species. This has not been the nature of the plant in the general area of this study where its abundance and persistence are quite limited to roadsides and other frequently disturbed sites. Small burnet-Small burnet was recorded at low frequency on the warm exposure in 1991. By 1996 it was not seen in the plots. It was not recorded in the plots on the cool exposure in 1989 or 1996. The performance of small burnet indicates value of this species is for quick establishment and rapid decline, which could allow for establishment of natives. However, comparison of its relatively high percent of weight of the seed mix with its relatively low performance indicates low economic value for this species when applied in a heavy seed mix (15Ib/acre) composed of highly competitive species. However, the number of seeds of this species was lower than any other in the mix, and the low performance is also likely a function offewer seeds. It also seems important to note that no measurements were made until 5 years after treatment, and like yellow sweetclover, small burnet might have been abundant for 2 to 3 years. Davis and Harper (1990) recorded high establishment of small burnet in the first 3 years of a seeding in central Utah. Measurements in the fifth year might not reflect the early value of this plant in the seeding. Use of this plant in fire rehabilitation projects has been criticized on grounds that its value is for wildlife and not for rehabilitation. However, the nature of this plant to quickly establish and provide cover and then allow for increase of natives as it decreases indicates it is highly desirable for fire rehabilitation projects. Japanese chess-oJ apanese chess increased on the warm exposure, but the increase was much less than for cheatgrass. It was found with low frequency in 1989 on the cool exposure, and it was not found there in 1996. Compared to cheatgrass, this introduced annual appears to be a mild competitor in the pinyon-juniper belt. Much focus on cheatgrass in literature with comparatively little coverage for this species indicates this is a general nature of this species. Cheatgrass-Cheatgrass was not found in the plots on the cool exposure, but it increased significantly on the warm exposure. Frequency of cheatgrass on the warm exposure 350 between the fifth and 10th years might be considered a negative indicator. However, the frequency of this winter annual can be expected to vary from year to year with variations in timing and amount of precipitation as well as winter-spring temperatures. Also, high frequency can be achieve by numerous, small, single-stemmed plants with few seeds. Where this growth form is a function of high frequency of vigorous perennial plants, cheatgrass is indicated to have a much subdued effect on plant community function. This was the common growth form of cheatgrass in the seeding. However, the frequency data do indicate the ability of cheatgrass to persist even where perennial plants command most of the resources of a site even in the absence of livestock. Also indicated is the rapid increase in cheatgrass following the next disturbance. Also indicated is the potential increase of cheatgrass under management practices that reduce frequency or vigor of perennial plants. Discussion ----------------------------The various response of species in the mix indicates the importance of seeding a mixture of species on lands of diverse exposures. Species diversity in the early seral community was a function of the number of species included in the seed mix. Diversity of early seral communities that follow disturbance of closed stands of mature or old pinyonjuniper can be expected to be low and to be driven by cheatgrass and other weedy species, many of which are introduced. These features of pinyon-juniper communities strongly point to the need to develop a wide array of plant materials with the potential to compete with cheatgrass on a variety of exposures and many geological substrates and soil types. Concerns for diversity and native species indicate the need for development of native plant materials with the ability to establish quickly to reduce the influence of introduced, highly invasive species. No species or mix of species is likely to elimina te cheatgrass on warm exposures, and reduction ofits influence is a more realistic goal than eradication. Evidence is strong and growing that cheatgrass has altered many pinyon-j uni per ecosystems to the degree that pure native plant communities are no longer a potential. The introduced species seeded at these sites represent some of the most capable plants known to be able to establish stands rapidly from a single seeding, which is important for cheatgrass control. Crested wheatgrass, alfalfa, and hard fescue, represent plant materials as capable or more capable of controlling cheatgrass in the pinyon-juniper belt than native grasses and forbs ofthis belt. To expect native species to provide better and especially complete control appears to be beyond reason. The performance of Ladak alfalfa, crested wheatgrass, and hard fescue on the warm exposure demonstrates their value in seed mixes where suppression of cheatgrass is a goal. At this elevation and precipitation zone, smooth brome and orchard grass are indicated to be of less value for this purpose. It appears that neither smooth brome or intermediate wheatgrass (rhizomatous species) were needed for watershed protection or cheatgrass control. Seed of these species could have been replaced by seed of bluebunch wheatgrass without loosing ability of the seed mix to establish effective ground cover and provide cheatgrass control. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 References ____________________ Ashcroft, G. L.; Jensen, D. T.; Brown, J. L. 1992. Utah climate. Logan, UT: Utah State University, Utah Climate Center. 12? p. Davis, J. N.; Harper, K. T. 1990. Weedy annuals and estabhshment of seeded species on a chained juniper-pinyon woodland in central Utah. In: McArthur, E. D.; Romney, E. M.; Smith, S. D.; Tuller, P. T., compilers. Proceedings-symposium on cheatgrass invasion, shrub die-off, and other aspects of shrub biology and management; 1989 April 5-7; Las Vegas, NV. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-276. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Intermountain Research Station: 72-79. McNab, W. H.; Avers, P. E.1994. Ecological subregions of the United States: Section descriptions. Administrative Publication WOWSA-5. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 267 p. USDA Forest SeNice Proceedings RMRS-P-9. 1999 Plummer, P. A; Christensen, D. R.; Monsen, S. B. 1968. Restoring big-game range in Utah. Pub. No. 68-3. Ephraim, UT: Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Division ofFish and Game. 183 p. Smith, T. S. 1992. The bighorn sheep of Bear Mountain: ecological investigations and management recommendations, Provo, UT: Brigham Young University. 425 p. Dissertation. Stefferud, A, ed. 1948. Yearbook of agriculture. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture . . . U.S Department of Agriculture, Forest ServIce. 198? DecIsIOn notice and finding of no significant impact and envIronmental assessment: Flaming Gorge pinyon-juniper treatment. Decision Notice and Environmental Assessment on' file at: Ashley National Forest, Supervisors Office, 2060 study files, folder 6-l. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 1993. Rangeland ecosystem analysis and management handbook. FSH 2209-2l. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Region. 4 ch. 351