Articles & By-Laws Committee Final Report AY 2014-2015 Chair: Kate Parker

Articles & By-Laws Committee
Final Report AY 2014-2015
Chair: Kate Parker
Membership: Natalie Eschenbaum, Thomas Greiner, Jess Hollenback, Janet Kirsch
The Articles & By-Laws Committee addressed the following charges in AY 2014-2015:
 Write wording for Article IV.B.1. to accommodate new structure of
Faculty Senate, to include a School of Education “at-large” seat approved
by Faculty Senate 5-8-13. (Revised October 2014)
 Consider by-law changes that would either permanently increase the size,
or give flexibility for annual change in the size of the Academic Program
Review Committee. (Revised October 2014)
 Revised the GEC and GEAC by-laws to reflect membership changes and
updated responsibilities. (Revised April 2015)
Thank you for the opportunity to share our work with the Senate.