Where will What will a candidate “DO” (Performances) to demonstrate they can:
How will we measure
Wisconsin PI 34.03 Administrator Standards and
Wisconsin Licensure Program Content Guidelines 2001 candidates learn the content knowledge and their proficiency in this performance?
(1) The administrator has an understanding of and demonstrates competence in the teacher standards under s.
PI 34.02.
skills for this standard?
1 - EDU 766
Module 2
1 - Educational Reform Paper -Research a specific area of educational reform measures through a combination of classroom observation and independent research of the topic.
1 - Content within the paper that meets the specifications of the rubric used to evaluate the student’s papers.
1 - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
1 - Expectations for the Learner #7 - Design and implement a project at your practicum site that aligns to the school’s improvement plan and to school district priorities with a laser-like focus on improving student achievement (alignment to WAS will vary by project). This project should be memorialized using the tools set forth by the school/district in
1 - Project submitted to university supervisor and graded with an available rubric. 3D - A 5-6 page
APA paper will be submitted and graded with an available rubric.
which you are completing your practicum. If
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010 specific tools do not exist, you should ‘put on your principal hat’ and create a way to document this project. Documentation can include but isn’t limited to the following items: meeting agendas, communications to staff, professional development presentations, curriculum updates, etc. Examples of projects include but are not limited to the following:
· Review the current formal teacher evaluation system used at your school.
Research formal teacher evaluation systems that are available. Make recommendations to your cooperating principal based on your research.
· Review the school’s homework policy.
Review the research on homework as it links to student achievement. Generate recommendations to share with your cooperating principal based on your research.
· Attend a professional conference and present concepts to the faculty at your practicum site.
· Assist in the development of the school’s master schedule and/or supervision schedule.
· Organize and take the lead on a schoolwide function that includes members of the community (e.g., math night, awards evening, etc.).
· Serve on a committee to review the safety plan in place at your practicum site. Suggest improvements if applicable. Lead a mock lock down, fire drill, tornado drill, etc. After each drill, analyze what went well, what could be improved, and follow-up accordingly.
Your project should clearly link to the WI
Content Standards set forth for principals. This project is due to your university supervisor by the end of module 5 (add date).
1 - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
1 - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Collaborate with school staff, students, families to increase student achievement o Facilitate a professional development session o Work with department chairs to build meeting agenda o Help generate school improvement plans o Implement and analyze Smarter Balanced
Summative Assessments that accurately measure student progress toward college and career readiness o Analyze, interpret, and present financial data, trends, and issues to constituents served by the schools, and outline possible actions and their implications.
o Provide guidance in relation to after school programs, co-curricular programs, and/or sports activities o Build a supervision schedule for lunch, recess, buses, before and after school o Interpret board policy and share with staff o Participate in RtI activities o Participate in PBIS activities o Work with students, families, and members of the school staff in relation to discipline issues o Implement, facilitate and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work) o Shadow building engineer o Lead a support staff meeting o Work with diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievement.
1 -The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
o Research diverse community resources to develop and improve programs and partnerships and to meet the needs of all students and stakeholders.
o Ensure social justice, equity, confidentiality, inclusion among different groups by changing policies, programs, and practices to support student achievement. o Manage compliance issues in terms of legal, regulatory, and policy requirements.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
Wisconsin PI 34.03 Administrator Standards and
Wisconsin Licensure Program Content Guidelines 2001
(2)The administrator leads by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared by the school community.
Use a collaborative process for developing and implementing a vision for student achievement.
Where will candidates learn the content knowledge and skills for this standard?
2A - EDU 765 Module 2
2A - EDU 768 Module 1
2A - EDU 773 Modules
What will a candidate “DO”
(Performances) to demonstrate they can:
2A - Principal’s Role in Teaching &
Learning: an Elevator Speech
“What core beliefs guide you as a principal? How do you lead with a focus on continuous improvement?”
2A - Discussion 1: Prioritizing
Instructional Supervision Tasks
Profide your school’s mission and vision statement. How were the mission and vision statements developed? Develop a list that ranks these perspectives according to what you consider their order of importance. Write a rationale of your ranking
2A - Expectations for the Learner #7
Design and implement a project at your practicum site that aligns to the school’s improvement plan and to school district priorities with a laser-like focus on improving student achievement. Your project should clearly link to the WI
Content Standards set forth for principals.
How will we measure their proficiency in this performance?
2A – Proficiency Rubric;
Grade of B or better.
2A - Proficiency Rubric
2A - Project submitted to university supervisor and graded with an available rubric.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
Align the school’s vision with the district and the community at large.
2A - EDU 773 Modules
2B - EDU 768 Modules
2A -Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin
Content Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Collaborate with school staff, students, families to increase student achievement o Facilitate a professional development session o Help generate school improvement plans o Implement, facilitate and participate in Educator Effectiveness activities
(Charlotte Danielson’s work)
2B - Teacher Performance
Improvement Plan Project Along with accessing Web sites, you should have the opportunity to interview, converse with, or discuss public issues with several stakeholders or administrators who work or volunteer in the local licensed educational agency (LEA).
Below is a brief list of reflection questions that may assist you as you begin to frame your analysis and evaluation regarding the LEA as it relates to teacher supervision and evaluation.. How are the school/district goals determined? How do the goals align with the school/district vision?
Can you articulate how the goals and vision were implemented?. What was
2A - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
2B - A final APA formatted paper will be submitted and graded with an available rubric.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
Communicate and build support for the vision with stakeholders.
2B - EDU 773 Modules
2C - EDU 765 Module 4 involved in the implementation process of the vision, mission, and student learning goals? What barriers or weaknesses are you beginning to discover? Can you describe the level of difficulty in obtaining school/district documents? Can you discuss how your school/district assesses the overall progress in student academic progress?
Can you explain how knowledgeable teachers are of school goals and goal assessment? What professional development opportunities are offered and how do they align to the vision and mission?Can you describe how databased assessment of student learning is collected, interpreted, and communicated?
2B - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-today life of the principal and the
Wisconsin Content Guidelines for
Principals . Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Help generate school improvement plans o Interpret board policy and share with staff
2C – Completion of the Socio-
Cognitive Leadership Rubric
(Interview of Educational Leader)
This assignment requires you to interview an educational leader using the Socio-Cognitive tool created by
Kelley and Shaw. After you conduct the interview you will assess the nature of the responses using the rubric on pages
2B - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
2C - Proficiency Rubric;
Grade of B or better.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
2C - EDU 765 Module 5
157-160 in your text. After assessing the responses, reflect on new learnings, themes that emerged, make connections to your course readings, and make recommendations for furthering the achievement for all students. Building an Engaged Community
How have you worked to understand the community and engage stakeholders in development and attaining a vision of learning for all students? How have you developed internal and external relationships to engage, motivate, and support student learning? How have you served as an educational and student advocate in the community?
2C - Complete Press Release – You have taken over a school in need of substantial reform. You’ve been at the school for three months and are looking forward to working with your staff at a pending in-service day. Although morale has improved since you’ve arrived, you recognize that staff are tired and wondering if anything will be different ‘this time around’ (i.e., you are the 5 th
principal in 5 years). To inspire your staff as well as continue to share your ideas in relation to the school vision, you decide to write a press release for your school. This press release will be dated 5 years out and will detail the progress of your school after 5 years of diligence by you and your staff.
With that, for the purposes of this assignment, you will write this press
2C - Proficiency Rubric;
Grade of B or better.
Support the vision by creating a results-oriented focus to increasing student achievement.
2C - EDU 773 Modules
2D - EDU 767 Module 1 release with a focus on the ‘levers of change’ you and your staff used to ensure each of your students are able to achieve academic success. This assignment should be submitted to the appropriate Drop Box on D2L by the end of the module. The rubric used to assess this assignment is located on D2L as well.
2C - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin
Content Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Collaborate with school staff, students, families to increase student achievement o Help generate school improvement plans o Work with diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievement o Interpret board policy and share with staff o Work with students, families, and members of the school staff in relation to discipline issues o Implement, facilitate, and participate in Educator Effectiveness activities
(Charlotte Danielson’s work)
2D - Connect to Practice 1) Review
Figure 1.1 in Bernhardt - Where does your school fall most often? 2) Review the Continuous School Improvement
2C - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
2D - 1) Grade of B or better; 2) Proficiency
Rubric; Grade of B or better; 3) Proficiency
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
2D - EDU 773 Modules
2D - EDU 773 Modules
Framework in Figure 2.1. Determine the components missing from your school’s continuous school improvement efforts. 3) Organize your demographic data using the
Demographic Data Inventory (Appendix
B1). Please submit your responses through the D2L Dropbox.
2D - Expectations for the Learner #7
Design and implement a project at your practicum site that aligns to the school’s improvement plan and to school district priorities with a laser-like focus on improving student achievement.
2D - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-today life of the principal and the
Wisconsin Content Guidelines for
Principals . Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Help generate school improvement plans o Implement and analyze Smarter
Balanced Summative Assessments that accurately measure student progress toward college and career readiness o Implement, facilitate and participate in Educator Effectiveness activities
(Charlotte Danielson’s work) o
Analyze, interpret, and present financial data, trends, and issues to constituents served by the schools, and outline possible actions and their
Rubric; Grade of B or better.
2D - Project submitted to university supervisor and graded with an available rubric. 3D - A 5-6 page
APA paper will be submitted and graded with an available rubric.
2D - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
Use data to inform the development, support, and evaluation of a shared vision and mission.
2E - EDU 768 Module 4 implications.
2E - Teacher Performance
Improvement Plan Project Along with accessing Web sites, you should have the opportunity to interview, converse with, or discuss public issues with several stakeholders or administrators who work or volunteer in the local licensed educational agency (LEA).
Below is a brief list of reflection questions that may assist you as you begin to frame your analysis and evaluation regarding the LEA as it relates to teacher supervision and evaluation. Can you describe how databased assessment of student learning is collected, interpreted, and communicated?. How are the school/district goals determined? How do the goals align with the school/district vision? Can you articulate how the goals and vision were implemented?. What was involved in the implementation process of the vision, mission, and student learning goals?
What barriers or weaknesses are you beginning to discover? Can you describe the level of difficulty in obtaining school/district documents? Can you discuss how your school/district assesses the overall progress in student academic progress? Can you explain how knowledgeable teachers are of school goals and goal assessment? What professional development opportunities are offered and how do they align to the vision and mission?
2E - An APA formatted paper will be submitted and graded with an available rubric.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
2E - EDU 767 Module 2
2E - EDU 768 Modules
2E - EDU 773 - Modules
2E - Connect to Practice 1) Review the
Perceptions Data Inventory in Appendix
B2. List the types of perception data being used in your school, their purposes, and timeline of when data is collected. 2) Review the student learning inventory in Appendix B3. List how your school assesses student learning. Discuss gaps in assessments.
3) Review the school processes inventory in Appendix B4. List the programs and processes your school is currently using. In your opinion, are there programs and processes that need to be dropped or added? Are there programs or processes that everyone needs to be doing?
2E - Discussion #2 Topics will be created on a discussion forum to allow for additional thought and reflection.
Topic: Discuss why student learning data is important for continuous school improvement.
2E - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin
Content Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Collaborate with school staff, students, families to increase student achievement o Help generate school improvement plans o Implement and analyze Smarter balanced Summative Assessments that accurately measure student progress toward college and career readiness.
2E - Proficiency Rubric;
Grade of B or better.
2E - Discussion will be graded with an available rubric
2E -The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines..
Lead the change process to increase student achievement.
Construct and implement evaluation processes to assess the effectiveness of the school’s vision and progress toward goals.
2G - EDU 767 Module 2
2G - EDU 773 Modules
2H - EDU 767 Module 5 o Implement and analyze Smarter balanced Summative Assessments that accurately measure student progress toward college and career readiness.
2G Connect to Practice – 2) Review the student learning inventory in
Appendix B3. List how your school assesses student learning. Discuss gaps in assessments. Please submit your response through the D2L Dropbox.
2G - varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals. Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Collaborate with school staff, students, families to increase student achievement o Work with diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievement.
- Help generate school improvement plans o Implement and analyze Smarter balanced Summative Assessments that accurately measure student progress toward college and career readiness.
2H - Continuous Improvement
Project and Presentation - 1) Interview your school administrator; 2)
Understand, analyze, and evaluate your district/building school improvement plan; 3) Submit a critical analysis of the school improvement plan being used
2G – Proficiency Rubric;
Grade of B or better.
2G -The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
2H - Proficiency Rubric;
Grade of B or better.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
2H - EDU 773 Modules
1-5 and make recommendations for improvement; and 4) Present your
School Improvement Project to the class through a My Mediasite presentation.
Please submit your interview, critical analysis and My Mediasite presentation through the D2L Dropbox.
2H - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin
Content Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Collaborate with school staff, students, families to increase student achievement o Work with diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievement.
- Help generate school improvement plans o Implement and analyze Smarter balanced Summative Assessments that accurately measure student progress toward college and career readiness. o Analyze, interpret, and present financial data, trends, and issues to constituents served by the schools, and outline possible actions and their implications.
2H - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
Wisconsin PI 34.03 Administrator Standards and
Wisconsin Licensure Program Content Guidelines 2001
(3)The administrator manages by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to pupil learning and staff professional growth.
Establish high expectations and build organizational systems that result in a high performing school.
Where will candidates learn the content knowledge and skills for this standard?
3A - EDU 767
Module 5
3A - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
What will a candidate “DO” (Performances) to demonstrate they can:
How will we measure their proficiency in this performance?
3A Continuous Improvement Project and
Presentation - 1) Interview your school administrator; 2) Understand, analyze, and evaluate your district/building school improvement plan; 3) Submit a critical analysis of the school improvement plan being used and make recommendations for improvement; and 4) Present your School
Improvement Project to the class through a
My Mediasite presentation. Please submit your interview, critical analysis and My
Mediasite presentation through the D2L
3A - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals. Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Analyze, interpret, and present financial data, trends, and issues to constituents served by the schools, and outline possible actions and their implications.
o Work with department chairs to build meeting agenda o Help generate school improvement plans o Provide guidance in relation to after
3A - Proficiency rubric;
Grade of B or better
3A - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
3B - EDU 772
Module 2
3B - EDU 773 -
Modules 1-5 school programs, co-curricular programs, and/or sports activities
-Build a supervision schedule for lunch, recess, buses, before and after school
3B - Students will submit electronically to be graded
Create and implement a comprehensive, rigorous and coherent curricular program based on the Wisconsin
Model Academic Standards.
Establish a learning environment with instructional programs that meet the diverse learning needs and interests of students and leads to increased student achievement.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
3B – EDU 772
Module 2
3B – EDU 773
Modules 1-5
3C – EDU 765
Module 4
3B - Pictorial Representation of service delivery model Select a school configuration in relation to where you would like to serve as a principal (e.g., K-5, 6-8, 9-12). Create your
‘ideal’ service delivery model for your school and capture it in a pictorial fashion. A sample of a service delivery model can be found in
Chapter 3 of your course text. In creating your service delivery model, do not become overly concerned about resources. Begin from the perspective of what you believe your students need based on research-based, ‘best practices’ for that developmental level. In addition to creating your service delivery model, respond to the following two prompts:
(1) What do you see as the strengths of your model? (2) What do you see as potential challenges associated with this model?
3B - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals. Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Develop, implement, and monitor curriculum based on the WI standards to meet the needs of all children and increase student achievement
3C – Completion of the Socio-Cognitive
Leadership Rubric (Interview of
Educational Leader) This assignment requires you to interview an educational leader using the Socio-Cognitive tool created by Kelley and Shaw. After you conduct the interview you will assess the nature of the responses using the rubric on pages 157-160 in your text. After assessing the responses,
3B - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
3C – Students’ responses will be graded with an available rubric.
3C - Content within the paper that meets the specifications of the rubric used to evaluate the student’s papers.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
3C - EDU 766
3C - EDU 773
Modules 1-5 reflect on new learnings, themes that emerged, make connections to your course readings, and make recommendations for furthering the achievement for all students. Advancing
Equity & Excellent in Student Learning. How have you worked to help students who struggle? How have your worked to help students who are not challenged? How have you improved access to high-quality teaching and learning for more students?
3C - Produce a paper discussing the following topics : • Discuss the characteristics of school principals comparing those that
‘lead schools” and those that simply “manage” them.
• Discuss the importance of school culture as it relates to student achievement.
• Discuss the importance of “purposing” for school leaders.
• Describe how the forces of culture and symbolic practice can lead to schools that are highly effective.
• Describe your current school culture. How does your administration use the five forces of school leadership to enhance the learning of students in your school?
• As a new principal, how would you go about establishing a healthy school culture that leads to high student achievement?
3C - Expectations for the Learner #7
Design and implement a project at your practicum site that aligns to the school’s improvement plan and to school district priorities with a laser-like focus on improving student achievement.
3C - Project submitted to university supervisor and graded with an available rubric. 3D - A 5-6 page
APA paper will be submitted and graded with an available rubric.
3D - Project submitted to university supervisor and graded with an available rubric.
Supervise instruction and provide support to ensure staff is increasing achievement for every student.
3D - 768 Module 2
3D - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
3D - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
3D - Teacher Performance Analysis Part 1
For this component of the assignment, you will need to schedule a time to conduct three classroom observations. Using your school's teacher performance appraisal system, observe three teachers presenting a lesson and document what you observed. Remember to maintain objectivity as you record your observations; it is best to note only teaching behavior that you observe. Assumptions are not needed during this exercise. Analyze how the teacher performance appraisal system aligned with the facilitation of best instructional practices. Analyze how the teacher performance appraisal system aligned with the use of research-based curriculum/materials. Provide recommendation that relates to the following:
(1)Design of a curriculum that is intended to accommodate diverse student needs.
(2)Delivery of a curriculum that is intended to accommodate diverse student needs.
(3)Evaluation of a curriculum that is intended to accommodate diverse student needs.
3D - Expectations for the Learner #7
Design and implement a project at your practicum site that aligns to the school’s improvement plan and to school district priorities with a laser-like focus on improving student achievement.
3D - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals. Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following:
3D - Project submitted to university supervisor and graded with an available rubric. 3D - A 5-6 page
APA paper will be submitted and graded with an available rubric.
3D - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
Facilitate and supervise staff in the design and use of standards-based assessments to evaluate student learning, identify interventions, report student progress, and increase student achievement.
3E - EDU 767
Module 3
3E - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010 o Implement, facilitate, and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work) o Participate in recruitment, training, evaluation, and retention of highly qualified staff
3E - Connect to Practice – 1) Review
Analyzing Data for Continuous School
Improvement Planning in Appendix H. In small groups analyze each type of data. Come to agreement on strengths, challenges, implications, and other data you may need for continuous school improvement. 2) Identify an undesirable result from your school’s data.
In your small group use the problem-solving cycle in Appendix I to think about the questions that need to be answered in order to solve the problem. 3) Review Creating a
Shared Vision in Appendix J. 4) Share the results of your data analysis with your school principal. Please submit your answers through the D2L Dropbox.
3E - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals. Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Implement, facilitate, and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work) o Help generate school improvement plans o Facilitate a professional development session o
Participate in recruitment, training, evaluation, and retention of highly qualified staff learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
3E - Proficiency rubric;
Grade of B or better.
3E -The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
Promote a collegial learning culture that supports ongoing professional development focused on achievement for every student.
3F – EDU 765
Module 4
3F - 768 Module 2
3F - Completion of the Socio-Cognitive
Leadership Rubric (Interview of
Educational Leader) This assignment requires you to interview an educational leader using the Socio-Cognitive tool created by Kelley and Shaw. After you conduct the interview you will assess the nature of the responses using the rubric on pages 157-160 in your text. After assessing the responses, reflect on new learnings, themes that emerged, make connections to your course readings, and make recommendations for furthering the achievement for all students. How have you worked to build teaching capacity to meet student needs and raise student achievement?
How have you worked to build a professional learning community with high expectations and accountability for the improvement of teaching and learning? How have you worked to support all teachers, including teachers who struggle, to grow professionally and engage in in reflective practice?
3F - Professional Development Program
Part 1 As a school leader, it is important that you provide opportunities for teachers to grow in their craft. For this component of the project, you must reflect on the school's professional development program and address the following: • Identify what the school's professional development program
(PDP) entails. Be specific in your discussion of each type of activity offered. • How do the professional development (PD) activities align with the school's vision? • How does it support effective instruction? • What could be done to improve the PDP? Include at least three areas for improvement. In addition, provide a rationale to demonstrate why these
3F - Students’ responses will be graded with an available rubric.
3F - A 5 page APA formatted paper will be submitted and graded with an available rubric
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
Monitor the use of differentiated strategies, materials, and technologies to maximize instructional time and to ensure high levels of student achievement.
3F - EDU 773 -
Modules 1-5
3G - EDU 772 -
Module 1
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010 areas have been chosen. • Using the three areas that you have chosen for improvement, articulate how you would redesign the PDP in a way that provides a context-appropriate program. • Your redesign plan must include, but should not be limited to, a focus on reflective practice and the use of research that aligns with the school's vision and mission. •
Support your redesign plan with three to five citations from relevant readings from this course.
3F - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals. Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following:
- Facilitate a professional development session o Implement, facilitate, and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work)
3G - Separate Programs Online Discussion
– Based on your readings for this course, other courses, and your experiential knowledge, respond to the following prompt. In your text, the authors contend and cite research that separate programs perpetuate tracking of student of color and student of lower socioeconomic status. This tracking often limits these students’ opportunities for further education beyond high school. Reflect on areas of tracking in your own school/district.
With that, in your online post share an example of tracking and the nature of the students served. Next, identify whose needs are met by this example of tracking as well as whose needs are not being met. Your initial
3F - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
3G - A proficiency rubric will be used to evaluate this tracking discussion.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
3G - EDU 772 -
Module 2
3G - EDU 773
Modules 1-5 posting must be made by day 7 of the module.
Finally, in addition to sharing your post you must respond to a minimum of three other posts made by your peers. You should respond to the posts of your peers by day 14 of the module. More information on discussion boards to include grading criteria and netiquette follows later in the syllabus.
3G - Pictorial Representation of service delivery model – Select a school configuration in relation to where you would like to serve as a principal (e.g., K-5, 6-8, 9-
12). Create your ‘ideal’ service delivery model for your school and capture it in a pictorial fashion. A sample of a service delivery model can be found in Chapter 3 of your course text. In creating your service delivery model, do not become overly concerned about resources. Begin from the perspective of what you believe your students need based on research-based, ‘best practices’ for that developmental level. In addition to creating your service delivery model, respond to the following two prompts: (1) What do you see as the strengths of your model? (2)
What do you see as potential challenges associated with this model? You will submit your assignment to the appropriate DropBox on D2L by the end of the module. The rubric that will be used to assess your assignment is located on D2L as well.
3G - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals. Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Implement, facilitate, and participate in
3G - Proficiency rubric;
Grade of B or better.
3G - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding
Monitor and evaluate the impact of the instructional program for continuous improvement to assure high levels of student achievement.
3H –EDU 765
Module 2
3H - EDU 767
Module 5
3H - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work) o Participate in RtI activities o Participate in PBIS activities o
Analyze, interpret, and present financial data, trends, and issues to constituents served by the schools, and outline possible actions and their implications.
3H – The Principal’s Role in Teaching &
Learning: An Elevator Speech You have been moved the last round of interviews for your ideal principal position. With that, you have been advised that you will have the chance to ‘seal the deal’ with a 2 minute elevator speech where you respond to two prompts. What core beliefs guide you as a principal? How do you lead with a focus on continuous improvement?
3H - Continuous Improvement Project and
Presentation - 1) Interview your school administrator; 2) Understand, analyze, and evaluate your district/building school improvement plan; 3) Submit a critical analysis of the school improvement plan being used and make recommendations for improvement; and 4) Present your School
Improvement Project to the class through a
My Mediasite presentation. Please submit your interview, critical analysis and My
Mediasite presentation through the D2L
3H- Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals. Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
3H – Students will write out their speech to be graded with an available rubric.
3H - Proficiency rubric;
Grade of B or better.
3H - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate
o Implement, facilitate, and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work)
- Collaborate with school staff, students, families to increase student achievement o Facilitate a professional development session o Help generate school improvement plans o Provide guidance in relation to after school programs, co-curricular programs, and/or sports activities o Interpret board policy and share with staff o Participate in RtI activities o Participate in PBIS activities o Work with students, families, and members of the school staff in relation to discipline issues o Shadow building engineer o Lead a support staff meeting o Work with diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievement.
o Analyze, interpret, and present financial data, trends, and issues to constituents served by the schools, and outline possible actions and their implications.
learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
Wisconsin PI 34.03 Administrator Standards and
Wisconsin Licensure Program Content Guidelines 2001
(4)The administrator ensures management of the organization, operations, finances, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.
Develop, align, monitor, and evaluate management systems through short and long-term strategic planning processes to focus on student achievement.
Where will candidates learn the content knowledge and skills for this standard?
4A - EDU 771 –
Module 1
4A - EDU 768
Module 1
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
What will a candidate “DO” (Performances) to demonstrate they can:
How will we measure their proficiency in this performance?
4A - Students will review the annual financial reports of their school district over the past five years.
Write a report analyzing changes noted in the budget and the potential reasons for the changes. Evaluate both revenue sources and expenditures.
Assess equity or adequacy issues. Submit your report through the Dropbox on D2L.
4A - Discussion Board Reflection Questions
1. How are the school/district goals determined?
2. How do the goals align with the school/district vision?
3. Can you articulate how the goals and vision were implemented?
4. What was involved in the implementation process of the vision, mission, and student learning goals?
5. What barriers or weaknesses are you beginning to discover?
6. Can you describe the level of difficulty in obtaining school/district documents?
7. Can you discuss how your school/district assesses the overall progress in student academic progress?
4A - Proficiency rubric;
Grade of B or better.
4A - Content within the discussion board posting that meets the specifications of the rubric used to evaluate the student’s posting and responses.
Recruit, select, induct, evaluate, supervise and retain highly qualified staff to support effective instructional practices that lead to high levels of student achievement.
4A - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
4B - EDU 768 -
Module 1
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
8. Can you explain how knowledgeable teachers are of school goals and goal assessment?
9. Can you describe how data-based assessment of student learning is collected, interpreted, and communicated?
10. What professional development opportunities are offered and how do they align to the vision and mission?
4A - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principal s. Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Help generate school improvement plans o Work with department chairs to build meeting agenda o Analyze, interpret, and present financial data, trends, and issues to constituents served by the schools, and outline possible actions and their implications.
o Implement, facilitate and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work)
4B - School Leader Course Project For the principal track project, the first component, which is due in Unit 2, requires you to analyze your school's current teacher evaluation system. In Unit 4, you will need to conduct three classroom observations, which you will use to analyze the results of your observations and develop a post-observation conference agenda.
4A - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
4B - Proficiency will be measured by assessment of written summary with an available rubric.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
4B – EDU 771 –
Module 2
4B – EDU 771 –
Module 3
4B - EDU 773
Modules 1-
4B - Students will write a report describing the process within their schools for recruiting, selecting, inducting, evaluating, supervising and retaining highly qualified staff to support effective instructional practices that lead to high levels of student achievement. Submit your report through the
D2L Dropbox.
4B - Students will complete #1 of the Study
Questions on page 260 of Odden and Picus .
Using the Evidence-Based adequacy approach described in the Chapter 8 answer these questions: 1) What are the resources needed to provide an adequate education? 2) How many personnel are in your school and what are their positions compared to the model?
(Odden & Piscus, 2014, 260). Submit your report through the Dropbox on D2L.
4B - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals . Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following:
o Participate in recruitment, training, evaluation, and retention of highly qualified staff o Analyze, interpret, and present financial data, trends, and issues to constituents served by the schools, and outline possible actions and their implications.
4B - Expectations for the Learner #7
Design and implement a project at your practicum site that aligns to the school’s improvement plan and to school district priorities with a laser-like focus on improving
4B - Proficiency rubric;
Grade of B or better.
4B - Proficiency rubric;
Grade of B or better.
4B -The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines..
4B - Project submitted to university supervisor and graded with an available rubric. 3D - A 5-6 page
APA paper will be
Establish and sustain a safe, efficient, healthy and productive school environment that nurtures student achievement and supports the well-being of students, staff, families and community.
4C - EDU 765
Module 1
4C - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010 student achievement.
4C – The Principal as Both Technician and
Artist Reflection Review Chapter 2 in Deal
& Peterson. Rituals – Reflect on the concept of school rituals. In doing so, consider the following questions. What rituals currently take place at your school? What rituals further the vision for your school? Do any rituals erode the vision? Putting yourself in the role of a principal, what rituals will you consider for your school and why?
4C - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals . Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following:
- Provide guidance in relation to after school programs, co-curricular programs, and/or sports activities
- Research diverse community resources to develop and improve programs and partnerships and to meet the needs of all students and stakeholders.
-Work with students, families, and members of the school staff in relation to discipline issues
- Participate in PBIS activities
- Ensure social justice, equity, confidentiality, inclusion among different groups by changing policies, programs, and practices to support student achievement.
- Implement, facilitate and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work) submitted and graded with an available rubric.
4C - Proficiency will be measured by assessment of a written response to a list of questions. Graded with an available rubric.
4C -The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines..
Identify, obtain, allocate, and monitor appropriate funds and other resources for the short and long-term educational needs of the students and staff.
4D – EDU 765
Module 4
4D - EDU 772
Module 4
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
4D - Completion of the Socio-Cognitive
Leadership Rubric (Interview of
Educational Leader) This assignment requires you to interview an educational leader using the Socio-Cognitive tool created by Kelley and Shaw. After you conduct the interview you will assess the nature of the responses using the rubric on pages 157-160 in your text. After assessing the responses, reflect on new learnings, themes that emerged, make connections to your course readings, and make recommendations for furthering the achievement for all students.
Managing and Aligning Resources How have you aligned all resources (i.e., financial, human, and physical) to advance the vision of equity and excellence in the school and/or district? How have you acquired and managed resources to address learning inequities in your school and/or district? How have you worked to ensure a safe and secure learning environment for students and staff?
4D - District Budgets & What They
Communicate About Beliefs About Student
Learning: An Online Discussion Locate a copy of your district’s budget. Review this budget with a critical eye. Be mindful of prompts that follow as you complete your review. After reviewing your district’s budget and thinking through the prompts create a tweet of 140 characters (this will be used as your initial post for our module 4 online discussion) that serves as a summary comment of your budget exploration. To create an effective tweet consider the following (a) your intended message, (b) how to invite the participation of your audience
(your peers for this course), (c) appropriate
4D - Students’ responses will be graded with an available rubric.
4D - Tweets/Discussion will be graded with the aid of a rubric
Model effective communication, decision-making, time management and current technology practices for school management and business procedures.
4E - EDU 768
Module 2
4D - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
4E – EDU 765
Module 1
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010 use of hash tag(s), and (d) having fun with your tweet.
4D - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals . Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Analyze, interpret, and present financial data, trends, and issues to constituents served by the schools, and outline possible actions and their implications.
o Implement, facilitate and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work)
4E – The Principal as Both Technician and
Artist Reflection Review Chapter 2 in Deal
& Peterson. : The Use of Time – Job shadow and analyze a day in the life of a principal.
When completing your analysis consider the following questions. When does the principal’s day begin? When does the day end? Does their planner match what actually unfolds during the day? What routines does the principal tend to daily/weekly? How much time is spent in contact with students?
Teachers? Families? How much time is spent in the office? Did anything surprise you?
4E - School Leader Course Projec t
Students will conduct three classroom observations, which you will use to analyze the results of your observations and develop a post-observation conference agenda.
Obtain information or a copy of the following from your school work setting or local school:
·Access to state or province public Web site.
4D -The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines..
4E - Content within the paper that meets the specifications of the rubric used to evaluate the student’s papers.
4E - Submitted project will be graded using an available rubric.
Ensure teacher and organizational time is focused to support effective instruction to increase student achievement.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
4E - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
4F - EDU 765
Module 4
·Access to school public Web site.
·School vision/mission statement.
·School goals.
·School profile or Web site that publishes all of the demographic data.
·Strategic plan or school improvement plan.
·Teacher evaluation system used by your school.
·Information about the professional development opportunities offered in the school.
4E - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals . Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Collaborate with school staff, students, families to increase student achievement o Lead a support staff meeting o Work with department chairs to build meeting agenda o Help generate school improvement plans o Interpret board policy and share with staff o Implement, facilitate and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work)
4F - Completion of the Socio-Cognitive
Leadership Rubric (Interview of
Educational Leader) This assignment requires you to interview an educational leader using the Socio-Cognitive tool created by Kelley and Shaw. After you conduct the interview you will assess the nature of the responses using the rubric on pages 157-160 in your text. After assessing the responses,
4E -The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
4F - Submitted paper will be graded with an available rubric.
Manage all aspects of the educational organization, including co-curricular and extra-curricular school programs.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
4G - EDU 765
Module 1
4F - EDU 773
Modules 1-5 reflect on new learnings, themes that emerged, make connections to your course readings, and make recommendations for furthering the achievement for all students.
Developing Teacher Capacity How have you worked to build teaching capacity to meet student needs and raise student achievement?
How have you worked to build a professional learning community with high expectations and accountability for the improvement of teaching and learning? How have you worked to support all teachers, including teachers who struggle, to grow professionally and engage in in reflective practice?
4F - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals . Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Help generate school improvement plans o Facilitate a professional development session o Implement, facilitate, and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work) o Collaborate with school staff, students, families to increase student achievement
4G - The Principal as Both Technician and
Artist Reflection Review Chapter 2 in Deal
& Peterson. Rituals – Reflect on the concept of school rituals. In doing so, consider the following questions. What rituals currently take place at your school? What rituals further the vision for your school? Do any rituals erode the vision? Putting yourself in the role of a principal, what rituals will you consider for your school and why? o The
4F -The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines..
4G - Submitted paper will be graded with an available rubric.
Establish and sustain distributive leadership to increase the achievement of all students.
4G - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
4H - EDU 767
Module 4
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
Use of Time – Job shadow and analyze a day in the life of a principal. When completing your analysis consider the following questions. When does the principal’s day begin? When does the day end? Does their planner match what actually unfolds during the day? What routines does the principal tend to daily/weekly? How much time is spent in contact with students? Teachers?
Families? How much time is spent in the office? Did anything surprise you?
4G - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals . Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following:
- Provide guidance in relation to after school programs, co-curricular programs, and/or sports activities;
- Build a supervision schedule for lunch, recess, buses, before and after school
- Implement, facilitate and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work)
4H - Connect to Practice 1) How would you create a continuous school improvement plan in your school to implement your school vision? (See the Continuous School
Improvement Plan in Appendix L.); 2)
Describe the process of constructing a leadership structure within your school. (See
Leadership Structure in Appendix N.); 3)
Describe the process of developing a professional learning calendar. (See
Professional Learning Calendar Appendix
O.); 4) What are the steps involved in creating
4G -The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines..
4H - Submitted Paper will be graded with an available rubric
4H - EDU 773
Modules 1-5 partnerships? (See Creating Partnerships,
Appendix P.); 5) How are you going to assess your plan?
4H - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals . Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Collaborate with school staff, students, families to increase student achievement o Work with department chairs to build meeting agenda o Build a supervision schedule for lunch, recess, buses, before and after school o Implement, facilitate, and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work) o Lead a support staff meeting
4H - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
Wisconsin PI 34.03 Administrator Standards and
Wisconsin Licensure Program Content Guidelines 2001
(5) The administrator models collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.
Attend, facilitate, and participate in school-wide and community events.
Where will candidates learn the content knowledge and skills for this standard?
5A- EDU 773 -
Expectations for the Learner #7
5A- EDU 773
Modules 1-5
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
What will a candidate “DO” (Performances) to demonstrate they can:
5A - Design and implement a project at your practicum site that aligns to the school’s improvement plan and to school district priorities with a laser-like focus on improving student achievement. o Organize and take the lead on a school-wide function that includes members of the community (e.g., math night, awards evening, etc.).
5A - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals . Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Collaborate with school staff, students, families to increase student achievement o Facilitate a professional development session o Help generate school improvement plans o Provide guidance in relation to after school programs, co-curricular programs, and/or sports activities o Participate in RtI activities o Participate in PBIS activities o Lead a support staff meeting o Work with diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement
How will we measure their proficiency in this performance?
5A - Proficiency Rubric;
Grade of B or better.
5A - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
Involve diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and partnerships and to meet the needs of all students and stakeholders.
Involve diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievement.
5B - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
5C - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010 programs and services to increase student achievement.
o Implement, facilitate and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work)
5B - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals. Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Help generate school improvement plans o Participate in RtI activities o Participate in PBIS activities o Work with students, families, and members of the school staff in relation to discipline issues o Facilitate and participate in Teacher
Effectiveness (Charlotte Danielson’s work) professional development activities o Work with diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievement.
o Research diverse community resources to develop and improve programs and partnerships and to meet the needs of all students and stakeholders.
5C - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals. Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Help generate school improvement plans o Participate in RtI activities o Participate in PBIS activities
5B - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
5C - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content
Identify and use diverse community resources to develop and improve programs and partnerships and to meet the needs of all students and stakeholders.
5D - EDU 767
Module 4
5D - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010 o Work with students, families, and members of the school staff in relation to discipline issues o Facilitate and participate in Teacher
Effectiveness (Charlotte Danielson’s work) professional development activities o Work with diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievement.
o Research diverse community resources to develop and improve programs and partnerships and to meet the needs of all students and stakeholders.
5D - Connect to Practice – 1) How would you create a continuous school improvement plan in your school to implement your school vision? (See the Continuous School
Improvement Plan in Appendix L.); 2)
Describe the process of constructing a leadership structure within your school. (See
Leadership Structure in Appendix N.); 3)
Describe the process of developing a professional learning calendar. (See
Professional Learning Calendar Appendix
O.); 4) What are the steps involved in creating partnerships? (See Creating Partnerships,
Appendix P.); 5) How are you going to assess your plan? Please submit your answers through the D2L Dropbox.
5D - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals. Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Work with diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement guidelines.
5D - Proficiency Rubric;
Grade of B or better/
5D - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding
Collaborate with families, the community, serviceproviders, and other key decision-makers to increase student achievement.
5E – EDU 769
Module 1
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010 programs and services to increase student achievement.
o Research diverse community resources to develop and improve programs and partnerships and to meet the needs of all students and stakeholders.
o Ensure social justice, equity, confidentiality, inclusion among different groups by changing policies, programs, and practices to support student achievement. o Implement, facilitate and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work)
5E - Complete the Cultural Self Portrait and provide a compare & contrast point of view regarding your own experiences and what you perceive to be the cultural portrait of your school. You will need to work on a large piece of paper or poster board in order to provide sufficient detail in your concept map.
If you prefer, you may create a collage or photo essay, as long as you include the four major categories in your work (i.e., Family
History, Aspects of Ethnicity, Stage of Ethnic
Identity, and Significant Individual
Differences). Whatever format you use, please be sure to address each of the four categories fully. You may attach written notes (typed) or a glossary if you wish. The portraits will be shared with your team and discussed in class.
The assignment is worth 10 points and will be graded according to the following criteria: 1) depth of detail (the number of examples you add to the generic concept clusters), 2) professional quality of your work (neatness and accuracy), 3) clarity (the viewer/reader gets a sense of you without further explanation), and 4) creativity and aesthetics.
and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
5E - Proficiency rubric;
Grade of B or better.
Recognize, respect and respond to the needs of diverse families and community groups.
5E - EDU 769 -
Module 3
5E - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
5F – EDU 769 –
Module 1
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
5E - Complete Case Study #2 Two scenarios are outlined and the following questions are posed: As a school leader how are immigration policies affecting the school in this scenario?Is the teacher (Charlie Bragg) in this scenario aware of the community’s negative attitudes toward immigrants? Is there anything that he or she missed? What misconceptions about immigration or immigrants are shown in the scenario?
5E - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Research diverse community resources to develop and improve programs and partnerships and to meet the needs of all students and stakeholders.
5F - Provide a School Memories “Open
1. Begin by telling your group what you remember about K-12 school experiences.
2. How are your experiences similar and how are they different?
3. Discuss your reactions to the film School
Colors (refer to your notes on the yellow sheet). What similarities and differences emerge within the group?
4. Could anyone in your group identify with the Hoover Elementary School? If So, how?
(This question refers to the film “Fear and
Learning at Hoover elementary.”
5. Find out which of the following your group members would select for their quiz: an ethos
5E - Responses will be submitted and graded with an available rubric.
5E - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
5F – Proficiency rubric;
Grade of B or better.
Create and sustain celebrations, traditions, and customs that promote awareness of and respect for diversity.
5F - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
5G – EDU 765
Module 1
5G - 773 Modules
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010 of respect, culturally relevant teaching, mastery learning, experiential learning, bilingual education, the theory of multiple intelligences, and cooperative team learning.
What are the reasons?
5F - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Research diverse community resources to develop and improve programs and partnerships and to meet the needs of all students and stakeholders.
o Work with diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievement.
5G – The Principal as Both Technician and
Artist Reflection: Review Chapter 2 in Deal
& Peterson. (2) The Principal’s Writing –
Procure three to five samples of a principal’s writing. Examples could include a memos to families, school newsletters, blog postings, website greetings, staff announcements, etc.
In reviewing these communications, consider the following questions. What is the tone?
What is the appearance? Assess the quality of the writing. If the communication is to families is it accessible to a wide-range of families? What themes emerge via the communications? Is the school vision furthered via these communications?
5G - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
5F - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
5G – Proficiency will be measured by assessment of a written response to a list of questions. Graded with an available rubric.
5G - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency
Employ multiple communication strategies to engage and collaborate effectively with all stakeholders.
5H – EDU 769
Module 2
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Provide guidance in relation to after school programs, co-curricular programs, and/or sports activities.
o Research diverse community resources to develop and improve programs and partnerships and to meet the needs of all students and stakeholders.
o Work with diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievement.
o Participate in RtI activities o Participate in PBIS activities o Work with students, families, and members of the school staff in relation to discipline issues
5H - Complete Case Study #1 Two scenarios are outlined and the following questions are posed: Where do you see examples of the social and historical construction of race in the classroom scenario? Think about U.S. policies regarding American Indians. And think about what Allie shared in her comments. Where is this scenario so you see an example of individual, institutional, and cultural racism? Think about the students’ questions. Also think about revelations in the evaluations from students and adults. Was
Ms. Welch able to help students become aware of racism and its impact on their lives?
If so, how did she do it? If not, what could she have done better? Are examples of the social and historical construction of race evident in this scenario? Reflecting on this scenario, provide an example of individual, institutional, and cultural. Is Mr. Clark able to in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
5H - Responses will be submitted and graded with an available rubric.
Use culturally-responsive practices that acknowledge and value diversity.
5H - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
5I - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010 help students become aware of racism and its impact on their lives?
5H - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Provide guidance in relation to after school programs, co-curricular programs, and/or sports activities.
o Research diverse community resources to develop and improve programs and partnerships and to meet the needs of all students and stakeholders.
o Implement, facilitate and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work)
5I - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Provide guidance in relation to after school programs, co-curricular programs, and/or sports activities.
o Research diverse community resources to develop and improve programs and partnerships and to meet the needs of all students and stakeholders.
Work with diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievement.
o Participate in RtI activities o Participate in PBIS activities o Work with students, families, and
5H - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
5I - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
members of the school staff in relation to discipline issues o Implement, facilitate and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
Wisconsin PI 34.03 Administrator Standards and
Wisconsin Licensure Program Content Guidelines 2001
(6) The administrator acts with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner.
Formulate a building-level leadership platform grounded in ethical standards and practices that promotes a sense of urgency for increasing achievement for every student.
Where will candidates learn the content knowledge and skills for this standard?
6A – EDU 765
Module 2
6A - EDU 766
Module 3
6A - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
What will a candidate “DO” (Performances) to demonstrate they can:
How will we measure their proficiency in this performance?
6A – The Principal’s Role in Teaching &
Learning: An Elevator Speech You have been moved the last round of interviews for your ideal principal position. With that, you have been advised that you will have the chance to ‘seal the deal’ with a 2 minute elevator speech where you respond to two prompts. What core beliefs guide you as a principal? How do you lead with a focus on continuous improvement?
6A - 1.Students create a chart in which they contrast transformative and transactional leadership. 2. Students will identify an article and provide an explanation of MacGregor
Burn’s theory of leadership .
6A - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Collaborate with school staff, students, families to increase student achievement o Help generate school improvement plans o Provide guidance in relation to after school programs, co-curricular programs, and/or sports activities
6A – Students will write out their speech to be graded with an available rubric.
6A - Content within the paper that meets the specifications of the rubric used to evaluate the student’s papers.
6A - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
Develop, implement and evaluate school policies, programs and practices that ensure social justice, equity, confidentiality, inclusion and respect between and among students, parents, faculty, and the community to support student achievement.
6B - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
6B - EDU 770
Modules 1-5
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010 o Interpret board policy and share with staff o Participate in RtI activities o Participate in PBIS activities o Facilitate and participate in Teacher
Effectiveness professional development activities (Charlotte Danielson’s work) o Work with diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievement.
Research diverse community resources to develop and improve programs and partnerships and to meet the needs of all students and stakeholders
6B - Discussions Students are required to participate thoroughly in online discussions on five topics throughout the course. (1) How the tenth amendment works between the state and federal government. (2) Fundamental issues that support the desegregation era as the American Debt and what steps as a school leader you can take to work towards addressing this debt. (3) Describe an educational issue a school leader will likely face in regards to student records. Explain how this issue can be addressed. (4) As a school leader, what options/things should you need to consider when disciplining students with disabilities? (5) Describe an · educational issue a school leader will likely encounter in managing certification, contracts, tenure or collective bargaining agreements at the school level. Explain how this issue can be address?
6B - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of
6B -Discussion
Proficiency Rubric
6B - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Know, understand, and articulate the relationships among social justice, culture and student achievement and promote programs to address inequities within the school community.
6C - EDU 770
Modules 1-5
6C - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010 activities include but are not limited to the following:
Help generate school improvement plans o Ensure social justice, equity, confidentiality, inclusion among different groups by changing policies, programs, and practices to support student achievement. o Interpret board policy and share with staff o Work with diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievement.
o Implement, facilitate and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work)
6C - Discussions Students are required to participate thoroughly in online discussions on five topics throughout the course. (1) How the tenth amendment works between the state and federal government. (2) Fundamental issues that support the desegregation era as the American Debt and what steps as a school leader you can take to work towards addressing this debt. (3) Describe an educational issue a school leader will likely face in regards to student records. Explain how this issue can be addressed. (4) As a school leader, what options/things should you need to consider when disciplining students with disabilities? (5) Describe an · educational issue a school leader will likely encounter in managing certification, contracts, tenure or collective bargaining agreements at the school level. Explain how this issue can be address?
6C - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
6C - Discussion
Proficiency Rubric
6C - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be
Act with justice and fairness in applying federal laws, state laws and district policies as related to educational issues.
6D - EDU 770
Modules 1-5
6D - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Ensure social justice, equity, confidentiality, inclusion among different groups by changing policies, programs, and practices to support student achievement. o Collaborate with school staff, students, families to increase student achievement o Help generate school improvement plans o Analyze, interpret, and present financial data, trends, and issues to constituents served by the schools, and outline possible actions and their implications.
6D - Legal Briefs Students prepare five carefully articulated and thoroughly researched briefs on cases in four categories.
Each brief should contain a legal citation, restatement of legally relevant facts of the case, identify the question to be answered, discuss the ruling, discuss the rationale, and conclude in relation to their life as an educator or administrator. Three topics include: (1)
Introduction & Structure of School Law (2)
Educational Rights (3) Students and the Law
(4) Teachers and the Law
6D - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Manage compliance issues in terms of legal, regulatory, and policy requirements.
o Ensure social justice, equity, confidentiality, inclusion among different groups by changing policies, programs, and practices to support student achievement. used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
6D - Legal briefs are submitted and graded with an available rubric.
6D - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
Model principles of self-awareness, reflective practice, transparency, and ethical behavior.
6E – EDU 766
Module 3
6E - EDU 773
Module 1
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010 o Implement, facilitate and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work)
6E – Principal Interview and Reflection
Paper Arrange to conduct an interview with a
K-12 principal or assistant principal. The purpose of this interview is to gain specific information and to learn more about the life and work of a building-level professional administrator through personal, first-hand interaction. The interview should focus predominantly on the roles, obligations, and daily routines of the principal. What are the intricacies of the job? What are its features, constraints, demands, and procedures? How does the principal lead, supervise, and manage teachers, students, parents, etc.? How does the principal elicit followership? How important is community? What about the morality of the principalship and the school? Additional areas for exploration may include educational assessment, discipline matters, dealing with parents, personnel hiring, evaluation, and termination, legal aspects, special education, etc., and any area of special interest to you.
After your interview, present the findings in a paper in which there is a discussion of the professional observations and personal reflections about what was learned.
This assignment will be submitted electronically through the dropbox.
6E – Expectations for the Learner #4 By the end of Module 1, establish a practicum goal
(Alignment to WAS 6, E) – Share the goal with your cooperating principal, university supervisor, and seminar leader. Create an action plan to support you in achieving your goal. Your action plan with the corresponding
6E - An 8-10 page APA formatted paper will be submitted and graded with an available rubric.
6E – Proficiency Rubric;
Grade of B or better.
6E - EDU 733
Modules 1-5 reflection is due to your university supervisor by (add date). The template to use for your practicum is as follows.
6E - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o
Ensure social justice, equity, confidentiality, inclusion among different groups by changing policies, programs, and practices to support student achievement. o Manage compliance issues in terms of legal, regulatory, and policy requirements.
Implement, facilitate, and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work)
6E - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
Wisconsin PI 34.03 Administrator Standards and
Wisconsin Licensure Program Content Guidelines 2001
(7) The administrator understands, responds to, and interacts with the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural contest that affects schooling.
Foster collaborative relationships and generate support for the school through open communication with local, state, and federal decision-makers.
Where will candidates learn the content knowledge and skills for this standard?
7A - EDU 772
Module 4
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
What will a candidate “DO” (Performances) to demonstrate they can:
How will we measure their proficiency in this performance?
7A - Leading Beyond Inclusion: Legal
Supports & Funding to Meet the Needs of
All Students (Interview of Educational
Leader) – This assignment requires you to interview an educational leader using the interview guide included herein. This guide is adapted from Capper & Frattura’s Leading
Beyond Inclusion framework. For this assignment you are required to ask the questions herein however, you are welcome to add follow-up questions that emerge from your interview. · Laws: What are the major laws that impact your role as principal? How do you use these laws to support the learning of all of your students?
· Suspension from school: What offenses can lead to a suspension out of school for a student? What practices are in place to ensure the disruption to the learning of the student who is suspended is minimized?
· Expulsion from school: What offenses can lead to an expulsion from school for a student? What practices are in place to ensure the disruption to the learning of the student who is expelled is minimized?
·Budgeting: What is your role in terms of budgets? What budgets do you oversee?
What types of beliefs guide your decisions
7A - Students will respond to prompts based on interview and write-up will be graded with an available rubric.
Advocate for school policies, programs and instructional practices that promote an equitable and culturally relevant instructional program.
7A - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
7B - EDU 765
Module 4
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010 relative to expenditure of funds? How do you leverage funding to meet the academic needs of a your students? How do you merge various funding sources to best meet the needs of your students? Do budgetary constraints influence your ability to lead in a fashion that all of your students needs are met? If so, please provide an example.
Laws & Funding: As an educational leader, how can you use laws and funding to leverage student success?
7A - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Ensure social justice, equity, confidentiality, inclusion among different groups by changing policies, programs, and practices to support student achievement. o Work with diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievement.
o Collaborate with school staff, students, families to increase student achievement o Help generate school improvement plans o Implement, facilitate and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work)
7B - Completion of the Socio-Cognitive
Leadership Rubric (Interview of
Educational Leader) This assignment requires you to interview an educational leader using the Socio-Cognitive tool created by Kelley and Shaw. After you conduct the interview you will assess the nature of the
7A -The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
7B - Submission will be graded with an available rubric
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
7B - EDU 773
Modules 1-5 responses using the rubric on pages 157-160 in your text. After assessing the responses, reflect on new learnings, themes that emerged, make connections to your course readings, and make recommendations for furthering the achievement for all students.
Building an Engaged Community: How have you worked to understand the community and engage stakeholders in development and attaining a vision of learning for all students?
How have you developed internal and external relationships to engage, motivate, and support student learning? How have you served as an educational and student advocate in the community? Managing and Aligning
Resources: How have you aligned all resources (i.e., financial, human, and physical) to advance the vision of equity and excellence in the school and/or district? How have you acquired and managed resources to address learning inequities in your school and/or district? How have you worked to ensure a safe and secure learning environment for students and staff?
7B - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Work with diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievement.
o Research diverse community resources to develop and improve programs and partnerships and to meet the needs of all students and stakeholders.
o Ensure social justice, equity,
7B - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
Demonstrate through personal actions, decisions and expectations a respect for, and appreciation of diversity.
7C - EDU 769
Module 5
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010 confidentiality, inclusion among different groups by changing policies, programs, and practices to support student achievement. o Implement, facilitate and participate in
Educator Effectiveness activities (Charlotte
Danielson’s work)
7C - Simulated Job Interview You are a top candidate for an excellent leadership position in a large school corporation. How do you respond? First of all, what have you learned about cross-cultural encounters that will help you in the classroom? In this district we need to do a better job of multicultural education.
What expertise do you have in this area? How do you view multicultural education? What should our goals be? What about schools where the student population is not diverse?
Should we worry about multicultural education in an all-Black, all-Latino, all-
Indian, or all-White school? Let's get more specific. What are some important multicultural concepts that you could develop in your school? Now, what about strategies?
What are some of the specific teaching strategies you could provide to your teachers you would use in your classes? Remember, our student body is very diverse! What about the school or district as a whole? Give me some ideas about how we can avoid resegregation and move from desegregated to truly integrated learning environments. Give me some specific possibilities. Question:
Some of our parents are worried about standards, particularly when it comes to bilingual education. What does the research say? Briefly, what are the main issues concerning bilingual education, and where do you stand? Question: Some of our parents are worried about standards, particularly when it
7C - Student responses will be submitted and graded with an available rubric.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
7C - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
7D – EDU 765
Modules 1-5 comes to bilingual education. What does the research say? Briefly, what are the main issues concerning bilingual education, and where do you stand? Which ethnic groups in our society do you see as least assimilated?
Don't you think it's about time they gave up their traditions and started to act like
Americans? A lot of our students have misconceptions and stereotypes about each other and different people who make up society. Identify several stereotypes you see as being particularly troublesome, and tell me how you plan to deal with it in your school.
One last question. You know that we are looking for someone who can meet the challenge of multicultural education in our schools as a building principal. Why do you want the job?
7C Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Work with diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievement.
o Research diverse community resources to develop and improve programs and partnerships and to meet the needs of all students and stakeholders.
o Ensure social justice, equity, confidentiality, inclusion among different groups by changing policies, programs, and practices to support student achievement.
7D – Education Week Readings Education
Week – Review articles that are published
7C - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
7D – Current Trends
Online Discussion. Post
Identify and communicate emerging trends and issues likely to impact the school.
Ensure that the school complies with all legal, regulatory and policy requirements.
7D - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
7E - EDU 770
Module 1
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010 during the span of this module. You do not need to read ‘from front to back.’ Instead, review the articles looking for (a) themes that are emerging, (b) topics of interest to you, and/or (c) topics that link to educational leadership and the principalship.
7D - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Facilitate a professional development session o Participate in RtI activities o Participate in PBIS activities o Work with students, families, and members of the school staff in relation to discipline issues o Facilitate and participate in Teacher
Effectiveness professional development activities (Charlotte Danielson’s work)
7E - Read: Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4 of
Alexander & Alexander book.
• Read: Grant, J. A. C. (1929). Marbury v.
Madison today. American Political Science
23(3). P 673-681.
• Review: Historical Timeline of Public
Education in the US. Available at: https://www.raceforward.org/research/reports/ historical-timeline-public-education-us ).
• Read: Baines, L. (2006). Does Horace
Mann still matter? Educational Horizons, 84
(4), 268-273.
• Read: Wohlstetter, P.,Wenning, R., &
Briggs, K. (1995). Charter schools in the
United States: The question of autonomy.
Education Policy , 9(4), 331-358.
on key issues/burning questions and respond to a minimum of three other posts. Graded with an available rubric.
7D - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
7E - A proficiency rubric will be used for the
Reflection; Grade of B or better.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
7E - EDU 770 -
Module 3
7E - EDU 770
Module 2
· Submit a 3-page reflection of the above readings through the Dropbox on D2L.
7E - • Read: Chapters 5, 12 & 20 in
Alexander & Alexander
• Read: Bell, D. (1983). Time for the teachers: Putting educators back into the
Brown Remedy. Journal of Negro Education,
52 (3), 290-301.
• Read: Fine, M. (2004). The power of the
Brown V. Board of education decision: Theorizing threats to sustainability.
American Psychologist, 59(6), 502-510.
• Read: Horsford, S. D. & McKenzie, K.B.
(2008). “Sometimes I feel like the problems started with desegregation”: Exploring Black superintendent perspectives on desegregation policy. International Journal of Qualitative
Studies in Education, 21 (5), 443-455.
• Read: Ladson-Billings, G. (2006). From the achievement gap to the education debt: Understanding achievement in
U. S. schools. Educational Researcher, 35(7),
• Read: Tillman, L. C. (2004). (Un)intended consequences? The impact of Brown V. Board of Education decision on the employment status of Black educators. Education and
Urban Society , 36(3), 280-303.
Submit a 3-page reflection on the above articles to the D2L dropbox.
7E - Read: Alexander & Alexander:
Chapter 9: Search and Seizure.
·Read: Alexander & Alexander: Chapter 8:
Student Speech and Expression.
·Read: Alexander & Alexander: Chapter 10:
Student Rights: Common Law,
Constitutional Due Process, and Statutory
7E - A proficiency rubric will be used for the
Reflection; Grade of B or better.
7E - A proficiency rubric will be used for the
Reflection; Grade of B or better.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
7E - EDU 770 -
Module 4
7E - EDU 770
Module 5
·Read: Alexander & Alexander: Chapter13:
Defamation and Student Records.
· Submit a 3-page reflection on the above chapters to the D2L dropbox.
7E - · Read: Alexander & Alexander
Chapter 7: Instructional Program.
· Read: Alexander & Alexander Chapter 11:
Rights of Students with Disabilities.
· Read: Sullivan, A. L. & Artiles, A. J.
(2011). Theorizing racial inequality in special education: Applying structural inequity disproportionality. Urban Education, 46(6),
· Read: Sale, P. & Carey, D. (1995). The sociometric status of students with disabilities in a full-inclusion school. Exceptional
Children, 62(1), 6-19.
· Read: Barlett, L. (1995). Disciplining handicapped students: Legal issues in light of
Honig V. Doe. Exceptional Children, 55(4),
· Submit a 3-page reflection on the above readings to the D2L dropbox.
7E - Read: Alexander & Alexander
Chapter 15: Certification, Contracts, and
· Read: Alexander & Alexander Chapter 16:
Teacher Rights and Freedoms.
· Read: Alexander & Alexander Chapter 17:
Due Process Rights of Teachers.
· Read: Alexander & Alexander Chapter 18:
Discrimination in Employment.
· Read: Alexander & Alexander Chapter 19:
Collective Bargaining.
· Submit a 3-page reflection on the above readings to the D2L dropbox.
7E - A proficiency rubric will be used for the
Reflection; Grade of B or better.
7E - A proficiency rubric will be used for the
Reflection; Grade of B or better.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
7E - EDU 770
Modules 1-5
7E - 1. Complete Legal Briefs for each module. (75 points; 15 points each)
Students prepare fve carefully articulated and thoroughly researched briefs on any cases discussed in the module text readings. Each brief should be a one page-single spaced
(Times New Roman font, 12 point type, oneinch margins) summarizing the case using the following format, label each section.
● Citation: List the legal citation for the case. This should be the title of the paper.
● Fact(s): Restate the legally relevant facts of the case. Discuss in detail what happened to get this case into the court system.
● Issue(s): In one sentence, identify the question to be answered. To pick out the issue, think about who is arguing and what they are arguing about. An issue statement should include the sources of the law (for example: the
First Amendment, IDEA, etc.), the parties involved and the issue to be decided. For example, “Was the school district guilty of discrimination?” is not significantly detailed to meet the criteria of a good issue statement. “Does the equal protection clause of the 14 th
Amendment prevent the publics school districts from maintaining separate schools based on race?” contains the necessary components of an issue statement.
● Ruling(s): What did the courts decide? What were the results? What was the final ruling for the case?
● Rationale: Why did the court make that particular decision? On what did
7E - A proficiency rubric will be used to evaluate each of the Legal Briefs.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010
7E - EDU 770
Modules 1-5 the court base these answers?
● Conclusion: How does this court decision relate to your life as an educator or administrator, and education in general? What does this ruling mean to our profession? How have/will our lives be altered by this decision? How have/will the students’ lives be altered by this decision?
7E - 1. Discussions. (50 points; 8 points each) As a part of EDU 770, you will be a part of a D2L community. I will be creating the topics for the week’s discussion forum.
Discussions will be due the next Wednesday after the posting date at 3:55 p.m.
• Discussion #1 on D2L – Describe and give an example of how the Tenth amendment works between the state and federal government.
• Discussion #2 on D2L – Ladson-Billings
(2006) describes the results of the desegregation era as the American Debt. What fundamental issues support her assertion?
What steps can you take as a school leader to work towards addressing this debt?
· Discussion #3 on D2L – Describe an educational issue a school leader will likely face in regard to student records. Explain how this issue can be addressed?
· Discussion #4 on D2L – As a school leader, what options/things should you need to consider when disciplining students with
· Discussion #5 on D2L – Describe an educational issue a school leader will likely encounter in managing certification, contracts, tenure or collective bargaining agreements at the school level. Explain how this issue can be
7E - The proficiency
Discussion Forum Rubric will be used as the evaluate tool.
Analyze and resolve school problems considering the larger political, social, cultural, economic and historical context.
7E - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
7F – EDU 766
Module 2
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010 addressed.
7E - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Manage compliance issues in terms of legal, regulatory, and policy requirements.
7F – Educational Reform Paper During the past thirty years, school reform began to germinate as a social and institutional movement in education, and educators have attempted to implement standards-based improvement in the American educational system. After reviewing some of the literature about standards and current educational reforms, select a related K-12 educational administrative topic in which you have a personal and professional interest. The subject should be one about which you desire to know more — one that would enhance your professional portfolio. Research the topic, and write an analysis paper about it. In your paper, include an explanation of the need for reform in this area, a description of the reform issue of your interest, and a short history about how your area of interest developed. In addition, provide a discussion about some of the processes or procedures necessary to initiate the reform. Be sure to support your thoughts, ideas, and analysis with sufficient external source information. This assignment will be submitted electronically through the dropbox.
7E - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
7F – A 5-7 page APA formatted paper will be submitted and graded with an available rubric.
7F - EDU 773
Modules 1-5
7F - Provide varied experiences for the learner that align with the day-to-day life of the principal and the Wisconsin Content
Guidelines for Principals.
Examples of activities include but are not limited to the following: o Work with students, families, and members of the school staff in relation to discipline issues o Work with diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievement.
o Research diverse community resources to develop and improve programs and partnerships and to meet the needs of all students and stakeholders.
o Ensure social justice, equity, confidentiality, inclusion among different groups by changing policies, programs, and practices to support student achievement.
-Manage compliance issues in terms of legal, regulatory, and policy requirements
7F - The UW-L: Principal
Evaluation Tool will be used to record proficiency in each of the WAS.
Include activities or actions that demonstrate learners understanding and proficiency in corresponding content guidelines.
Principal Licensure Program Matrix using the Wisconsin Content Guidelines 2010