" International Council for the Exploration of the Sea C.M.1994/L:33 Ref: Pub IDENTIFICATION LEAFLETS FOR I>LANKTON EditOl,l s Report 1993/94 J.A. Lindley Natural Environment Research Council Plymouth Marine L'1boratory Prospeet Plaee, West Hoe, PLYMOUTH, PLI 3DH, UK . • Phytoplankton One leaflet on potentially toxie phytoplankton, ProrocelltrWll, by 1\1. Faust, J. Larsen & 0. Moestrup is now in Press. Zooplankton A leaflet on the identification of the ealanoid eopepods of the family Aeartiidae (AcG/1ia and Paracartia) by Dr. J. Bradford-Grieve has been aceepted for publication. This will replace the now obsolete Fiches No 12 by Farran. Dr. J. Mauchline has agreed to produce a leaflet on the ealanoid copepod genus Euc!zaeta, This is nearing completion and is expected soon. Other eontributions on larvae of pedunculate barnacles, larvae of Thalassinidae (Decapoda) and eggs of planktonic Cladocera are promised. Call for new contributions. • A list of published identification leaflets in the ICES series (including Fiches cl' identification des oel!fs ct !an'es de POiSSOllS) is appended to this report. The list is ordered taxonomically to enable potential eontributors to identify gaps in the series or eontributions which are now in need of revision. In addition to the groups highlighted in the last report (bivalve and ascidian larvae for which no leaflets have been published and eehinoderm and polychaete larvae which have been only partially covered) there are gaps among the calanoid copepods (e.g. Temoridae) and among the fish eggs and larvae. The inclusion of phytoplankton in the series is a recent innovation and there is enormous scope for eontributions. I would be delighted to hear from anyone who is interested in preparing leaflets to fill remaining gaps or to revise or replace obsolete eontributions. t No INDEX OF ICES PLANKTON IDENTIFICATION SHEETS Subject Author Year Comments PROTOZOA 108 Foraminifera: Globigerinidae Globorotaliidae 114 Acantharia: Holoacantha: Acanthochiasmidae 110 117-127 65 Protozoa: Oligotrichidia: Halteriidae, Stobilidae Tintinnida Ellobiopsidae COELENTERATA 2 Hydromedusae: Tublariidae (Part) 28 Hydromedusae: Tulariidae (part), Margelopsidae 29 Hydromed usae: Corynidae 30 Hydromedusae: Zacleidae, Cladonemidae, Eleutheridae 31 Hydromedudsae: Clavidae & Hydractiniidae 51 Hydromedusae: Rathkeidae, Bougainvilliidae 54 Hydromed usae: Pandeidae, Tiarannidae 99 Hydromed usae: Dipleurosomatidae, Melicertidae, Laeoiceidae 100 Hydromedusae: l\1itrocomidae 101 Hydromedusae: Campanulriidae, Lovenellidae, Phialellidae 102 Hydromedusae: Phialuciidae, Eirenidae Eutimidae 128 Hydromedusae: Aequoridae 153 Hydromedllsae: Zancleidae, Cladonemidae & Eleutheridae 154 Hydromedllsae: Clavidae 161 Hydromedusae: Addenda 164 Trachymedusae: Geryonidae, Ptychogastridae & Halicreatidae Be 1967 Bottazzi Massera & Nencini Bock 1969 Marshall Boschma 1969 1956 1967 Russell Russell 1939 1950 Russell Russell 1950 1951 Replaced by 153 Russell 1951 Replaced by 154 Russell 1953 Russell 1955 Russell 1963 Russell 1963 Russell 1963 Russell 1963 Russell Russell 1970 1977 Russell Russell Russell 1977 1978 1980 2 • • Replaces 30 Replaces 31 .• 165 166 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 152 158 93 82 146 Trachymedusae: Rhopalonematidae 1 Narcomedusae: Aeginidae, Solmaridae & Cuninidae Siphonophora: Calycophorae:Diphyidae (part) Siphonophora: Calycophorae: Diphyidae (part) Siphonophora: Calycophorae:Chuniphyidae Siphonophora: Calycophorae: Prayidae Siphonophora: Calycophorae: Hippopodidae Siphonophora: Calycophoridae: Abylidae Siphonophora: Physonectae, Agalmidae Siphonophora:Physonectae, Various families Scyphomedusae: Coronatae Scyphomad usae: Semaeostomeae Anthozoa: Arachnactis larvae Ctenophora Ctenophora ROTATORIA Rotatoria: Monogonata: 84 Ploima: Synchaetidae Rotatoria: Monogonata: 85 Ploima: Trichoceridae Rotatoria: Monogonata: 86 Ploima: Brachionidae (part) Rotatoria: Monogonata: 87 Ploima: Brachionidae (part) Rotatoria: Monogonata: 88 Ploima: Asplachidae, Synchaetidae (part) Rotatoria: Monogonata: 89 Flosulariaceae, Collothecaceae CHAETOGNATHA Chaetognatha 1 Russell 1981 Russell 1981 Totton & Fraser 1955 Totton & Fraser 1955 Totton & Fraser Totton & Fraser Totton & Fraser Totton & Fraser Totton & Fraser Totton & Fraser Russell Russell 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1976 1978 Leloup Lilley Greve 1962 1958 1975 Berzins 1960 Berzins 1960 Berzins 1960 Berzins 1960 Berzins 1960 Berzins 1960 Russell 1939 3 Replaced by 146 Replaces 82 Revised 1957 •. NERMERTEA 64 Pelagic Nermertea, Keys to families and genera POLYCHAETA 52 Polychaeta: Aphroditidae Phyllodocidae Alciopidae Polychaeta: Tomopteridae 53 Typhloscolecidae 91 Polychaeta: larvae: Spionidae, Disomidae, Poecilochaetidae 113 Polychaeta: Syllidae: Autolytinae CRUSTACEA Cladocera 3 143 Cladocera Ostracoda: Cypidinidae 5 Ostracoda: Conchoeciidae 6 115 Ostracoda I: Myodocopa: Cypridiniformes 116 Ostracoda II: Myodocopa: Halocyriformes 11 Calanoida: Centropages 12 Calanoida: Acartia 13 Calanoida: Candacia 14 Calanoida: Metridia 15-16 Calanoida: Heterorhabdidae 17 Calanoida: Pleuromamma 32 Calanoida: Calanidae Coe 1956 Muus 1953 Muus 1953 Hannerz 1961 Hamond 1967 Ramner Della Croce Klie Klie POlilsen 1939 1974 1944 1944 1969 Replaced by 143 Replaces 3 Replaced by 115 Replaced by 116 Replaces 5 Poulsen 1969 Replaces 6 Farran Farran Farran Farran Farran Farran Farran 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1951 33 Calanoida: Megacalanidae Farran 1951 34 Calanoida: Eucalanidae Farran 1951 35 Calanoida: Paracalanidae. ParacalanllS Calanoida: Paracalanidae. Calocalanlls, Leptocalanlls, Dolichocera = Ischnocalanlls. Farran 1951 Farran 1951 Farran 1951 36 37 Calanoida: Pselldocalanidae. Pseudocalanus, MicrocaIanus 4 (revised by Vervoort) (revised by Vervoort) (revised by Vervoort) (revised by Vervoort) (revised by Vervoort), Revised by Bernard (1960), Replaced by 138 (revised by Vervoort) • 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 138 • 50 63 169-171 4 133 144-145 83 163 71 72 73 74 Calanoida: Pseudocalanidae. Clausocalanus, Drepanopus, Drepanopsis, Ctenocalanus Calanoida: Spinocalanidae. Spinocalanlls Calanoida: Spinocalanidae. Mimocalanlls, Monacilla Calanoida: Aetideidae. Key to Genera Calanoida: Aetideidae. Aetideus, Ellaetideus, Aetidiopsis Calanoida: Aetideidae. Bradyidills, Bradyetes, Bryaxis Calanoida: Aetideidae. Chiridills, Pseudaetidells, Chiridiella. Calanoida: Aetideidae. Gaidius Calanoida: Aetideidae. Gaetanus Calanoida: Aetideidae. Euchirella Calanoida: Aetideidae. Pseudochirella Calanoida: Aetideidae. Chirundina, Undeuchaeta, Pseudeuchaeta Copepoda: Calanoida: Calocalanidae Copepod nauplii (1) Copepod naupIii (11) Copepoda: CycIopoida: Oncaea Harpacticoida Copepoda-I: Harpacticoida Copepoda: Monstrilloida Cirripidea: Thoracica Lepadidae Cirripedia: Balanomorph nauplii Cumacea: Key to families Cumacea: Figures Cumacea: Bodotriidae Cumacea: Leuconidae Farran 1951 (revised by Vervoort) Farran 1951 Farran 1951 (revised by Vervoort) (revised by Vervoort) Vervoort 1952 Vervoort 1952 Vervoort 1952 Vervoort 1952 Vervoort 1952 Vervoort 1952 Vervoort 1952 Vervoort 1952 Vervoort 1952 Corral 1972 OgiIvie Lovegrove Malt 1956 1956 1983 Klie Wells Isaac Brach 1943 1970 1975 1959 Lang 1980 Jones Jones Jones Jones 1957 1957 1957 1957 5 Replaces 36 Replaced by 133 Replaces 4 \ 75 76 77 78 103 104 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 134 135- 137 67 68 81 90 Cumacea: Nannastacidae, Jones Lampropidae, Pseudocumidae, Cumacea: Diastylidae Jones Isopoda: Valvifera. Asselota Naylor Isopoda: Flabellifera Naylor Amphipoda: Hyperiidea: Dunbar Hyperiidae Amphipoda: Hyperiidea: Shih & Phronimidae Dunbar Mysidacea: General Nouvel Mysidacea: Lophogastridae, Nouvel Eucopiidae, Petalophthalmidae. Mysidae: Boreomysinae Mysidacea: Mysidae: Nouvel Siriellinae, Gasterosaccinae Mysidacea: Mysidae: Nouvel Mysinae:Erythropinae (part) Mysidacea: Mysidae: Nouvel Mysinae: Erythropini (part) Mysidacea: Mysidae Nouvel Mysinae: Erythropini (part), Calyptommimi Mysidacea: Mysidae: Nouvel Mysinae: Leptomysini Mysidaecea: Mysidae: Nouvel Mysinae: Mysini (part) Mysidacea: Mysidae: Nouvel Mysinae: Mysini (part) Mysidacea: Mysidae: Nouvel Mysinae: Mysini (part) Mysidellinae Euphausiacea: adults Mauchline Euphausiacea: larvae Mauchline Decapoda Larvae: I. Williamson General Decapoda Larvae: V. Williamson Hippolytidae Decapod Larvae:XI. Pike & Paguridae, Coenobitidae, Williamson Dromiidae & Homolidae Decapoda: larvae: Williamson VII. Caridea, Cragonidae: Stenopodidea 6 1957 1957 1957 1957 1963 1963 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1971 1971 1957 1957 1958 1960 Revised 1959 . 92 Decapoda: larvae: III. Oplophoridae, Nematocarcinidae, Pasiphaeidae Decapoda: larvae: IV. Pandalidae, Alpheidae Decapoda: pelagic adults: Pasiphaeidae, Oplophoridae, Hippolytidae, Pandalidae Decapoda: larvae: Galatheidae Decapod larvae: VI. Palaemonidae & Processidae Decapod larvae: VIII. Nephropidea, Palinuridea & Eryonidea Williamson 1962 Williamson 1967 Rice 1967 Pike & Williamson Fincham & Williamson Williamson 1972 1983 INSECTA 147 . Insecta: Halobates Cheng 1975 POLYZOA 107 Polyzoa: Cyphonautes larvae Ryland 1965 MOLLUSCA Pteropoda: Thecosomata 8 Tesch 1947 140-142 66 79 80 van der Spoel Phillips Dales Morton Morton 1972 1957 1957 1957 Fretter & Pilkington 1970 Hadfield 1964 Muus 1963 Muus 1963 Muus 1963 109 112 139 159 167-168 129-132 106 94 95 96 Pteropoda: Thecosomata Heteropoda Gymnosomata: Clionidae Gymnosomata: Pneumodermatidae, Cliopsidae Prosobranchia: Veliger of Taenioglossa and Stenoglossa Opisthobranchia: veliger larvae Cephalopoda: Decapoda: Sepioidea Cephalopoda: Decapoda: Teuthoidea: Loliginae Cephalopoda: Decapoda: Teuthoidea: Ommastrephidae, Chiroteuthidae, Cranchidae 7 1978 Replaced 140-142 Replaces 8 by 97 Cephalopoda: Decapoda: Teuthoidea: Octopoteithidae, Gonatidae, Onychoteuthidae, Histioteuthidae, Branehioteuthidae Cephalopoda: Oetopoda Muus 1963 Muus 1963 ECHINODERMATA Echinodermata: pluteus 105 larvae Geiger 1964 PHORONIDEA Aetinotrocha larvae 69 (Phoronidea) Forneris 1957 HEMICHORDATA 70 Tornaria larvae (Enteropneusta) Burdon-lones 1957 UROCHORDATA Appendicularia 7 Salpidae 9 10 Doliolidae Buekmann Fraser Fraser 1945 1947 1947 CEPHALOHORDATA 111 Aerania: Branehiostomatidae Wiekstead 1967 Demir Fives Niehols Fives Merrett Demir Camus & Besseau 1976 1976 1976 1986 1986 1986 1986 lahnke Moestrup & Larsen 1992 1992 Larsen & Moestrup 1992 98 FISH 148 149 150-151 172 173-175 176 177 Callionymidae Labridae Soleidae Blenniidae Maerouridae Gadidae: Ciliara Couch Sparidae PHYTOPLANKTON 178 Emiliania Iwxleyi 179 180 Potentially toxie Prymnesiophyeeae (Haptophyeeae) Potentially toxie Dinophysis (Dinophyeeae) MISCELLANEOUS 8 Revised 1969 • 162 Faecal Pellets Martens 1978 FICHES D'IDENTIFICATION DES OEUFS ET LARVES DE POISSONS 1 2 3 4-6 Clupeoidae Ammodytidae Blenniidae Pleuronectidae SaviIIe Macer Fives NichoIs • 9 1964 1967 1970 Replaced by 172 1972