PHOTOGRAMMETRIC MEASUREMENTS OF THE OPTIC DISC CUPPING AND RETINAL NERVE FIBER LAYER THICKNESS. T. amoto, Ph.D., Associate Professor B. Schwartz, M.D., .D., Pro ssor and Chairman Department of Ophthalmology, New England Medical Center and Tufts University School of Medicine Boston, Massachusetts 02111, U.S.A ISPRS Commission V, 1988. ABSTRACT Most logists use subjective methods to evaluate the optic for abnormalities and changes that occur in ocular hypertension glaucoma. We have developed new techniques that allow more accurate evaluation of changes in disc cupping and pallor together with nerve fiber layer (NFL) thickness. Cupping and NFL thickness of the optic disc are measured by photogrammetry from stereophotographs, which provide three-dimensional measurements not only of the volume of the cup, but of the depth, the slopes of the walls of the optic cup, and the area of the surface opening. The percent area of pallor of the optic disc is measured by computerized image analysis. These techniques have been applied to clinical studies to evaluate optic disc hemorrhage, asymmetry of the optic disc cup, glaucoma-like discs, and reversibili ty of optic disc. These three techniques permit us not only to evaluate abnormalities, but to measure changes over time in the optic disc in ocular hypertension and glaucoma, reby increasing our diagnostic capability and improving patient management. INTRODUCTION AS early as 1857, after the introduction of the opthalmoscope, cupping of the optic disc was considered an important sign in the diagnosis of glaucoma. At that time, von Graefe defined the disease as amaurosis wi th excavation of the optic nerve. 1 In 1922, Elliot 2 described pallor as a sign distinct from cupping. However, pallor and cupping were later confused with one another and "cupping" came to refer to both. More recent studies 3 ,4 have clearly distinguished cupping from pallor and have noted the importance of recognizing asymmetry of cupping 5 and pallor for early diagnosis of glaucoma. Disc changes generally occur before visual field changes. 6 Technologic advances in photogrammetry and image analysis have made possible more precise distinctions between cupping and pallor. Two-dimensional techniques, such as di rect ophthalmolscopy and evaluation of photographs, have been used to examine the nerve fiber layer (NFLd to assess in vivo glaucomatous changes of the optic nerve. 7 - 1 In recent years, an increasing number of reports have shown that retinal NFL examination is important in the detection of very ear studies were based on qua Recently we 1 te itative by aucomatous tative eva to s.9,15-23 of NFL i se NFL. ss We are usi both i analysis for pallor and photogrammet for cupping NFL thickness to follow the development 0 visual field loss in ocular hypertensive (OH) and aucomatous (OAG) s and to define adequacy of therapy. These techniques clinical studies and some of the re ts 11 i n is r. MEASUREMENTS OF THE OPTIC DISC The system r measuring the optic disc pallor 24 consists of a VAX 11/780 mainframe computer (Digital Equi Corp., Maynard, MA) with 2 megabytes of electronic memory 700 megabytes of on-line magnetic disc storage. A Spatial Data Systems (Goleta, CA) EYECOM television camera with a chalnicon tube is used for image acquisition (512 x 512 pixels with 8 bits per pixel). The DeAnza Corporation's (Bervely Hills, CA) IP-5000 image display system are used (three channels of 512 x 512 pixels per channel for a total palette of 17 million colors). Computer programs have devised to trace the boundary of the optic disc and the bounda of llor of the optic disc and to express the area of pallor as a percentage of the optic disc area. 24 ,25 Pallor measurement is reproducible on the order of 2% to 5% and requires about 5 seconds of computer time and 2 minutes of human time. 24 Photogrammetric measurement of optic disc cupping We measured optic disc ng photogrammet wi th a Kern stereoplotter (Kern Co., Ltd., Aarau, Switzerland) using stereophotographs taken with the Donaldson stereo fundus camera. 26 technique has been standa ized to obtain high The reproducibility by determining the effects of the variables of film type, magnification, exposure, and camera aperture. A simul taneous stereocamera is used to avoid the effects of eye movements that occur when stereophotographs are taken sequentially. Computer programs have been devised to determine the volume, depth, and area of the optic cup at the disc surface and the slope of the optic cup walls. These measurements are expressed relative to disc area. The reproducibility of the volume of the optic cup was 4 to 8%, expressed as a coefficient of variation (standard deviation/mean x 100).27 This technique also allows us to determine a volume profile of the cup: that is, its cross-sectional area from top to bottom. The volume profile characterizes the shape of the optic cup and shows distinct dif rences in shape between normal, ocular rtensive 28 aucomatous NFL varies consi rably among individuals, The visibili se normal eyes and clear media. This variation part to background tion of retinal thelium roid. In kground rker, and NFL increases. NFL servation Peli 29 et al found that en wi a Canon OZ to taken wi a Zeiss FF-l11, was to P s-x fi filter contrast NFL in tients i, and the green fil ter resul in i s wi th ocular media ities. Iwata 19 litative stereo observations of NFL using 8X color ster r s ( cm) of s early OAG, and reported its e ctiveness r detecting slight thinning of NFL, which has fine-combed ir appearance in the Bjerrum area; and NFL fects whi appear as dark slits or wedges. We u 3X if i , 0 r s taneous stereophotographs, and ificat on provided ste ot r Kern PG2 (over I magnification was 24) to measure NFL thickness. High magnification of or pho raphs enhance stereo ss as Iwata rted previous 19 observation of NFL NFL of i To I ss was tween the surface retinal pi.gment rna gree intervals. of photographic magnification, NFL as a ratio to vertical disc ius. i r amme t ric me thod showed tha t t 6%.30 rcent coeffic ents of variat on were In two-dimensional eva tion, slitlike or wedge-shaped defects can be detected ir apparent photographic contrast, but dif se defects can not be eva ted this way. Experienced clinicians can recognize diffuse defects by their dark, flat texture and the enhanced visibility of retinal vessels. Sommer, ~3 however, repor considerable variation between two observers. variations caused by subjective evaluation should be nimiz by our photogrammetric tecnique, which not only quantitates NFL thickness but also shows its distribution along the optic disc margin. In our recent study,31 significant dif rences (p<.001) between normals, OH OAG was found r frequency distributions of NFL thickness r total disc and r each quadrant. NFL thickness was decreas compared to normals by about 20% r OH and by 1 about 40% r OAG. These observations corre to se of of ,3 and NFL from two-dimensiona tographs of OAG.9,10,17,19,20 The crease of NFL thi ss in OH supports other observations made of changes in OH s, as an increase in area of fluorescein angiography de cts. CLINICAL APPLICATIONS In patients with glaucoma who an ic disc hemorrhage, incidence of visual field progression has been r rted to be higher compared to control patients wi similar visual fie 34 .35 Patients who are and fellow eyes without a disc hemor ocular hypertensive an optic disc hemor have been shown to devel aucomatous disc more often patients without an optic disc hemorrhage. We compared 24 patients wi th a disc hemorrhage to 24 control patients, who had been matched for diagnosis, disc appearance, and visual fields. 33 Cup volume and cup-to-disc area ratio of the opti c di sc were measured usi the stere togrammetric technique, and area of pallor was measured usi riz image analysis. We found that diabe s ncreased the probability that a patient would a disc hemor and that a hemorrhage was with pr ress on of glaucomatous disc changes in cases during the 3 year follow-up riod. However, the mean rate of glaucomatous disc damage in patients with a hemor was not dif rent from matched control patients. A disc hemorrhage is a sign of later disc damage, but it does not alter rate of aucomatous disc progression . Asymmetry of the optic disc cup Subjective evaluation of cupping of ic scs of llow eyes and their topographic differences been an ef ct technique to tect early visual cts of aucoma. La cupping may exist in one eye while the other eye may mainta n its original topography. Fishman 37 found an asymmetrical cupping in only 6% of normal individuals, but in 30% of patients wi th ocular hypertension wi thout field defects and in 36% of those with glaucoma. While only 2% of normal in s were found to have an asymmetry of the discs,38 asymmet was found in 68% of glaucomatous infants. 39 ste reophotogrammetr i c evalua ti ons of the opti c cup we re performed for normal, ocular hypertensive, and glaucomatous eyes by Johnson et al. 40 Average volume, area, measurements were progressively larger from normal to ocular rtensive to glaucomatous eyes, although the distributions i ividual values exhibi ted considerable overlap among the ree groups . Similar results were obtained for volume, area, and depth asymmetry between each pair of eyes. None of these measurements was able to distingui accurate between normal and glaucomatous optic cups. Using a photogrammetric te i we quantified asymmet or di fferences of the volume pro les (the contour area 0 the optic cup from top to bottom is plotted ong cup depth) between two eyes using 15 subjects; 5 normal, 5 ocular hypertensive, and 5 glaucomatous subjects and found significant differences (p<.Ol) between se three groups.41 In our latest s 2 by photogrammet we a si ificant asymmetry (p<.03, eft eye> right eye) in normal group r the area and the volume of (in rant), and r depth of (rior rant) . OR g showed similar significant asymmetries (p<.OOl, left > r t eye) for cup area and for cup (inferior rant) and cup depth (superior quadrant). However, the OH group was different from the normals in that in rior quadrant depth is significantly different tween the s ( .0001) with the right eye greater than the left. Mean visua field reshold values showed no si ificant differences tween eyes in both groups. Glaucoma-like discs We have reported 43 glaucoma-like discs without increased intraocular pressure or visual field loss had similar shaped (measured by photogrammetry) cups when were compared with those of the matched group of primary angle aucoma. In addi tion to increasing cup and pallor (measu by computer image analysis), showed higher prevalence of abnormal filling defect of the fluorescein in their optic discs and nerve fiber layer de ct than that in the discs with normal appearances. Recently, we found that in the follow-up of about 3 years there we re s ta ti stical s i gni fi cant (p< . 05) inc reases in cup depth and cup volume 0 the group of glaucomae iscs. In the normal group, si ficant (p<. 05) creases were observed for cup volume. se results s s auc ike discs were acquired changes may r resent an ear of some type of open angle glaucoma. Analysis of Optic Disc - Left Eye (K. B.) 40 N .35 Y Ul~~ r ~ .30 £ rr" \ E 32 (l) u::: 125 .40 If) o ::J If) > 4- o 75 .25 « Visual Field Loss 30 I- o Pressure o T-'1i\~ o ,'j ,\,:>f--++-+--+?..A+::-+~~3~ Field <l~ n-4-e ~v . ~~~'::-.--------e:> 81 10 .12 0---- \ ~e:e~\\~~"'--·-P~ll~r· '" E 20 .9 E :J -- NFL'''+_\ . gj- l- n.. \:>f-, \. \ I f- Z If} ~ \. .~ (l) I- ::J o o o (l) I- .28 ~ .36 .44 L 82 Time Fi re 1. Reversibili optic discs and vi field a ter surgery and subs medical therapy in a secondary open-angle aucoma. The course of left was followed-up more than years in relation to measurements of NFL thi ss/disc radius, optic disc cup vo sc area llor/disc area. Scale for vo and pallor was rever so that upward trends show improved condition of , as do visual field and NFL thickness. (l) E :J o> 4 glaucoma tient who had bo surgical medical showed reversal of cupping pallor of optic disc re 1) .44 The optic disc and visual field changes corre to the changes in 0 ar pressures, generally showing worseni with an increase in ocular pressure. With a decrease in ocular pressure re was regression of visual field loss and a crease ing (measur by photogrammetry); 110 r (mea sur image is) did not dec rease consis The in i llor 1 si lar courses. the , NFL ic rammet ic disc mar n r re visua slow increases after sur oss of NFL ic ss was more rapid reversib i inning preceded visual field loss, our rammetric technique effective in tection of ear sual field loss. 0 Disc chan~es prec visual field s in majori ty of patients. Both prospective and retro ctive studies of ar hypertensive patients shown appearance of the disc to be an important factor related to re loss of visual field. 45 Recent attention s also en drawn to nerve fiber 1 de cts, e cial ing to disc margin. 46 cts are retina however, in glaucomatous seem to correlate wi arance of disc and resence of visual field loss. Thei r importance in p icti re vi field loss is unknown. We us togrammetric techniques to s ic di sc changes in ar hypertensive and glaucomatous eyes, especially in relation to the development of field loss and the adequacy of therapy. As the next stage, we will integrate the measurements of cupping, pallor and NFL thickness the computer into a si e I integra i can be in di rent orientations computer ist to eva ir interre ationship and me. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Supported in rt by grant EY03661 from National Institute, Nat onal Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryl The authors also wi to thank Benedicto L. 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