" This report not to be cited without prior reference to the Council* International Council for the Exploration of the Sea C.M. 1993/F:6 Mariculture Committee Ref.: E Progress Report of the Working Group on "Environmental Interaction of Mariculture" • prepared by Harald Rosenthai Abteilung Fischereibiologie Institut für Meerekunde Universität Kiel Federal Republic of Germany • This document is areport of a Working Group of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea and does not necessarily represent the views of the Council. Therefore, it should not be quoted without consultation with the General Secretary *Address ICES, General Secretary Palregade 2-4 DK-1261 Copenhagen K np.nm~rk ------ - - - - - - - - - - 2 Introduction The Working Group continued to work by correspondence during the 1992/1993 intersessional period. A sub-group (with membership of Rosenthai, Gowen, Black, Davies, and Alderman) met in November in Hamburg at the time of the EC Fish-Farm Effluent Workshop to review progress of the Working Group. Because of the largely fulfilled tasks of the "Working Group on Environmental Impact of Mariculture "the Working Group proposed to the parent Committee at the 1992 Statutory meeting to adjust the objectives of the WG in order to reflect the new direction of maricultures environmental issues related to mariculture. This also requires a name change for the group. The proposed name would be the "Working Group on Environmental Interactions of Mariculture" which would broaden the present mandate of the Group to address the interactions between mariculture and other uses of coastal marine resources. It would also provide advice on new strategies for site selection as weil as improved approaches for criteria development and systems for monitoring and reporting. The Committee endorsed this proposal. • The new Terms Of Reference The proposal was adopted by the Council under Council ResolutionC.R.1992/2:45 which reads as folIows: The Working Group on Environmental Impact of Mariculture will be renamed the Working Group on Environmental Interactions of Mariculture to reflect a broadened interaction of mariculture with other human activities in coastal areas with extended terms of reference including: a) developing cirteria and a standard system of monitoring and reporting; b) delineating the scope and nature of environmental interactions between mariculture and other uses of coastal marine resources; c) providing advice on approaches in such areas as improved site selection and through advances in husbandryy to minimize conflicts between mariculture and other coastal zone activities; d) reviewing and evaluating national monitoring programmes and preparing regular status reports on the impact of mariculture within ICES. The Working Group will work by correspondence in 1993, with a view to meeting in 1994 to: a) update the cataloque of ongoing research programmes on environmental interaction issues related to mariculture; b) examine biological interactions between types of mariculture and other coastal zone issues; c) identify major long-term research priorities, particularly in the subject area of resolving conflicts in use of the marine environment; • 3 d) assemble and compile, intersessionally, information on ongoing monitoring programmes in each country related to the assessment of the impacts and interactions of mariculture, with a view to its publication in the ICES Cooperative Research Report series; e) evaluate the potential environmental effects of new mariculture systems in ICES Member Countries; . f) assemble and comment on the evidence for the interaction of complexed andl particlebound contaminants (e.g. antibiotics, antifoulants, parasiticides) from fish farms with marine flora and fauna, and the significance of these interactions with marine ecosystems; g) prepare guidelines on the ecotoxicological information necessary to permit assessment of the relative environmental impacts of the therapeutants. • Intersessional Activities of Working Group Members Workshop on Fish farm effluents and their regulation in EC countries Several members of the ICES Working Group were involved in the organisation of this workshop and participated with a number of specific contributions which were closely related to the new terms of reference of the WG. The recommendations prepared during panel and drafting sessions by various sub-groups and conclusions drawn from position papers contributed by various organisations and individual participants can be summarized as folIows: Recommendations 1. The EC should develop a framework within which member states would be called upon to prepare coastal zone management plans. • 2. The EC should encourage member states to formulate comprehensive water resources management policies that address all activities that may have adetrimental effect on coastal water flow and quality. 3. That the EC should review methods for the ecological assessment of wastes discharged to the coastal zone with a view to recommending criteria for such assessments. 4. The EC should recommend analytical methods for critical variables in ecological assessments and monitoring, and prepare appropriate certified reference materials through the Community Bureau of Reference (BCR). Intercomparison exercises should be organised involving key laboratories. 5. That member states be encouraged to prepare coastal zone management plans initially concentrating on areas where conficts between potential users may occur. 6. In order that the discharge of effluents from aquacu/ture operations is properly controlled, weil defined regional plans should be prepared at national level to ensure the equitable use of the aquatic resource. 4 7. Member states should be encouraged to make greater use of the EG Directive on Enviranmental Impact Assessment (85/337/EEC) in deriving ecologicalassessments of fish farming development praposals. This may require member states to revise their interpretation of the Directive such that a greater proportion of proposals are subjected to EA. 8. Assessment of the capacity of individual sites should be undertaken by individual states. The EC should seek to harmonise procedures for assessing the ecological ' impact of aquacultue wastes among EC nations. 9. Methods should be developed for monitoring the impact of the use of therapeutants in mariculture on the ecosystem. The Workshop supported moves within the EC towards harmonisation of the Iicensing veterinary medicines. 10. It is recommended that the EG arrange for the organisation of a symposium at which the capabilities and potentials of the range of models for predicting the effects of fish farm effluent on the environment. and the ability of the environment to accommodate these effects, which are presently available or under development may be compared and contrasted, with a view to sharing experience, and more effectively directing research eftort. • 12. It is recommended that comparative studies on environmentallegislation governing aquaculture such as the ongoing EIFAC survey being carriet out by the FAO Legal Office, should be further supported and encouraged for the purpose of coastal aquaculture including shellfish farming. Priority Research Needs 1. The development and validation of models for: a) predicting the scale of impacts associated with aquaculture waste. b) predicting the capacity of water bodies to assimilate anthropogenie inputs. 2. The development of cost-effeetive instrumentation and techniqges for the assessment and monitoring of the effects of ehemicals used in fish farming and the impacts of fish fsarm waste on the ecosystem. 3. The continuation of work to develop improved teehniques for disease prevention and contral leading to reduced requirements for therapeutic chemicals. A detailed report on the outcome of the Workshop is presented in paper GM 1993/F: 13 "Aquaculture and environmental regulations in EC countries (a report on the outcome of a Workshop held in Hamburg 23-25 November 1992). Withdrawal times for certain drugs in same leES member states The European Association of Fish Pathologists issued and circulated a questionnaire on the use of drugs in fish and shellfish. It is claimed that previous questionnaires undertaken by other organisations have largely addressed governmental authorities which have not necessarily been weil informed on fish. and shellfish-specific details. The results of the response have recently been made available (see reference Anonymus 1992). The data obtained relate also to the withdrawal periods required in various states for certain chemicals. Those relevant to the ICES area are summarized in the following ~üblG. • 5 • Table 1: Withdrawal times for certain drugs in various countries. Result of a questionnaire of the EAFP 1991 (Anonymous, 1992, modified) GA (2) TGF (3) OTG (1) TMP/SA (4) >9°G: 40d >9°G: 40d >9°G: 40d Finland <9°G: 80 d <9°G: 80 d <9°G: 80 d 0 500 d 6d Francc 500 0 d 21-30d 14d 14d 21d no Iicence 21d 41d Germany (30 d) Italy 30d 14-30d 20-30d 5d Japan >12°G: 40d >12°G: 40d 21d >12°G: 40d Norway 8-12°G: 60-180d 8-12°G: 60-180d DGV: 14d 8-12°G: 40-90d <8°G: 180d <8°G: 60 <8°G: 90d o >10 G: 40d >9°G: 30d Sweden <9°C: 60d <10°C: 80d DGV: 4d 200 0 d United Kingdom 400 0 d 500 0 d .. (1) OTe =Oxytracychne; (2) =OA =oxohnlc aCid; (3) =TGF =tnchlorphon; (4) = TMP/SA =trimethoprim/potentiated sulphonamides; DGV =dichlorvos Because of the importance of the issue on withdrawal times, we report on the observations made by the EAFP on the changes in the regulations for drugs in fish and shellfish in various countries. Even within EEC member states, there is no uniform picture. The main problems as identified by EAFP are cited in the report as folIows: "- lack of drugs registered specifically for fish, - a wide-spread off-label use or illegal us of drugs, - difficulties in establishing withdrawal times, - a need to standardise methods, growing concerns about possible environmental impact." • In the EEG a number of related directives are coming into force in the near future. These include "Directive No. 81/851/EEC" and its recent amendment by "Directive No 90/6761 EEG". For the first time, fish as an animal has been explicitly mentioned in these amendments. This means that in future, Community legislation governing veterinary medicinal products fully applies to drugs for use in fish. This has implications for marketing authorisation with subsequent EEG requirements regarding maximum residue levels, extralebel use and other technical regulations. Recent research activities in same leES member states An attempt was made to update the list of ongoing, completed and new projects related to environmental issues of mariculture. This is considered to be a continuing exercise to fullfil one of the objectives of the Working Group, namely to identify priority research needs within the ICES area. Although this exercise is always undertaken during the intersessional period in preparation for the next working group meeting, the material assembled so far is incomplete and does not allow a listing in this interim report, although several Working Group members and scientists from member states have provided documentation to the WG Chairman. This information has not always been crosschecked and confirmed by the national WG member. I have, however, briefly report on several progress reports and publications in order to faciJitate exchange of information. For detailed information the appropriate Workinq Grouo member (addresses can be found in Appendix 1) should be contacted. • 6 Canada: Geographie information system (Prinee Edward Island) A Geographie Information System (GIS) is used to evaluate the extent to which the c10sure of shellfish areas due to bacterial contamination effects the sheollfish industry in Eastern Prince Edward Island. The GIS system is used to determine the area of shellfish growing leases, sheillfish harvesting and contaminated closure zones. A camparisan is made between the areas and an estimated value is determined. Further uses of the GIS are presently explored, in particular, its use as a planning tool to avoid pollution sources and to assist in priorizing research surveys. (reference see Legault, 1992). Modelling environmental impact Work on modelling environmental aspects of aquaculture operations in tidal coastal waters continued in an attempt to assist licensing authorities in estimating the potential impacts of new lease proposals. In arecent publication (Si/vert, 1992, see literature list) the author, who is involved in the development of environmental models, outlines the difficult scientific issues to be resolved before one can expect to be able to have fully quantified models available. However, the models described are of a form that makes it possible to combine many of the scientific uncertainties into one or two numerical values that can be assigned conservative values until scientific research can provide definitive results. It is argued that application of risk analysis to the confidence limits derived from scientific observations provides at least a defensible basis for policy formulation. The models were presented as posters and a Demo-version of the computer proramme was shown to participants at the Hamburg Workshop on "Fish Farm Effluents and their Control in EC Countries" • Monitoring issues During 1992, the baseline study (New Brunswick Environment) of all existing salmon cage sites of the province was completed (see literature list, Thonney and Garnier, 1993) The following information is extracted from the report. The field component of the 1992 program of both the baseline study and new site assessments consisted of eollection and analyzing seafloor sediments, biological specimens and oceanographic information to provide a site by site assessment of impacts on the surrounding environment. A total of 52 sites were monitored. It is c1aimed that the results of the baseline survey have contributed to (a) identify important parameters for condueting site assesments, (b) develop a sampling protoeol for implementing site evaluations, and (c) provide site specific mitigative recommendations designed to minimize impacts. Examination of data showed that sites prone to exeessive organic aecumulation had specific ratios of siltlclay contents, currents of less than Sem/sec, background (control) sediment organic content greater that 6%. and depths of less than 1Gm at mean low tide. • A comprehensive study (see Cross, 1993) was also implemented at the West Coast of Canada to doeument the oeeanographie, physiographie and bathymetrie eharacteristies at five salmon netcage facilities considered to represent coastal areas regarded as optimal for finfish culture in British Columbia. In addition to doeumenting bathymetry, water quality and eireulation dynamies, the study also estimated farm-derived sedimentation rates (organie material inputs) and reported epibenthic observational information far each of the 5 study sites. 7 West Coast considerations of environmental interactions of maricu/ture Information has also been received fram the west coast (E.A. Black (Victoria, B.C.). A one day meeting was held in June 1993 in Victoria, British Columbia, on "Fisheries and Aquaculture Interaction" The organizers (Ministry of Agriculture Fischeries and Food ofBritish Columbia, Victoria, Canada) put together some notes containing abstracts of contributors and "Audience Notes" of the meeting. Most of the subjects dealt with are of interest to the Working Graup and considered the following subject areas: Benthic studies, . Interspecific interactions Disease Escapes and genetic implications. The contributions on benthos interactions included the following presentations: - Studies on sedimentation and recovery - Sites associated with Iimited sediment built-up - Evidence of fish feeding on waste feed - Limiting sedimentation by controlled feeding. Topics discussed on interspecific interactions were: - caged fish predation on feral populations - Sedimentation effects on herring eggs - Mammalian predators on caged fish With regard to disease the following subjects were addressed: Fish farms as the initiator of algae blooms - Fish behaviour and stress mediated disease occurrence - Lessons fram Marine Anaemia, IHN and VHS (Norwegian Workshop) - Investigations of potential disease reservoirs. Documentation (Fisheries-Aquaculture Interactions: Bullpen Notes) on this meeting can be obtained thraugh E.A. Black, Victoria. Federal Republic of Germany • A study was started on the geochemistry of sediments under a sma" cage farm in the Kiel Bight located in the effluent plume of a coastal power station. The investigation focusses on the structure of accumulated sediments, nutrient fluxes within layers, and nutrient release to the water as weil as rates of gas ebulition. It is intended to relate the data to the history of the culture unit which is in operation for over 10 years. A comparative study is also under way to estimate the organic load derived from cage farming of rainbow traut along the Baltic coast of the new "Länder", in particular in those farms which continued opeartion after the unification of Germany. Results of this comparative study are expected to be reported to the WG at the next meeting. Ireland A study is presently underway on the effect of harrowing and fallowing on sediment quality under a salmon farm on the west coast of Ireland. The study was designed to describe pre- and post-harrowing sediment conditions following a fallowing period under a salmon farm. Such values as depth of the redoc layer and types and numbers of benthic animals were used to describe the conditions which pertained both before and after the narrawing took place.The data of this study are presently analysed and areport is anticipated in the near future. 8 Norway Characlerization of lrealed and unlrealed effluenls from landbased fish farms. In arecent study by Eikebrokk and Uigenes (1993) it is suggested that remOval of particles from fish farm effluents may lead to substantial reduction of the environmental impact of effluents from land-based salmon farms. Based upon results from commercial scale experiemnts, the study characterized treated (micro-strained) and untreated effluents from Atlantic salmon smolt production and Atlantic salmon grow-out units, with respect to concentrations and total discharges of suspended solids, organics, nitrogen and phosphorus. Sludge characteristics have been determined and the effectiveness of various commercially available microstrainers for particle removal were tested. The available data suggest that commercially available microstrainers (60 IJm) may reduce the effluent discharge levels by 70%. 44%, 57%. and 37% for suspended solids (SS), organics (eGD), total phospharus (Tot-P) and total nitrogen (Tot-N), respectively. Some options to use the data base to determine general effluent quality standards are discussed. The data on the effectiveness of available effluent treatment technology far f1ow-through systems suggest that with good hydraulic design criteria acceptable standards (maximum discharge levels) far smolt and grow-out units can be developed. Separation of farm operations and year classes In an attempt to prepare for future expansion of the Atlantic salm on farming industry in Norway, studies have been initiated that explore operational strategies to maintain year classes and farmers separate in order to mimimize disease risks. • Figure 1. Separation of farm operations by area and of year classes within licences (with permisson from Dr. H. Rudi) • 9 • = Figure 2. Suggested separation of operational farming steps to reduce environmental problems. SL processing of harvest; LB land-base offarm operations; SF smolt production unit. (pers. comm. Dr. Rudi. Norway) = • = The strategy employed on a trial basis attempts to separate year c1asses. For such puposes farmers need at least three sites to stock smolts in subsequent years. One way achieving it may be by joining activities of several farmers ((Fig. 1) and have for each site aseparate home base with equipment ( nets, boats, ete) in order to avoid cross eontamination. If the industry expands there is also a plan to separate processing (slaughtering) smolt production und operational units and extent the distances between E;btnlPJl1Jfl~M~cwc~ig 2.) The use of hydrogen peroxide as a delousing agent"has been studied by Thomassen (1993). When lice-infested salmon are exposed for 20 minutes to a hydrogen peroxide eoncentration of 1.5g/L, about 85% to 100% of the adult and pre-adult Iiee will be removed. Hydrogen peroxide was found to be most effeetive against preadult and adult stages of sea Iice, although substantial numbers of ehalimus stages were also removed. Although hydrogen peroxide is toxie to salmon (eoncentration dependent), fish will survive 1.5 mg/L at temperatures up to 18°C and exposure times less than 30 minutes. In another study (Kvenseth, 1993) it was found that wrasse can be used to contral sea lice However, the suceess depends on the numbers involved. About 17,000 wrasse were stocked together with 530,000 Atlantic salmon smolts in 6 net cages in a region exporiencing heavy salmon Iice problems in 1992. The addition of c1eanerfish has kept the salmon relatively liee free over aperiod of 10 months ofer transfer to the net cages. .--~~--~~--~~-----~ • 10 The costs of using wrasse as cleanerfish is for the first year in the cages estimated to be not more than 50% of the costs of a single chemical delousing activity using hydrogen peroxide. The authar states, however, that hydrogen peroxide represents at the present time the environmentally most friendly chemical delousing method available. Nevertheless, studies on the use of cleaner fish will continue in 1993. United Kingdom A study on directly counted bacteria in a trout farm and its effluents was reparted by Carr and Goulder (1993). Bacteria increased in abundance in water passing through a trout farm in narth-east England and were not removed by a settling lagoon. Total bacteria in the effluent were such that they might potentially bring about immediate increase in the bacterioplankton populations of recipient rivers. Although this study was performed in freshwuter, much can be learned from this study when considering land-based marine farms Interactions between wildlife and aquaculture were also studied in England. Arecent publication discusse~ predation by grey herons at cage fish farms in Argyll, western Scotland (Carss, 1993). This two year study assessed abundance of herons on sea loch shares, running and standing freshwater bodies and at the trout farm. Herons visited the farm almost exclusively at night or during twilight periods and, as a consequence, were seen mare often by farm staff in winter than in summer. It is also claimed that by recording only wounded fish, farm staff considerably underestimated their losses to heran. Nevertheless, the study states that losses were small compared with other farms of fish mortality. Further prajects in England and Wales are presently in progress and relate to the following subject areas: 1. Persistence of TBT in the mame environment in England and Wales (M.J. Waldock, Fisheries Laboratory, Burnham on-Crouch, Essex). The programme will terminate by the end of 1993, the repart is in press. 2. Impact of Manila clam (Tapes philippinarum) cultivation on infauna (B.E. Spencer, Fisheries Laboratary, Conwy, Gwynedd). The project is expected to continue until 1996. 3. Movement, growth and survival of hatchery-reared lobsters released onto natural and artificial reffs in the sea. (J.F. Wickins, Fisheries Laboratory, Conwy, Gwynedd). The project has started in 1992 and 'Nill terminate in 1995. 4. Characterization of natural and artificial habitats far lobsters. (J.F. Wickins, address see above). The project will terminate in 1995. Interactive Consultations with the GESAMP Working Group on "Aquaculture and the Environment in Coastal waters" Contacts between GESAMP and ICES Working Graup members regarding the WG 31 on "Environmentallmpacts of Coastal Aquaculture" continued during the intersessional period. Assistance was given in developing terms of references for the next phase of WG31 activities. GESAMP agreed to concentrate its effort on the following aspects: • r--------------- -~ ----- .. 11 (1) the establishment of scientifically-based monitaring requirements and procedures for aquaculture pollutants leading to the assessment of the environmental capacity of existing and planned coastal aquaculture operations, (2) preparation of review and guidance documentations far the safe use of chemicals in coastal aquaculture, and (3) the review of concepts and experiences related to the integration of aquaculture into coastal area management schemes. In the past, the ICES Warking Group has extensively considered pertinent monitaring issues. However, there is still a need to derive at purpose-ariented monitoring strategies. • The third term of reference is closely related to issues of central interest to the renamed ICES Warking Group as interactions between aquaculture and the environment have not only biological aspects but also management implications where ever other human activities are involved and compete for the use of the same resources. Two Warking Group Members (R. Gowen, H. Rosenthai) will be actively involved in the acitivities of GESAMP 31 in an attempt to c10sely link the wark and harmonize effarts of both groups whenever key issues are addressed wich are important to both groups leES Recommendations for the 1994 WGEIM meeting Since the Working Group did not meet in 1993, the recommendations endorsed by the Mariculture Committee and adopted by the Council during the Statutory Meeting in 1992 under Council Resolution CRes 1992/2:45 a-g should be reconsidered by the the Parent Committee at the 1993 Statutory Meeting far adjustment if necessary. Date and place of the 1994 WG meeting should also be identified at this meeting. It is recommended that the Working Group meets for 4 days in April 1994 in Dublin, Ireland. Recent Literature • Anonymous, 1992. European Association of fish pathologists: questionnaire on the use of drugs in fish and shellfish: evaluation of responses. Bull. Eur. Assoc. Fish Pathol. 12(2): 39-44. Barg, U., Van Houtte, A. 1993. FAO and EIFAC Activities and Considerations on Aquaculture and the Environment. (Position Paper) pp. 37-52. In: Rosenthai, H., Hilge, V., Kamstra, A, Black, E.A., Burbridge, P., Davies, 1., Doyle, J., Gowen, R., Alderman, D., Poxton, M., Silvert, W.S. (Eds.). 1993. Report on the "Workshop on Fish Farm Effluents and their Control in EC Countries". Dep. Fishery Biology, Kiel, 205 pp. Bird,K.T. 1993. Aquatic plants for treatment of aquaculture wastewater. Aquacul. Magazin Jan/Feb: 39-42. Blyth, P.J., Purser, HG.J. 1993. Detection of feeding rhythms in sea-caged Atlantic salmon using new feeder technology. pp. 209-216. In: Reinertsen, H., Dahle, L.A., Jorgensen, L., Tvinnereim, K. "Fish Farming Technology", Balkema: Rotterdam (ISBN 9054103264). Carr, O,J., Goulder, R. 1990. Fish-farm effiuents in rivers. I. Effects on bacterial populations and alkaline phosphatase activity. Water Res. 24: 631-638. Carr, O.J., Goulder, R. 1993. Directly counted bacteria in a trout farm and its effluents. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 24: 19-27. Carss; D.N. 1993. Grey heron, Ardea inerea L., predation at cage fish farms in Argyll, western Scotland. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 24: 29-45. 12 Cross, S.F. 1993. Oceanographic Characteristics of net-cage culture sites considered optimal for minimizing environmental impacts in coastal British Columbia. Province of British Columbia 86 pp + Appendices (ISBN 0-7718-9349-3). Doering, P.H., Kelly, J.R., Oviatt, C.A., Sowers, T. 1987. Effects ofthe hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria on benthic fluxes of inorganic nutrients and gases. Mar. Biol. 94: 377-383. EI FAC 1992. Report of the third session of the EIFAC working party on fish farm effluents. Tihany, Hungary, 28-31 May, 1991. Rome FOA EIFAC/XVI1/92/1nf.4, 16 pp. EI FAC 1990. Report of the second session of the EIFAC working party on fish farm effluents, Verona, Italy, October 10-12. In: Report of 16th Session of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission, Praque, Czechoslovakia, 15-22 May 1990. FAO Fish. Rep. 446: 69-77. Frentzoes, A.A. 1993. Position of the Federation of Greek Maricultures with regard to regulation Fish Farm Effluents. pp. 59-60. In: Rosenthai, H., Hilge, V., Kamstra. A, Black, E.A., Burbridge, P.. Davies, 1., Doyle, J., Gowen, R, Alderman, D., Poxton, M., Silvert, W.S. (Eds.). 1993. Report on the "Workshop on Fish Farm Effluents and their Contro! in EC Countries". Dep. Fishery Biology, Kiel, 205 pp. • Fridman, R., Shpigel, M., Ben-Ezra, 0., Gordin, H. 1993. Culture of the Manila clam Tapes semidecussatus using fishpond effluents. p. 56. Gifford, G.A. 1992. Licencing requirements for fish vaccines in Canada. Bull. Aquacult. Assoe. Canada 92-1: 61-63. Glunder, G. 1989. Vorkommen von Escherichia coli, Aeromonas hydrophila, Plesiomonas shigelloides und Clostridium perfringens in der Darmflora von Graureihern (Ardea cinerea). J. Vet. Med., Series B 36: 217-225. [In German]. Hislop, J.R.G., Webb, J.H. 1992. Escaped farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., feeding in Scottish coastal waters. Aquacult. Fisheries Management 23: 721-723. Jensen, A. 1993. Carrying capacity for nutrient salts in coastal waters. pp.151-154. In: Reinertsen, H., Dahle, L.A., Jorgensen, L., Tvinnereim, K. "Fish Farming Technology", Balkema: Rotterdam Koivisto, V.M., Blomquist, E.M. 1988. Does fish farming affect natural Baltic fish communities? Kieler Meeresforsch. Sonderh. 6: 301-311. Kristiansen, T.S., Svasand, T. 1992. Comparative analysis of stomach contents of cultured and wild cod, Gadus morhua L. Aquacult. Fish. Manage. 23: 661-668. Kvenseth, P.G. 1993. Use ofwrasse to contro! salmon lice. pp. 227-232. In: Reinertsen, H., Dahle, L.A., Jorgensen, L., Tvinnereim, K. "Fish Farming Technology" Balkema: Rotterdam (ISBN 90 5410 326 4). Legau It, J.A. 1992. Using a geographie information system to evaluate the effects of shellfish c10sures on shellfish leases. aquaculture and habitat availability. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. aquat. Sei. 1882: 1-10. Loland, G. 1991. "Current force on and f10w through fish farms". Dissertation, Division of Marine Hydrodynamics., The Norwegian Institute of Technology. ISBN 82-7119-269-8. Loland, G. 1993. Water f10w through and around net pens. pp. 177-183. In: Reinertsen, H., Dahle, L.A., Jorgensen, L., Tvinnereim, K. "Fish Farming Technology" Balkema: Rotterdam (ISBN 9054103264). Melotti, P., Loro, F., Impiccini, R. 1993. Impact of predator birds on intensive sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) farming. Rivista Italiana Aquacoltura 28: 17-23. [In Italian]. MitcheII, H.M. 1992. Furunculosis treatment, control and chemotherapeutic regulatory approaches to salmon aquaculture in the United States. Bull. Aquacult. Assoe. Canada 92/1: 22-28. • .. 13 O'Connor, B., Hartnett, M., Costelloe, J. 1991. Site selection and environmental monitoring in the mariculture industry: an integrated protocol. pp. 191-202. In: N.DePauw, J. Joyce, (Eds.). "Aquaculture and the Environment". (European Aquacult. Soc., Spec. Publ. 16.) Picciolo, A. 1993. Fish Farm Effluents and Their Control in the European Community: The Commission's View. (Position Paper) pp. 35-36. In: Rosenthai, H., Hilge, V., Kamstra, A, Black, EA, Burbridge, P., Davies, 1., Doyle, J., Gowen, R., Alderman, D., Poxton, M., Silvert, W.S. (Eds.). 1993. Report on the "Workshop on Fish Farm Effluents and their Control in EC Countries". Dep. Fish. Biol., Kiel, 205 pp. Price, I.M., Carcy, T.G. 1992. Review of Canada's fish health protection regulations. Bull. Aquacult. Assoe. Canada 92/2: 4-5. Rosenthai, H., Hilgc, V., Kamstra, A, Black, E.A., Burbridge, P., Davies, 1., Doyle, J., Gowen, R., Alderman, D., Poxton, M., Silvcrt, W.S. (Eds.). 1993. Report on the "Workshop on Fish Farm Effiuents and their Control in EC Countries". Dep. Fishery Biology, Kiel, 205 pp. Ross, A. 1988. Controlling Nature's Predators on Fish Farms. Marine Conservation Society, Ross-on-Wye. • Rudi, H., Dragsund, E. 1993. Localization strategies. pp. 169-175. In: Reinertsen, H., Dahle, L.A., J0rgensen, L., Tvinnereim, K. "Fish Farming Technology", Balkema: Rotterdam (ISBN 90 5410 326 4). Scottish Salmon Growers Association 1990. A Code of Practice. Scotiish Salm on Growers Association, Perth, Scotland. Silvert, W. 1992. Assessing environmental impacts of finfish aquaculture in marine waters. Aquaculture 107: 67-79. Spencer, B.E., Kaiser, M.J., Edwards, D.E. 1993. Impact of intertidal Manila clam (Tapes philippinarum) cultivation on infauna. pp. 81. In: From Discovery to Commercialization", 632 pp. World Aquaculture '93, Torremolinos, Spain,May, 1993, European Aquaculture Society, Special Pub!. 19. Taylor, P.W. 1992. Fish-eating birds as potential vectors of Edwardsiella ictaluri. J. Aquat. Animal Health 4: 240-243. Thonney, J.-P., Garnier, E. 1993. Bay of Fundy Salmon Aquaculture Monitoring Program 1992-1993. New Brunswick Department of the Environment, (Environment Canada, Atlantic Region; Canada-New Brunswick Water/Economy Agreement) 24 pp plus extended Appendices (Tables and Data sheets). • Warrer-Hansen, I. 1993. Federation Europeenne de la Salmoniculture Position Paper on "Fish Farm Effluents and their Control in EC Countries." pp 53-58. In: Rosenthai, H., Hilge, V., Kamstra, A, Black, E.A., Burbridge, P., Davies, 1., Doyle, J., Gowen, R., Alderman, D., Poxton, M., Silvert, W.S. (Eds.). 1993. Report on the "Workshop on Fish Farm Effluents and their Control in EC Countries". Dep. Fishery Biology, Kiel, 205 pp. Webb, J.H., Youngson, A.F. 1992. Escaped reared Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the catches of a salmon fishery on the western coast of Scotland. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 23: 393397. Willumsen, F.V., Berge, F.S., Dragsund, E., Tangen, K., Winther, U. 1993. SEAWATCH - An operational marine surveillance and information system. pp. 163-168. In: Reinertsen, H., Dahle, L.A., J0rgensen, L., Tvinnereim, K. "Fish Farming Technology", Balkema: Rotterdam (ISBN 90 5410 326 4). Youngson, A.F. 1992. Escapes of reared salmon and the future genetic management ofwild salmon populations in Scotland. Proc. 22nd Insitute of Fisheries Managment Annual Study Conferece, 10-12 Sep 1991. Univ. of Aberdeen, Scotland. • Appendix 1 Working Group on "Environmental Interaction of Mariculture" List cf WG Membership 1993 Professor Dr. H. Ackefors Department of Zoology Stoekholm Univcrsity 106 91 Stockholm Sweden Dr. D. Alderman Fish Diseases Lab. 14 Albany Rd Weymouth, Darset DT 4 8UB United Kingdom Tel: +44-305-772137 Fax: +44-305-770955 Mr. J. Aurc Institute of Marine Research POBox 1870 5024 Bergen - Nordnes Norway Dr. E. A. Black Aquaeulture and Commercial Fisheries Branch 808, Douglas Strcct Victoria B.C. V8V 2Z7 Canada Tel: 604-387-9686 Fax: 604-356-7280 Dr. I. M. Davie~ Marine Laborntory POBox 101 Victoria Road Aberdeen AB9 8DB United Kingdom Tel: 44224 876544 Fax: 44 224 295511 Dr. R. Dijkema Netherland Institute for Fishery Investigations POBox 77 4400 AB Yerseke Netherlands Tel: 11312791 FAx: 1131 3477 Mr. M. A. Dosdat IFREMER Urest Center Bp70 29280 Plouzane France Tel: 98 224040 F~y' Q~ ?? 4'\ 47 Miss 1. Doyle Dept. ofthe Marine Fishcrics Res. Centre Abbotstown Dublin 15 Ireland Tel: 01 8210111 Fax: 0 I 8205078 Dr. (Ms) L. A. Dushkina Russian Federni Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography 17, Verkhne Krasnoselskaya Moscow B-l 07140, Russia Ms. M. Engelstad EWOS Aqua AlS P.O. Box 73 1373 Sk<ercslctta Norway • Mr. A. Ervik Institute of Marine Research POBox 1870 5024 Bergen - Nordnes Norway Tel: 05 238300 Fax: 05 23 83 33 Mr. E. Gaard Fiskirannasoknarstovan PODox 3051, Noatun FR-110 Torshavn Faroe Islands Denmark Dr. R. Gowen Dept. of Agriculture ofN.I. Aquatic Sciences Research Div. Newforge Lane Belfast, Northern Ireland United Kingdom Mr. K. Grave Norv;egian College ofVet. Medicine POBox 8146 Dep. 0033 Oslo 1 Norway Dr. M. Berat IFREMER RI>. 133 17390 La Tremblade france • 15 Mr. E. Hoffman Danmarks Fiskeri- og llavunders0kelser Charlottcnlund slot 2920 Charlottenlund Denmark Tel: 4531628550 Fax: 45 3162 8536 Mr. RLauterbach Institut für Ostseefischerei An der lägerbäk 2 2510 Rostock-Marienehe FedernI Republic ofGermany Mr. T. Mäkinen Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute Aquaculture Division POBox 202 SF-00151 Helsinki Tel: +358 0624211 Fax: 358 0 631 513 Mr. P. Margonski Sea Fisheries Institute Kollataja 1 81-322 Gdynia, Poland Mr.l. Menezes Inst. Nacional de Investiga9ao das Pescas I NIP Avenida de Brasilia 1400 Lisbon Portugal • M. M. Merceron IFREMER, Centre de Brest BP70 29280 Plouzane, France Tel: 98 22 40 40 Fax: 98 22 45 48 Dr. A.L.S. Munro Marine Laboratory POBox 101 Victoria Road Aberdeen Aß9 80ß United Kingdom Tel: 44 224 876544 Fax: 44 224 295511 Mr. C. Newell Great Eastern Mussel Farms POBox 141 Long Cove Road Tenants Harbor ME 04860 USA Prof. F. Ollevier Zoologisch Institut Naamsestraat 59 3000 Lcuvcn Belgium Mr. W. Pelczarski Sea Fisheries Institute ul. Kollataja 1 81-322 Gdynia, Poland Mr. M.M. Roberge Dept. of Fishcries & Oceans POBox5667 St 10hn's, Nfld AIC 5XI Canada Prof.Dr.Dr. H. RosenthaI (Chairman) Institut für Mecreskwldc an der Universität Kiel Düsternbrooker Weg 20 24105 Kiel Fedcral Republic of Germany Tel. (49) 431- 597- 3916 Fax. (49) 431- 565-876 Mr. F. Ruano . Inst. Nacional de Investiga~ao das Pescas INIP Avcnida de Brasilia 1400 Lisbon Portugal Dr. 1.C. Smith Oept. of Fsheries & Oceans rOBox 5030 Moncton, NB EIC 9B6 Canada Mr. B. E. Spenccr MAFF Fisheric:i Lab. Conway Gwynedd LL32 8UB United Kingdom Tel: 0492593883 Fax: 0492592123 Mr.1. SteIiwagcn DIFfA Nors0centret 9850 HirtshaIs Denmark Dr. J. E. Stewart Dept. Fishelics & Oceans Bedford Institute ofOceanogr. r.o. Box] 006 Dartmouth, NS IlZY 4AZ Canada Te]: +9024268145 -, 16 Dr. E. Verspoor Marine Laboratory POBox 101 Victoria Road Aberdeen AB9 8DB United Kingdom Dr. D.Wildish Dept. of Fisheries & Oceans Bedford Institute of Oceanogr. POBox 1006 Dartmouth, NS B2Y 4A2 Canada •