TITLE: There is limited evidence that suggests virtual reality therapy is as effective as conventional therapy in improving perceived functional use and motor function of the affected upper extremity or extremities in children with cerebral palsy. Prepared by: Amy Abelman Kayley Holman Kelly Kuether Date: abelman.amy@uwlax.edu holman.kayl@uwlax.edu kuether.kell@uwlax.edu December 4, 2012 CLINICAL SCENARIO: Client population: Children with cerebral palsy (CP) between five and 16 years of age who have impairments in perceived functional use and motor function in one or both upper extremities (UE). Treatment context: Virtual reality (VR) therapy is used in rehabilitation and laboratory settings. It can also occur in inpatient, outpatient, home, and school settings. Problem or condition: CP is a non-progressive disorder that begins during fetal or infant development and affects the area of the brain that controls movement and posture (Snider, Majnemer, & Darsaklis, 2010). CP typically results in impaired motor function in one or both UEs, including difficulties isolating movements (Reid & Campbell, 2006), reaching, grasping, and manipulation (Chen et al., 2007). VR therapy is used to address the impaired motor function and functional use of the affected UE(s) in children with CP. Intervention: VR therapy allows the child to experience an activity in a virtual environment by providing sensory input during UE movements. VR therapy creates a fun and interactive environment for the child, while focusing on specific therapy goals (Snider et al., 2010). VR therapy protocol can be determined by occupational therapists, as they can choose VR games appropriate for addressing goals in therapy. Availability of VR systems and games in the clinic, hospital, school, or child’s home will determine the system and games used in therapy. In general, VR games allow the child’s performance level to be challenged appropriately, as difficulty of games can be graded to meet the needs of the child (Jannink et al., 2008). Science behind intervention: VR therapy may be effective in improving perceived functional use and motor function of the UE due to the neuroplastic changes that occur in response to motor learning theory. Motor learning theory focuses on the necessity of practice and feedback in motor skill acquisition (Bertoti, 2004). During VR therapy, the child repeatedly performs movements and receives constant feedback from the VR system in regards to UE movement. Feedback is given through the visual input on the screen as well as scores or points received during the game. Input is adjusted as the child progresses by changing the level of difficulty, thus making feedback more specific to the child’s performance level (Pendleton & Krohn, 2006). According to motor learning theory, the user adjusts his or her movement according to the feedback received and learns from previous errors. Eventually, movements will become automatic (Bertoti, 2004). Automaticity of movements during VR games result from the neuroplastic changes that occur throughout the motor learning process. Through repetition of a motor activity, new motor pathways are developed, and pre-existing pathways are maintained (Bertoti, 2004). In VR therapy, the repetition of games and continued feedback the child receives allow neural pathways to adapt to make movement more efficient (Bertoti, 2004). How is this intervention occupational therapy? VR therapy addresses client factors and performance skills in the Occupational Therapy (OT) Practice Framework by encouraging the child to perform different motor functions of the UE(s). Controlling one’s voluntary movement is a component of client factors, and includes pronation, supination, bilateral integration, and fine and gross motor control. Motor and praxis skills are a component of performance skills and include reaching, grasping, releasing, drawing, pointing, and manipulating objects (American Occupational Therapy Association, 2008). Addressing client factors and performance skills may increase the functional use of the client’s UE(s) during activities of daily living, education, volunteering, play, and leisure. VR therapy is considered a purposeful activity, as it is meaningful, motivating, and allows the child to develop skills that may improve occupational performance. VR therapy can also be an occupation-based activity if the child’s valued occupation is playing video games. FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTION: What is the effectiveness of virtual reality therapy in improving perceived functional use and/or motor function of the affected upper extremity or extremities in children with cerebral palsy when compared to conventional therapy? ● ● ● ● Patient/Client Group: Children with CP Intervention: VR therapy Comparison Intervention: Conventional therapy Outcome(s): Improvement in perceived functional use and/or motor function of UE SUMMARY: Is VR therapy as effective as conventional therapy in improving perceived functional use and/or motor function of one or both upper extremities? ● Number of databases searched: 12 ● Number of relevant articles located: 22 ○ Three articles were reviewed ○ All were low-quality randomized controlled trials (PEDro level of 1/8, 3/8, 4/8) ● Criteria for choosing articles to review ○ Diagnosis: Specific to CP ○ Population: Children under the age of 18 ○ Intervention: VR therapy alone or VR therapy with conventional therapy ○ Control: Conventional therapy ○ Variables: Functional use and/or motor function ○ Date of Publication: Within ten years ○ Language: Written or translated to English ○ Evidence: Studies with highest level of evidence that examined the variables ● Findings: VR therapy is as effective as conventional therapy in improving perceived functional use and/or motor function of the affected UE(s) in children with CP. CLINICAL BOTTOM LINE: There is limited evidence that suggests virtual reality therapy is as effective as conventional therapy in improving perceived functional use and/or motor function of the affected extremity or extremities in children with cerebral palsy. Limitations of this Critically Appraised Topic: This critically appraised topic has been reviewed by occupational therapy graduate students and the course instructor. SEARCH STRATEGY: Table 1: Search Strategy Databases Searched ● PEDro ● OVID ● OT Seeker Search Terms ● Virtual reality ● VR ● Virtual reality therapy Limits used ● ● ● ● And + Not Or Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria Inclusion Criteria: ● Written within ten years ● Written in English ●CINAHL Plus with Full Text ● Cochrane Collection Plus ● Medline with Full Text ●Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials ● PSYCHInfo ● Education Research Complete ● Alt Healthwatch ● Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition ● Education Research Complete ● Video games ● Video game therapy ● Cerebral palsy ● CP ● EyeToy ● Wii ● Upper extremity ● UE ● Upper extremity function ● UE function ● Hemiparesis ● Virtual Environment ● Adolescents ● Children ● Reid ● Snider ● Translated to English ● Include children with cerebral palsy ● Evaluate perceived functional use and/or motor function of affected UE Exclusion Criteria: ● Children over 18 years old ● Children with accompanying conditions RESULTS OF SEARCH: Table 2: Summary of Study Designs of Articles Retrieved Level Level 1a Study Design/ Methodology of Articles Retrieved Systematic Reviews or Metanalysis of Randomized Control Trials Total Number Located 5 Data Base Source Citation (Name, Year) CINAHL Plus Full Text Galvin, J., & Levac, D., 2011 CINAHL Plus with Full Text Galvin, J., McDonald, R., Catroppa, C., & Anderson, V., 2011 CINAHL Plus with Full Text Sandlund, Mcdonough, & Häger, 2009 Level 1b Individualized Randomized Control Trials 0 Level 2a Systematic reviews of cohort studies 0 Level 2b Individualized 3 cohort studies and low quality RCT’s (PEDRO < 5) Level 3a Systematic review of case-control studies 0 Level 3b Case-control studies and nonrandomized controlled trials 1 CINAHL Plus with Full Text Snider, L., Majnemer, A., & Darsaklis, V., 2010 MEDLINE with Full Text Wang, M. & Reid, D., 2011 MEDLINE Plus with Full Text Jannink, M., Van Der Wilden, G., Navis, D., Visser, G., Gussinklo, J., & Ijzerman, M., 2008 CINAHL Plus with Full Text Reid, D. & Campbell, K., 2006 MEDLINE Sharan, D., Ajeesh, P., Rameshkumar, R., Mathankumar, M., Paulina, R., & Manjula, M., 2012 MEDLINE with Full Text Bryanton, C., Bossé, J., Brien, M., Mclean, J., McCormick, A., & Sveistrup, H., 2006 Level 4 Case-series and poor quality cohort and casecontrol studies 10 CINAHL Plus with Full Text Chen, Y., Kang, L., Chuang, T., Doong, J., Lee, S., Tsai, M., Jeng, S., & Sung, W., 2007 CINAHL Plus with Full Text Deutsch, J.E., Borbely, M., Filler, J., Huhn, K., & Guarrera-Bowlby, P., 2008 CINAHL Plus with Full Text Golomb, M., McDonald, B., Warden, S., Yonkman, J., Saykin, A., Shirley, B., Huber, M., Rabin, B., AbdelBaky M., Nwosu, M.E. & Burdea, G., 2010 MEDLINE with Full Text Golomb, M. Warden, S., Fess, E., Rabin, B., Yorkman, J., Shirley, B., Burdea, G., 2011 CINAHL Plus with Full Text Green D. & Wilson, P., 2012 MEDLINE Huber, M., Rabin, B., Docan, C., Burdea, G., AbdelBaky, M. Golomb, M., 2010 Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition Li, W., Lam-Damji, S. Chau, T., & Fehlings, D., 2009 CINAHL Plus with Full Text Reid, D., 2002a Level 5 Expert Opinion 2 CINAHL Plus with Full Text Reid, D., 2002b CINAHL Plus with Full Text Sandlund, M., Lindh Waterworth, E., Haager, C., 2011 Education Research Complete Shallcross, L., 2007 Education Research Complete Snider L. & Majnemer, A., 2010 STUDIES INCLUDED: Table 3: Summary of Included Studies Study 1: Reid, D., & Campbell, K., 2006 Study 2: Jannink, M.J.A., Van Der Wilden, G.J., Navis, D.W., Visser, G., Gussinklo, J., & Ijzerman, M., 2008 Study 3: Sharan, D., Ajeesh, P.S., Rameshkumar, R., Mathankumar, M., Jospin, P.R., Manjula, M., 2012 Design and PEDro rating Randomized controlled trial, 4/8 on the PEDro scale Randomized controlled trial, 3/8 on the PEDro scale Randomized controlled trial, 1/8 on the PEDro scale Population 31 children ages 8 to 13 10 children ages 7 to 16 with CP with CP 16 children ages 5 to 14 with CP who just received unspecified surgery Intervention Investigated Interventions: VR therapy alone Interventions: VR therapy in conjunction with conventional therapy Interventions: VR therapy in conjunction with conventional physical therapy (PT) services Comparison Intervention System/Games: Mandala Gesture Xtreme IREX; games included sports programs such as soccer and volleyball, music programs, such as drumming, and game-like programs, such as jugglers, sharks, and painting System/Games: Playstation 2 EyeToy; Minigames included Kung Foo (hit characters falling from tower with hand), Wishi Washi (wash windows with arm movement), Keep Ups (keep up a ball with arm movements) System/Games: Nintendo Wii; games included tennis, baseball, golf, bowling, and boxing, and strength training of UE with the Wii balance board Game Selection: Children were given a random number of games to choose from, and children selected games to play Game Selection: Based on expert interviews with PTs and OTs Game Selection: Selected by PT based on children’s needs and capabilities Movements Required: Reaching and manipulation of the UE Movements Required: Gross motor movement of the UE Movements Required: Gross motor movement of the UE Frequency/Duration: 1 time per week for 90 minutes for 8 weeks Frequency/Duration: 2 times per week for 30 minutes for 6 weeks Frequency/Duration: Every alternate 3 days per week for an unspecified amount of time for 3 weeks Type: Conventional therapy (OT, PT, or both) Type: Conventional therapy (PT) Type: Conventional therapy (unspecified) Frequency/Duration: Occurred 1 time per week on average for 8 weeks Frequency/Duration: Same as intervention group Frequency/Duration: Not specified Dependent Variables Perceived functional use of UE (perceived performance of daily activities) Motor function of UE (reach, grasp, release, and manipulation) Perceived functional use of UE (perceived performance of manipulating objects during daily activities) Melbourne Assessment of Unilateral Upper Limb Function (Melbourne Assessment) Manual Ability Classification System (MACS) The control group varied from a 1% decline to a 4% improvement in motor function. The intervention group varied from no change in score to a 13% increase in motor function. No statistically significant differences were found between groups. Pvalues could not be calculated due to lack of information regarding the Melbourne Assessment. There were statistically significant improvements in perceived functional use for the control group (t=3.5, p<0.01) and the intervention group (t=2.28, p<0.05). Effect sizes for motor function could not be calculated, as there is no standard deviation Effect size for perceived functional use was small between groups (.16). Effect size was small Motor function of UE (isolated movements) Outcome Measures Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) performance scale Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test (QUEST) Results Both groups showed improvements in perceived functional use. No statistically significant differences were found between groups (t=-1.63, p=0.12). Both groups showed improvements in motor function. No statistically significant differences were found between groups (t=0.82, p=0.43). Effect Size Effect size was large for perceived functional use between groups (0.93). Effect size was No statistically significant differences were found between groups (t=1.12, p>0.05). large within groups for both the intervention group (2.95) and control group (0.98). available for the Melbourne Assessment. within both the intervention group (0.28) and control group (-0.39). The use of Playstation EyeToy in conjunction with conventional PT may be beneficial in improving motor functions of the UE in children with CP. Both groups showed statistically significant improvements, but there were no statistically significant differences between the groups for perceived functional use. Effect size was small for motor function between groups (-0.23). Effect size was small within both the intervention group (0.12) and control group (0.33). Conclusion Both groups showed improvements in perceived functional use and motor function, but there were no statistically significant differences between the groups for either variable. A large effect size was found within both groups for perceived functional use, indicating that both VR therapy and conventional therapy groups had a large change in perceived functional use. A large effect size between groups was found, indicating that the VR therapy group a larger change in The use of Nintendo Wii in conjunction with conventional therapy may be as effective as conventional therapy in improving perceived functional use of the UE in children with CP. perceived functional use than the conventional therapy group. The use of Mandala Gesture Xtreme IREX may be beneficial in improving perceived functional use and motor function of the UE in children with CP. The improvements seen with VR therapy may be as effective as improvements seen in conventional therapy. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE, EDUCATION and FUTURE RESEARCH Overall Conclusions: The three reviewed studies compared VR therapy in conjunction with conventional therapy to conventional therapy, with the exception of Reid and Campbell (2006), which compared VR therapy alone to conventional therapy. The studies were low-quality randomized controlled trials that measured perceived functional use and/or motor function in children with CP. Perceived functional use is the child’s or caregiver’s perception of the child’s performance in selfcare activities, volunteering, or school (Reid & Campbell, 2006) or in handling items during daily activities (Sharan et al., 2012). Studies found perceived functional use improved overall from pretest to post-test in both groups, but changes were not statistically significant. Reid and Campbell (2006) found a large effect size within both groups, indicating that both the VR therapy and conventional therapy groups had large improvements in perceived functional use. A large effect size between groups was found, indicating the VR therapy group had a greater change in perceived functional use compared to the conventional therapy group. Motor function includes movements of the UE(s), such as reaching, grasping, releasing, and manipulating unilaterally (Jannink et al., 2008) and bilateral isolation of shoulder, elbow, wrist, and fingers, and grasp and release (Reid & Campbell, 2006). Studies found motor function improved overall from pre-test to post-test in both groups, but changes were not statistically significant. No statistically significant results were found for perceived functional use or motor function despite differences among the articles. Intervention groups in Jannink et al. (2008) and Sharan et al. (2012) received both VR and conventional therapy, while control groups received only conventional therapy. The intervention group in Reid and Campbell (2006) received only VR therapy, while the control group received conventional therapy. Reid and Campbell (2006) used the Mandala Xtreme IREX, Jannink et al. (2008) used the Playstation 2 EyeToy, and Sharan et al. (2012) used the Nintendo Wii/Wii Fit. Different games were chosen depending on the system used. Jannink et al. (2008) and Sharan et al. (2012) selected games based on the expertise of occupational and/or physical therapists. Games focused on UE movements in all studies. Children in the intervention group in Reid and Campbell (2006) received one 90-minute session per week for eight weeks, for a total of 12 hours. Children in the intervention group in Jannink et al. (2008) received two 30-minute sessions per week for six weeks, for a total of six hours. Children in the intervention group in Sharan et al. (2012) received an unspecified amount of therapy, every third alternating day per week, for three weeks. Reid and Campbell (2006) occurred in a laboratory and Jannink et al. (2008) occurred in a rehabilitation center. Reid and Campbell (2006), Sharan et al. (2012), and Jannink et al. (2008) included 31, 16, and 10 children, respectively. Children in all three studies received therapy on a one-to-one basis for both the intervention and control groups. In conclusion, there is limited evidence from low-quality randomized controlled trials suggesting VR therapy is as effective as conventional therapy in improving perceived functional use and motor function of the affected UE(s) in children with CP. Boundaries: Studies used 57 children with CP, ages 5-16, with varying levels of tone. Children were included if they possessed voluntary movement of at least one affected UE and no accompanying conditions, with the exception of Sharan et al. (2012), in which children had recently undergone unspecified surgery. Implications for Practice: Although no statistically significant differences were found between groups, improvements in perceived functional use and motor function were noted in all groups. Improvements were found regardless of whether VR therapy was used alone or in conjunction with conventional therapy. Improvements were also found regardless of VR system, games, location, frequency, and duration. Due to the limited research available, the most effective VR therapy protocol has not been established. The following information regarding treatment protocol is unknown: which VR system, game(s), treatment location, duration, and frequency are most effective, whether VR therapy is more effective alone or in conjunction with conventional therapy, whether VR therapy is effective in children who have an accompanying disorder(s), whether VR therapy is effective as a home program, and whether VR therapy is effective in a group format. As a result of the limited evidence available, further research is needed to determine the most effective VR therapy protocol to improve perceived functional use and motor function in children with CP. REFERENCES: Reviewed Articles Jannink, M.J.A., Van Der Wilden, G.J., Navis, D.W., Visser, G., Gussinklo, J., & Ijzerman, M. (2008). A low-cost video game applied for training of upper extremity function in children with cerebral palsy: A pilot study. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 11(1), 27-32. Reid, D., & Campbell, K. (2006). The use of virtual reality with children with cerebral palsy: A pilot randomized trial. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 40(4), 255-268. Sharan, D., Ajeesh, P., Rameshkumar, R., Mathankumar, M., Paulina, R., & Manjula, M. (2012). Virtual reality based therapy for post operative rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy. Work (Reading, Mass.), 41, 3612-3615. Related Articles (Not Individually Appraised) Bryanton, C., Bossé, J., Brien, M., Mclean, J., McCormick, A., & Sveistrup, H. (2006). Feasibility, motivation, and selective motor control: Virtual reality compared to conventional home exercise in children with cerebral palsy. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 9(2), 123-128. Chen, Y., Kang, L., Chuang, T., Doong, J., Lee, S., Tsai, M., Jeng, S., & Sung, W. (2007). Use of virtual reality to improve upper-extremity control in children with cerebral palsy: a single-subject design. Physical Therapy, 87(11), 1441-1457. doi:10.2522/ptj.20060062 Deutsch, J.E., Borbely, M., Filler, J., Huhn, K., & Guarrera-Bowlby, P. (2008). Use of a lowcost, commercially available gaming console (wii) for rehabilitation of an adolescent with cerebral palsy. Physical Therapy, 88(10), 1196-1207. doi:10.2522/ptj.20080062 Galvin, J., McDonald, R., Catroppa, C., & Anderson, V. (2011). Does intervention using virtual reality improve upper limb function in children with neurological impairment: A systematic review of the evidence. Brain Injury, 25(5), 435-442. Galvin, J., & Levac, D. (2011). Facilitating clinical decision-making about the use of virtual reality within paediatric motor rehabilitation: Describing and classifying virtual reality systems. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 14(2), 112-122. Golomb, M., McDonald, B., Warden, S., Yonkman, J., Saykin, A., Shirley, B., Huber, M., Rabin, B., AbdelBaky M., Nwosu, M., & Burdea, G. (2010). In-home virtual reality videogame telerehabilitation in adolescents with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Archives Of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 91(1), 1-8. Golomb, M., Warden, S., Fess, E., Rabin, B., Yorkman, J., Shirley, B., Burdea, G. (2011). Maintained hand function an forearm bone health 14 months after an in-home virtualreality videogame hand telerehabilitation intervention in an adolescent with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Journal of Child Neurology, 26(3), 389-393. Green, D. & Wilson, P. (2012). Use of virtual reality in rehabilitation of movement in children with hemiplegia: A multiple case study evaluation. Disability & Rehabilitation, 34(7), 593-604. Huber, M., Rabin, B., Docan, C., Burdea, G., AbdelBaky, M., & Golomb, M. (2010). Feasibility of modified remotely monitored in-home gaming technology for improving hand function in adolescents with cerebral palsy. 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Occupational therapy practice framework: Domain and process. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 56, 625–683. Bertoti, D.B. (2004). Functional neurorehabilitation through the life span. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company. Pendleton, H.M., & Krohn, W.S. (Eds.). (2006) Pedretti’s occupational therapy: Practice skills for physical dysfunction (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby, Inc.