Organization for Campus Women Minutes February 11, 2015 12:00­1:00 p.m. 2200 Centennial Hall Present: Sharie Brunk, Brenda Leahy, Pamela Morris, Michelle Sturm, Karmin Van Domelen, Deanna Wachter, Maureen Wilson, Shelle Gholsen, Kjerstin Lang, and Lema Kabashi. Karmin welcomed the group at 12:04 p.m. Minutes from 12/10/14 were approved. MSP WWHEL Stipend ● After much communication with the WWHEL Board, Sharie shared that OCW, once again, is the recipient of a $500 WWHEL Stipend. OCW Scholarship ● Rebecca Lee, Pamela Morris, Shelle Gholsen, Deanna Wachter, and Lema Kabashi along with the committee chairs Sharie Brunk and Maureen Wilson will be reviewing the OCW scholarship applications and awarding $7,000 in scholarships. Fundraising Karmin provided an update on several fundraising ideas that have been proposed. ● Wine and Cheese : We are not allowed to bring alcohol on campus. Unfortunately this option is out. ● Silent auction baskets: Pamela suggested these as a possibility for making a comparable profit to the Cookie­Off. ● Cookie­Off : Karmin reached out to former participants and received lukewarm feedback. On the contrary, several OCW members voiced an interest from their departments/offices in participating (HR, IT?, AAC/CS, Admissions (J. Rybaski), Library?, Kate Noelke (UB)). ○ We have two room reservations: 3/10­Hall of Nations and 3/24­Port O’Call. Karmin asked for a confirmation from each team and date preference. Members will work to get them to here ASAP. Monthly Reports ● Treasurer’s Report: Pamela reported that $61.50 was spent on refreshments for the Holiday Social. The Provost account has been closed and the money ($723.93) transferred to the SFO account for a balance of $2,795.64. ● Book Club: The next book will be Modern Motherhood: An American History , by Jodi Vandenberg­Daves, faculty in the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department at UW­L. Jodi is also the guest speaker for the OCW Spring Symposium. Because of the possibility of generating more interest in this book, the discussion will be scheduled for after the Spring Symposium. Events ● Symposium: The OCW Spring Symposium will be held on Thursday, April 2, in the Hall of Nations (the room is reserved from 11am­2pm). Jodi Vandenberg­Daves will be our guest speaker. She will be speaking on motherhood, the topic of her recent book. It is expected that she will have books available for purchase at this event. The group discussed food/beverage options. The general consensus is a repetition of last year ­ 50/50 cost share. Attendees would pay $5 to participate in the heavy appetizer buffet and the organization would pick up the remaining cost, approximately $5/person. Door prizes were also discussed. Jara suggested purchasing two of Jodi’s books to include in the pool of door prizes. Self Sufficiency Program : Karmin is waiting for numbers of participants from the SSP program. The OCW will provide a meal once a month during the spring semester (2/24, 3/24, 4/14, and 5/5). A meal will consist of two hot dishes, one salad, and a dessert. A google doc has been created for sign up and can be found here . Meeting adjourned at 12:43 p.m. Submitted by, Michelle Sturm