Agenda OCW UW­L Wednesday April 3, 2013 2200 Centennial 12:00­1:00 p.m.

Agenda OCW UW­L
Wednesday April 3, 2013
2200 Centennial
12:00­1:00 p.m.
Members present:
• Sharie Brunk
• Laura Godden
• Deb Hoeth
• Karen Lange
• Sue Lee
• Michelle Stertz
• Teri Talpe
• Maureen Wilson
Motion to approve the minutes from March 13, 2013. A motion to approve the
minutes with a budget revision was made .
• $474.96 136 General OCW account (revised)
• Student Funded Organization ( SFO) $2410.93
• Foundation: Sharie $598.50 (Sharie verified per email April 4)
Updates & Reports
Treasury report (Amy)
Buying $13.95, transferring in $1 ,000 from SFO account. Current ly $1,461.01 in
general 136 account. Amy can print out info from Wisdom. Submit a miscellaneous
request. Expenses are still coming in. SFO: $30 for gift certificate s and transfer to
Spring Symposium update
Food and drink: cannot go with Sodexo. Maureen and Sharie will buy food at Sam's
Club — Cheese, crackers, snacks, dips chips, cookies for $100 or less and purchase
a b everage dispenser for $20 clear plastic liner 3 gallon, lemonade . Sharie will bring
water. Maureen wants to get reimbursed. Store extra at next event. $80 Karmi n Van
Domelen will bring in tea from home .
No RSVP for event. Free. No sign up. Port O' Call, Cartwright Center. Teri will be
there by 11:15. Suggestion for other people to be there around 11 help set
up. Sharie will bring in box and set up table for sign in and door prizes. Door prizes
include: $30 comfort zone gift certificate, 2 books Finding Purpose and flowers.
Michelle to print off door prizes. Sue will take photos at event.
Publicity: An invitations will be emailed to all campus women and graduate
students. Building reps should download, print and put up fliers on bulletin
boards. An announcement will also be in the Campus Connection.
Scholarship update (Sharie Brunk)
The committee met and there were 49 applicants for Jean Foss & Noree n Smith
OCW Scholarship. Applicants were narrowed down to 13. Four students will
receive $1,000, two students will receive $600 and five students will receive
$200 . Finalists were forwarded to Sara Olson so that she can cull names for
anyone who is already receiving another scholarship. The Scholarship and Awards
Program will be held at 4:30 p.m. Monday, April 29, in Valhalla, Cartwright
Center-Gunning Addition. Scholarship winners will be announced in newsletter.
Anyone can contribute to newsletter.
SSP meal update
Teri put sign up document on Google docs. Deb, Amy & Teri & Laura provided meal
for SSP meal. SSP Program Director Andrea Hansen gave them a huge thank you.
There is no sink in the area where SSP meets. One woman had six children.
Providing meals seemed to have a positive impact on the adults and children, was
a good experience , and a good way to get connected with SSP group. We will
continue to get feedback from them about what is good for them. Students are
providing the daycare. There was a good mix of people there. Leftover food went
home with the families. We should plan to provide food for about 20.
New Girl Rising update
Video screening, is restricted . There were two offers to help purchase the videos
from the School of Education. Barbara Stewart also offered to help pay since her
office goals include education globally. We felt we should stay away from fund
raising at the event. Debra thought we should have a big kickoff with the
It's time for elections for officers and the steering committee. They should have
been elected in March. We can post a notice in the Campus Connection . Melissa
is the membership/elections chair . Deb suggested reviewing and changing our
bylaws to make them more flexible. Melissa will send emails to campus women
with open positions for a vote. Melissa will email nominations for elections, put
those in a Qualtrics survey and then we'll have the election in May. People can
encourage others to put their name in for consideration if no one fills spots or if no
one else steps in. vWe need classified staff representatives . Maureen and Sue will
continue in their positions, if necessary. Maggie, Sharie and Jaralee's positions
for academic staff should be open to campus community. Sharie is willing to stay
if necessary. No positions are open for f aculty.
There should be a president elect working with the president to be ready to take
over when the president position opens. Bylaws state that t he steering committee
shall elect from at large in April or May. We'd like to consider allowing the president
to continue for a two-year term. Then get a classifed president elect. Debra will
email everyone a bylaws revision draft . See bylaws at
The OCW brochure is up on the OCW website . Some are printed for the Spring
Symposium. There is a website to contact.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Sue Lee, Secretary