. .. ICES CM 1997/C:3 Hydrography Committee REPORT OF THE • WORKING GROUP ON OCEANIC HYDROGRAPHY TexeI, The Netherlands 21-23 April 1997 This report is not to be quoted without prior consultation with the General Secretary. The document is areport of an expert group under the auspices of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea and does not necessarily represent the views of the Council. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer Palregade 2-4 DK-1261 Copenhagen K Denmark • TABLE OF CONTENTS Section • Page 1. OPENING 1 2 Review of Membership 1 3 Remarks from the ICES Oceanography Secretary 1 4 Results from Standard Sections and Stations 2 5 Report FormaL 6 Progress in National and International Projects in North Atlantic 7 Developments in GOOS 6 8 NANSEN Project Report 6 9 Trans-Atlantic ADCP Survey Proposal 7 10 Oceanographic Instrumentation 7 11 Overview of Instrument Calibration Procedures and Quality Assurance 7 12 Satellite Altimentry in Circulation Studies 7 13 Ocean Climate Forecasting 8 14 Second Decadal Symposium Proposal 8 15 Any Other Business 9 16 Place, Date and Topics ofNext Meeting 9 ~ 4 : .4 Annex A: Agenda 11 Annex B: List of Participants 12 Annex C: Recommendations 13 Annex D: Membership List 14 Annex E: Northwest Atlantic Sections : 18 Annex F: Results from Icelandic Waters 38 Annex G: West Greenland Seetions 45 Annex H: The State ofFaroese Waters in 1996 .47 ------------------------------ ------------ • Seetion Page Annex I: Results from the Scottish Standard Sections .49 Annex J: Norwegian Sections 65 Annex K: Results from Spanish Sections 75 Annex L: Results from Barents Sea 84 Annex M: Report on WOCE Seetion AlE 89 Annex N: Further Changes in Norwegian Sea Deep Water 92 Annex 0: An Overview of VEINS 95 • ii 1. Opening Following the opening remarks by the Chairman, Johan van Bennekom of the Netherlands Institute of Oeean Scienees welcomed the \VG members to Texel and to the Institute, and explained the loeal arrangements associated with the meeting. The agenda (Annex A) was diseussed and modified to include additional presentations that are of interest to the \VG, as well as to make allowanees for members who eould not join the meeting on the first day. List of participants is given in Annex B. 2. Review of Membership The latest list of the \VG members provided by the ICES Seeretariat was reviewed by the attendees, and eorreetions and additions were made to provide addresses, telephone and FAX numbers and the e-mail addresses (Annex D). However, it was obvious that the Seeretariat had not revised the member list to refleet the 1997 nominations from the member countries. • • 3. Remarks from the leES Oceanographic Secretary Due to the pressures and eommitments the Oceanography Secretary was not able to attend the meeting. The following text was provided subsequent to the meeting at the request of the \Vorking Group. The Oeeanography Secretary, Dooley, reported that the past year had seen a signifieant inerease in the size of the data bank by almost 60,000 profiles. However there was a notable drop in the number of ehemical data (nutrient and oxygen) reeeived, largely because a number of the major sources of data had been concentrating on developing relational database systems for CTD data only. This in turn was resulting in the devclopment of more robust quality control systems in support of CTD data which was in part producing data of higher quality. However this was also placing extra pressure on the data centre because of re-submissions of old, but newly quality-controlled data. Because of this the total amount of data received during the past years exceeded weIl over 100,000 profiles. Unfortunately, sources of data remained relatively static, with data being mainly acquired from government laboratories. University departments continue to be poor contributors, and this remains a major shortcoming in the usefulness of the databank. At the request of the EC-MAST, the data centre was asked to review the fraction of University data in the publie domain, and this produced rather telling statistics. For example, in the case of the University of Bergen which is a rather prolifie eollector of oceanographie data, only 6% of the data collected since the 1960s have been made available. It is hoped that involvement in MAST Projects (see next paragraph) will help to nurture eontaets with University departments and therefore improve data flow and enhance the overall quality of the Databank. The Data Centre is currently eontracted via EC MAST to manage the data sets of two major MAST projects, viz ESOP-II and VEINS, both of which are projects based on the oceanography of the Nordic Seas. The data centre also provides input to the TASC project and is responsible for the compilation of the ESOP-l data set fOf subsequent merging with ESOPII data. The data management structure for these projects is closely based on routine proeedures which are being adapted to accommodate the broader range of parameters that are being collected, particularly in ESOP-II. . "f',;' ,-*' \ , The Data Centre web-site continues to expand slowly, but its basic structure remains as described last year. The web-presence has resulted in a significant increase in the number of requests for qata, with the balance shifting significantly from the provision of raw data to the provision of gridded products, especiaIly the provision of statistics on varying space and time scales. It is expected that the more common types of requested products will be made available from the website. The ICES Inventory of Oceanographic Activities, which was devised by the working group more that 15 years ago, continues to be produced on an annual basis. Many (>60 per year) requests for changes/additions reflect the continued interest in this producL However, because of changing commitments and priorities in the Secretariat it is likely that this and some other services may have to be discontinued soon. 4. Rcsults from Standard Seetions and Stations Narayanan reported results from the N\V Atlantic (Annex E). In general there have been warmer winter conditions. Air temperatures monitored at five sites have revealed normal or warmer than normal conditions. These temperatures seem to mark an end to the recent cooling trend. The warming appears weH correlated with changes in the NAO. Less sea ice was produced due to weaker N\V winds and warmer winter temperatures. A good index of climatic conditions is the area of sub-zero temperature water on the shelf. Standard sections off Seal Island, Bonavista and the Flemish Cap aIl reveal a warming trend, associated with possible freshening. Station 27 also reveals this trend. Rossby questioned whether density had been examined in order to describe changes in the dynamics of the upper ocean. Narayanan explained that geostrophic currents across the standard transects were computed, but showed considerable variability. Malmberg presented results from Icelandic waters (Annex F). Conditions have been generaIly mild. Although salinities were low north and east of Iceland, this was not associated with cold temperatures as would normaIly be expected. Satellite imagery demonstrated SST features around Iceland very weIl. 1996 was not an ice year, but the salinity of the East Iceland Current was rather low. Malmberg noted that the NAO should be used with some caution in this area, since local variations in atmospheric pressure patterns were common. No member from Denmark was present at the meeting. However, Buch from the Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography provided a written report summarising the observations from west Greenland (Annex G). Consistent with the above-normal air temperatures at NuuklGodthaab, the upper layer temperatures in the west Greenland coastal waters were also above normal. Hansen (Annex H) presented results from standard sections and stations around Faroe Islands. The decrease of salinity in the Atlantic water in the Faroe Bank Channel has now stabilised after beginning in the late 1980s and reaching a maximum rate in 1993/94. The temperature and salinity of this \Vater is a good indicator of conditions in the North Atlantic Currcnt. These changes have been associated with rather small changes in temperaturc. On thc shclf temperatures havc incrcascd sincc the cold ycars 1993, 1994 and 1995. TurreIl presented results from the Faroc Shetland Channel (Annex I). Past CTD data has been recalibrated, hcnce values and time series presented may differ slightly from previously 2 • • . ... quoted values. There was a problem with some of the definitions used to derive indices from the five water masses observed within the Channel, hence they should be used with some caution. North Atlantic Water (NAW) at the shelf edge has demonstrated a warming since 1987. Salinity has shown great variability since the arrival of the salinity anomaly in the mid1970s. This variability appears correlated with the NAO index. There may be an underlying increasing trend since the mid-1970s, with salinities now approaching 1960 values. In the socalled Modified North Atlantic \Vater there has been a cooling since 1960, unlike the general warming observed in NA\V. There has been arecent enhanced freshening since 1991, with an underlying freshening trend evident since 1960. Salinities are beginriing to approach values observed in the mid-1970 anomaly years. Salinity continues to decline in all intermediate and deep-water masses. In the North Sea, salinity has been variable, but weIl correlated with that of the NAW. The most Fair Isle Munken section shows extremely anomalous salinity in the Arctic Intermediate I North Icelandic \Vater, with a density distribution displaced towards the Faroese shelf. • Blindheim presented results from Norwegian seetions in the Barents and Norwegian Seas (Annex J). The general trends in both temperature and salinity are decreasing. Temperatures in the Barents Sea have been above the long-term mean during 1989-1995, with warmest conditions in 1991/92. During 1996 temperatures fell to below the long term mean. The colder conditions are also reflected in the sea ice records, with relatively large ice coverage during the winter 1995-96. In the Norwegian Sea there was an increase in temperature and salinity between 1994 and 1995. From 1995 to 1996 all sections demonstrated cooling and freshening, with some local variability. In the North Sea relatively cold temperatures were found following the cold and dry winter of 1995/96. Time series in the Skagerrak reveal that deep-water renewal occurred in 1991 after a long period without deep water exchange. There was a further supply of deep water in the winter of 1996. Osterhus reported on the oceanographic time series of Ocean \Veather Station «Mike». The time series has not been updated since last year. However, considerable effort was made to quality control and analyse the existing long time series with the purpose of publishing the data on CD-ROM, and the results in refereed journals. • Lavin presented results from Spanish standard seetions (Annex K). Air temperatures have closely followed changes in the NAO index. Results from the standard sections reveal a strong seasonal cycle, with evidence of regular upwelling. Winter salinities appear to be decreasing. There was evidence of a stronger poleward current during 1995/96. Nutrient records demonstrate peaks during the upwelling seasons. At 10m depth the warming that was evident from 1991-1995 has now stopped. Also the salinity decrease observed between 1991 and 1994 has now reversed. A correlation of salinity variability between two stations at 70m depth at La Coruna and Santander revealed a significant correlation with a lag of 60 days implying a poleward flow of 10 crn/s. Current meter data confirmed this ~ean transport. Piechura presented results from the Barents Sea (Annex L). Conditions were very variable, with the intrusion of cold, fresh bottom water, termed Barents Polar Water (BPW). Variable mixing with Atlantic water was observed. Coldest temperatures were recorded in 1995. On the Svalbaard shelf water there was strong evidence of cold, dense bottom water cascading off the shelf. ~ ... .. . .... 3 Meinke presented results from the Greenland-VK trans-Atlantic section (Annex M). The differences between occupations in 1991 and 1995 were discussed, with particular reference to changes in the Labrador Sea \Vater. Implications to transport within intermediate waters of the North Atlantic were discussed. The volume budget of these intermediate waters did not appear at first to balance. Further discussions took placc on thc standard section data. Rossby presented new Pathfinder SST images and noted these were extremely useful new products. Van Aken presented results from an analysis of altimeter data revealing patterns in cddy kinetic energy in the northeast Atlantic. 5. Report Format During the 1996 \VG meeting, it was decided that an overview of thc status of thc physical environment is to bc prepared after thc 1997 meeting, and presented at thc annual science congress. Following the presentations on the standard sections and stations, thc format and authorship of thc overvicw report was discussed at lcngth. Thc group recommended that onc of the individua1s who reported on thc sectionslstations together with a team he/shc selected from thc group bc given thc editorship of thc overview report. Turrell from Scotland was nominated as the chairman for the editorial group for the 1997 and 1998 reports. Other members of thc editorial group are Narayanan and Lavln. • An abstract was prepared for the ICES Annual Science Congress in Baltimore. It was also agreed that all relevant texts and figures associated with the presentations on standard sections and stations will be submitted to the Chairman before the end of May, so that preparation of the report and the overview paper can proceed in a timely fashion. 6. Progress in National and International Projects in North Atlantic Bennekom presented rcsults from his analysis of time series of temperature, salinity and nutrients collected from the Norwegian Sea (Annex N). He has added data from several cruises from the region to his time series of hydrographie properties of thc deep water in thc Norwegian Sea. By applying corrections for thc standard water batches, as published by A. Mantyla, Bennekom was able to upgradc thc quality of thc deep salinities to a satisfactory level. The rcsults show a constant salinity of 34.910 C±O.OOl) sincc 1981, indicative of a stagnant situation in the deep Norwegian Sea. It was hypothesized that such salinity characteristics arc caused by thc disappearancc of deep convection in the Greenland Sea, a sourcc for thc flushing of Norwegian Sea deep layers. Osterhaus added that thc concurrent change in temperature of the deep water in the Norwegian Sea, also presented by Bennekom, can be modelIed with a simple model containing isopycnal mixing and a realistic geothermal heat flux, without any lateral exchange with thc Greenland Sea. This stagnant schemc for thc deep Norwegian Sea is further supported by thc build-up of dissolved silica gradients and the reduction ofthe 3H concentration in accord with radioactive decay. Van Aken prcscnted rcsults [rom an ongoing program to study the circulation in the Bay of Biscay and the roIe of currents and mixing in maintaining the observed distribution of temperature and salinity. An impressive mix of hydrography, moorcd currcnt meters and WOCE-type surface drifters are being used. The boundary currents are castward along the Spanish coast, and north along the shelf break west of France. Thc interior circulation is less 4 • clear and must await detailed analyses. The spreading north of Mediterranean waters to Cape Finisterre beyond which two regions of high salinities, straight north and cast aIong the Spanish coast suggest two pathways of spreading, but the relative roIes of advection and mixing need to be sorted out. The current meters at the depth of the salinity maximum indicate a northward flow aIong the sIope, but the high eddy kinetieenergies suggest significant mixing. In addition there is strong cvidence for enhanced diapycnal mixing along the boundary by breaking internal waves. Mcincke summarised the German trans-Atlantie sections that will take place this summer aIong WOCE lines Al and A2. The first crosses the subpolar gyre, and the second crosses the ocean at 48°N, just south of the Subpolar Front. These sections follow the same Iines as the two taken during the International Geophysical Year (IGY) in the late 1950s. This will be the third occupation of the Al and A2 Iines respectively since 1993. Meincke also reported that a major WOCE symposium will be held in Halifax May 25-29, 1998. A North Atlantie WOCE workshop is also being planned. • Malmberg discussed the surface circulation around Iceland as observed with \VOCE-type surface drifters. These have been most valuable in highlighting the variability of the surface flow underscoring the need for additional observations to obtain a more quantitative measure of the mean flow and eddy activity. More drifter studies are planned for this coming summer. A lively discussion took place about the nature of the surface flow along the southern and eastern coasts of Iceland, as weIl as along the Iceland-Faeroes ridge. In particular, the WG focused on how and/or what fraction of the warm waters from the North Atlantie CurrentlSubpolar Front make their way north into the Nordic Seas along 1) the Reykjanes Ridge, 2) west of Rockall Bank, and 3) through the Faeroes-Shetland ChanneI. These questions are expected to be resolved from the direct measurements of velocity in the North Atlantie \VOCE. Blindheim reported that Norway plans to continue repeat hydrographie seetions along the Bear Island \Vest and Svinoy sections. These sections were first taken in 1958 during the first IGY. • Meincke detailed the plans for the upcoming VEINS program "Variability of Exchange in the Nordie Seas" (Annex 0). The immediate objective is to conduct a program of flux measurements between the Nordie Seas and the Arctie in the north, and the North Atlantie in the south with a view towards implementing a longer term system of critical measurements to understand low-frequency variability of the Nordie Seas. The program, scheduled to start this year, will be a three-year pilot program to monitor in- and outflows using a mixture of moored current meter and ADCP measurements and hydrographie surveys. As an integral part of the program, a concurrent modelling activity will provide the framework for the analysis and assimilation of the observations and their dynamical interpretation. Significantly, the model will rely heavily upon boundary flux and surface forcing conditions to understand the interior circulation and its variability. A significant objective of the modelling cffort will bc to identify the minimum (Le. cost-cffective) set of critical measurements needed to monitor the Nordie Seas and their variability on a long-term basis. Dickson reported on activities to monitor the overflow and southward transport of Denmark Strait Overflow Waters along the East Greenland continental slope. A ten-year plan is envisaged with funding for the immediate years probable. Participation from Finland, Germany and the UK for current meter measurements is anticipated. Past current meter ~ : I .... I ..•. :.,f,' «_ 5 ! r ...•• .: "'!:,', ~ . measurements indicatc astonishingly steady southward velocities. Dickson emphasised thc importance of determining the thickness and location of the overflow waters, otherwise it will be difficult t~ obtain a quantitative understanding of the low-frequency variability of the overflow waters. An important challenge for the future is to better document and understand the role of the ocean in mitigating andlor controlling climate and its variability. A new international cooperative effort, CLIVAR, seeks to address these questions in a systematic way. Dickson discussed one particular aspect of low frequency variability, namely a hypothesis that thermal anomalies can be injected into the ocean at high latitudes, circulate around the North Atlantic and reappear at high latitudes to provide a kind of decadal locking oscillator mechanism. Although the feedback mechanism as such is highly conjectural at this point, increasing evidence shows with considerable confidence that perturbations injected into the Labrador Sea waters at its source appear some five years later in the western subtropical gyre at Bermuda documenting adefinite pathway for water mass propagation, not merely wave propagation (which would require much less time). Lavfn reported on the multi-disciplinary program, CANIGO (Canary Islands Azores Gibraltar Observations), involving 45 partners and 12 countries, designed to understand the CanaryAzores-Gibraltar system and its interaction with the northeast Atlantic Ocean. CANIGO is implemented through four subprojects and the field work has already started. A comprehensive management plan has also been implemented to ensure coordination among the components and to assure timely delivery of the results. • Lavfn also reported on a 3-year Spanish program in the Bay of Biscay, planned to commence in 1998. This program is primarily biological in nature, with emphasis on fluxes, especially carbon. Hagen reported on the Baltic activities with emphasis on the MESODYN projecL MESODYN program is a cooperative venture with institutes in Kaliningrad and Petersburg, and covers four areas, the Arkana and Bornholm Basins, the Stolpe furrow, and the east Gotland Basin. The research emphasis will be on a) vertical mixing and fluxes, b) oceanographic events and c) horizontal currents. The observation program is designed to provide fine resolution data for input into the numerical models. 7. Devclopments in GOOS None of the members present at the meeting had sufficient information on GOOS to report on the progress of GOOS implementation. However, every one agreed that ICES is capable of providing considerable assistance in the data management component of GOOS. Narayanan reported that she has been asked to attend the IGOOS meeting in Paris this summer as one of the Canadian delegates, and volunteered to provide an overview at the next 'VG meeting. 8. NANSEN Project Report Hansen reported progress towards the final publication of results from the north AtlanticNorwegian Sea exchanges (NANSEN) projecL Twelve papers from the 1991 theme session were now edited and on the point of submission for publication in the ICES Co-operative 6 • Research Report series together with a synopsis of the aims and history of the project by Hansen, Osterhus, Dooley, Gould and Rickards. 9. Trans-Atlantic ADCP Survey Proposal Rossby (US) infonned the Working Group on behalf of his Norwegian colleague Osterhus about the status of the plarining for a VOS-ADCP line between Fair Isle and Kap Farvel. Negotiations are underway with the Danish Royal Arctic Line, which operates the Greenland supply vessels at 3 weeks interval. The vessel under consideration is already equipped with a surface TS-recorder. The route is optimal for scientific reasons, since the data will support the monitoring of the upper limb of the global thennohaline conveyor belt circulation. A similar project along the New York-Bennuda line crossing the Gulf Stream has already proven to be highly successful. The \Vorking Group appreciates this activity. 10. • Oceanographic Instrumentation Lundberg infonned the WG about a revival of the use of underwater cables for transport measurements. After initial trials with a demobilized telephone cable between Sweden and the Island of VEN using CarbonlCopper electrodes, latest experiments with dedicated cables and more sensitive Silver/Silverchloride electrodes have resulted in useful measurements in the Skagerrak area. Present improvements concern the analysis of the data, in particular if a baroclinic structure of the flow field has to be considered. Osterhous reported on experiments in cooperation with RD Instruments to use an acoustic Doppler Current profiler (ADCP) package to measure ambient noise, to detennine wind speed and rain fall rate. Such measurements in the past utilised hydrophone packages, and not ADCPs. Report on the results ofthis experiment can be found on the RD Instruments' WW\V horne page. Overview of Instrument Calibration Procedures and Quality Assurance 11. • The successive inter-calibration exercises of ICES Marine Chemistry WG and later the QUASIMEME initiative (European Community (EC) Bureau of Reference) have been successful in achieving a progressive reduction in community error for nutrient analysis. However, QUASIMEME procedures are not adapted for use by seep-sea oceanographers. The \VGGH invites Dr. David \Vells to advise on how QUASIMEME might best meet the specialised needs of deep-sea oceanography. The WG was also advised that new quality assurance (QA) literature was available in the fonn of the \VOCE QA manual and aseries of handbook on methods, protocols, archiving and QA that were currently being issued in support of EC MAST Programs Though aimed at specific projects, these have a general reference. 12. Satellite Altimetry in Circulation Studies. Availability of altimctry data on CD-roms was notcd (van Akcn) and a numbcr of projects utilising this were mentioned. A combination of altimetry and moored bottom pressure or 7 inverted echo-sounder has great potential in certain areas, especially slope regions (Rossby). During the discussion, a concern was raised that students are being less and less familiarised with observational techniques (as compared to modelling) which may have an significant impact on large programs in the upcoming years. 13. Oeean Climate Foreeasting The discussion initially focused on the Norwegian approach to forecasting which is a part of the annual environmental report of the Marine Research Institute in Bergen. This approach is mainly based upon statistical" prediction supplemented by other information and each prediction is evaluated in next year's report. New initiatives at prediction of fisheries will require reliable prediction of environmental changes. There was some discussion as to how appropriate prediction schemes arc at the present stagc. Clearly, there is a demand (Dickson), but different oceanic systems havc different predictability and the time for which prediction may be realistic varies from onc region to another (van Aken). In Canada, the index from station 27 may be useful for prediction a few months ahead and the areal cxtent of 4°C water seems to be a good indcx for salmon (Narayanan). Cod growth is also strongly related to temperature and temperaturc may predict weight at agc e.g. at thc Faroes (Dickson). 14. Seeond Deeadal Symposium Proposal Thc item on a «second decadal symposium» on time series of physical and chemical observations in thc ocean and related biological investigations, along the lines of the Aland Symposium in 1991, was introduced by Dickson. The symposium aims to give decadal information on environmental conditions during the nineties in relation to longer observation periods, with emphasis on the ICES area in thc north Atlantic, but not exclusively so. The \VG members unanimously cndorsed the proposal and put forward thc suggestion that some longterm contributors of time series from thc ICES community be honoured as weIl at this occasion, which is within thc spirit of ICES and the Annales Biologiques. It was decided to recommend to hold the symposium in Edinburgh, Scotland, in August 2001. The Chief Executives ofthe Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen and thc CEFAS Laboratory, Lowestoft, has agreed to provide partial financial support for the cvent. Thc dates have been chosen so that the Symposium immediately precedes thc Edinburgh International Festival and the main venuc is expected to be thc Royal Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street, with a Symposium Dinner, at participant's expensc, in thc main exhibition hall of thc Museum. Thc WG thanked Dickson and Meinke for volunteering to bc the convenors of the symposium and Turrell and Drinkwater (Bedford Institutc of Oceanography, Canada) for agreeing to act as thc editors of thc proceedings. Thc WG discussed thc possibility of NAFO participating in thc Symposium, since NAFO has a keen interest in the north Atlantic, and through its environmental committee, does review the state of thc ocean at annual and decadal time scales. Furthermorc, many of thc scientists who arc involvcd in such studies in leES arc also participants in NAFO. Thc WG proposcs to invcstigate this possibility further. 8 • 15. Any Other Business Blindheim informed the WO that the lOoth anniversary of the Kola Meridian Section will be in 1999, and that a special I-day symposium is being planned to mark this event. The Knipovich Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO) has offered to host the 1999 Oceanic Hydrography \VO meeting if the meeting can be scheduled to commencc thc day after the symposium. Blindheim also offered to assist in making thc travel arrangements for thc members. Thc WO members were unanimous in their decision to accept the offer, and thanked Blindheim and the Russian colleagues for providing such an opportunity. • Rossby expressed an interest to be informed of research cruise plans in the ICES area for the upcoming years. He and his US colleagues arc planning to conduct a very largc drifter program in thc north Atlantic, and arc looking for opportunities to piggy-back on existing cruises. Thc WO agrecd that it is a good idea to make such information availablc and requested the ICES Secretariat to investigatc the possibility of posting the cruisc schedules on the ICES WWW page, if it is not already available at any of thc other sites in a consolidated form. Narayanan reminded the WO members of thc April 28 th deadline for submitting abstracts to ICES. Ideas for themc sessions for 1999 and onwards werc also discussed. The WO recommends four topics for thc Themc Sessions for thc upcoming years: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Physical Environment of thc ca/anlls fin11larchiclls The Aanderaa Current Meter: Thc contribution of Ivar Aanderaa to modem oceanography. The usc of ADCP in fisheries research Thc shelf-edgc, slope or Eastern boundary currents in the European margin. Thc WO has identified potential convenors for thc themc sessions. The Chairman was asked to contact them to confirm their acceptance. • The members feIt that the mandate of the Oceanic Hydrography WO may be modified as a result of the new organizational structure. The WO supported Dickson's suggestion that Narayanan contact thc new Chairman of the Oceanography Committee for the Terms-ofReference of Oceanic Hydrography WO. 16. PIace, Date and Topics of Next Meeting The WO accepted an invitation from Lavfn to have the 1998 meeting at Instituto Espafiol de de Oceanograffa, Santander, Spain, on 27, 28 and 29 April. The following topics are proposed for the next meeting: a) Update and review results from Standard Sections and Stations b) Progress in national and international projects in north Atlantic WaCE, VEINS, CLIVARJACSYS, OLOBEC, OMEX, ESOP2, TASC, CANIGO, and others c) Shelf-edge, slope or Eastem boundary currents d) Assess the developments in GaaS 9 e) Review the progress of ships-of-opportunity vessel-mounted ADCP surveys f) oceanographic instrumentation g) Second Decadal Symposium Justifications: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) This is a standard item to enable the group to closely monitor the ocean conditions. The materials presented under this item will be utilised to prepare an overview of the state-of-the-environment in north Atlantic at the Annual Science Congress. This agenda item will provide an opportunity for the WG to be informed of programs in the ICES area. Since many planned and funded activities are now being coordinated via funded proposals, such information is necessary to take advantage of national and international funds and to establish collaborations among members. A number of programs are underway in the eastern Atlantic, Iberian Basin, Bay of Biscay, etc. This agenda item will provide an opportunity to review the results from these programs. GGOS is still in design stage. Most ICES member countries will be formally involved, one way or another, in GOOS activities. In order to acquire an ICES-wide perspective of national contributions and intentions, the \VG wishes to keep these activities under close scrutiny. All members will provide GOGS status reports to the chairman. Vessel-mounted ADCPs, properly managed, have been shown to provide valuable information on the ocean currents. The WG wishes to be informed of the progress on the ADCP installation on commercial ships crossing the north Atlantic, and discuss opportunities far other installations. Rapid technological developments as weIl as new applications of existing ones continue to enhance our capabilities for measuring oceanographic parameters. However, there are many drawbacks if incorrectly used. This item therefore serves to inform members and the ICES community on the present status of the operational use of any new equipment. This item is to review the progress on the second decadal symposium planning. • lO • Annex A: leES Working Group on Oceanic Hydrography Texei, Netherlands, April 21-23, 1997 Agenda • 1. Opening 2. Review of Membership 3. Remarks from the ICES Oceanographic Secretary 4. Results from Standard Seetions and Stations 5. Report Format 6. Progress in National and International Projects in North Atlantic 7. Developments in GOOS 8. NANSEN Project Report 9. Trans-Atlantic ADCP Survey Proposal) 10. Oceanographic Instrumentation 11. Overview of Instrument Calibration Procedures and Quality Assurance 12. Satellite Altimetry in Circulation Studies 13. Ocean Climate Forecasting 14. Second Decadal Symposium Proposal 15. Any Other Business 16. Place, Date and Topics of Next Meeting 11 • 12 Annex B: List of Participants J. Blindheim E. Ha~en H. Van Aken A. J. van Bennekom R. R. Dickson B. Hansen A. Lavin S. Narayanan P. Lundber~ S. A. Malmberg J. Meincke S.Osterhus J. Piechura T. Rossby W. Turrell Norway Germany Netherlands Netherlands UK Denmark Spain Canada Sweden Iceland Germany Norway Poland USA UK • • 12 . ~ Annex C: Recommendations 1) This will be the second in aseries of such Symposia held to review the physical, chemical and biological changes of thc decade and to set these changes into the context of longer-term variability; the first, on thc decade of thc 1980's, was held at Mariehamn in the Aland Islands in June 1991. These symposia were initiated by Council in 1987 as a means of continuing the essential purposc of the old Annales Biologiques series in recording the hydrobiological character of each decade across the ICES Area. As with the Mariehamn Symposium, the Proceedings will be published in the ICES Marine Science Symposium Series, with, Turrell and Drinkwater as Editors, and will form a Festschrift in honour of individuals who have maintained and supported the time-series on which the Symposium is based. The Chief Executives of the Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen and the CEFAS Laboratory, Lowestoft, is providing partial financial support for thc event. Thc dates havc been chosen so that thc Symposium immediately precedes thc Edinburgh International Festival and the main venue is cxpected to be the Royal Museum of ScoHand, Chambers Street, with a Symposium Dinner, at participant's expense, in thc main exhibition hall of thc Museum. • • Working Oroup on Oceanic Hydrography recommends that a Symposium on «Hydrobiological Variability in thc ICES Area, 1990-1999» bc held in Edinburgh, Scotland on 8-10 August 2001, with Dr. R.R.Dickson of the CEFAS Laboratory, Lowestoft and Professor Jens Meincke of the Institut fur Meereskunde of the University of Hamburg as the Co-Convenors for the symposium. 2) The WO recommends that the following theme sessions be included in the ICES Annual Science Congress in the upcoming years. a) The Physical Environment of the calanus finmarchicus, b) Thc Aanderaa Current Meter: The contribution of Ivar Aanderaa (1940-1996) to modem oceanography, c) Thc usc of ADCP in fisheries research, d) The shelf-edge, slope or Eastem boundary currents in the European margin. 3) Thc Working Oroup on Oceanic Hydrography will meet at Institute Espanol de Oceanografia, Santander, Spain, on 27, 28 and 29th of April 1998 to: a) Update and review results from Standard Seetions and Stations b) Progress in national and international projects in north Atlantic \VOCE, VEINS, CLIVARlACSYS, OLOBEC, OMEX, ESOP2, TASC, CANIGO, and others c) Shelf-edge, slope or Eastern boundary currents d) Assess the developments in OOOS e) Review the progress of ships-of-opportunity vessel-mounted ADCP surveys f) oceanographic instrumentation g) Second Decadal Symposium 13 A nnex D•• M emb ers lp Name DrH.M. van Aken DrG. Becker Mr AJ. van Bennekom ~ DrJ. Blindheim DrE. Buch Ms H. Cavaco Address Netherlands Institute for Sea Research Bundesamt f. Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie Netherlands Institute for Sea Research Institute of Marine Research Farvandsv:esen et Overgaden o. IPIMAR M J. Citeau Mr.E. Colboume ORSTOM Dept. of Fisheries & Oceans DrC. Afonso Dias Dr R.R. Dickson IPIMAR The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Oceans IS POB P.O. Box 59 City 1790 AB Den Burg, Texel Country The Netherlands Email aken@nioz.nl Postfach 30 12 20 20305 Hamburg Germany gerd.becker@ m2.hamburg.bs h.d400.de P.O. Box 59 1790 AB Den Burg, Texel the Netherlands P.O. Box 1870 Nordnes 5024 Bergen Vandet 62b Postboks 1919 Avenidade Brasilia B.P.1386 P.O. Box 5667 Avenida de Brasilia Aquaculture Science Telephone Tel.(31)-222369416 Telefax Fax (31)-222319674 bennekom@ni oZ.nl Tel.(31 )-222369392 Fax (31)-222319674 Norway johan.blindhei m@imr.no Tel.(47)-55238500 Fax (47)-55238584 1023 Copenhagen K Denmark farvebu@unidh p.uni-c.dk 1400 Lisbon Portugal Dakar St-John's, NF AIC5Xl Senegal Canada 1400 Lisbon Portugal Lowestoft NR330HT Suffolk United Kingdom • Eugene@ pisces.nwafc.nf .ca Tel. (709)-7226106 Fax (709)-7723207 r.r.dickson@ce fas.co.uk Tel.(44)-1502524282 • Fax (44)-1502. 513865 • • Institute of Oceanography Somerset Campo Grande 1700 Lisbon Portugal United Kingdom Waterfront Campus European Way Seestrasse 15, 18119 Southampton S0143ZH United Kingdom Warnemünde, Germany Noatun, FR110 T6rshavn 2100 Copenhagen 0 20305 Hamburg Faroe Islands Denmark Denmark Germany Koltermann@b sh.d400.de 39080 Santander Spain a1acia.lqavin@ st.ieo.es Pa1aegade 2-4 Dr E. Fahrbach A1fredWegenerInstitut für Po1ar- und Meeresforschu ng University of Lisbon Hydrographie Department AUNTON Southampton Oceanography Centre Institut für Ostseeforschun Co1umbusstrass e Mr N. Gooding Dr WJ. Gou1d - Denmark ICES Prof A.F. Fiuza DrE. Hagen VI TA12DN DrN.K. H0ierslev Mr K.P. Koltermann MsA.Lavfn Fiskiranns6kna rstovan Geofysisk Afdeling . Bundesamt f. Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie Instituto Espaiiolde Oceanograffa, Laboratorio de Santander P.O. Box 3051 Juliane Mariesvei 30 Postfach 30 12 20 Apdo 240 Tel.+45 33 15 4225 Fax +453393 4215 Tel.(49)3815197150 Fax (49)3815197440 Te1.298-15092 Fax 298-18264 Tel.(34)-42275033 Fax (34)-42275072 Germany g DrB. Hansen harry@ices.dk 1261 Copenhagen K 27668 Bremerhaven Dr. H. Doo1ey Error! Bookmark not defined. john.gould@so c.soton.ac.uk eberhard.hagen @iowarnemunde.de bogihan@frsJo nkh@gfy.ku.dk MC. Leroy IFREMER MrH.Loeng Institute of Marine Research Fysisk Oceanografi/S MF Hydrographie Department TAUNTON Marine Research Institute Institut für Meereskunde der Universität Hamburg Marine Environmental Data Service Institut für Ostseefischerei ProfP. Lundberg MrK. McClean DrS.A. Malmberg - Prof J. Meincke 0\ DrS. Narayanan Mr R. Oeberst Prof J. Olafsson Mr S. Osterhus MmeA. Pichon Marine Research Institute University of Bergen Geophysical Institute EPSHOMSSH Rue de l'IIe d'Yeu BP 1105 P.O. Box 1870 44311 Nantes Cedex 03 Nordnes, 5024 France Bergen Norway harald.loeng@i mr.no Stockholms Universitet S-10691 Stockholm Sweden peter@misu.su. se Tel.(46)-8161735 Fax (46)-8157956 Somerset TAl 2DN United Kingdom P.O. Box 1390 Skulagata4 121 Reykjavik Iceland svam@hafrojs Tel.(354)-5520240 Fax (354)-5623790 Troplowitzstras se 7 22529 Hamburg Gerrnany meincke@ifm. uni-hamburg.de Tel.(49)-4041235985 Fax (49)-4041234644 200 Kent St. Station 1202 Ottawa, Ontario Canada KIA OE6 Narayanan@ott med.meds.dfo. ca Tel. 613-9900265 Fax 613-9934658 An der Jägerbäk 2 18069 RostockMarienehe 121 Reykjavik Germany Ieeland svam@hafrojs Tel.(354)-5520240 Fax (354)-5623790 Allegaten 70 5007 Bergen Norway svein@regn.gfi .uib.no B.P.426 29275 Brest Cedex France P.O. Box 1390, Skulagata 4 • • Dr J. Piechura DrM.Rhein Prof T. Rossby MrM.Stein Dr W. TurreII MrJ.P. Vitorino MrW. Walczowski Polish Academyof Sciences Institut für Meereskunde an der Universität Kiel Graduate Schoolof Oceanography Bundesforschu nganstalt f. Fischerei Marine Laboratorv Instituto Hidrografico Polish Academyof Sciences , Institute of Oceanology P.O. Box 6 Düsternbrooker Weg 20 uI. Powstancow Warszawy 55 81-712 Sopot Poland piechura@iopa n.gda.pl 24105 Kiel Germany mrhein@ifm.un i-kieI.de University of Rhode Island Kingston R.I. 02881 USA Institut für Seefischerei PalmaiIIe 9, 22767 Hamburg Aberdeen AB119DB 1296 Lisbon Germany uI. Powstancow Warszawy 55 P.O. Box 101, Victoria Road Rua das Trinas 49 Institute of Oceanology P.O. Box 68 Tel.(48)-58517281 ext.313 Fax (48)-58512130 tom @rafos.gso .uri.edu Tel.(401)-8746521 Fax (401)-8746728 United Kingdom Portugal turreIIb@marla b.ac.uk TeI.(44)-01224-876544 Fax (44)-01224-295511 81-712 Sopot Poland waIczows@iop an.gda.pl Annex E: Northwest Atlantic Sections Savi Narayanan, Marine Environmental Data Service Fisheries and Oceans 1202-200 Kent St., Ottawa, Canada Introduction In the following, the meteorological and oceanographic conditions that prevailed in 1966 off the Canadian east coast have been described. The data presented here were collected by a number of researchers in Canada and compiled into time series for the standard sections and stations (Fig. 1). Colbourne in Newfoundland, and Drinkwater, Petrie, Prinsenberg and Peterson at Bedford Institute of Oceanography provided the time series and diagrams for this presentation. l\'leteorological Conditions Air temperatures are monitored at Godthaab in Greenland, Iqaluit on Baffin Island, Cartwright on the Labrador Coast, S1. John's in Newfoundland, and Sable Island on the Scotian Shelf. The monthly air temperature anomalies at these sites relative to their 1961-90 mean (Fig. 2) clearly indicate the predominance of warmer-than-normal conditions in 1996. At alt sites, the temperatures were either near normal or above during the winter months as weIl as towards the end of the year. The net effect was that the annual temperature anomalies at all sites were positive consistent with the moderating trend which began in 1994 (Fig. 3). The oceanographic conditions in the north Atlantic is closely linked with the large-scale atmospheric circulation. It has been shown that the difference between the winter sea level pressures between Azores and Iceland (referred to as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index) is associated with the winter westerly winds over the northern North Atlantic. Over the Labrador Shelf, a negative NAO index is associated with weak northwest winds, warm air temperatures, and limited ice cover. The annual NAO index anomaly (Fig. 4) for 1996 was strongly negative, reversing the trend of very high positive anomalies of previous years. The above normal air temperatures during the late fall of 1995 had the effect of slowing the ice formation. Ice advancement was slower and ice was more broken up than usual because of the warmer conditions for most of the winter and weaker northwest winds. Consequently, the total ice cover south of 55°N on the Labrador Shelf, frequently used as an index of the ice conditions in Newfoundland, was considerably lower in 1996 than the previous years (Fig. 5). Oceanographic Conditions The area along cross-shelf transects off Newfoundland and Labrador, occupied by subzero temperature waters (referred to as the cold intermediate layer, or CIL), has been shown to be significantly correlated with the air temperatures and ice cover, and thus is an index of climate variability in the region. Recognizing the usefulness of this index in monitoring the climate variability, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans occupies a 18 • .. .series of cross-shelf transects in the July/August period of every year. The resulting temperature transects are used to derive the CIL areas and the anomalies relative to their 61-90 means. The anomalies from the three standard sections, Seal Island, Bonavista and Flemish Cap (Fig. 6) were all negative in 1996, thus continuing with the general warming trend. The temperature and salinity transects from the three standard sections are given in Figs 7, 8, 9. On the southem Labrador Shelf (Seal Island), the upper layers were slightly colder and saltier, where as the intermediate and bottom layers were warmer and fresher than normal. On the Newfoundland Shelf (Bonavista) as weil as on the Grand Banks (Flemish Cap), the conditions were similar in that except for a thin layer at the surface, the water was fresher and warmer than normal. • Data from the fixed stations off the Canadian East Coast confirm the continuation of the warming trend in the northwest Atlantic. At station 27 located off St. John's, Newfoundland (Fig. 10), the entire water column was warmer and fresher than normal for almost the whole year' The low pass filtered time series of temperature at standard depths (Fig. 11) elearly indicate that the doldrums of early 1990s is over and that the conditions are improving. The salinity anomalies on the other hand were considerably negative at the beginning of this decade, became near normal in 1993 and 94, but reversed to negative at most depths. The heat and salt contents in the water column as estimated by the vertically integrated temperatures and salinities at Station 27 also show similar trends (Fig. 12). The deep-water temperatures on the Scotian Shelf have also been bound to have significant coherence at low frequencies horizontally from Laurentian Channel to midAtlantic Bight. Episodic intrusions of the warm slope water have been hypothesized as the primary source of this variability. The time series that has been assembled from Emerald Basin (Fig. 13) elearly indicate a number of such events, the recent one being at the end of 1991 when the bottom temperature increased from about 70 C to 10 0 C. Consequently, for the past 5 years, the bottom waters in the basin have been warmer than normal. At Prince 5, a long term monitoring station in Bay of Fundy, the temperatures at both the surface and bottom were near normal and salinities weil below normal (Fig. 14). 19 ------------------------- ----- --- I 2COm ~, 5COm \" 58' '~, I I. '1\ -.._~ ~~ s ... l Xaland ~;, ..,:; . 54i 52' " ( n· ~.Bonavl.t&.. ~; I,' --0.........".-:~.\ : .. Station :t7' . . 50' 48' \ 'l'il------------.:. 1'1em1.h Cap ." 48' 44' 42' • 40' 70' 65' SO' 55' 60' \ 45' \\ Cabot Slrait ',,- " ;..:'.: . <. \ , ~.., " '" ~ , (>.,~. \ -,,\ "'., \, '\ q '\ " "'",- , ._';..o..c.:..---+-----....:\-"..::~:..-..: .--..:.I- 450 \ \ ..--;' c:::;v-- .. J-- ,'_•• Emerald . ~. Basin . ...-.... ' ••._ ...... OZOO"'··..- -- Sable Is. Georges Bank ...... ·--------1----------+---------.140° Fig.1 Standard Stations and Sections • East Coast of Canada 20 • • .. Iqaluit Godthaab 8 8 U 6 0' ~ !!. 4 e. 4 i! 2 i' e;:, e -i 2 " 0 :3 • !. E ~ 0 E I- 6 ·2 -2 J F M A M J J A S 0 N J D F Cartwright M A M J J A S 0 N D St. John's 8..------------------, 8..----------------, 0' 6 - 4 l ! ::J i! !. 2 E 0 ~ JF MAMJJASOND JF -4 MAMJ JASOND Sable Island 8..-----------------, U 6 - 4 i! 2 ~ 0 g' c !:3 !. Fig. 2 Monthly air temperature anomalies relative to 61-90 mean: 1996 JF 21 MAMJ J ASOND Godthaab Iqaluit 4,.----------------, 4 0' 2 CI GI e. e -8::;, 0 E ~ -2 t- -44------...--------.----1 1930 1980 1880 -4 1880 Cartwright 4-r---------------, 0'2+---------~___;-____:_-__i 0' CI g' GI e. ~ e 0 ::;, ~ f-t..--;--.I • 2 -t---------------~ e. 0 + - - - - - - -.........~.t-7_;'t_+ 8- E ~ 1980 St. John's 4-r--------------..., e::;, 1930 " +-:~~~-#-__;_;;N~.J_,.~Hn..5ri.'__l 8- -2 E +--------------J---._---J ~ -4+--..,.---.---.---.----...-~ -4+---...----._-....----,---....--~ 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 -2 + ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 1980. 2000 Sable Island 4,--------------, 0' 2 - t - - - - - - - - - - . , . . . . . - - - - - - I CI GI e. ~ ::;, ~ O-t----':-'~ 8- Fig. 3 Annual and 5-yr running means of air temperature anomalies at selected E ~ -2 - t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j -4+---r--__.--~-_.__-__.-__I sites 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 22 • • . I I , I I --_.--- - Fig. 4 20 15 co ~ 10 5 c: 0 ~ -5 c c. -10 -I cn -15 . -20 1880 - G) (,) --------------------.-----_.-.- '--l NAO Index Anomalies _._-----_._._- ..... :~ . " " " G) ' ~ N w .._··· ... 1900 1920 1940 Year . ., - '-~' ... .! , " .. .. 1960 1980 ----- 2000 . Newfoundland Shelf lee Coverage 450-r------------------------. • 400 350 300 ,-.... cn E ] 250 ~ ~ • ::s ~ .8 200E-..- 150 100 50 O-+--....L-l-'r-U-u...l..L....u..J..f-lL..l...L..U.-.~...lJ..L.L...Ll..-:u.J.J,.J...L.J..JU.L..JU_.I.Ir..u....u....u..LL....Lt_.LI..-lI-....u.-uL...l+_&.l-I--~ 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 Fig. 5 Time series 01 the monthly mean ice area off Newfoundland and Labrador (between 450 N-550 N) 24 1995 2000 . • Seallsland -g 30 E 20 ~ 100 -;; -1 0 ..--------------------~ . : : .. : . : . : .. : : . : : : : . : : : : : : . : . : : ! -20 4( . ~ : : : : . : : : : : .. : : : : : : : : : : , V: :::: . -30 +----..-~---.-------r-----------I 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Bonavista _ 30 E 20 .---------------------~ , ~ J :::::::::::::::::::::::: e -20 lIl( '.' . :!SrV::: : : : .: : : : : .: :: : . -30 -t----..------,----....-----'--.---~ 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Flemish Cap E i -e 30 - - r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 20 . 1~ ~~::.::.:.::: .. ::::::::::::.:.::.:: .. :~:::~~:~:~::: CG -10 lIl( -20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . -30 -+-----,----...------.------,-------/ 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Fig. 6 eil area anomalies relative to 61·90 average 25 j 0~~~~~~T:l -,.~~üI "~ o o .. .rP 0 ,;) ", o _0 :IN ---:rll"lo ~N 0- Wo /j °0 O"l o ,..,lI"l \ JJ ___ o o ~ JULY 1996 SEAL ISLAND T(t.1PE:RATURE gl--~-.-----,----.--..,.---r--.----r---,-.L.---,---.---r--.---~ 1l"l0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 DISTANCE 0~~:--~77~~",~~~~T-7T7T.;:::=::~~0::::-1 o lI"l o o o Il"l o _0 :IN ---:rll"lo ~N 0- ..... 0 °0,.., o lI"l O"l o o ~ ..... JULY 1996 SEAL ISLAND TEt.1P ANOI.IALIES g+--...--r----..--,--..,.--.------,,..---,----r'---,--..,.--.---....:.....,.-~ Il"l 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 DISTANCE (KM) Fig. 7a The vertical distribution of temperature and temperature anomalies along the standard Seal Island transect tor the summer (July) ot 1996. 26 • O..-----r-r--r---------------=:::::0'7.77TJTrr---------, o 10 o o o 10 o _0 ~N ......, o :r1O .... N a.. Wo °0 r<') o 10 r<') o o ~ o Il'l ~ JULY 1996 SEAL ISLAND SALINITY 8+--..,--"-T""---.----r--.----.--.---.,...--""T"--..,--.,-----,-----r----1 1l'l0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 DISTANCE (KM) O~~~~~~:::J o 10, o o o 10 o _0 ~N ......, o :r1O .... N a.. Wo ,.., °0 o ,.., Il'l o o ~ o Il'l ~ JULY 1996 SEAL ISLAND SALINITY ANOt.AALIES 8+--...,..--..,--"-T""---.----r---r----.--.----r'---r--...,..--..,----,---~ 10 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 0 DISTANCE (KM) Fig. 7b The vertical distribution 01 salinity and salinity anomalies along the standard Seallsland transect for the summer (July) of 1996. 27 o o o If) o ....... 0 :(N '-'" o ::I:1f) li: N Wo °0 t") o ll") t") o o ~ o ll") ~ JULY 1996 BONAVISTA TEI.4PERATURE o O+--,..--r--.----,,----,---,---,----,.----,.-~-___.._-__r-~-_l ll")0 o 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 B§~~~~~~~~D~IS~TgA~NC;E=(K=M::)~-~:_:_~T::::::::;--1 o ll") '-/l{. o o ll") o ....... 0 :(N '-'" o :I:ll") ..... N Q. Wo °0 .... :::--- .. ,~ .• /~ ;1 o / : .... ~c· ~ 0J l'~ ) ~ ---------,'----0: "'-.. -, " ~,~ I :' ~ ~ \ t") o ll") t") o o ~ o ll") ~ o JULY 1996 BONAVISTA TEI.4P ANOMALIES o+--,..--.--,----,---,----,.----,.--.---.--....l...r---.----.---.,...--J ll") 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 DISTANCE (KM) Fig. 8a The vertical distribution of temperature and temperature anomalies along the standard Bonavista transect for the summer (July) of 1996. 28 ·. O,-------:,.--------y---~------....._-_r_'__..,,..__r_--.., o10 o o o 10 o _0 :iN ....., o :I: 10 t-N Q. ...... 0 °0 I"l o 10 I"l o .., o .., o 10 o JULY 1996 BONAVISTA SALINITY o+---.----.----.----.---,---....._--r---r"--r"-Lr---r"--r"--,--~ IOD o 10 I"l o o .., o .., 10 JULY 1996 BONAVISTA SALINITY ANOMALIES 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350. DISTANCE (KM) Fig. 8b The vertical distribution of salinity and salinity anomalies along the standard Bonavista transect for the summer (July) of 1996. 29 ·. O~--"-r,;----r-------~----r--r--r---,.----:-----,r-----=:>---. o QJ o - N o ,.....ID :::1...... o :r:O '-N a.. GRAND BANK l.l O~ N oQJ N o N I"') o <D I"') GRAND BANK oQJ N o N I"') o <D I"') o O+---r---r---r--~-,.--,.--,.--.---l-.--L-.---r---r--~-l.~--I ~O Fig.9a The vertical distribution of temperature and temperature anomalies along the standard Flemish Cap transeet for the summer (July) of 1996. 30 o,.--,..------,----------r--r-r-r-----,-------r---r,-, o..... o 00 o N o _co 2'-' o :rO ~N a.. GRAND BANK Lo.I 0 O ..... N o 00 N o N I"l o co I"l o JULY 1996 SALINITY o-l---.,......--.---r---,----,---,--.--r-..L-!.r--'-.,......--r----.----,--L-,.--! ..... 0 50 100 150·200 750 o ..... o 00 o N o _co 2'-' o :ro ~N a.. GRAND BANK Wo 0 ..... N o 00 N oN FUI.IISH CAP I"l o co I"l o JUL Y 1996 SAlINITY ANOI.IAUES O+----.---.,......--.---.---.----.-----,r---r--'--..--~.,----.---r---.---l--,-----l ..... 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 DISTANCE (KI.I) 500 550 600 650 700 750 Fig. 9b The vertical distribution of salinity and salinity anomalies along the standard Fremish Cap transect for the summer (Jury) of 1996. 31 C! ...u..., ..::.S..:..:TA..:.;T..:.;IO:.;N.:--:2:.:.7_..:..1.:..99:..:6:-...:T.::.E;,::M.:-P....:A:.;:N..:.;O:.;M;,::A..::L:.:.Y -. 000 1.4 0° w": o ° a.. • .. 'l!,':::'::·!!:·':·:':·'·!!::·:::::Ä::::::)!;:::::"~'::::.~~ :...:::,l(.:::....•Ä-,::::)(::::.-Ä..::..::..~ ... :::i- w' 1- U 0 t"i +---<---'-.1...-.-.1...-.-'----'-'-----'---'---'---'---'---0....1.- ---11.4 20 ~~ .-.-:::::!!:::::::."J!:'::::::!::::::::~~:'.'.'.''-~'-'-'-'-~:~:::::·:Ä ..::::;;;.::....:~::::::;r;( .. ..:o..::::::!!. ~I 1- 0 +--..L_--'-_'-----'-_-'--..L~--'--'-----'----'----J'----.j U..., 0° w": o ° a.. • :::iw l 1- 0 u..., +-_i.-_'-----'_--'-_----'-_-'-_.....I.-_....I.-_-'--_.L.----J'---I 0° w": o • ° a.. . ~I I- lf? u ~ ci Li') J'F'M'A'M'JIJ'A'SI.OIN'D :n:····..·:n:··..·..):(··.. ···~······.Ä ••••• ••• _ _ ~ . :n:···..··):(·.. ····Ä 075 M )!(· .. •.. -):( ·Ä _ . a.. . :::i l w ° I-lt) +---'-_-'--_'---'-_--'--_.1._--'-_'----r!--.L.._-'---'_---.j U - ~ ci .. ~;:::. ::~::::::~::::::~:~~:::~.::::::~::: ::~ ~. ~::~~ .' ..' lt) a.. . 100 M ~:~ .-:::~.:..-::::.. w'° +-_-'-_'-----'_--'_----'-_-'-_.....I.-_....I.-_i.-_.l...-._'---I :::i I-lt) u 150 M ~ ci ...~:::. . ::~::::::~::::::~:::::::~::::::~:::::::~::::: . :~::::::.-~::::.-: . ~:::::::)1:::::::~ ... a.. • w° lt) :::i l I-lt) +-_.l...-._'-----'_--'-_----'-_-'-_.....I.-_....I.-_i.-_'------''---I u olt) ~ lt) ci a.. . 175 M .. ~ :._..: J r ~ ~ ::: ~ :::::..~.:::::::~: :::!!".::::::~::::::}1.-:::::::n: m.~::::::~ .. w'° :::i l- MA MJ JAS MONTH 0 ND Fig. 1Oa Time series of the monthly temperature anomalies at Station 27 at standard depths during 1996. 32 • .. STATION 27 1996 SALINITY ANOMALY ~ 000 t.1 >-"ot. .- ZO :J"ot < . (/)0 I ~ 020 t.1 >-"ot. .- ZO :J"ot < . (/)0 :··.::;::::::X:::::::j::::::;Jt:·······)!(·······)!.,··: ::::~::::··,)i,::::::.'i!...:·::::.Si..·.::·.:·.Ä··· ···)(·.. I ~ 030 M • >-"ot. .- ZO :J"ot < . (/)0 I ~ 050 t.1 >-"ot. .- ZO :J"ot < . (/)0 ··)::(:::::.:;:::::::)l;::::::Ä::::::~::::::Ä::::::;::::::Ä:::: . . .;:::::::~ ..._"'~ . _. . :~ .. I ~ J I F I MI A I MI J I J I AIS 10 I NI D 075 M >-"ot. .- ZO :J"ot < . (/)0 I C'! 100 M >-"ot. .ZO :J"ot ··A::::::·7!.···.-·-··_··Ä·...:::::~:::::::)(:::::::;:::::::;;:::::::;:::::::~:::: ....:Ä::::::·Ji.::::::."ji,··· <t • (/)0 I C'! 150 M .- . >-~ ZO :J~ <t • ...ji,.-:::::.Ji.::...-:...11......::.:"ii..:.:..'.::'-ji'.::':.:"ii...:'.:::'.:;.'.::':.::;;.:::'.:'.;;.::::::"iic::::::-;;:::::: n'" (/)0 I C'! >-"ot. .ZO :J~ <t • 175 M ··"){:.-..:.-.-~·········.-·1(·.-::·:·:ii·::·:·::ii:.·:::::··~·::::::~···::·:·:;i;·:::·:·:ii·'-'-'-'-'-'-~·.:·:'-.·.·;:·.:·.:·.-~··· (/)0 I Fig. 10b Time series of the monthly anomalies at Station 27 at standard depths during 1996. 33 .. STATION 27 TEt.4P ANOt.4ALY TIt.4E SERIES u,...;,--------------------------, ° 0 ° ..... ..; o ° 0.. • ~i 1- 0 U,...;i1r--;---+----~-----------l-----,r---l 0 ..... ° ..; o o• 0.. ~i 1- 10 u~t_---..:-..:.----L-----f---...:.-L1Hl----~ 0 10 ~ci 0.. 10 • :::l0 ..... 1 I-II'J ~ -r------------------..:.------1 U 0 10 ~ci • 10 ?i o ..... 1 I- 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 STATION 27 SALINITY ANOt.4ALY T1t.4E SERIES II'J-r---------------------------, 000 M >-10 I. :zO :JIO « , Vl<j' II'J_t_----------------~-~f------l >-10 ~ci :JIO ;;;0I o+---------------------------.j ID >-N ~ci :JN ;;;0I ~-t--------------------------l I- . :z0 >-N :JN « . VlO I 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 ',rAP Fig. 11 Time series of monthly temperature and salinny anomalies at Station 27 at standard depths from 1970 to 1996. The heavy Iines are the low-passed filtered time series. 34 • ------ - - - - - - - - 1 .. ~ - S27 0-175 M DEPTH AVERAGED TEMP lI') , ........ u~ ,0 e" WlI') Q • , -0 o..N :i , ~O N ci I lI') ci I 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97 ~ N-,----------------------------., S27 0-50 M DEPTH AVERAGED SALINITY I") ~ N I") N N I") ::>C! (/)N 0..1") • I>-~ - _ zl") ::::;\0 -0( • (/);;) "'f 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97 YEARS Fig. 12 Time series of the vertically averaged (0-176 m) Station 27 temperature and the vertically averaged (0-50 m) summer (July-Sept.) Station 27 salinity. The dashed Iines are the three year running means. 35 .. Temperature 14 . , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , u 12 ~ +------------1~---------f c -~ 10 - ... ------------:-6III"&,l--t'~~ ~ E 8 + - - -........-"1 ~-=-----J ~-'f'-~& r-----'--\-t----1 (1) ~ 6 +------1~-_V'__I---------___I (1) I- 4+---...---...---...---...---,------i 1960 1940 1950 1970 1980 1990 2000 • Temperature Anomaly 5-r----------------------, -4+--------------;~-----___l () 0)3-+------------11----------1 ~2+-------------:-1I-.-..-----..~--+L~ ~ ~ 1 +------.----~-. 0 ~-_V'm4l~-~~+_=_-=--..:..-_l E -1 +-----V-..~HllI.-_a~-+-.·_...--_at--_I ~ -2 +------1~~_W_----+----.:...-_I E -3 (1) I- -t-------.l 1940 Fig. 13 -'W-~--------____f -4 ; - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - _ 1 -5 -+---..,---...---,.---...---...------f 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Emerald Basin, 250 M temperature and temperature anomaly 36 • Temperature: OM Temperature: 90 M 2r----------------. 2-r----------------, • u u ~ ~ f t ~ ...! 0 ::l i ~ • 0 ~ I- ·2 1920 1940 1960 1980 -2 1920 2000 . .. -'--.::. .:..- • - ~ 0( • ~ • 0 2000 0.4 -+-....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ~ I ::: ' I. ~ 0.2 'ii 0.2 t--7--'----:---fr--...---tf--\c-":-........- - i 8c: 1980 0.6,--------------, ~-----------____. 0.4 +-_...L 1960 Sallnlty: 90 M Sallnlty: 0 M 0.6 1940 E oc: t-~....IIIP."r-.,--:.-\:1H_;J't:-..,....-t:if"li::--t 0( ~ c: c 0 +---:-..J.---'-#Ä-"':-r-iF-~-"~ ~ -0.2 -f----.-----f----'--'o--,/--~-L . .4-.--l ~ -0.2 -j---:=------7-w--'---,~--'i---.r\..._1 . .. ~ ·0.4 -0.4 - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - 1 -0.6 +----.-----.------.-----1 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 -0.6 +-----,.----.------,.----1 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Fig. 14 The annual and 5-yr running means of the temperature and salinitiy anomalies for Prince 5 37 .. Annex F: Results from Icelandic Waters Svend-Aage Malmberg, l\1arine Research Institute, P. O. Box 1390, Skulagata 4, Reykjavik, leeland Introduction The sea around Iceland is divided into various sectors, such as thc Iceland Basin to the south, the Irminger Sea to the west, the Denmark Strait bet\veen Northwest Iceland and Greenland, and thc Iceland and Norwegian Seas north and east of thc country. These seas are all part of the Atlantie Ocean; the area south of the submarine ridges between Greenland and Scotland being part of the North Atlantie, while the area north of the ridges is part of the Nordie Seas. Iceland is situated at the meeting place or fronts of warm and cold ocean currents, which meet at this point because of thc geographical position and the submarinc ridgcs, which form a natural barrier against thc main ocean currents around thc country. To thc south thcsc eurrents arC warm (6-8°C; Irminger Current) and to thc north thc sea is eold (-I-2°C; East Greenland and East Icelandie Currents). At the eontinental shelf there is a eoastal eurrent which flows clockwise around the country and is created by thc mixing of thc ocean eurrents with fresh water from thc land. • Finally, there arc also deep and bottom currents in thc sea around Iceland, principally thc overflow of deep cold water from the Nordie Seas south over thc submarinc ridges into thc North Atlantic. Hydrographie Conditions a) North Icelandic 'Vaters 1924·1995 Aseleeted hydrographie station in North Icelandie waters (S-3, Figs 1, 2) has been used to characterizc the hydrographie conditions from year to year. At these stations, Atlantie watcr (t>4°C; S>34,9) dominated during thc periods 1924-1964, 1972-1974, in 1980, 1984-1987 and 1991-1994. The latc sixties as weIl as shorter periods thereafter (1975-1979, 1982, and 1988) were prominently characterized by Polar influenee, frequently manifested by thc appearanee of sea icc and Polar water and by somc biological eonsequences in North Icelandie waters. During the years 1981-1983, 1989-1990 and most severely in 1995 thc hydro-biological eonditions werc extremely unfavorablc and of neither Atlantie nor Polar charaeter, but with a relatively homogenous water of an Arctie character (t=0-3°C; S-34,8-34,9). A continuous temperature recording in the sea at thc island Gfmscy in North Icelandic waters during the years 1987-1996 (Fig. 3) reveals the hydrographie eonditions in North Icelandic waters as low winter/spring temperatures in 1988 and 1995 and relatively high temperatures in 1987 and 1991-1994 with an unusual interruption in fall 1993 when the Atlantic inf10w into these waters was totally hampcred for some time in the Denmark Strait area. 38 • .. b) South Icelandic Waters 1971-1996 In the warm waters south of Iceland periods of relatively high and low salinities occur. Noteworthy were the low salinities observed in the mid-seventies (Great Sa1inity Anomaly), and again at least in 1988 and after 1992 (Fig. 2). Along with low salinities in the area low temperatures are also generally observed. Conditions in 1996 (Figs 4, 5) • Following extreme cold conditions in Icelandic waters in winter and spring 1995 temperatures rose again in winter 1995-1996 and remained in 1996 near the average all around Iceland, but salinities was rather low. Thus sa1inity in the East Icelandic Current was in spring below 34,7 indicating apolar character of the current (Fig. 2). In spring 1996 Atlantic water reached the Siglunes section in North Icelandic waters at depths below 100 m, but the surface waters were influenced by freshwater from land. During summer and fall a layer of low salinity polar water penetrated the surface waters north of Iceland. However, in the deeper layers Atlantic water had reached the Langanes section northeast of Iceland at that time. The nutrient concentrations in 1996, during the spring survey, were high in the waters all around Iceland except of the north coast where the spring bloom was over. The zooplankton biomass was high in these waters except off the south coast in 1996, though a downward trend is indicated by the long-time series both in South and North Icelandic waters. The Atlanto-Scandian herring was observed at the eastem and southem boundaries of the cold East Icelandic Current, in spring 1996 as in 1994 and 1995. • 39 • • 1924 '26'36 ':57'47 ':12 198:1 19:1:1 1960 1970 197:1 1980 1990 196:1 1995 IO· r-r-,-.,.---r-,-r-r-,-.,.---r-,-r--r-,--r--r---r-r-r-,-.,.---r---r--rr-r--r-.,.---r---r-r-r--r-,---r---r--rr-r-r-,-,.--r"-T-,-r--r-,-.,.--r-""""'-r--1 10· 'oe , 5° ,, I \ "," '" , ~. T. 2.BO· I O· O· S·34.99 35.0 S 350 I I I ATLANTIC WATER 34.5 345 POLAR WATER 34.0 340 1924 '26':56 ':57 '47 ':12 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 198:1 1990 1995 .. o FRAvlK ·0 tJl ü5 (j) tJl lö • -J o lö -J tJl lö (Xl o <Il Gi r tJlC 0 2 3 lö VI (Xl tJl • rr1 <Il t ~~ ~ C ::0 ~ <Il rr1 1 < 1/ -0 OGl O<ll 3 lD t> 2 ~ tJl ..... N tJl 3 lö w o rr (') tJl VI VI .tJl ""-J üi ~ o tJl SELTA Fig. 2 Salinity deviations in spring at a) 100 m depth in the Irminger Current south oflceland (1971-1996); b) 50 m depth in North Icelandic waters (1961-1996); c) 25 m dcpth in the East Icelandic Current (1961-1996). 41 .. l.C o C1l ~ I\) CD ..... CD Q) ......, ..... CD Q) Q) ..... CD Q) ~-~---------- =-:::~E=r-=~ CO ..... CD CD ~ --~=~===:;;::=:.....:~ o • ~~ ..... CD CD ..... ..... CD CO ~ l\) ..... CO CO .. tu ~ OE- ..... CD CO - ~---­ ~ ,:::.. ...... CD CD U1 ..... ==------------::==~==-== ~ CD CD 0'> Fig. 3 Annual and seasonal variations in sea surface temperature (Oe) at Grimsey, North Iceland, in 1987-1996. 42 e . . '" "j '"~ '"0: '" '" q "l "I '"~ '"0: III 0 N N u: ~ q q" ". ". N • Fig. 4 '""I q Sea temperature (oe) at 50 m depth in Icelandic waters in a) OctoberlNovember 1995, b) Febmary 1996, c) May/June 1996, d) August 1996. 43 ...~. : • .-Je: ",'---'--...L-'---.l-"..--'--.l-.-J-_",i.--L---'---"-.l-", ['--~-r-r -~-"'+-i ~-,-~-':;~~~q ~ er . • Fig. 5 Salinity (S) at 50 m dept in Icelandic waters in a) OctoberlNovember 1995, b) February 1996, c) May/June 1996, d) August 1996. 44 . . Annex G: West Greenland Sections Erik Buch, Farvandsvresen et Overgaden o. Vandet 62b Postboks 1919, 1023 Copenhagen K, Denmark The climatic conditions at Westgreenland has for most of the 1990'es been characterized by long periods with negative temperature anomalies in the atmosphere. Especially during wintertime this tendency has been very pronounced. I 1996 however slightly positive temeprature anomalies were experienced during wintertime while weak negative anomalies characterized the summer, Fig. 1. Temperatur anomali ved Nuuk I Godthaab • 5 o -5 -10 -15 1980 L-~~~_~....1-~_~~~---I_~~~_~..I.-~~_~~--' • 1985 1990 1995 2000 Fig.l Monthly mean air temperature anomalies from Nuuk for the period 1980 to 1996 The Westgreenland Standard Seetions were surveyed during the period 24 June - 6 July 1996. The mild climate was reflected in the temperature conditions of the surface layer; Fig. 2. The surface layer off Southwest Greenland was dominated by inflow of Atlantic water. Off Cape Farewell and Cape Desolation extraordinary high surface temperatures and salinities (T>7°C, S> 34.8 psu) were observed. Polar Water was only observed very dose to coast. 45 .. Scatterplot (FYL.STA 5v*58c) 3.0 2.5 ·. ·· 2.0 1.5 .. 1.0 0.5 O.~9'-50~~~1-l96-0~~~19...1.7-0~~~1-9..L.8~0~~~1-9.L-90~~~2-l000 -0- TEMP RUN_MEA3 YEAR • Fig.2. Mean Temperature on top of Fylla Bank, Medio June 1950-96 Observed values - - - - - 3 years running mean 0-----0 The deeper layers were also dominated by inflow of water of Atlantic Origin, quite large volumes of water with temperatures above 5°C was observed. Pure Irminger Water (T>4.5°C, S>34.93 psu) was present at the three southemmost sections, while modified Irminger Water (T>4.5°C, 34.88<5<34.93) could be traced as far north as between the FyllaBand and the Sukkertop Bank seetions. Subatlantic Water (3.5<T<4.5, 34.5<S<34.88) was in 1996 present on all seetions. • 46 Annex H: The state of Faroese waters in 1996 Bogi Hansen, Fiskirannsoknar stovan P.O. Box 3051, Noatum, FR-I10 Torshavn Faroe Islands, Denmark • Figure 1 shows the four standard sections that are operated by the Faroese Fisheries Laboratory (Fiskiranns6knarstovan) and are usually occupied by CTD observations at least four times a year. The sections cover the Atlantic water inflow to the Nordic Seas between Iceland and Scotland. Since the end of the eighties, this water has freshened considerably and also become somewhat cooler. This is best illustrated by average characteristics for the 100 - 300 meter depth layer in the Faroe Bank Channel (white circle on Fig. I), which is considered to represent water of generally pure Atlantic origin, deriving from the North Atlantic Current (Fig. 1). Figure 2 shows observed alinity and . deseasoned" temperature for this layer during the la t two decades. Since the mid-seventies ("Great") salinity anomaly, the salinity of this water increased and generally exceeded 35.25 until the decrease in the early nineties. Figure 2 includes CTD observations from 6 cruises in 1996 and one in February 1997. It appears that the salinity decrease has stagnated; but there is no clear evidence for increasing salinities again, although the observations from the latest years have not showed salinities as small as those observed in 1993 and 1994. Fig. 1. The bottom topography around the Faroe Islands is indicated with the shallow areas shaded. The main flow in the upper layers is by arrows and the Iceland-Faroe Front by a dotted curve. The four standard sections (N, E, Sand W) are shown by thick lines and the white circle indicates the area in the Faroe Bank Channel from which the data in Fig. 2originate. 9.5 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , "Deseasoned" Temperature 100·300m depth in the Faroe Bank Channel 9.0 35.30 35.25 8.5 35.20 8.0 35.15 1975 Salinity 100·300m depth in the Faroe Bank Channel 1985 1995 7.5 +---"'T'""---"'T'""---"'T'""---~-----I 1975 1985 1995 Fig. 2. Salinity (Ieft) and temperature (right) averaged over the 100 - 300 m layer in the middle of the Faroe Bank Channel (white circle on Fig. I) based upon CTD observations. Temperature has been "deseasoned' by subtracting the typical seasonal variation. Filled circles connected by bold lines on Jeft graph show annual averages of salinity while thick horizontal Iines on right graph show temperature over two 5-year periods and the period 1996 - Feb. 1997. 47 .. The observations of temperature in the 100 - 300 m layer of the Faroe Bank Channel (righthand graph on Fig. 2) make a fairly noisy time series even though the data in Fig. 2 have been "deseasoned". The five-year averages shown in figure 2 indicate that the 1991-95 period was slightly colder than the 198690 period while the average temperature for the 1996-97 observations had increased. The large variability reduces the significance of these conclusions. The coastal observations of sea surface temperature (Fig. 3), on the other hand, clearly indicate a warming of the waters on the shelf in 1996, but no analysis is available to establish how much, if any, of this is due to warming of the surrounding oceanic waters. .-rl 9 Oyrargj6gv ..."'0" Mykinesh61m ur ~ U -. = ~ " 8 ~~ Fig. 3. Annually averaged coastal observations of sea surface temperature in the Faroes at two fairly close locations: Mykinesh61mur 1914 1969 and Oyrargj6gv 1991 - 1996. V ::: t:~ ~ ~ -. "1: ~ T.' ij 7 ~: 1910 1930 1950 1970 • 1990 • 48 . ~ Annex I: Results from the Scottish Standard Sections Bill Turrell, Marine Laboratory P.O. Box 101, Victoria Road, , Aberdeen, Scotland, ABl19DB Introduction The two standard Faroe-Shetland Channel sections (NoIso (Faroe) -Flugga (Scotland) and Fair Isle (Scotland) - Munken (Faroe» have been occupied by the Marine Laboratory Aberdeen on three occasions since April 1996; May/June 1996, October 1996 and March/April 1997. In addition the North Sea JONSIS section was also occupied during these surveys (Fig. 1). • The results presented here are based on the definitions of time series presented in a section below. These definitions are not ideal, and are being further developed. However they may be used to give an indication of ocean climate change in the areas monitored by Scottish standard seetions until April 1997. Summary of Results Smface Waters North Atlantic \Vater (NA W) at the Scottish shelf edge (Fig. 2) has been warming .since 1987 at a rate of O(0.5°C/decade). This is arecent more rapid warming imposed on a warming trend which commenced in 1966 and has continued at a rate of O(0.3°C/decade). Salinity of NA\V has demonstrated great variability since the end of the low salinity anomaly (GSA) years in the late 1970s, and this variability may be related to the NAO index. There has possibly been a gradual overall salinity increase since the GSA period with salinities now approaching 1960 values. The most recent change is a more rapid rise at a rate of O(0.2/decade) since 1993. • Modified North Atlantic \Vater (MNA\V) has demonstrated quite different changes compared to those of NA\V (Fig. 3). There has been a general cooling of MNA\V since 1960 at a rate of O(0.3°C/decade). Salinity has also decreased since 1960 at a rate of O(0.02/decade), with a more rapid decrease evident since 1991. Salinities are beginning to approach those values observed during the GSA period. Intennediate Waters Trends in temperature cannot be determined in intermediate waters using the present definitions, but salinity continues to decrease (Fig. 4). In the Arctic Intermediate / North Icelandic \Vater (AIINIW) salinity has decreased at a rate of O(O.OI5/decade) since 1975. The salinity of Norwegians Sea Arctic Intermediate \Vater (NSAIW) also continues to decrease at a rate of O(0.02/decade). This decrease commenced in 1975 and is twice the rate of the decrease in the bottom water. Bottom Water 49 ,. Faroe Shetland Channel Bottom Water (FSCBW) again still demonstrates the salinity decline at a rate of O(O.Ol/decade). The warming observed at 1100 dbar which commenced in 1990 has now stopped (Figs 5 and 6). In the North Sea the salinity variability in the past has been weIl correlated with that of NA\V, with a possible 1 year lag. However, unlike NAW, the salinity of Fair Isle Current \Vater (FICW) has more recently demonstrated a differing trend, with FICW salinity decreasing since 1973, while NA\V salinity is generally increasing (Fig. 7). Also unlike NA\V, FICW demonstrated a cool episode in the mid 1990s which has nowended. The properties of Coolcd Atlantic \Vater (CA\V) which typifies water lying within the central northern North Sea below the seasonal thermocline, are more closely tied to those of NA\V (Fig. 8). Hence CA\V does demonstrate the gradual warming seen in NA\V since 1970, and the more recent salinity variability seen in NAW is reflected in that of CA\V. One difference noted is that while the salinity of NA\V has risen since 1993, CA\V salinity has declined. This may imply reduced oceanic inflow to the North Sea presently. • Dramatic Change in March 1997 A final result of some note is the great change observed within the Fair Isle Munken line during the March/April 1997 cruise. Figure 9 shows the contoured sections of tcmpcrature along the two standard sections. These two lines were survcyed 4 days apart duc to scverc weather halting operations. The northerly Nolso - Flugga line was surveyed first (23-24 March 1997), followed by the Fair Isle Munken line (27-29 March 1997). As can be seen the isotherms in thc southern section are displaced upwards against the Faroesc slopc. This implies an incrcascd southerly transport against thc slopc. The es characteristics of AIINI\V (Fig. 10) are significantly altered. NSIW is no Ionger marked as a salinity minimum. It is now represented as an inflection, but of lower temperature than in lune 1996. AIINIW is now seen as a salinity minimum, with salinities 0.12 less than in lune 1996. This represents a significant reduction in intermediate water salinity. Its cause is not yet known, but may be connected with thc increased southerly transport of intermediate water associated with thc upward displacement of the Fair Isle Munken isotherms. Time Series Definitions Time series from 5 characteristic water masses which occupy the Faroe Shetland Channe1 are prcsented in Figs 2 - 6 and for 2 North Sea water masses in Figs 7 and 8. The methods employed to define the water masses, and to derive the time series are described below. Please note that these are preliminary definitions and may alter. Surface Waters: North Atlamic Water (NAW) (Fig. 2) - Thc temperature and salinity at the 50 • . ' . .. standard pressure level which exhibits the maximum salinity w~thin an individual survey of the most southeasterly two stations, on both standard sections, on the Scottish side of the Channel. The criteria was designed to produce the characteristics of the North Atlantic water lying within the Slope Current at the Scottish shelf edge. North Atlantic Water is typificd by a salinity maximum on a 8-S diagram. This water most probably originates west of the UK, in the Rockall Trough, and hence may be most closely related to North East Atlantic Water (NEAW). Modified Nortlz Atlalltic Water (MNA W) (Fig. 3) - The temperature and salinity at the standard depth which exhibits the maximum salinity within an individual survey of the first two stations, on both standard sections, on the Faroese side of the Channel. • These criteria were defined in order to characterise Modified North Atlantic \Vater, the water mass which composes much of the surface waters of the Channel, and encompasses the anti-cyclonic flow of warm, surface water around the Faroe plateau. These waters most probably originate in the subtropical gyre, west of Rockall, and hence may more cIosely follow conditions in areas influcnced by the North Atlantic Current. This water again is identified on a 8-S diagram as a salinity maximum for waters on the Faroese side of the Channe 1. Removal 0/ seasonal cycles: As the surveys over the past century have been done at quite different times of the year, the effect of the seasonal cycle in the surface waters has been removed using the monthly mean t and S derived over the period 1960-1990. These means have been calculated for each individual station and at each standard pressure level, and subtracted from the individual observations resulting in plots of t and S anomaly from the mean seasonal cycle. Intermediate Waters: Arctic /lltennediate / Nortlz Icelandic Water (A/IN/lV) (Fig. 4) - The average salinity at standard pressures which exhibit potential temperatures in the range 3.5°C::;; 8 ::;; 5.5°C, at stations 7 - 10 along the standard sections. These stations lie between the centre of the Channel and the Faroese plateau. This criteria is designed to examine the mean characteristics of water hugging the Faroese slope, whose characteristics fall within the stated potential temperature range on a 8-S curve. \Vithin this range an inflection in the slope of the curve is generally observed, indicating the presence of AIINI\V formed North of Iceland and along the northem slopes' of the Iceland - Faroe Ridge. The water circulates around Faroe, partly leaving the Faroe Shetland Channel through the Faroe Bank Channel, and partly recirculating back into the Norwegian Sea. The water which satisfies this criteria generally lies within the 51 .. . pressure range 300-400 dbar. The AJ/NI temperature time series cannot be used due to the present definition employed. Nonregian Arctic Sea Illtennediate Water (NSA1W) (Fig. 4) - The salinity at the standard pressure which exhibits the minimum salinity within an individual survey of both standard sections, within the temperature range 0 K ::; e::; 1 K. Obviously the time series of temperature for this definition has little meaning. This criteria is designed to examine the characteristics of the intermediate water mass created north of the Arctic front in the Iceland and Greenland Sea, which then subducts beneath the front forming a largc salinity-minimum layer throughout the Norwegian Sea. Thc salinity minimum marking this water has not always been apparent due to changing properties of thc water mass, but it has always been marked as a silicate minimum, and has been located between thc stated temperatures. Deer Waters: Standard PresslIre Levels (Figs 5-6) - Mcan potential temperature and salinity at a standard pressure levels, averaged over all values on that pressure level recorded during an individual survey of both ~t~dard sections. This method of deriving time series for the bottom waters in the Faroe Shetland ChanneI acknowledges that thc characteristics of the water have changed considerably during the century, sometimes displaying the characteristics of true Norwegian Sea Deep water, while at other times being occupied by predominantly intermediate water. North Sea Waters: Fair Isle Cllrre1lt Water (FICW) (Fig. 7) - The mean temperature and salinity at all standard pressures, averaged over the first two stations at the west end (Scottish) of the JONSIS standard section. This criteria captures thc characteristics of water entering the North Sea through the Fair Islc Channel. This water originates west of Scotland, and is a mixture of coastal water and Atlantic water that has come onto the shelf from the Slope Current. Cooled Atlalltic Water (CA W) (Fig. 8) - The mean temperature and salinity at all standard pressures below 50 dbar, averaged over the first six stations at the east end (Norwegian) of the JONSIS standard section. This criteria is designed to examinc the characteristics of the cool dense lens of 52 • . ,. .. Atlantic water which forms in the eentre of the North Sea during the summer months. During period of vertical stratifieation in the northem North Sera, this water mass retains the eharacteristies of the mixed North Sea during the previous winter, until the dense lower layer is eventually eroded through autumnal wind mixing, and again takes on the properties of the northem North Sea as a whole. Thus it generally represents water of Atlantic origin, modified by mixture with North sea coastal waters to a varying extent. Removal of seasonal cycles: As the surveys over the observational period have been done at quite different times of the year, the effeet of the seasonal eyde in the surfaee waters has been removed using the monthly mean t and S derived over the period 1970-1990. These means have been ealculated for eaeh individual station and at eaeh standard pressure level, and subtraeted from the individual observations resulting in plots of t and S anomaly from the mean seasonal eyde. All plots show individual cruise values, along with the results of applying a two year running mean filter. 53 ., . .. Table 1. Characteristic e and S of different surface water masses during 1995 1997. Values are anomalies after the seasonal cycle has been removed (See text for exphlnation). FICW MNAW NAW CAW oeC) S o (OC) S O(°C) S O(°C) S Sep95 -0.32 0.004 0.18 -0.008 n/a n/a n/a N/a Nov95 -0.47 0.038 n/a n/a 0.54 0.056 0.49 -0.054 Jun 96 0.64 0.055 -0.26 0.003 0.52 -0.098 0.45 -0.013 Oct96 -0.23 0.069 -0.86 -0.028 -0.35 0.040 -0.02 0.048 Mar 97 0.26 0.030 -0.03 -0.060 n/a n/a n/a N/a Table 2. Characteristic e and S of different intermediate water masses during 1995 - 1997. Values have been obtained manually from es diagrams and not using the automated methods described ahove. NSAIW AIINIW Nolso Flugga • Nolso F1ugga Fair Isle Munken Fair Isle 1funken o (0C) S o (OC) S o (0C) s e (0C) S Sep95 2.27 34.915 2.01 34.910 0.18 34.879 0.03 34.882 Nov95 1.93 34.901 1.64 34.895 0.32 34.875 0.18 34.883 Jun 96 3.49 34.941 3.42 34.903 0.05 34.892 -0.04 34.892 Oct 96 3.17 34.898 3.02 34.933 -0.12 34.888 0.13 34.887 Mar 97 2.82 34.857 3.28 34.847 -0.29 34.889 -0.55 34.899 Table 3. Characteristic e and S at three pressure levels during 1995 - 1997. Values have heen obtained using the automated methods described above. 800 dbar 1000 dbar 1100 dbar o (0C) S o (0C) S o (0C) S Sep95 -0.38 34.897 -0.60 34.903 -0.67 34.907 Nov95 -0.42 34.899 -0.72 34.910 -0.64 34.911 Jun 96 -0.52 34.908 -0.76 34.916 -0.79 34.916 Oct96 -0.61 34.904 -0.77 34.909 -0.79 34.911 Mar97 -0.38 34.898 -0.70 34.906 -0.72 34.906 54 • • • .. • .. 60.5 Q) "'0 :J ..... 60.0 co ...l 59.5 59.0 58.5 58.0 57.5 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 o -1 Longitude Figure 1 55 1 2 3 4 5 .. .. NORTH ATLANTIC WATER -ro ~ >. E 0 c 1.00 0.50 0.00 <{ ... Q) -...8:::J ro -0.50 E Q) -1.00 • I- -1.50 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1990 2000 Year co r--I 0.10 - 0.05 E 0.00 !/l !/l a. >. ro 0 c <{ -ro >. 'e I"'I ~!"! 1'11 . ! 1: .I , -0.05 , Cf) -0.10 1960 1970 1980 Year Figure 2 56 •• MODIFIED NORTH ATLANTIC WATER -~ >- aJ E 0 c oe:( Q) ..... :J 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 ~ -0.50 a. -1.00 .- -1.50 Q) E Q) -2.00 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Year 0.15 -"" CX) I ~ 0.10 i l/) l/) a. >- 0.05 (Q E 0 c oe:( • - 0.00 >- 'e: (Q -0.05 Cf) -0.10 1960 1970 1980 Year Figure 3 57 1990 2000 . . ARCTIC INTERMEDIATE I NORTH ICELANDIC WATER 35.20 35.15 co r-.... I 35.10 l/) l/) -a. >- 35.05 'e cu Cf) 35.00 34.95 34.90 1960 1970 1980 Year 1990 2000 NORVVE:GIAN SEA INTERMEDIATE WATER 34.95 co r-...., l/) l/) .9; >c 34.90 ;!:: (ij Cf) 34.85 - t - - - , - - - - r - - . . - - - , - - - - r - - . . - - - , - - - - - - , 1960 1970 1980 Year Figure 4 , 58 1990 2000 • , . - FAROE SHETLAND CHANNEL SOTTOM WATER - 800 dbar 0.00 -0.10 q -0.20 ~ -0.30 ~ Q) -0.40 E -0.50 :J a. Q) • I- -0.60 -0.70 -0.80 -+---r----,.-----r-~-...t._.,,___-r__-+_____, 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Year 34.93 -rn co 34.92 , !' l/) l/) a. >- 34.91 'c Cf) 34.90 34.89 -+---r----,.-----r----r---,,----r---r---, 1960 1970 1980 Year Figure 5 59 1990 2000 1 . FAROE SHETLAND CHANNEL BOTIOM WATER -1100 dbar -0.50 -:::.c:: Q) .... CI] .... Q) - -0.60 :J -0.70 0. E Q) I- -0.80 -0.90 -t---..,.---r----,---..,.---r----,----r---, 19.60 1970 1980 1990 2000 Year 34.93 co 34.92 """, lf) lf) - 0. 34.91 34.90 34.89 -t----r-----,r--~-.,...-~--r---.----, 1960 1970 1980 Year Figure 6 60 1990 2000 • . , FAIR ISLE CURRENT WATER 2.00 -~ >- tU E 0 c: « 1.50 1.00 0.50 A Q) ~ ::l "tU 0.00 1 ~ • Q) 0- E Q) I- -0.50 -1.00 -1.50 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Year -E 00 t-- eh l/) 0- >- g « • ~ 'e tU Cf) 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 -0.25 -+----r---,r--"r--J.....-r--~-___,r__-_r_-_, 1960 1970 1980 Year Figure 7 61 1990 2000 1 . COOLED ATLANTIC WATER 2.00 - -. 1.50 >- 1.00 ~ ('0 E 0 c:: oe:( Q) '- ::J 0.50 0.00 tii '- -0.50 a. E Q) -1.00 I- -1.50 f • Q) -2.00 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Year ro , I"'- 0.20 0.15 l/) l/) a. 0.10 >- ('0 E 0 c:: 0.05 - 0.00 ('0 -0.05 oe:( >- • 'e Cf) -0.10 1960 1970 1980 Year Figure 8 62 1990 2000 • f . . NOLSQ-FLUGGA 0497S 0 200 ........ ro 400 ~ .0 "0 ........ 600 ~ ~ Cf) Cf) ~ 800 Q. 1000 1200 o 50 100 150 Distance (km) Figure 9 63 200 250 300 'Tl FAIR ISLE MUNKEN SECTION 1" - 7.0 -------- o ------------------------------------- ---------_ .. ---------- ---------------------------------------------- ---------- -----------------6.0 __---.rr· ---------- 5 . 5.0 4.0 - , t> 0 ~ ~ - --------- ~ Q) ~ . . . '. 3.0 ~ ~ .... ~ .- ' ." • "- .jiljI- .' + + ....... ... ~. -II" I' ... ...... .:. ..: '!" .... '" ' ~ Mt'+ ..'io .. -'-;'.-_..... to:~. _.:C1':~~ ~~__ -:; •• ~ ••. .+.:t . ~ "'-0(->••.~:# .-------I , , , 34.80 I I I -' --I I , 34.84 I , , I ; ~--; .....;t.~--+- ......' •••• _", iJt+" + + I • 34.88 , , .T. ---- + # ;' -------------------------------------- . • + -----------_ ... ••• ------------ I , , , , I , • ----------------------------- -- 0.0 , . " ' "'.. "...... -... ...• ------- ,_, :I: .. 'lL. .te:. '\: •• ! ~ •• • ' ~", ----------------------, . ,... ..r..._-------------- Oln ----1:'.;".-,.-------;;,.. ~ .' ~ _-.'2. . 1.0 ---- 1 9 -2.0 • • • • ~ .-~-----~.i+....,. ,,_ ..----tU;.' I , 2.0 -1.0 ~. " •• ;: ' .' : , __----.rr.l ,.:0;-.-0:..:.,.'.,' r _ _ ••• r ---------------------------------.... • ...-.. J~. _'------------~-.--~-. -... --~-~------~+ ." , ..:, ~Ii..... .;' , ._ _---... ---f .. ------------------------------------~:;, ....-"'-.,,.... ., ~...•... .. :. :-: : . ~ .. ~.,. .., _. ..- -- -- ,-- ,- " ..... -- + June 1996 • March I April 1997 -,_ ...",--,.,0- --.-----------,- ".- n'b· ,'" (I , , , • I , , 34.92 I , I , I , I I , I 34.96 I , I , • , , I , , , , 35.00 .-'----.----- 1' . , . I , , 35.04 I , I , , I I I , I • I I 35.08 Salinity e e - ... Annex J: Norwegian Sections Johan Blindheim, Institute of Marine Research P.O.Box 1870, Nordnes 5024 Bergen, Norway Thc location of Norwegian standard sections arc indicated in Fig. 1. Thc intention with this set of sections is to monitor thc flow of wann water from thc North Atlantic, into thc Nordic Seas. An important reason for this monitoring is the rather considerablc effect of inter-annual temperaturc fluctuations on thc state and development of thc commercially important fish populations in the area • • The transport of Atlantic water enters the Nordic Seas Mainly through thc FaroeShetland channel and to a considerable extent, also in thc current brancl1 which passes north of thc Faroes. Important branches divert from thc main current along thc continental shelf break, into thc important fishing areas in thc North Sea and the Barcnts Sea. The standard sections are repeated to monitor fluctuations in this system. Thc ßarents Sea The Barents Sea is a shelf sea covering an area of approximately 1.4 x 10 6 km2 where the mean depth is about 230 m. The bottom topography strongly influences distribution and movements of thc water masses. Around thc Central Bank, in about thc middlc of thc area, the inflow of Atlantic water, thc North Capc Current, splits into a main southern branch and a northern onc which is somewhat smaller. Thc Barents Sea is characterised by considerablc inter-annual fluctuations in water mass properties, particularly in heat content and consequently, icc coveragc. These fluctuations are monitored in threc sections which are repeated regularly; the Fuglpy-Bjprnpy Section, between 19°E and 20 0 E [rom thc Norwegian coast to Bear Island, the Vardp-N Section, along 31°13'E, and thc Sem Islands-N Section along 37°20'E. Timc series of temperature and salinitiy, averaged between 50 and 200 m depth across the main Atlantic inflow in thesc sections are shown in Fig. 2 In general, thc temperature in thc Barents Sea has been abovc the long tenn mean during the period 1989-1995, with warmest conditions in 1991-1992. During 1996 thc temperatures havc decreased and arc now below thc long tenn mean. This decreasc was larger in thc two castern sections than in the western part of thc Barcnts Sea. Also in salinity there has been a similar decrease, falling from a maximum in 1991-1992 to present values below the long tenn mean. Figure 3 shows the distribution of temperaturc at 100m depth in 1992, which was a relatively warm year, and in 1996 which was considerably colder. As seen in thc figure, thc temperaturc decrease was particularly largc in the frontal zone in the central Barents Sea. During thc winter 1995-1996 the ice coverage was relatively large, with the ice bordcr lying between 74°N and 75°N during the winter. During summer the whole Barents Sea \vas ice [ree. The icc index given in Fig. 4 which is based on thc icc coveragc for , 65 " \:. ',' .'~ ,:,. : .. . . the whole year, indicates slightly more ice than average. Thc Nopvcgian Sea Figure 5 shows the fluctuations in tcmperature and salinity in the scctions Svin~y­ NW, Gims~y-N\V and Ss:5rkapp-\V (West Spitsbergen) which are situated in the southem, central and northem Norwegian Sea, respectively (Fig. 1). As in the Barents Sea, the entries also in this figure are mean values of temperature and salinity, avcragcd betwccn 50 and 200 macross the core of the Atlantic inflow off the shelf break. They are based on measurements taken in the period late July - early September. In the Svin~y-NW Section there was an incrcase in temperature and salinity from 1994 to 1995 so that the summer situation in 1995 was very dose to the average for the period since 1978. The salinity was dose to the long term average also in the two sections furt her north while the temperatures in 1995 were above the mean, with increasing anomalies toward north. From 1995 to 1996 all three sections showed decrease in both temperature and salinity. • The figure shows that some of the variations appears elearly in all three sections, as for example the period with high values in both temperature and salinity around 1990. This period showcd, however, also local differences. Hence, in the northem Norwegian Sea this warm period had a longer duration and larger temperature anomalies than further south. The large temperature decrease from 1995 to 1996 in the Ss:5rkapp-\V Section shows that this period with locally high temperatures now is broken. All three sections in the Norwegian Sea also show a general decreasing salinity trend over most of the observational period. In the Svin~y-N\V Section a similar decrease is dear also in temperature. This is a feature which is observed also in longer time series in the Norwegian Sea and in the Faroe-Shetland area since about 1960, affecting the upper part of the water column, into the upper layers of the deep water. Thc North Sea and Skagerrak The North Sea is mainly a shallow shelf sea where about 2/3 of the area is shallower than 100 m. Greater depths occur in the Norwegian Trench where the depths exceed 700 m in Skagerrak. Most ofthe water masses in the North Sea flow in from the North Atlantic while some is runoff from land. The vertical mixing during the winter reaches the bottom in the shallow areas with small temperature differences between surface and bottom as consequence. The summer warming results in a weIl developed thermoeline at depths varying between 20 and 50 m. The circulation in the North Sea is largely cyelonic, and almost all of the water passes through Skagerrak before it leaves the area in the Norwegian Coastal current. Interannual fluctuations around this mean situation influences the whole ecosystem in the North Sea. The most important forcing mechanisms for such dimatic variability are fluctuations in inflow of Atlantic water, wind conditions, heat exchange with the atmosphere and fresh water discharge from land. 66 • .. .. The winter 1995/96 was relative1y cold and dry over Europe. As a result, particularly the southern North Sea was up to 3°C colder than normal during the winter. This remained as cold bottom water during the following summer, with bottom temperatures about 1,5°C below the long term mean. Figure 6. shows time series of temperature and salinity in the north western North Sea (Position A) and over the western slope in the Norwegian Trench (Position B), both located on a section from Utsira toward west along 59°17'N (Fig. 1). The measurements at A are taken to represent the "winter water" in the western branch of the Atlantic inflow. The observations in Fig. 6 B show the conditions in the core of the Atlantic inflow from the Norwegian Sea which follow the western slope of the Norwegian Trench. The figure show that the temperature is in general 1o_2°C lower on the North Sea plateau than in the inflow in the Norwegian Trench. After a warm period on the plateau around 1990, there has been a eooling and freshening trend sinee 1993. This is somewhat in contrast to Fig. 6B where the two last years have been relatively warm. • Figure 7 shows series of temperature, salinity and oxygen content at 600 m depth in the Skagerrak Deep. The time series show that deep water renewal occurred in 1991 after a long period without deep water exchange. At the end of this period the oxygen coneentration in the deep water was at the lowest since the observations were initiated. This period with stagmint and warm water lasted until 1994 when colder water with higher oxygen eontent sank into the basin from the North Sea plateau. Further supply of new bottom water during the winter of 1996 brought the temperature further down. Coastal 'Vater • At 8 fixed stations along the cost, temperature and salinity are observed at standard depths 2-4 times monthly. Fig. 8 shows the temperature and salinity trends at the fixed station "Skrova" for the period 1936 - 1996, averaged over the first quarter, Jan. Mar., at 10m depth and over the third quarter at 150 m depth. While the observations in the surface layer are rather vulnerable to IoeaI effects, the observations at 150 m are more reflecting the oceanic conditions and the variations in the Norwegian Atlantic Current. The high temperatures and salinities of the very warm period around 1990 reached a maximum in 1991, but the following cooling and freshening culminated in 1994. The seasonaI trend at the same depths is also shown in the figure. Figure 9 shows similar graphs for the fixed station at "Utsira". Averages for the first quarter at 10m depth and for the third quarter at 150m depth. Also at this station the observations at 150m depth reflects the conditions in the Norwegian Atlantic Current, but here in the flow which diverts into the North Sea. The warm period around 1990 is indicated also in this time series. . 67 . . 0' • Standard seelion Standard station 20' 40' 75· • 60' Fig. l. Hydrographie standard seetions and fixed oeeanographie stations 68 :1· ., ~'&'-'-' .Fugl~ya.Bjllm~ya fcAf 5 ~ -. '-'. • \. I '. / f 4 ~ .-' j -. • ." \ .i 3 ' \ ' /,.,.,r ' i ._. , '. -,/ ' •••'" -'-. / - - - . '. '-', 1'\Vard~N/ ". \',/"'.i-\. .-".-'/- .,,'-.. • C·'/\ \. .j\\ . .,.~. '-'" i j '.' 1].V\' \/"·,1 i' I" \ '. _j'\ Sell1llyeoe-N.. 2 ._'-._.. ". \ j'" / .\_. .,,' o ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1964 • 35. 20 35. 15 1969 :!l ., v, 1979 j' \. • / ! \-', 'I . . • \. • ".'b .-- '. ."' ".6 • ,'.-. / • /' / \ ,. N\.I f~~ : \/..... ,..l\. <' • \ 'IV'" '. / 1994 ... ", Vard0 :,..::: \ 1989 • tJ;". 35.10 ~.. • ,\ "''', 3505 .•/ • 35.00 1984 1 1 ./\.. Fuglllya-Bj0m0ya . ~ 1974 T ,/ . ... .1\'-.-,'. ::[ ,~~~~~~:~,~:~,:," ,-.'I"" ,: 1964 1969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 Fig. 2. Mean temperature and salinity between 50 and 200 m depth in the seetions Fugloya-Brornoya. Vardo - N and Sem Islands - N. Observations from August/September. 1964 - 1996, )(XX) 1100 I(XX) • SOl .: ~ ~ 1.11 ·soo ·1000 ·1100 .)(XX) 1910 Im 1914 1976 1978 1980 1981 1984 1986 1988 1990 199) 1994 1996 1, Fig, 3, !ce index for the period 1970 - 1995. Positive indices represent less ice than average. 69 • • Fig. 4. Di~trihlltion of temperature at 100m depth In thc Barents Sea during AugustSeptember in 1992 (upper panel) and 1996 (lower panel) 70 --- - • 19U 1911 1971 1913 ~------------- 1993 19" 1993 19" Fi~, 5. Tempcralure and salinity. obsen'ed in Jul)'/AugUSI. in the core of the Atlanlic ....ater in !he seclions S~ Ino)·l"W. Glmsoy·NW and Sorkapp. W. A\eraged bellloeen 50 and 200 m depth .• ~ • j .• ./"-. t: , -'" Jv.. I \. '\r\\ 7 V'J\[' ~:I_ _---.... ·f'. ~~. I\I\~ V-l I: "::1 .... C":\ r '\I _ Fi~ 6. TempcrJlure and s~"nity near the bollom an the north weSlern Nonh Sea (A) and in the core of the AllJnllC waler <BI o"er !he western slopc of !he NOt""'egian Trench during!he summers of 1970·1996. Locallons of A and B in Fig I. 71 7.00 6.30 t 2 6.00. 3.SO t-1hJ.Hr---:+---l4r-F----rt~_Wct_+-F_lr : ~ . E 3.00 ... 450 4.00 3.SO +-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ll~~~~Q~~MWn~~~W~~~a~nW% • 33.30 33.20 ~ ~ 35.10 33.00 34.90 34.80 +-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~MQ~~MronuM~~~MMnron~% 7.50 7.00 l: 6.30 ~ ~ 6.00 HlI---,l;It-----~\_\IiI~IJ_t_:lJ_lI1A-It_+w: 0 550 3.00 4.50 +-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~roQ~~Mron~~~~~M~a~n~% Fig. 7. Variations in temperaturc. salinity and dissolved oxygen in the bottom water at 600 m depth in Skagerrak. 1952 - 1996. Position indicated by C in Fig. 1. 72 • '.00 )JO '.00 "" 2.00!....~ ~~~ __ 1936 1"1 1946 1911 I~ '''1 19M 1971 1976 1..1 1916 1"1 I'" .... "D ".". '" )'14 t- ,u 1I-'/-\+\j-\A1H-~+--A-H-t--i4t-4J1-+4--l+ • !)).o ~ .)1.1 )l.I ".. >1.2 >U>b_~ __ ~ __ ~ 1936 ''''1 1946 IßI 1954 '''11166 .". I'" __ ", ~~ ".~------------~ Itl6 1...1 1946 19511956 1'" I," 1t71 197' 1911 I"" .991 1996 1911 I," 19911", Skron 10m. 1996 Skrovs 150m, 1996 "" 15.1 • "D '" ,., )),1 '"" +-;-.....F....-;;M~A ......M...."...."....--:;A~',.,....,O'""'N--.-;;D~ Jlj +-;,.......,F,........""M.......,A,...--M"....-,,~,..., """-A"'-',"""''''D~N~O~ Fig 8. (Uppe panel) Time series of temperature and salinity for the period 1936 - 1996 at the fixed station "Skrova". The figure shows plots of means for the first quarter (Jan.-Mar.) at 10 m depth and of means for the third quarter at 150 m depth. (Lower panne!) Seasonal trends of temperature and salinity at 10 m and 150 m depth at "Skrova". Seasonal mean values with standard deviation are also shown. 73 YtrtUtsn YlleVtln IOm.l.tvvta.l 150m. 3. tvuta] l.JO )~M2l-.-I",-"-,l-I",-,,,-,""',,,,-:-lm~l:':m~'tI2~I:,:,,,~,",:::-' ...lO 1>Jl1 lI.lO ".70 • 150m, YtreUliin. 10m, 1996 YtftUUIn. 'OJXl • .lO .'" 1.lO i '''' '.lO .. '''' @ 1.lO '.lO '''' ..'" "'" "'" f)Ul ,e.".oo "-'" 11 A 0 '>Jll ".lO )5.10 j 3 u.o) : W.9O lI.lO )<.70 "'" ..... lO.lO ...lO 11 A Fig 9. (Upper panel) Time series of temperature and salinity for the period 1942 - 1996 at the fixed station "Utsira". The figure shows plots of means for the first quarter (Jan.-Mar.) at 10 m depth and of means for the third quarter at 150 m depth. (Lower pannel) Seasonal trends oftemperature and salinity at 10 m and 150 m depth at ··Skrova". Seasonal mean values with standard deviation are also shown. 74 • Annex K: Results from Spanish Sections Alicia Lavfn and J.M. Cabanas, Instituto Espafiol de Oceanograffa Laboratorio de Santander Apdo 240, 39080 Santander, Spain The Standard Sections sarnpled by the Instituto Espafiol de Oeeanografia are given in Fig. 1. In Bay of Biscay and Atlantic waters there are 4 sections, situated in Santander (43.5°N, 3.78°W), Asturias (43.5°N, 6°\V), La Corufia (43.4°N, 8.3°\V) and Vigo (42. 1oN, 9°W), which are sampled monthly. • • The meteorologieal conditions in the North of the Iberian Peninsula have become mild after a warm period. In annual mean air temperature (according to the Spanish Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia) 1995 was one of the warmest year of the period 1961-1996, and in 1996 mean temperature fell by 0.9°C. Anomalies in annual mean temperature relative to 1961-90 mean, are shown in Fig. 2 for the period 1961-1996. The anomaly temperature patterns of the Centro Meteorologico de Santander consistently follow those ofthe NAO Index. Contours of temperature and salinity at stations 2, 4 and 6 for the period (November 1991-Deeember 1996) for the Santander Seetion are presented in Figs 3, 4 and 5. The seasonal cycle in temperature is clearly marked, mainly over the central part of the shelf (st 4) and shelf-break (st 6) in the upper layers and throughout the water column at the inner station (st 2) due to mixing. Stratification develops between April-May and Oetober-November, and during the remaining period the water column is mixed over the shelf and shelf-break. Salinity contours show high salinity at the beginning of winter, duc to the poleward current, and sporadically in spring-summer duc to seasonal upwelling events. Low salinity appears in autumn, when the seasonal picnocline is broken, in summer in the upper layers, due to advection of warm surfaee water, and in spring, due to river overflow. Nitrate distributions at stations 2,4, and 6 are presented in Fig. 6. High values appear in the mixed period and, due to upwelling events, in the stratified part of the year. Inereasing trends in temperature and decreases in salinity detected from 1991 to 1995 have stopped (Figs 7a and b). This change in temperature trend in the upper waters (10m) is related to a decrease in air temperatures. The decreasing trend in salinity oceurred in the relaxed part of the high salinity anomaly that moved around the North Atlantic at the end of the 80's, and arrived in the Bay of Biscay during 1991-1992, and eontinued until 1994-1995 before changing. Temperature, salinity and nitrate distribution at stations 14b, 13a and lla in the Vigo section are shown in Figs 8, 9, 10, 11 from inside the ria de Vigo to outside. Poleward current salinity increase is clearly detected in autumn 95 and winter 96. To study distribution of properties along the shelf from the western part of the Iberian Peninsula to the Northern part, we have computed the correlation hetween salinity eonditions in La Coruna and Santander, in the former ease at any station on the shelf at 72m depth, and in the latter, at 100m depth. Monthly data were fitted by cubic splines 75 to fortnightly data to compare the two series. Salinity at 70m depth is signifieantly eorrelated with time between La Corufia and Santander, with a maximum eorrelation of 0.63 for a lag of 2 months (Fig. 12). In the opposite direetion eorrelation is lower and diminishes with time. We think this eorrelation and lag provide indications on the direetion and mean speed of the shelf-edge current from the western part of the Iberian Peninsula to the northern part~ These results are eoherent with a year of eurrent measurements sampled at 75m depth over the shelf-break in Asturias (43.5° N, 6°W). In the stratified period, when a pienoeline develops and winds are mainly easterly, eurrent direetion ehanges frequently from eastward to westward and speed is quite low, but in autumn and winter, when water is homogeneous, the direetion is predominantly eastward and monthly mean veloeities are around 20 ern/s. This is the sign of the poleward eurrent. These eurrent measurements eorrespond to the Feb 95-Feb 96 period, and in winter 96 an important flow of the poleward eurrent is marked by the high salinity and temperature in the seetions deteeted throughout the area, but with greater intensity in Vigo. • 76 ." i ,, - --+-+-1~'~: ~ , '.'V : - :'~ --+--:-K --L-_L]~" ' ',\' : :f: I I I --~---~- ~ : : : : : (,1' : --+--~,,~ z: ! r+:.,.' I 88 87 , 21 I 93 91 I : :' ---'--_.... - . ., II ~ ! , • ,t--1-- 4 \"0- ~. "\ Q2 ~.. " •, II J I !Ir i~; , : : : '~~~ I • t'-:: "', I ~ f l,) • I : : : : : : : I I I I I I , I I t i : '<-I '....,~~I....--.rf. -..f---j---:--+--f---~--+_--:-_-{L.., /i\.I I , I I : : : : I I .. ---'--~- ~~... J~=~ == I I I , : : ~-~' ~;--..;;,~. ~~; 1.5 1 0.5 2 00 -0.5 -1 Figure 2. Anomalies in annual mean temperature relative to the 1961-1990 mean. Centro Meteorol6gico de Santander. Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia. 77 .. . ~ I .JJ, ,.'\ I 0 1 ",1....- '.,~,,\ ~.-7>i (<:":~'-"""I : Figure 1. Location ofthe Sections IKEAN AIR TEMPERATURE ANOMAL! ,.. d''-\ ~~:: C,,:' --r--i--r--r- :::~ZI1 _1I r- ,,;._~--._- 2 D , ,<. I ."--//-"--''-' ~J -i--r--T-- K. 1"'/1, ,--...'li r//f),1i ..1"', \'1 11 ( Y ( I,--"-!i~~.~.: : : : ~: l ,.,:.: \ ~ ~~t u.:: I • I f U ~,,,l ~-;"\.j;V:: ! ~! \ \~jf>+[J:-. . . ! I If ;(0 -~---~--~--J---+_--X-?\.I"\~~r1 : : : : : ..re 1\'\ '~I ~~ .. : : QUASIMEME CONTROLED , II --!---,---r--f-~-\.d....=;'f-"l.- .... ;r:"''''\r.=.~.::f1<' 'e .~ ,.>: 11: ICES WG ZOOP ECOL l :~ ~'-i I Q~--~--t--~--~-" ~(D~ , , VI'ITED MCNTHLY RECORDS: PHYSICAL PARA~,1. NUTRIENTS PHYTOPLANKTON ZOOPLANKTON ICTHYOPLANKTON I I - • STANDARD SECTIONS i/JlJ: S&WJ:SJ!' --!-.. .~ ' METHODS' JGOFS PROTOCOLS I\~' :: I L I __ , :_- -,L(~ ,--: '~' r.:: STATION 2 STATION 4 20.00 , o· 1 I I .c I 1 1 -1 0 I , Q. I I ~ o I -2 0 1 1 ; I W1N 91 I I' ,ill SUM 92 18.00 16.00 14,00 I,.,; .;:!.- [~,;; I,';:' I'. 1·-::1' ·1 .' I I 1 1 , ~ ',i;-: .. '. I . , 'V.' ! Ir 11. I WIN \ 13.00 12.00 '3UM' WIN 93 94 11:>- I 1I~\~ ~:f~ rI' ~. 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1\, I. ~'i'., \ '. ., SUM 11.50 15.00 11 7.. TI: IV IJ ~ I I 12.50 »li.' 1 I WIN SUM 95 :; -50 Cl. ~ 1 o suM' WIN 96 91 35.60 35.50 35.00 I·::.-q.-.:> 1 34.00 92 93 94 95 96 95 96 33.00 I I fr 93 95 -50 0 -100 91 Figure 3. Distribution ofTemperature and Salinity at station 2 (Santander Section). • 92 ~3 Figure 4. Distribution ofTemperature and Salinity at station 4 • 11.00 • • STATION 6 NUTRIENTS 4.00 2.00 0.00 0 17.00 15.00 13.00 z 0 ;: « J- 0 lI) I :; -10 a. e" I -2 ~ C. N e" 92 93 -10 11.50 92 93 95 94 . \0 z 0 ;: 35.60 7.50 !UM 96 4.50 0.00 96 -..I 35.70 95 35.50 35.00 34.00 « J- lI) I :; a. e" I 93 92 96 95 ~ C. e" 2.00 0.50 0.00 '" z o ;: ;: lI) SUMl 91 Figure 5. Distribution ofTemperature and Salinity at station 6 (Santander Section). jWIN SUM 92 96 Figure 6: Nitrate distributions at stations 2, 4 and 6 (Santander Section). .. A 22 21 !s:ATION 4 (10m) I 20 19 18 17 ·e 16 15 14 13 12 11 1993 1992 1991 1996 1995 1994 B SALINITY 35.80 35.75 35.70 35.65 • 1\ N\ \ 11./\ J \ I 35.60 YY ~ 35.55 35.50 , V,\ \ 35.45 35.40 I X 1 IA 1\ IM (\ j \.J ) y~ 1/ 35.35 35.30 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Figure 7. A: Temperature at 10 m depth at station 4. B: Salinity at 50 m depth at station 4 (Santander Section) 80 • • 20.0 16.0 MI. Sp Oe Mt Jn Sp Meses 00 1994 Oe Mt Jn 1995 36.00 Sp 1994 Oe MI. Sp Oe 1994 1996 Jn Sp Meses Oe Mt Jn 1995 Sp Oe 1996 35.S0 Jn Sp meses 1995 Oe MI. Jn Sp Oe 1996 Jn Sp 1994 Figure 8. Distribution ofTemperature and Salinity at station 14b (Vigo Section). Oe 1995 MI. Jn Sp Oe 1996 Figure 9. Distribution ofTemperature and Salinity at station l3a (Vigo Section). I1 9 DIIA Oie 1996 M:u Jun Sept Oie 1996 Mar Jun Sept 00 N DI3A Oie Mar Sept Die 1996 Mu Jun Sept EI-Iß Oie Figure 10. Distribution ofTemperature and Salinity at station Ila (Vigo Section). • Mar Sept Oie 1996 Mar Jun Sept Figure I J. Nitrate distributions at stations 14b, 13a and 11 a. (Vigo Section) • • o. 65 ~---------- -----------------_._-_._.. 0.6 .. ~ . .. . .. .. - - - - - - - - . - -----Coruna-Santander .. - - - Santander-Coruna . .. .. . . .. 0.35 - .. . .. .. . .. . 0.3 .\----+------jf-----+-----+----1-----+---t----l o 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 3 n° of 1ag5 (1=15 days) Figure 12. Correlation between salinity conditions at 70 m depth in La Coruiia and Santander. ... Annex L: Results from Barents Sea J. Piechura, Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 6 Düsternbrooker, ul. Powstancow, 'Varszawy 55 81-712 Sopot, Poland Inflow of the Barents Sea 'Vaters Every summer since 1987 (except 1990) the Institute of Oceanology has conducted oceanographic research in the area between Norway and Spitsbergen from the board of R.V. "Oceania". 1987 salinity data were found too high and were rejected. Quite substantial, interannual variations of physical properties and transport were observed. \Ve would like to caIl more attention to variability of the Barents Sea \Vater Dow into the Greenland Sea, especiaIly in the Sorkapp region. Most probably this is the Barents Polar \Vater (BPW). In the most cases the BPW transported with the Sorkapp Current which is mainly the surface current penetrates into the layer 200-400m just above the bottom of the small plateau to the south of the South Cape (Figs 1, 2, 3). Temperature and salinity of these waters Ductuated from below minus 1°C and 34.86 psu (summer 1995) to nearly 3.5°C and 35.00 psu (summer 1991). High temperature and salinity were recorded also in the summers of 1994 and 1996 and 10w TS in 1992. Data also show different stages of penetration and different volume of cold, less saline waters from the Barents Sea. In 1989 and 1995 the large volume of "new" BPW is seen while 1991 and 1994 they were weIl mixed with Atlantic water and only traces can be seen in temperature distribution mainly. In 1992 only smaIl amount of BPW was recorded. Different type of water Dows into the Greenland Sea in the bottom layer of Storfjord and Storfjordrenna (Fig. 4). There are two large bodies of very dense winter waters on the transect along the axis of the Storfjordrenna. One of them - is 10cated in the north-eastern part of the Storfjdrenna between stations 06 and 09. Its temperature is as low as -2°C, the salinity is dose to 35 spu and the density over 28.16. The other body is located at the opposite end of the transect, Le. between stations IA and 02; the temperature in its core is -1.8°C and the density is 28.1228.14. Salinity rises to nearly 35 psu but only in a very thin bottom layer. The salinity increase in the western part of the lens is more probably due to the Atiantic waters located in the intermediate layer to the west. Intrusions of low salinity water are observed in the upper part of these cold water lenses: <34.84 psu in western and <34.76 psu in eastern. Density distribution suggests eddy - type circulation which cause redistribution of dense waters and complicates picture. 84 • FI·~.1.Area of investigations in Norwegian - Barents Seas Confluence Zone. Transect "0" and northern part of Transect "15" - bold lines. 85 FIg.Z Potential temperature fC} and salinity [psu} distributions at the northern part of transect 15°E. 1988 Potential temperature tCj N4 1.14 0 L4 50 l00(l<m} 75' K4 200 200 4~ 4~ 600 600 800 750 50 1989 Salinity [psuj 76'N N4 800 750 100 f'mI ---=.::.... - - 75' - --': 200 • 4~ 600 50 0 700 (l<m) 1.14 '~ «0 ~ 50 100 ftomJ 75' 200 200 4~ 4~ 600 600 750 1.14 800 0 50 1992 Potential temperature rC} l00(l<m) 50 700 (l<m) 750 Salinity [psu} 76'N L4 150 75' 200 200 ~ .~ >5... 600 0 . 5..0 800 0 Salinity [psuj , --- ~q.... 6.• 800 750 l00(l<m} 76'N K4 L4 .0 50 1991 Potential temperature tCl N4 0 750 800 0 86 50 l00(l<m} 750 600 800 • . H3·~LlOf"'f<iPotential temperature [C} and salinity [psu} distributions at the northem part of transect 15°E. 1994 Potential temperature tCj M4 L4 Salinity [psuj 76"N K4 75" 200 800 o N4 150 50 Potential temoerature tCI M4N M4 L.ß.t L4 K4t o 1995 50 Salinity [psuj 76"N K4 150 75" 200 40ci ----J 600 o 50 1996 Potential temoerature tCI M4N M4 L4M L4 K4t 200 ----j 75" 200 40ci ---+600 o Salinity [psuj 76'N K4 600 800 50 loo(l<mJ 150 87 . AREX'95 Confluence Zone Transect '0' Salinity [psul Potential temperature {"Cl L4 02 01 04 03 05 07 06 08 09 Sigma- Theta \. I / ;' .I ...0"""'-' , /~, .\ ""0 300 /\ " ,/ o 20 40 60 80 '00 """' 88 120 140 160 180 400 . ~ . Annex M: Report on WOCE Section AlE Jens Meincke, Institut für Meereskunde der Universität Hamburg Troplowitzstras, se 7, 22529, Hamburg, Germany The ongoing work on the WOCE-section AlE (Fig. 1) is reported here. This section has been repeated 5 times since 1991 with approximately 65 CTD-Stations betwcen Kap Farvel and Porcupine Bank (SW-Ireland). The most prominent change has been observed with the eastward spreading of Labrador Sea Water. By means of Fig. 2 it is demonstrated, that the LSW formed during 1988/98 convection event has reached the European continental slope in 1995, i.e. 3 times faster than expected from carlier published work. The present analysis focusses on the changes of Atlantic waters and the overflows. The section will be continued, however at a reduced repetition rate after 1997. N 54° • 52° WOCEA1/E Figure 1 89 . A e : o.or oe: / Je.!.'!; V~ ir '1( H: -0./0, -0 Je ~ 34.64 ~C'l 34.ffi -'" ::; 34.88 ~ 34.70 ~ c:n 34.72 34.74U-ll~aSi-..-;.-L~-J.-~~~~~~~~;:;:;;;;.~=~ c:; .......=.;;;.;.J.----L. 34.64 ~cn 3US • -" ::; 34.58 ~ 34.70 S ü) 34.72 ~ 34.64 ~~at~ -'" ;;; 34.68 g 34.70 • ü) 34.72 34.74 ~ 34.64 ~ cn -'" 34.ffi ::; 34.68 ~ 34.70 S ü) 34.72 34.74 42 40 38 II 34 32 ]) 28 Fig.2 a) Difference ofPotential Temperatures against Sigma 1.5 along the WOCE AlE -Sections in 1992, 1994,1995 and 1996 against 1991. Hatched: Warmer against 1991 90 A S~ C.OI r s"I rt ID<,'L L' t.. '11 34.14 • ;::; 34.68 ~ 34.70 <r. 34.72 34.14 Fig 2 b) A ' SW),but Agend ' Ity.6:Hatched' for Salin' Sea Water (~a). an d' mtemational p rOJec~ .range covers the Lab rador altem Progre~s'salt' m natIonal ler .against 1991 . The density 91 01 • Annex N: Further Changes in Norwegian Sea Deep Water Mr. A.J. van Bennekom Netherlands Institute for Sea Research P.O. Box 59, 1790 AB Den Burg, Texel The Netherlands Presented at the 1997 OHWG meeting as a follow-up to the 1996 OHWG discussion Table 1 shows that applying the corrections to the salinity of Standard Sea Water batchcs (Mantyla JPO 17:547, 1987 and DSR 41: 1387, 1994) improvcs thc consistency of the salinity time series in adiabatic NSDW. It strengthcns thc conclusion of Svein Osterhus (OHWG 1996 meeting) that during the last 15 years the salinity of adiabatic NSDW did certainly not incrcase. Thc decreasc of 0.001 PSU is not significant in view of measurement accuracy. Salinities of NSDW before 1981 were higher than at prcscnt. It is difficult to find pcrtincnt statistics in Iitcraturc; 34.92 is oftcn givcn for dcep watcr from thc Norwcgian Sca, bascd on "Amaucr Hanscn" cruises in 1935 and 1936, tabulatcd by Mosby. • Preliminary data from a 1996 Johan Hjort cruise (Francisco Rey) show that the changes in NSDW properties further proceeded slightly sincc 1994: Dccreasc in potential tcmperaturc and thickness of thc adiabatic laycr and incrcasc in silicic acid concentration. Thc scenario for thc changcs in NSD\V and GSD\V sccms to bc: Ncarly total ovcrturn of GSDW was last found in 1971 and since than thc depth of overturn in the Greenland Sca progressivcly dccreased. Bchaviour of NSD\V is lagging bchind. Production of new GSD\V cnhanccs the flow of bottom watcr through the Norwcgian Sca, dctcctablc from thc disappcarancc of gradients in silicic acid concentration in bottom watcrs. Throughflow of NSDW gradually diminished until about 1990, when it virtually stoppcd. Stagnancy of NSDW is shown by a re-appearance of a near-bottom H4 Si04 gradient (Fig. 1). Silicic acid measured on board by F. Rey and mcasured 14 days later at NIOZ (van Bennekom and Bakker) in sampies fiItercd on board and sent by post, wcre the same (average difference 0.002 ~M for 23 sampIes). 92 • , .. • Table 1. Properties of Adiabatic Norwegian Sea Decp Water (> 2500 m depth), around 65 N; 5 W (SW Norwegian Sea) Compilation by A.J. van Bennekom from data reports. Salinity corrected for SSW batches (Mantyla, JPO. 17: 547, 1987 & DSR 41: 1387, 1994) Sal. Annauer Hansen 1935,4 Stt. • t) Ox, Jlmollkg Si, Jlmollkg Corrected 34.92 ±O.005 34.912 ±0.002 ? 1972 Geosecs 3) Stl9 34.912 198 I,TTOINAS St 143 34.907 82-00 I, Hudson St 116 34.910 34.909 3 (34.910 - 34.911) !982, Meteor 4) St284 34.909 1987, Tydeman St3 34.910 34.910 (34.910 - 34.911) 3 ? 34.910 (PI03 5); -0.0002/3) -1.14 ±0.006 302±2 2) -1.043 302 14.1 -1.052 305 l3.1 -1.055 297-8 13.0 -1.048 299 2•4) 13.05 -1.052 300.2 12.7 300.9 -1.033 34.909 5 34.9095 (34.909 -34.910) (P1l9 5» -1.028 to 34.909 to 1996, Johan Hjort -1.032 34.910 Stl266 (preliminary data; Pers. Comm. Francisco Rey, IMR, Bergen, Norway) 1994, Pelagia St4 13.0 13.14 ±0.02 Häkon Mosby (1966) Oceanographical Tables, Annauer Hansen in the Norwegian Sea, 1935, Geophysical Institute Bergen University, Norway, 118 pp. 2) From mllL with the conversion factor 44.66, and p 1.026 at pickling temperature. 3) A. Bainbridge (1981) Geosecs Atlantic Expedition, voll, Hydrographie Data, IDOENSF, Washington, 121 pp. Salinity slightly less accurate than others, pers. comm. A. Mantyla 4) G.A. Becker (ed.)(l986) Data Report FS "METEOR" Reise nr 61, 150 pp. Not the same position; about 200 km east of the other stations. St 285 more north (central Norwegian Basin) gives S =34.914 at the same E>, Ox =298 and Si = 13.15. 5) Batch of Standard Sea Water used for salinity calibration; correction not known for P119, probably very small t) 93 Silicic acid profiles S. Norw. Sea 15 14 i' -"g ~ "C 13.5 CJ ~CII ~ 13 / 12.5 12 1500 / ~ 14.5 / V/ ~ L V ./ v / v // ~ _/ / -*-1972 -+-1987 -'-1994 -X-1996 ....,........ ~ -x L-- - t'- ~ V~ E::-/ / V1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 3100 3300 3500 depth (m) • • .• t. , .. :: " Annex 0: An Overview ofVEINS Jens Meincke, Institut für Meereskunde der Universität Hamburg Troplowitzstras, se 7, 22529, Hamburg, Germany The scope and the aims of the EU-MAST III Project VEINS (Variability of Exchanges in the Northern Seas) is presented here. The overall objective of the project is to measure and model the variability of fluxes between the Arctie Ocean and the Atlantie Ocean with a view on implementing a longer term system of critical measurements needed to understand the high-Iatitude oceans steering role in decadal climate variability. • Exchanges between the North Atlantie and the Arctie Ocean result in the most dramatie water mass conversions in the \Vorld Ocean: \Varrn and saline Atlantie waters flowing through the Nordie Seas into the Arctie Ocean are separated by cooling and freezing into shallow fresh waters (and ice) and saline deep waters. The outflow from the Northern Seas to the south provides the initial driving of the global thermohaline circulation celI, the one to the north is of major impact to the large scale circulation of the Arctie Ocean. Measuring these fluxes is a major requirement to quantify the turnover-rates within the large circulation cells of the Arctie and the Atlantie Oceans and a basic condition to understand the role of these ocean areas in climate variability on interannual to decadal scales. For this purpose a consortium of 18 institutions with long standing experience in high latitude observations and modelling with obtain 3 year synoptie time series of water and property transports in the key passages from the Arctie Ocean through the Nordie Seas into the Atlantie Ocean. These measurements will provide integral information on the water mass formation processes in the Northern Seas and on the forces driving the cireulation between the different basins. This makes them especially suitable for the validation of large seale circulation models. Its results will be used to develop an efficient observational design to measure time series resolving up to deeadal time scales, which are considered to be the most crucial measurements for advancing our predictive capabilities for shorter term climate changes. Figure I shows the areas, which VEINS will cover. The \Vorking Group notes the importance of the VEINS Project for the general aims of ICES-activities in the Northern Seas. It is evident, that this study of a predictive capability for longer term physical changes in Atlantie \Vater inflow and deep water outflow is of direct relevance to estimates of productivity-changes for the most prominent fishing grounds in the Northern North Atlantie. It is therefor recommended, to closely monitor the progress of VEINS by holding a theme-session on VEINS-results, preferably during the 1999 Statutory Meeting. 95 't N 80 0 GREEN LAND , Figure 1. Areas which VEINS will cover 96 '.. .....