OCW Minutes November 16, 2011 Sue Lee, ,

OCW Minutes
November 16, 2011
Sue Lee, slee@uwlax.edu, 785.8497
Those present:
Debbie Hoeth
Kjerstin Lang
Sue Lee
Maggie McHugh
Jaralee Richter
Kate Russell
Karmin Van Domelen
Maureen Wilson
I. Website. Kudos to Jen Holman and Kate Russell for their hard work!
OCW’s Google calendar will now refresh. Jen and Kate migrated the OCW website
to UW-L’s current template. The website now includes rotating OCW photos. All
of old site was archived. Committees and steering committee entries that were
redundant were changed. Check info and get back to Jen and Kate with any further
II. Wisconsin Women in Higher Education and Leadership (WWHEL)
i. Oct. 20 & 21 (Thursday/Friday) WWHEL 2011 Annual Conference
ii. How did it go? Maggie requested that someone write up a little piece on it.
Stipends- $500: Applied for stipend
Jaralee Richter and Chris Bakkum went to WWHEL conference and said it was really
great! They only knew each other so it was a great time to network with others.
The first speaker Idahlynn Karre talked on strength. The keynote speaker, Eliz
Greene, spoke on balance. She had an unusual heart disease and went into cardiac
arrest and flatlined for three to four minutes when she was delivering her baby. She
talked about how balance for health is important. Jaralee will write up a report and
give to Maggie by Tuesday. Maggie is working on a newsletter.
Deb Hoeth applied for a stipend for WWHEL. She provided a brief history of OCW
and goals. Kathleen Enz-Finken gave us kudos. Deb asked Kathleen if she would
support funding for OCW. Deb agreed to put in an official budget request to
III. Symposium. Maggie wrote a proposal on work/life balance and it was not
funded. We could push for this again. Group seemed OK with going with the same
topic. Group with like people. Debbie Lessing (?) speaker from Chicago. $2,500.
Purple book. More local people we can look into because of our current budget.
Speaker CAB had looked at Denise Folcik from Milwaukee area. She talks about
eating disorders later in life -- after children, midlife -- and self esteem. Group
thought this topic didn’t fit student population. We may be able to incorporate
self-esteem and balance into life. Talked about working with other groups about
this. Funding seems so dried up. Milwaukee person said she’d come for travel
expenses. She may be the one to go with. Plan for funding may have to go a year
out, Deb mentioned. Jaralee and Maggie will look back at correspondence. One
idea is to incorporate self esteem issues and stress issues. Asked if anyone had
ideas for stipend and support from other areas. Kathleen hoped to give Deb a
stipend of some sort, perhaps $500-$750. Use $500 + Deb to help present request
for funding to Kathleen by Dec. 9. Will know about WWHEL in the next couple of
weeks. Jaralee will contact her again. We need to develop questions to ask speaker.
Maggie and Jaralee will review and attempt to share with group feedback and then
IV. YWCA Tribute to Outstanding Women.
i. Event is Nov. 17 and is promoted on OCW homepage
V. Membership.
i. Currently, we have 34 members
ii. Goal is 60. Is this realistic? What more do we need to do to reach out? Melissa
Bingham will email info to those who didn’t join.
VI. Cook-IE Off. A total of $430 raised for the OCW scholarship! Way to go! For
the first go round we felt it was well received. Will plan to do again next year. The
key people really sold tickets. All in all a friendly competition between them. For
next year we will make rules more clear. Tables went well out with decorating.
VII. Book Club Updates.
i. I am J- Tuesday, Nov. 29
Jaralee: Transgendered youth. Jennifer took the name J. All issues around that 17year-old senior. Will loan out her book. Pride Center and Rainbow Unity. Attorney
who deals with transgender bathrooms, etc. 7 p.m. Monday night, Tuesday, the
29th will address campus. Students from group may want to read it but may not
want to be “representative” for the group. Learned a lot about transgendered youth
from author. Quick read.
ii. Fast Food Nation- Tuesday, Dec. 13
He spoke on campus. Was fabulous and one of top speakers (Jaralee). Opening
eyes to things we may not know. Politically. Social justice issues. Hiring practices.
Very interesting book.
iii. Cutting for Stone- January?
Very good book about physician. 1940s mission hospital in Ethiopia doctor and asst
nurse. Identical twins. Story unfolds about twins’ life. Well written. Liver transports.
Fiction. Fabulous read. Maggie’s husband said one of best book
VIII. Holiday Social.
Karmin 11-1. Time. Come and go. Children from child care center singing at 11:30.
11:15-12:45. Snacks. Steering committee bake. Cider & coffee from Chartwell’s.
Maureen Spencer representative for Nor Wex (cleaning supplies). Karmin baskets.
Google doc: name, appetizer, desert, raffle. Someone ask bookstore & Krista
Shulka for tickets.
i. Karmin has scheduled the Holiday Social for Wednesday, Dec. 7 in Port O’Call
ii. Hours on the schedule say 11-1pm—what hours should we hold the social
portion? 11:30-1pm or noon-1pm?
iii. What activities do we want to schedule?
1. Campus Child Care Children Singing?
2. Pot Luck
3. Beverages from Chartwells
4. Raffle items?
IX. Drive. Several ideas for a “drive” which needs to occur ASAP if we want it to be
i. Coat/Mitten
ii. Toy Drive
X. OCW History.
i. Teri Talpe & Student- Archives. Passed around info. Found three binders of info
and typed up key stuff. Really powerful words. Were affiliated with WWHEL in
former name in 1970s. Will clean it up grammatically.
ii. Cecilia Manrique Email: I know that I was told it was formed as a response to the existence of the
Dames which was for the wives of the men who were faculty and staff. When women started being faculty and
staff themselves, they needed a forum to get together in an organization that was both social and professional.
We are a women’s presence. Jean Foss and Noreen Smith original. This will be the
40th year of OCW. How we can highlight it was briefly discussed. Perhaps during
sustainability week we could plan small events and include quick facts on history.
XI. Planning ahead.
i. Fundraising ideas for the scholarship-Spring?
ii. Symposium ideas
iii. Canned Food Drive - Miss LaX/Okt Katie Gorman, UW-L student, has a platform
to get “healthier” items in food pantries; possible collaboration.
Karmin Jeff Hoch fund drive. Wanted bigger toys for the shelter. Rotary East will do
with us. Toys. Push type toys. Stinky kids dolls 12” diversity. This better relates to
audience. Never had anyone ask what they wanted. Woman went on internet and
picked out things. Unique items. Have a drive to raise money for purchasing gifts.
Week of Christmas. Collect money do whatever you want and present at holiday
social. Don’t want gently used. Document with google dock link. Drop offs will be in
Career Services Office, the Provost Office, Murphy Library, Cartwright Center and
Cowley Hall. Karmin will make a link to the Walmart website. Deb will have student
help with this. Rotary can get bigger items. It would be nice to purchase American
made, USA items. The Salvation Army keeps donations at their site and will have a
children’s activity center that is more of a learning place. Karmin will nvite Jeff to
come to the holiday social. He can set up media spot there.
XII. Officers.
i. President-Elect:
ii. Treasurer:
iii. Newsletter: