ion System c Monit A LID , Commission III Abstract: A snow is present It module module, of the A query 1 .. c ion The snow reserves Continuous an operati resources, techniques areas .. This of the snow cover. is water resources .. snow cover on tter management of water Satell remote sens information over large cs The 1 could be used for analysis 1 erm operational snowmapp areas. techniques include ssing images, snow interpretation, s s evaluation output of snow map results .. Because the data from sat s are very huge and have to proces everyday, these data must be compressed and stored efficiently.. Then is necessary that a image database system be used for efficient storing and integrated management of the snow It can highly enhance queries of the snow data access. In order to make monitoring the snow covers more effect t , it is reasonable to establi a snow dynamic information system( S) . SDMIS system is a tion system database system.. sent into snow maps on, in the se.. snow on can be acqui red query ss the In the following sections, SDMIS system will be 2.. Structure of SDMIS System The SDMIS tern is a man-machine interactive system . It consists of modules: ssing module, database module and output module. III (1 ) tion Sources come etc. tion the (2) e ions. s s e a .. from The rate snow tion Geometric ginal s be s correction, 1 tc c c d 1 of contour (3 ) se Module The se links administration on) The 1 database II i (4 ) retri snow For 3 snow data ins tance ion is snow method zable terms . high for snow method, improved z ss to a The thm ons limi b) init Initi i ter center tion c) ate ition matrix current centers continue s )0 us centers d) limit new centers c) .. e) is ass s f) centers 4. (1 ) Snow [3] se e se is a re structures while all (2) a .. inc s ons, cons se t tion, i .. e., and the tion of regions. snow map retrieval character manner .. ed, the graphic stribution can be acquired case, a region b .. to snows ion some some e se needs .. story Using ion and by user out .. c. Visual Ie se satisfying is see 5 .. used powerful .. design .. two modules. tern without [1] R tern 1986 .. [2] R . L .. Mapper thm, No.3, [3] se Management i. and