Panoramic Photogrammetry Workshop - Berlin Germany, 24-25 February 2005
Edward Verbree 1), Sisi Zlatanova 1) and Sander Dijkman2)
Delft University of Technology, OTB Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies, Section GIS Technology
Jaffalaan 9, 2628BX Delft, The Netherlands
e.verbree@otb.tudelft.nl; s.zlatanova@otb.tudelft.nl
Koningslaan 35, 1075 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands
KEY WORDS: Panoramic Images, Laser Altimetry, Data Processing, and Visualization
Panoramic images portray a surround view of the real world in one image. This kind of presentation however does, alike regular
pictures, not give any real depth information. Depth related relationships are only to be detected (within one image) by psychological
cues like relative size, linear perspective and shadow. The relative distance between two features can only be retrieved by 1)
stereoscopic measurement within two pictures or 2) by the integration of terrestrial laser scanning systems. In the second approach
the photo is enhanced with information about the distance between each pixel and the location of image recording. If we visualize
this cloud of ‘distance pixels’ from a point of view chosen at the recording place through a panoramic perspective it will give us the
impression of the original panoramic picture, but now with the added value of depth-related queries. This kind of ‘distance-valueadded’ panoramic pictures can be used as a base data model for 3D-GIS visualizations. This paper concentrates on the database
organization of RGB laser scan point clouds, the creation of virtual ‘distance-value-added’ panoramic images from these clouds, and
the visualization and spatial analysis based on this kind of perception rich images.
Panoramic images are defined to be ‘distance-value-added’
when each pixel holds the distance to the recording location.
This distance can be obtained in two ways. The fist one is by
attaching the distance to each pixel of the image. This distance
can be obtained by the geometrical registration of a 3600 laser
scanning taken from the same recording position. The second
possibility is to attach the RGB-value to each laser scan point.
If we observe this kind of a laser scan point cloud from the
recording location, it will give the impression of an image.
Compare Figure 1 (picture of hallway) and Figure 2 (laser scan
point cloud of the same hallway.
Figure 2: RGB laser scan point cloud of hallway
Adjusting the appropriate parameters settings from central to
panoramic perspective the laser scan will even look like a
panoramic image.
Figure 1: Picture of hallway
Furthermore, such ‘distance-value-added’ panoramic images
allow the creation of virtual panoramic images. It is feasible to
create an image positioned at an arbitrary point, observing a
point cloud obtained by a combination of several, not necessary
3600 RGB-laser scans. Selecting a new virtual viewing point
will require filtering of the points to be included in the
panoramic image. This is to say, points hidden by walls and
other obstruction in the scene (due to the new viewing position)
should be excluded. As these walls are obtained by the laser
scan points themselves, we could detect them by a face-fitting
This paper presents an approach for creating distance-valueadded panoramic images from segmented point cloud. Through
this kind of presentations we could support three-dimensional
visualizations as they offer psychological cues like relative size,
linear perspective and shadow (Lynn, 2003), in conjunction to
geometrical measures supported by the attached depth-value on
each element in the image.
be simplified considerably. But as both recording will take a
considerably amount of time, temporal differences will occur.
Another possibility is to use laserscanners in combination with
a digital camera that can be calibrated and oriented by standard
methods in order to provide the necessary geometric
information for a precise resampling (Luhmann, 2004). The
camera will be mounted at the laserscanner such that the
rotation axis passes the principal point of the lens, as for
example the Riegl LMS-Z210i, or more or less integrated
within the Leica / Cyrax 2500 scanner. This scanner has a fieldof-view of only 400 by 400, but it will provide true-color images
The paper is organized in three general parts. Section 2
describes an approach to obtain a virtual ‘distance-value-added’
panoramic image out of this RGB-laser scans. Section 3
analyses the spatial database organization of laser scan points
and the corresponding color information obtained from
(panoramic) pictures in a geo-database management system
(geo-DBMS). Section 4 will focus on deriving panoramic
images from the point clouds stored within a Geo-DBMS. The
final section 5 summarizes the possibilities and outlines further
2.1 Laser scanners and panoramic images
A terrestrial laserscanner produces a cloud of reflected points.
The spatial resolution, i.e. number of points scanned, depends
on the field of view and the sampling rate. The Riegl LMSZ210i, for example, offers a field of view of 3600 horizontal and
600 vertical. It is possible to mount a color camera on top of the
scanner that - after a proper registration - will result in a colored
point cloud at the end of a measurement cycle (Fröhlich, 2004).
Figure 3: Visualization of Aula point cloud in Cyclon
This kind of limited field-of-view scans, but also panoramic
scans, will only cover a restricted area of the area of interest.
The scans have to be adjusted and linked together to one
covering dataset. A neat example of this process is given in
Figure 3, where 237 individual scans of the interior of the Aula
of Delft University (see Figure 4) are combined to one point
cloud of more than 25 million points (Meijers, 2005).
The main goal of these '
colored point clouds'is to give a visual
feedback of the scanned area. It will help to identify tie points
that need to be scanned with a high spatial resolution, and it
will indicate areas that have to be re-scanned, as for example
people are walking by during the scanning.
The field of view of a standard camera is by far smaller than the
laserscanner and the camera has to be positioned in several
directions in order to cover the same region as the laser. The
Cyrax HDS300, with a field of view of 3600 x 2700 needs 111
individual images of 1024x1024 pixels for one scan (Jansa,
One way to improve that limitation is to use a panoramic
camera to obtain an image with the same field of view as the
scanner in one step. There exist a wide range of panoramic
cameras (Luhmann, 2004), i.e. analog swing lens, rotating and
spherical fish-eye cameras. As these cameras are stand-alone
devices, a complex registration of the RGB-values of the
digitized and rectified photos to the point cloud is needed.
Digital line scanners, like the EYESCAN used by (Haala, 2004)
offer a panoramic spatial resolution up to 10.200 (row) pixels
by 43868 (column) pixels. With a clever set up, i.e. the
recording of both the laserscan and the panoramic picture at the
same position the co-registration process of both data sets can
Figure 4: Exterior of Aula Delft University of Technology
2.2 Distance-value-added images
In this paper, we present another way in acquiring '
distancevalue-added'panoramic images, as we call the '
colored point
clouds'to emphasize the value of having both the RGB-values
and the distance of the scanned points to the observation point.
Furthermore our approach makes use of the vector geometry
(edges, polygons) derived from the point cloud.
Within most photogrammetric and laseraltemetric applications
and in research the cloud of points, the set of (panoramic)
images, or a combination of both (Jansa, 2004) is used only as
the input to reconstruct the 3D objects measured. The point
cloud is discarded when the walls, roofs, trees or any other
object of interest are derived. In some cases the color
information of the images is used for texture mapping, but no
actual linkage between the derived objects and the original laser
points is kept.
That is a pity, because most of the time the derived faces and
edges do not represent the measured object topological correct.
Edges are not connected, faces are loose and intersect with each
other. A lot of work has to be performed to construct a valid
representation of the object. And the final 3D-model will not
give the idea or the impression as the panorama'
s or colored
point clouds gave when visualized.
The derived edges and faces can be used however to filter the
original point cloud. Figure 5 shows an example of 50 randomly
chosen faces that are colored according to the original laser scan
points. Points where the distance to the nearest face is exceeds a
certain threshold can be considered as outliers and can be
removed. The points '
at'a face will, caused by the non-optimal
measuring precision of the laser, give a coarse appearance that
now can be adjusted according the derived face.
combine two or more (panoramic) laserscans in one scene.
Therefore we have to determine which points are visible and
which ones are obstructed from the observation point.
This calculation can be done in two steps. First a hidden face
removal algorithm is applied and then all points connected to
these faces are discarded from the scene. And that gives us the
possibility to create colored point cloud visualization from each
desired observation location. This kind of visualization can be
in central perspective, but also as a panorama. This last example
we will call a virtual '
distance-value-added'panoramic image.
3.1 Geo-DBMS versus file organization
Depending on the laser scanner (see section 2.1) the number of
points in one scan can vary from few hundreds points to
millions points. These points are usually organized in a file
format, which is specific per scanning software. This file is
optimized for fast upload into the memory and (in case of
insufficient memory) smart algorithms for disk swapping.
Such software is very convenient for 3D modeling of relatively
small areas or simple objects. A large point cloud (more than 20
million points) causes drastic delay in the systems (despite the
optimizations). Furthermore, the process of 3D modeling is
mostly manual. For example to initiate a plane fitting through
group of points, the user has to select (point to and click on) at
least one point in the point cloud. If the scanned object is very
complex, it becomes almost impossible for the user to decide
which objects are significant for modeling. Finally, this
software cannot be used to create distance-value-added
panoramic images as described in the previous section.
To avoid these major problems we propose the organization of
the point cloud in a geo-DBMS. Currently most of the large
DBMS offer support of spatial data types, amongst which
points. Most of the spatial data types are defined according to
the Open Geospatial Consortium Specifications.
Figure 5: 3D Model of Aula with some faces colored by original
laser scan points
But, more important, we can use the faces of the model to
determine which points are visible or not visible from a certain
observation position.
Some neat examples exist of laserscan point clouds that give the
impression of being a real photograph, even if the color
mapping is not based on the actual RGB values, but on the
reflection value. These kinds of visualizations are only possible
when we observe the colored point cloud acquired by one scan
from the recording position. Each scan point within the
portrayal is in reality also visible, otherwise it won'
t be scanned
If we choose an observation point at another place than a
recording position this property doesn'
t hold anymore. Nonvisible points will show up in the laserscan image when we
The apparent advantages of storing points in a DBMS are:
Standard format (i.e. schema) that can be ‘understand’ by
different front-ends (GIS, CAD and other software)
Possibilities for spatial indexing
Possibilities for attaching other information to the points
Spatial queries, which allow only a limited set of the data
to be used at a certain moment.
The points can be accessed and modified by different users
and the modifications are readily available for everyone.
Besides the advantages listed above, clearly, there are a lot of
reasons to use geo-DBMSs: control on shared data and crash
recovery, automatic locks of single objects while using database
transactions, advanced database protocol mechanisms to prevent
the loss of data, data security, data integrity and operations that
comfortably retrieve, insert and update data.
To import the data into a DBMS, the point cloud has to be first
exported. The software for visualization and processing laser
points offer usually several formats for data exchange. For
example, Cyclon supports ASCII export formats containing the
3D coordinates of the laser scan points, intensity and the RGB
values recorded at this point. The file format exists in two
variants: with and without indication of individual scans.
The structure is trivial, i.e. x,y,z, intensity, red, green, blue:
--number points in first scan
20.325 29.380 11.512 -383 25 6 25
21.393 29.841 10.543 -394 25 6 25
21.436 29.875 9.990 -357 25 6 25
--number points in second scan,
21.371 29.840 9.912 -384 25 6 25
21.404 29.855 9.919 -386 25 6 25
Since the tests in the paper are performed in Oracle Spatial 10g,
a short description of the Oracle Spatial object-relational model
is given.
(depending on other processes running at that moment). The
first approach (first floats and then record in point data type)
requires almost twice as much time compared to the first one.
The indexing of large point cloud always takes a lot of time
(between 10-12) hours.
Figure 6 shows and example of point cloud organization using
the SDO_GEOMTERY type. SEQ_ID is the sequential number
of the points, SCAN_ID stands for the ID of the scan a point
belongs to and the POINTS_ID is the ID of the point within a
particular scan.
3.2 Organization of point cloud in Oracle Spatial 10g
In general, the object-relational model of Oracle Spatial differs
from the OGC SQL specifications. Separate data types for
point, line, and polygon do not exist but they still can be
distinguished on the basis of additional parameters. The name
of the spatial data type is SDO_GEOMETRY. It is defined as a
complex object on top of the relational database:
CREATE TYPE sdo_geometry AS OBJECT (
-- type and dimension
-- coordinate system
-- defines point
-interpretation of coordinates
All the parameters in the description have specific values, a
combination of which defines a particular spatial type. For
example, GTYPE is used to distinguish between the type of
geometry and its dimension. GTYPE 3001 and 3003 mean that
the data types are respectively 3D point and 3D polygon. An
example of 3D point follows:
sdo_geometry (
sdo_gtype = 3001,
sdo_srid = 90112,
sdo_point = (13.5,19.5, 2.33),
sdo_elem_info = (NULL),
sdo_ordinates = (NULL)
Figure 6: Point cloud organization in Oracle Spatial 10g
Once stored as point data types, laser scan points can be
accessed by Microstation Geographics and ArcGIS. Discussion
on the required operations is provided in Stoter and Zlatanova
2003, and Zlatanova et al 2002.
Point cloud stored in the database may bring some advantages
in creating panoramic images since the points can be processed
per scan (using the scan_id reference). Still the information is
not sufficient because the points in one scan usually belong to
several objects (walls, tables, chairs). Although the faces are
well visible as separate objects there is no way to distinguish
automatically between them.
3.3 Organization of polygons from segmented points
The next step we have applied is automatic segmentation and
plane fitting through a set of segmented points. The
segmentation is performed in software developed by Section
FRS, Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology.
Vosselman et al., 2004 discussed in detail the applied approach.
Once created the tables containing geometry have to be indexed
(many of the operations work only with spatially indexed
tables) and registered in the user metadata table. The metadata
table is the first table to be read by the front-end applications. It
provides information related to the names of the columns
containing geometry and the range of the data stored in the
tables. More information about the data types and spatial
functions of Oracle Spatial is given in Stoter and Zlatanova,
Laser scan points can be recorded in the Oracle Spatial point
type using two approaches. Following the first one, the ASCII
file format is imported in a table with the same structure. The
coordinates are registered as floats in separate columns. A
PL/SQL script can be further used to convert the relational
representation to the SDO_GEOMETRY format. The second
approach is direct record in the Oracle Spatial data type format.
It is much more efficient if large data sets are considered. In
case of a point cloud larger that 20 million points (as in the case
study with the Aula), load in the database can last 1-2 hours
Figure 7: Convex polygons created after point segmentation and
plane-fitting procedure.
For the scope of this paper it is only important to mention that
segmentation of a point cloud is done using proximity criteria of
points and/or similarity of locally estimated surface normals.
See Figure 7 for an example of this plane-fitting algorithm
applied on the Aula-dataset.
Since most of the objects of interest in a building can be
approximated with planes, only the plane-fitting algorithm is
used. Knowing the parameters of the plane and the points
belonging to one segment, a convex polygon is computed. A
threshold is used to avoid keeping very small
segments/polygons. The ID of the polygon is stored as
additional information in the point table.
All points that belong to a particular object, e.g. a wall, see
Figure 9.
All points that are recorded in one room, see Figure 10.
All points belonging only to the walls in a particular room
Some of the figures included in this paper, i.e. Figure 11 are
produced by the 3D Photo software provided by TerraImaging.
Figure 8: SQL query retrieving all the points that belong to a
polygon 101
Figure 11: Distance-added-value image of interior of Aula
Although this software is not yet capable of mapping the data
into a panoramic projection, it is dedicated to the visualization
of large RGB-colored point clouds in real time. High
performance is reached by a dedicated rendering mechanism of
the videocard supported by OpenGL. A Z-buffer algorithm
decides which points are to be shown. This method works fine
for visualizations of aerial laserscan, as the viewpoint is far
above the scene, see Figure 12.
Figure 9: Visualization of two polygons with the laser scans
points belonging to them.
Figure 12: Aerial laserscan visualization
If we choose a viewpoint more within the scene relaying on the
videocard will result in points glancing through, resulting in
stunning, but non-realistic images, like Figure 13. And
moreover, it is somewhat strange to supply 20 million or more
points to be rendered, when the display is limited to a resolution
of only 1024 x 800 pixels.
Figure 10: Scan points in one room.
The link to the polygons ID provides the needed information to
distinguish between individual objects, see Figure 8 for an
example of this kind of query.
Using a combination of queries with respect to the scan_id and
poly_id , it is possible to obtain:
Figure 13: See-though image of point cloud of Aula
To prevent that situation and to create realistic distance-valueadded images we need a proper organization of the large
amount of separate RGB-laserscan points within the geodatabase, and a sufficient query mechanism to extract the points
to be visualized. As we want to choose our observation point
anywhere in the scene, it should be made possible to select the
‘visible’ scan points through an efficient query on the geodatabase.
We assume that all laser points are segmented to derive the
faces they belong to, deleting the points too far away from a
face. If this relation is preserved in the database it can be used
to select the laser scan points belonging to a certain face (see
section 2), but also to exclude the points not visible because
other faces obscure the face it belongs to. Figure 14 shows an
example of Field-of-View query implemented at database level.
The linkage between the laser points and the facets they belong
to is quite important as current geo-DBMS do offer support for
3D data storage, indexing and querying to a certain extent. A
selection on all points inside a certain 3D bounding box
performs very well, but the retrieval of the points seen from a
certain observation point and taken into account obscuring
facets is not yet, and will not, supplied within the geo-DBMS
laserscan point cloud (with recorded RGB per point) and 3D
geometry derived from the same point cloud. The points, the
polygons and the corresponding links are organized in a
database managements system.
The presented approach shows promising advantages compared
to traditional methods in two general directions. Panoramic
images can be automatically created from an arbitrary point
(with no need of new measurement in case of new viewing
positions). Overload of the system due to large amounts of data
can be avoided by extracting only those points and polygons
needed for the creation of a particular panoramic image.
Algorithms for point extraction within viewing frustum can be
developed either at the database level or at client level (e.g.
The ideas presented in this paper need further implementation
and testing. Algorithms for Field-of-View and back-face culling
of polygons and corresponding elimination of the laser scan
points are the first algorithms to be developed.
We would like to acknowledge the point segmentation work and
the fitting of the faces by our colleague Tahir Rabbani at Delft
University, faculty of Aerospace Engineering.
This publication is the result of the research programme of the
Delft Centre for Sustainable Urban Development, part of the
Delft University of Technology.
The GDMC is the research and development center for
Geo-Information technology of Delft University of Technology
Frörlich, C. (2004). Terrestrial Laser Scanning - New
perspectives in 3D-surveying., Proceedings ISPRS working
Assessment' Freiburg,
03-06 October 2004
Figure 14: Extraction of polygons in Viewing frustum
(implementation at database level using spatial functions of
Oracle Spatial, Zlatanova et al 2002)
Therefore a workaround is needed. As we want to create a
panoramic image, we map the faces to a panoramic projection
and then intersected them by each other. The rear parts are
removed, resulting in the coverage of the visible parts of the
faces. Now we use the known linkage between the facets and
the laser points by a selection at attribute level of the laser
points attached to the visible parts of the faces. The distances
from the observation point to laser points are calculated and for
visualization purposes the points are sent to the rendering
system, resulting in our requested distance-value-added
panoramic images.
In this paper we have presented a new approach for creating 3D
distance-value-added panoramic images, which make use of
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