ION ION ING leAL AND AVHRR DATA \Ill I I I Kazuhi Okuyama, Takafumi Konno, Kunio Akatsu, and Rikuyo Morimoto Japan Association i, 4-5, Sei-i Sai 102 Japan Commission VII I ION timation snow distri ion is import ess ial for utili water resources. In order to estimate snowmeltrunoff in snow melting season, it is necessary to know amount ain regions. The past snow cover in snow cover is earring snow survey wi fort in field operations. In study, using NOAA Very Hi Resol ion Radiometer (AVHRR) data, we focus lop est lish a for esti ing snow cover in the snow melting season. This study will promise to advance for accuracy of prediction of runoff in the period. PROCESS! ing NOAA sociation (JWA) dis i floppy di digital images is since November on daily We attempt to estimate snow cover with difinition 1984. distinction condition ination NOAA AVHRR data with snow ta by Meteorological Agency ( JMA) . The ion procedure is study is shown in Fig. 1 • Study area is en from heavy snowfall region in Japan (Fig. 2). This area is surrounded by mountains of medeum height from 1500m to 2000m from three direction with east, south, and north. e are 19 snow ervation stations in is s area. It is also possible ain snow a. Study peri is peri ,we could ermined in il May, 19 In is five could free AVHRR images as follows: il 2, 1984 April 14, 1984 il 24, 1984 May 7, 1984 May 19, 1984 To difine 2, May 7, e ttion, we us ee discrimi relationship May 19. By useing i1 two channels stations Radicance 3 columns of AVHRRI to AVHRR4. Location of snow observation is fitting to the position in the AVHRR images. and temperature in the images is averaged by 3 lines with consideration of the error in 1 ion. RESULTS AND VERIFICATION Relationships between AVHRRI and AVHRR2, between AVHRR3 AVHRR4 is shown in Fig. 3. The difinition of distinction ition is summerized in Table 1. In the relationship Fig. (a), correl ion is 0.97 in only snow coverd poi 0.95 in Ie points. il 14 and April 24 is appli AVHRR data set verification using ion data resul verifi ion e 2. From this resul , it is possible to is summeri in T ion ratio(AR) by following expression: cal cuI an AR : : 11 + 7 + 12 + 4 37 AR is calculated as 92%. This is enough to apply the result estimate snow covered area. The condition snow cover is shown in Fig. 4 using verified distinction condition as 3-Dimentional display. It is clear to grasp the ing snow cover area. example, the trend of the decreasing of snow cover Mt. As i with 1600 square kilometer is shown in Fig. 5. Between April 14 and April 24, decreasing ratio is maximum in study period. REMARKS This is first step to develop a method of estimation of snow cover with application NOAA AVHRR a. We must consider an fect of incidence angle of s ar lays in slope. In this study, we used only cloud free images, but cloud contermination problem must considered when using various data. REFERENCES 1. itson L., Nelson G.J., to F.W., NOAA Techical Memorandom NESS 107(1979), 83pp. 2. Tozawa Y., Iisaka J., Saitoh S., Muneyama K., Sasaki Y., Tokyo Scientific Center Report G318-1556(1981), IBM Japan, 14pp. Table Distinction condition of snow covered area ion l-AVHRR2 Distinction condition AVHRRI - 1 .2 -11> AVHRRI - 1 . 2 -20 > AVHRRI - 1 .2 AVHRR3 > 10°C AVHRR3 > 10°C AVHRR3 < 10°C AVHRR3 < 10°C AVHRR3 < 10°C Table 2 * * * Points AVHRR2 > -11 AVHRR2 > -20 AVHRR2 and AVHRR4 > 5°C and AVHRR4 < 5°C and AVHRR4 > 5°C and 5°C> AVHRR4 > ooC AND AVHRR4 < o °C ults of verification lculation Observation Total Snow No snow 11 2 13 Snow in part 7 12 19 No snow 1 4 5 19 18 37 Snow Total 2 1 0 -2 0 1 3 5 ION OF G NOAA AVHRR IMAGES SNOW OBSERVATION D R GIS(lKM MESH OF 3X 3 SNOW 0 19 MESH DA I NCLUD I NG ERVATION IONS ION DIFINE CONDI TIONS) ION ON SN COVER VERIFICATION 3-D DISPLAY Fig. 1 Flow chart the procedure of this study. 1 141 E 140 ~------------~~------~-----r--139 I III SENDAI I YONEZAWA ) STUDY AREA r III CITY • Fig. 2 SNOW SURVEY Map of study area. There are 19 snow observation st ions (el. Shadded area indicates area which is calculated on snow covering area. 0 0 «) 200t 0 0 «) v c::: c::: 0 J: 10 0 a:::: a:::: ~o x • > « 0 « , • 'V"'" o 0 .- 0 0 0 0 &0 0 0 0 00 > 0 150r 0 0 0 0 60 ~60 6-6- $ $Ll. $ 100~ • 0 00 0 0 0 o ell) $ 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 o~OLl.O 50f- l-------· e 0°0 Fi g. 3 50 100 CCT 150 COUNTS AVHRR2 a 200 0 1 -A • 0 • TE RATURE ) Relationship between channels. (alAVHRRl-AVHRR2. (b) • snow. D.: snow in par o:no snow Ap r i I 2, 1984 April Fig. 4 14, 1984 Results of snow cover mapping with 3-D display. snow snow in part no snow 1.... 390 a y 1 , 19 Fi g. 4 continued. 1 (krJ) 2,000 c::: w > 1,500 • 0 () o3: 1,000 Z en 500 o ~4 0/7 APRI L ~9 MAY 1984 TIM E Fig. 5 Trend of decreasing of snow cover around Mt. Asahi. VII ... 392