University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and University of Wisconsin - Extension University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point College of Natural Resources 800 Reserve Street • Stevens Point, WI USA 54481 Investigation of Nitrate in Groundwater Red Springs Area of the Stockbridge-Munsee Reservation George J. Kraft David J. Mechenich Bryant A. Browne December 10, 2004 The Center for Watershed Science and Education worked cooperatively with the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians Environmental Department on an investigation of groundwater nitrate in the Red Springs Area of the reservation (Figure 1). The scope of this project involved the following: 1. Reviewing and producing maps of previous sampling data. 2. Producing GIS coverages of nitrate concentrations in relation to land uses and groundwater flow information. 3. Performing a review of well construction reports for domestic ("homeowner") wells sampled in previous studies. 4. Producing a database of water quality information from past and current studies. 5. Sampling select points in the monitoring network for nitrate, chloride, and chlorofluorocarbons (for use in age-dating). 6. Preparing a report. 7. Preparing and delivering up to three educational programs explaining the results of the study. This report contains the deliverables reflecting items 1, 3, 5, and 6. GIS coverages (2) and a database of sampling information (4) are forwarded under separate cover. Education programs will be delivered upon demand. Review of Previous Data The Environmental Department forwarded several Excel spreadsheets to the Watershed Center that contained construction and water quality data for about 80 sampling points (monitoring wells, tubes, and homeowner wells). The spreadsheets were merged into a common database and reviewed, revealing that 51 previous sampling points lay within the Red Springs area. The Environmental Department also forwarded a an image of groundwater flowpaths as determined by a groundwater flow model (Figure 2) and various GIS coverages. Several difficulties were noted in the forwarded sampling point data. Five points had no identification nor location information, five others had no mapping information, many homeowner wells lacked logs, and the reported amount of standing water in monitoring wells disagreed among sample dates. We attempted to resolve as many of these difficulties as possible, and have forwarded more current information to the Environmental Department. Over the course of the study, one new sampling location was added so that a universe of 52 sampling points exists in the Red Springs area (Appendix I). This universe includes 18 homeowner wells, 16 3/8-inch diameter monitoring tubes, 17 1-inch monitoring wells, and one unknown construction monitoring 1 point. All but four of the 52 points had record of being previously sampled. Previous samplings revealed that 29% of all sampling points and 47% of homeowner wells exceeded the drinking water standard of 10 mg/L of nitrate-N (Figure 1). Description of 2004 Sampling Events Sampling events were conducted in June and August of 2004. The objective of the June sampling was to find as many of the previously sample points as possible, measure the dimensions of monitoring tubes and wells to eliminate database discrepancies, and collect water samples for analysis of chloride, nitrate, and specific conductance. Thirty-five points were sampled, comprising 10 1-inch monitoring wells, 12 3/8-inch tubes, and 13 homeowner wells (including one that had not been previously sampled). Using the data gathered in June, we sampled 10 wells in the August sampling for CFCs and dissolved oxygen. For all sampling points, we calculated a "depth below the water table." Depth below the water table is better than a simple "well depth" for explaining the relationship of groundwater constituents to depth. Depth below the water table was computed by subtracting water table depth from the depth of the midpoint of a sample point screen or open borehole (Appendix I). 2004 Sampling Results Nitrate and chloride Nitrate-N and chloride (Table 1) averaged 10 and 12 mg/L over all monitoring points and 12.8 and 17 mg/L in homeowner wells. The nitrate-N drinking water standard was exceeded in 37% of all sample points and 47% of homeowner wells. Chloride and nitrate generally increased together (Figure 3). Nitrate concentrations in individual wells were about the same in June 2004 as in previous samplings (Figure 4). Nitrate did not decrease substantially with depth below the water table, though the deepest three monitoring points (homeowner wells constructed into the granite) had smaller than average nitrate (Figure 5). Surprisingly, well location with respect to agricultural land uses did not prove to be a substantial explanatory factor for observed nitrate concentration. Both large and small nitrate concentrations were observed in areas mapped agricultural and nonagricultural (Figure 6). Presumably, factors of well depth and small-scale land use patterns cloud the nitrate-land use relationship. Dissolved oxygen, denitrification The ten wells sampled for dissolved oxygen produced values that ranged 0.1 to 9.2 mg/L (Table 1). Four wells had low DOs, less than 1 mg/L. Low DO is significant because under these conditions groundwater nitrate might be eliminated through denitrification processes. Denitrification would be evidenced if a low DO well also contained a large chloride and small nitrate concentration, since nitrate and chloride correlate. Such evidence was lacking, however, indicating that denitrification was not 2 apparent in the low DO wells. Does evidence of denitrification exist for sampling points with no DO data? Two sampling points in Figure 3 have small nitrate relative to chloride and no DO data (N10234 and MW36). Insufficient evidence is available to determine if the low nitrate - chloride ratio in these is a result of denitrification or just an indicator of a nitrate-poor chloride source, such as road salt. In summary, evidence is lacking that denitrification is an effective mechanism for degrading groundwater nitrate in the sampling points of the Red Springs area. CFC sampling and groundwater age The monitoring points for CFC sampling were selected from the pool of previously sampled points. Selection preferences included an availability of construction information (many sample points had none) and a greater depth below the water table. Sampling points with construction information were preferred because groundwater agedate has little meaning without knowledge of what aquifer depth is being represented. Deeper sampling points were preferred because shallow wells are known a priori to contain very recent groundwater, so little knowledge is gained by sampling them. The premise of CFC groundwater age-dating is that the CFC concentration of groundwater reflects the atmospheric CFC concentration during the year that the groundwater was recharged. By measuring the CFCs contained in a groundwater sample and then back-calculating an atmospheric equilibrium concentration, groundwater age can be estimated by matching the equilibrium concentration with the historical CFC atmospheric concentration record. The UW-Stevens Point Dissolved Gas Lab measured concentrations of CFC11, CFC12, and CFC113 within gas harvested from groundwater. The minimum age-date estimate of each CFC was bounded by its practical laboratory detection limit. The practical detection limits were: CFC 11 - 4 pptv (parts per trillion by volume); CFC 12 - 9 pptv; CFC 113 - 1.3 pptv. These correspond to the following minimum age-dates: CFC 11 - 1955; CFC 12 - 1951; CFC 113 – 1959. For CFC 11 and CFC 113, the atmospheric concentration vs. time curve flattens substantially and then falls between about 1990 and present. Hence, a given atmospheric-mixing ratio does not correspond to a unique agedate. Therefore, we report an age-date of 1997 for CFC 11 and 113 samples with atmospheric-mixing ratios corresponding to 1990 to 2004, recognizing an uncertainty of about + 7 years. CFC 11, 12, and 113 yield up to three independent observations of apparent age for each well. However, agreement of all observations is often not attained. In the Stockbridge-Munsee samples, age dates produced by different CFCs generally agreed quite well for individual sample points. In two cases, CFC 12 observations were substantially less than CFC11 and 113 (MW26 and N8311), and in two other cases interferences from other constituents precluded CFC analyses. CFC113 was not present above detection limits in N9499 and W10349, probably because groundwater predated CFC113 concentrations above the practical detection limit. We usually assigned a “best” age-date for each sample point by averaging the available individual CFC age date 3 estimates. In the case of MW26 and N8311 where CFC12 was anomalously small, the CFC12 age date was not included in the average. CFC age dates ranged from 1955 to 1993 (Table 2, Figure 7). Age dates generally decreased with depth below the water table (Figure 8), but the relationship was not strong (r2 = 0.30). Wells completed in the granite particularly exhibited substantial scatter, likely due to the nature of groundwater flow in the granite (probably fracture flow rather than porous matrix flow), and to the long open borehole in granite wells. Older groundwater (pre-1964) contained less nitrate than younger (post 1974) groundwater (Figure 9). This condition is common on agricultural landscapes, and is due to the large increase in fertilizer nitrogen use that began in about 1960 and did not level until about 1990. Conclusion Sampling in June 2004 revealed that groundwater in the Red Springs area of the Stockbridge-Munsee reservation is substantially impacted by nitrate pollution. The nitrate-N drinking water standard was exceeded in 37% of all sampling points and in 47% of homeowner wells. Nitrate conditions changed little from previous sampling events. Furthermore, denitrification processes do not appear to be degrading groundwater nitrate. A key question is how quickly groundwater nitrate will improve in parts of Red Springs where nitrate sources have mostly been eliminated. The groundwater age-date vs. depth pattern does not provide a definitive answer. Speculatively, we do not expect that a substantial improvement will occur over just 5-10 years, but perhaps over 10-20 years, at least for the drift aquifer. A more sophisticated monitoring network would be needed to provide a more definitive answer. Given that nitrate problems will likely be around for some time, what are other water supply options? One potential option is to utilize nitrate removing treatment systems, either at the individual homeowner or community system level. Another option might be to install wells in the granite aquifer. The limited amount of sampling from granite wells indicated they are generally lower in nitrate than drift wells. This option is somewhat risky because only a small number (3) of granite wells were sampled, and because of a danger for encountering radionuclides. Analyses for nitrate and radionuclides should be performed on any newly drilled granite wells. A third potential option is to construct relatively shallow wells (but still meeting well construction codes) immediately downgradient of areas that have not been in nitrate polluting land uses, such as forest and grassland. This option would need to be monitored closely during and after well installation to ensure it provides low-nitrate water. 4 Tables Table 1. Results of nitrate, chloride, specific conductance, and dissolved oxygen analysis. A negative sign indicates a non-detect. (The detection limit is the absolute value of the negative number.) Well no. MW01A MW02 MW05 MW07 MW08 MW09 MW12 MW13 MW14 MW15 MW21 MW22 MW24 MW26 MW27 MW29 MW31 MW32 MW36 MW37 MW38 MW39 N8173 N8176 N8311 N8489 N8567 N9499 W10234 W10236 W10239 W10453 W10466 W10475 W10488 Well Type 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 1 inch PVC 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Dissolved O2 (mg/L) 6.6 8.1 6.4 9.2 2.2 0.7 0.2 Sp. Conductance (uS) 202 285 332 230 292 342 269 135 280 130 350 496 232 401 69 340 230 330 160 338 350 326 460 241 710 675 870 320 0.1 0.3 385 460 770 648 750 460 5.7 Average all: Average homeowner: 5 Nitrate-N (mg/L) 5.6 8.4 3.3 11.2 7.5 6.3 15.6 17.5 -0.1 8.3 17.7 4.1 -0.1 26.9 7.6 26.3 -0.1 1.7 4.3 6.6 5.0 11.4 9.9 7.4 16.0 17.3 39.5 -0.1 0.5 0.3 2.9 20.4 16.1 15.3 8.1 10.0 11.8 Chloride (mg/L) 1.0 5.5 1.5 6.5 10.5 8.5 11.0 12.0 1.5 3.5 10.5 1.5 2.0 51.5 0.5 14.5 1.5 2.0 23.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 17.5 5.0 19.5 25.0 46.0 0.5 10.5 3.0 21.5 31.0 18.5 16.0 9.0 12.1 17.2 Table 2. Groundwater age date analyses. Well no. Well Type Formation MW02 MW21 MW26 N8176 N8311 N8489 N9499 W10236 W10239 W10475 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 1 inch PVC Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Drift Drift Drift Granite Drift Drift Granite Granite Drift Drift CFC11 Date CFC12 Date CFC113 Date Best Date 1987 1987 1997 1988 1984 1974 1956 1963 1963 1981 1985 1987 1979 1988 1976 1987 1985 1989 1984 1984 1981 ND 1963 ND 1972 1987 1986 1993 1988 1984 1977 1955 1963 1963 1976 6 1955 1963 1974 # MW27 U% #U% MW29 #T$ W10488 #U% MW30 MW31 # T$U% N8567 #U% MW26 U% MW23 U% MW32 T$ # N8489# T$ # #W10453 #U% MW33 U% MW01B ##S MW25 #S # S # S # # MW01A #MW05 MW02 W10466 MW07 N9499 MW06 #S #T$ W10236 T$ U% N8311 T$ # S # MW03# # # T$ # S # #ST $ MW24# MW22 W10475 S # MW21# #U% MW36 MW38U% T$ #N8176 ##T$ N8173 MW37 W10234 T$U% W10258 # T$ ##Y #U%MW35 #S MW08 # MW11 #U% MW39 #S MW09# ##Y MW12 MW13 ##S MW10 #U%#T$ W10239 T$ # #S N9845 MW14 ##S MW16 ##S MW15 Well Type # Y #S U% ÚÊ T$ N 0 0 500 1000 0.5 1500 Meters 1 Miles unknown 3/8 inch tubing 1 inch PVC Homeowner MW34 #U% W9705 #T$ #T$ N8312 Nitrate (mg/l N) # # # # # 0.1 - 2 2.1 - 5 5.1 - 10 10.1 - 20 > 20 Agricultural Land Use Figure 1. Red Springs area and nitrate data from previous samplings. (Average used when more than one nitrate measurement existed for a sample point.) 7 % U $ T % U % U % U $ T % U % $ TU % U # S # S % U $ T # S % $ T U % U # S # S # S $ T # S $ T $ T % U # S $ T # S $ T % U %$ U T % U $ T $ T % U $ T # S % U # Y $ T # S # Y %$ U T # S $ T $ T # S # S # S Well Type # unknown Y # 3/8 inch tubing S % 1 inch PVC U $ T Homeowner ­ 0 0 500 1,000 0.5 1,500 Meters Agricultural Land Use 1 Mile Figure 2. Red Springs area with USGS model results overlain. Two-foot groundwater elevation contours and flow paths to monitoring points are shown. 8 Nitrate-N (mg/L) 40 30 y = 0.5743x + 3.0468 R2 = 0.5956 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Chloride (mg/L) Figure 3 Relation between nitrate-N and chloride. June 2004 nitrate-N 40 30 1:1 Trendline 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Previous nitrate-N (average) Figure 4 . Nitrate concentration for points sampled in this study compared with past samplings. Averages used for past samplings when more than one existed. 9 40 Nitrate-N (mg/L) Granite wells 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Depth below water (ft) Figure 5. Nitrate dependence on depth below the water table. 10 MW27 #U% #U% MW29 #T$ W10488 #T$U% MW31 N8567 #U% MW26 #T$ N8489 W10453 #T$ #U% MW32 MW01A S # # ##S ##S MW05 MW02 N8311 # # #T$ N8176 MW22 S MW21 # $ #ST W10466 MW07 #W10475 MW24 # ST $ N9499 #T$ ##S #T$ #T$ W10236 U% MW36 # U%T # #$ N8173 MW37 W10234 #U% #T$ S # #MW08 U% MW39 # ##S MW09 ##Y MW12 MW13 #U%#T$ W10239 ##S MW14 MW38 ##S MW15 Well Type # Y #S U% T$ N 0 0 Figure 6. 500 1000 0.5 1500 Meters Nitrate (mg/l N) unknown 3/8 inch tubing 1 inch PVC Homeowner # # # # # # No Detect 0.1 - 2 2.1 - 5 5.1 - 10 10.1 - 20 > 20 Agricultural Land Use 1 Miles Results of nitrate sampling from this study. 11 1993 U% 1977T$ #S 1987 1984 T$ 1986 #S T$1963 1955 T$ T$ 1976 T$ 1988 T$ 1963 Well Type # Y #S U% T$ N 0 0 Figure 7. unknown 3/8 inch tubing 1 inch PVC Homeowner XXXX 500 1000 0.5 1500 Meters Average Age Date Agricultural Land Use 1 Miles Groundwater age dates for sampling points. 12 2000 y = -0.2325x + 1986.5 R2 = 0.3013 Age date 1990 Granite wells 1980 1970 1960 1950 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Depth below water table(feet) Figure 8. Decrease in groundwater age with depth below the water table. Nitrate-N (mg/L) 40 30 y = 0.5312x - 1038.9 R2 = 0.5935 Granite wells 20 10 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Groundwater Age Date Figure 9. Nitrate N concentrations with groundwater age. 13 APPENDIX I 14 Table A-1. Characteristics of monitoring wells in the Red Springs area. Well dimensions are those measured in this study. Well No. Well Type MW01A MW01B MW02 MW03 MW05 MW06 MW07 MW08 MW09 MW10 MW12 MW13 MW14 MW15 MW16 MW21 MW22 MW23 MW24 MW25 MW26 MW27 MW29 MW30 MW31 MW32 MW33 MW34 MW35 MW36 MW37 MW38 MW39 MW11 3/8 inch tubing 1 inch PVC 3/8 inch tubing 1 inch PVC 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 1 inch PVC 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 1 inch PVC 3/8 inch tubing 3/8 inch tubing 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC 1 inch PVC unknown Status Sampled Not found Sampled Sampled Sampled Not sampled Sampled Sampled Sampled Sampled Sampled Sampled Sampled Sampled Sampled Sampled Sampled Not sampled Sampled Not sampled Sampled Sampled Sampled Not sampled Sampled Sampled Not sampled Not sampled Not sampled Sampled Sampled Sampled Sampled Not found Stickup (ft) 1.9 Well length (ft) Depth to water (ft) 28.9 2.2 3.4 2.0 30.7 24.2 29.7 13.2 14.9 24.9 17.5 9.3 4.9 1.9 2.2 2.0 2.1 1.4 2.2 2.1 1.3 1.5 2.0 2.0 27.7 29.1 29.2 36.1 30.5 34.7 30.1 25.9 25.6 31.5 29.9 21.9 23.1 20.8 31.8 26.7 28.5 5.8 6.1 8.4 4.4 3.8 6.2 18.6 7.3 11.8 19.5 19.7 10.4 1.6 Standing water (ft) 24.3 2.9 2.7 2.8 21.9 13.8 19.1 8.4 9.7 12.0 13.6 4.1 7.1 1.3 2.0 9.3 14.3 4.3 5.6 5.0 8.8 1.5 3.3 3.1 0.7 15.4 28.3 32.7 24.3 7.9 22.9 24.6 16.9 7.5 5.5 8.1 7.4 15 Table A1-2. Characteristics of homeowner wells. Depth of well Diameter Screen/borehole (ft) (in) length ---- Boucher residence? Poorly documented in database. Not found ---Sampled Sampled MH624 125 6 84 Sampled Not sampled Sampled (From 61 6 3 SMED)* Sampled Sampled OB266 105 6 50 Not sampled FO882 122 6 4 Sampled Sampled IL572 200 6 155 (From Sampled SMED)* 61 6 4 (From SMED)* Destroyed 39 6 3 Sampled Sampled KQ600 83 6 3 Sampled MX369 85 6 4 Sampled Not sampled Status None N8173 N8176 N8311 N8312 N8489 Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner N8567 N9499 N9845 W10234 W10236 Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner W10239 Homeowner W10258 W10453 W10466 W10475 W10488 W9705 Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Log number * Well information provided by Stockbridge-Munsee Environmental Department. 16 Depth to water (ft) Standing water (ft) Formation (ft) 16 109 granite 39 23 sand-clay 18 18 87 104 granite sand 16 184 28 33 granite sandgravel 20 19 sand 29 26 54 59 sand sand