This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Illfluence ()f Forests on Snowllack Accunllliation James R. Meiman 1 I Abstract--There is ample evidence that both small patch cuts and thinning In..crease snow accumulation in the treated area. These effects extend well beyond the approximately 50 years of record at the Fraser ExperImental Forest. The processes responsible are not yet precisely defined, but reduced snow interception losses appear to be a major factor. There is no evidence from recent studies at Fraser of significant redistribution from forests to openin~ls during between storm intervals. .. In the subalpine forests snow is the major source of wa.ter supply and an important ecologiC-al factor. Thus a better understanding of the processes that influence the accumulation, redistribution and ablation of the snow cover is for effective management of subalpine forests. This paper focuses on the influence of forests on snowpack accumulation. Other factors that influence. snowpack accumulation include climate, topography and nonforest vegetation. Although a brief review of literature on related studies is given, the emphasis is on the work at the Fraser Expe.rimental Forest the author has worked in association with the US Forest Service over the past 20 years. snow and removal of snow by wind. These two publications provide an excellent set of references on snow interception processes. l\feiman (1970) reviewed approximately 70 North Anlerican studies on snow accumulation in relation to elevation, aspect and forest canopy with emphasis on the subalpine and montane zones. This review illustrated that although elevation has a greater effect on snow accumulation on a large scale, forest canopy can have a dramatic effect over very small distances. Among the. studie.s reviewe.d that attempted to give a quantitative relationship between snowpack water equivalent and canopy de.nsity, Packer (1962) reported a 0.42 inch inc.rease per 10 perce.nt decrease in canopy, Lull and Rushmore (1960) indicated a value of 0.33 inche.s, and Kittredge gave. value.s ranging from 0.50 inches to 2.2 inches. The study by Gary (1974) of snow accumulation as influenced by a small clearing in a lodgepole pine forest is relevant to the Fraser Experimental Forest work because it wa.s located in an area with similar climate and stand conditions. He found an increase of approximately 24 percent in peak snow water equivalent in a one tree height wide (lH) clearing. Further, he found the excess water equivalent in the opening was nearly equal to the deficit in the leeward forest zone. The author commented that he could only conjecture as to the processes responsible for the greater accumulation in the clearing. Among the processes dLc;cussed were backed dies of the airstrea.m during storms and/or redistribution from the leeward forest border during or following storms. An alternate hypothesis wa.s that the greater snow in the clea.ring was offset partly by greater loss by vaporization in the sun exposed lee forest. The author did not discuss reduced interception loss as a. possible cause of the increase. In a follow up study Ga.ry (1980) increased the width of the IH clearcut to 3H and 5H in consecutive cuttings. The width Studies Related to Fraser Experimental Forest Among the earliest recorded observations in the United State.s on the influence of fore.sts on snow accumulation we·re those made by Carpenter (1901), Church (1912), Jaenicke and Foerster (1915) and Betts (1916). The most graphic desc.ription was given by Church who described the. ideal forest for snow accumulation as resembling a giant honeycomb, the glades of the forest repre.senting the c.ells of the comb. l\filler (1964 and 1966) presented two comprehensive. reviews of interception processes and transport of intercepted snow during snowstorms. In these reviews Miller discussed the factors influencing the adhesion of snow on foliage temperature., wind and characteristics of the obstades; and the factors influencing cohesion of snow atmospheric a.nd crown conditions. Processes involved in transport of intercepted snow from tress induded snow sliding from branches, stem flow and dripping of melt water, vapor transport from melt water and 1Associate Vice President for Research and Professor of Watershed Management, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523. 61 before and after thinning indicated a peak snow water equivalent increase of 2 inches or approximately 30 percent. extension was done on the lee side of the original cut. Data for 10 winters indicated an average net loss of 6.5 percent for all widths when the volume of snow in the opening plus that in the lee forest was compared with the upwind forest even though there was 20 to 48 percent greater snow accumulation in the openings. Sublimation and wind transport outside the. plot (i.e. into the lee forest beyond the measured area) were thought to . account for the loss. For two of the ten years, barners were constructed along the lee side of the 3H opening. For the 1974 snow year a belt of small (5-1/4-foot) lodgepole trees was erected along the lee border of the cut area. For the 1978 winter a 12-1/2-foot wood sno~r fence (40 to 50 percent density) was used. Placement of the barriers did not change the expected pattern of snow accumulation inside the clearing but snow catch along the lee side of the clearing and lee forest border was greatly altered. The fence. was more effective than the trees and resulted in a 13 percent net snow increase on the study plot (opening plus lee The. barriers provided evidence that considerable amounts of snow are transported away from the lee forest border.. by wind action. A set of studies in Canada (Golding and Swanson, 1986) have particular relevance to Fraser studies. At the James River study area, 60 miles northwest of Calgary, Alberta, the authors reported a spatially preferential loss from the snowpac.k in different sectors within forest dearings. The implication from this study is that differential ablation during the accumulation period can be an important factor in evaluating differences in snowpac.k accumulation in forest openings. At the James River study site snow water e.quivalent in 1/4H to 6H circular clearings range.d from 13 to 45 perce.nt greater than in the forest and was reported to be "probably" a result of a combination of interception and redistribution. At the l\larmot Creek experimental watershed 24 miles SE of Banff, Alberta, clearings on two subbasin clearings were studie.d Twin and Cabin. On the. Twin subbasin, clearings of 3/ 4 to 1-1/4H had 28 percent greater snow water equivalent than the intervening forest which the authors reported "seemed" to be the re.sult of redistribution because the increase in the clearings just balances the decrease in the forest (based on an calibration with separate control area). On the Cabin subbasin the. 20 to 32 acre blocks averaged 20 percent greater snow water equivalent than the forest and there was no evidence of redistribution of snow. The authors suggest that the increase is the result of elimination of interception. These studies illustrate the complexity and frustration of trying to separate the interception redistribution ablation effects on snow accumulation and, as the authors indicate, ". .. the data do not provide definitive answers c.oncerning the source of increased snow water equivalent in forest clearings." Gary and Watkins (1985) reported on the effects of thinning a lodgepole pine stand in "'yoming at an elevation of 9000 feet. The thinned area had a lodgepole stand of 10,000 stems/acre before thinning and was thinned to a density of about 850 trees/acre with a basal area of 70 ft2/acre. The remaining trees had an average diameter of 4 inches and an average height of 30 feet. Comparison with a control area Fraser Studies . Wilm and Dunford (1948) reported the first comprehen·· sive snow accumulation studies at Fraser. Twenty harvest cutting plots were established in 1938. The five acre plots were in mature lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) intermixed with Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) and alpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa). The stand contained 300 to 400 trees per acre larger than 3-1/2 incbes d.b.h. with a height range for most of these trees between 35 and 85 feet. The merchantable timber volume (trees larger than 9-1/2 inches d.b.h.) averaged 12,000 board feet per acre. These stands were at an elevation of 9150 to 9700 feet. The experiment was designed to place four treated and one control plot in each of four randomize.d blocks. In 1940 all trees larger than 9-1/2 inches d.b.h. were removed from one plot in each block; three other plots were cut to a residual stand of 2000, 4000 and 6000 board feet of merchantable volume per acre. In order to determine the effects of timber cutting on snow storage, 25 sampling points were established in each plot. Snow water equivalent was measured with a Utah snow sampler and weighed with a balance to 0.1 ounce between March 15 and April 1. These measurements were taken in 1938 and 1939 before cutting and in 1941 to 1943 after cutting in 1940. The after value.s as adjusted by "Tilm and Dunford are presented in table 1. These values were calc.ulated by covariance analysis used to adjust for aspect and yearly snowfall differences. Thus the heaviest cutting resulted in a net gain of 1.99 inches or 26 percent over the uncut plots. Snow accumulation increased in relation to intensity of cut. In presenting these results on snow accumulation, the investigators wrote as follows: The smallest quantities were observed under dumps of trees, and the largest quantities in the largest available canopy openings, about 60 feet in diameter. These observations provide a graphic clue to the probable effect of timber cutting on snow storage, because such treatments would increase the number and size of openings in the forest, and hence it should increase the average amount of stored snow. Another important finding came from these early studies. On one half of each cut plot a minor timber stand improvement Table 1.--lnltlal snow storage as a "esult of timber cutting (Wllm and Dunford 1948). Treatment 11,900 f.b.m. uncut 6,000 f.b.rn. residual stand 4,000 f.b.rn. residual stand 2,000 f.b.rn. residual stand o f.b.m. residual stand 82 Inches of water 7.(50 8.41 8.61 9.09 9.59 --- was made. by removing undesirable trees within the diameter range from 3.6 through 9.5 inches. The number of trees removed averaged 56 per acre. This treatment resulted in an average increase of 0.46 inches in snow accumulation or about a 5 percent gain. In addition to comparing the initial snow storage (Le. snowpack accumulation as of March 15 April 1), a comparison was made of net spring precipitation (mostly snow) during the period from March 15 A prill to June 30 by using nonrecording rain gages on each of the plots for the years 1941 to 1943. These results from Wilm and Dunford are presented in table 2. Wilm and Dunford made severa.l sali~.nt observations on the spring period results pointing out that about four fifths as much water was supplie.d by this source as by stored winter snow, and that the percentage increases resufting from heavy cutting were very similar to those found for winter snow storage. Although 'VHm and Dunford did not specifically mention the cause of the increased snow accumulation in their original work, later interpretation by Goodell and Wilm (1955) attribute.d it to the eljmination of evaporation losses from snow jntercepted on tree crowns. Hoover and Leaf (1966) summarized much of their observations on snow interception at Fraser. Based on photographic records during the 1963 and 1964 snow season and long term nleasurements on Fool Cree.k, they inferred that snow re.distribution could be a major factor causing differential snow deposition. This inference was based on their observations that snow remained on trees a relatively short time at their observation site near the Fraser Experimental Station headquarters, that the analysis at that time. indicated no overall increased snow accumulation on the Fool Creek Watershed as a result of cutting, and that, despite considerable regrowth of young trees on the clear cut and heavily thinned plots of Wilm and Dunford, the ratio of treated to uncut plots had changed little if any. In concluding, the authors emphasize.d the extreme.Iy complex series of proce·sses re.Iated to the accumulation and disposition of intercepted snow and called for additional studies on the aerodynamic processes involving transport of snow through and from the forest canopy. 1943. These watersheds were calibrated from 1943 to 1952. Roads were constructed on Fool Creek in 1952 and timber was harvested in 19541956. Forty percent of the 714 acre watershed was cut in alternating strips with uncut forest of 1 to 6 tree heights wide (66 to 396 feet). Snow water equivalent was sampled at approximately 100 points on each watershed on or about April 1 from 1943 to 1954 prior to cutting on Fool Creek. Postharvest measurements at the same points were reported for 1959 and from 1967 to 1984. Intensive measure.ments we·re made to compare the cut and uncut strips in 1964 and 1979. The observed peak snow water equivalents on Fool Creek and East St Louis Creek along with the estimated increase on Fool Creek are presented in table 3. This analysis indicates a 1.0 inch (9 percent) watershed wide inc.rease in snowpack water equivalent as a result of the timber harvest on Fool Creek. This is the first reported analysis to indicate an increase in snowpack on the overall watershed. If all of this 1.0 inch increase occurred on the 40 percent cut area, then the average increase on the cut area. would be 2.7 inches. This appears well within the 3.4 inches (23 percent) increase reported by Leaf (1975) in c.omparing the cut and uncut strips on Fool Creek. An additional set of measurements were made on selected strips to check the cut versus uncut snow in 1979. The average increase on the cut strips was 3.8 inches (28 percent). The exact proce.sse·s responsible for the increased snow in cut areas are still not clear. Recent work at the Fraser Experimental Forest by Troendle and l\leiman (1984) using snowboards in small openings (1.5H) and in the adjacent forests confirmed the increases in the openings, but did not support the concept that snow was redistributed from the forest into the openings during the intervals between storms. Furthe.rmore, the percentage increase indicated by snowTable 3.~-Comparlson of snowl,ack peak water equivalents (Inches of water) on Fool Creek and East St Louis Creek Watersheds (Troendle and King 1985). Fool Creek Est. Incr. Fool Creek1 Year East Sl Louis 1959 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Average Clearcut Studies The Fool Creek watershed has been an important source of information on snow accumulation. This data was summarized most recently by Troendle and King (1985). The Fool Creek gage was constructed in 1941; the East St Louis gage in Table 2.--Net precipitation during spring snowmelt period as a result of cutting (Wllm and Dunford 1948). Treatrnent 11,900 f.b.m. uncut 6,000 f.b.m. residual stand 4,000 f.b.m. residual stand 2,000 f.b.m. residual stand. f.b.m. residual stand o Inches of water 5.73 6.60 7.01 6.94 7.56 12.1 9.6 11.3 10.0 8.0 16.3 10.6 7.8 12.7 9.8 9.2 5.8 12.8 11.4 13.9 5.4 15.8 12.2 12.7 12.0 19.0 20.1 15.3 11.4 15.6 12.5 12.9 8.1 15.9 15.6 18.4 7.8 1.6 0.8 ·-0.6 0.2 0.4 1.1 2.8 2.1 0.7 0.9 0.9 1.1 0.9 2.2 2.1 1.3 12.6 15.1 15.6 17.2 0.8 ·-0.5 1.0 1Estimated as PWE == PWE (Fool Creek) (0.37 + 1.146PWE East St Louis),R2 = 0.93, standard error == 1.0inches; where PWE = peak water equivalent. 63 tion occurred. The average accumulation on all boards in the open was 104 inches of snow (de.pth, not water) compared to 68 inches in the forest giving a 65 percent increase. Virtually all of the increased accumulation occurred during, not after snowfall events. There was no diffe.rence betwe.en upwind and downwind forest plots. These results confirmed the earlier re.sults (Troendle and l\leiman, 1984) obtained on three openings 1.5H in diameter. The most recently completed study at Fraser of snow accumulation is that of Wheeler (1987). He used the same plots as were used by Troendle and Meiman (1986), but greatly increased the number of events sampled and the sampling intensity. Each snowboard sample was weighed to determine actual water equivalent on the snowboard. In addition to the snowboard measurements, a recording anemometer was installed on a tower at 70 feet above. the ground in the c~e.nter of the de.arcut plot. During the pe.riod from January to April, 1986, 22 snowfall events and 21 inter storm inten'als were observed. Redistribution from the forest to the dearing was observed only one time and accounted for only one percent of the difference in accumulation in the clearing. board measurements were larger than those found by snowpack water equivalent comparisons, thus indicating a relatively greater vapor loss from the snowpac.k in the openings. The data for 'the 18 events measured in January through l\iarch, 1984 are pre.sented in table 4. The ave·rage increase in the opening compared to the windward forest was 31 percent. In only one of the plots was there a significant difference in the downwind plot. Very little redistribution occurred between the 18 snow events. The accumulated amount of snow measured in the openings averaged 133 inches, approximately 0.8 inches or less than 1 perc.ent was measured in the between snowfall intervals. In order to measure more carefully the water balanc.e effects of patch clearcutting, a plot study was established on a 35 percent north facing slope' at the Fraser Experimental Forest at an elevation of 9200 feet. The site was a uniform forest of Engelmann spruce, SUbalpine fir and lodgepole pine with an average canopy height of 64 feet. In 1980 the site was divided into three equal plots 260 feet wide and 400 feet long. In the summer of 1982 the centae plot was dearcut after two years of calibration measurements of snow water equivalent and soil water content. Comparison of peak snow water equivalent for five years are presented in table 5. The increased accumulation averaged 5.8 inches of water or 45 percent more than in the upwind plot (probability < 0.001). Furthermore, was no significant difference in the downwjnd forest plot. Twelve snowboards were place.d on each plot and read at 20 differe.nt times during the period betwe.en .lanuary 2, 1985 and April 4, 1985. The boards were read after each storm and during nonstorm periods to determine when storm redistribu- Snow accumulation in the upwind and downwind forest was compared for seven storms. None of the storms showed a significant decrease in the mean snow water eql;1ivalent in the downwind forest. A comparison of the dearing with the upwind forest indic.ate·d a 31 perc.ent greater accumulation in the. clearing for the 21 storms. An analysis of average wind speed during the storm as related to the perce.ntage increase in the elearing resulted in a strong negative correlation r = 0.74 (p = 0.002). The inference drawn from the. lack of downwind effect and the negative corre.lation of snow increase in the opening with increase in windspeed was that snow interception was the dominant process influencing increased snow accumulation in the dearing. The recommendations from earlier studies that a watershed be treated with 5H circular openings was implemented in the North Fork of Deadhorse Creek in 1977. Timber was removed on 36 percent of the area by commercially elearcutting 12 small units approximately 5H (400 feet) in diameter. All slash was lopped to a 4 inches top and scattered. Comparative snow course observations betwee.n Deadhorse and East St Louis Creek began in 1967. Transects consisting of a total of 118 sampling points cross all major slopes, aspects and elevations on Deadhorse. Snow sample.s using a federal snow sampler are taken about April 1 each year. Table IJ.--Comparlson of snow accumulation (Inches) In the forest and open averaged for 18 snow events and COml)arlson of I)eak SnOWI)ack water equivalent (percent) on AI>r1l1. Unit 1 2 3 Windward forest 5.7 4.S 4.5 Open 7.4* 5.9* 5.9* %Inleeward crease In open forest 4.8"" 4.1 4.3 % Increase In snow water In open, AI>r1l1.1 30.3 31.6 31.6 26 16 16 ""Significantly different from windward forest at P = O.OS. 1Federal snow sampler measurements. Table 5.--Peak snow water equivalent (Inches) as a result of timber cutting (Troendle and Melman 1986). Year Upwind plot 1981 1982 6.1 12.2 1983 1984 1985 11.9 14.8 11.8 Cut plot Covariance analysis of the pre and post treatment data indicated no overall change in snowpack water equivalent on Deadhorse North Fork \\'atershed following timber cutting (Troendle and King, 1987). The authors attributed this lack of difference in snow accumulation to the offsetting influence of greater snow ablation in the openings on this south facing watershed. Intensive sampling of several of the openings and the surrounding forest in 1981 indicated an 18 percent greater accumulation in the openings. Be·cause of the potential confouncUng of differential ablation with accumulation processes, Downwind plot ------ 6.2 6.1 12.5 12.S --•.•••• Center plot cut ....... . 17.2* 12.3 14.4 21.3* 17.S* Missing ""Significantly different from upwind plot (p < 0.001). 64 it is not possible to separate interception and differential deposition processes in this data. One final study dese.rves mention in relati.on to dearcutting. The optimum size of elearcuts generally has be.en given as approximately 5H (Troendle, 1983) with the assumption tha.t larger openings are subject to wind scour. A study was initiated in 1981 to see if larger openings would hold more snow than the adjacent forest if sufficient roughness were maintained in the form of slash and non commercial trees (Troendle and Meiman, 1984). In 1981 an 20 acre area surrounding one of the original 8 acre c1earcut plots studied by,\\!ilm and Dunford was dearcut along with the original 8 acre area. All merchantable trees were removed, the slash lopped and scattered and most of the larger trees felled. About 4 to 6 cavity trees per acre as well as the non commercial ste·ms less than 6 inches d.b.h. were left standing. In the summer of 1983, all remaining trees on the site were felled. A layer of slash up to 24 inches high remains. Peak snowpack wa.ter equivalent measured around April 1 in 1982 and 1983 after the original 8 acre plot (5 acre cut + 3 acre boundary) was recut produced no scour in the original 8 acre area as a result of the now 28 acre opening. This indicated there was still enough roughness in the slash and remaining trees to protect the area from scour. After the removal of all remaining trees in 1983, the accumulation patterns were as presented in figure 1. These results suggest that the. slash is still an effective snow trap in the large opening, but once the snowpack reaches the level of the slash then effectiveness decreases. have been somewhat overshadowed by the Fool Creek cutting and the emphasis on small dearcuts as the preferred water yield management practice. Hoover and Leaf (1966) presented data on follow up measurements on the original,\\Tilm and Dunford plots. Their measurements for 1956 and 1964 have been added to the original data and are presented together as table 6. In presenting the remeasured plot data, Hoover and Leaf emphasized that the relative snow storage amounts had changed little if any between 1941 and 1964 in spite of the considerable regrowth of young trees and increased canopy density on the more heavily cut plots. They attributed the effect on the 0 and 2,000 f.b.m. plots to the I trapping of snow from surrounding old growth trees, but pointed out that a longer regrowth period was needed for more conclusive results. It is of interest to note that the 6,000 and 4,000 f.b.m. thinning effects persist as well as those on the more heavily cut plots. Troendle and Meiman (1984) analyzed records for one of the original ,\\Tilm and Dunford dearcut plots for the period 1941 through 1981. This analysis indicated that the increased snow accumulation in the dearcut area has been diminishing by 0.028 jnches per year since 1941. In the· 40 year period the recovery was 1.14 inches of the original 2.95 inches differe.nce. Using a linear fit, total recovery would take 103 years. However if the nonlinear growth curve is assumed, total recovery could be expected in a shorter period of time. Peak snow water equi.valent has been measured on four different stand densities in lodgepole. pine in 1978. Each trunning level is applie.d to a 0.5 acre site and replicated five times. These data are presented in table 7 and have been reporte.d in part in Gary and Troendle (1982) and Troendle Thinning Studies Table 6.--Snow storage on lodgepole pine harvest plots. Beginning with the work of Wilm and Dunford a number of studies have been conducted at Fraser over the years on the effects of partial cutting on snow accumulation. These studies Merchantable reserve stand per acre (f.b.m.) 140 0' 0 130 x 11,900, uncut 6,000 4,000 2,000 ~85 Before treatment 1938-9 1 1941-3 1 ---------- (Inches of water) ---------7.0 8.0 8.7 9.7 9.7 6.5 6.8 6.9 7.0 6.8 o After treatment 19562 19642 8.4 10.8 11.6 4.8 5.6 6.3 6.8 6.7 u; OJ .2 120 :s: (J) ~ c 110 OJ c. 0 w :s: 1From Wilm and Dunford 1948, unadjusted data. 2From Hoover and Leaf 1966. ~ w 1984 Table 7.--Maxhnum snowpack wstel' equivalent (inches) as related to basal area (ft2 per aCl'e). 100 (J) 90 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Year 140 19713 9.9 8.7 10.5 197!~ 18 1980 19131 1982 198:3 19137 Snow water equivalent (SWE) in forest (inches) Figure 1.--Comparlson of snow water equivalent In open to forest as season progresses. 65 8.3 9.1 6.0 ---------- Basal 120 9.1 13.9 11.2 3.:3 8.3 9 .:> '5.8 area ---------- 80 40 9.6 9.8 11.6 3.5 8.9 10.2 10.4 12.1 3.9 8.9 10.1 6.4 9.5 6.4 and ~feiman (1984). There is a consistent significant difference (p = 0.05) between the 40 and 140 levels. Although there is a general trend of increased snow water equivalent with de.creased basal area at the intermediate levels, these are not statistically significant. A much larger scale thinning study was established on Unit 8 of Deadhorse Creek Unit 8 is a 100 acre north facing slope that was partially cut in 1980 in the first step of a three step shelterwood cut. Approximately 40 percent of the basal area was removed as individually marked trees 7 inches d.b.h. and larger. Peak snowpack water equivalent on Unit 8 was compared to that on the East St Louis Creek control for 14 years prior to thinning and four years after. The r value for the pretreatment correlation was 0.9~ with a standard error of 0.2 inches. Peak water equivalent compared to the control increased 1.9 inches or 16 percent over the entire unit (Troendle and King, 1987). The re.suIts from this study indicate that the thinning effects found on plot studies also apply to larger thinned areas and, the.refore, strongly suggest that the 4 responsible. is interception. Troendle (1987) in attempting to summarize data on thinning and dear cutting at Fraser and related studies developed the relationship presented in figure 2 illustrating the general relationship between basal are·a and snow accumulation. treated areas. The increase on Fool Creek in the cut areas appears to be 23 percent and on the North Fork of Deadhorse Creek approximately 18 percent. Conside.ring the entire watershe·d including cut and uncut, the·re is an overall 9 percent increase on Fool Creek and no increase on North Fork of Deadhorse Creek. These effects of clear cutting small areas appear to be long lived, at le.ast we.11 be.yond the almost 50 years of records to date. There is also some evidence that we can achieve snow accumulation increases on cut areas larger than 5H if we pay attention to maintaining sufficient surface roughness through slash disposal and residual trees. Inc.reases from thiJllning are somewhat more variable, but information to date indicates increases from 10 to 25 percent for basal area reductions of from 40 to 80 perce.nt respectively. Demands on forest managers can change over time therefore the best knowledge base for sound management is a thorough understanding of processes responsible for changes brought about by different management practices. The effects from both thinning and dearcutting have been demonstrated on watershed as well as on plot studies. However a thorough understanding of the processe·s responsible is not yet in hand. The longer data base now available indicates a 9 percent net increase of snow on the overall watershed on FOQI Creek thus suggesting interception savings are important. We have not found significant redistribution of snow from forest to openings during the intervals between storms. Still inseparable are the processes of inte.rception and differential deposition during snowfall events. Hopefully the snowfall process studies using snow partide counters now underway at Fraser will help us define better what is happening during snowfall events. We have. not found consiste.nt decreases of snow acc.umulation in forests downwind from openings. In those instances where such decreases have been observed, it is not clear to what extent wind scour has moved snow deeper into the There is also evidence that differential ablation in the open areas and adjacent forest borders is a more important factor in the subalpine than previously thought. Summary and Management Implications Fifty years of studies at Fraser have given us a wealth of information on the influence of forests on snow accumulation. There is ample evidence that both clear cutting and thinning produce significant increases in snow accumulation on the lC Wilm & Dunford 1948 • Troendle & Meiman 1984 o Troendle 1983b £. Gary & Troendle 1982 ... Gary & Watkins 1985 D Troendle & Meiman 1986 50 c D Q) 'i > ·s 40 C' I: ~ ~. . . . . ~.~. . . ~.... . Qj • ro .•.•• c •••••• .. . Q) u Qj All of the above reinforce the need to continue the process studies together with the larger area watershed measurements. It is this combination of integrated process, plot and watershed studies that has made Fraser such a valuable source of information for land managers through these past 50 years. o Fool Creek • Deadhorse Creek Q) 10 y= 34.3 - .038x R=.85 SE=7.7% References £. Betts, N. DeW., 1916. Notes on forest cover anti snow retention on the east slope of the Front Range in Colorado. Proceedings Society of American Foresters, 11:27-32. Carpente.r, L.G., 1901. Fore.sts and snow. Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 55. Church, J.E., 1912. The conservation of snow: its dependence on forests and mountains. Scientific American Supplement 74:152-155. ~ ........................... c.. 100 80 60 40 20 o Percent basal area removed Figure 2.--Summary of cutting experiments at Fraser (l'I'oendle 1987). 66 H.'' . Gary, Howard L. and Ross K. Watkins, 1985. Snowpack accumulation before and after thinning a dog hair stand of lodge.pole pine. Rese.arch Note Rl\f 450. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky l\fountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 4 p. Gary, Howard L. and Charles A. Troendle, 1982. Snow accumulation and melt under various stand densities in lodgepole pine in Wyoming and Colorado. USDA Forest Service Note. RM 417.7 p. Gary, Howard L., 1980. Patch dearcuts to manage snow in lodgepole pine. In: Symposium on V\Tatershed l\fanagement, 1980. Volume I. Ame.rican Society of Civil Engineers.335-346. Gary, Howard L., 1974. Snow accumulation and snowmelt as influenced by a small dearing in a lodgepole. pine forest. Water Resources Research 10(2):348-353. Goodell, B.C. and H.G. Wilm, 1955. How to get more snow water from forest lands. U.~. De.partment of Agriculture Yearbook, 1955. 228-234. • Hoover, l\fan'in D. and Charles F. Leaf, 1966. Process and significance of interception in Colorado subalpine forest. In: International Sym posium on Forest Hydrology. Pergamon }'ress. pp 213-224. Jaenicke, A.J. and M.H. Foerster, 1915. The influence of a western yellow pine forest on the accumulati.on and melting of snow. Monthly V\'eather Review. 43:115-126. Kittredge, J., 1953. Influence of forests on snow in the ponderosa sugar pine fir zone of the ce.ntral Sierra Nevada. Hilgardia 22(1). Leaf, Charles F., 1975. Watershed management in the Rocky l\fountain subalpine zone: the status of our knowledge. USDA Forest Service Research Paper RM 137. 31 p. Lull, and F.l\I. Rushmore, 1960. Snow accumulation and melt under certain forest conditions in the. Adirondacks. U.S. Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experime.nt Station Paper 138. Meiman, J.R., 1970. Snow accumulation related to elevation, aspect and forest canopy. In: Snow Hydrology, Proceeding of V\Torkshop Se.minar, 1968. Queens Printer for Canada, Ottawa. 35-47. Packer, P.E., 1962. Elevation, aspect and cover effects on maximum snowpack water equivalent in a western white pine forest. Forest Science. 8:225235. Troendle, C.A., 1983. The potential for water yield augmentation from forest management in the Rocky Mountain Region. Water Resources Bulletin 19(3):359-373. Troendle, C.A. and R.l\f. King, 1987. The effect of partial and c1earcutting on streamflow at Deadhorse Creek, Colorado. Journal of Hydrology 90:145157. Troendle, C.A. and R.M. King, 1985. The effect of timber harvest on the Fool Creek watershed, 30 years later. Water Resources Research. 21(12):19151922.Troendle, C.A. and J.R. Meiman, 1986. The effects of patch dear cutting on the water balance of a subalpine forest slope. In: Proceedings of 54th V\'estern Snow Conference. 93-100. Troendle, C.A. and J .R.l\feiman, 1984. Options for harvesting timber to control snowpack accumulation. In: Proceedjngs of 52nd Western Snow Conference. 86-97. V\Theeler, Kent R., 1987. Interception and redistribution of snow in a SUbalpine on a storm by storm bash;. In: Proceedings of 55th V\Testern Snow Conference. V\Tilm, H.O. and E.G. Dunford, 1948. Effect of timber cutting on water available for stream flow from a lodgepole pine forest. U.S. Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin No. 968. V\T ashington, DC. 43 p. 67