This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Structural Anadromous Fishery Habitat Improvement on the Siskiyou National Forest 1 Bruce D. Sims and Lee D. Johnson 2 Abstract.--Three separate strategies for allowing fish Passage through culverts are discussed. These include: 1) construction of stepped log weirs to raise the pool level at the culvert outlet; 2) retrofitting circular culverts with a baffle system; and 3) use of an open-bottomed arch-type culvert. In addition, several log and gabion structures used to create pool habitat are discussed. All examples presented have survived several seasons and have achieved their fishery enhancement obiectives. anadromou~ INTRODUCTION The Siskiyou National Forest. which has the highest value fishery of any National Forest outside Alaska, has been involved in anadromous fish habitat imorovement since 1967. Thi~ paper presents three different anproaches the Siskiyou has taken to allow fish passage through obstructive culverts and describes three structures which have been constructed to create deen pools for rearing habitat and for trapping spawning gravel. CULVERT PASSAGE BARRIERS Velocity Barriers Figure 1.--Pipe arch used to allow fish In 1981, an 8~-foot circular corrugated steel culvert was replaced with a 6-~ foot rise, 13-foot SJ?an pipe arch. Although this pipe arch allowed easy fish passage, the inlet end footing was undercut during the first high flows: the arch constricted the water flow, thereby accelerating its velocity over the native channel bed material. Grout was subsequently pumped under the exposed footing, but it too was soon undercut. Riprap was then placed at the arch outlet to create a stable base level which more nearly matched the original channel's level. This second strategy induced backfilling through the pipe arch and created a passable channel (fig.l). Another approach used to correct a velocity barrier is the addition of a baffle system to the floor of an in-place corrugated circular culvert. Rather than replacing worn culverts. it has become common practice on the Siskiyou N.F. to protect tl~ worn culvert bottom with a reinforced concrete apron. When the concrete is poured, it is relatively easy to embed baffle supports 'cut from steel 1-beamf, into the concrete. These !-beams are precut to desired dimensions and holes predrilled to allow wooden baffles to be easily bolted into place (fig.2). Adjusting the system in the field is a simple matter of raising or lowering the wooden baffles if observation deems it necessary. To date, two large culverts have been successfully fitted with these wooden baffles. One of these, a 7-foot-diameter by 80-foot-long culvert, is sloped at 6.5 percent. 1 Poster session naper, 1985 North American Riparian Conference. University of Arizona, Tucson, April 16-18, 1985. 2Bruce D. Sims is a Hydrologist, Siskiyou National Forest, Gold Beach, Oregon and Lee D. Johnson is a Fishery Biologist. Siskivou National Forest, Brookings, Oregon. 502 During the second spawning season after construction of these five stair-stepped log weirs, over 42 chinook (King) salmon were counted above the culvert. This quanitiy of fish above the culvert--even before the stream's run has fully recovered--indicates high oassage success. HABITAT IMPROVEMENT Instream structures have been built in a variety of configurations, using gabions or logs that are available at or near the site. The most effective structures to date have been the wing deflector gabion in large streams and the reverse V or perpendicular log weir in smaller streams (fig.4-fig.6). Figure 2.--Retrofitted culvert baffles. Culvert Entry Barriers Culvert outlets that are higher than three feet above the plunge pool generally inhibit anadromous fish entry into the pipe. Jumn success depends on both pool depth and location of the standing wave (reversals) below the culvert. Plunge pool elevations below culverts can be raised by a series of log weirs. In the example shown below (fig.3), the nool was raised three feet by a series of five large log weirs. Jumps between the structures ranged from about twelve inches to a maximum of twenty-eight inches. Figure 4.--Wing deflector gabion. Figure 3.--Log weirs used to correct a culvert entry barrier. Following placement of the log weirs,chainlink fence was tacked to the unstream edge of the logs and snread upstream along the channel bed. The fencing catches bedload and organic debris, which holds the structures in place and reduces the potential for water scouring beneath the weir. Riprap was placed at the ends of each structure to create the log weir's lateral boundaries and protect the alluvial channel banks. Figure 5.--Reverse V gabion. A notch was cut in each log weir and sized to insure several inches of water depth, during low flow, to allow smolt migration downstream. The notches also concentrate flow and can set up favorable standing waves, which encourage fish jumps. A wooden weir was also fitted in therulvert outlets to create favorable standing waves below the pipe and deeper water inside the lower end of the culvert where the fish land. Figure 6.--Small log weir. 503 Log structures in small streams can be built with ten-to-twenty-inch-diameter logs, cabled together to achieve the desired height, without heavy equipment. A twenty-foot small log structure can be built by a crew of three in half a day. sufficient height to induce pool scour. Wing deflector gabions with a total height of three fee&, placed at approximately a 35 degree angle from. the stream bank, have been built with good success. A three-by-three-foot hand-constructed gabion (including bed leveling) can generallv be built at one-and-a-half-feet per man hour. Gabions built in small streams are wired together and filled with three-to-eight-inch rocks from the stream. Half-inch cable through the center of the gabion provides strength and integrity to the overall structure. Gabions are generallv twelve to eighteen inches high at the weir to minimize the reduction of channel gradient above the structure, while creating a fall of The babjtat im~rovement structures presented herein have been excensively used for spawning and rearing habitat. Sampling (by electroshocking) in im~roved areas and control areas has revealed an increase of greater than 300 percent in iuvenile fish oopulations. 504