Step Book

Step Book
Take 3 or 4 sheets of 8 ½ x 11 inch copy paper. (When teaching students to make this,
different colors work best.) Layer the sheets so that there is about an inch difference in
the top edges of each sheet.
Fold the sheets together hamburger style, but
make sure you leave about an inch from the “steps”
that were showing at the bottom. You will have two
steps of the same color together. Staple the book
where it folds at the top.
A Step Book is useful for writing about things that have multiple parts.
Students will list their topic on the part of the step that is showing, then lift
the step above it to write. Step Books may also be turned on their side to
create a bar graph, or used with the fold at the bottom for layers of the
Denise White, 2007